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The Saint of Steel #3

Paladin's Hope

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Piper is a lich-doctor, a physician who works among the dead, determining causes of death for the city guard's investigations. It's a peaceful, if solitary profession…until the day when he's called to the river to examine the latest in a series of mysterious bodies, mangled by some unknown force.

Galen is a paladin of a dead god, lost to holiness and no longer entirely sane. He has long since given up on any hope of love. But when the two men and a brave gnole constable are drawn into the web of the mysterious killer, it's Galen's job to protect Piper from the traps that await them.

He's just not sure if he can protect Piper from the most dangerous threat of all…

305 pages, Kindle Edition

First published October 9, 2021

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About the author

T. Kingfisher

49 books15.3k followers
T. Kingfisher is the vaguely absurd pen-name of Ursula Vernon. In another life, she writes children's books and weird comics, and has won the Hugo, Sequoyah, and Ursa Major awards, as well as a half-dozen Junior Library Guild selections.

This is the name she uses when writing things for grown-ups.

When she is not writing, she is probably out in the garden, trying to make eye contact with butterflies.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,414 reviews
Profile Image for Beverly.
Author 2 books79 followers
October 10, 2021
I’m going to be thinking of that last line for MONTHS
Profile Image for K.J. Charles.
Author 63 books10.4k followers
November 30, 2023
Reread in prep for book 4 coming out shortly, absolutely life enhancing.

I'm delighted to learn there will be more in this world, and that we may find out how the god died! A joy as ever. Sweet romance, lovely CSI-type set-up with Piper the adorable lich doctor and much pining, and as ever, the gnoles effortlessly steal the show. Definitely the best thing that happened to me all week.

Profile Image for Tasha Robinson.
638 reviews135 followers
November 10, 2021
I'm guessing every single person who makes it to the last line of this book is going to have the same question I had: "Aaaah, is this story going to continue, and WHEN?" This Twitter thread from the author is immensely helpful: She's thinking probably seven books total, with the one after this not solving the mystery being teased at, but dropping "some clues," and maybe significantly more about that plot in the fifth book, depending on the order they come out in. This one's Galen's story, and she's saying book 4 will be Shane and Marguerite, and books 5 and 6 will be Marcus and Wren, respectively, but she isn't sure in what order. And here I thought it was just a trilogy! Very excited to think that the central mystery of this series is actually one that is maybe meant to be solved, and not just a compelling and horrifying background for love stories. Even if many of them are very engaging love stories.

But getting into this one in particular: Very late into this book, one character accuses another of dithering. I feel like this entire trilogy (and the related Clocktaur duology set in the same world) could just be labeled The Dithering instead of The Saint Of Steel. I love a good slow-burn romance, but I'm afraid the ones in this series have become kinda samey for me, because this world's particular brand of paladins is so strongly built around a very specific brand of noble self-sacrifice and self-denial and guilt, with the added bonus for the Saint of Steel's paladins of feeling broken and damaged and useless and extra-unworthy.

And the one featured in this book, Galen, fits the same pattern, but this particular book is so short that he doesn't get much characterization apart from that. We know a little about him and his reckless sense of humor and tomcatting around from previous books, but there wasn't much focus on his particular personality quirks here, just on the brokenness and longing and self-denial all the others have gone through as well. Apart from being gay, Galen just didn't stand out for me that much from Steven and Ishtvan in the previous books, or Sir Caliban in the Clockwork Boys series. He thinks he's a monster and that he doesn't deserve love, and that when he finds it, the noble thing to do it is to deny it. And he doesn't want to. So he dithers. And so does the object of his lust/love, who also doesn't think he's good enough for romance. Which is all fine, except that was the pattern of so many of Kingfisher's previous books as well.

The third member of their party on their adventure — which I don't want to get into at all because the discovery process is so much fun — is a gnole, and that was really the heart of the book for me, because the author's gnole characters are always a solid delight, and everything new we learn about their society is a gift. And the gnole characters aren't about dithering at all. In fact, the gnole character here is enjoyably dismissive about the human characters' dithering, and how they need to get over it and move on — which is very much how I'm feeling at this point, over yet another couple that both start burning with lust within seconds of meeting each other, but also spend nearly the whole book trying to deny it for various reasons, mostly based in misunderstandings and self-hatred. I'm burning for stories in this world told from gnole viewpoints, if only because while there are definite hints in this volume that gnoles can also experience fraught romantic longing, it sounds like theirs is of an entirely different flavor, and the series could use the variety.

The non-romance part of the plot this time around (which again, I'm not going to get into) is pretty fascinating, especially given how it openly ties into a small unresolved mystery introduced in this book, a big issue around human/gnole relations, a new facet of the gnole caste system, and the Big Mystery hanging over this entire series. But I wish there'd been a little more focus and detail around those things, and a little less on Galen and Piper's "I want to but I shouldn't" romance.
Profile Image for Mir.
4,911 reviews5,226 followers
February 8, 2022
Spongiform Erectile Tissue: A Romance
(with dismemberment)
Profile Image for Danny_reads.
385 reviews239 followers
August 1, 2024

Gosh, I adored this!

This trilogy just got better with each book. Although, I liked Clara and Istvhan, I absolutely LOVED Piper and Galen! They were so cute and I was so invested in their romance. Earstripe, however, stole the show and must be protected at all cost! I adored him and the friendship between the three of them. I'm super glad that Kingfisher decided to focus a bit more on the gnoles in this book - they are so freaking precious!!!

While the first two books in the series directly build on each other, this one feels a bit more separate in terms of the mystery. It also referenced Clockwork Boys and The Wonder Engine quite a bit more than the other books in this series, so I found the lore a bit hard to follow. I think I'd very much like to reread this book after reading that duology, though.

Overall, this book brought back the atmosphere, humor and tension I adore from all other T. Kingfisher novels.
Profile Image for Lance.
683 reviews240 followers
June 26, 2024
5 stars. With a love story that had me kicking my feet and fantasy-horror elements that had me flipping the pages like I was in a trance, Paladin’s Hope is the kind of romantasy I deserve to read during Pride Month and absolutely gagged me with its last line.
Author 8 books4 followers
October 9, 2021
THIS WAS SO SO GOOD. All of the books in this series is good but ESPECIALLY THIS ONE and the ending sentence made me YELL.

Read this book! Read the entire series, but definitely read this book!!!
Profile Image for Elena Rodríguez.
896 reviews471 followers
June 20, 2023
« Well, if you want my professional opinion, this great goddamm hole in his chest is probably what killed him. »

Señora, Kingfisher, me rindo. Me rindo ante usted y su forma de escribir historias tan bonitas y llevaderas con personajes carismáticos. Ahora bien ¿Qué peca de falta de información del mundo y necesito más respuestas? Sí. ¿Qué los personajes les faltan un poco de desarrollo sobre todo en su relación frente a otros personajes? También, pero, siempre hay un, pero desde que supe quien era el protagonista de esta historia no dudé ni un segundo en empezarlo. Amé ese personaje desde su pequeña aparición en el primer libro y ha sido una gozarla leerlo.

«The dead didn’t say thinks like “Are you sure he’s dead?”when the man’s head was half off or, “Dear god, what happened?” when it was bloody obvious that someone had shoved a sword through him. The dead just laid there and got on with being dead. »

Quizá el argumento es el que menos me ha gustado, pero siento que con ese final la autora dará pie a una a otra historia, o eso espero. Siento que ha sido uno de los descubrimientos de este año y no puedo estar más contenta.

«But we can still love someone and be loved. Even as broken as we are ».

PD: Me he enterado que hay unos libros anteriores a esta saga sobre el mismo mundo. No puedo estar más feliz. Tengo enganche para un poco más.

«It’s what the Rat does. They solve problems ».
Profile Image for Tijana.
843 reviews243 followers
October 17, 2021
Sad shvatam da nisam ništa zabeležila ni o prve dve knjige u serijalu... a u suštini, sve tri knjige uz vrlo malo promene variraju jedno te isto: laganu i paperjastu ljubavnu priču za koju od početka znamo da će se završiti hepiendom čim se njih dvoje dozovu pameti, i već neki fentezi zaplet. Nije da se T. Kingfišer/Ursula Vernon ne potrudi pošteno svaki put, ali ovo su prosto ljubići kalibrirani za sredovečne čitaoce fantastike koji bi malo da se opuste od stresa i tu nikakvom specijalnom učitavanju nema mesta. Ali jesu krajnje prijatni i opuštajući i nekako nepatvoreno dobronamerni romani i mnogo hvala Ursuli što ih piše jer je život, pa, stresna pojava.
Profile Image for Hannah.
627 reviews1,158 followers
June 22, 2022
In parts absolutely brilliant and it is my favourite of the series but the pacing is a bit wonky. That last sentence though!
Profile Image for Gabrielle.
1,089 reviews1,552 followers
June 15, 2024
As soon as I managed to get my hands on a copy of “Paladin’s Hope”, it immediately went to the top of the book pile. If you had told me last year that I would be squeaking in excitement about this sort of book, I might have laughed in your face, but I guess T. Kingfisher is the one laughing now, because as soon as I realized book 4 was available in paperback, guess what I did?

As with the previous books in this series, this is a fantasy/romance (gag) involving one of the surviving paladins of the Saint of Steel. This time, the story focuses of Galen, who is known in the series so far for being a ginger and not really into women, if you catch my very obvious drift. The story begins when a body washes up on the shore of the river, dead from a large wound that seemed to have punctured his back, but there is no clear way to determine what could have caused such a wound, even for Piper, the lich-doctor the paladins have worked with before. Earstripe, a gnole belonging to the city guards seems to think, however, that this death is connected to other dead bodies that were discovered recently, but his captain won’t let him investigate further. But Galen and Piper agree that something seems odd, and they decide to go with Earstripe to see if they can’t solve this mystery, and proceed to get stuck in a strange place that makes the cave at the end of “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade” look like a cake walk.

I am quite excited about Piper the pathologist (that’s not really what they call him, but I love an alliteration) being brought front and center in this story because I always find that line of work fascinating, and it is not often written about in fantasy settings. He also has a fantastic gallows’ humour that I really enjoyed – as one might expect from someone in his line of work. The budding romance with Galen is just sweet enough for me, and I really appreciate that Kingfisher created a fantasy world where no one freaks out at queerness and just lets people be who they are. The idea that as a society, they decided that they had bigger problems to worry about than who sleeps with who is so refreshingly sane! Alas, just like the White Rat being an order of kind and efficient bureaucrats, that’s how you know this is fantasy… The point is, those two are cute together, and even people who have shrivelled husks where their hearts should be would be mollified by the way they behave around each other. More than with the previous two books, this one addresses gnoles and their place in society on a deeper level, with Earstripe being such an integral part of the story. That seemed a bit forced to me at first, but as the world expands and the stories involve the little guys more and more, it actually makes sense to expand our view of their society and their relationship to humans at the same time.

As with the previous books of the series, the humor – dry, a little dirty, very witty - shines on almost every page and makes it a delight to read. Kingfisher also has such a charming and quirky way with words (like when she describes Galen has having cheekbones you could slice cheese with, or when Galen wonders if Piper got toned lugging dead bodies around, because those are heavy!), and I am really enjoying the way she broadens the world with each book. I know these technically belong to a larger series set in this universe, and I might get around to them some day, but until then, I am loving the way she introduces the reader to new elements of world-building with each book, which keeps the series fresh because there is always something new to discover. The mysteries of the Ancients and their machines is awesome, though I suspect it has been explored in some of her other books…

I have so much more fun than I expected with this series, these books are my new favorite treats, and I can’t wait for the fourth book to arrive!
Profile Image for Char.
1,799 reviews1,709 followers
January 29, 2024
Shorter than the first three and maybe not quite as good as those, this was still a great read. I've been wanting to learn more about Galen. (The Tomato Man!)

*Thanks to my local library for the free audio download. Libraries rule!*
Profile Image for eyes.2c.
2,860 reviews91 followers
August 27, 2022
Ok here’s the final? of this series I’ve seriously loved. It’s Galin the Paladin of the Saint of Steel (and once again I ask how does a god die?) Dr Piper, (be still Galin’s beating heart) and Earstripe the gnole who encouraged them on his quest beyond the city to find out where the headless bodies were coming from. We learn a whole,lot more about gnoles and “snicker, snicker” spongiform erectile tissue! Some very funny moments, awkward moments and sad moments.
Profile Image for Fiona Cook (back and catching up!).
1,341 reviews279 followers
December 29, 2022
Days later, Piper was wrist-deep in a corpse.
This wasn't an unusual situation for him. He spent a lot of time with his hands in corpses. He didn't like it. He didn't dislike it. It was just what he did. He enjoyed putting the mental pieces together about why someone had died, and he liked being able to provide certainty to families, but mostly what he liked was being good at his job.
And Piper was, for reasons he kept to himself, very, very good at his job.

Finally it looks like I'll actually finish my book goal this year - cut it close! - and what a great way to wind it down. This series is phenomenal, as is the author; as usual, you can definitely read this as a standalone, but you'll get the little references if you read the books in order, and you get more T. Kingfisher writing that way, too.

I didn't entirely dislike the last book I read in the series, but I definitely thought it dragged. Paladin's Hope definitely doesn't - it's a little shorter, but it's also tighter, the action feeling much more propelled, but still readable. Galen is a sweetheart, though some of the angsting about being relationship ready or not did treat old ground - it might just be that I read this much closer to my last from the series than usual, though.

But most importantly, this hits that sweet spot that T. Kingfisher invented and then wrote a bunch in - funny, imaginative fantasy with a hefty skew to horror in all the right places, and some sweet (and occasionally steamy) romance to round it all out. Oh, and gnolls, who I'm happy to report get a lot more page time in this one (when we get a gnoll protagonist with a mostly gnoll cast is when there's enough of them, that's when). All round a great entry in the series, and I'm SO hanging out for the next to be released!
Profile Image for Robin (Bridge Four).
1,771 reviews1,585 followers
May 30, 2022
This review was originally posted on Books of My Heart

Review copy was received from Publisher. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Paladin's Hope is the third book in the Saint's of Steel series following a cast of broken characters who went a little insane when their god died.  Not many made it back from that and those that did are shells of what they used to be but the Order of the White Rat has found uses for them and now we follow the stories of those who are mending just enough to find love, while solving a mystery of course.

T Kingfisher has built a fantastic world here.  The Saint's of Steel series is set in the same world as both Swordheart and the Clocktaur War series.  I will say that it was Swordheart that initially made me fall in love with T. Kingfisher's writing style and I've been working my way through her catalog since.  In the World of the White Rat there are many different gods/saints and the Paladin's or nuns in their service.  Not all are good mind you, some are downright creepy but the Saint of Steel was one that protected people by calling Berserkers into his service.  When he died, they all went berserk as Berserkers do, but with no hand to guide them they did horrible things that many cannot forgive themselves for, in true Paladin fashion.  T. Kingfisher likes to make a bit of fun of the over the top nobility of Paladins and their need to take responsibility for everything.
Maybe a hero is just what we call someone who doesn’t have the sense to stop before they destroy themselves.

Galen is one of the recovering Paladins in the White Rat's service.  He is helping Earstripe, the only Gnole (badger looking creatures that walk and talk and can smell much better than a human) in the guard, in the investigation of murders.  Piper enters the story when they task him to help them determine the cause of death.  Piper is great at his job, as a wonderworker his talent is to be about to touch a body and see the last moments before death.  Very useful as a lich-doctor is basically a coroner used to determine cause of death.  Not many know Piper's secrets as some are distrustful of the magic he can do.

Galen, Earstripe and Piper all head off on a quest to find the source of the bodies showing up in the river.  My favorite gnole from previous books, Brindle, makes an appearance to help get them to where they are going.  I don't want to give too much away because their adventure was harrowing and pressed into so much danger in such a short time Galen is able to get out of his own way a little so he can fall in love.  Piper and Galen seem like a odd couple at first glance but they are both odd in their own ways and are very understanding of each other's afflictions.  It was easy to see why they would fall in love.

I enjoyed this story thoroughly.  Piper is a great character and I'm incredibly interested to see what the next book covers as we might get a few answers on how a Saint could die.  T. Kingfisher has another win with this story full of great characters, a journey into mostly certain death and a world I love spending time in.

Joel Richards is fantastic at narrating a self flatulating Paladin, an insecure but brilliant doctor and some gnoles who are really smarter than all the humans around them.  I have enjoyed his portrayal of the entire series and all the characters within it.  Really a winning combination for this story.  I was able to listen to Paladin's Hope at my usual 1.5x speed.

Listen to a clip:  HERE
Profile Image for Stephanie.
Author 77 books1,120 followers
October 12, 2021
Well, this was just wonderful. :) I mean, I'm not surprised - I've loved this series so much - but still. I am beaming at the end of it! Fabulous banter among great, quirky characters, sweet romance, creepy magic, and exciting adventure. Total joy all 'round! And after that ending, I CANNOT WAIT for the next book in this series.

As usual with this series, you probably could read this one as a standalone, but why would you want to? The first two are fabulous, and there's so much pleasure in seeing how the recurring characters have developed.
Profile Image for Sarahcophagus.
453 reviews25 followers
December 7, 2023
There’s some questionable goofy decision making by the characters in this but it allowed for some really great moments that I ended up getting over it fairly quickly. It’s a total page turner. It manages to take the best qualities of the previous books in this series and mash them together! I think Piper might be my favorite kingfisher romantic lead and Earstripe my favorite gnole/side character. I highlighted this book to death because literally every passage was THAT good. Keep these guilty paladins coming, T Kingfisher!!

2023 reread: This book is a love letter to gnoles and I'm still obsessed with Piper.
Profile Image for Timothy Boyd.
6,931 reviews47 followers
April 17, 2023
Great last book in the Trilogy. Fantastic world the writer has created with some very interesting ideas. While the story line wraps up there are still some interesting background items left open for future books. I look for ward to trying more of this writer;s work. Very recommended
Profile Image for Scratch.
1,158 reviews49 followers
June 10, 2022
Still 5 stars, but I'm not as enamored as I would like to be. T. Kingfisher books are pretty much automatic 5 stars. And I am thrilled that this was a male same-sex couple, where always before T. Kingfisher books have featured heterosexual couples. But, I dunno...

This is set in the same wondrous, impossible world I'm getting used to. There are still "wonder workers" capable of performing a single magical trick. One of the two male leads in this installment is a wonder worker. He's a "liche doctor" (forensic pathologist) who can touch a corpse and experience its last few moments before death. Then there are still these paladins dedicated to a dead god. Where the last two books in this "Saint of Steel" series were about two different heterosexual ex-paladins, this one is about a gay male ex-paladin. All the ex-paladins share the same superpower, in that they're berserkers capable of super strength. But because the god they served is inexplicably dead, they are all struggling with depression, and difficulty coming down from their berserker rage after it's activated.

Where the last couple books in this series focused upon a magical mystery, this one has less meat to work with. Previously, the other ex-paladins solved a mystery about who was creating these half-golem/half-zombie monstrosities, killing random civilians for body parts. That was pretty satisfying.

This book, however, has less of a mystery. There is a murderer, and once again the story starts out with decapitated corpses that need to be investigated. But the mystery doesn't last as long and isn't as satisfying. Then, without going into spoilers, the story turned into a medieval version of the "Cube" film franchise.

There was a lot of attention on the same-sex romance. As usual for T. Kingfisher novels, the protagonists are middle-aged or close to middle age. There usually isn't teenage nonsense in these novels, but in this installment, the emotional reactions were a little distressingly melodramatic. Maybe the author just thinks all gay men are like that. But, I shouldn't criticize too much. The author did not indulge any real stereotypes.

One gay man was a warrior, dealing with depression, berserker rages, and nighttime PTSD. The other gay man was a skinny forensic pathologist, a full-fledged medical doctor struggling with his own emotional problems and poor bedside manner. Neither of them engaged in interior decorating or hair styling, for which I am grateful. No character expressed shock at the idea of a gay man being a warrior, for which I am emphatically grateful.
Profile Image for Oliver.
244 reviews44 followers
May 23, 2023
Had a bit of a difficult time connecting to the romance again, although it was a better than the previous entry. I would also add that I believe T. Kingfisher is a good writer overall. For the most part I feel like the other elements of the story are always well done and my hang-ups are very personal and I'm just very specific in what I like to see in a love story.
Profile Image for Rowen H..
401 reviews13 followers
December 21, 2023
4.5 rounded up because the epilogue sent me reeling

I will maybe bother to write actual reviews for all of these once I've finished aggressively devouring the rest of the White Rat books
Profile Image for Rachel.
370 reviews5 followers
October 19, 2021
4.5 rounded up. Hooo boy this was good. I loved the wonder-gauntlet death maze as an alternative to a road trip. I loved the crisp editing. I loved Earstripe and I would die for him. I loved Piper's relentless goodness and commitment to help anyone and everyone. And I LOVED Piper and Stephen's dressing down of Mallory, and Piper's artful takedown of the case against Earstripe. Magnificent and absolutely ruthless.

A few gripes:

In previous books, we are told that Galen has a wicked/inappropriate sense of humor, and that he's a bit of a player. We don't really see that here. He doesn't make any bad jokes, and his pursuit of Piper was not remotely rogue-ish. I wish Galen had been more cheeky and sarcastic with Piper.

Piper should have made it even harder for Galen to redeem himself at the end. Yes, Piper takes Galen at his word when Galen says he no longer wants to see Piper, and Piper certainly doesn’t make it easy for Galen to redeem himself, which I liked. But I think Galen needed to do even more groveling.

A few more random things I loved:

Galen's proposal in the epilogue. It's so cute that he's so dead set on begging for Piper's hand in marriage that he doesn't realize Piper has said yes a few times already.

Piper's ability letting him know how the Saint of Steel died! WHAT THE FUCK is that about. The entire book we know about Piper's ability, and not once did it occur to me that it could be used to somehow discover how the Saint of Steel died. What a way to end the book.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for asdfghl.
170 reviews1 follower
October 9, 2021
that ending???

I just would like two words with the author, being like ‘stunning’ and ‘what do you mean with the last line???’ The second is not a word but you get the spirit. I absolutely love this world, and I’m delighted that so many characters from previous books show up because it’s becoming quite the stunning series! I mean it already was, this author could sell buns to a baker, but again, you catch my drift. Just read it! I feel like this is a hella setup for the rest of the series!!!
Profile Image for Sophia.
169 reviews131 followers
August 2, 2023

This was one horny, father-effing book. I loved Galen and Piper and thankfully this had a bit more of the humor that I was missing in the second book! I still think I enjoyed the first book best but the plot line here was my favorite of all three. Fun, easy to read. I hope T. Kingfisher keeps up with the series 🖤
Profile Image for Vee.
1,276 reviews105 followers
January 3, 2022

I can always rely on T. Kingfisher to pick me up, which is why I chose to start the year with one of their books. The books in this series are so comforting, they make me laugh and they're super quick reads. I like that Kingfisher can create a really vivid fantasy world with fewer words than a lot of other fantasy series. I think it's because Kingfisher is really married to expanding the world through their characters rather than focusing on the world detail outside of their characters.

I really enjoyed the underground death maze, it sort of reminded me of the 90s horror movie Cube, and whilst the death traps were no less deadly it had a whimsy about it that I've come to expect from Kingfisher. I think a lot of that was owing to the set-up of the death maze with the eventual antagonist. The death maze also allowed for more insight into the Clocktaurs and Wonder Engines. I really need to get on with reading that first series because every time it's brought up in this series I am so enamoured with it.

Earstripe, the gnole, got a lot of laughs out of me and I loved learning more about gnole customs. I enjoyed both Galen and Piper and I liked their romance but I did feel that it was slightly underdeveloped in comparison to the previous two relationships in both Paladin's Grace and Paladin's Strength. I think that stemmed from the majority of the book being spent in peril in the death maze, which was my favourite part of the book but I think it was kind of detrimental to the pacing of the love story. I did really like how Galen and Piper individually explored their feelings for each other beyond lust and attraction. It was made really clear what each of them liked about the other person and why they were a good fit as a couple, which is something that I appreciate when the actual trajectory from like to love seems a bit too quick - it made me invested in their romance despite having issues with the pacing.

I really, truly, hope we are going to get more stories in this world because that last line is something that I've been wanting to know for three books now. I'm desperate to find out what happened!
Profile Image for L.
496 reviews
October 11, 2021
Paladin Galen joins coroner Piper (and Earstripe the gnole) in tracking down the source of mysteriously maimed bodies washed up from the river.

Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,414 reviews

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