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The Hawthorne School

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For fans of Riley Sager, The Hawthorne School is a twisty psychological suspense about the lengths one mother will go for her child, inspired by present-day obsession with cults and true crime.

Claudia Morgan is overwhelmed. She's a single parent trying the best that she can, but her four-year-old son, Henry, is a handful--for her and for his preschool. When Claudia hears about a school with an atypical teaching style near her Chicagoland home, she has to visit. The Hawthorne School is beautiful and has everything she dreams of for Henry: time to play outside, music, and art. The head of the school, Zelma, will even let Claudia volunteer to cover the cost of tuition.

The school is good for Henry: his "behavioral problems" disappear, and he comes home subdued instead of rageful. But there's something a bit off about the school, its cold halls, and its enigmatic headmistress. When Henry brings home stories of ceremonies in the woods and odd rules, Claudia's instincts tell her that something isn't quite right, and she begins to realize she's caught in a web of manipulations and power.

The author's work as a psychotherapist, with a focus on narcissistic manipulation and addictive power dynamics, guides this exploration of a young mother wanting to do the best for her child.

304 pages, Kindle Edition

First published December 7, 2021

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About the author

Sylvie Perry

1 book36 followers
Sylvie Perry is the pseudonym of a Chicagoland-based psychotherapist. One of her professional focuses is in counseling survivors of narcissistic manipulation. She has a Masters in English. She previously wrote in another genre under a different pseudonym. The Hawthorne School is her first psychological suspense novel.

source: Amazon

Also see Keziah Frost

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 430 reviews
Profile Image for Holly  B (slower pace!).
890 reviews2,463 followers
August 28, 2021

A creepy gothic school and a clueless protagonist!

I did enjoy the atmosphere with the enormous, gothic, castle-like Hawthorne school which is what drew me to this one.

The protagonist, Claudia wants the best her four-year-old son, Henry. He is getting bad reports at his current school when she hears about the Hawthorne School. She visits and is in awe of the curriculum and warm welcome that she receives from the head mistress.

I could see what was happening a mile away, but the clueless Claudia did not! She had her head in the sand and needed a true friend to help her figure out the obvious! Not a friend in sight to slap some sense into her.

Nothing she did made sense which made for a flat, predictable and overall inconceivable read. I don't mind stretching the believablity factor if I'm enjoying the ride, but I wanted this one to end quickly.

Thanks to NG and the publisher for my review copy. OUT 12/07/2021
Profile Image for Carolyn.
2,464 reviews692 followers
December 5, 2021
Claudia Vera is a single mother at the end of her tether with her four year old son Henry. He’s a difficult child given to tantrums, fits of anger and going out of his way to obey even the simplest instructions. At preschool he is disruptive and refuses to take part in activities and learn. Just as she is despairing what to do about Henry at yet one more meeting with his teacher, she hears about an exclusive school on the edge of town with alternative teaching methods. The Hawthorne school sounds it might be just the sort of place Henry would enjoy.

When Claudia and Vera first visit the Hawthorne School, they can’t believe how beautiful it is; a majestic gothic castle surrounded by fields and woodland. The school was originally founded by Julia Hawthorne in the 1960s and after her death six years ago taken over by her son Gabriel who set about expanding the school with new campuses across the country and overseas. The school is based on a mix of educational philosophies melded from Montessori, Waldorf and Scandinavian forest schools, with the children spending most of their days outdoors learning from nature, music and art. Claudia sees groups of children working together calmly and serenely after a morning exploring outdoors and knows immediately that this is what she wants for Henry.

When Claudia is told by the Director, Zelma Huxley that Henry is just the sort of child they are looking for and that she can pay reduced fees if she agrees to do some volunteer work at the school, it all sounds too good to be true. Furthermore, she is told the school provides all the children’s and volunteer workers’ food, growing their own organic fruit and vegetables and preparing vegan meals and healthy smoothies incorporating a mix of herbs all gathered from the school gardens.

This is a creepy, atmospheric, slow building suspense novel, with the gothic school itself looming over everything. Claudia is very gullible and trusting and wants so much to have made the right choice for Henry that she refuses to see that there is so much wrong with the school, the teachers and the other volunteers, who she is told mostly work at night. I felt the novel could have done more to use such a brilliant premise to build the suspense and make it more frightening rather than focusing on the clueless Claudia and her thoughts and feelings. Certainly, the ending could have built to a much more dramatic climax instead of being rushed and surprisingly anticlimactic. Nevertheless, this is definitely a fun read about a sinister and creepy school.

With thanks to Crooked Lane Books and Netgalley for a copy to read.
Profile Image for Darlene.
340 reviews145 followers
November 19, 2021
The Hawthorne School is a slow, steady psychological thriller. The mystery develops nicely but there are no intense, edge-of-your-seat moments

The book was engaging if a little predictable. I enjoyed the story but spent most of the time wondering how the protagonist, Claudia, could be so thick. All the clues were there but she just couldn't follow any of them until 3/4 of the way through the book. Then I realized that there were dozens of victims before Claudia, which makes me wonder how they found that many people even denser than her. I had to suspend disbelief.
Profile Image for Scottsdale Public Library.
3,400 reviews322 followers
April 6, 2022
What would you do if you've found the perfect school for your challenging young son only to discover that there's something not quite right about the setup? That's the problem that single mom Claudia faces in this tidy psychological thriller. At first, she's gratified that her little boy, Henry, has adapted so easily to the concept of learning while being out in nature, he obviously loves his teacher, and his behavior is stellar. Why, then, is Henry so upset and demanding on the days he's not at school? Could something be in the all-natural little green juice that everyone enjoys? Author Perry, a psychotherapist, weaves a fascinating web of a story as some shocking truths about the Hawthorne School are slowly revealed. – Louisa A.
Profile Image for Dannii Elle.
2,134 reviews1,735 followers
June 5, 2021
Claudia Morgan is struggling. She is a single-parent barely making enough to send her young son, Henry, to pre-school. She is willing to do anything to provide him with the best start in life but when the pre-school start to have concerns over whether they are the best fit for him, due to his behavioural problems, it all feels hopeless.

Her salvation might lie just a short drive away. With acres of woodland surrounding it, Hawthorne School is a beautiful, peaceful, and secluded establishment. They provide their young charges with unlimited time outdoors and a vegan, organic, and gluten-free diet before they enter the classroom, which contains limited numbers and less academic strictness. The school also features a volunteer programme for Claudia to work at, in exchange for payment of tuition fees. In short, Hawthorne School feels like the perfect fit for their little family, and it seems to want them just as much as they want it.

I adore reading any book that features an isolated academic setting. It is one of my favourite fictional environments and I find them all endlessly fascinating to explore. Hawthorne School was no exception. The sprawling building and bordering woodland provided a wonderfully creepy and atmospheric setting. What occurred there felt too good to be true, for almost half of the book, and I enjoyed witnessing all the benefits of the programmes they run, before the darkness they were covering up became eventually exposed.

I wished, for much of the book, that we had more insight to the inner-workings of the school, as that is what I came here to read. We saw, from Claudia's perspective, a limited view and I constantly wanted to delve right into the heart of the children's studies and the adults' roles, as well as the minutiae of what occurred behind-the-scenes to keep it all running so smoothly.

From the cover and the synopsis it was made obvious that something was occurring there that should not have been. It took too long for Claudia to discover what this was, however, especially after the reader was already aware of something brewing right under her nose.

When more facts about the school were eventually delivered I found they only raised even more questions. Many of these were answered before the book's close but some remained even after the major mystery had been concluded.

It was a bizarre ending and perhaps not one I entirely appreciated, but I did have a fun time with this book and thought its construction of setting and character its strongest features.

I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to the author, Sylvie Perry, and the publisher, Crooked Lane Books, for this opportunity.
Profile Image for Natalie  all_books_great_and_small .
2,560 reviews121 followers
January 30, 2022
I received an advance reader copy of this book to read in exchange for an honest review via netgalley and the publishers.

The Hawthorn School is a steady, creepy thriller that was chilling and had little twists throughout.
Claudia is a young single mum and struggling with her son, Henrys, behaviour. When her sons preschool teacher has words with her about his behaviour, she turns to her newly acquainted friend Maggie for support. Maggie suggests Claudia checks out The Hawthorn School, where her own daughter attends school. Claudia goes for a visit and falls in love with the school, the headteacher, Zelda, and the whole idea of the school. She readily signs Henry up to attend, and upon his first visit, she sees a change in his behaviour. She has finally found a school that gets him and where he seems to fit in and flourish. But Claudia is missing all the signs in her desperation for Henry to be settled and more manageable.
This was a great thriller, and although Claudia is nieve, I can completely understand how and why she misses so many of the signs that this school is a Cult. She just wants a happy, contented child and to feel like she's doing a decent job as a single parent. And after the awful conversation with him preschool teacher, it's no wonder she feels so down on herself. You can see how the Hawthorn School can charm people into being compliant and draw them in. I enjoyed this book and found it a great mix of creepy and chilling.
Profile Image for The Sassy Bookworm.
3,732 reviews2,816 followers
March 6, 2022


I enjoyed this one. Did it blow me away? No, but it was a solid read. The atmospheric, creepy, gothic school setting was definitely the star of this book. I would have loved the author to have fleshed out more of the inner workings of the school. What went on when Claudia wasn't around. The history of the school, etc. As for Claudia, a lot of reviewers seem to have had an issue with how clueless she was. And yes, she wasn't the brightest bulb. However, I cut her some slack since often there were people/things hindering her from seeing clearly. Last, while I enjoyed the ending, I also felt like it was a bit rushed and out of the blue. So somewhat of a mixed bag, but overall I would give it a thumbs up!

**ARC Via NetGalley**
Profile Image for Mary.
1,887 reviews574 followers
March 18, 2022
The Hawthorne School by Sylvie Perry is deemed as a twisty psychological suspense novel, and this is not entirely wrong. The setting of The Hawthorne School is all very mysterious and somewhat creepy, and there were definitely times of suspense, but this is a SLOW burn folks. I have come to appreciate slower burns, but there is a certain point when things get a little too slow for me, and unfortunately, that is what happened here. The school gave me serious cult vibes basically immediately, and I probably spent 3/4 of the book wishing I could shake some sense into Claudia. This story really brings to mind that old adage of if it seems too good to be true it probably is, and I was waiting with bated breath to see how things would end for Claudia and her son Henry.

If you are an audiobook fan, I do recommend reading it this way. The narrator is Nan McNamara, and I really had no issues with her narration, plus her voice seemed very fitting as Claudia's. There are a few larger twists that come to light towards the end of the book and while I saw some of it coming, The Hawthorne School also managed to surprise me as well! I read that Sylvie Perry is a pseudonym and she writes another genre under a completely different pseudonym. This did come as a bit of a surprise to me since I think it feels very much like a debut (which it is in the psychological suspense genre for her), but that certainly wouldn't stop me from reading anything else published under the Perry name in the future. If you are a fan of cultish books and don't mind a very slow burn, I would still recommend checking out this book.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.
Profile Image for Trisha.
276 reviews125 followers
June 23, 2021
Creepy Cult story + Gothic vibes + Fictional school setting: what's not to like in there? I was sold even before I started to read this book.

The Hawthorne School was a hit for me from the beginning. Claudia, a single mother who is struggling with the upbringing of her somewhat difficult 4-year-old son, befriends her neighbour who suggests an exclusive private school for her son. Claudia who can't possibly afford the school is surprised to know that she could just volunteer weekly hours at the school instead of paying the school fees and just like that, she and her son are absorbed by the mighty Hawthorne School. As time passes by, she realizes that the school is a cult under wraps and there is no way out of it!

Perry's writing is gripping and holds your attention. The description of the school with its gothic infrastructure and sinister staff members fascinated me beyond measure. I loved Zelma's behavioural transitions and her ominous wordplay, especially her ability to brainwash Claudia with such effortless ease - wow!

Even though the story was nightmarish, it was quite predictable. I could see from the start where the story was headed and was able to predict all the twists. It reminded me of Stephen King's The Institute, but only superficially; while The Institute was more drawn out, this felt rushed towards the climax which was the biggest downside. If only the climax could have been better structured, this could have been a perfect 5-star read.

Overall, an enjoyable mystery thriller. Recommended to lovers of cult and dark academia settings.

Thank you to Crooked Lane Books and NetGalley for this eARC! The Hawthorne School is due to publish on 7th December, 2021.

4/5 🌟.

TW: Cult, Murder, Hallucinations, Substance Abuse.
Profile Image for Jen.
940 reviews103 followers
June 2, 2021
I am a sucker for books that take place in creepy school environments so I was excited to read this one. The story was fast-paced, though somewhat predictable. It centers on Claudia, a single mom of 4-year-old Henry, who has gotten into trouble in school and seems to have behavioral problems. She comes across the prestigious Hawthorne School, and they are quick to not only move her up the waiting list, but let Henry attend for free as long as Claudia volunteers on her days off. She jumps at the chance but when she get there, everything is not as it seemed.

The creepy vibe of the book was well done and I could easily picture both the characters and the environment. While the book did move at a fast clip, I was very frustrated with Claudia for being so slow to figure things out, and to let everyone else push her around. She came off as naïve and overly trusting, which was a surprise based on the hardships she had faced to get to that point.

While I thought the twists were pretty easy to figure out, I still enjoyed seeing it all unfold. I thought the end was a little abrupt and wish that it had been drawn out a little rather than moving from a slow burn to a sudden climax.

All in all, though, I enjoyed the book and found it a fun read. I'd give it 3.5 stars and recommend it to those who like creepy school books as well as psychological thrillers. Thanks to Netgalley for providing me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for julia ☆ [owls reads].
1,871 reviews389 followers
September 26, 2021
The Hawthorne School was a weird read for me. As others have said, the setting was so intriguing and probably the best part of the entire book. It's just that the protagonist and the plot didn't quite work for me, personally. Claudia was pretty clueless throughout and, with how predictable most of the story beats were, that was difficult for me to swallow. I also wasn't a fan of the final few chapters with the twist about G and the children. It made me extremely uncomfortable, though I figure that was part of the point.
Profile Image for Leighton.
1,021 reviews9 followers
May 12, 2021
Thank you to Crooked Lane Books and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

When I saw that the description mentions Riley Sager, I knew that I had to read this book right away. I am a huge fan of Riley Sager's books. His book Lock Every Door is on my list of top 5 favorite thrillers. As I read more and more thrillers, I find that I am drawn to atmospheric, gothic thrillers about haunted or creepy locations. I've read The Sanatorium and Madam, both released this year, but I didn't really enjoy them On the other hand, I feel like The Hawthorne School is on the same level as Riley Sager's, and I will be adding it to my list of favorite thrillers. Thank you again to the publisher for this opportunity to review the book before it's released!

The Hawthorne School by Sylvie Perry is about Claudia, a single mother to enrolls her young child Henry in an out-of-the-way convent-turned-school with a very liberal, almost strange teaching philosophy. She can't afford a lot, so she's thrilled when they allow her to pay what she can and make up the rest by volunteering at the school. The school turns out to be a lifesaver, too, as Henry enjoys it a lot more than his previous public school. But soon, strange things start happening. The local townsfolk say that there are rumors about the school, and Claudia starts to notice that not everything at the school is what it seems.

Here is an excerpt from Chapter 1 when the school itself is introduced:

"THE HAWTHORNE SCHOOL stands rooted on its hill, surrounded by woods and fields. A breeze rustles its coat of wet and trembling vines so that it seems to breathe in and out like a living being. Its black window panes glint at the tiny boy, and he pulls on the arm of his young mother. She pulls back, not letting him go, although he twists his little hand in hers, trying to get free, trying to run from her and toward the enchantment.
Once a convent, The Hawthorne School reaches its gothic peaks toward heaven while small pale faces carved into the moldings gape in mute astonishment at the two people below.
The air is heavy with the scent of wood fires and damp earth. Green maple leaves shake with each breeze. The sun sends spears through the clouds, and the vines and trees sparkle.
This is the moment when The Hawthorne School inhales new life."

Overall, The Hawthorne School has the best Gothic atmosphere in any thriller that I've read this year. It blows similar books like Madam and The Sanatorium out of the water. It definitely deserves comparison to the great writers of this genre, such as Riley Sager. It reminded me of his books Lock Every Door and Home Before Dark. I didn't want to put this book down, but I had to at night, because I didn't want to get nightmares about buildings in forests. If you're intrigued by the description above, or if you're a fan of creepy locations and Gothic atmospheres, like me, you won't regret checking out this book when it comes out in December!
Profile Image for Ileana Renfroe.
Author 35 books53 followers
May 14, 2021
Oh boy, what a great psychological thriller! The Hawthorne School will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end.

In this story, Claudia, a single parent who has her hands full with her four-year-old son, Henry. Feeling she cannot handle it all alone she finds an advertisement for The Hawthorn School. Upon further inspection, she thinks this is the answer to her problems.

Things are not as they appear and when Henry starts talking about ceremonies in the woods Claudia knows something is not right with this school

Highly recommend!
Profile Image for Jody Blanchette.
864 reviews61 followers
December 9, 2021
If the dark & gothic cover doesn’t draw you into this book, the story itself will. The Hawthorne School is thrillingly dark take on alternative schooling. To say that it has a cult vibe is an understatement. Though the school tries to come across as exclusive and nature driven, it’s is anything but that. It is an institution for mind control.
This is the second story I have read that revolves around micro-dosing. The whole concept is crazy to me, yet as a mother to an ADHD child, I can see the benefits of medication. But this school takes it too far, mixing it into everything and consuming it all the time. It’s freaking scary how normal they make it seem.
My only complaint about the whole book is that there are a few random characters that make an appearance, bring more suspense to the story, then seem to disappear. I wanted more!
This book will make you think. There is a lot going on with in it, topics I haven’t mentioned. It’s one of those books that will haunt you for a while.
Profile Image for Courtnee Hoyle.
Author 21 books219 followers
November 21, 2021
THE HAWTHORN SCHOOL was a twisted suspense story that will resonate with you after you read the final page. Sylvie Perry has taken her studies in psychology and wound them tightly into the actions of the characters in her book.
Claudia is a message therapist who moves to Illinois after the death of her mother. Looking for a fresh start and some help with her unruly four-year-old son, Henry, she decides to enroll him at the Hawthorn School. The headmistress is charismatic, and the lessons include art, music, and plenty of time in nature, so Claudia's convinced it's the best place for Henry. When Henry is there, he has a calmer attitude, and Claudia thinks the school is a perfect fit for her family. However, after she has worked inside its walls as a volunteer, Claudia begins to suspect that there may be more to the school, and the people who roam its halls, than she previously thought.
I enjoyed the story. I wasn't surprised to learn that the author had experience studying manipulative behaviors.
The narrator, Nan McNamara, skillfully jumped through a cast of characters flawlessly. She spoke the voice I envisioned for Zelma Huxley so well, and the voices of the male characters did not seem forced or too deep.
I recommend the story to experienced readers who enjoy true crime, psychological elements, and suspense.
I was given a free copy of the audiobook by NetGalley and Dreamscapes Media for my honest review. My opinion of the story is my own.
Profile Image for Wonda.
1,142 reviews8 followers
March 9, 2023
I really enjoyed reading this cult novel...I usually come into the story with the police, not the victims. I wouldn't say there is any suspense, just a ton of screaming at the main character! Or is that just me. A tad on the slow side, but very well done.
Profile Image for Laura Michelle.
570 reviews16 followers
February 15, 2022
Very cool book. I love anything that has to do with Gothic Boarding schools that are in Beautiful old buildings with creepy staff. This book was a little different. Claudia is a single mom, trying to raise her 4 year old son Henry. Henry is a very challenging little boy who is prone to temper tantrums and misbehaving in public. His teachers at his daycare are having trouble with Henry in school because of his behavior. Claudia is embarrassed because she feel she is failing her son. Nothing seems to improve his behavior . Until she learns about Hawthorne School. Her neighbor Maggie tells Claudia all about the school, how it's very private, very exclusive and only takes certain families. The school is also very expensive. Claudia goes on a tour of the school and falls in love with the beautiful big building, and the unorthodox methods they teach. They also offer Claudia a scholarship for Henry as long as she promises to volunteer her time at Hawthorne School. At first things are falling into place and Claudia can not believe her son Is getting to learn in an environment like this. Until the headmaster, Zelma, tells Claudia she does not need her phone, and her car, and her apartment or her job, because the Hawthorne School can supply every wish she could ever want. And with the special "Little Green" drinks that are supplied to them all day every day, Claudia finds it strange that when she does NOT have Little Green, she's extremely irritable and getting horrible headaches. But she is sure it's all in her imagination right? Because you NEVER question anything at the Hawthorne School. And you do not want to be like the poor souls who do!
174 reviews
May 22, 2021
Thank you to NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books for this ARC in exchange for my honest review. Much appreciated.
#NetGalley #CrookedLaneBooks #SylviePerry
The Hawthorne School is beautiful and peaceful. They value nature and play over academics. Sounds too wonderful to be true for single mother, Claudia Vera and her son, Henry. Henry’s behavior problems have baffled many teachers in traditional schools, but at the Hawthorne School, he is calm and tranquil. But, when something seems too good to be true, it usually is.
This book is addicting!!! I couldn’t put it down. It reminded me of a Riley Sager book and I LOVE Riley Sager. Each chapter gave just a little of the plot until I was slavering for the rest. Little by little, the author gave us a gripping and suspenseful story with characters we rooted for. Claudia is very relatable because so many of us, as parents, worry constantly that we are doing what is truly best for our children. When she is told by the director of the school that she and her son are both exceptional and she is the most exceptional mother. Henry is an extremely difficult and precocious child and she is at a loss of what to do. Every teacher has given up on him but the Hawthorne School embraces him and his behavior problems disappear. The plot is fairly straightforward from the beginning. You have an idea about what's going on when you start. This allows you to relax and notice all the little details and pay attention to what Claudia misses.
It’s suspenseful and full of heart. Delicious!
As rewarding as this book is, a few improvements could be made. I don’t usually say this, but I wish it had been longer. The ending, while adequate, could have been better. It seemed, just a little, anticlimactic. Don’t misunderstand me, I liked the events that took place. I just wish that the events were a bit more satisfying. In addition to the ending, I noticed some plot holes that were slightly bothersome.
This book has been added to list of top ten favorite thrillers. I definitely can’t wait to see more from Ms. Perry.
Profile Image for Tanya R.
1,021 reviews32 followers
November 19, 2021
I enjoyed the narration for The Hawthorne School. Children's voices done by adults often do not hit the mark for me. While the adult voices from McNamara were well suited, the child's voices were too childish, if that makes sense.  

Claudia is not my favorite character. A mother of an out of control child who knows that something is too good to be true, feels that something is off, is told by many people something is off, but continues to push those feelings aside .... it's like the commercial of the 4 teens being chased by a masked murderer and deciding that hiding in the barn, with all the sharp farm tools, is the best decision.  Major eye rolling!

What I did love is the gothic school within the story.  The cover is fabulous!  The descriptions of the school were so cool and creepy, I wanted more, way more! But only bits and pieces were scattered around for the reader and that was a true shame. I wanted to know what went on behind closed doors, what was happening that couldn't be shown through just Claudia's perception.

I feel like this easily could have been a 5 star read with this theme.  Instead it felt like a non-thriller Thriller.  No surprises, no twists.  A main character that isn't likable and seems to be a bit dim-witted for not catching on sooner.  A plot that you can see from Chapter 1 with a journey that spends way too much time on how the character feels about what's happening around her (literally the first 2 hours of the books she laments about .... how she wants her child to go to Hawthorne Academy but knows she can't afford it, but takes him for a tour anyway, even though she can't afford it and on and on).

A great concept that unfortunately missed its mark.
Profile Image for Leah M.
1,443 reviews45 followers
November 14, 2021
Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with an ALC of this audiobook. I am offering my honest opinion voluntarily.

CONTENT WARNING: drugging, addiction, murder, suicide

I grew up being told to be wary of something that looks too good to be true. And it felt like the main character, Claudia, would have done well to hear that as well. But … this book really showed how people can get sucked into a cult so easily.

Claudia is a single mother, alone in the world after her mother passed away, and struggling to raise a difficult child. Her son, Henry, struggles with behavioral issues both at home and at school, She doesn’t have a lot of support, and isn’t in contact with Henry’s father. So when her neighbor reaches out and welcomes her, it seems like a good start for Claudia. And when Henry’s teacher mentions that he might fit in better at the mysterious Hawthorne School, Claudia starts to consider it. Especially when she sees how much it helps her new friend’s daughter. The only problem is the cost.

But when she’s given an incredible opportunity to offset the cost of tuition by volunteering at this amazing school, Claudia jumps at the chance. Henry starts responding positively almost immediately, and Claudia is thrilled at how well everything seems to be going. Except … not everyone is as supportive of this change. And this is where alarm bells started to go off for me. Unfortunately, Claudia didn’t notice them. It’s a lot like an abusive relationship — first you see only the great side of it, then you slowly get cut off from various supportive relationships until you’re completely isolated, and then when you realize how much trouble you are in, it’s too late and you have little to no resources available to escape. And watching it happen to Claudia in slow motion was horrible.

The slow buildup of events, watching Claudia get sucked in, and seeing the children used as leverage, before finally realizing the terrifying vision that this school stood for was masterfully done. Claudia, while she was fairly easy to empathize with, was also a little stubborn and completely unwilling to see notice anything that was right in front of her eyes. Even when it was directly pointed out to her. Even though I could kind of tell what was going to happen, I was still shocked when things finally came together.

Since I listened to this as an audiobook, I also want to touch on the narrator, Nan McNamara. She did a great job of drawing me into the story, although I did notice that Claudia’s distinctive New Jersey accent kind of came and went during her dialogue. And there were parts where she spoke Spanish that was meant to be fluent, by several different characters, but it sounded anything but. I struggled to understand the choppy words, read without inflection and any tone. It sounded like anything but fluency, and rather someone just reading the words off the page, unlike her English delivery, which was much more nuanced and smooth.

Overall, this was a chilling story and gave a lot of insight into how people get pulled into cults and coerced into committing acts that they’d never normally perform. It also spoke to the people who lead such groups, and how these groups may start with lofty goals but get off-track. It brings to mind the quote: “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
Profile Image for Shirley McAllister.
1,070 reviews149 followers
November 20, 2021
Saving Henry

This story hits you psychologically. It deals with mind control of children. It is very frightening as it develops very slowly and by the time you and your child are taken in by this school it is too late.

Claudia wanted the best for her son Henry. She was having trouble with him adjusting in the preschool and she was a bit overwhelmed with not knowing how to handle him to make things better. She was on her own as Henry's father was not around to help. She heard about the Hawthorne school from the preschool and then found out her neighbor's daughter attended the school. She thought it would be the best for Henry and he seemed to adjust well to it.

In order to pay for Henry to attend the school Claudia took a job there and then she went to work there. It seemed like a wonderful opportunity for her and Henry. That is until she realized what was happening to her and Henry and what the school was all about. Then it was too late and she was trapped.

Can Claudia escape and take Henry away from the school with their lives? Will anyone else at the school help? How can she do this, no money, no job, no car how will she manage?

It is scary to think that this could actually happen to anyone, especially a single mom or dad. It was written in a way that seemed very real. It was a good story and I enjoyed listening to it. I would recommend it.

Thanks to Sylvie Perry for writing a great story, for Nan McNamara for a great narrating job and for Dreamscape Media and NetGalley for making it available to me.
Profile Image for Sam.
123 reviews5 followers
November 17, 2021
Hawthorn School follows a struggling mother, Claudia, who is just trying to do her best for her four year old son, Henry. After Henry has issues at his current preschool Claudia goes out to a prestigious school where she is offered an opportunity for Henry that she couldn’t pass up. After being at the school for some time Claudia beings to notice that some things at the school are very suspicious and tries to find answers for her and her son.

I did not like the main character at all or any of the characters for that matter. They were all super flat and nothing about the writing made me care about them in any matter. The idea of this super gothic and mysterious school is very intriguing to me but the fact that the mom didn’t question one thing about the school before sending her son there just shows idiocy not “gothic mystery” and that was a huge let down.

The concept of this book was amazing but unfortunately it fell very flat. It was dragged out and if Claudia was actually a character who was being brainwashed or was manipulated into falling for what the school was offering this could’ve been a good book, but Claudia is a beyond careless mother and makes the absolute dumbest choices without any thought. It wasn’t mysterious or anything, it was simply a mother who didn’t question anything dealing with the consequences.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book!
Profile Image for Pru.
275 reviews1 follower
July 18, 2021
Claudia's life is a struggle. Her 4 year old son Henry is "difficult" and struggles in a mainstream preschool. Henry's father left when he was a few weeks old. Claudia's one support was her mother until she passed away. She has spent her life running away, never getting settled anywhere, just picking up and starting again. That is until Henry is given a place in a prestigious school and he loves it! With his tuition paid by volunteer hours, Claudia couldn't be happier until she isn't. There is just something about this school that doesn't sit right but by the time she figures it out, there is no way to escape.

Firstly, I would like to thank #netgalley and @crookedlanebooks for gifting me a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

I LOVED this book! It's probably the best book I have ever been gifted by netgalley. The suspense builds throughout the story as did my anxiety. I connected with Claudia as a mum just trying to do her best and my heart broke as hers did. As the reader, you start connecting the dots quicker than Claudia does but I think that's the point. She is so blinded by the fact that she wants to belong that she can't see what is actually happening. If my kids allowed for it, I would've finished this in a day! I struggled to put it down and could not wait to get back to it. Definitely recommend!!
82 reviews
June 2, 2021
Claudia, a single mom to extremely difficult Henry, has found support in The Hawthorne School. Embracing nature and letting children learn at their own pace, Henry's behavior at the school has vastly improved. He's eating better, not tantruming, and has become, basically, a much more likeable child. Claudia has finally found the place for them.

Or has she?

Between the creepy old lady director, the little green juice drinks, and the rules the school imposes not only on children but on parents as well, this is a recipe for disaster. Too bad Claudia is so desperate for acceptance that she misses EVERY SINGLE RED FLAG thrown in her face. Seriously, Claudia....you visit a school once and they say hey, come here for FREE? And what about the weird juice? Like....that's not a thing.

This was a fantastic, creepy, gothic, albeit somewhat predictable, psychological thriller. I quite enjoyed it and the ending. Those Night People really came through, huh?

Special thanks to Netgalley for an arc of this in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Kori Potenzone.
891 reviews80 followers
August 12, 2021
The Hawthorne School, just oozes greatness!!!!!!

I really enjoyed this book and I hated when it concluded! I just wanted more!

Who doesn't love a book that takes place in a haunting school setting? This was an extremely fast paced novel and kept me at the edge of my seat for hours. Each chapter had me more and more intrigued.

The story is based on single mom, Claudia and her son, Henry. Henry has some behavioral problems and Claudia is left in a position to look into the prestigious school, Hawthorne School. What is a bit unforeseen is not only will the Hawthorne School bypass the wait list but they will also let Henry attend the school for free as long as Claudia volunteers to help out.

Is this too good to be true?

At times the book was a bit predictable and I was annoyed with how naive Claudia was at times but everything tied into each other and had valid explanation. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and the creep factor was a ten.

I would recommend this book to anyone who loves a little bump in the night kind of scare.
Profile Image for Laurie Tell.
509 reviews14 followers
May 26, 2021
I am not sure how to review or classify this book. So I will do what I always do in this case, and just spill my thoughts and let you decide:

The writing: I thought the writing was really well done. I could picture the school and the characters. I was drawn into the world.

The feels: It had a real gothic feel to it.

The story: The story was really good. BUT There were a few things in there, that I knew immediately some of what was going to happen. I don't know how you could have hidden it, since you needed to mention it, but I would think "ok, this means XXX" and I was right.

I am not sure it was a horror, a mystery, what? But does it really matter?

Overall: I enjoyed the book. Did I love it? No, but I liked it alot. I think it was just too gothic for me. So if that's up your alley, you will probably love it.

I do want to thank the author, the publisher and #netgalley for the ARC which did not impact my review.
Profile Image for Sarah Busch.
231 reviews
June 3, 2021
Thanks to NetGalley for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

The Hawthorne School seems too good to be true for single mother Claudia. A forest school with an emphasis on creativity, The Hawthorne School offers a sense of community to Claudia and her son Henry- but most importantly, it offers them a scholarship. But Claudia should know, that if it seems to be too good to be true, it usually is.

This book had such a creepy atmosphere, it was very gothic in nature. The author did a wonderful job setting the tone. The book is a thriller, with lots of secrets and a sprinkling of danger. I very much enjoyed it and would recommend it to any thriller lover.
Profile Image for Kate Blankenship.
203 reviews
February 23, 2022
I was very disappointed in this book. The whole idea of it set up beautifully. But somewhere along the way, it just fell short for me. I’m not sure if it was just too unrealistic or what, but it read very choppy and unbelievable for the majority of the time.

I struggled to finish and seriously considered DNFing at 80%. However, I finished and in true fashion, everything tied up nicely in a bow in about five pages.

I don’t think I’ll seek out any other books by this author.
Profile Image for Heather.
1,113 reviews
June 25, 2021
Enjoyed the dark, gothic, academic setting. Twisted with family drama, strife, turmoil. Characters who you cheer for and love to hate. This is the type of book you wait for and relish the read.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 430 reviews

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