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Master Class #3

Take: Lesson Three

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I thought my third lesson would be easier.
I was wrong.
M says I need to learn to take pleasure.
He thinks studying under Jackson will train me.
But my thoughts are uncontrollable.
And so are my fantasies...

86 pages, Kindle Edition

Published April 28, 2021

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Raven Jayne

17 books83 followers

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Profile Image for Karin.
2,177 reviews
May 3, 2021
Juliette is not bothering me as much in this book and I want more of the master!!! Juliette is still trying to put her best foot forward when it comes to her lessons but she’s starting to face a challenge when it comes to the master and I can’t blame her lol
Profile Image for Arielle Holdip.
36 reviews5 followers
May 23, 2021
This book felt a little shorter than the other two but I think it as because we started to get back story and side story into Juliette outside of her lessons. It made for short on paper time with this lesson. I was lowkey disappointed because I was looking forward to this lesson being so exciting. We got more of her emotional and mental state with regards to the lessons and the progress of things. She is definitely starting to unravel as she still has yet to see and know who her husband is. As she gets more sexual however, we start to see the indirect effect it is having in her life and the confidence it's giving her. After being sheltered and promised since birth, she is now finding another type of confidence and the ramifications of, dare I say, 'letting the cat out of the bag'. Purrrrr
I am ready for the other lessons please!
Profile Image for Little monster.
523 reviews11 followers
April 27, 2021
Ooh these lessons are getting better and better!!!! Juliette is really growing so much as these stories unfold!!

So here we are with lesson three, and to be honest, Juliette even though she's not been happy before with what she's had to do, she always finished her lessons because she had to, but this one she's finding hard to complete. As we see all she can think about is her Master and his wicked ways she's feeling that she's getting very close to him and knows this shouldn't be happening but can't help it.

I'm honestly enjoying these small books in this series and I can't wait to see what other lessons Juliette is put through, and I'm hoping we get M to open up a bit more but I honestly can't with for the next lesson!!!!!
Profile Image for Marika.
4,650 reviews95 followers
May 2, 2021
I am still not the biggest fan of Juliette but she is growing on me..shrugs!
Still I like this series and I find it interesting..the lessons are pure genius, if not for the fact that Juliette needs to learn something valuable for her future life, something she won’t know until she follows instructions, and also because she has to resist the temptation of the Master, who I love BTW.
Looking forward to the next lesson!
Profile Image for Late Night Reviews.
272 reviews6 followers
May 1, 2021
I’m obsessed with these books! Short and steamy, watching this story unfold has been so great. Juliette is struggling to complete these lessons but she is trying really hard and getting it done. I’m so much more intrigued by her relationship with Master. Can’t wait to watch that unfold even more.
Profile Image for Moriah.
2,606 reviews21 followers
April 24, 2021
In lesson three, Juliette has found something she's not sure she wants to do. When she does want to, she really can't. Can fantasies of Master with the wicked mouth help her learn? These lessons for her just keep getting more interesting. Looking forward to the next.
Profile Image for Caroline.
1,300 reviews6 followers
April 30, 2021
I am thoroughly enjoying this series of steamy novellas. Every books leaves me hoping someone will slip up and reveal more about Juliette’s mystery future husband.
Take pushes her further than she is willing to go, well than she thought.
I can only wonder what the Master has planned for her next.
Profile Image for Lindsay.
2,342 reviews
April 24, 2021
This lesson is an interesting one. She has to let go of something important to her in an unexpected way. I can’t wait to see what’s next!
687 reviews
August 19, 2022
This is the third book in this series. Juliette has to learn to give up her idea that her virginity is only for her husband. He doesn’t expect it of her. But she has held this internal promise for so long it is hard to let it go. So she tells herself to do it. But her body doesn’t get the message. Finally Master must take care of the problem himself. Has she pushed him too far? Master has already pushed the boundaries that his client has set. And with each lesson Juliette becomes more attached to Master.
75 reviews1 follower
February 12, 2022

This book in the series finally seems to be picking up the pace a little. The main character is finally starting to think for herself which was a nice change of pace from the first 2 books.
Profile Image for Reading by Deb.
980 reviews27 followers
August 24, 2021
This first portion is from my review of Obey - Lesson One and gives a little background...., but it is highly suggested that you read this series in order. They are not stand-alone books and are all about Juliette and her lessons to become the perfect wife.

Juliette comes from a long line of the elite rich. Rich beyond any imagination. And in this world, there are secrets and marriages are alliances.

Juliette has been promised in marriage for as long as she can remember even though she's never seen his face or even know his name. Her whole life she has been schooled to be his perfect wife.

Her father calls her to him and tells her that her husband sent her a gift. Although he isn't her husband yet. She has just turned twenty-one and is impatient to finally meet her soon-to-be husband and plan her wedding.

But the gift has conditions. She is to be sent for erotic training. When she arrives the next day at the appointed address there is no one in the conference room. Just a silver tray with a note telling her to remove her panties, put them on the tray, lean with her elbows on either side of the tray with the note between her teeth.

But she got tired of waiting and after thirty minutes got out of position and started to investigate the room. Which is how he found her. Her instructor. Who demanded she calls him Master. Who told her she failed the test in obedience.

Master is a gorgeous man with dark hair and striking green eyes whose presence takes over the room. She finds out that she has to pass Lesson One to get to the next lesson. Not only does he not disclose his name, but he also gives her no information on the lessons or the name of her husband-to-be who ordered these lessons.

Lessons to become his toy.

Lesson One is on obedience. She is sent to a famous Russian ballet studio for her first lessons. After weeks and weeks of training under Vlad, she finally understands the purpose of these sessions with him. It would make things a lot easier if she was told what they wanted from the beginning.

In Lesson Two, Juliette is sent to the famous painter Antoine, who again gives her no clue as to what he is looking for. She poses and sits for hours and hours and when the final work is done although the painting is erotic in context - it is awful. You can see the vacancy in her eyes - her wish to be elsewhere. Which puts her on probation and she thinks that she has lost her chance of passing these lessons and will lose her husband-to-be.

In Lesson Three, Juliette is called to Master's office. She is still out of sorts every time she is in his presence. It's not only that he is very tall with broad shoulders and piercing green eyes that see right through you, it is in the way he holds himself. Just standing by the window flipping through a file he is in more control than any man she has ever seen.

When he praises her on making it to this point in her lessons she is relieved because he doesn't hand out compliments freely. And then he tells her that she is out of probation and can advance to her next lesson.

Her next instructor is Jackson, a sexual practitioner who is going to teach her how to have sex. She then is told that her virginity is not a gift to be saved for her husband. That her husband does not want it.

As much as she wants to complete her lessons so that she can finally meet the 'Client' and her husband-to-be she freezes up every time Jackson tried to enter her. Jackson is movie-star handsome with a deep tan and piercing blue eyes, but she just can't seem to go through with it. When he tells her he will have to contact the Master about the situation Juliette knows that she has finally lost her chance to marry.

As she is waiting in front on the Master she has to keep telling herself that he is not mine to want or his to have. He is just my husband's proxy following his wishes to the letter. When he tells her that he should just take her and get over with she agrees.

He may not be hers, but she will always have the memory that he was her first.

This is when she finds out that her whole life has been a test. That all the schooling and lessons have brought her to this point that she had been bought and paid for. She has never had a choice - her life has always been planned out for her.

I love this series. The books are very well written and I am fully engaged with all the characters. Even though all her instructors are gorgeous, the Master stands out above them all not only in appearance but in his complete control. Never letting his feelings show. We are starting to see a few dents in his armor where he is starting to see Juliette as a person and not a subject he has been hired to train.

At the end of this book, Juliette is left with a box with three smaller boxes and a priceless string of pearls. She is to open the boxes only upon the dates inscribed on the boxes. These three tasks are to be completed while Master is out of town for a week.

As I stated in the previous reviews, this series is highly erotic with triggers galore. So if you have trigger issues these are not the books for you!
Profile Image for Ayça.
68 reviews
December 24, 2023
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Sharon.
1,788 reviews40 followers
June 9, 2021
Master Class is a series of short serial novels. I believe the author is planning on 10 short books and so far, the first 3 are released.

In book 1, we met Juliette who has excelled in everything she has studied and is ready to embark on her arranged marriage, but she learns that her future husband who she has never met wants her to take one more series of classes before their wedding. In this book she meets the master who is to ensure she is trained to her future husbands’ specifications.

In book 2, Juliette’s journey continues when she is painted by a famous artist. She continues to be challenged by the lesson she is to learn and when it is apparent she is failing, her Master has a lesson for her.

In book 3, she is confronted with her v card and that it is not a prize her husband wants, but will she be able to learn the lesson he wants her to learn? Will she be able to keep her feelings for her Master out of the way?

Overall, I’m not a huge fan of these serials as I really want to read them faster than the author typically publishes them. But I am enjoying the lessons so far and I can’t wait to see what else she has to learn to be the perfect wife. Who really is Master? Who is her husband to be? So many questions!!!

Profile Image for Shannon.
905 reviews31 followers
May 31, 2021
This is a highly erotic, kinky, and intriguing view into a modern take on arranged marriage told through 10 Novellas. Novellas are meant to be read in order. Ten lessons to be taught and learned. Each lesson is at the request of her future husband. Juliette’s family, heritage, and privileges all dictate to her holding up her end of the bargain that has been made.

In Take Juliette learns her next lesson will include giving up her virginity. Which she was holding onto tightly for her husband. Jackson Palmer is a sexual practitioner. Juliette is attracted to Jackson, but her head is still too caught up in holding onto her virginity. Jackson is trying to be understanding, but Master feels her attachment is holding her back in her training so he takes matters in his own hands. Juliette is finally understanding that there is no way out of this agreement.
Profile Image for Morgan Fox.
306 reviews10 followers
June 2, 2021
This was an interesting start to a new series. I'm really on the fence about whether or not I like the main character of Juliette. Every time I start to like her character she does something stupid and immature that doesn't fit with where her character is currently at in the story. Then the switch flips and she's back to being likeable again.

While this irritates me, I believe this is how the book needed to be written. Juliette is only 21 and she's going through this training and expected to not ask any questions. It makes sense that she's going to push back against things. As the books progress her character is going to continue to grow.

I'm excited to see what happens with The Master as the books continue. He's such a mysterious character and their chemistry is fire.
Profile Image for Chris.
591 reviews
June 4, 2021
OK, I'm starting to like this series more and more. I'm still not sure about the whole premise, but I have to say, I'm not really caring much about it at this point. I'm just into all the action that was happening in this book! I loved that Juliette was finding her voice a bit, even though she didn't seem to know what exactly was the point of things. She had her thoughts about how things should be and she voiced them. Of course, she ultimately digressed and gave in to whatever her tutors decided she should do, but hey, ok, she's still young and learning. At least she seemed to be enjoying that learning a bit more by the end of Take: Lesson Three. So now, I'm more than a little intrigued and wanting to know exactly what will happen in Book 4, Submit. Bring it on!
1,197 reviews8 followers
November 11, 2021
Take is the Third book in the Series. Juliette is forced to face the reality that maybe her V card is not something her husband even cares about. Her lesson in this book is to spend time with Jackson a Sexual practitioner who will teach her pleasure. She is so determined to not give her V card away it looks like she may fail this test. She is torn on how to proceed. Master is very Brusque with her and Arrogant in telling her that he husband does not see it as a prize. This was in interesting take on what other peoples perspectives are on Giving yourself to someone the first time.
I was given an ARC of this book for my Honest Review.
September 15, 2021
Hot freaking pancakes😍🔥🔥🔥

I don't know why I have head lined with hot pancakes, but I suppose it comes close in comparison to the experience that this book is.
Every book in this, now I that have read the third one, is escalating in the hotness quotient.

We are getting ahead in exploring. Ahem.. More explicitly the many facets of exploring more of one's wild side as we see Juliette experiencing newer stuff.

Oh my.. One thing is for sure this ride is getting spicier, messier and all the more confusing yet delectable with each book as we progress. Loved this one. 🔥💋💖💖
Profile Image for Kelly Drudy.
546 reviews9 followers
June 5, 2021
This lesson of Juliette’s I had a hard time connecting with. I love the connection she has to Master and they are evolving together. This is a lesson on physical sexuality and although I understand wanting Juliette to be completely prepared for her marriage, I would think her husband would want to teach her himself. I’m sure there will be more explanation of this in the coming books, which have me on edge of my seat waiting for as I’m completely invested in this story!
915 reviews4 followers
August 21, 2021
Juliette is again challenged with overcoming what she thinks is important to her future husband, and instead have to think about what he actually wants her to learn. In the "traditional" thinking, she's saved her virginity for her husband, but is faced with her moral dilemma when Master sends her to a sex practitioner so she can "learn how to f@*k". Fascinating to watch her come to the realization of the true lesson learned.
526 reviews
May 27, 2021
Juliette's lessons just keep getting hotter and hotter. Watching her grow and come into her own with each lesson has me glued to this story waiting to see how it will all unfold. I'm dying to see what happens in Lesson 4! Each book is like foreplay, bringing Juliette closer to the end game as a woman finding her destiny. Raven Jayne shows true talent for writing erotic romance.

Profile Image for Jean.
486 reviews45 followers
June 4, 2021
The lessons are getting more intriguing. And about so much more than sex. It's become about so much more than giving in. Juliette is finally learning to let go. Master on the other hand, seems to want to hang on. As their relationship grows more complicated I become more invested? Have we met Juliette's betrothed. I guess we will have to read on and find out. I NEED TO KNOW.
Profile Image for Brandy.
133 reviews1 follower
August 16, 2021
This is book 3 in the Master Class series. Juliette continues with her lessons but we get a bit of history with this one. And she has to overcome something that means a lot to her. Once she moves on from it she seems to get more out of her lessons. Though Master seems to be stirring up something as well.
2,934 reviews25 followers
July 29, 2021
I'm loving this Julliette is finding her voice and it gets hotter and hotter as the lessons continue which I find very interesting. I can't wait for more and see whats next.
Profile Image for Sheila.
481 reviews4 followers
November 30, 2021
Sooo much better
And Im sure each lesson will get better and better
Who is this “husband “ and when will he finally appear
Displaying 1 - 30 of 30 reviews

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