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Our love was like a lightning bolt.
A pain in the chest that I couldn’t forget.

Nina Anderson ruined me for all other women, launching into my world and anchoring herself to my core.

She ran—she always ran.

Now she’s back, holding the tattered pieces of my soul in her fingertips and wanting more than I’m willing to give.

I don’t want her.
I don’t trust her.
But I need her.

Our love is toxic, our words lethal, our bond—unbreakable.

But while we toe the line blindly, we both miss the demons we unveil with our light.

Demons that threaten to bring me to my knees.

370 pages, Kindle Edition

First published September 2, 2021

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J.C. Hawke

7 books744 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 296 reviews
Profile Image for emily.
615 reviews13 followers
December 19, 2021
Ooof, the last book I didn't love but this one I downright hated. Let me give you a summary from a direct quote from the book, "'It's like something out of a tacky romance move.' Meghan laughs into her wine glass as I conclude my week's fuckery." - YUP.

*Spoilers* Mason is the WORST. He can't forgive/trust Nina after he was framed for having an affair so then proceeds to go butt fuck every woman he can get his hands on? Maybe want to take a min to reflect on if that's a good idea bro?

Another direct quote:

"'So you slept with a horde of women to what? Fix that?'
'Forget, Nina. I did it to forget.'
'Did it work?'
'No.' I drop my head, feeling ashamed. 'But I don't regret it.'"

I mean can you say swoon? What a perfect man. Wow.

Anyway, this book proved that neither Mason nor Nina had any kind of emotional growth. And Nina's work ethic continued to downward spiral.


❤️ : 1/5
🔥 : 4/5
Profile Image for Jena .
2,313 reviews2 followers
Shelved as 'avoid'
May 13, 2022
H sleeps around after being with h.
Profile Image for Helen Snakenberg.
42 reviews7 followers
September 7, 2021
DNF at 28%

I couldn’t finish the h was literally so annoying. I have no sympathy at all for her. I hate when h love H so much but the first moment someone tells them something about the H they jump to conclusions without letting him explain. Also then gets upset because he started sleeping around. Sorry but if you break up with someone then can do whatever they want. Doesn’t matter if your are the baby mama. If he is there for the baby that’s all the matters. Maybe I’ll finish this later.
March 19, 2022
ugh should’ve stopped at one

I like angst romances. I don’t mind when people mess up but I HATE when someone apologizes when they shouldn’t. He lied and sold her business out from under her when he should’ve told her the truth then right when he was earning her trust back the big “cheating” situation happens. The very same day she finds out she’s pregnant so emotions are high, hormones are out of whack, she sees a picture of him making out with a woman and she’s supposed to not be upset? And then apologize for not immediately trusting him that it was a set up? Then he hates her so she has to be the one to grovel? Fuck that he fucked up and should’ve tried harder. He says over and over how she runs away but both times she needed him he decided his pride was more important. Also because it was anal sex that makes all the women ok? Sorry but this book just wasn’t it. It went past angsty drama and turned into a book that makes you feel yucky. Wasn’t even really a HEA because she ended up being the one to work for it? Also from the very bottom of my soul I say fuck you for not giving a conclusion about lance not a single plot line in this story got wrapped up well. Sns
Profile Image for Serialbookstarter:Marla.
838 reviews46 followers
October 30, 2021
The love story between Nina and Mason was good. The couple are apart for 3/4 of the book. There’s so many side stories that are unnecessary and have very little development and resolution...ieJoey, Jasmine,Lance, the h’s Mom, the h’s dad etc. just too much. It reminded me of LOST the tv series that went all over the place and then failed to stick the ending, so at the end of the story you have a dazed expression asking why the heck did the author even go there. I did a lot of speed reading and skimming in this book which is always a Bad sign. I believe this duet would have profited if the author could have condensed her thoughts and ideas and focused in on the MC’s. Instead it was a bit of a flight of ideas.Most of the time, less is more. I like to read romance that is more focused. Like TL Swann… someone reviewed that this was similar to one of her books The Stopover, but no it wasn’t focused enough on the MC’s to compare. The writing was good, the love story was good, all the rest was just page filler.

P.S. also wasn’t a fan of the way the hero’s sexcapades aka cheating after the break up was supposed to be okay because it wasn’t missionary.Meanwhile the h never cheated….🤬
Profile Image for Valeen Robertson (Live Thru Books Blog).
5,508 reviews200 followers
September 2, 2021


Nina and Mase are done. She's walked (run) away for the final time, because this time Mase won't chase her. He refuses to chase someone who won't even give him a chance to explain. Nina refuses to give him a chance because she knows what she saw in those pics, and she doesn't have to put up with it. But they've got a common element, which means they'll be in each other's lives forever. Perhaps their intense physical connection won't be denied forever, though. Perhaps a second chance is in their future. IF, and only IF, they can properly communicate!

As you can probably tell, I was a tad frustrated with these two, because if they had just sat down and communicated like adults, everything would have been cleared up and the back and forth, the hurt they heaped on each other, the insane push and pull that characterized 90% of Grand Love, could have been avoided. Quite honestly, I was exhausted reading this conclusion, but I couldn't stop reading, I had to know if they'd get their shit together and give themselves a chance to be happy. Still, though I wanted to shake them both for being so stubborn, I understood, and I was entertained. The will they, won't they get back together dragged on a tad too long for my tastes, so 4 stars it is. In general, though, I enjoyed this rollercoaster ride they put me through.

ARC via Wildfire Marketing Solutions for an honest review.

Review / Release Blitz: Live Through Books Blog.

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Profile Image for Rachel Wheeler.
1,559 reviews11 followers
October 11, 2021
Mixed reviews…

Okay… so … gah! Yep, that’s how I’m feeling. TBH I feel robbed! There was so much drama to weed through and all we get is that teeny tiny epilogue!

A LOT of drama , a year of separation and then the hot mess that is Nina and Mason. I think I spent more time being mad or rolling my eyes at the two of them then anything else!

This duet started so strong! I was addicted and then… the second book came. Personally, the duet was too much! It would have been better done with less drama and in one book.

Read the duet on KU
Profile Image for Candy.
143 reviews4 followers
September 7, 2021
Love the relationship between the two main characters and I loved reading about them as parents this time around. I also liked how the female protagonist had to earn back the males forgiveness and not the other way around which is what we’re usually used to. The ending of the book was kinda wack and consisted of a lot of unnecessary moments. There are definitely some things that could’ve been changed to make it better.
Profile Image for Maham.
101 reviews
September 5, 2021
~ 3.5 ☆
some things didn't sit right with me while reading this book tbh, but I couldn't say what exactly.
I thought nina's dislike for mason's money was just weird. + joey's character was so confusing!
also, there were a lot of things that I was not satisfied with, once again pretty blurry list but still there.

no matter what, some scenes were the absolute cutest!! mase and nina are the sweetest parents. 💞
• "His bedroom has the perfect view overlooking the garden. His grandparents watch upon him whenever he is here, and it feels like the most special thing in the world."
(I'm crying, stop)

obviously I'm a sucker for possessive heroes 👀
• "Apparently I’d do fucking anything for you"
• "You petrify me, Pix."
• "“Mine,” I announce on a growl, wrapping my hand around Nina’s waist whilst placing Ellis on my other hip."

more that elliot's book I'm excited for charlie's book. I love the man! 🥺
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
96 reviews
November 14, 2021
Not worth the two book spread

He sleeps around like the typical trope manho during their separation WHILE she’s carrying their baby with NO consequences????…….. he “cleans himself up in time for the birth”… aww how nice of him! and she just takes on all the blame for being apart. He literally didn’t fight for her, knowing he was setup, even knowing she is pregnant and proceeds on a 5 month partying phase… She is finally told their breakup was a setup and tells him she loves him and he turns her down. Yeah HEA eventually but the few brief sentences explaining he screwed around weren’t central to the plot and WERE NOT NECESSARY. It was like a couple paragraphs talking about it but it certainly illuminated his character!! He will cheat, or heck maybe she will, they will get divorced and overall this is not a great read. Wasted my time, don’t waste yours. 🤷🏼‍♀️
Profile Image for Echo's Journey Through Books.
809 reviews82 followers
August 27, 2021
Grand Love takes you on a rollercoaster of emotions. It will keep you on the edge of your seat, anxious, and rooting for the characters, holding onto that hope that everything will be okay between them and that they find the happiness they deserve, together, and what you so desperately want for them.

Mase and Nina's love story is full of ups and downs, and man do they go through a lot. There's heartache and pain, mistakes and miscommunication but there's also slowly forming a more of a special kind of bond, it heightening with time. The way they start to work on their problems and finding that trust in each other again is so beautiful.

The chemistry between them is truly amazing and I could really feel it. You can tell they are meant to be, way before they realize it themselves. And to be honest, it had me wanting to get inside the book and shake both of them a bit, haha, they are both so damn stubborn. There's definitely a lot of back and forth but in a way that it just needs to happen in order for them to truly be ready to be the happy family, if that makes sense. But oh boy, the emotions, the tension, the sass, the teasing, the cuteness and the passion between Mase and Nina is top-freaking-notch!

And wow just when you think they've finally reached that happily ever after, then BAM you're thrown into another curveball... I was a hot mess of tears. And just woah, JC Hawke really put me through a whirlwind with this one, but I loved every single second of it! Mase and Nina are everything, I adore them so much. I seriously devoured this story!

"She lives inside of me, embedded in my soul so deep than I'm no longer one. We'are Mason and Nina, two halves of the same soul."

*I received this ARC from the author but the thoughts are completely my own.*
176 reviews3 followers
October 31, 2021
4.5 stars
I really enjoyed the second book more than the first

I loved the co parenting thing they both had going on and and the passive-aggressiveness that came it their argue and back and forth was fun

When you are constantly reading dark romance it is fun to read something light but this one really captured my attention.
Profile Image for Firefly.
72 reviews2 followers
January 19, 2024
Gah!!! This book had me feeling so many emotions, it was like a rollercoaster. There were times I hated the main male and main female characters. There was so much miscommunication it was UNREAL. It wasn’t the best book I ever read but the author wrapped Mason and Nina’s story up very nicely! Overall a nice easy ish read.
Profile Image for Hilal.
257 reviews
November 23, 2021
4.5 this series was so much more than what I expected. I really fell in love with all the characters. I’m so excited for Elliot and Lucy’s story!!
Profile Image for Ellie Murray.
132 reviews37 followers
August 26, 2021
Okay, I actually fully needed this story after grand lies!

First off.. miscommunication is an actual bitch. Like it fully pisses me off, especially when you have both POV’s so you know that it’s 100% miscommunication. I’m not gunna lie to you.. this is exactly what happens in Grand Love and it DROVE ME MAD. Nina and Mase were winding me the fuck up with their constant back and forth bickering and comments and never saying how they felt etc. BUT.. all that being said.. I’ve gotta hand it to JC because it worked. This story wouldn’t have been Nina and Mase without it. It’s the whole fucking point and although I was grinding my teeth and getting so angry at them.. I also kinda fully loved it too 🙈😂

I’m still 100% obsessed with Mase. He’s an actual god that’s too pure for this world. (Apart from when he’s being a dick.. is that a contradiction? HAHA). Nina, Lucy, Elliot, Scar, Ellis.. the whole gang made this book I think. I loved the sense of family this book gives you.

Now the cliff hanger to grand lies was a bitch.. but we find out why what happened, happened and (not that I’m shocked because I never predict anything right ever 😂) But never throughout reading the whole thing did I even SUSPECT. And now I’m sitting here thinking about it I cannot believe how blind I was!!

Not only did that shock me there’s a huge load of drama thrown at you just as everything settles. My thoughts were erratic. I was happy crying one second then sad crying the next!

JC smashed it. I liked the first one but I loved the second! As always her sex scenes are on POINT. She brought out emotions in me for characters I didn’t even like and had me fully hooked. If you love billionaire romances then this ones for you!
Profile Image for Lucy McGiveron.
80 reviews1 follower
September 2, 2021
I couldn’t put it down. Miscommunication and stubbornness, these are some of my pet peeves in a book but JC Hawke managed to find a way to make me accept and love them.

I adored the fact that instead of the stereotypical trope of the guy betrays the girl and does everything in his power to win her back and manages to do so within the first couple of the book was not the case in this book. Mason and Nina are too proud, stubborn and passionate for this to happen.

I liked the fact that in truth neither one of them was truly at fault, they had problems from the get go. They acknowledged that their relationship moved VERY fast and it wasn’t always healthy at times, but it seems that the separation was a good thing.

They learned what it was like to be apart from one another and surprise surprise they didn’t like that very much!
They worked on themselves as individuals and together they made compromises and eventually learned to communicate with each other in a healthy way.

JC Hawke I know you probably won’t see this or read it but I just wanted to say thank you for this duology, thank you for not painting perfection. You gave your characters faults, flaws and fears. You made them realistic in regards to the fact they are afraid of abandonment, the future and accepting love in fear of loss.
So thank you for Mason and Nina (and Ellis) I know we’ll be getting more from you and from this beautiful world you have created. I personally cannot wait for Elliot and Lucy (and I’m not just saying that because my name is Lucy) 😊
Profile Image for B.M. Hawk.
420 reviews1 follower
January 10, 2022
I stayed up until 3:15am
I could not put down. Omg it’s been 8 months and Mase has been without his Nina and young son
His hurt has consumed him, convincing himself that Nina is no longer loved or needed
She ran , this time he let her go, she is of no consequence now or so he tells himself
This book was amazing
I loved how their are so many friends that are involved in Mason and Nina’s lives and are “ rooting” for them. I feel without them this couple wouldn’t be who they are. JC Hawke you knocked this out of the park
Love it love it, was worth getting no sleep for 🥰🥰🥰
Profile Image for Neelakshi.
482 reviews371 followers
December 17, 2022
3.5 ⭐

“The suns gonna shine again, Bossman. I promise.”

Please i enjoyed this more than the first one!!
The plot built up really nice and i actually liked it!
Both of them were assholes and i loved how Mason stood his ground!
Good man.
Profile Image for Emily Kurosawa.
307 reviews18 followers
August 31, 2021
Grand Love is book #2 in The Promise Duet, (book #1 Grand Lies must be read first) this book picks up from the events of the last book. Nina and Mason's are navigating through turbulent waters; their relationship may have ended and they aren't really on speaking terms anymore, but they are bounded together, forever. Just as I thought JC Hawke's work couldn't possibly get any better, I was pleasantly surprised that it did!!! I have to say, I loved reading Grand Lies but Grand Love is my favorite out of this amazing duet. JC Hawke's writing flowed effortlessly, the storyline unravelled beautifully; I breezed through reading this book. Hence, this book became the center of my attention, I didn't realize how many pages or chapters that I read. All my senses went into overdrive; the onslaught of emotions was indescribable. I felt Nina and Mason's longing, loneliness, desire, heartbreak and pain. I couldn't even process the plot twist in the first few chapters!!

Nina and Mason may have a great support network of friends/family, but that doesn't stop the sorrow or loneliness they feel. Mason is angry and hurt at Nina, for not trusting and believing him; she walked away from their relationship. It's Nina's defense mechanism, ever since she was a young girl she conditioned herself to runaway before experiencing any hardship or heartbreak/pain. Nina is coming with the terms that she might have over reacted, realizing that she and Mason might have lived through all this pain for nothing, a misunderstanding, a fact that wasn't even true to begin with. The chemistry between Nina and Mason is electrifying; they might be deeply hurt but their attraction for one another has not diminished, it only evolved. Over the course of their separation, some where along the way Nina lost her passion for dancing. But slowly she found her way back!

Ahh! These two! They bring out the best in each other, that's if when they aren't in a heated standoff with each other. Which was most of time in the first half of the book. I swear, even when they were angry at each other, the s*xual tension was so heavy and noticable not even a knife would be able to cut through it. Wow! Nina! Her character developed amazingly in this book! She has come a long way from the first book. She made a 180 degree change!! She (finally) stepped up, she fought for Mason, to win him back! It was refreshing to see a heroine trying make amends, to restore their relationship by fighting to win back the "love of their life". And I can't even begin to describe Mason! In the second of the book, he was so loving and affectionate towards Nina. The last couple of chapters though!  I couldn't believe my eyes!! My heart broke and soar at the same time. 

A beautiful heartfelt and at times heartbreaking story. JC Hawke concluded this story gracefully. A story about two people who experience certain incidents which may inflict invisible wounds; causing them to have serious fears. They pushed through obstacles facing them, and they found their way back to one another. Overall, a great duet! You'll fall in love with JC Hawke's writing technique, I certainly have! I'm so excited for Lucy and Elliot's story!!!

** I received an ARC in exchange for my honest review
Profile Image for Brianne.
40 reviews
January 3, 2022
finished “grand love” by “J.C Hawke” and I really did not want this book to end , Nina is way too nice and forgiving especially to her fucking mother mason is one complicated mutherfucker but I still love both of them there is smut, and there’s a child in this book for y’all PREGNACY trope haters🙄 this is a sequel to “grand lies” so I would read that first or else you’re gonna be hella confused in this book.
Profile Image for Katie.
96 reviews1 follower
January 27, 2022
Very good series! It was one I couldn't put down - the characters she made are ones I'm going to want to follow. Like most erotica it has some unnecessary problems thrown in for drama but for the most part the misunderstandings that keep them apart make sense for the characters. I would recommend this book if you want a story you can sucked into!
Profile Image for loves.romance.books.
166 reviews19 followers
September 5, 2021
This is the second and final book in the Promises Duet by debut author JC Hawke and cannot be read as a standalone so I'm not gonna give too much away in this review if I can help it.

The Promises Duet follows the love story of Mason and Nina who face more than their fair share of ups and downs. Grand Love starts directly after the dramatic climax of Grand Lies which I was thrilled to see.

Both Mason and Nina are vastly different people than they were in the first book. The toxicity of the love has morphed into something else. Something, if given the right attention, that could be the epitome of ever lasting love and happiness. But can Nina and Mason move past their demons to find that higher elevation; or will their mistrust and fear consume them leaving devastation in its wake?

One thing I just have to pay homage to is Nina's determination to be stronger. She was such a strong role model this time round; I cursed her several times cause I wanted my HEA and I wanted it right the heck now BUT it's like a slow burn that pays off. And then some!! The butterflies in my tummy (among other places!!) were in full flight!!

Once again, as with the first book, I LOVE the cast of secondary characters! The tidbits being fed to us about Lucy and Elliot were like catnip for my friends-to-lovers heart!! I'll be counting down to their book. FACT!

If possible I felt the world building and plot development and progression was even better this time around and I can really see Jess finding her groove and stretching her wings. I couldn't be happier for her and can see big things in her future!!

I received an early copy of the book in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Ash ~ bookmaniac~.
278 reviews61 followers
February 20, 2022
This is the second book in the series and is to be read in order.
The last book ended with the big break-up and pregnancy reveal. This book is one-year fast forward. M and N have not seen each other in these past months except once when their son was born.
I loved the friendship they had created, their friends were so supportive and always there, Also Vinny was a sweetheart to Nina, the bond they created was so pure.
This book had an unexpected drama at the end, which made the book better.Also, the proposal scene (swooning), Can someone please propose to me in Paris(-_-)
This book series in all was a 3.5 stars
Profile Image for Jaycinta.
13 reviews
September 22, 2022
these were so addictive but the characters were not it. why did nina end up grovelling to mason is the real question. but 2.5 🌟 for the pure entertainment, I rated low but I don’t regret the read lol.
ps. joey did not deserve the way he was treated- disgustang
Profile Image for Michelle.
1,567 reviews166 followers
September 12, 2021
Hero 5⭐Mason.
Heroine 5⭐Nina.
Story 4⭐
Writing 5⭐
Steam 5⭐
Romance 4⭐
Angst 4⭐
Secondary Characters 5⭐
Drama 5⭐
Mystery 4⭐
Twists 4⭐
Action 4⭐

Recommend - Yes.
Profile Image for Mariah Victoria.
316 reviews14 followers
September 30, 2021
I definitely did not expect that ending! It made me sad but in the best way! I can't wait for Lucy and Elliot's story!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 296 reviews

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