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Atlas Loved

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Inspired by F. Scott Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby" and the "The Last of Us" games by Naughty Dog Studios, written with the most accurate detail possible to being human, and presented as a first-time fully self-published book from W.M Angel, Atlas Loved is a story unlike others. Set in the era of 1960 to 1982, following a young novelist who lands in France for the first time to get new inspiration for his up and coming novel that would soon become a best-selling book in America. But, not all is as it should be, and the young, prestigious John Holloway gets thrown into a dark world of love, betrayal and even death. Soon to become a washed up novelist that has to face his own demons, Holloway finds himself to be lost in a world that becomes a haze through the over-indulgence of alcohol, cocaine and emotional scars that bind him to the past in ways more twisted than most. Alone and abandoned by everything he knows, carrying on only for someone he loves, he must go through his regretful past only to be faced with two choices through the turmoil of Rosalynn Draper's love affair, as well as his childhood friend confronting him on his overindulgence and self-harm, John Holloway goes through a difficult journey where he lands on a last path that leaves him with only one decision and two choices . . . Each one equally worse. Life . . . Or . . . Death.

270 pages, Kindle Edition

Published April 16, 2021

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About the author

W.M Angel

4 books30 followers
W.M. Angel, born on March 23, 1999, in Lithuania, is an intriguing figure.

Raised in Italy, he's the son of Dovile De'Angelis, a prominent luxury designer and CEO of DDA Luxury/

Angel is a budding European poet specializing in contemporary romance and intimate narrative and historical fiction.
Alongside his literary pursuits, he's an accomplished painter, poet, novelist, and linguist, showcasing his multifaceted creative talents.

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Profile Image for Kon R..
294 reviews156 followers
March 15, 2022
Disclaimer: The author has provided me a copy of the book for my honest opinion. I want to thank the author for giving me the opportunity to check out his work. I take these requests seriously and end up writing longer reviews than I typically write.

The only thing that I looked forward to, as I forced myself to keep reading this novel past the 25% mark to completion, was writing this review. It just wouldn't be fair to write one without seeing everything this book has to offer. Calling this melodramatic would be the understatement of the century. The over the top dramatics rival that of the comically bad movie, The Room. In fact, I think if a movie was made based on this novel it would probably get the same reaction. Just look at the author's bio, it practically screams Tommy Wiseau in bold font. The mysteriously strange backgrounds are way too similar in captivating the audience.

Speaking of bold font, this book uses a lot of it to emphasize how loud and angry the characters get. As the book goes on this is used more and more. The f-bomb is only used in anger as well and people get very upset very often. Another trope is how often male characters punch stuff to express their frustrations. At first it was desk tops (the wood kind, not the computer kind) here and there, but towards the end there wasn't a safe wall in sight when men conversated. If you took a shot every time something gets punched for dramatics you would need to get your stomach pumped.

The writing style is awkward. It tries so hard to come off artistically eloquent, but fails miserably because of it's disconnect from normal thought patterns. Here are a few quotes that left me scratching my head in confusion:

Thomas, though, had issues quite deep and troubling -- The level of those issues were deep and psychological in a delusional sense.

The time that we spent at their house was a bit chaotic, Thomas was the kind of man that would reach an acutely limited excellence at the young age of twenty-one to twenty-five.

The author has a talent of writing in a roundabout way while saying nothing of substance. Did you notice a slight repetition in the first quote? That happens quite often. Here are a few quotes that actually had me laugh from their absurdity:

“Jesus, Thomas. You look like someone just shot your mother." I muttered, looking at his pale self. He truly did look like someone had just shot his mother.

“The moment that it happened has haunted me since, Doc. I let her drug herself.", I said, telling him about the moment that Rosalynn Draper had drugged herself.

Almost all of the story is told in the past tense as the main character unburdens himself in a psychologist's office. You can tell when the characters are in the office because all of the text is in italics. If bold is anger, is italics supposed to represent the character in a drugged up state? The doctor here is probably the worst I've ever experienced in any medium. Here are a few shining snippets of professional wisdom that make the case of why this guy shouldn't be licensed on this planet:

"I can’t tell you not to take your own life, Holloway. It may be my job to tell you that, but your own life is your own right. Though, I can see where you’re coming from"

“It sounds to me like you’ve been through many . . . Incidents, to put it mildly.”

And what exactly are these incidents the main character has gone through? Your guess is as good as mine. It seems everyone in the story has gone through extreme trauma and is suffering from depression. In true Lovecraft fashion, these evils that are haunting the characters are never revealed, but are instead talked about in nauseum. Analysis of troubling feelings makes up about 90% of the book. The plot is almost nonexistent. The characters don't seem to do anything besides relocate to different cities and bitch about their emotional struggles. You can probably summarize the entire book in one paragraph.

It just wasn't for me. I need more action and less psychoanalysis. I'll end by addressing the pink elephant in the room. This book wants to be The Great Gatsby so freaking bad. You can tell by the time period, the homage-like writing style, and use of the term "old sport." I'm sorry to say that it doesn't hold a candle to the classic.
Profile Image for BookNerd.
5 reviews
December 4, 2021
I do not usually leave a review for books I have rated as low as this one but besides the novel being a dollar store Fitzgerald knock off I noticed a few dubious five star reviews. Be wary of this one.
Profile Image for Janette.
3 reviews
January 29, 2022
It is “writers” like this that give self-published authors a bad name…

I have read some awesome self-published authors in my time. Who have worked extremely hard to display an original voice (not rip off the style of great authors) and go above and beyond to make sure the books are near perfect in regards to formatting and errors etc before putting it out there for readers to hopefully one day enjoy.

Unfortunately this is not one of those great books.

And for the author to use the excuse that it had a poor edit because of a lack of budget… don’t put it out there and swindle the reader of their money and most importantly their time.

I’m so glad I signed up to Goodreads because now I can check the honest reviews of self-published authors before investing…

Sorry WM Angel… for my honest review… one star.

Janette, the book witch!
Profile Image for Gavin Gardiner.
Author 2 books76 followers
June 16, 2021
When W.M Angel got in touch many months ago to ask me for any advice that may help him with the writing and publication of his debut novel, I told him quite bluntly that for a writer to achieve something special, they have to bleed for their craft. Contrary to popular opinion, I don’t actually believe writing a book is as goliath an achievement as most make it out to be. Anyone can write a mediocre volume. But to produce something into which you’ve poured the very workings of your soul, in the process burning great swathes of time in pursuit of something meaningful and which may truly resonate with people – that’s an achievement.

It’s my belief that Wolf has achieved just that.

Atlas Loved follows protagonist John Holloway, an author whose past has irrevocably scarred him and left him wondering what purpose his life could have, save for self-destructive ruminations on the events that led to his dark state.

The narrative is split between present-day counselling sessions where Holloway attempts to make sense of the burning embers he’s left in his wake, and the actual events of his life he so regrets. True to the style of Fitzgerald, one of Wolf’s literary heroes, the novel attempts to explore the bohemian excesses of artists, and the price they may pay for their trailblazing hedonism. And yet this is a story that takes its time, once again staying true to Wolf’s influences. Upon reviewing my own novel, he was generous enough with his words to describe my prose as having ‘finesse and elegance’. Having read ATLAS LOVED, I am now of the belief there are few more qualified to propose such an assertion than this author.

It’s a relief to read a work so unhindered by the modern-day pressures authors are under for every sentence to crudely grab the reader and brutishly push the action forward. This had an air of classicism to it, calling to my mind the meandering meditations of Shelley or Byron. This is a bold stylistic decision for Wolf to have made, and I applaud him for it.

So congratulations to Wolf for this deeply emotional novel that digs deep into the human condition, and the mental anguish that can come with it. Thank you also for the mention in the acknowledgements section, and your recalling of our “bleeding for the craft” conversation. It’s always a pleasure to correspond with you, and an even greater pleasure to have inspired this fine novel.

Keep up the great work!
March 14, 2022
This book was the final nail in the coffin for my reading of self-published authors-- I am scratching my head as to why this author decided to put this out to the public and is actually charging money for it. Scammer or delusions of grandeur? Either way don't waste your time. I've read shampoo bottles with more insight and character.
Profile Image for Tulisa.
5 reviews
February 17, 2022
I love me some Fitzgerald with a glass of wine and cheese in front of an open fire. This book (Atlas Loved) would be good to toss in the open fire. . . do not waste money or time on this tripe. Sorry it is that time of the month. One star.
Profile Image for Tracysellers.
4 reviews
February 9, 2022
I failed to read beyond the first chapter. I could not decipher if this was a serious book or a comedic spin on old literature.

Apparently this author “established a new trend of Noir, coupled with modern thinking and understanding of human complexities,” and “has become a rising star in his field as an author of Romance, Erotica and Fantasy.” I think someone is telling fibs…
3 reviews
March 10, 2022
I couldn’t get into this one because it was slow and boring plus the main character seems like a moody teenager I had to stop reading this cos didn’t want to waste any more of my time. I would not recommend this book if you like Great Gatsby this is not good.
Profile Image for Ravven White.
Author 9 books14 followers
January 17, 2022
"Like Nietzsche once said: 'And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.' We writers were always like that. The damned, dancing like fools around the world - feeling everything around as if it were an ocean wave."

ATLAS LOVED by @wmangelofficial is a beautifully written nostalgic novel set between 1960 and 1982. It follows the story of John Holloway, a haunted novelist, and the story of how his life descended into chaos and addiction.

A blend of romance and historical fiction, ATLAS LOVED dives deep into heavy themes of mental illness and recovery, addiction, family relationships, and bitter love. I was swept into the story of John Holloway and Rosalynn Draper - two characters who love each other deeply in an affectionate, platonic way and who support each other through their individual traumas. Tragedy is the heart of this novel with love as the veins that carry the story.

Angel's writing style hearkens back to the days of Fitzgerald - having grown up reading the classics, I felt a special connection with this writing style. Although some of the historical context felt a bit dry to me, I was far too invested in the main characters to care.

I read this book within two days. If you enjoy historical romance with a reflection on life and trauma, you will enjoy this bittersweet tale from W. F. Angel. I am honored to have this in my indie collection.

This book was given to me by the author in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Sabrina Voerman.
Author 11 books94 followers
September 27, 2021
This was an interesting book that took me out of my usual comfort zone of reading. It is a tale of tragedy and love of a variety of kinds, and the way these two parts of life weave together intricately. Along the similar styles of The Great Gatsby with the essence of Moulin Rouge and Romeo & Juliet. The influence behind this tale is there, but stands as its own book entirely.

With rich characters who struggle through their demons constantly, readers are able to sympathize with them all. I would even go so far as to say that there was no antagonist in this book, except for the demons these characters carried with them. Particularly John Holloway, our narrator, who mostly looks in on others, their chaos fuelling his struggles. He is a compelling character who, like most writers, absorbs more from the tragedy around him and lets it creep under his skin.

This is very much a narrative story, and so the plot is subtle and slower - I was glad to be able to step out of my comfort zone with this book.
Profile Image for Astrid Aurelius.
Author 6 books21 followers
August 24, 2021
The prose in this book was so beautiful and drew me in from the beginning. The story was very well done, bringing the reader into the mind of someone coping with addiction and depression, prompting empathy from the reader. Strongly recommend this book!
5 reviews
March 21, 2022
It seems unfair to rate a book i didnt finish but there was just too many blunders in this one. I really couldnt get past the introduction and first chapter. some things i didnt like and this is just from the introduction from the author, written like its not written by the author:

"W.M. Angel originally started on Atlas Loved as a concept in 2019 after telling his ex-partner at the time (Which he did not state the name of for the sake of privacy), that he had an idea he wanted to write out." Such a phenomenal anecdote on how this novel came into existence...

"W.M. Angel had mentioned that Gardiner had given him quite valuable advice on the writing market and the craft, stating “If I wanted to be different, I had to bleed for the craft” Before bleeding for the craft (whatever that means) why dont you learn its rules first...

"W.M. Angel stated in a private interview: “I found myself a bit lost. My style has grown, and by grown, I mean completely grown. As though another person was inhabiting my mind and body." That delusional person must have been someone who desperately wanted to be F. Scott Fitzgerald.

"When asked of his role models and who he looked up to, W.M. Angel stated: “I honestly don’t know. I would have to say that the biggest influences on my own writing style are the big five: F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, Charles Bukowski, Hunter S. Thompson, Robert Frost." Author says hes not sure who his role models are then in the next sentence names "the big five" like theyre a band or something. Bukowski on drums, Thompson on Bass, Hemingway on vocals, Frost on synthesizer. One night only, please welcome to the stage... THE BIIIIIIIIG FIIIIIIIVE!

"I’m an anarchist, nihilist, and at times also a narcissist due to some bad habits." No words for this one...

"I want to be known as the nomad among the big greats." I want to be known as the prettiest girl alive but for my large nose and backside it aint going to happen kid.

"W.M. Angel stated that he wanted every reader to be able to go back in time, connect with an era where novels were written properly and not cut up to fit the modern age, where people only want something short for their time, not liking long paragraphs, or even time-consuming passions." What? An era where novels were properly written? So there are no proper written novels other than this one? Something short for their time? What? Generalizing every reader? I like the short stories of Stephen King and the classical works of Oscar Wilde and even the hot steaming trash that is Twilight...

overall, this author has a serious problem with wanting to be the next big thing in literature but has none of the talent to back it up. I couldn't find one redeeming quality in what ive read here.

So i wouldnt recommend this if youre looking for an engrossing story wrapped in the silk neckerchief of classical style... however if you would like a great example on how not to write a book, GET THIS NOW!!!!!!!!!!

Disclaimer: I know my review is full of errors, I cant waste another second on this book. This review fired out of my cannon blam balm signing out.

August 19, 2021
This flows like a nectar I cant get enough of. Instead of a happy go lucky read, you get this dark gem that makes my day when Im in a mood. Worth a read.
Profile Image for Gamerboieros.
1 review
August 19, 2021
The meaning behind this was a release for me. Going through a personal crisis this book helped me stabilize myself through the journey.. A well done creation.I want more!
Profile Image for Julie Barrett.
8,809 reviews177 followers
November 15, 2021
Atlas Loved by W.M. Angel
Book starts out with authors acknowledgements and thanks to others who helped him along the way.
Short intro about the author and conversation he had with another writer.
Story starts out with John talking to a therapist about his issues.
John was in a santorium and we find out a lot about his problems.
Recalls France and his visit there and who he met with and other relations.
Infidelity, drug/alcohol abuse that depresses him but others keep him afloat.
Like the relationship between Rosie, a stage singer and John, an author. Like how they were brought together from a very young age to live at the mansion in NY.
Things spiral out of control for Rosie and John is there to take her and her lover back to the states where they are able to find peace and calm.
Things again are brough to the surface and the couple break it off and such sadness, depression and what's going through everybodys lifes.
So much depression just when you thought thngs were going good...
Ends with about the author.
Recieved this review copy from the author and this is my honest opinion.

Profile Image for Yana Stevelork.
Author 4 books1 follower
December 10, 2021
I've read the story and I'm emotionally drained from the way it finished. The setting is so gorgeous, I had a double take when I found out who the writer was in reality. I've not read any noir that mixed past with present, so to say, so this is the first time I experienced a story in that period but with such events going on. The love line with its complexities is portrayed beautifully, but the the suspense and fears, problems and crisis the character was facing all the time was hard to bear. I'm sad about the ending, to my taste it was very very very sad.
I am a light read person, so i believe people who love sad endings and drama will like how the book ended. But for me it is sooooooooooo sad.
Profile Image for Torri Heat.
Author 23 books403 followers
October 12, 2021
Atlas Loved was different from anything else I've read this year, in a good way! I'm not sure what I would classify this book as, but it was definitely worth the read.

Our narrator is somewhat unreliable, which I always love, and takes us through a story of love and loss, and everything that comes along with that.

This tale is dark and dramatic, full of beautiful prose, and is perfect for fans of The Great Gatsby!
Profile Image for Bluemage293.
1 review
August 19, 2021
This book really hit home to my heart. In the facts that the main character has an unfulfilled love interest and cant find the means to let his love interest know and can only fester from within as life moves on without her in his was a gut wrenching yet satisfying. Not for the faint of heart but this is a must read.
Profile Image for Light Blaze7.
1 review1 follower
August 19, 2021
I really enjoyed this dark story.So much happens to the main character, can one imagine never telling someone you have feelings for them? Its such a raw reality so many face. Fantastically done. Such a satisfying dive into this abyss.
Profile Image for Hoodedmagus.
1 review
August 19, 2021
A great dark story to enjoy with some wine after a long ass day. Sometimes, we dont want a happy go lucky romance. Sometimes we need a dark dive into the reality of life's pains and sometimes that includes never being able to seek the love you wanted. Fantastic job MR.Angel. I raise my glass to ya!
Profile Image for Greenenergy.
1 review
August 19, 2021
The scars this mans bears, and the issues we deal with every day, is a human thing. We all from time to time experience our own self loathing demon. Seeing this guy's own demons is a relatable darkness. A very good creation Angel keep it up!
Profile Image for Grandmage.
1 review
August 19, 2021
After going through a shitty week Im givin this a try and it feels so much better to see this dude go through hell its a very cathartic read through. Thank you for this Angel. Looking forward to the next one.
Profile Image for Darkmage844.
1 review
August 19, 2021
Worth a read people! Kept my fingers itching to keep turning the page, I devoured every scene and set it just right in my head.. And didnt want it to end and before ya know it, Im hungry for more! Bravo!
Profile Image for Greenmage76.
1 review
August 19, 2021
Love this. It seems his past is slowly drowning him into the inferno of his hunger and his pain as the past seems to try and engulf him in his stumble through his life. Great read.
Profile Image for C.R. Eede.
Author 6 books7 followers
December 3, 2021
After speaking with the author initially, I thought I'd give his book a read and was not disappointed. Atlas Loved is not the kind of book you'd read like your average book due to its contemporary outlook and classical writing style. Had Atlas Loved been published around the time of Shakespeare, it would have been classified as a masterpiece for his use of tragedy and love was so intricately intertwined.

If you're a fan of works like the Great Gatsby and Romeo and Juliet then you'll enjoy this. It consists of several characters who must work through their inner demons throughout the book and they are something that readers will be able to correlate and relate with well. The author has done an excellent job of ensuring this is the case through each and every character, protagonist and antagonist alike. Due to the kind of book Atlas Loved is, one could argue that there is no true antagonist, only characters in search of their happy ending while in the process of be-ridding their demons.

The narrator, John Holloway is an interesting character, I noticed and was someone who really stood out to me. While he primarily told the story, the other characters internal havoc added to his struggles and that was well captured through his words. John is a compelling and interesting character who unintentionally takes in the tragedy around him, letting it get the better of him. One could call him the ultimate empath.

While this is not my usual kind of read, I did enjoy the classical twist placed on the author's words and the narration behind everything. It's not too fast-paced, it's just right. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone wanting to try something classical yet different.
Profile Image for Whitemage252.
1 review
Currently reading
August 19, 2021
This character and his hatred of normal life feels like a mirror to my own inner conflict. Being an outsider I always found parties and celebrations tedious. This characters blazing path feels satisfying as a way to let loose through him as I keep turning the page. A very refreshing read through.
3 reviews
March 27, 2023
The worst book I've ever read the author should be ashamed for charging money for this waffle
Displaying 1 - 30 of 30 reviews

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