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Claws and Fangs #1

Never His Mate

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After my mate rejected me, I wanted to kill him. Instead, I ran away—which nearly killed me...
A year ago, everything was different. I had just left my home, joining the infamous Mountainside Pack. The daughter of an omega wolf, I've always been prized—but not as prized as I would be if my new packmates found out my secret.

But when my fated mate—Mountainside's Alpha—rejected me in front of his whole pack council and my secret got out, I realized I had one choice. Going lone wolf was the only option I had, and I took it.

Now I live in Muncie, hiding in plain sight. If the wolves ever left the mountains surrounding the city, I'd be in big trouble. Good thing that the truce between the vampires and my people is shaky at best and Muncie? It's total vamp territory. Thanks to my new vamp roomie, I get a pass, and I try to forget all about the call of the wolf. It's tough, though. I... I just can't forget my embarrassment—and my anger—from that night.

And then he shows up and my chance at forgetting flies out the damn window.

Ryker Wolfson. He was supposed to be my fated mate, but he chose his pack over our bond. At least, he did—but now that he knows what I've been hiding, he wants me back.

But doesn't he remember?

I told him I'll never be his mate, and there isn't a single thing he can do to change my mind.

To Ryker, that sounds like a challenge. And if there's one thing I know about wolf shifters, it's that they can never resist a challenge.

Just like I'm finding it more difficult than I should to resist him.


Never His Mate is a full-length PNR featuring Gemma Swann, a wolf shifter who is hiding a damning secret. When her fated mate rejects her for another female, her anger and her embarrassment lead to that secret getting out. Since staying behind on the mountains is just not an option and going back to her home pack is impossible, Gem decides she has one choice: risk death by fang in Muncie, the vamp town surrounding the mountains.

Luckily for her, she not only manages to survive the local vamps, but she makes friends with one. Things are looking up for her: she has a place with her roommate, a new job she loves, and the certainty that she'll never have to look at Ryker Wolfson's handsome face ever again.

Until he stalks into Muncie and, suddenly, Gem is confronted by his rejection all over again. So what if he says he had a good reason? If he thinks she's going to take him back now, he has another think coming.

Because Gem? She'll never be his mate...

352 pages, Paperback

First published May 18, 2021

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About the author

Sarah Spade

39 books430 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 469 reviews
Profile Image for Deborah.
3,624 reviews476 followers
June 23, 2021

Frustrating is the word I’d use to describe this book.

I have so many issues I don’t even know where to start.
But I hate it when all that’s needed is a short conversation to sort everything out. And that conversation gets pushed and pushed. This book drove me crazy I mean seriously?

So I’m done.
Why is it so hard to find a good shifter series these days?
91 reviews6 followers
May 18, 2021
I'll get the next one, but...

First book by this author. They can write. They've got a good plot line. They don't have good attention to detail.

Have 3-5 friends read the next book before you release. There's a lot of distracting errors in this book. There's missing words, incorrect names, etc. I finished the read, but about halfway through, I took a break after one particularly rough chapter.

Your FMC made some very out of character decisions. She wasn't being impacted by the mate pull, so why did she hunt Ryker down for sex? It makes literally no sense in the context of the story line to that point, her motivations, her character, and her alpha designation. I get that you wanted to move their relationship along, but.... this was a weird way to do it.

It also makes no sense that Shane was undercover in Ryker's pack long before the FMC was ever contracted to mate Ryker. Is the sperm donor father omniscient now? He knew before they did where she'd go?

And.... it makes no sense that Shane would be a walk on as sperm donor's Beta. Who was the Beta for all these years? That guy just step aside, or what?

And why did Ryker let Trish stay this last year? If he always meant to get rid of her, if he knew she was actively working against him (and you told us he knew), then it makes zero sense that he kept her around. Kill her for treason, and move on. These are wolves, not humans. Torture the info from her, and drop her. The world building suggests that these are very wolfish wolves, incredibly subject to the moon cycles and their beasts. It makes no sense that the author would also make them incredibly human in their sensibilities morals, and social interactions, to the degree that they allow a known traitor to live among them with no repercussions. And she apparently was still given open access to the Alpha, his work space, his meeting space. What?

So, coulda been a five star, but there are some issues. I'll read the next, but the author didn't make my one click list with this offering.
Profile Image for Jesslan Rose.
1,139 reviews46 followers
June 12, 2022
Never His Mate
By Sarah Spade

By the 20% mark I was seriously considering whether to bother finishing this book. It's entirely in Gem's POV and her POV is to explain EVERYTHING to death. I want to experience the action as it unfolds in front of me. Not continually hear about what's happening from the main female character who does nothing but irritate me with her personality.

By 31% Ryker finally shows up again which brings me to another irritation... Gem is a rare alpha female. Act like one. Don't act like a slighted teenager throwing a tantrum all the time. So now after 2 arguments between them and still not having even started to sort through their crap yet I'm wondering if they ever will and wondering for the third time should I bother finishing it?

So far the only character I actually like and feel affection for is Aleks. He seriously deserves better than Gem and I truly hope he finds his own mate fast so he quits pining over her.

At 50% they have their first real talk. Do you think it's what it SHOULD be about? Of course not. Not a peep about the rejection. It's all about Aleks. So at this point I'm so irritated I do a search for Trish to see when they do finally talk about it. It's not until chapter 20... NINE chapters later!

So... on pure principal and the fact I'm seriously irritated with not only Gem, but also having to wait for 19 chapters to find out why Ryker rejected her in the first place when there were SO many opportunities to have that talk between them I'm tossing this book and thanking God I didn't buy it. And forget about finishing the series because that's not happening.

When I found this book I truly hoped I'd found a new series I'd love. But I should've stopped after the first chapter when it was already clear I didn't like the main female character at all. If I'd known I'd also be waiting around for 19 chapters to finally hear the conversation they should have had in chapter 7 when Ryker first showed up I definitely would have. So... Do Svidanija.
Profile Image for Cheesecake.
2,833 reviews449 followers
September 6, 2021
Ryker the foolish Alpha and Gem the other foolish Alpha.
This was frustrating but I quite enjoyed the majority of it.

I'm gonna get pretty spoilery below:

The story starts with Gemma confronting Ryker about his intentions. They are betrothed to mate but he's been dragging his feet and rumour has it there's an evil OW involved.
Ryker manages to botch their confrontation and Gemma runs away for a year. It takes Ryker a year to find where she hid herself in plain sight in the neighbouring city, with the help of a vampire.

Gem is a strong character and I liked that she takes no guff from anyone, but I wish she would also listen better. I guess she's was a little sheltered growing up as an Omega (hiding her Alpha status) so I can cut he a little slack for not questioning stuff more and not listening better.

From the moment Ryker finds her though, I started to get more and more frustrated with the story.
The writing is a little frustrating too. The author tends to go off on tangents in the middle of scenes to dump world building onto the reader. I would be enjoying the energy in the scene but it would be stalled time and again for this insight or whatever negative thoughts she was having.
The whole story is from Gem's POV which made it even more frustrating because she wouldn't listen to Ryker and Ryker wouldn't just cut to the chase. Maybe he didn't trust her with the whole truth, or maybe he's a bit of a control freak, or maybe the author just didn't want them putting all their cards on the table too soon ever.

To be honest, by about 2/3 in I really didn't understand Gemma's reasoning at all. She seemed to constantly have contradictory thoughts in her head. Thoughts that went against the visual evidence IMHO. Even when you thought she had moved on past something, she would harp on it again and again in her strange reasoning.

There's a villain who needs defeating, an OW who needs kicking to the curb and an OM who will need his heart healed by someone in a future book.

So by the end of the story I was surprised that there was no HEA but also not surprised, because that's what the author wanted, no matter how much she had to manipulate Gemma's thoughts to achieve that.

safety is all good
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Nikki ღ Navareus.
1,090 reviews1 follower
October 25, 2021
This story is branded as a rejected mate story, but this wasn't really the angsty, heartbreak kind of rejected mate kind of story. That being said, I adored the entire story. The characters were interesting and likable, and their story sucked me in and kept me glued to the ending.
Profile Image for Serial Romance Librarian.
949 reviews233 followers
December 26, 2021
This book could’ve been great, but the plot was driven by a big misunderstanding. That’s a huge pet peeve of mine. Also, the FMC’s inner monologues got annoying. She contradicted herself so much, which drove me crazy because she is the narrator. If the fated mates would’ve communicated the least little bit, they would’ve conquered all the little obstacles together. Also, the second book is based on someone else trying to mate and claim Gem, which would’ve been avoided if they’d mated in his basement when they were on the cusp! I won’t read the next one. The search for more great rejected mate books continues.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Dew.
741 reviews56 followers
May 19, 2021
Bury that horse in the ground

There is the framework of a good story and interesting characters here, but the author needs another pass through with an editor to correct multiple technical mistakes and redevelop the plot into a more cohesive story.

From a technical standpoint, there are nouns missing from sentences, poor grammar, at one point the author mixes up Ryker with Aleks, and despite using “claws crossed” several times switches to “fingers crossed”.

As for the story itself, the author predicates the plot on the point that Ryker rejects Gem, then tries to pretend that it was all a big misunderstanding. I went back and reread the first chapters to double-check the dialogue to see if there was room for misinterpretation.

Ryker: Gemma. I wasn’t expecting you.
Gemma: I need to talk to you.
Shane: We’re in the middle of something ...
Ryker: I’m almost finished here, we can talk then unless it can wait ‘til morning. Can it?
Gemma: No. Sorry. I don’t think so.
Ryker: That’s fine. Why don’t you wait for me outside and I’ll come get you when the meet’s done.
Gemma: No need for that. I’ll be quick. It’s about Trish.
Ryker: Trish? What about her?
Gemma: I’m your intended. Is she your chosen?
Ryker: I don’t think that this is the right time to have that conversation.
Gemma: I told you. It can’t wait.
Shane: Ryker. Alpha. This seems like it’s between you and your mate. Maybe we can have this meeting tomorrow, leave you two together to have this out?
Gemma: No. As I’ve been told too many times since I arrived, I’m not his mate.
Ryker: What do you mean by that?
Gemma: I won’t be your bonded mate until the Luna Ceremony, but I’m beginning to doubt that’s ever happening. So, tell me, Ryker. Is that something we’re actually going to do? Or are you just stringing me along?
Ryker: I’ve never ...
Gemma: Answer the question. Please.
Ryker: Are you asking me if we’re having the ceremony during the next full moon? That’s in 3 days.
Gemma: Yes.
Ryker: No.
Gemma: Because of Trish?
Ryker: Yes.
Gemma: You didn’t answer me before. I’m supposed to be your intended. Do you actually plan on mating me at all or is this some kind of joke?
Shane: Gem, Ryker’s right. This isn’t the time for this conversation.
Gemma: I’m not going anywhere until I have it straight from the Alpha. Well. I’m waiting.
Ryker: Are you sure you want to do this?
Gemma: I can take it.
Ryker: Then, no. I have no intention is mating you this full moon or the next.

Prior to the start of the book, Gemma had already been living with Ryker’s pack for 7 months and had known him for fully 10 years. She asks him specifically if Trish is the reason he won’t go through a mating ceremony with her and he unequivocally says “yes”.

Until Gemma reveals to Ryker that she is an Alpha female, he had less than zero interest in speaking to her, getting to know her, or even showing her the minimal courtesy of a fellow pack mate, much less his intended or fated mate. The author tries to excuse Ryker’s malfeasance by having him pointing fingers at Aleks, but never actually has Ryker apologize to Gemma or take responsibility for his own actions. In the very last chapters, the author trots out the desiccated dead horse trope that Ryker had been in love with Gemma all along and had simply been so talented at hiding it that no one, including Gemma, ever knew. Welp. Neither did this reader.
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
2,791 reviews236 followers
February 18, 2023
“Turns out that I’m a fucking moron after all.“

Just what I was thinking. The heroine was fun. But also, a bit brainless at times.

This book drew me in and confused me. Here are some random thoughts.

1. If you are trying to attack someone during a fight, you don’t try to claw their heart out. It’s one of the most protected organs in the body and not easy to grab with your fingers. Even if you do have claws.

2. If you’re trying to protect your fated mate, you don’t reject them and say “they’ll understand” when you haven’t talked to them about it at all.

3. When the guy who admits he’s in love with you gives you a necklace with his fang to wear as a protective charm, you shouldn’t be surprised that it has a deeper meaning.

4. When you’ve been poisoned and you feel like you’re going to throw up, DO IT! Who gives a crap if it’s impolite or makes a mess over your kidnappers back!?

5. When your fated mate is angry that you rejected her and she is asking you questions about what happened, don’t say “you know”. Cause obviously she doesn’t know.

Basically, this book kept me reading but I was also so confused as to why characters made certain choices.

I’m not a big fan of fated mates where they don’t also have a good reason for falling in love. And this book didn’t show me any good reason. It told me there was a backstory but didn’t show.

The platonic friend was more wonderful than the hero by a long shot. But I’m not sure I want to wade through this authors stuff to read his book.
Profile Image for MasterSal.
2,149 reviews20 followers
August 2, 2021
Another random KU read which wasn’t particularly successful. The plot, characters and world building were all pretty confusing and not in a fun OTT way either.

I am writing this review almost a month later and I remember almost nothing positive about the book. In looking back at my notes and the highlights made me wonder why I bothered finishing this.

Ah well - finish it I did which was unfortunate. I was especially annoyed as the heroine was either mean or a moron.

I will not be completing the series - 1 star. Meh
Profile Image for Sabrina.
3,788 reviews2,314 followers
January 30, 2023
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This book was both a hit and miss for me. Just going by the bare bones of the rejected mate story, I enjoyed that. I liked seeing Ryker try and get his mate back and I also liked that Gem didn't make it easy for him. But I felt like that part of the story wasn't very cohesive with the more in depth plot that didn't show up until near the end. It almost felt like that entire story point that came up later in the book was an after thought just to keep the story going. And once it started it pushed Ryker and Gem to the background and made the rest of the scenes with them feel lackluster. I may come back to this series to see what happens with them but for now I'm taking a break from this trilogy.
Profile Image for Jac K.
2,316 reviews353 followers
December 7, 2021
DNF @ 57%
This started out promising with the alpha rejected his mate, but then it started to drag for me. I only have so much patience for a misunderstanding causing the conflict, and it’s OBVIOUS these two just need to talk. I checked my friend’s reviews mid-read and saw that this is a trilogy… and that the conflict continues into the next book, so I’m bailing. :)
Profile Image for fishgill.
80 reviews
May 18, 2021
The plot rambles and is wishy washy. A very annoying read

There are sections of this book where I swear the author copied and pasted the same set of paragraphs. How many times do you think I need to reread about “the night he rejected me?” It’s not enough that you wrote in real time but it had to be retold what felt like every flipping chapter.

I read it through to Chapter 18 before I just skipped to the end. The main character could have been so cool but she just kept going in circles “I don’t want him!” “Maybe I do?” “I know EXACTLY what’s going on!” “I got the whole story wrong!” Over and over again. Ryker is bland. Her roommate is so one dimensional I can’t remember how to spell his name and I finished the book three minutes ago.
Profile Image for CassDamm.
613 reviews95 followers
October 30, 2022
4 ✨

Overall it was a decent shifter romance, however, it’s a series and you can tell all the good that’s coming from this couple came out in this book. So, although I am going to start book 2 I don’t have high hopes for it or the rest of the series.

Honestly, I think she should’ve just ended up with ghetto vamp. He seemed perfect, I mean everybody else in the book kept saying to watch out for him bc he’s bad but ?? He seems better than everyone else lmao
Profile Image for Sweet and Salty Reviews by DD.
604 reviews216 followers
July 19, 2021
Will I continue this series???? YES!!

World build:
Presented very well. Easy to understand. Detailed perfectly. Never have a moment of misunderstanding. You know early on the atmosphere of the read.

Now I am not a super fan of the rejected mate genre, however I did latch onto this read due to the action/suspense of the storyline. This is one series I think could have been a 5 star if the path of a love triangle had been pursued. It has been ages since I have read a great love triangle that does not result in a RH. Maybe Spade will read this review and make my dream come true. *fingers crossed*

Ryker is kick ass for sure but slow on pretty clear cues that things are about to take a bad turn. There is a particular instance early in the book he should have taken the reins but did not. This lead to a great deal of heart ache and trouble for 3 characters in particular.

MC (that I wish had been):
Aleks.... I wish I may I wish I might make the man in a triangle with Gem.... tried to make that rhyme but it ain't happening 😂 Now does he do some sketchy things? Yes. Does he hide some vital information? Yes. Is he a smidge deceptive in order to keep Gem? Yes. But gosh darn it, it made for some great reading and the man deserves a little nookie in return. *sigh*

Gem is pretty bad ass and I love that in female characters. Her downside is she is stubborn and the issues could have been resolved at Ryker's return if she had listened. Plus Ryker could have opened with the reasons versus trying to kill Aleks when they are reunited. Back to Gem....Very cool character. Lots of mystery surrounding her.

The story ends with a great lead into book 2. Can not wait!!!

Happy reading,
DD 💕
Profile Image for Camille.
194 reviews
November 4, 2021
Meh. This one was Fine.

Rejected mate story. A whole book’s worth of miscommunication/no communication and alpha posturing. I liked parts of the book’s world, but there were too many inconsistencies to get more than 3 stars. I’m not sure I care enough about Gem and Ryker to continue with the series. 😑
Profile Image for Shii Rodriguez.
95 reviews
May 18, 2021

Why is it so hard to right a good shifter book? The FMC explains every time thats she do x y and z by being an alpha. Like okay girl we get it. Then shes so aloof. I got thru this book but wont finish the others.
Profile Image for Charlotte.
3,425 reviews51 followers
June 2, 2021
Never his Mate is a different spin on the rejected mate genre I think. Yes Gemma (FMC) is rejected by Alpha - Ryker but what is different is that she's an Alpha in her own right. That in itself makes her a stronger character as it does all the way through this book. I understood the whole dynamic between her & Ryker even if part of me wanted her to include Aleksander in anything steamy. Damn!! Apart from that this book is actually a pretty good read. One I really liked
Profile Image for TJ.
3,024 reviews207 followers
December 17, 2021
I actually really enjoyed this story! I am a sucker for rejected mate plots IF the rejected one does not roll over as soon as the rejecting one changes their mind. I need to see a whole lot of groveling, begging and changing to be better. THEN, that acceptance is awesome! And that all happened in this book. The only drawback was the reasons behind the rejection. They don’t come out until the very end and then they seemed super weak. “I was trying to protect you”? Seriously? If the problem could have been solved by mating at the full moon - why wouldn’t that work?!?! With no better explanation, it ended in a bit of a disappointment. Still, the rest of the story was awesome fun.
Profile Image for Christine Butler.
Author 53 books424 followers
December 13, 2021
I'm doing something different with my review because I ALMOST passed this up based on some of the negative reviews (on Amazon) of the book since this is a new-to-me author. Luckily, I remembered reviewers can be liars (perception makes liars of us all, after all)!

The top negative reviews that show on this book are wrong, and I can only assume that it is because they skimmed for highlights in a book that they didn't really mesh well with and missed the details as a result.

There are no contradictory moments in the actions of the alpha hero. He knows what he wants from the beginning and there are clues throughout the book for why he acted the way he did in rejecting her initially. It all makes perfect sense and wraps up nicely if you don't skim instead of reading. If you miss the details, I guess you could make whatever assumptions about the book you want, but it doesn't make them correct. It's sad that so many people upvoted negative reviews that were done by readers who didn't read the book thoroughly enough to get those details.

This was a fantastic story, and my only complaint would be in the h holding out after learning some truths about what was going on. Don't mistake that as being a writing problem though, because it isn't. It's a reader impatience problem. The reactions of the h fit with her character, upbringing, and the mystique that has shrouded her life. It would be odd if she just flippantly said, "Oh well, sure I'm yours now!"

I'm off to book two and hoping that Aleks gets his mate too, eventually. I'm rooting for the sneaky blooksucker to get blindsided by his own fate!
Profile Image for Rebekah.
128 reviews
August 18, 2021
“Strong” woman chasing after a guy who rejects her.

There was a lot of promise in this book. Over the course of reading, all that promise slowly circles the drain until nothing is left of what interested me to begin with. The female is rejected and she runs off, which, fine. But supposedly there is a lot of history there, and the reader sees absolutely no real effect of this rejection. She just faffs off to another town and viola, new, awesome life. Then supposedly she had a hard time as referenced by the roommate, but who would even know?! There could have been some super empowering female shrugs off the mantle of omega eg. stereotypical gender normative bs. This in favor of finding herself and how she wants to be an “alpha” under her own definition. But it falls SUPER short. Evidently being an alpha means you don’t have fear (wtf?!), you are stubborn to the point of ignoring logic and boundaries. The guy is an alpha and he beats his chest as per usual alpha whatever. She’s an alpha and does nothing other than be completely unable to control her lust. So, then the guy has no, none, zero, redemption arc. The girl chases after him at every opportunity while simultaneously never communicating clearly what her issue is. She just wants to chase after some jerk who treats her like garbage because he has reasons. Anyway, this was frustrating and I’m out.
24 reviews
September 26, 2021

Our leading lady is immature and repetitive. The constant repetition of what she believed was done to her. The immature nature of her attempting to understand why certain events took place, the constant denial,always a reverting to a victim role rather than a take charge “alpha” role. She was truly pathetic and had I been her mate after seeing her constant inconsistencies and how she uses her friend whom *spoiler* lays claim to her without her knowledge which is just dumb because a shifter should understand when someone refers to her as someone else’s (as in possession) should know exactly what it means; as her mate I would have rejected her too. She’s a 26 or year old virgin who acts as if she is in high school playing childish games with the people around her. I skimmed a majority because it was truly just bad. This was my first time reading a Sarah Spade book and I won’t be trying any of her other books.
Profile Image for Debleena.
268 reviews107 followers
March 6, 2022

The only reason this book is worthy of even a 1 star is because of Aleks.

The fmc is a pathetic,wimpy foolish girl. The mmc is a forgettable, arrogant unlikable fool. His reason was quite silly and tbh he should have told the fmc the problem with Trish.

Gemma is weak and a horny little wimp. I really loathed the fact that she remained a freaking virgin and one look at Ryker and she starts thinking with her vagina and
For all his flaws and mistakes Aleks was more deserving of love than Ryker, but offcourse our fmc would prefer an arrogant cold, foolish wolf than a good hearted , not too possessive, amazing Aleks.

No go book and now I really need to read some good novels with strong fmc who make the mmcs do real work and grovel before allowing them in their beds and back in their heart.
Profile Image for Elusive.
85 reviews6 followers
September 9, 2022
Wow this was bad, inconsistencies and poor character building. Characters felt 'narrated' like one person tries to do different voices, but you can make out it's the same person, which made it difficult to immerse in the story. Main heroine was pathetic and grating. Kindle unlimited wasting my fking time once again.
Profile Image for Moto Z.
323 reviews25 followers
January 24, 2023
Booktok made me read this book and I don't regret it
Profile Image for Janie.
313 reviews30 followers
July 3, 2022
Not the angsty rejected mate trope I was looking for, but a pleasant read overall.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 469 reviews

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