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The Wayward

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Wilder James has spent her entire life in Beartooth, secluded from the Necanians and their domed cities where most of humanity resides. Content to keep her distance within the confines of her rustic community, she desires nothing more than to live out her years with her husband, Declan, in their simple mountain home. 
But when an unexpected tragedy rips apart her dreams, and intruders pull her from the safety of her camp and into a dark reality, she discovers the shocking truth. The Necanians are not bringers of peace. They’re harbingers of death. 
Now Wilder must decide if she will protect only herself and her people, or risk everything to try to free all of humanity. She is armed with the one thing her people have always had - faith. Will it be enough?

First published February 7, 2023

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About the author

Tabitha Caplinger

8 books122 followers
Tabitha Caplinger gets way too emotionally invested in the lives of fictional characters, whether it’s obsessing over a book or tv show, or getting lost creating her own worlds. Tabitha is the author of The Chronicle of the Three Trilogy, a Christian urban fantasy, and a lover of good stories and helping others live chosen. When she’s not writing book words, she’s reheating her coffee, binging a new show or teaching God’s Word to students. Tabitha, her husband and two beautifully sassy daughters desire to be Jesus with skin on for those around them. They live to love others, and for Marvel movies.

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Profile Image for V. Romas Burton.
Author 6 books130 followers
December 30, 2022
Caplinger creates a gripping and intense story in her upcoming novel, The Wayward. As we follow Wilder through her loss and grief, beautiful depictions of perseverance, faith and true love are portrayed through elegant prose. It is through this riveting story we learn how valuable the strength of one's heart and soul can truly be.
Profile Image for Tabitha Caplinger.
Author 8 books122 followers
December 6, 2022
Dear reader,

It has become my habit to use this space to write you a note offering my gratitude. I am truly thankful for each person who takes (or will take) their time and invests it into reading one of my stories. You may love it, or you may end up hating it, and either is ultimately okay because that is the way of art. (Though, I truly hope you will love it.)

The Wayward is a different piece of my heart than my other books. I sought to create a picture of a people who lived out what it is to really love one another and fight for each other. It was painful to write most of the time because it felt different, deeper, and more vulnerable. There is so much grief and brokenness to be found in its pages, but there is, I hope, beauty there too. And faith and charity and community.

I kind of want to live in Beartooth camp. Whether a village nestled in the forest is your idea of utopia or not, I hope you connect with The Wayward who have made it their home, and walk away with a small piece of them in your heart.


Profile Image for Sarah Canfield.
26 reviews
November 23, 2022
I don't even know where to begin with this book! It was all I was hoping for and even more. A dystopian world with cruel and corrupt leaders, fearful and deceived citizens, and brave and loving "wayward" outliers!

This world is full of love, beauty, truth, joy, and simple yet profound pleasure. All to contrast the fear, hopelessness, cruelty, selfishness and pain of those struggling through it without truth guiding them.

Set in a dreamy, mountainous, snow-covered village landscape, that brings images of home, togetherness, music, and the smell of fresh pie wafting through the windows!

I love Wilder James. She is strong and brave and willing to fight for truth and for those she loves, all while being super relatable and struggling with her own fear, doubt and loss.

I also love the value given to life sprinkled through out the story. To human life specifically, but also to the Necanians as they are offered the choice of redemption.

I definitely recommend this story to anyone! Especially to fans of The Hunger Games, Divergent, and The Giver!

Thanks so much to Tabitha Caplinger for sharing this ARC with me!
Profile Image for Kayla E. Green.
Author 11 books62 followers
January 9, 2023
Tabitha Caplinger is one of my favorite authors. Her authenticity, faith, and writing inspire me. When given the opportunity to read an advanced copy of her upcoming New Adult dystopian, The Wayward, I eagerly applied. Today, I turned the last page of the novel.

The verdict, ladies and gentlemen?

Tab has done it again. She's scribed a narrative rooted in truth, centered around raw, real, and relatable characters, that makes the reader *feel.*

The Wayward shifts from various characters, but Wilder James is the primary protagonist. She lives a simple, secluded life in her mountain home and that's all she wants. However, a tragic event flips her world upside down and Wilder is faced with a choice. Will she protect only herself and her people? Or will she work to free all of humanity from the Necanians who are heralded as "Bringers of Peace"?

Yes, The Wayward is a dystopian tale set in a world where an alien race comes to earth, promising freedom and peace to the desperate human race. But it's so much more. I would argue that, above all, it's really a love story. Not a dozen roses, plush teddy bears, and cheesy movie-esque love story, but an intricate tale of real, unconditional, redeemable, exposed love.

The love between Wilder and Declan is tangible, and the love between the people of the Beartooth community is honorable. But the most powerful love depicted? That's the love that fosters faith and a drive to find Goodness even in the midst of grief and pain, the love that ensures redemption and offers a soulful, true life of living -- the love that can only come from God -- is elegantly woven in this beautiful prose which is sure to move any heart.

I do agree with the New Adult target audience for The Wayward. In addition to the age of the main characters, the story does contain some violence. The truth about the Necanians and their plans is jarring. Also, infertility plays a role in the novel. I believe this topic will be more appreciated by a New Adult/Adult reader. Note that the plot is more character-driven instead of action-oriented. I think this important to mention because some readers have a plot-type preference.

Overall, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND The Wayward for New Adult/Adult readers, and I confidently give it 5-stars! Not only is this a story about love and faith, the character-focused plot will help readers heal in ways they didn't know a work of fiction could facilitate. Fall into the world of The Wayward and between the dichotomy of pain and healing, hope and despair, & light and dark, and find assurance that you are stronger than you know. Our hearts and souls are resilient, and through stubborn faith and perseverance, love will conquer.
Profile Image for Jess Brady.
35 reviews17 followers
January 6, 2023
I received a free ARC from the author in exchange for an honest review!

Christian-made hopeful dystopian. Realistic relationships. Loving married couple. Surviving trauma. Alien invaders welcomed on earth. Value of human life.  Free country living vs controlled and lifeless domed cities. Truth revealed. Adult/YA.

5 stars because this is a well-written, thrilling, yet hopeful sci fi adventure! This book took me by surprise because it doesn't feel like science fiction/ dystopian right away.  I saw one reviewer aptly refer to this book as "cottagecore sci-fi!" I highly recommend this for a reader who wants to "get their feet wet" in the sci-fi/dystopian genre. Set in North America in 2079 long after aliens are welcomed on earth as bringers of peace, the reader finds out that things are not what they seem.

Wilder is a relatable character who doesn't seek leadership but rises to the occasion to defend her town despite the tragedies she suffers through. The relationship between her and Declan is uplifting and realistic. It's nice to have a sweet married couple as the story's main characters without being steamy. Their initial romance was a bit sappy for my taste, but here I am splitting hairs. I would want to live in the tightknit mountain community of Beartooth and attend the simple church services there.

The story is told 3rd person from 6 different POV's and I enjoyed that! The concept of the aliens in this story is fascinating, and their POV's are central to the story. This seems to be a standalone story, although I would love a sequel spending more time with some of the characters! The world building is good, but I wanted more explanation about the alien's origins. The ending leaves a few questions, and I believe the author may have left them intentionally open-ended. The ending is thrilling, but satisfying!

(Spoiler alert!)
This book can be intense but nothing gratuitous because (Spoiler alert!) there is mental/physical torture, soul sucking, human sacrifice, and the aliens are frightening when they reveal their true form. Tackling aliens can be a difficult one for Christians authors who place them in a real- world situation.  One of the main themes is God's special creation of the human soul. These aliens claim to kill humans and drink their souls for survival. Later it's revealed that they can physically live without doing this, but they have no souls so they feel spiritually empty without sucking the human souls. At the end, the repentant alien Hesperia (who is a great character!) comes to live with the humans at Beartooth and it is hinted that maybe she can find a soul without killing humans? This makes me think that maybe they do have souls but they don't think they do because their culture has drilled it out of them???? These aliens would have to be God's creations… but maybe they weren't given souls? They claim to be an ancient race… whose souls did they eat before coming to earth? Also, there are supposed to be more aliens coming to earth but the ending never suggests if they do or if so, what happens. Fascinating… I want to pick the author's brain on what her theories were when writing this and if she will ever revisit it!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Just.
132 reviews1 follower
November 15, 2022
This is a powerful book! I wasn't ready for it at all. It has all that you expect from a dystopian novel: Corrupt leadership, blind followers, and a hodgepodge of good doers who step up to save the day. There's also a high tech city and off the grid villages. Can I have some homemade pie? Please, and thank you.

Where this book differs for me is the heart of it. First off, very few times have I ever read about a married couple in a book, and I absolutely LOVED it! It was just really well done and it worked and we need more stories like this!

Second, the tension and horror of this book! My goodness it's a whole other ballgame when women and children are involved and my heart was very moved by the themes in this story. I believe there is a battle going on with our children and unborn children today. And we need to stand up for them. (no, this is not an abortion book, in case this suggests that. But life is precious and worth fighting for)

I highly recommend this book to those who loved the Hunger Games, the Maze Runner, and Divergent.
Profile Image for Aly.
28 reviews39 followers
January 11, 2023
My heart. It was shattered, fixed, shattered again and then wrapped up in a hug. This book was everything I didn’t know I needed, hope, love, comfort, and of course ending with pie. I cried, laughed, and felt almost every emotion possible reading this. Tabitha is once again brilliant and uplifting with her stories!
If you want a cozy mountain core book with a beautiful sweet & real feeling romance that is also scifi… this is definitely your cup of tea.
Profile Image for Brittany Eden.
Author 11 books57 followers
December 3, 2022
This book was a surprise! I deliberately avoided the blurb before reading and without expectations, the story just sucked me in! Quick pacing, intriguing nuggets of the history of the future, and what a world—contrasting an alien invasion with what was almost an homage to homespun community somehow worked! It was unusual but the point-of-view characters were fascinating and pulled it off. Bottom line? If given the choice, I'd want to be a Wayward. 
1 review
December 7, 2022
I was so blessed to be given a copy to read! My honest opinion is as follows.

The underlying message teaches faith, truth and hope, but wasn’t pushy. I enjoyed the dystopian adventure and raw grittiness . It tackled hard subjects but was done with Grace and tenderness. The characters develop as the story goes on and I enjoyed seeing their personal growth and story unfold.

In conclusion, the story was a great dystopian adventure with a journey of healing and redemption . Good job Tabitha!! The book touched my soul☺️
Profile Image for Ali.
343 reviews7 followers
December 6, 2022
Wilder has only known life in Beartooth, up in the mountains and away from the cities the Necanians created after they came to our world. Her world consisted of her husband Declan and their little community thriving, but when a tragedy forced them into action everything will be challenged. Will their faith and determination be enough, or will they stay wayward and lost?

I enjoyed the vibes of this book: equal parts cottagecore and sci fi. Aliens and country living and so much more await!
1 review
February 7, 2023
The Wayward drew me in and encouraged my heart in ways I wasn’t expecting from a sci-fi-ish dystopian tale. The humanity displayed by the characters as they love and grieve and grow together in community is thing of beauty.
Profile Image for R.J..
Author 4 books75 followers
May 21, 2024
~4.5 stars rounded up~

"In the shelter of the evergreen forests, strangers had become soulmates."

The Wayward beautifully captures the emotions expected of a dystopian novel; faith amid hopelessness, treasuring the small joys amid oppression, and pushing through grief until you see triumph.

I enjoyed the characters, especially Wilder and Declan, and thought their marriage was encouraging to see in fiction. I feel like many times, book romances end in marriage and as readers, we rarely get to see the relationship struggles beyond the vows, so I appreciated that the majority of this book centered on a married couple rather than the dating phases.

"Perhaps the sadness helps us remain grateful for the joy."

That being said, without including spoilers, I would like to point out to potential readers that this book is not intended for the Young Adult (YA) audience. Is it appropriate? Absolutely. But the characters face very real-world (marriage) scenarios that many teens and young adults may find boring or unrelatable, because the romance isn't the thrill of the chase (as is common in most YA dystopian novels), but rather an established, healthy marriage. Would I be comfortable handing it to a YA reader? Yes; and I would even encourage YA readers to pick it up because of the display of healthy relationships and I believe that YA readers need to see more of that example in fiction, but I want to reiterate that the characters face some very mature topics that can make it difficult to read at times. Especially if you've gone through it. It took me a long time to get through this book because of the tragedy and sorrow that is so heavily laced into the story, that I just had to take a lot of breaks.

The plot is gripping and overall, I believe that it's exactly the story that the author wanted to tell and that the comforting messages during loss are accomplished exactly as the author intended. It's a beautiful book and I recommend it to readers who are seeking fiction with depth and faith amid heavy trials.

"Silence is underrated at times, but it can be good for the soul. Sometimes we just need another person to be in the room with us and it's enough."

I received this book from the author. All comments and opinions are entirely my own and this review is voluntary.
Profile Image for Trista.
Author 4 books2 followers
September 16, 2024
I wish I could give this book more stars. This was such a fantastic read. My husband is thrilled I’m obsessed with aliens now. I took a chance on a book and I’m absolutely obsessed.

Heartbreaking and hope all in one story. I honestly have little words for how great this book is. The author captured this story perfectly. I connected to this little mountain village. I ached for everything the characters went through. The changing perspective gave more to the story as well, giving understanding to the necanians side of things and adding that much more the horror and shock as we realize just who they really are.

Everything about this book was perfect.
Profile Image for Shannon (enchantedfiction).
212 reviews1 follower
January 26, 2023
Spoiler free review since the book is not out yet :)

The Wayward is a comfy sci-fi story with a dystopian style setting and a race of aliens determined to make Earth theirs. When the Necanians descended upon the Earth, they were reviewed as saviors for the planet. Quickly coming into power, their true colors began to show, and they created strict cities of order and discipline. Those that did not want to be under the Necanians ruling thumb fled the cities and created their own civilizations among the wilderness. Many years have come and gone since the Necanians first arrived, and this is where our story takes place. Wilder, one of our main characters, has lived in Beartooth her whole life, and has no desire to have any interaction with the Necanians. When an expedition led by Wilder's husband, Declan, goes sideways and tragedy strikes, Wilder is left with a choice when Beartooth is unexpectedly ambushed by Necanian soldiers. She must do what she never wanted and travel to the nearest Necanian city to attempt to save the lives of all the people in Beartooth, and the lives of all the other members in the Wayward camps. Will Wilder be able to outwit and outplay the Necanians, who are hiding secrets and wish to overtake all of humanity, or will they all succumb to the alien race's hidden agenda?

I have never read a book that is anything like this one. As stated above, this feels like a comfy sci-fi story. The world that Tabitha creates is believable for the circumstances of the history of the story, and when I say that I wish I could at least visit Beartooth, I'm not kidding. The comfy vibes of this wilderness hidden civilization just make you want to up and start being more self-sufficient. The drastic difference between the feel of Beartooth and the Necanian city, with its sterile and drab feeling, are perfectly contrasted to make you feel an unease entering the city. The characters are written very well I for one definitely wanted to be able to reach through the pages and strangle the villainous characters. (Again, doing a more generalized review even though it's pretty obvious who you are supposed to dislike in the story). I also liked the hidden agenda element that the Necanians had that we learned about through the story, and it added the race against the clock element which I always like because it helps with pacing of the story.

I for one normally prefer stories that have more conflict and harder to resolve problems than The Wayward has, but that doesn't change that I thoroughly enjoyed the story, the characters, and the heavy lean on Hope the story has. It was a refreshing story and again, can you really go wrong with a comfy core feel? I also liked the tie of the two feelings for the genres, the comfy vibe mixed with the sci-fi elements and how natural they felt coming together was. I would recommend this story to anyone looking for a story filled with Hope and characters you will fall in love with for their genuine care for others. It was a joy getting to read an eARC of this story and drown in the vibes as I was reading. I did not see what was going to happen in the end, and I always enjoy a surprise ending!
Profile Image for Alexandra.
Author 4 books5 followers
February 17, 2023
Such a thrilling, compelling story! And I can't even tell you who my favorite was as that may be a spoiler in itself but it's a wonderful and awesome one and I'd love to read more about... them. To tell the truth - about them all. I thoroughly enjoyed this book even though there are dark dark moments in there and it made me cry bitter tears. But it made me so happy too and the ending was just perfect.
Profile Image for Briana.
359 reviews12 followers
February 7, 2023
"She was just a girl from the mountains who wrote stories and picked berries and was ignorant of the happenings outside her small circle in Beartooth."

I love Wilder and Declan, that is all.

Kidding, I do adore them but that is not all. I also freaking adore this book! Mountaincore softness mixed with alien coldness might sound like a strange mix but oh my gosh does it work. Both sides of the world felt so real, although Beartooth definitely sounded more appealing. And the Necanians were great villains: beautiful but cold and terrifying.

But it was Wilder and Declan who stole the show. I loved them and their love for each other and those around them. I especially related to Wilder and her journey through the novel. The above quote is from her and it just speaks to me so much. I too want to run away and hide in the mountains, writing stories and drinking coffee and being content. I also really loved Hesperia and her arc through the story. It was so hopeful and I loved the redemptive aspect.

The Wayward is a perfectly cozy book for winter reading, with lots of hope and love throughout. I definitely recommend it or any of Tabitha's books.
January 29, 2023
When I heard Tabitha Caplinger was writing another book, my immediate response was to be super impatient! I’ve read each of her previous works (The Wolf Queen and The Chronicle of the Three Trilogy) numerous times. When I found I had the chance to read an advanced copy of her newest book, The Wayward, I couldn’t wait to get started.

Tabitha has written another tale where I feel like I know the characters on a personal level. They are hard-working, real, relatable characters. They value life and love and family and community.

The book is also full of stark contrasts that just WORK - simple mountain people and aliens. Corrupt leaders and their followers, and those who want to make the world better for everyone. Huge cities full of amazing technology and those who live more off-the-grid.

Tabitha’s newest protagonist is Wilder James. She lives a simple life - secluded in the mountains - away from the huge cities where most humans live. Truth be told, that’s all she wants. But her peaceful life is stripped away by an unexpected, unimaginable tragedy, and barely before Wilder has time to process her new normal, she faces the most difficult choice she’s ever known - protect herself and her mountain people … or work to free all humans from the race known as the “Bringers of Peace” - the Necanians.

Wilder is armed with the one thing she and her people have always had - their faith. Wilder’s love for her people and her strong faith lead her on a journey she never could have imagined. Along the way, she will face physical fears and struggles, as well as intense inner turmoil. Grief. Rage. Forgiveness. Redemption.

Highly recommend this book for Adults/New Adults. The themes are more intense and intricate than in her previous Young Adult novels.

If you are a fan of Dystopian fiction (Hunger Games, Divergent, The Giver) - then this book is for you.
Profile Image for Kaitlyn Jones.
17 reviews1 follower
October 13, 2023
Oh my goodness... it's so hard for me to put into words the fantasticness of this book because there's so much I want to say, but I also don't want to spoil anything. I've never really read a dystopian type book before, but everything from the plot, the characters, and the deeper spiritual themes that are in the story is "chefs kiss." Tabitha did a fantastic job with this story, and I'm so grateful to have had the honor of reading it.
Profile Image for Priscilla Bettis.
Author 9 books57 followers
July 14, 2024
The Wayward is a dystopian story with aliens. The aliens have brought peace and comfort to the surviving humans on Earth, but at what price?

Wilder (isn’t that a great name for a character?) is part of the Wayward, the humans who live in small, primitive villages away from the aliens and the protection of their peace-filled cities. She is the main point-of-view character and rises in bravery and leadership skills when the aliens don’t seem as friendly anymore. Wilder is a wonderful character, and it was easy to cheer for her throughout the book.

Caplinger addresses the following themes:
Safety and assured peace vs freedom
A slow, creative, messy life vs a regimented and neat life
Entities posing as good when they are evil
Faith in Someone larger than self or society

I think all of these themes reflect certain aspects of our contemporary life even though the Earth in Caplinger’s story is physically much different than our own. In that respect, The Wayward feels allegorical. As far as the theme of faith in Someone, Caplinger’s story isn’t overtly Christian, but it still provides readers a nudge toward belief in the one true God.

Overall, The Wayward is an entertaining and thought-provoking novel.
Profile Image for Emerald Barnes.
Author 25 books122 followers
February 7, 2023
Tabitha Caplinger NEVER fails to deliver a fantastic read, and The Wayward is no different. She's knocked it out of the park with this one, and it's sure to be a fan-fave by all who read it!

It's a beautiful tale of hope in darkness, and it is so unique!

Tabitha's tale of love, loss, and redemption takes place in a dystopian world where the hope-bringers bring anything but hope. Instead a group of outliers, those who don't prescribe to the false-hope brought by the Necanians, have tried living in peace outside of the city in the small town of Beartooth, but when danger comes looking for them, the main character, Wilder, must face the option of putting her grief aside and helping save her community or burying herself in grief. What ensues is a beautiful journey of overcoming grief, finding real hope, and learning to live in peace with the world around you as well as saving the world from the false hope-bringers.

I highly recommend this book!
Profile Image for Crystal Grant.
Author 16 books89 followers
June 22, 2024
The Wayward was not at all what I expected! And I mean that in good way. 😉 Although, I’m not really sure now what I expected…
But this book was so good! I loved how @tab_caplinger brought the FMC and MMC together and focused on a married couple. Wilder and Declan were likable and strong, ready to lay down their lives to defend and protect their community.
But this book will break your heart, too. This is a story of loss and broken dreams and grief, but also of hope and love and healing. A story of triumph after tragedy, beauty in the ashes, and faith over fear.
I could talk more about how the villagers used broken, discarded things to build homes and create art, or the strong bonds between old and new friends, or the bad guys—creepy beings who feed on human souls and care very little for the value of life or friendship. But I’ll let you read about all that yourself. 😉
If you like post-apocalyptic stories with a dystopian vibe and a dash of alien invasion, make sure you pick this book up.
CW: some violence and mild, brief swearing
Profile Image for Sherry Torgent.
Author 6 books19 followers
August 27, 2024
I'm not going to lie. I love a book with aliens in it. The great thing about this story is that it takes place on earth. So, if you prefer something with a more contemporary story line, then The Wayward is a great place to start incorporating some Sci-fi into your reading. Wilder James lives in a mountain community, far from the domed cities where most of the humans live with the Necanians (aliens) who have promised peace and prosperity to all. But as in all "to good to be true" scenarios, the Necanians are hiding a dark secret. I think you'll love the mountain core vibes this book has along with Wilder's emotional journey. There's romance, danger, intrigue, and mystery. The Wayward will pull at your heart strings and leave you with a satisfying ending that so many books lack these days. Add to your TBR today!
Profile Image for Joanna Monahan.
Author 1 book52 followers
January 1, 2023
Now and then, a book comes along that defies comparison. THE WAYWARD is that book.

Wilder James is our strong female protagonist, tasked with protecting her small community (dubbed “The Wayward”) while searching for answers to the mystery behind the Bringers’ true purpose. Set in the near future but with the aesthetics of past ages, the story unfolds in beautiful descriptions while tension thrums underneath.

Fans of dystopian fiction like DIVERGENT or the mystery drama WINTER’S BONE will devour this book as I did. But THE WAYWARD is wholly its own. Beyond the alliances and betrayals of such stories, this book is ultimately a tale of humanity, community, love, and, most of all, faith.
Profile Image for Shannon.
2 reviews
February 4, 2024
Loved this book didn't want to put it down til I was done reading it. Really LoVED the storyline of it.
Profile Image for Kim.
30 reviews
July 29, 2024
I'm not much for fantasy or apocalyptic but this book was absolutely fabulous! I will definitely read this author again!
Profile Image for Donnesa McPherson.
88 reviews5 followers
March 30, 2023
This book was more than any sci-fi or dystopian book I've ever read. I felt every emotion through this book, laughed, cried, and cheered. There were times when I wasn't sure how things were going to turn out and other times I wanted to take a stand with the others in the book. I totally recommend this book ❤️📚❤️
Profile Image for Laura.
Author 12 books84 followers
February 6, 2023
A heartfelt story about forgiveness and hope, this haunting post-apocalyptic tale will stay with you long after you finish reading. This is a love story—not just between man and woman but between man and his Creator. You will want to follow Wilder James as she faces a journey of discovery and growth. Strong themes of healing are evident throughout.

Highly recommended clean read!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 30 reviews

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