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Divorced Men's Club #1

Roommate Arrangement

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In search of: room to rent.

Must ignore the patheticness of a forty-year-old roommate.

Preferably dirt cheap as funds are tight (nonexistent).

There’s nothing sadder than moving back to my hometown newly divorced, homeless, and lost for what my next move is.

When my little brother’s best friend offers me a place to stay in exchange for menial duties, I swallow my pride and jump at the offer.

I need this.

I also need Beau to wear a shirt. And ditch the gray sweatpants. And not leave his door ajar when he’s in compromising positions ...


In search of: roommate.

Must be non smoker and non douchebag.

Room payment to be made in meal planning, repairs, and dumb jokes.

Since my career took off, I barely have time to breathe, let alone keep my life in order. I’m naturally chaotic, make terrible decisions, and scare off potential dates with my “weirdness”.

So when Payne gets back into town and needs somewhere to stay, I offer him my spare room with one condition: while he’s staying with me, I need him to help me become date-able.

And while he does that, I can focus on my other plan: ignoring that Payne is the only man I’ve ever wanted to date.

288 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 12, 2022

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Saxon James

50 books3,972 followers

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Profile Image for len ❀.
378 reviews4,202 followers
January 20, 2022
The thing about loving someone is you don’t get to do it with conditions attached. I don’t love him, expecting him to return it. I don’t love him, hoping I’ll get over it, or that I can transfer that love to someone else. I just love him. I’m starting to realize that maybe that’s enough. It’s not the easiest option, but it’s the one that makes me happy.

honestly, most of my enjoyment for this is because of how much i could relate to beau. everything else pretty much sucked and is forgettable, so take the 3-star rating with a grain of salt.

after discovering his husband has been cheating on him, payne returns home to move on and start over. with no money, job, or a place to stay at, he’s struggling on how he’s going to start fresh. but when beau, payne’s little brother’s best friend offers a spare room he has for him, payne can’t let go of the offer. all he really needs is to help him i’m terms of cleaning and keeping the place stocked. but one thing payne doesn’t know is beau has had feelings for him since young. perhaps being roommates will help him get this “little crush” beau has on payne over with, or maybe it’ll only increase it.

🖊 roommates
🖊 older men (payne is 40 and beau is 36)
🖊 best friend’s brother
🖊 opposites attract

the most memorable thing about this is beau himself. i strongly think if you can relate to him, you’ll enjoy this more (or at least his character). but if you can’t, i think it’ll falter your enjoyment because of how he comes across. but with me, his personality and attitude felt as if saxon james just took some of us all in and combined us to make beau, and i mean that in a good way. beau is not only a fantasy romance author (i would definitely read whatever series he’s writing cause 1) it has filthy sex scenes 2) there was a hint of hate to love/enemies to lovers there), but he’s pretty damn introverted.

to elaborate:

concentrating on your work so much you forget what time and day it is?
“That was the original plan, but it felt too claustrophobic. Like I was in a cell. Or a coffin. Sometimes I’ll go a week of writing nonstop, and when I finally come out of that weird place I go when I focus, I realize it’s been that long since I had any other human contact. At least here, I have a view of the street outside. I like seeing the sky.”

use coloring books to cope?
“Well, yoga, usually. And recently I’ve taken to refolding the crane you left for me, but the paper is wearing thin.” I laugh softly. “Coloring is usually the best thing because I don’t need to concentrate on it—I can fully zone out. But I didn’t realize I’d finished the books here, and doing it on a tablet isn’t the same.”

don’t really like socializing? has had horrible luck with dating because, for starters, you need to go out to meet, which is the hardest part, and then you need to talk?

“The thing about finding someone is you have to actually leave the house.”

“I don’t know. Maybe. I don’t like the dating scene. Of the last three guys he’s set me up with, the first one I forgot about the date and stood him up, the second was scared off by the end of the first date, and the third hung around for a few weeks of banging and then totally ghosted me.”

thinking about a certain and specific conversation for the entire day or week or month and wondering how you could have phrased it better because god knows how many useless things come out of your mouth?
“What?” I ask.
I cringe. “And now that I’ve epically screwed up a nice conversation, I’m going to spend the rest of the night going over and over it in my head, trying to work out what I should have said.”
“Really?” His gaze slides over me. “Why?”
“I can’t help it.”
“But it won’t make a difference.”
“I don’t do it because I think it will make a difference, I do it because I like to torture myself with all the ways I could have been better, funnier, sounded smarter or more interesting. I work out everything I would change if I could.”

not knowing how to socialize so you ask the man you’ve been pining over since high school for help?
“What do you want from me, then?”
“Teach me how to live with someone.”
His lips quirk. “Teach you?”
“Yes. I’m not good at it.”
“Living with people?”
“It’s more people in general.”

basically feeling hopeless because you’re not even “adulting” right
“Well, yes, that, but also, I’m not organized. I forget about things easily. Before you moved in, I’d order takeout or heat ramen for dinner every night. Even basic things like doing the laundry or changing my clothes feel too hard sometimes. That sounds hopeless to me.”

not being able to say no, aka being a people pleaser?
Do I want to go on a date with him?
Should I want that?
Lee’s attractive. Not in the rough way that Payne is, but he’s conventionally attractive. He also seems to be nice, just like Marty said he was.
Then why do I have absolutely no desire whatsoever to go on a date with him?
The problem is, I’m not good at letting people down.
And faced with Lee’s kind eyes and hopeful expression, I say the only thing I can. “Sure. Let me give you my number.”

He hums. “I was trying to think of how to get away.”
“It’s easy. You say, ‘I’m leaving now, bye,’ and then you leave.”
Beau laughs. “It’s not that easy for me. This is what I mean. I struggle with things like that. I don’t like letting people down.”

a romance lover?
“So, what do you write?”
He shifts in his seat. “Fantasy, mostly, with some heavy romance throughout.”
“Don’t ‘romance’ me.” He pins me with a look. “Men can like love too.”

“See? He has motivation,” Beau says. “I’m not feeling that in this book. My guy should be hell-bent on getting his man back—”
“Your romance is two dudes?”
“Of course.”
I arch my head back to where his books are lined up neatly on a shelf above his desk. “I want to read one.”
“Go right ahead.”
I make a mental note to grab one of them before I head to bed later. “Are there sex scenes?”
“Yes.” His cheeks redden. “And the rules are if you read one of my books, we both pretend like you aren’t. Don’t tell me if you like it or hate it—we just act like it’s not happening.”
“Deal.” But the sex scenes have me interested. “Are they filthy scenes?”
He gets redder.
“They are!”
“Well, no, they’re—”
“How filthy are we talking?” I cross my arms and lean back into the couch.

i feel like i just described myself in only a certain amount of ways, and i don’t think it’s something i can easily and magically get rid of.

yet, beau was also a sweetheart. he puts people first without thinking about himself. he’s a people pleaser and doesn’t really acknowledge it, which i can say is exactly how i am too, unfortunately. but more to that, he wants to change himself because he thinks he needs improvement. he asks payne to “teach him to socialize” because a lot of people aren’t understanding of his personality and how he is. beau feels like he needs to be normal, so he isolated himself in his own thoughts and concerns while letting others step over him without feeling like he can do much. he was sweet all around and i loved his bright personality. when he was comfortable with the people around him, he expresses himself freely and is himself, while with others, he feels like he needs to put on a different act, a fake smile. beau truly has become a favorite character, one i can see myself in just from my experiences.

like i said, i could understand why and how beau acted the way he did even at 36 years old. there’s certain things he did that some may find unrealistic or childish (like coloring), but i’m a true believer in 1) saying coloring has no age, especially as a coping mechanism 2) saying there are things he is used to doing for his own self and i think it’s important to note that things that work for some aren’t going to work for everyone. with that being said, beau’s personality felt realistic to me. there’s things i do at 21 that some may find confusing due to my age, but it’s gotten to the point where i’m accustomed to it that when i don’t do it, it feels strange and wrong, and that’s how i felt it was with beau.

“It’s also nice to … to have someone who …” I take a deep breath. “Who gets me. It’s nice to not feel completely hopeless some of the time.”

on the other hand, i wouldn’t be able to say much about payne. he’s much more forgettable, and his character didn’t stand out too much to me. nonetheless, there were still some qualities i liked about him that helped increase my enjoyment. how he let beau color on his tattoos, helped him create a fighting scene for his book by having a sword fight, and accepted how he is from the beginning and not thinking he needs to change, helping beau with his inspiration and writer’s block, it all showed how much he cared and wanted to help. at least as far as i can tell, both beau and payne acted like their age for how their personality is. i didn’t feel for beau to be childish with how he acted or how payne felt too collected for someone moving on from a 12 year marriage.

yet, other than his moments with beau, there isn’t much else to like.

“Why? And why is it a race? The thing is, you don’t have to act on these hypothetical feelings. Maybe they come to nothing, or maybe you want to give them time to grow, or you’re still feeling sore from being betrayed. Wherever you’re at, just be genuine with him. Spend time with him. Show him you care, even if you’re not ready to say it.”

what bothered me here the most were some of the side characters. i personally hate it when side characters step over and try to take some sort of control for the main character(s). this kind of goes back to beau not being able to say no, but i hated how much both marty (payne’s little brother) and lizzy (payne’s sister in law and marty’s wife) were concerned and hung up on beau’s dating life. while marty was involved more, i feel like lizzy also contributed. while i do believe side characters and friends of the mc’s can help out in any way, sometimes they over step and cross boundaries, which makes it annoying and frustrating. even if i knew this, it didn’t help to the situations, but instead added unnecessary conflict, specifically inner misunderstanding. marty not only set up beau with a date when beau said no, but he even tried making beau feel bad for not dating or not having settled in with anyone. this annoys me simply because it isn’t him being a friend and caring, but it’s him being nosy and not minding his business. whether beau wants to date or not is up to him, and when beau tried telling him no, marty just cut him off. beau’s date, lee, didn’t even help the situation beau was on. he was picky, rude, and selfish. lizzy was also a little nosy, telling beau he needed to get over his feelings and pining for payne and not finding someone else when beau knew exactly what was happening. he knew beau and him were hooking up and he knew payne wasn’t really in the position to date, letting beau know he doesn’t want to hurt him, but beau let him know it was okay. they were both consenting adults with what was happening and their family members were only making it worse. truthfully, if you’re really a friend, you wouldn’t be too concerned other your friends love life. worry about yours first.

one of the only things about the relationship that wasn’t entirely fitting for my likes was how beau and payne didn’t really get together till the ending. besides the sweet moments, they spent their time together hooking up. every time, payne told himself he isn’t ready to move on and date again but also couldn’t understand why he was starting to feel a certain way with beau around. i wish this conclusion came around before, that way their moments together would have feel more real for the both of them. sometimes the relationship felt one sided because we know beau likes payne, so their moments were sweet and memorable but i can’t help and wonder how sad it must have been for beau at certain times.

i also didn’t like how little of a role the divorced men’s club really had. i thought it would be similar to The Bromance Book Club series by lyssa kay adams, where they get together and talk, helping each other out, but there were only a few group messages we see where the other members come in. it’s not like the series is named after it or anything.

all in all though, while i also gave Frat Wars: King of Thieves 3 stars, i can’t help but think i enjoyed that one slightly more. this isn’t a series i’m really excited for anymore, but i’m still going to continue it.

Money means nothing; character means everything. And when it comes to character, Payne has me beaten by a mile.
Profile Image for Snjez.
874 reviews790 followers
January 20, 2022
Sadly, this didn't work for me.

Profile Image for Carol [Goodreads Addict].
2,685 reviews25.1k followers
December 31, 2021
Roommate Arrangement is book one in the brand new series, Divorced Men’s Club by Saxon James. This is only my third book by Saxon. I loved the sound of the blurb, I like starting out with a new series, and the biggest reason is that I loved these two men were older, one is thirty six and the other forty. I just had a feeling about this book and it was so much more than I even hoped!

Payne Walker is definitely not where he thought he would be at forty years old. After being with his husband for twelve years, he is now in the process of a divorce, has left his job in Boston as a high school gym teacher, and is back in his home town of Kilborough, sleeping on a twin bed in his younger brother’s home. With no immediate job prospects, he has no idea what is next. When his brother’s best friend offers him his spare bedroom with a normal size bed, free of rent, only asking him to clean up around the apartment and cook occasionally, he’s all in.

Beau Rickshaw is thirty six and is an author of fantasy novels. He got lucky when his books became popular and he even sold the movie rights to one of them. Beau might be considered a little bit odd. He gets completely lost in his writing, sometimes for days, not knowing if it’s night or day. He is forever forgetful. Will start one task only to get distracted and forget all about it. He gets anxious around people he doesn’t know well. He’s known Payne since they were kids and has been in love with him just as long. He kept it to himself all these years. When he realizes that Payne needs a place to stay, he rationalizes that if he offers to be roommates, he’ll finally find some flaws in him and will get over his eternal crush. Right?! Or not!

Beau keeps telling Payne that he knows he has annoying quirks that make him undateable. But Payne loves Beau’s quirks. It’s who he is. He’s fun and sweet and way more sexy than he should be. He’s in no place in his life to have feelings. His life is a mess. Not to mention, his younger brother’s best friend. But the longer these two are together, the more in tune they become.

“It might have taken twenty years for me to get to this point, but nothing has ever been more worth it.”

These two were just such a joy to read about. Payne definitely had a bit of a journey of self discovery he needed to make. But Beau is right there with him, getting him in a way no one else has. And the way Payne is with Beau and all his little quirks was perfection. I think I swooned most of the way through this. I also loved the banter between Payne and the members of the Divorced Men’s Club. They were hilarious.

This is an endearing, low angst, sexy, swoony, sweet and just wonderful book. It’s funny how when I saw the cover and read the blurb, I just knew that this was going to be one of “those” books that I would want to clutch to my heart and just squeeze. I don’t know who the next book will be about but I do know that I am all in.

For more about this book and so many others, come and visit me at Carol's Crazy Bookish World.

Profile Image for Shile (Hazard's Version) on-hiatus.
1,120 reviews965 followers
February 6, 2022
audiobook - 5 stars

Story - 2.5 stars

-Loved the narration. Nick J. russo did an amazing job.

-The story was just okay, I didn't buy the ages of the MCs. This read more like NA.

-Beau was adorable, Payne was okay. Their relationship felt more like Payne was just entertaining Beau because of Beau's crush.

I went in with low expectations, so it was meh but the audibook helped me get through it.
Profile Image for Renae Reads.
589 reviews549 followers
December 20, 2022
*** I received an ARC from the author in exchange for an honest review.

This was a beautifully heartwarming friends-to-lovers story mixed with a second chance. I loved the gradual deepening of feelings between Payne and Beau, their dynamic was so sweet and heartfelt to see.

I was so surprised by Roommate Arrangement, I did not know what to expect with this story but I was completely in awe of the beautiful progression of Beau and Payne's slow-burn relationship that blossomed during one of the most emotionally difficult aspects of Payne's life and his heart is shattered as a result of the ultimate betrayal.

Due to Payne's emotional state, he is taken completely by surprise by the quirky, adorkable, and complete sweetness of Beau who has been secretly in love with him for over twenty years. Seeing their friendship grow in their trust for each other was my favorite aspect of Roommate Arrangement.

Overall I loved this sweet romance that proves there are second chances at love that was so moving and leaves me anxiously waiting to read the next installment.
Profile Image for alyssa.
959 reviews195 followers
January 12, 2022

while nothing markedly revolutionary, per se, the story contained plenty of sweet, gentle spins to the trope that had me puking sparkles and hearts like no tomorrow. from tattoo coloring to sword fights to paper crane notes to making sure s/o is fed with warm food, JUST STAHP ALREADY 🤧💖

Beau (minus the ability to write stories) is me in a nutshell, and at times i honestly felt like the author was calling me out via his character 🙈

a few examples:
- i am guilty of cringing the night away after making a conversational faux pas, thinking of what i should've said or done to come across poised and personable instead of the true Ball of Awkward and Nerves i am for the sheer sake of torturing myself.
- the quote: "The thing about finding someone is you have to actually leave the house." GIRL I-
- when they cheer to having no life? AMEN SISTER. i felt that.
- people walking in on me doing weird stuff like yes i like to roll around on the carpet when i'm feeling stressed, do you have any complaints?? 😤
- forcing a smile and agreeing through gritted teeth to whatever people ask of me at the expense of my own comfort because i'm a full-blown people pleaser 😩

.....on and on the list goes. it was acutely embarrassing on a visceral level but also tremendously validating to watch a fellow neurotic workaholic find someone who not only embraces but also complements their quirks. add on the fairytale-esque beauty of Beau's age-old crush on his brother's best friend coming to fruition, and the romantic within me is singing from the treetops with the morning birds 🥰

Payne takes some time to come around and accept his feelings (which is understandable considering it's only been a few months since his divorce and his trust in anyone is basically shot), but he continues to be considerate and disgustingly sweet. i still can't get over how his first reaction after making the Payne-ful (sorry not sorry 🤣) discovery that his husband is in fact cheating scumbag trash is to throw the monster's toothbrush in the toilet, take a picture, and send him the evidence. TAKE THAT 😤😂

Saxon James has proven to be a one-click author for me, and i seriously can't wait to get more of the DMC crew soon! 💖
Profile Image for Meags.
2,318 reviews590 followers
September 4, 2022
4 Stars

I’m such a slut for a steamy best-friend’s-brother M/M romance and this one hit the spot, hard!

When the story kicks off, we meet forty-year-old Payne, who is ending his decade long marriage after the revelation that his dickbag husband has been cheating on him, and regularly. Heading back to his hometown is the fresh start Payne needs to let the past go and build his life anew, but starting over is easier said than done. Payne feels like a hot mess most of the time and isn’t sure what to do with himself, but with the support of his younger brother and his new buddies in the locally established Divorced Men’s Club, he finds each day a little bit easier to bare and new possibilities within closer reach.

Of course, everything is helped along when Payne’s brother’s bestie, Beau, offers his spare room, in exchange for some help around the mismanaged house. Scatterbrained Beau is a successful fantasy M/M romance author (awesome!), but he’s known to space out and get lost for days in his writing, which is where Payne’s steadfast presence is a welcomed help and joyful distraction… especially considering the decades-long unrequited love Beau has always harboured for his best friends delicious and kind-hearted older brother.

Beau knows this whole set-up could end in tragedy on his end—of the broken-hearted sort—but having the opportunity to be close to Payne, to potentially help him heal and move on with his life, is too good an opportunity for lovesick Beau to pass up! When Beau realises his attraction is more mutual than he could have dreamed, the expected roommate dynamics get mixed up, leading to some exploratory and sexy as hell encounters, which have Payne questioning exactly when is too soon to emotionally move on from one relationship to another.

Payne and Beau had chemistry for days and I enjoyed their trajectory from friends to roommates-with-benefits, to true lovers and more. I haven’t read many Saxon James penned stories yet, but I will give the woman props for her character’s sexual tension and steam between the sheets. This was hot, while still delivering on the character and relationship development, which I appreciated.

Beau was the real winner here though. His absent-mindedness and pureness of heart was so damn appealing. He outshone all the other characters with ease, making him one of the more memorable book heroes I’ve read in contemporary romance in a while now. I just wanted to cuddle the hell out of him, but at the same time, when he got his man, even when he thought it may be temporary, he gave it his all, physically and emotionally, and I adored him for it. For a while there, I was worried it would be a real uphill battle to make Payne see what was right in front of him, but thankfully the man knew what a gem Beau was and didn’t dilly dally (more than this reader’s fragile heart could stand) in getting his man.

I liked meeting all the other members of the Divorced Men’s Club too, which makes the decision to read on in this series all too easy a choice.


Audio Edition:

Nick J. Russo narrates so this was a quick one-click win where decent audiobooks are concerned.
December 30, 2023
4.25**** stars

When I added this book to my shelves here last year a few months after I actually listened to it, I had no recollection of the story whatsoever. Like none. Not even whether I liked it or not. *lol But when I was looking for a very specific plot bunny this one was recommended to me and hell did I get what I wished for. *phew

Anyway. Another thing… I have a relatively big tattoo on my right arm and it was such a cute image of letting my kids color it in - because I saw this idea in a book once but couldn’t for the life of me remember which one it was where one mc was coloring the tattoos all over the other’s body. And look what I’ve found in the book I couldn’t remember anything about. *lmfaooo

The romance of Payne and Beau is a super sweet my-best-friend’s-brother romance with forced proximity and a lot of pining on Beau’s end. And especially with Nick J. Russo narrating I am very very happy that this one popped up on my radar again.

Looking forward to trying out another one in the series. They’re supposed to be all hot as hell, so count me in! (esp with NJR being one of the hottest when it comes to reading sex.)

Divorced Men’s Club Series

Book 1 - Roommate Arrangement - 4.25 stars
Book 2 - Platonic Rulebook - audio tbr
Book 3 - Budding Attraction
Book 4 - Employing Patience
Book 5 - System Overload - release 11/2023
Profile Image for Cadiva.
3,740 reviews378 followers
December 19, 2021
On the face of it, this isn't "anything new" it takes a common trope - that of the best friend's brother - but by the time it gets into the pages of this book, something special has happened.

Saxon's Payne and Beau stole my heart from the off. There is an interesting premise for why Payne finds himself back home sleeping in his niece's single bed as he goes back home to his brother's to lick his wounds and it really worked for me.

Beau has been crushing on Payne, his best friend Marty's older brother, for almost two decades, he's dated but - as an author with a popular series - he's tended to get lost in his own world too much for potential lovers to commit.

The roommates trope also works beautifully here because Payne comes to see just how much Beau actually means to him, he's always treated him with kindness and never called him out on his quirks and their friendship is a joy.

As the story progresses, it just felt completely natural that they would come to be more than just friends, Beau provides shelter for Payne and the younger man is an anchor in Payne's directionless life.

The sex is oh so delicious, Saxon really does have a way of showing the intimacy at the heart of the volcano!

And the bunch of guys who make up the Divorced Men's Club are awesome, there is a real found family element there too. I can't wait to find out more about them and read their stories 😁

This went right onto my Favourites shelf, loved everything about it!

#ARC kindly received from the author via Foreward PR in return for an honest and unbiased review
Profile Image for JAN.
1,189 reviews915 followers
January 14, 2022
I'll be short and sweet NOT.

There were parts that I liked, but there were more negatives than positives.
Some OTT stuff, insert eye rolls
Also, I couldn't read Beau as a 37-year-old man and that's a big problem for me. Characters acting their age are a big deal to me. I think the author intended to show him as insecure, but he sounded immature instead and that threw me away from the story many times.
On top of all that I started to skim at the end which is never a good sign.
Not sure I'll continue with this series.
So .... this one didn't work for me.
Profile Image for Mariam, the clown.
648 reviews506 followers
January 14, 2022
I'm almost tempted to rate this book 2 stars 🤡

Unbelievable. This is why I don't like anticipating books because I feel like I curse with my magic touch and when I do end up reading them, they are SUCH a flop.

initial reactions: well, this was one HELL of a disappointment. 😞

I feel like the one good thing I like about Saxon's writing is her humor. She has a way with writing wit that is just so... It makes you think, How did I never think of that?! And I love it. And it might be the only thing I liked about this book. That, and the prologue.

Honestly, it's been ages since I skimmed reading a book and I skimmed the last 20% of this and that's DEVASTATING. I'm shocked at how much I just, don't vibe with this book.

Initially, I felt like I wasn't into the book. I was having weird moods throughout this week and tapping my brain out to relax and read a book has been harder as of late and it definitely resonated with me that it was I who was the problem and not the book.

And hell, the may just still be the problem.

But somewhere I dunno, from the start of the book, the story just got boring. I've lost the ability to enunciate words because I've had a long day but I just never felt like I connected with the characters and their romance.

There was definetly some cute scenes sprinkled throughout the book, but in the grand scheme of things, I couldn't wait for this story to be over by like 70%

The only reason I'm not giving this 2 stars is because I admire (and am biased) Saxon greatly.

Still, this dummie is going to read book 2 where I can't give two shits about who it's going to be.
Profile Image for haletostilinski.
1,351 reviews547 followers
January 23, 2022
So, I had been weary about this going in because I'd seen so many mixed reviews - more of them negative than positive.

I was expecting Payne to be, well, a pain. I kept waiting for it....and waiting for it...and waiting for it...and I kept waiting for it.

It never came.

Sorry to those negative reviewers, but I absolutely didn't see that at all. Payne was wonderful, in my book.

Payne is a 40 year old man who gets an OnlyFans link sent to him, and from there he finds out his husband of 5 years, his partner of 12 years total, has been cheating on him for at least the last two years. He gets to see his husband fucking plenty of other men in video.

Soon after he sees all that, he breaks his husband's laptop, puts his toothbrush in the toilet, blocks his number, packs his bags, and doesn't look back.

For a month or so he surfs on some friends couches while he gets the divorce proceedings going, and then after that month, he moves back to his hometown not too far away, and plans on staying with his brother and his wife with their two young kids while he gets his feet off the ground.

But it's not entirely ideal, and when Payne's younger brother of 4 years, Marty, suggests to his best friend, Beau, that Payne stay with him as he has an extra bedroom, Beau agrees.

Beau has also been crushing hard on Payne for basically 20 years, and Payne has never known or realized.

At first Beau tries to hide it, how he feels, and thinks this arrangement will actually help him to see the faults in Payne, take him off a pedestal, and get over his long, deep crush.

Of course, the exact opposite happens.

And after they cross a line sexually, Beau tells Payne he has a "tiny" crush on him. Payne isn't in the place yet to reciprocate, although he is pretty attracted to Beau and likes him a lot. But it's not long after his separation and starting of the divorce with his ex, and Payne needs to work through things before he could be ready for a relationship.

But still, over time, these two really start to work so well together, and Payne is starting to get confused as he starts to feel more and more for Beau, and yet he's not ready for a relationship yet at the same time.

It makes him waffle a little, but that waffling is completely understandable to me. If it was a few years after the divorce, maybe not so much. But this is only 2 months, max, after the separation has even started. He hasn't even gotten the divorce papers to sign yet. It's all so fresh for him, so I completely understood his back and forth that happens for awhile there.

His most egregious behavior is when Beau, who is trying to somehow move on from Payne, or just try to give someone a chance, has agreed to go on a date with a guy named Lee who Marty has set him up with. Beau isn't exactly enthusiastic about it, but he's doing it, giving it a try.

Payne has said nothing more can happen between them, but he is clearly jealous and is an asshole to Lee at the door while Beau is finishing getting ready for the date, and then later on he's gotten drunk and when Beau asks him to call him so he can get out of the date, he doesn't do it.

It was asshole behavior, to be sure. But to me it wasn't that bad. Again, he is so fresh off leaving his husband and having a broken marriage, and is pretty confused. He knows he's feeling things for Beau, he doesn't know what exactly those feelings are, and he's just trying to figure it out.

He's also drunk during the whole phone call fiasco thing, and people do and say stupid things when they're drunk.

Plus, Beau is properly annoyed with him, but the next day Payne apologizes, and they talk things out, and explain how they're feeling and where they're at with things. They're able to get past it after a good talk with each other.

Other than that asshole episode, Payne on the whole wasn't an asshole at all. He was going through something, he was getting over it, and he never once led Beau on. He also had Beau's feelings in mind before anything more could happen between them (aside from the first time they did something sexual when he didn't know of Beau's feelings for him yet). When Beau made it clear how he had his eyes wide open going in, and that he was fine with just a casual sex thing, and that he could make his own choices, only then did Payne give in (and even then it was like a week after their talk that more even happened.)

I adored this book, and I adored these two together. They were so sweet and cute. When they started leaving cute messages for each other on paper cranes around the apartment, and they would smile dopily at it, I found that so adorable.

Also other cute things like when Payne did a "practice" date for Beau, who isn't the best and peopling and doesn't quite know how to have a proper date, they had a cute tent/fort thing in the living room while they just talked and talked into the late hours...so sweet.

I felt the chemistry between them, for sure. The romance was so well done, and I just adored these two together.

Also unlike others, I did not feel like Payne felt less for Beau. At the start of this, Beau already felt so much for Payne, probably already loved him in some capacity, and so he was already willing to just dive straight into love Payne. But Payne had never thought of him that way before, and he was going through that mess of a divorce, so it just took longer for the feelings to manifest and for Payne to get to that in love state.

But to me, once he felt it, he felt it just as much as Beau did. And his slow progression from attraction to feelings to love for Beau was done very well. I believed him when they finally got to the "I love you" exchanges.

This was very good, and I already can't wait for the next one. I wonder if that one will be about Art, who seems to be the ultimate casual sex guy (wonder if the Joey guy we meet is the guy to change all that for him).

Overall I loved this, and I definitely recommend it. If you're worried about it from the mixed reviews, I wouldn't be. These two worked very well together and Payne was not an actual pain at all.

Definitely two big thumbs up from me! I loved this 🥰
Profile Image for Ash &#x1f349;.
564 reviews117 followers
January 12, 2022
4.5/5 stars
I finished that way too quick 😭 Saxon James books are such a comfort read for me and this was no different, it felt like a big hug right when I really needed it.

Also I’m calling it now for Griffin and Heath’s book next 😌
Profile Image for cal ♡.
632 reviews251 followers
January 22, 2022
❝ The thing about loving someone is you don´t get to do it with conditions attached. I don´t love him, expecting him to return it. I don´t love him, hoping I´ll get over it, or that I can transfer that love to someone else. I just love him. ❞

wow well it took me foreverrr to finish this. it wasnt that bad but the whole story wasnt really there for me too. it was bearable overall. honestly if saxon james went with a much darker/problematic storytelling for both beau and payne, i would definitely be on board. we follow beau whos secretly in love with his bestfriends older brother named payne. the said guy is attracted to beau but at the same time not into commitment thing. beau is just this puppy following and daydreaming about payne especially now that they live together as roomies. my first from saxon james and definitely not the last. excited for the next one!
Profile Image for Enay QueerBooklover.
434 reviews199 followers
August 22, 2023
4.5 stars
A great start to the new series “Divorced Mens Club”, with Beau & Payne making a sweet couple. Well, this technically isn’t the start (there’s a novella called “Making Him Mine” that details how the club started), but it’s not absolutely necessary to read that to get this.
What I loved? The connection between kooky Beau & heartbroken Payne was special. The way Beau was forthright & honest about his long term feelings for Payne, and Payne’s respect for his feelings & what he could offer was lovely. There was no wishy-washy confusion, but a gentle path forward with minimal angst. By about halfway, I felt completely sucked into the Divorced Mens Club, and liked the array of characters enough that I’m really keen to see what stories develop for the others (the group chat chapters really added to this)
What could have been better? When I’m having to wrack my brains to think of something, that says it all!
Profile Image for D.L. Howe.
Author 23 books558 followers
July 11, 2022

BR with my girl Cass.

I’ve never been a huge fan of tennis. Watching a ball bounce back and forth, left to right. It’s all just so monotonous.

So, you can imagine when characters go back and forth over the same subject over and and over again. That it’s not my particular cup of tea.

Yeah yeah! We get it! Beau deserves better but guess what?! All he’s ever wanted was you! So why not let him decide. Especially since you’ve admitted to yourself that you want to be the man that Beau needs.

I’m all for angst, I’m a particular fan of drama. But when it all stems from a lack of communication, if it’s redundant … I’m fucking over it!

Alright, now that that’s out of the way, here’s what I liked.

I loved Beau, at times he drove me nuts but that only added to how adorable he is. I love that he builds forts and wants to color Payne’s tattoos. He’s scatterbrained and free and the only thing holding him together are his hopes and dreams.

Payne thinks he doesn’t have a lot to offer Beau but he’s his glue. He makes his life better plus he makes Beau a better man. More confident and willing to step outside of his very small box.

They are so cute together but especially with the nieces. I’d love to watch them play hard and spoil those girls rotten.

Don’t even get me started on the sex. It took a hot minute to get there, but once that line was crossed they were all in. And it was hot as hell!!

Overall we had to jump through far too many hoops but we ended up with something as sweet as it was salacious.
Profile Image for .Lili. .
1,250 reviews257 followers
December 31, 2021

Roommate Arrangement by Saxon James

Ah! What a book to end the year with!

Charming, loveable characters ✔

Pining ✔

Beautiful progression from friends to lovers. ✔

(There were moments that I put the kindle down to take a deep breath and catch my emotions.)

Alternating POVs ✔

Great pacing ✔


Slow burn ✔

You know, I wasn't sure what to expect, but this story captivated me; I saw growth in Saxon James as a writer.

Beautiful storytelling! Highly recommend Roommate Arrangement.

P.S. I love the side characters and can't wait for their books! Those text messages gave us little glimpses into their personalities and have me hooked.
Profile Image for Rielle.
568 reviews60 followers
January 20, 2022

Kind of at 11%, but I skimmed the rest of the book and it just wasn’t it.
Profile Image for Julia (bookish.jka).
765 reviews214 followers
May 15, 2023
"The thing about loving someone is you don't get to do it with conditions attached. I don't love him expecting him to return it. I don't love him hoping I'll get over it, or that I can transfer that love to someone else. I just love him."

Roommate Arrangement is the first book in the linked but standalone series Divorced Men's Club by the wonderful Saxon James.

Our MCs are Payne and Beau, who I fell in love with as always with Saxon's books.

Beau is Payne's brother's bestfriend, 36 years old, very successful as an author but not so much at life and love. He has had a crush on Payne since school and no-one has ever quite matched up to the dream of him.

Payne is 4 years older, and recently separated from his low-life, cheating ex-husband. He's back in his home town to move on and to try and re-find himself as a single man.

Payne needs a place to stay and Beau has a spare room.

The rest, as they say, is kismet....

I loved these two! Such a cute, low angst, steamy slice of mm romance 💕.


A steamy 4 ✨✨✨✨
Profile Image for Laxmama .
615 reviews
January 12, 2022
This is the first book of Saxon James' new series Divorced Men’s Club. Fantastic start, I loved this one and could not put it down.

What may sound familiar - crush on the older brother - it’s just much more. Both M/C’s had their issues, insecurities, they were hurt in the past, real issues which made the story work so well. What I love reading is the growing connection between the M/C’s, feeling the happiness, the caution, nerves, along with the passion. I felt their interest and excitement building by getting to know each other.

The chemistry was scorching and just the right amount so the story flowed naturally. There was nothing forced, no OTT drama which is a killer for me. I enjoyed every page & hope to see them through the rest of the series. I can’t wait to see which one of the group is next they.

ARC kindly received from author via Forward PR in return for an honest and unbiased review
Profile Image for Vanna (on-hiatus).
712 reviews85 followers
February 3, 2022
3.5 Liked it Stars!! ❤️ I think the premise and the beginning of the book was a bit more than how it eventually turned out. There were so many parts of the story where I just loved Beau and his absent-mindedness, I also liked his self-deprecating manner, but it was a bit much to have this issue through-out the book. For such a successful author I thought he would have had a little bit more self-esteem. Payne was a great MC, but I sometimes I got the feeling that Beau was little "too convenient" for him and maybe, had he not needed to stay with him, he would have never seen how adorable and charming Beau was. 😳
However the story is well-written; there's lots of humor, steam, passion and some low-angst as well. Payne and Beau get their happy ending 💘 and I'm intrigued enough by the other members of the Divorced Men's Club that I'll certainly check out the rest of the series😍. Highly recommended to fans of low-angst M/M romances!! 👍👍
Profile Image for Preeti.
721 reviews
August 6, 2022
3.5 ✨
This is my first book by Saxon James and I enjoyed it more than I was expecting to. I wanna give the full credit to the author but let's not forget Nick J Russo has an awesome voice. The best part is his voice never makes me cringe/make me uncomfortable during smutty scenes...and that's my friend is the best quality in an audiobook narrator.🤭🤭
Okay, so coming back to the story, it was nothing special, there was forced proximity and a ton of pining. Usually, I don't like one-sided pining because after a while it feels pathetic but here I didn't mind it. Maybe because liked Beau and Payne too is a nice guy. And, started liking it more when the pining become mutual. But, without a doubt, Beau is the best part of the book. He is quirky and a real sweetheart.
I am definitely going to read more from the author to see if her writing works for me.
Profile Image for L Ann.
623 reviews137 followers
September 15, 2022
Before reading this story I read all of the mixed reviews from my GR friends and lowered my expectations accordingly. The beginning was rather boring and it took me a long time to get into the story and start caring about the relationship between the MCs… neither of which I was particularly drawn to. Sure, Beau’s quirky behavior was cute and Payne’s ability to move on from that horrific betrayal was admirable but I thought they were both a bit bland, as was this entire plot, honestly.

Since I listened to the audio book I was able to finish it quickly but I know that wouldn’t have been the case if I had read the book on its own. I still would have finished it, it just would’ve taken much longer. There really isn’t much more to say about this story. It wasn’t good but it wasn’t bad. The characters were… there, and the ending was okay. 3 generous stars
Profile Image for Aimora.
330 reviews62 followers
January 15, 2022
My mind is too twisted for a book like this sometimes. Today is one of those days I needed something darker. In this book, everything wrapped up a little too easily for me, a little too shiny and clean and wrinkle free.

My depraved mind wants rough edges to grab on to. Maybe a dual pov prequel as experienced by Payne and Kyle.
Profile Image for Chelsea.
272 reviews115 followers
January 8, 2024
Definitely not my fave in the sadenverse, but that's okay. The main reason is Payne, he's a jerk with his "I don't want to give you false hope" bullshit the whole book, but then proceeds to do EVERYTHING humanly possible that would give someone false hope.. He an ass. But I'll definitely be back for more of the series anyway because I am ✨ weak ✨
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,186 reviews

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