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Becoming Rooted: One Hundred Days of Reconnecting with Sacred Earth

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What does it mean to become rooted in the land? How can we become better relatives to our greatest teacher, the Earth? Becoming Rooted invites us to live out a deeply spiritual relationship with the whole community of creation and with Creator.

Through meditations and ideas for reflection and action, Randy Woodley, an activist, author, scholar, and Cherokee descendant, recognized by the Keetoowah Band, guides us on a one-hundred-day journey to reconnect with the Earth. Woodley invites us to come away from the American dream--otherwise known as an Indigenous nightmare--and get in touch with the water, land, plants, and creatures around us, with the people who lived on that land for thousands of years prior to Europeans' arrival, and with ourselves. In walking toward the harmony way, we honor balance, wholeness, and connection.

Creation is always teaching us. Our task is to look, and to listen, and to live well. She is teaching us now.

242 pages, Hardcover

Published January 4, 2022

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About the author

Randy Woodley

18 books60 followers
Rev. Randy Woodley (PhD, Asbury Theological Seminary) is Distinguished Professor of Faith and Culture and Director of Intercultural and Indigenous Studies at Portland Seminary. Woodley is a Keetoowah Cherokee (legal descendent) teacher, poet, activist, former pastor, missiologist and historian. Woodley received his baccalaureate degree from Rockmont College in Denver. He was ordained to the ministry through the American Baptist Churches in the USA in Oklahoma after graduating with a Masters of Divinity degree from Eastern Seminary (now Palmer Seminary) in Philadelphia. Randy's PhD is in intercultural studies from Asbury Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky.

Professor Woodley is active in the ongoing discussions concerning new church movements, racial and ethnic diversity, peace, social justice, interreligious dialogue and mission. He regularly blogs in these areas and publishes his own blog, Ethnic Space and Faith. He is also a regular contributor to God's Politics Blog: Jim Wallis and Friends, Emergent Village Voice and The Huffington Post’s religion page.

He also hosts the "Peacing it all together" podcast about journey and place with Bo Sanders.

Rev. Woodley was pastor of the Eagle Valley Church in Carson City, Nevada, which for many years served as a unique role model as an authentic Native American Christian church. He and his wife Edith, cofounders of Eagle's Wings Ministry, are considered early innovators in what has been dubbed the “Native American Contextual Movement.” The Woodleys have spent over 25 years of culturally contextual service in Native North American communities.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 30 reviews
Profile Image for Kim Shay.
129 reviews3 followers
December 13, 2022
This book was unlike any other I've read. In 100 reflections Woodley talks about the Indigenous principle of being connected to the created order, and how Western societies can benefit from such an ethic. Much of the content discussed protecting the created world rather than following the Western idea of exploiting the world for whatever humanity can benefit from.

During a few COVID lockdowns, I discovered how much being outside, even in my own back yard, puttering in the garden or watching cardinals and hummingbirds was calming and edifying. Woodley's book re-inforced my belieg that we do, indeed, have a connection to the earth.

I find it interesting that as an evangelical Christian, I was taught that we are created from the dust of the earth, yet distance ourselves from the earth, and regard it in utilitarian ways. Christians who value the earth and feel connected to it are often accused of being pantheists.

One element of Indigenous theology that I appreciate is one that Woodley emphasizes in this book and in his Indigenous Theology: the principle of harmony; harmony among human creatures, animal creatures, and creation.

"I really believe that the harmony way, in all its many forms, contains the original instructions for people everywhere."

I agree. If we believe in the creation and the fall, then we must believe that harmony existed and was broken. Whatever one's theology, she must recognize that much of humanity is not seeking harmony with anyone, never mind the created order. Woodley's encouragements to find ways to connect with creation can be a benefit to everyone, whether it is spending more time outdoors or merely choosing to use a reusable water bottle instead of a plastic one. Every little bit helps.
Profile Image for Grant Showalter-Swanson.
134 reviews3 followers
May 9, 2022
Keetoowah Band Cherokee activity, author, and theologian Rev. Dr. Randy Woodley has crafted this brilliant 100 day devotional for people to connect with their faith more deeply by finding ways to become more rooted in the land from which we came, the land on which we live, and the land to which we will return.

Each day starts with a short quote from an important figure to help calm our minds and prepare for the day’s reflection. Next comes a 2-3 page reflection on humanity, the land, and/or the living beings around us and how we can become more deeply connected with all creation. Finally, each day ends with a call to action, further reflection, or meditation. This enables folks to extend the learnings of the day into more rigorous/in-path/tangible ways throughout the day, as they are able. The book is divided into 10 thematic sections with 10 deviations each. It is a wonderful journey of reflection, discovery, and connection.

One of the most powerful outcomes of this book is how I was challenged to connect with my family’s cultural roots in deeper and more intentional ways through history, food, and cultural practices. Not only is this important for my own growth and learning, but also to challenge the pitfalls of white supremacy that force white folks to give up all cultural specificity for the privileges of supremacy and uniformness. As a result, this intentional work is vital for white folks to regain specificity, resist the uniformness of white supremacy, and learn how to be solidarity conspirators with our non-white siblings and all of creation.

This book is a powerful meditative tool for personal growth and reflection that leads to tangible communal outcomes and solidarity. Invest in this journey or reconnection with Sacred Earth today!
Profile Image for Erin.
189 reviews11 followers
October 8, 2022
I really loved this inspiring little book. I found myself underlining, taking notes and sharing little tidbits with my husband often, and found the daily prompts for further thought or practice valuable. Randy is a fantastic storyteller and I love reading about his perspectives on faith and relationship with Creator and creation. This way of being resonates with me.
Profile Image for Al Doyle.
149 reviews6 followers
May 6, 2022
Randy Woodley has many gifts, and among them are his ability to make the subtleties of his Indigenous heritage accessible to those of us not similarly blessed. His words come from deep experience and study. His writing is accessible, informative and entertaining. The words ring loud and clear with the truth that we non-indigenous inhabitants of this section of earth need to understand.

Randy is a man of this moment and of this culture, with roots that go far deeper than so many of us who are generational products of a migration and colonialism fueled society.

I really appreciate Woodley's voice and non-preachiness. His doses of reality are both information and encouraging. For full disclosure, I have met Randy on occasion at seminars and other learned gatherings. His book is him... the real him. And it can make any of us a "better me."
The overall impact in uplifting and empowering.
Profile Image for Monica.
573 reviews4 followers
December 31, 2022
I was inspired to read Becoming Rooted by a colleague and community friend who invited anyone who wished to read the book together over 100 days to finish 2022. I somehow completed the reading a day early - maybe there was a day when I read two entries.

I appreciated starting each day with these reflections which invite me as the reader to consider my own relationship with the land, with my ancestors, and particularly with the people who inhabited this land well before white settlers overtook it and began using land for profit. The mixture of indigenous and Christian worldviews in the meditations gave me an opportunity to reflect on how I can incorporate my own faith into a life that acknowledges the gifts of the land and the opportunity to partner with the land and with one another for a more sustainable future.
Profile Image for Deborah.
117 reviews
April 16, 2022
Read this in a book group. We were supposed to read one chapter a day (100 short chapters/reflections) and end on earth day, but we sped up at the end. 😬

If you are new to indigenous world views and desire to learn and practice living in harmony with the community of creation and the Great Mystery behind it, then this is a great starting point. The message that streams through the book is our need to respect and honor ALL of creation. This runs counter to western world views that work against our own self interest, destroying the Sacred Earth that gives us healing and life.

Each short chapter offers reflections and story telling with something to meditate and/or put into practice at the end. The book is light and beautiful in its simplicity.
491 reviews37 followers
November 22, 2022
Dr. Woodley provides a beautiful introduction to a life informed by the wisdom and practice of indigenous peoples. As Woodley reminds us, we all come from people that are indigenous to somewhere. None of us were always colonizers or conquerors. We all have people in our ancestry who were once lived connected with the earth, in harmony with the land.

This book offers 100 short reflections, each with a recommended practice for leaning into values and lives informed by qualities of indigenous wisdom that Woodley recommends:
-respect, harmony, friendship, humor, equality, authenticity, history, work/rest balance, generosity, and accountability.

Profile Image for Ruth LB.
7 reviews
January 3, 2022
Woodley’s memoir writing is captivating and beautiful. There is a delicate voice that jumps off the page as one reads and the daily questions allow for our own stories to be visited. I committed to connecting to sacred earth this year and it is the perfect short meditation that can fit while drinking morning coffee and planning to be more conscious of our relationship to nature. Will be excited to do this continuously with others for 100 days.
Profile Image for Catrina Berka.
447 reviews6 followers
August 6, 2023
I really wanted to like this book - 100 short, 2-page meditations and reflections on how Native perspectives can help Christians reclaim a fuller theology. Instead, Woodley demeans and condescends to the Western Christians he purports to attempt to reach and convert. I think there are definitely lessons that Western Christians can learn from Native American spirituality but they are lost in the condemnation dripping from Woodley’s voice.
April 20, 2022
Remarkable Devotional Book!

This remarkable devotional book helped me to see the importance of needing to connect with nature and be in tune with the earth through attentive listening. If we listen well enough, creation is groaning for us to be better stewards of creation as human beings.
Profile Image for Aaron White.
Author 1 book6 followers
December 15, 2022
There is wisdom here which is helpful, an appreciation for the interrelatedness of the world, the goodness of Creator, and the importance of the Indigenous worldview. Each day contains a challenge to live in greater balance with creation, to walk softly, to be kind, to honour neighbours and the natural world.
Profile Image for Ross.
171 reviews2 followers
April 13, 2023
This is a decent daily devotional that I read during a class in seminary.
I'm not normally one for these kinds of daily reading books though, and only read this because it was part of the course-work.
I did find it engaging, and some of the meditations and practices were rewarding.
If this kind of thing is of interest to you, I recommend it.
Profile Image for Jacci.
Author 19 books124 followers
May 24, 2023
I loved everything about this book and I'm sad that it's over. The readings were short they always ended in as quick application question or statement. And it kept me grounded I think about the Earth in new ways.
I love the values in the last chapter as he summarizes. To remember that people are sacred and always show respect. I've been leaning into those two.
Profile Image for Alice Sather.
247 reviews2 followers
January 7, 2024
Although it is written with the intent for the reader to read one short chapter a day, I often read several. This was due partly because Woodley brought up several points/issues/concerns/actions that are already part of my life. His writing and presentation is non-threatening, often beautiful, and should impact even those who are neutral about environmental and related concerns.
December 23, 2021
Hard not to find this book helpful and inspiring. Woodley writes with as much respect and care for the reader as he does all living things. This is a wonderful book for anyone looking for an accessible, practical, and unpretentious handling of worldview and ecology.
7 reviews
May 22, 2022
Becoming Rooted

This book awakened a desire in me to help all creation survive and thrive by learning to live with the land. I recommended this book to friends and sent copies to two of my sisters, because I know both of them are rooted in nature, as few people are.
Profile Image for Brad Dell.
175 reviews3 followers
May 26, 2022
I loved all the stories in the book, but found many of the challenges to come off as filler content on days the author wasn’t feeling too inspired. Not every day can impress in any devotional, but I’d have rather this be a shorter book with the best of the collection.
16 reviews
May 31, 2024
I’ve read several books by this author. He blends his Christian faith with his Cherokee background. He seems to find harmony in all aspects of his life. I enjoy learning the traditions and beliefs of America’s natives. It is sad that we’ve lost so much respect for Mother Earth that gives us life.
Profile Image for Vanessa Siemens.
232 reviews3 followers
January 27, 2022
A beautiful invitation to reconnect to the earth and to the land. Each chapter is thought provoking and followed by an action prompt to engage more deeply with the earth.
Profile Image for Victoria Hudson.
5 reviews1 follower
March 28, 2022

A book that every American should read and wrestle through. Change that impacts collective wellness is possible. This book inspires hope.
Profile Image for Alyson.
599 reviews2 followers
August 13, 2022
"In Silence there is eloquence. Stop weaving and see how the pattern improves." -Rumi
Profile Image for Mikky Daub.
62 reviews1 follower
August 18, 2022
I enjoyed this book’s many strong and beautiful teachings about learning to live in harmony with all beings.
Profile Image for Chandler.
43 reviews
January 22, 2024
There are a lot of valuable tidbits in this book. A little superficial and dogmatic at times.
2 reviews
July 4, 2024
A guide to connecting spirituality with the earth, whatever your spiritual discipline may be.
17 reviews
August 15, 2024
Highly recommend. I read one per day, often while sitting on my deck early in the morning which made many of the entries even more meaningful - without exaggeration; deer, hawks, hummingbirds, tanagers, turkey, rabbits, squirrels, buntings were often within eyesight, along with the sound of crows, woodpeckers and a field full of wildflowers. The surroundings helped make Randy's "Reconnecting" come to life. I look forward to reading this again and again.
Profile Image for Kandi.
15 reviews
April 22, 2022
When I first heard about this book, I was eager to read it, so I joined the launch team. It has been an insightful and healing book for me, and I have been recommending it to friends from lots of different traditions and lenses. Worth the read!
Profile Image for Rebecca.
185 reviews3 followers
December 25, 2022
This is a book with 100 daily, simple reflections on sacred, indigenous wisdom. It is meant to be read slowly, pondered upon. What a gift to sit at Randy Woodley’s feet and learn to be a better human being, more connected to earth and my fellow sacred human and non human beings.
69 reviews7 followers
September 16, 2022
Very gentle meditations to help set a tone of respect and belonging to the earth and the land.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 30 reviews

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