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Vampire Dormitory #5

Vampire Dormitory, Vol. 5

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Not wanting to give Mito up to Ruka, Ren uses his dhampir magic to turn her into a him! Mito's days pass one by one as the chance for Ruka to recognize her as his destined partner grows slimmer and slimmer... But then, Ren's father creates a female doppelganger of Mito to steal Ruka away! Will he be able to tell the difference in time?! It's one turn after another as the heart-pounding boys' love-esque romance drama continues!

156 pages, Kindle Edition

First published October 13, 2020

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About the author

Ema Tōyama

137 books246 followers
Japanese Name: 遠山 えま

She made her debut in September 2003 in the monthly manga magazine Nakayoshi with her story, Tenshi no Tamago ("Angel's Egg", no relation to the anime movie of the same name). Gokkun! Pūcho is considered her best representative work. Tokyopop has licenced it under the title Pixie Pop. All of her works are published by Kodansha, and they are enjoyed mainly by preteen and teen girls. None of her series have yet become anime.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 38 reviews
Profile Image for Dani(elle).
579 reviews7 followers
February 28, 2022
Ren refusing to change Mito back to a girl is horrifying and not treated that way at all. Maybe it's my own complicated relationship with gender and witnessing first hand the issues of gatekeeping when it comes to gender affirming care, but having Mito be vaguely sad about her sudden body swap and not actually interrogate what any feelings or lack of feelings may mean does a disservice to the character and the story.
Profile Image for Mark.
2,281 reviews201 followers
April 8, 2021
Pinnoc-Mito’s wish she never made has been granted and she’s now a real live boy! With this book’s gender politics having turned into a bit of a coup, Ruka is put to one hell of a test and then stupid actions by everybody have stupid consequences.

I think I hate this book. I think I don’t like Ema Toyama’s work very much and I hope next volume is the last one because this sucks and not in that good vampire joke way you were hoping for. I was just not in the mood to put up with this.

What saves this from a dead last finish is the very sweet and awkward (possibly) one-sided love story going on in the background. This one has some wonderful melancholy and a character I was rooting for and a sense of hopelessness towards the end that I think is all for show but it’s very good.

Also there is one scene at school where Mito shows agency for once and it’s a glorious moment of excellence in a sea of pure unadulterated crap.

Ren has gone from useless rival to total heel villain and what the hell even are his powers supposed to be? He can overwrite reality? Just, go away, there’s nothing interesting about this when he can just change everything to suit his own ends (that he does not implies he is from the idiot school of villainy).

He refuses to change Mito back because it’s ostensibly to protect him/her, but the truth is that he is now emotionally abusing her and holding her hostage for his own selfish whims. That’s a charming look.

Do you remember when this book was about a vampire otaku and actually good? Me too.*

Then a doppelgänger of the female Mito shows up but they give up the ghost on that so fast your neck will snap, Ruka realizes he loves actual Mito, but then an idiotic moment of peril is produced that Mito would rather turn and run from rather than hearing a lick of explanation.

Which is par for the course for this series, where telling the truth at any point would actually clear everything up and possibly save me a lot of trouble and stomach medication.

So of course Mito asks Ren to do something dumb and he’s totally abusing her the whole way as far as I’m concerned because whether she wants it or not, he is actually manipulating her to get what he wants. This book is absolute trash and they waste every opportunity to do something good to do something much worse instead.

They even take an interesting swerve with Ruka in this last chapter but decide to just throw it away in a single chapter of plot that doesn’t amount to anything except him basically just giving up so he can do what he could have done from the start, given how much time appears to elapse.

Screw this, I’m giving it one star because it’s so awful. It’s probably 1.5-2, but I was loathing this as I read it. I’ll force down another volume to see if the side story works out okay but I won’t do it happily. This is about as wrongheaded a book as you can get and I’m even more annoyed because it started off perfectly fine.

*I admit the incredibly gay haunted house at the school festival is kind of amazing and closer to what this series should have been, but it does not overcome my annoyance one jot.
Profile Image for Jess | jadecanread.
786 reviews149 followers
March 25, 2024
Shenanigans intensifies.

Is this the best paced series out there? No. But I'm just having a fun time.

Volume content: Mito is actual boy, doppelgänger and cliff moment, request to forget, Ren and Mito are going to get married, deep red necklace.
Profile Image for Rach.
39 reviews
March 7, 2024
Both men have stuffed up and poor mito. Mito has just been through the wringer. Anyways wild ride
Profile Image for Megan.
6,084 reviews29 followers
April 22, 2022
Ren is a manipulator and definitely not a good person nor even a proper love interest at this point considering he has essentially shoved Mito into a corner and made him her only option, even manipulating her physical body and memories. Also, I absolutely despise amnesia as a plot device, and if Mito just told the truth to begin with then none of these problems would have arisen. There was literally no reason for her to hide her gender when it became clear that Ruka didn't care if she was man or woman, which was quite close to the start because oh boy this was massively rushed. Also, how quick are vampire weddings? The whole thing was just a mess.
Profile Image for Claire.
264 reviews15 followers
September 19, 2022
I take back everything I said about Ren before. Please, throw the whole man away

& Ruka is still an absolute moron--big shocker there.

Anyways, this volume was kinda messy.... the pacing doesn't really make sense? and I'm not really loving where we're going with the plot so far... idk y'all I think we might have peaked with volume 4 🥴
Profile Image for Melissa.
1,029 reviews34 followers
July 15, 2021
Mito a été transformée en homme par Ren qui avait peur qu’elle se rapproche de Luka et donc qu’elle lui échappe.

J’avoue que j’apprécie de moins en moins le personnage de Ren et j’espère qu’il ne prendra pas plus d’importance.

Une personne qui pourrait être le sosie de Mito (version fille) va se présenter comme l’âme sœur de Luka et on imagine que c’est encore une fois pour éloigner la vraie Mito !

Encore une fois, j’ai lu ce tome très rapidement mais je trouve cette série divertissante et elle me permet de passer un bon moment !

Le sixième tome de la série est prévu pour le 18 août et je me le procurerai probablement à sa sortie ! ♥

Profile Image for Kaitlynne.
1,588 reviews52 followers
June 9, 2021
The heck? This keeps getting weirder and weirder
Profile Image for Kastie Pavlik.
Author 6 books43 followers
August 23, 2022
My feelings are mixed here. In some regards what the author is doing with the story is cool for an unusual story shake up, but in others, the pacing is all over the place and it seems like we jump from a plot point over a couple of days (that we don't see) and pick that same point back up in the next scene, which makes absolutely no sense that life would just pause and go on and then we'll come back to it. The stuff with the black cat was also a little confusing and could have been slowed down and explained better.

But in terms of the things I liked, Ren has gotten even creepier and we can't see where he gets it from. I don't really understand why he put Mito into the role he did, and that makes it even worse. It's definitely easier to root for Ruka now, though.

On another note, how the series deals with gender (it's a light touch, granted, when things would be gravely more serious in real life), is interesting and done in a way that I've only seen in a handful of other books. The overall impression is that love is love and you love the person you love for who they are regardless. And that might require some questions and soul searching but that's how it is, and if it turns out to be unrequited love, then you hope for happiness for the one you love despite how much it hurts. The underlying messaging is good but it's got a messy way of telling it, particularly between Juri and Takara. But with them being the only humans grappling with love in this story, it makes their situation more interesting and relatable.
Profile Image for Laura.
551 reviews25 followers
February 7, 2022
This series has really turned to crap. The characters are very one dimension and are constantly changimg their minds without any reasons. The main character is so dumb and fickle. Stuff happens with no explanation and is just there so there can be another shit twist that you already saw coming because the writing is so predictable.
Profile Image for Amandine_crt.
218 reviews1 follower
May 13, 2021
Je suis tellement déçue... j’ai adoré ce manga jusqu’à présent mais la tournure qu’il prend ne me plaît pas du tout. La manière dont le genre est abordé est faussée et dérangeante.
Pourtant, le manga transpire la queerness, mais c’est très mal amené et représenté dans ce cinquième tome.
Profile Image for Wesley.
17 reviews2 followers
June 8, 2022
I really love this series so far! I think its really cute and the characters are lovely. I love that Ren and Ruka both love Mito regardless of gender. I think its great to see that kinda stuff in media.
Profile Image for Kathryn Catania.
Author 1 book9 followers
June 10, 2022
I have read alot of negative feedback. I do like the story I understand why she is a boy currently. This is the authors way to prove that love can see past everything boy/girl. Personally I dont want her with Ruka but if he can prove hes changed then sure why not. Love conquors all right?
Profile Image for Heather .
697 reviews12 followers
July 16, 2022
This series is gonna make me rip my hair out. I have some very angry feelinfs about Ren and his manipulative gas-lighting bullshit. I wanna kick Ruka out a window and honestly, Mito needs a whooping too.

470 reviews12 followers
December 19, 2022
2.5 stars

I had really a hard time enjoying this volume, and it's mainly because I don't think Ruka did anything wrong. I suppose I can understand Mito thinking he doesn't really love her if he doesn't love her as a guy but 1) this assumes everyone's sexuality is malleable or that everyone is demisexual and 2) we know Ruka does love guy-Mito and is struggling with his feelings for "him". Mito's reaction is therefore incredibly childish, especially since she knows he does like her. Like, stop playing games, act like an adult, and tell him the truth. Another annoying thing was that Ruka didn't choose fake-Mito over the real one, the fake one simply "dropped" first. This whole volume had me rolling my eyes at how Mito behaved and Ruka being dragged through the mud for it.

Also, Ren's powers are f*cking weird and stupid. I'm very concerned about this manga, it's no longer fun.

Series rating: 2 stars
The story becomes contrived, and weird, and repetitive.
Profile Image for Selena.
1,895 reviews264 followers
April 24, 2024
So uh... this was rushed. Everything, even the big shocking plot twisty stuff, was rushed.

Normally I complain about manga artists milking these kinds of plots too long. Never thought I'd see the day where I had the opposite problem.
Profile Image for BlueEyedBlonde33.
18 reviews1 follower
April 6, 2021
Love it!

The love triangle continues and its gets juicy every chapter. Who will win her heart and how will this end?
Profile Image for AndRhys Hend.
133 reviews2 followers
April 7, 2021
So cute!

It is such a good story, but I finished it to fast and now I feel sad because I have to wait for volume 6! It is definitely worth the wait though :)
Profile Image for Gabrielle C..
19 reviews
June 19, 2022
Kinda wish they went in a different direction than the memory loss thing. I hope the next book gets better.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for E.J. Powell.
Author 41 books11 followers
August 22, 2022
I'm definitely beginning to dislike Ren. Hes manipulative and deceptive. I hope Ruka fights for Mito!
Profile Image for Magik.
555 reviews10 followers
November 3, 2022
This seems to be a weak point in the story. Everything goes so fast and it's even more shallow than the previous books.
Profile Image for DonutKnow.
2,625 reviews48 followers
January 9, 2023
Aww Ruka, what have you done- just going on and saving some rando, rather than Mito as they’re falling of the cliff 🤦‍♀️
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 38 reviews

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