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Frat Wars #2

Master of Mayhem

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Bro big or bro home.


As social chair of Sigma Beta Psi, I’m the life of the party. It’s what I’m known for, and if it’s not fun, I’m not interested, simple as that.

I’m not someone who overthinks.

So when one of my brothers hooks up with a dude from another frat house, it catches me off guard when I can’t stop thinking about them … together.

There’s only one way for me to get this obsession out of my head and that’s by jumping in with both feet and putting it into practice.

The problem is, the one guy who’s up for the ride, is the last one I’d expect.


Being risk manager of a frat house is nobody’s idea of a good time. My brothers get annoyed when I put a damper on their plans, and wrangling drunken frat brothers isn’t how I pictured my Saturday nights of senior year.

I’m bored.

In a rut.

Study, frat duties, planning for the future.

When is it my turn to let loose for a moment?

So when my dumb-as-bricks frat bro is scoping out the house for a little experimenting fun, I throw out the offer like it isn’t the most nerve-wracking thing I’ve ever considered.

I never imagined I’d actually enjoy it.

275 pages, Kindle Edition

First published March 20, 2022

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Saxon James

50 books3,974 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 787 reviews
Profile Image for Snjez.
874 reviews791 followers
August 20, 2023
2.5 stars

I didn't enjoy this one as much as the first book, but it was fun and even sweet at times - when I look past Robbie and Brandon being ridiculous and all their experimenting which I skimmed through.

I have to say that I often had trouble distinguishing between the two, and had to go back to see whose POV I was reading or who was talking. They sounded too much alike.

I loved seeing Chad and Bailey again and I'm looking forward to the next book. I'm hoping there will be less pranks and s*x scenes and more substance. 😉

Edit: Rating rounded down
Profile Image for ellie.
335 reviews3,197 followers
March 29, 2022
i feel like the odd one out with how much everyone didn’t seem to enjoy this😭😭

i can’t not give this five stars, im sorry. it’s probably closer to four but i just had so much fun!! no book has made me laugh out loud this much in a really long time, so what the hell. five stars all around lol.

was it perfect? no. but did i have such a wonderful time reading it while falling hopelessly in love with Robbie and Brandon and their relationship?? fuck yeah, i did.

i laughed so much. i swooned a lot. my heart melted time and time again over them. they delivered. and i was terrified they wouldn’t since the previous book wasn’t for me. i adored both Brandon and Robbie as individuals and as a couple, so it just made for a wonderful read for me! (unlike book one where Bailey was not my cup of tea, while Chad was just delightful).

i think it’s why the humour worked so well for me, and ultimately the book, was the fact they just had really wonderful chemistry based on an awesome friendship. you could feel they were friends so it then made their transition into lovers much more authentic. i seriously thought the whole “dude bro” shit would piss me off (i totally understand why it irritated a lot of other people lol) but i actually found it funny and endearing lol. it worked for Robbie’s personality while Brandon being exasperated with him was priceless. it just added to their dynamic.

they pulled off the idiotic golden retriever x the uptight, exasperated caretaker who reins said golden retriever in when he’s off his leash so well ahaha. i just loved their entire relationship, as best friends, frat brothers, boyfriends and soulmates. they just fit. they knew each other better than anyone and were each other’s biggest defenders, but equally talked so much shit about each other and wouldn’t let anyone else say shit.

their dynamic is my kryptonite, so it probably contributed to my enjoyment a lot.
Robbie is mine, and hearing people talk shit about him makes me ragey. Only I’m allowed to do that.

im just gonna bullet point all the shit they did that was so cute to me🥺 minor spoilers but all out of context.

🏅their high-fiving. who knew two frat bros high-fiving would make my heart melt??

Somehow, even in the dark, when I go to high-five him, his hand is already there waiting.

🏅 the whole miniature food scenario was so adorable and funny. i was giggling to myself every few minutes. “playing giant” was just so fun to read, idk, it added to their personalities and dynamic. they could switch up from being the biggest Neanderthals to the softest cuties.

🏅them spending Christmas together and all the shit they get up to. like their first “official” kiss (bcos the one before don’t count for me lol).

”What are you going to do?” he taunts.
“Lick your lips again and you’ll find out.”
At first, nothing.
Then the tip of his pink tongue darts out.
Fucking Brandon.

🏅 Robbie always being so protective and concerned about Brandon— with his asthma (like hello? the scene in the previous book where he kicks the damn door off the hinges to get to Brandon??) and wanting Brandon to have the best senior year so does everything he can to make sure Brandon doesn’t have to sit on the sidelines all of the time. like taking over Brandon’s job????

I scoff. “You wouldn’t know the first thing about being risk manager.”
“Sure I do. I’ve just gotta put on my big-boy panties, shove a stick up my ass, and ruin everyone’s fun. Piece of cake.”
“Technically, you should shove the stick up there before you put on panties. Geez, you wanna be with a guy and know nothing about butt stuff.”
“Since you’re so knowledgeable, are you offering?”
Fucking Robbie. I flop onto my back again. “Why are you such a pain in the ass?”
“I can be a pain in the ass.”
I spare him a small smile. “You wish.”

🏅 their trip to Brandon’s parents’ house where they lie in bed together whispering about their hopes for the future while secretly yearning for the other person to be their future.

🏅 their constant bickering. everyone saying how they’re like an old married couple was so accurate lmao. but in the end, if anyone else joined in on their ribbing, the way they’d immediately defend each other 🥺🥺

“We can stop kidding ourselves that this is nothing, because I think it might be everything.”

the grand gesture should have made me cringe to no end... and yet i was giggling like a loon the whole damn time. i truly loathe public grand gestures, like if anyone ever did that to me id be leaving the country under a new identity and never to be heard from again. but idk, it worked for Robbie and Brandon so well. it fit Robbie’s personality and how Brandon always goes along with his shit for the wild ride... and to make sure Robbie doesn’t get himself killed💀

and again, i gotta give the humour of this book another honourable mention bcos i don’t think i would have enjoyed it as much as i did without all the laughter i experienced. Robbie and Chad arguing who has the better boyfriend truly has to take the cake for me:

“Pretty cool? Pretty cool? You wish your boyfriend was as cool as mine.”
“Fuck off. Brandon has more cool points in one nut than the three of us put together.”
“Bailey could kick Brando’s ass with his eyes closed.”
“His eyes would be closed, because Brandon would knock him the fuck out.”

im sorry but this shouldn’t have been as funny as it was😭😭😭 i love Robbie sm. (and ngl, would love to see Brandon bitch slap Bailey, too).

so overall, i just had so much fun! it’s definitely not gonna be for everyone, and that’s okay but i loved it. yes it’s a pretty simple plot with little to no angst... but it worked. and now i can’t wait for Charles and Zeke!!
Profile Image for Marci.
478 reviews289 followers
April 14, 2022
This book exhausted me. It was just so so so boring. I lost all motivation to read it past 50% but I did finish it BUT AT WHAT COST!?!?! Hahahah.😅 No chemistry. Sex scenes were so meh. I never want to hear the words frat or bro again EVER. Robbie and Brandon sounded the EXACT SAME!!!! Even when they talked to each other! At one point I cared enough to flip back to see who was talking but then I just stopped caring. Frat as fuck more like I’m tired as fuck.
Profile Image for moonlight ☾ [semi-hiatus].
683 reviews1,430 followers
March 24, 2022
❝But I am. I can do relationships, and I can be committed. I'd be the best fucking boyfriend in history, because if I was into someone enough that I wanted that with them, they'd be my whole world.❞
~ Robbie 2022

the amount of bro/dude dialogue in this, i swear... 😭

but did i still enjoy the hell out of this book? i think my rating can speak for itself. 🥰

✧ ROBBIE IS MY LOVE. i love unapologetic-doesn't-care-what-others-say-about-them characters and that was robbie. he was loud and not afraid to put himself out there, but i also loved how we see a glimpse of his vulnerable side and insecurities. he is still a human with feelings and emotions, after all. just because all you see on the surface is his confidence, it doesn't mean he's always like that yk?
✧ the christmas vacation scene when everyone left to go visit their families or wherever, but robbie stayed behind and brandon decided to stay as well. they had so many cute and domestic moments, I ADORE THEM. 🥰
✧ don't mistake my 4-star rating as i didn't love robbiebrandon as much as i loved chadbailey (mcs of book one) bc, if i'm being honest, i loved both couples equally. the amount of bro/dude and the fact that i wish it didn't take them 84% to become bfs were why i took off one star. the tension, chemistry, banters!! they were all there for me, i just thought the experiment dragged on too long for my liking bc there had been instances around the 60-70% mark when they could have confessed and we could have had more cute moments of them as a couple.
✧ zekecharleszekecharleszekecharleszekecharleszekecharles.
enough said.
okay but why do i have a feeling (or maybe just wishful thinking?) these two have been secretly either hooking up or have been together this whole time and they're just good at pretending nothing is happening sjhskfh. i won't be surprised if my theory isn't wrong but, regardless, i'm excited for their story!! 🥰
✧ so...will robbie's brother, marshall, and his roommate have their own book or what? enemies to lovers? i'm here for it. 👀
✧ the scene when robbie and chad had the audacity to compete for who has a better bf. IT WAS SO THEM. 😂😂
✧ the relationship between robbie and brandon's parents was so pure! i loved how they immediately just got along, even though they met through a phone call.

sidenote: thank u to my fav person to br with for doing this with me!! i still had a fun time, regardless of our difference of opinions (although we still thought it was cute in some parts, so it's okay 😭). <3
Profile Image for Mila (Semi-Hiatus).
250 reviews333 followers
March 26, 2022
***3.75 rating***

“Do you?” I brush his nose with mine. “Because I’ve gotta say, Rob-dog, I really like the you that you are.”“Cargo pants and all?”“Right down to your fanny pack.” His troublemaker look appears. “I’m a big fan of your fanny too.”“Dude, call it an ass.”“My boyfriend’s ass.”

"But then I meet his blue eyes, and everything around us … stops. “I want to keep you.” He clears his throat, but his voice still comes out on a rasp. “I’m not going anywhere.” 💕💕

This book was cheesy af but absolutely fucking cute and adorable.😭😭

Totally frat bro🤙🏻.

I know my rating for book 1 was higher but I think I like Robbie and Brandon's story more.

Brief Summary:

We first met Robbie and Brandon in the previous book, where as a result of the "prank" Brandon's life was almost threatened, due to his asthma. In the first book it was implied that Robbie and Brandon are close friends, always attached at the hip. That is still true in this book but in a different way, one that is considered more than friendship.

Since, Chad and Bailey "came out" with their relationship, Robbie cannot stop thinking about the 🍆. In fact, our frat bro is very curious. So much so that he wants to feel up Chad's 🍆 so he can put an end to his curiosity 🤦🏼‍♀️. But of course, Bailey Prince will not ever let that happen lmao. To experiment or whatever Robbie wants to call it, he sets his sight on his good old bro, Brandon, the risk manager of the frat. Brandon, however has a "girlfriend" called Jenny but that doesn't stop our duo from hooking up and exploring their sexuality and relationship.

A friends-to-lovers romance with frat shenanigans, this book was a fun, sweet read. I think if you enjoyed the previous book, you will like this one!

My thoughs on Robbie and Brandon's story:

Despite there being endless "bros" and "frat" thrown in the book, or it being cheesy, I enjoyed book 2. Robbie and Brandon went from frat bros, to cumpanions (if you read the book you know 😂) to brofriends, and to finally being lovers or as they say boyfriends 😌. Frat af🤙🏻. Sorry I cannot help it haha.

I enjoyed this duo, with Robbie and his fanny packs, knitting and shenanigans and Brandon with his vampire teeth, protectiveness and rationality, this couple was not only adorable but also so charming. They had many firsts together, and experienced a lot together as well. So many precious moments between the two, so many insecurities and vulnerabilities revealed. Jealousy and protectiveness, this book had it. There were also many funny moments 🤣. It was quite a fun ride and I absolutely enjoyed it. The sex scenes were good too😉. So there is that haha. I am quite excited for Zeke and Charles, the sexual tension omg. August is too far 😭 but I will be ready when their book arrives.

Until next time👋🏻.
Profile Image for Cadiva.
3,740 reviews378 followers
February 27, 2022
I had the biggest smile on my face throughout this book.

As with Frat Wars: King of Thieves, I have absolutely ZERO clue about Frats, Sororities or how the hell the American University Greek system works, but it didn't stop me from laughing at dozens of points through this story as Robbie pulled off ridiculous stunts and Brandon tried to reign him in.

Throughout book one it was clear there were sparks between these two, not just because Brandon's the Risk Manager for the Frat and Robbie's the one giving him grey hairs with his Social Manager outrageous pranks, but the hints of possibilities.

What I really loved most about this one though was the absolute lack of unnecessary drama or complications thrown in just to cause issues.

Robbie's decision that he wanted to explore his sexuality, and that he wanted to do it with a Frat Brother, was both ridiculously sweet and also - once he and Brandon gravitated together - insanely hot.

They talk to each other, such a novelty in collage age settings! They discuss what they'd like to try, how they feel and, when things start getting complicated, they talk about feelings. Of course, they've both needed a bit of a kick up the backside before this point and I loved how supportive not only the rest of the Frat was but also Brandon's parents.

I loved the organic way they explored first their overwhelming attraction to each other after their first dare kiss and then how their solid friendship was able to morph into something more.

The final chapters had me smiling so much my cheeks hurt and the Epilogue, set 10 years later, had my heart melting. I'm pretty sure who we're getting for Book Three and I have to say, I'm dying to come back to the first two books after I've read that one and see if I can spot any more clues!

#ARC kindly received from the author via Foreward PR in return for an honest and unbiased review.
Profile Image for Renae Reads.
589 reviews549 followers
December 20, 2022
*** I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book***

Robbie and Brandon were so much fun!!! They are the ultimate Brofriends and I was completely enamored with their hilarious dynamic. Seeing how their friendship was so true and sincere between the two that it made total sense for everything to progress to more.

Frat Wars: Master of Mayhem consists of Robbie questioning his sexuality and wanting someone to help narrow down his interests. Brandon being the supportive friend decides to be his guinea pic and of course, feelings develop from there.

The simple act of helping out his bro quickly turns complicated and confusing as feelings between the two grow. Seeing both Robbie and Brandon navigate their changing feelings was both hilarious and heartwarming. Their story was full of laughs and tender moments that created such a sweet story.

Also, Robbie's declaration of love was absolutely perfect and not subtle, that moment was amazing!!!
Profile Image for Imme van Gorp.
722 reviews1,119 followers
June 23, 2024
|| 4.0 stars ||

This was a very light-hearted, fun and sweet college romance about two frat brothers slowly realizing they are each other's soulmates.

The frat dynamic and pranks were much less prominent in this sequel than it was in the first book, which surprised me considering Brandon and Robbie's positions and personalities, but I actually liked that this book focused more on their relationship than anything else.

These two weren't just a dumb jock and uptight control-freak experimenting together; they were close friends with banter and adorable personalities. They were both very likeable and had good chemistry.
Their relationship was all very dude-bro, though, but that honestly just fitted with their personalities, so I didn’t find it annoying.

There's nothing showstopping or special about their dynamic, and there are no super deep emotions here, as everything is rather straightforward and done plenty of times before, but it was all extremely enjoyable and I had a really good time reading this.

Maybe a little more drama or conflict would have been nice. Or maybe a little more depth. But to be honest, I was also enjoying the low-key and easy-going nature this book had.

Sometimes a basic premise can be gold if it's executed well, and this was done pretty damn well.

'Frat Wars' series:
1. King of Thieves - 4.0 stars
2. Master of Mayhem - 4.0 stars
3. Presidential Chaos - 3.0 stars
Profile Image for alyssa.
959 reviews195 followers
March 24, 2022
“Just talking about him is enough to awaken the dragon.”

“Stop. Calling your cock the dragon is as bad as calling yourself Rob-dog.”

“If you’d seen it, you’d understand.”

^ the mood of this book 🤣🤣🤣

[3.9] i don’t know what i was expecting from the story of risk manager Brandon and his vampiric canine teeth taming the beast aka Robbie, who is more often than not clothed in cargo pants fitted with pockets for days, a fanny pack, and his hand-knitted sweater—a true fashion icon way ahead of his time—but what a fun & steamy “head empty all vibes” read! while my heart will forever be Chad’s, i still enjoyed the chronicles of these two highly eager-to-experiment bum buddies fap brothers cumpanions as they explore and mutually satisfy their sexual curiosities 😉

what has me absolutely reeling, however, is some of the conversations were reminiscent of the ones i’d have with my older brother and male cousins who are now in college (“bro” and “dude” slip out without me realizing). now i’m stuck wondering if perhaps i’m part honorary fratbro by virtue of osmosis. am i a chad?? 👁👄👁 the consequences of existing in testosterone congested spaces 😂
Profile Image for Julia (bookish.jka).
765 reviews214 followers
March 7, 2022
"New rule," Chad says. One bro does not ask another bro's ho to see his dick. It's so not frat."

OMG I am loving this series soooo much. No angst, no drama, just really great writing, hilarious characters, fun stories and heaps of steam 🔥.

Frat Wars: Master of Mayhem by Saxon James is the second book in a MM college romance linked series, but you can read each book as a standalone (that said, why would you, when they're both fabulous?!)

Robbie and Brandon are frat bros. Robbie is the life and soul of the party, always up to no good and happy to 'spread himself around' with the ladies. Brandon is the frat house risk manager, dating a sorority hottie, and in a rut. The pair of them bicker like an old married couple but they're bros, first and foremost.

So when Robbie decides he wants to check out the D to see if it's for him, Brandon's GF offers him up as tribute. Who would have thought experimenting could turn out so well...🥵.

Robbie and Brandon were frat as f*ck and I loved them.

"Because not giving your partner one hundred and ten percent during sex is the anti-frat."

4 steamy as frat stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Profile Image for Dani.
944 reviews107 followers
January 9, 2024

I absolutely love Robbie 😂 I love his dress sense and his entire personality. The way he and Brandon are with each other is so sweet and funny too.

My hunt for more info on the elusive Miles resulted in finding out he plays college hockey! Making more sense now but I completely forgot about his character 😂
April 2, 2022
Friends to lovers, frat boy style.

Sexy, with a touch of sweet (Robbie, especially, is just adorable).

Bisexual awakening.

Far too many silly pranks (this was an issue with book 1 too). Does the author not realize that most readers in this genre are adults who don't find such OTT antics amusing?

Some issues with switching POV. Brando and Robbie's voices sound too similar.

Great HEA, with the same time/setting as book 1.

Can be read as a standalone, but I liked book 1 more.
Profile Image for Lau (semi-hiatus) ♡.
442 reviews463 followers
August 4, 2022
‘Love is friendship set on fire’ is the idea behind Master of Mayhem, a friends to lovers romance between the guy without filters and the one whose job is getting sure he doesn’t run into trouble.

We got to know Robbie and Brandon in book 1, where they were constantly arguing like the two soul mates they are. After seeing Chad with Bailey, Robbie decides he wants to verify he is into men too and asks Chad to serve as Guinea pig - I got so much second hand embarrassment in that scene while Robbie didn’t even blink.

As expected, Chad refuses to help and Robbie has to keep trying with his other friends. But when Brandon’s girlfriend tells him she doesn’t mind sharing Brandon for a little kiss experiment, things don’t go exactly as planned…

While Robbie was a handful, you end up forgiving him for being so unapologetically true to himself. Brandon was the rational part of the duo, even though he’d party more if it wasn’t for his position as risk manager. But this time Robbie is not stealing all the fun for himself, and the two would participate in more than one adventure.

The friendship between them never stopped being the center of the love story. Instead of changing after becoming more than friends, they kept teasing and making each other laugh as they used to. And there is nothing better than two best friends who also happen to be lovers.

‘Do you need to house-train me before we get there? () You know, warn me about my bad habits and teach me all the shit you need to for them to like me.’
That makes him smile. ‘You have nothing to worry about.’
‘You sure?’
‘Yeah. [My parents] are never going to like you, so there’s no point in trying.’

My other favorite part was, of course, seeing glimpses of Bailey and Chad - they will always be frat as fuck-, and all Zeke-Charles interactions. They are hyping me up so much for book three!! Also, it’s a tiny detail but I appreciated that Brandon being asthamatic wasn’t used only to create drama in book 1 and was still present during book 2. For being a common disease, I can’t remember reading a book with a main character suffering from it.

After tying Bailey’s wrists in a middle of a prank...

Chad drops a kiss on his boyfriend’s nose. ‘What if I let you tie me up later?’
Bailey stills. ‘Naked?’
‘Fine,’ he grumbles. ‘But if you do anything to my room, there’s no sex for a month.’

My only critique is that I felt everything was about the romance and I didn’t get to see them as individuals. All the worries in both POVs were about the other person, which left me feeling I didn’t know them outside their relationship.

↬ Frat Wars series:

1. King of Thieves
2. Master of Mayhem: 3.5 stars
3. Presidential Chaos: 4.25 stars

*Rating purely based on my ridiculous love for this series: 10/10
Profile Image for Layla .
1,294 reviews10 followers
March 24, 2022
Ok hear me out.

You know when you read something so ridiculous (in a good way) and so silly and so sweet at the same time, that you can't help but ignore some of your major pet peeves in a book? Well this book was just like that.

It was:
Sweet: These two boys were cute AF together
Sexy: Smoking hot chemistry
Silly: Robbi was just ridiculous
Funny: the pranks, the banter. It was awesome
And Frat as fuck.

Was it perfect? Nop
Was it believable? Not really but it's fiction really and it wasn't anything offensive or OTT.
Was it utterly bonkers at times? Yup! I mean Brandon's parents, the nurse outfit and the PUBLIC grand jesture? Bonkers I tell you. And I laughed and smiled throught it all.

This was such a feel good book. Hopefully it gets me out of my slump for real this time.
Profile Image for haletostilinski.
1,351 reviews547 followers
April 14, 2022
This was absolutely delightful!

I went into this wanting the bro-iest of bros falling in love and that is exactly what I got, so I'm so happy with this.

We saw in the first book that there was something between Robbie and Brandon and boy was there.

Robbie is a big guy, 6'4" and packed with muscles and well..proportioned😏 and Brandon is a bit smaller at about 6', less muscled, but still well proportioned haha.

They bicker like an old married couple, but really they're each other's best friends.

When Robbie - after learning about Chad and Bailey - becomes curious if he's bisexual or not, he's got a mission to touch a dick and potentially more to see if he's really bisexual.

When none of his frat brothers are willing, at a party when he's talking to Brandon - who has a girlfriend - Brandon's girlfriend says it's fine if Robbie tries kissing Brandon, and so they do, and they both really like it, even though they try to play it off like they don't.

When it happens again with Brandon's girlfriend's permission, it becomes harder and harder for them to deny their is something there.

Eventually Brandon breaks up with said girlfriend too, and when at Christmas break they're the only two left in the house, they start to experiment because Brandon is 100% up for it.

They start a "brofriend" relationship - seriously that is a term used and it made me laugh more than anything - that is just supposed to be casual, but of course they start to fall in love anyway.

I enjoyed this for what it was. It's just some lighthearted romance with good humor and frat bros falling in love, and I enjoyed it all when reading this.

I loved Brandon and Robbie's connection. Robbie in some ways fits the stereotype of "dumb jock" but there's more to him than meets the eye, and he has a good heart.

Brandon is more the responsible type, but he does have a yearning to have fun, so they both bring out the fun and seriousness in each other, respectively.

The sex was definitely hot and well written too. These two get up to some seriously hot sexual shenanigans.

So I would definitely recommend this for anyone who enjoyed the first in this series, and enjoys this author's writing in general. It's just a fun, enjoyable time with two hot frat guys falling in love with each other, and being funny and heartfelt when the time calls for it.

I also think as much as I enjoyed the first one in this series, that I enjoyed this one overall more. I just enjoyed the whole ride with Robbie and Brandon.

Definitely two thumbs up from me! 👍

I'm excited for the last book in this series, which will be about Zeke and Charles, the two presidents of the warring frats. Can't wait!

My ratings for the Frat Wars Series
🔆 Frat Wars: King of Thieves: 4.5 stars (my review)
🔆 Frat Wars: Master of Mayhem: 5 stars
🔆 Presidential Chaos: TBR
Profile Image for hope.
348 reviews221 followers
January 30, 2023
”You’re staring.”
“You want me to be staring.”
“Says who?”
“Says the way you keep licking your lips.”
“What are you going to do?” he taunts.
“Lick your lips again and you’ll find out.”

oh. my. GOSH. Everything that I felt was missing in the first book was in this book plus MORE. Their chemistry was electric and the goddamn banter? So PERFECT I could cry. I’m actually overwhelmed with surprise because of how much I loved this. Brandon and Robbie were both amazing characters. I was either swooning, laughing my ass off, or fanning myself because GODDAMN 🥵 I loved Chad from the previous book (and I found Bailey to be boring) but Robbie? This man hits Chad right out of the park (sorry not sorry 😂). He was just so himself and had no shame, he made me smile so many times I lost count. Him and his cargo pants and fanny pack omg! 😭 He’s the type of man to go OTT (in a good way) for his partner. But it’s really not OTT because that’s just how he is. He’s very charming in his own way. I honestly want a Robbie for myself.

I’d thought that once we started fooling around, the kissing would lose some of its effect. That I’d get used to it. Immune. But instead, every kiss is like a hit of drugs to my system, and I can’t get enough.

And Brandon? He’s the risk manager of the frat, where Robbie is the social chair. So they’re really complete opposites. Brandon is the relationship type where Robbie isn’t. Robbie deals with planning the pranks and Brandon has to make sure everything stays in line and safe. These two have constantly butted heads since their freshman year. Brandon is more uptight because it’s been his role for a few years now. He doesn’t get to have fun and do pranks, drink etc.. like the other guys. But you get to see Brandon let go as the story goes on and he turns out not to be what you think. He’s definitely not what I thought he was going to be like based on what we got in the first book. So that was a nice surprise!☺️ Robbie is curious about being with a man for the first time, so these two decide to try some stuff out together.

Touching him is my obsession. Whenever I’m supposed to be concentrating on something that isn’t him, my thoughts are overtaken, and I lose hours thinking about him, wishing we had more time together.

We get little bit of enemies to lovers (but not really, you’ll see what I mean 😏), opposites attract, double sexual exploration, a little bit of *cough* size difference *cough* 😳, SLOW BURN (I fucking loved this, ya’ll know how much I love slow burn) and SPICY SPICY SPICY. The spice was WAY better in this one than the first book. Robbie and Brandon’s connection felt much more real than Chad and Bailey’s to me. So it automatically made the spicy times even better, plus they were just better imo overall to the first one.

”I can’t figure out whether I want to kiss you or watch you,” he says.

I absolutely loved their dynamic and they just fit so well together. I normally don't have good luck with college romance because so many are no angst, all feel good vibes (I like some angst in there). Which this was, but something about this book just worked for me. My advice to everyone is that if you read the first book and didn’t enjoy it as much, just get through it so you can read this one!

Okay NOW I’m going to get into some spoilers because I HAVE to talk about it. These are some of my fav parts 🥰

🎉When Robbie admitted that he was always trying to do things to piss off Brandon was because he just wanted his attention, I died a little for a second there 😭
🎉I didn't expect them to be as close as they were! They seemed very much like enemies in the first book but they were by each others side all through college and considered each other as brothers/close friends despite them always getting after each other. But I LOVED it.
🎉So Brandon has sharp K9 teeth (like the “vampire teeth”) and Robbie’s obsession with them was 😩 and how he wanted Brandon’s teeth to scrape a little bit on his you know…. My face was 😳 during the scene “I want your teeth” “Just a little. Let me feel them.” I WAS DECEASED.
🎉 Robbie’s confession 🥺 bitch my heart 😭 Him saying that if he was in a relationship he’d do everything for them but no one has made him feel that way until Brandon. Yeah, I cried a little.
🎉 THE SEX SCENE AGAINST THE WALL 🥵. That’s all I have to say about that.
🎉How Robbie put bro in front of everything. Happy Bromas, brofriends… I was laughing so hard. Also ‘fap’ brother instead of ‘frat’ brother✋😂 like I said this man has no shame and absolutely no filter but I ended up loving him for it.
🎉THE GRAND GESTURE AT THE END? I wouldn’t expect anything less from Robbie 😌
🎉Brandon dressing up as a nurse to take care of Robbie 🥵😶

'Frat Wars' series
1. Frat Wars: King of Thieves - 3 stars
2. Frat Wars: Master of Mayhem - 5 stars
3. Frat Wars: Presidential Chaos - 4 stars
Profile Image for .Lili. .
1,250 reviews257 followers
March 23, 2022

While I loved the first book in the Frat Wars series, Master of Mayhem eclipsed it.

I loved Robbie's OTT dorky, conceited humor. There was this charm to him that swept me away. Then mix those traits with Brandon's more orderly personality for some fun.

So much to love:

-Opposites attract
-Bisexual awakening
-Unexpected feels

I often found myself smiling while reading.

Master of Mayhem is more like Master of Romance because Robbie had me wrapped around his finger. Who can blame Brandon for falling for the big guy because who doesn't want to tame a beast?

Loved it!
Profile Image for Novica.
54 reviews50 followers
May 24, 2022
i honestly forgot abt this book but I'm not planning on continuing on reading it so I'm just gonna dnf it 🤷‍♀️
Profile Image for Kirsten.
1,626 reviews75 followers
March 24, 2022
Words like "bro" and "dude"
don't make you cool. And "bro-friends"
don't make a romance.
Profile Image for Mariah.
1,281 reviews490 followers
April 14, 2022
I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.
This is somehow more ridiculous than the last one and I love it.

I'd been waiting for Robbie's story since we first met him and Brandon in Frat Wars: King of Thieves, and I'm happy to say it did not disappoint.

Robbie is the Social Chair of Sigma and Brandon is the Risk Manager, there couldn't be two more opposite positions, of people for that matter. But ever since a prank gone awry by their nemesis and neighbors, Rho Kappa Tau, Robbie has been questioning his viceral reaction at the mere thought of Brandon being hurt.

Brandon felt like he was a good choice for the role of Risk Manager, but lately he's been feeling more and more like a wet blanket, and is often called just that by his brothers, and hasn't been able to enjoy his last years with his House and his Brothers because of his duties. Especially when he's dealing with a fanny pack wearing manchild of a social chair with more pairs of cargo pants than sense.

Ever since Sigma VP Chad hooked up with Bailey, a brother from none other than Kappa, Robbie hasn't been able to quell his curiosity for guys. And in true Robbie fashion, he jumps head first into finding a guy to test things out with and starts with the closest pool of hot guys available, his frat brothers. As the title suggests, mayhem ensues.

I loved Brandon and Robbie, they had tons of heart and chemistry and this book was a breeze to fall into.

Cannot wait for the last book in this series, and to find out what's really going on between our two resident frat Presidents.
Profile Image for Grace.
3,029 reviews182 followers
October 1, 2022
DNF ~68%

This book was exhausting. I definitely could have finished it, but I just wasn't enjoying it anymore and really didn't care about the ending. I get this is a book in a Frat house, but the bro-factor and pranks were just not my jam. As with the last book, other than a couple of vague mentions of classes and coursework that we never actually see, you'd never even know they were in college with actual responsibilities outside the frat. They were also both on the football team?!? Which seemed like a very weird footnote because it basically is mentioned never to the point where I was confused the couple of times it was mentioned.

But beyond those details, the dynamic between the guys did absolutely nothing for me, and the way they went about the sexual exploration was very... weird and felt more like the author wanting to write spicy smut as opposed to something actually authentic. I mean, college boys who've never had sex with men before (and have given no indication of toys/kinkiness with the women they've slept with) and now they're dressing up in sexy female nurse outfits and using gags and buttplugs during their first time trying anal? IDK, not saying that can't be a thing, it just didn't feel believable for this setting/these characters.

This author is pretty hit or miss for me, and the whole frat concept is already not quite my jam, so I think I'll give the rest of this series a pass.
Profile Image for ivy.
583 reviews317 followers
March 25, 2022
DNF @ 45%
I loved Brandon’s vampire teeth though (and Brandon).
Profile Image for Steph (Teacups & Tropes).
815 reviews113 followers
March 24, 2022
4.5/5 ⭐️
2.5/5 🌶

Jesus this was adorable as all hell.

I'll be the first to admit, when the first book ended and everyone figured Brandon and Robbie would be the couple of book two I was SKEPTICAL AS HELL. I didn't see it. And I was so wrong.

They were absolutely perfect together. And this book made me laugh out loud numerous times. If I happen to say "broning" and "brojobs" and "bro my god" going forward, there is no one else to blame except Saxon James.

Now give me Zeke and Charles because I have been waiting what seems like my whole life for those two.
Profile Image for Vilma.
375 reviews47 followers
March 17, 2022
Master of Mayhem is the second instalment in the Frat wars series and we are now back at the Sigma Beta Psi house for Robbie and Brandon's story. They are the opposites of each other; Robbie is carefree and the life of the party meanwhile Brandon is the risk manager and the one to shut down things when they get out of hand. All in all, Robbie has recently discovered that he might be attracted to guys and wants to try it out, Brandon who wants to let loose for his senior year takes him up on his offer and from there it all takes off.

I love that there is no unnecessary drama or miscommunication or any other shit that usually messes up a perfectly good book. It's refreshing to not worry when the other shoe will drop - 'cause, let's be real, that happens in like 99% of all romance books and doesn't always add something good to the story.

The book is a quick and funny read, but I feel like some of it might be lost on me who has nothing to refer to when it comes to different frats, sorority houses, rivalries between the houses, etcetera. I mean, hello I grew up in Sweden and we don't exactly have it that way. It's easier to relate to sports books for me, because that's something I'm familiar with.

Something that I disliked was the overuse of words like bro and frat. I know that it's a book taking place in a frat, but I don't need to hear the word frat or bro every single page and in the end I just sighed whenever it popped up. Which was often.

Master of Mayhem may not be better than the first book, but it was still enjoyable and a nice break from the fantasy books that have been occupying my mind lately. I am more excited for the third book, because 1. we don't know much about Zeke or Charles and I'm interested to get to know them better, 2. they are the presidents of two rivalry frats and 3. I hope there will be more sneaking around because the suspense always adds something extra.

Thank you to Foreword PR for this ARC in exchange for an honest review! All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Profile Image for kaye taz | &#x1f4da;.
200 reviews18 followers
September 2, 2024
4.2 ⭐️
Spice: 🌶️🌶️🌶️.5/5
Format: audiobook
Narration: 🎤🎤🎤/5

They had me up until Robbie started singing.

I’m kidding, I loved Robbie and Brandon. Bros experimenting with bros is always a good time. This book also had a little bit more spice to it, lots of toys and plugs involved. It was a fun read.

Robbie was such a fun character too. I really just love a dumb jock. And poor Brandon always having to keep an eye on him so he’s not falling from a chandelier. Literally. And there were some slight hurt/comfort aspects that I was obsessed with.

This was very low-angst and chill, so I think I enjoyed Chad and Bailey’s book just a little bit more. I did like how Robbie and Brandon got started, and I’m kind of obsessed with the fact that Brandon’s girlfriend pushing him to kiss Robbie is what broke them up and started the whole thing. That’s a whole mood.

Seeing Marshall from The Dating Disaster and of course more Miles Olsen was great. Marshmallow making a joke about his roommate (Felix) and Miles talking about how much he misses his family while he’s at school. I love all my babies so much and having visits from them are the best thing ever.

I’m both excited but hesitant about Zeke and Charles’s story. The tension has been growing these past two books but I have no idea how it’s all gonna come about. I really hope it’s another light, fun story.
April 2, 2022
Some parts I liked, some made me roll my eyes so hard that my head hurt

I was looking forward to this one. I enjoyed the first book, even though I don’t really get this whole fraternity stuff that seems so popular in the US. But despite the silly pranks, the first book was ok.

So even though I knew what I was getting into here, it didn’t work quite as well, maybe because Robbie, one of the MCs, was too… much? No idea how to describe it. He was the epitome of a good natured, silly, immature man/giant-child. His level of bro- and dude-ness was hard was a bit too much, and even though I liked the pure heart underneath all his posturing, it kept me from truly getting into the romance.

Brandon I liked well enough though, so at least his pov made sense most of the time.

If it hadn’t been for the sex scenes (and again - be warned, the bro-thing made some of it a bit silly), you’d have thought this isn’t even a YA book, more like a grade-school-prank-juxtaposition.

If you’re in the right frame of mind for it, you might enjoy it more than I did - I’d rate it somewhere between 2 and 3 stars, rounded up because of the really sweet (albeit - again- completely OTT) “grand gesture” an the end, and the epilogue that left me with a smile. And don’t we all need a smile these days?

I’m not giving up on the series though, I have high hopes for Zeke and Charles’ book, they seem to be the mature ones in this lot.
October 14, 2022
2.5*** stars

Mhm. Not a big fan of this one.
I loved Bailey & Chad and their story in the first book Frat Wars: King of Thieves.
But with this second installment I’m a little disappointed. Sure, it was again really entertaining and full of silly banter and stupid pranks but Robbie & Brandon’s romance didn’t really do it for me.

I would’ve dnf’d it around 70% but decided to just skip to the last chapters for a little sweetness that I am looking for in a romance. And the epilogue was sweet, though.

Even though this one didn’t do it for me I’m still looking forward to Zeke & Charles’ story -- Presidential Chaos ♡ -- even though I'm not sure what to make of the hints we got to their story in this book's epilogue.


"Frat Wars" Series:

Book 1 - King of Thieves - 4.5 stars
Book 2 - Master of Mayhem - 2.5 stars
Book 3 - Presidential Chaos - 4.5 stars ♡
Displaying 1 - 30 of 787 reviews

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