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A temple desecrated. Sealed paths opened. Let the hijinks begin!

Sergeant Marcus Bola and his platoon flew to a newly uncovered temple in the desert while deployed overseas; an unheard-of mission. Something in the ruined holy place had killed many, and the survivors met an unfortunate ambush just before reaching safety. The attack left Marcus wounded and medically discharged from the only life he’s known… but something wasn’t right. None of it was.

Laying low and waiting for answers, Marcus decides tending bar is as good a way to stay afloat and off the radar. Turns out slinging cocktails, singing karaoke, and talking to the patrons isn’t as easy as he thought it would be: gods, monsters, and devils are showing up to try the mixers.

The vessel has been chosen. Something inside him is calling the shots--and we’re not talking about tequila!

385 pages, Kindle Edition

First published May 5, 2021

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Christopher Johns

18 books49 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 55 reviews
Profile Image for Bradley.
Author 5 books4,528 followers
April 8, 2022
Even though the beginning didn't feel all that promising to me, more of a military fubar than the beginning of a LitRPG novel, I was further surprised when it had all the earmarks of an Urban Fantasy.

Moving on with his life after the mystery, he takes up in a bar only to be surrounded by supernatural of all types.

So... wait... is this a military thing, a UF thing?

Turns out, it's both of those things AND it hops right into an ancient power that used his mind to craft a leveling up system for its own powers BASED on his knowledge of RPGs.

And so, now, we've to a full UF/MilSF/LitRPG novel that just runs with all the fun stuff and focuses rather swimmingly on quirky characters in categories of onis, jinn, and fae. The military-like teambuilding is heartwarming and cool.

I had a good time and I feel no hesitation about picking up the next. It's sweet-tooth fiction that cares little for anything but fan service. I'm certainly not complaining... because I'm a fan.
12 reviews1 follower
May 12, 2021
Generic Power Fantasy

The book reads fine and you won't find yourself too bored while reading it. However, at no point does it really surprise you. You won't feel a chill down your spine from a revelatory or exciting moment. Most of what happens is predictable before you've finished the first quarter of the book.

I call it a power fantasy because, despite the fact that, as of yet, the main character hasn't hit some godlike level of power, he has not been noticeably challenged at any point. The only one to actually beat him at any point was during a friendly duel without real stakes. He moves through the world effortlessly despite everything. Thus far, no actual harem, thankfully, but I'm not sure if that'll last based off of the not so subtle hints this book provides of the future.

Honestly, despite these complaints, I still would have given it another star if it didn't have one of my main pet peeves in this genre of books, which is a ton of dialog where another character is explaining to the main character either a)How awesome he is or b) How stupid he is. Don't get me wrong, doing that at some points in a book isn't a bad thing necessarily, but when every other action the main character takes is received with dialog of one of those two sorts, it is very annoying. I'm not here to read other people praising and lecturing the same guy over and over. This isn't the worst I've ever seen it done, but is clearly noticeable for anyone similarly annoyed by that habit. Equally as bad is having the main character lecture other characters continually, which even when it makes sense, still makes me want to skip paragraphs.

All this said, it was not a struggle to finish this book, and I still enjoyed it well enough that I'll read a sequel. Just don't go in expecting an actual 5 star experience as some other reviews have implied or explicitly stated.
Profile Image for Steve.
1,412 reviews42 followers
February 5, 2022
The weak point in this one is the MC. He spent a lot of time acting like a petulant child, quite incapable of thinking about anyone but himself. Many people wouldn't see it that way, but a failure to understand that someone might have legitimate concerns that don't line up with what you think is "right" is not a sign of maturity. The violent emotional outbursts didn't help his case. Also, as one character told the MC, gloating does make you "look like a pud."

I want to like the guy, particularly as someone who has also spent time in one of the "sandboxes" I'd like to identify, but I just don't. The ancient power would have been better off with a jaded middle-aged guy; we're typically much more pragmatic and less idealistic. Upshot? I don't want my time back, but I don't know if I can be bothered to see where this guy goes.
Profile Image for Jon Svenson.
Author 8 books102 followers
May 10, 2021
I read the first two Axe Druid novels from this author until I got frustrated and stopped reading. When the first book of a new series came out, I figured I would give it a try.

I'm glad I did. Marcus is a Marine who can't remember what happened during an action near an ancient temple. Something did, but his memory is fuzzy.

Given a medical discharge, he travels to find his uncle, who happens to own a bar for what most people would consider monsters. I actually enjoyed the drink making aspects of the story, which were few and far between. We get a few of these scenes early on before the story focuses on action and a plot by a group of mythological beings wanting to take over the US with a new drug.

The story has a good amount of depth, and more is revealed as the story grows. We learn more about his ex-wife and son that he can't see anymore, his uncle, and the patrons of the bar.

I should also mention that this is a harem novel. The ancient god, galaxy, presents herself as a cat or an elf depending on her mood, and she is now part and parcel of Marcus after he touched a gem in the temple.

The action sequences are good but not great, with the focus only on the fight Marcus is in and not the entire event. I'll also say that for a human with some special powers, he doesn't seem to have much in the way of competition.

The notifications come in spurts, sometimes residing in the text of the story and other times pulled out and showed to us.

Overall, I had a good time with the book. It's somewhat unique, with a wide cast of characters. I sometimes forgot who was who later in the book, but I managed my way through it.

May 26, 2021

A truly average book... Not really very good. With that said, I have read worse. However, I will pass on the next in the series.
Profile Image for Jack Vinson.
835 reviews42 followers
August 24, 2021
Lots of fighting

I think Chris John’s likes the fae stories, as this series has winter/summer courts in more prominence than his Axe Druid series. And he’s clearly got some military background.

This story takes a recently-retired combatant into a fantasy world here on earth, instead of in a game land. And the game mechanics are less important in favor of driving the story.
263 reviews2 followers
December 13, 2023
An oddly...mixed book.

For me, this book was a bit like a roller coaster, as it kept bouncing between sections I loved and sections I did not. Overall it was...good? But the rough sections were rough!

Setting: Absolutely servicable urban fantasy. It's current day Earth, but magic is real, there's supernatural creatures around, but they keep themselves secret. It's generic, but it's fine. Also a pet peeve of mine is stories like this that lean heavily on trying to justify how magic can be kept a secret; since that's more-or-less impossible, I much prefer stories - like this one - that gloss over it. (I have similar issues with sci-fi that tries too hard to explain how FTL travel works...)

Characters: Good overall, but a bit two dimensional. The main protagonist is a cliche "ex-Marine" straight from central casting; the main female lover interest is delightful, but the other primary characters are a bit forgetable.

Plot: At a big picture level, it's fine. Guy stumbles across ancient relic, guy gets some sort of odd blessing, life falls apart for seemingly unrelated reasons (but, foreshadowing, probably related), guy starts rebuilding his life on the other side of the mirror, learning about magic, his new power, supernatural creatures, etc., some conflict with a supernatural faction pops up and needs to be resolved using a mix of guy's original mundane skills and his new magical powers. So, far, so good, if generic. The problem is there's not much going on beyond that generic outline. Which would be fine if the characters were carying the book, but they're not, so a tighter plot would have been nice.

Writing/editing: Mostly okay - there's very few typos or continuity errors at least - but the author badly needed an editor or some advance readers to poke him with a stick when he goes off the deepend. I'd note in particular: and

Overall: If you want a generic urban fantasy and don't might a very lightweight sprinkle of LitRPG on top, this is...a...fine book. I mean, it's not 1/10th the book that Birthright is, but if you've already ready that and all the other good urban fantasies, then this...is a book?

Would I read more by Christopher Johns? Eh, sure. I'm certainly going to try the sequel, although whether I'll finish the whole series remains to be seen.
558 reviews12 followers
May 16, 2021
At the beginning

It was good and different but at the end it just got to the point I did not like the main character at all.The writer turned him into a arrogant wimp ,could not finish this book!!
Profile Image for Johnny.
1,941 reviews63 followers
March 12, 2022
Book one

Mistakes: I found one mistake, a split sentence.

Plot: Give a Devil Dog magic and then sit back and watch what happens when bad guys threaten his friends and family.
This is one of the best books I've read.

Characters: The reason that this is such a good book to me is because of the characters. The author takes time to build relationships. He doesn't ruin such a great story with pointless graphic sex. Yes there is sex but it is all closed door.

10/10 A well crafted story and I hope like hell book two is just as well crafted.
1,964 reviews
July 24, 2021
Christopher Johns had me going for quite sometime... It was hard for me to decide if I was reading a litRPG, or a straight-up Urban-Fantasy. By the time I finally decided, I then found out I was wrong on both counts! It's really a Gamelit Urban-Fantasy! LOL, and it was fun!
I completely enjoyed Marcus Bola (the Main Character)! He's so dang affable, I couldn't help but like him! After Marcus was honorably‐discharged from the military, he got a job as a bartender at the High Table... and discovered Magic!
It turns out that High Table has been declared neutral ground, where the preternaturals can come and let their fangs down! The only 2 rules? No fighting, No bitting!
Marcus has a lot to learn, as it's a whole new world, with a steep learning curve involved... and outside of the bar, No fighting/No biting just doesn't apply! It'll take all of Marcus' Military and Martial Arts prowess to survive, and to stop a Fae Lord's thuggish attempts to take control over the city! All the while, Marcus is building up his ally's and his stats. Whether you're at the High Table, or some other literary dispensary of libations, like Callahan's Crosstime Saloon, or MacAnallay's, you're guaranteed to have a good time with a story like this! One of my personal pet peeves however, was when a kickass woman's character is diminished by being called a girl! It's kinda' grating to me! Ooops... my feminist side may be showing a bit!
I found both narrators to be quite satisfactory, with pleasant voices and good characterizations!

Here's one of my favorite notions/quotes from the book...
"Embracing the self-inflicted suck."
Profile Image for Pablo García.
845 reviews14 followers
August 2, 2022
The probability that all the things that happened to Marcus, main character of this urban-fantasy novel are zero. Too many incredible things and it's impossible that they all happen to the same guy. The fact that the author used "Galaxy" to name Marcus' "familiar", instead of Andromeda, Papillon, Circinus, Lindsay, Malin, Medusa or Sunflower (all name of feminine galaxies). Plain Galaxy is not that creative or imaginative, it's like calling a girl Table, Chair, Luz, Puerta, etc.
The good parts from the story were the armory of the Dwarves, the fact this High Table was a bar for Paranormal, Supernatural beings, while the bad parts are rough copies of John Wick's Continental (hotel), Will Smith's Men in Black (wardens and control of the "aliens"), and the "new drug" being a mixture between Dredd and Lucy Movie, where a super dangerous drug, causes massive addiction and terrible secondary effects...
The story really doesn't have a main plot arc or secondary arcs. The author writes story by the seat of his pants, without much organization or a simple outline/time line so that the author (before writing, sees whether different points and stages make sense).
So Marcus got a Job at the High Table (Bar). So they like to play video games, so they discover a mana-drug problem... But what does that have to do with the High Table, a bar? Because Marcus gets involved the organized crime group strike back. A bit to obvious and telegraphed for my taste.
Profile Image for Clint Young.
849 reviews
May 10, 2021

“This was a fun book. I am glad that I read it. You should try it too.”

By all accounts, this is a perfectly worded review. Unfortunately, some of our fellow readers are offended that I am not pouring my heart out and offering a detailed and intimate breakdown of my thoughts on the books. As such they have reported me to the authorities and I have been warned against continuing my bad behavior. I will not. So I may be banned. If so, it was a fun journey with you.

If I enjoy a book, my goal is to promote it and help the author by encouraging others to read it. I am not going to share my reasoning, thoughts on the book, or any opinions that would influence your decision to read it. I am simply saying that I liked it. I would like you to read it and make your own decision. After all, you are a much better judge of what you will like than anyone here.

As always, I am open to debates and arguments, but also vain enough to seek acknowledgement, so feel free to roast me or applaud my efforts. Either is acceptable, because if you are paying attention to me then you are at least considering the book. And THAT my friends is exactly why you see my comments here.

Profile Image for Jim.
344 reviews9 followers
September 20, 2021
A hidden world revealed to a soldier who survived the shit.

Marcus has been out of his depth since he was wounded and forced from the military, bereft of his unit’s support (basically a surrogate family), he goes to the only family he has, Uncle Yen.
And steps into a world of myths and legends that within (or just under) our world. As a former combat and ops soldier, Marcus has the training, skills, disposition, and backbone to use his abilities to protect others. He has never thought he was special, but after his last mission turned into a catastrophe, he finds he is no longer alone in his own mind. Enter an ancient goddess from a hidden temple with her magic or power, she grants Marcus and some friends a way to grow like video game RPG characters with levels, stats and spells or skills.
This is a busy story with great pop culture references and their own twist.
Now it’s time to read the next one and I am totally stoked to see what happens with Marcus and his crew of friends and coworkers… can Marcus survive what’s coming? He may be in over his depth but he won’t quit and just accepts everything he can as his new reality… but they really shouldn’t have taken his son.
37 reviews1 follower
October 31, 2021
Fun, good characters fighting for what's right, whatever their species.

Okay I really enjoyed the atmosphere of this book. You get the attitude and fun of a Marine who knows what fighting is about, the fun side of him too. Settling into a whole new world and it's craziness is a bit quick as was jumping into something with a significant other. No harems here though. He appreciates the women, they appreciate him but they don't all hang off him. There's some male camaraderie and bumping into other force members in various places. You get the fact that they're a family and he belongs to that one as much as the new family he is starting to become part of. Wish Galaxy had stayed more cat in this book for the reveals to slowly come out. A lot was going on which I felt needed some side stories or fleshing out as separate instances. I would love to see more about the bar and the patrons on a day to day basis. Loved Lucifer the Morningstar as represented, even the fact he took some trouble. You can have power and be powerful and still have problem relationships.
Overall a fun fast read, seriously though, some fun side stories about introducing Merlin to gaming or just their day to day life. Or small bits about bar patrons would be great fun.
896 reviews12 followers
August 12, 2021
Now thats an awesome story folks

This was an awesome story. Action right out of the box so to speak. The author has crafted a fun world for us to enjoy and Mason Is the tour guide. He is a jarhead geek with a huge sense of honor and loads of fighting spirit. With the help of an unknown patron and a growing party of friends he is taking the hidden and magic world by storm. The gamelit is there but crunchy numbers are thin. He proves that he will shoot, punch, stab, and basically destroy anyone and anything that tries to hurt friend, family, or patron. Loads of fun with lots of laughs and tears along the way. I havent read anything by this author but he crafts a good tale with a lot of feeling and emotion. The characters are not simple and all have stories and unique personalities. I look forward to more of this series and author.
40 reviews1 follower
September 10, 2021
Two things.... If I never read about somebody snarling in response to a comment I'll be good with it. Next, I really wish that authors could pace themselves just a bit in their Fandom of their own characters. Maybe wait a month before they turn into an unstoppable force that kills everything in their path.

This book has so much potential, but the author's ridiculous treatment of the main character just destroyed any tension. He's going to win every fight, have all the hot girls, stand up to every tough guy all while remaining sensitive to the social issues period face.

I'm so tired of the OP main character.
Profile Image for Travis.
2,512 reviews36 followers
June 13, 2021
Although this book wasn't a bad story, it just didn't appeal to me. I had to constantly force myself to continue reading, in several places, and even had to reread parts from time to time just to figure out what was going on. The basis of the story was fine, even the characters were all fine, but it just didn't click together for me. Parts of the story were really good, parts stunk, and parts were acceptable, but overall, I just can't say I liked it, because although I consider it an ok story, I can't honestly say the story kept me interested enough.
318 reviews4 followers
June 15, 2021
Pretty bad

The premise has a lot of potential but it's all squandered by bad writing and worse content. The MC is supposed to be a veteran marine but acts like a moody teenager otacu at times, the writing is such that even after reading the same passage 3 times I couldn't figure out who did what, the characters have absurd personally traits found only in anime, they change their core beliefs on a whim, the fighting is something that makes little sense in anything but anime and games.
8 reviews
May 8, 2021
Great start to a new series

I loved the Axe Druid series and believe that this series will be as good or better. The first part of the book introduces us to Marcus, the MC, and gives us his background and motivation while establishing the world setting of magic and monsters. I appreciate that it does not end with a cliffhanger, but does provide a setting for an interesting next book. This is a great mixture of myth, magic, and technology set in modern times.
Profile Image for John #Audible.
330 reviews
June 10, 2021
Reads like a Isekai, everything is cool at first and the MC is somewhat humble. After that he goes full on power trip and things go from 0-100 in a couple chapters. From getting the girl, ignoring his normal job, assaulting what they consider the police multiple times with ZERO consequences. Oh and the arrogance is in abundance after a few hours into the book. Don't let the bartender picture fool you, the author let's him play bartender for about 1 chapter and that's about it.
Profile Image for Gene.
9 reviews
June 27, 2021
Started getting juvenile haram-esque.

So very disappointed. Started out weak but semi-interesting and then soon devolved into a juvenile haram-esque masturbation fantasy.

What happened to good stories/plots? This good have been a great mature series, but instead became nothing more than YA-genre porn. Get a life. I will never buy from this author again. There’s no excuse for this.
Profile Image for Mp.
271 reviews8 followers
March 24, 2024
the idea was good but the execution was lacking. mc created a party and just went adventuring and cat gave them super powers. it started well then turned meh. mc acts like a buffoon for example they tell him don't act recklessly with the costumers there are gods among them sooo what he does he pulls a knife on a fae prince when there are several security guards to deal with it. he is a teenager instead of a trained operator with any military, that acts recklessly and with out thinking.
Profile Image for Doug Lohse.
45 reviews
May 5, 2021
Starting Anew and Bringing it!

The start of another great series by Chris.

You want a powerful MC? You got it.

You want enemies coming out of the woodwork? You got it.

You want the modern world interacting with the fantastic? You got it.

You want stats? You got it.

You want the next book to jump to the top of your "to be read" pile? This is the one!
14 reviews
May 23, 2021
This couldn’t be much better.

This is a fantastic piece of fantasy lit and I can only say I thoroughly enjoyed every word. The story builds very quickly and the action is pretty much non stop. Some of the questions are not answered and hinted at so my only warning is if you like a story to be completed in a novel be prepared it won’t be.
92 reviews1 follower
June 5, 2021

Worth reading for anyone who likes the gaming theme, well written, doesn't have many grammar errors and story line stays with the one character. Does get bogged down occasionally when in a particular relationship but it is only a short time and evens out pretty quickly. Will hope there is a further continuing of the complete book.
Profile Image for John DeBlanc.
328 reviews2 followers
June 9, 2021

Christopher Johns kicks off his newest series in Galaxy: A GameLit Urban Fantasy (High Table Hijinks Book 1). Great new addition to Christopher's works. Engaging story, likeable characters, even the prince of morning is a good guy! Look forward to the next in the series.
Profile Image for Stephen.
108 reviews
July 11, 2022
Return to the Courts!

We get a brand new story! I was terribly excited about that by itself because Chris' stories are amazing. Beyond that, the return of some sort f our favorites from Axe Druid completely sold me on this, and I geeked every time one showed up, and what that might mean later!
Profile Image for Robert.
24 reviews
May 5, 2021
Awesome book

I was captivated. This series is definitely going into my immediately read upon release stack. Can’t hardly wait for the journey to continue! Keep up the fantastic work!
49 reviews
May 6, 2021

Takes a little while to get into the LITrpg crunch of it all but it’s an amazing story. Love the different fantasy cultures we are exposed to and laughed a lot through the book. Although I was thrown off at the beginning thinking Santa’s elves were in a gunfight
666 reviews5 followers
May 6, 2021

The only thing I am sad about is there is only currently only one book in this series. I cannot wait until the next book. Would call it light litrpg but great urban fantasy. Highly recommend this book to anyone.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 55 reviews

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