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One night changed the course of my life. My world as I had known it was damaged beyond repair.

My friends, gone. My family, gone. My reputation, gone.

Banished from everything I knew, I find myself seeking redemption.

I’ve been gifted one more chance, to save myself and the life of someone else.

Little do I know that this place is full of secrets, some harmless, others deadly.

I escaped one hell only to be dropped into another.

The only protection I have is to keep my heart locked away from those who are determined to own it.

But will that be enough?

Temptation is strong here at Holy Cross Academy.

Locked Hearts is book 1 of 3 in the Society of the Locked Souls.
This is a dark catholic bully academy reverse harem with a secret society twist.
There will be MM content, as well as a taboo student teacher relationship.
This will have triggering content TBD.


304 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 31, 2023

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Amber Nicole

37 books873 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 181 reviews
Profile Image for mia.
573 reviews265 followers
February 5, 2023
(Thank you Peachy Keen and the authors Amber Nicole and Jenn Bullard for the eARC in exchange for a spoiler free review)

(Please check trigger warnings and author’s note before reading).

I’ve not read these authors’ work before so this is the first and what a book it was! I love the cover too it's so visually appetising.

I have been reading dark romance for a while now and reverse harem is always a theme I’m interested in because I’m on the quest on finding for a great harem.

The settings in rh books matter because it sets the interactions in the book and this book is situated in a Catholic academy with a secret society, isn’t that interesting already? Add student-teacher trope to it and I was sold, I had to read it.

Chastity has secrets but so did the harem: Levi, Jonas and Bastian. There was a little buildup of trust so that Chastity can fall into the arms of the harem. Also usually in harems the guys are experienced/veterans in sleeping around or at least having an active sex life but in this book some MMC were virgins and that was refreshing to read!

If I can list a con, it’s that there could have been more plot. Some scenes didn’t flow to the next smoothly and it seemed to leave a gap that can’t be filled.

Nevertheless I’m still excited for the next book!
49 reviews
April 3, 2024
I don't understand how this has so many 5 star reviews because this was bad. Like, what the fuck did I just read?

Also, who puts the fucking trigger warnings at the end of the book?!

Just no. The characters were awful, the dialog was awful, the writting was awful. The pacing was weird and didn't make sense. The actions of the characters gave me whiplash, and they were so stupid. I rolled my eyes so many times during this book and for it to end that way, waiting for book two? JAIL.

Dude, fuck her brother because are we being for real about any of this?

Justice for Tempest because that was bullshit too.
Profile Image for S.A. Michelle.
Author 11 books318 followers
January 26, 2023
Holy hell that cliffhanger was awful 😭😭

Chastity’s life has been miserable and she caries some heavy secrets on her shoulders. She came to Holy Cross already broken, and the school tried to break her more.

I love the secret society, aspect. I adore all of her guys but Levi is my fave. Bast is a sweetheart, while Ash is the moody one, and then there’s Jonas the flirt. All her men and women work so hard to put Chasity back together.

I devoured this book and this is a book you don’t want to miss! This is an academy book unlike anything I’ve ever read. Full of secrets, intrigue, and lot of steam.
Profile Image for Kayla.
585 reviews9 followers
February 1, 2023
Love, love, love it!

Locked Hearts by Amber Nicole and Jenn Bullard is book one in the Society of the Locked Souls trilogy. This books has DARK triggers so be sure to check yours before reading. This book was so well written, and the characters so well developed. These characters and what they have been and will be put through pulls at your heart strings. This book broke me in the best possible ways. I haven't had a book make me cry in quite some time, but this one did! The cliffhanger will leave you not only wanting more, but NEEDING it.
Profile Image for Lilibet Bombshell.
842 reviews82 followers
January 31, 2023
Real Rating: 3.5 / 5 Stars

Okay, okay. I’m a sucker for certain tropes. I’m totally going to admit it. That’s totally the reason I snapped this book up.

It’s dark!

Our FMC has gone through some deep, dark stuff!

It takes place at a Catholic boarding school!

It’s bully RH with mm content and a little bit of ff!

Oh, a little professor/student cum priest/penitent action?

Oh, and it’s got a secret society twist?

Well, heck. Count me in, sugar. All of that is like catnip to me.

I gotta tell you: It wasn’t perfect, but it wasn’t bad, either!

It’s got some obvious flaws in copy editing and proofreading, and the writing is a bit immature. There are some jumps between scenes that don’t make a lot of sense or leave plot holes. These mistakes aren’t things that can’t be fixed with time and experience by the authors. Both Amber Nicole and Jenn Bullard have room to grow in their writing when it comes to this series and I’m sure they’ll come back in the second book with the notes in hand from the reviewers of this installment and it’ll make editing the second installment that much easier and the read will be that much smoother. I’m a big believer in growth.

The bones of the story are good. The tropes and fun stuff this book is framed around are sound and have the makings of being an excellent series. The characters have the outline of being fantastic characters. Therein lies the issue: It’s all potential unrealized. Everything about this book has the potential to be great, but this book reads like the rough draft of what will eventually be a fantastic book once everything is fully fleshed out and realized.

Some proofreading, copy editing, and content editing would smooth out the continuity, spelling errors, grammar issues, and plot holes. The authors spending some more time with their characters, fleshing them out and bringing them from mere outlines to full realization, would definitely make this book among some of the more excellent novels in this genre.

What's great is even with the deficits this first installment has, I still enjoyed the read for what it was. It’s still a story that intrigues me and I enjoyed reading simply for what it was. It simply could’ve been much better.

I was provided with a copy of this title by the authors and Peachy Keen AS. All opinions and views expressed in this review are my own. Thank you.

File Under: Alphabet Soup Romances/Polyamorous Romances/Contemporary Romance/Dark Romance/Gothic/LGBTQ Romance/Romance Series/Read at Your Own Risk Romance/RH Romance/Why Choose Romance/Spice Level 3/Secret Society/High School or Boarding School
December 28, 2023
Got this on Stuff Your Kindle Day and I completely see why it was free. Please for the love of God, do not waste your time on this. Some people truly should not be authors because this was actually one of the worst things I’ve ever read in my entire life.

The plot was bizarre, underdeveloped, and the writing was so beyond subpar. How do you have two authors and an editor and beta readers and still have a story this disjointed and characters so two-dimensional? None of these people felt believable to me. And don’t even get me started on the dialogue. Both the dialogue and internal monologues of each of the characters felt so juvenile. Also, how old are these people supposed to be? I’m getting icked out just thinking about whatever I just read. Please go pick something else— I do not understand how this book has so many five star reviews. I think my middle school wattpad fanfiction was of better quality than this book.
Profile Image for Alwaysdarkromance .
520 reviews23 followers
February 3, 2023

Holy shhhhh what did I just read? This book was so good. The emotions I felt during this book was all over the place. Chastity is very shy and bashful and I just wanted her to do what she wanted to do! She grows so much in this book. We find out some secrets but we’re left with more! This cliffy is terrible. Can I say I don’t like the grandmother???? Highly recommend! Check TW!
Profile Image for Ari Loves All The Books.
385 reviews65 followers
January 31, 2023
This book GUTTED me, but it was so good.. the characters are so well described that you hate and then love some of them. I wanted to help fight Chasity's battles with her, that's how much I got into the book.
Profile Image for ANA | anakreads.
110 reviews11 followers
February 6, 2023

I want to start off by saying I never take this long to write my reviews when getting ARCS. I like to be fairly punctual but this year I promised I'd be better in my reviews and give more depth rather than just throwing something together off my shoddy memory. So, now I write notes in my phone while reading, so reading is slowed down quite a bit due to this.

I will say the story did start off fairly intriguing. We follow our FMC, Chastity (the irony in her name isn't lost on me either) as well as Bastian (our first MMC POV that pops in), Levi, Ash, and Jonas. Now I don't mind multi-pov's. Sometimes they're super helpful and if done correctly, they tend to flow seamlessly. The author(s) jump POV's mid chapters at times though and again, while it doesn't totally bother me, it feels forced in this case.

Upon first arriving at this Catholic school, Chastity first runs into Bastian and one of the first things he mentions is, "I fight my body not to lean in and kiss her. Damn, I need to get some space from this girl." My guy, you just met her .2 seconds ago and you're acting like this? In that same breath, "She giggles, and the sound goes right to my dick. Wow." Wow is right. Just wow.

They are supposed to be virgins and act as though they aren't all while sounding extremely juvenile. I had a hard time even determining their ages because they act as though they're in high school and high school is briefly mentioned at some point, and it wasn't until someone mentions Chastity's age (19) that it's figured out. The information isn't clear throughout a lot of the story, and it doesn't feel flushed out.

This brings me to my next point. As I was reading though, I noticed a lot of repetition throughout the chapters. We get the POV of one character and then the following chapter we read the
same exact scene just told from another POV? This is excess filler / fluff and is unneeded to get the story and feelings across. The characters felt too forced together. The only two that seemed to actually have some sort of semblance of connection was Jonas and Chastity.

I have to say I almost DNF'd this and honestly, I should have and the only reason I didn't was out of sheer curiosity. I needed to know if the story picked up and changed pace and it did around the 50%-ish mark. Did it get better? Debatable. But it did pick up and kind of hold my interest if only to get some answers to some of the questions I had. There were moments it was spicy and gave some reprieve from the repetitive nature and endless banter in the characters monologues. The buildup to the actual story felt extremely slow and unprepared as well as unmapped. This story could have been better had it been better flushed out and had dropped a lot of the unnecessary banter and chatter in the characters monologues. Most of it felt like fluff rather than actual story.

The story has potential but not enough for me to continue going into the next book. Unfortunately, the characters felt too juvenile for me, and the story needed better planning.
Profile Image for booklover1816.
355 reviews46 followers
January 31, 2023
Holy moly. This book was so good!

There were times were I wanted to shake some courage into Chastity as I wished she would stick up for herself, but then I remembered her past and the way she grew up. That girl has been through so much and my heart breaks for her.

Ash is the scowly one who is fiercely protective and loyal (even though he’s a total a**hole,) Bast is the bleeding heart who loves hard and has an awful past, Levi is the alpha hole who was a total d*ck but helped her with her sexuality first, and Jonas is the one who makes her laugh and feel somewhat safe.

This book is full of all kinds of amazing tropes! A must read if you love an action-packed romance, mm, why choose, and a secret society with virgin mmc’s. I'm not sure I've read a reverse harem romance quite like this one, and I’m glad I picked this up!
Profile Image for Brittney.
36 reviews
April 25, 2024
Could absolutely not connect with most of the characters.
Profile Image for Jessi Parker.
49 reviews1 follower
January 28, 2023
Locked Hearts is the first book in The Society of Locked Souls.

Chastity is sent to live with her grandmother who oversees Holy Cross Academy to atone for her sins. She has been through a lot and no one wants to hear her side of the story. Then those who have heard it, don’t believe her. Upon arriving at Holy Cross, Chastity just wants to keep her head down and start over. However, she soon finds out that what she intends will not be possible. While exploring on her first night at the Academy she runs into Bastain, who is immediately drawn in by her, and Ash, who doesn’t trust her. Later that evening, she also meets Jonas who spends some time getting to know her in the kitchen while she bakes. Chastity is soon introduced to the punishments she must endure to find her atonement as well as the man who will be doling them out, “Father” Levi.

This story is full of heartbreak and pain for Chastity. It ends with her men and her grandmother confused and fearing for her life. They want vengeance and I can’t wait to see what happens next. I was so intrigued by this story and didn’t want to put it down. It also reminded me of why I try to wait until a series is complete. Cliffhangers are brutal, especially this one.

Releases Jan. 31
Included on KU
Profile Image for Bobby Jo.
145 reviews3 followers
January 26, 2023
I received an ARC copy of this book and it broke me. The raw emotion and writing had me crying a few times. The characters have so much potential now and to grow. They are going to blow me away with this series. The ending broke me and I reread the last chapter and epilogue several times. Every time I hopes it ended differently. Jonas was my favorite male character. The way that he presented himself, his loyalty, and strength made me think of someone I knew. I can’t wait for the next book and I hope that some of these characters burn. I hope that her grandmother can redeem herself but if she can’t I want her to burn along with the dad and stepmother
Profile Image for Stacey Gomez.
1,030 reviews17 followers
February 6, 2023
Trigger warning** Mention of Sexual Abuse, Rape, Trauma, Self inflicted harm**

Chastity Cross is being sent to her Grandmother Mother Superior at the monastery that she has visaed in the summer when she was a child. Where she was met with loving arms. Now not so much, casted with the shame to be repent from her sins. We don't know what, but while reading further into the story we know why.

Anyways, it seems this school is those student you girls and boys who are deemed troubled. To repent and change their ways to be brought back to society as changed. We meet Father Levi, who isn't real priest, and Bastian, Noah and Ash. Best friends, yet secretly wanting to explore who they are. This book is a coming of age, trying to figure out who they are sexually. This book deals with Professor/Student romance, M/m, MF, FF a whole bunch of gentle caresses, BDSM. if the above trigger warnings is not for you stop reading. This does end with a cliffhanger that'll make you want to know more.
Profile Image for Carol-Ann.
199 reviews4 followers
February 1, 2023
That cliffhanger was the worst ever. This book had me hooked from the beginning, and I am so shocked with how it ended. Amber and Jenn are evil with how they ended it. I need the next books now, I need to know how the story ends😪 everyone needs to read this book, it truly is an amazing read.
Profile Image for Stephanie.
1,037 reviews
July 12, 2023
Story at a Catholic boarding school.. correction FMC dark tropes story?! Secrets and the cliffhanger .. WOWOW.
Profile Image for TheBookBrat🖤.
660 reviews93 followers
January 28, 2023
*Why Choose
*very dark
*Catholic Academy
*Secret Society
*established harem (4)
*inc MM & some FF
*mid burn 🔥
*damaged FMC
Dark, Raw and Gritty!
Please be mindful reading this book there are some severe triggers (will list at bottom of review if you don’t want to know!)
Chastity is sent to the Catholic academy ran by her grandmother after her indiscretions that have blighted her family and own reputation….yet you soon pick up that there is far more to this story than what is being said! All chastity wants is the chance to give her side of the story 😥
Upon arrival at the academy she attracts the individual attention of Bast, Ash and Jonas - all of whom are at the academy for their own reasons!! Bast and Jonas are actual gems and you find more about their backstories as we got through this but Ash 😡😡😡 honestly that man needs some serious 👊🏻👊🏻 no matter what his intentions are!
Let’s not forget Levi who despite his forced actions is slowly gaining Chastity’s trust and they have atria connection blooming 🥰
Everybody recognises Chastity’s innocence and pure nature and it draws people in like moth to the flame🔥which it certainly leads to 🌶️🌶️
Yet there seems to be some ulterior motives as to why Chastity is at the academy along with the boys….
As peoples secrets come to life it breaks more than a few hearts and potentially has irreparable damage…those last few chapters are seriously intense and shocking!!
Looking forward to the next one even if I need to mentally prepare 🙈

Triggers (some of these maybe spoilers)

-Familial abuse
-self-unaliving attempt
-antiquated punishments
-taking of baby
-severe bullying
Profile Image for Tamarra Lynch.
656 reviews17 followers
February 5, 2023
I received an ARC for an honest review

Content warning applies

Chastity is sent to Holy Cross Academy, under the auspices of her Grandmother, who is the headmistress, shunned by her family, sent to repent for her sins.

Chastity has lived a very sheltered life. Her Grandmother is very strict and rules with an iron fist. Every aspect of Chastity’s life is controlled, she has no freedom.

All she wants to do is tell her truth, she is silenced at every turn, her pain the only source of comfort, she is left to suffer in silence, using methods to get her through.

Ash, Jonas and Bastian have endured trauma in their life, each affecting them in different ways, they uses mechanism to help them through, relying only on each other.

Chastity has become an outcast, thanks to her Grandmother, but that doesn’t stop Ash, Jonas and Bastian with getting to know her and who she is.

But at what risk to them, as they work through their initiation with the Society, for them this is there salvation, for a better life, under the guidance of Father Levi, who for all intents and purposes has his own agenda, his ulterior motives not yet known, yet it is he who has to contend with his feelings for Chastity, as they boys contend with there own, yet what is it that draws Chastity to them and them to her.

Chastity lives inside her own mind, her thoughts swirling in chaos. She only wants to live her life, one that she is worthy of. Ash, Jonas, Bastian and Levi help her to experience things, new things that she has been afraid to try, but at what risk to her own personal safety.

Because her Grandmother finally gives her the freedom to do, but it comes at a higher price than Chastity is willing to give, now that Levi and the guys know of the secret that she has been keeping, but more-so the shocking truth and betrayal that Chastity learns, that of what happened to her, wasn’t her fault, and when her choices are taken away, leading to the unthinkable, leaving Ash, Jonas, Bastian and Levi to deal with the fallout.

This book has it all slow burn, dark why choose romance, exploring sexuality, possessive dominant alpha males, a heroine who is trying to find her place in the world, unlikely friendships, bullying, madness, mayhem, violence, deception, suspense, jealousy, twists, turns, truths and betrayal.

This story is told from dual POV, it will take you on a wild ride, having you turn page after page, this book had me from the beginning to the end. Reading this story, it enables the  readers to really connect with the characters. The author definitely knows how to write and I’ll be coming back for more.

And those MM scenes, were steamy, yet hot, but the connection between Levi and Chastity was intense, as he takes her on a journey of sexual awakening, there bond of intimacy developing as she begins to learn about herself, her wants and needs. Levi gives Chastity the pain and pleasure she deserve, his possessive and obsessive need for control and dominance, it was off the charts and had all of the feels.

Now to anticipate what book two will bring Chastity and her guys!

Highly recommend both author and book!
Profile Image for Renee.
4,472 reviews62 followers
February 1, 2023
I received a copy of this book from the publisher/author to review for Stephanie's Book Reports.

Once night changed the course of my life. My world as I had known it was damaged beyond repair. My friends, gone. My family, gone. My reputation, gone. Banished from everything I knew I find myself seeking redemption. I've been gifted one more chance to save myself and the life of someone else. Little do I know that this place is full of secrets, some harmless, others deadly. I escaped one hell only to be dropped into another. The only protection I have is to keep my heart locked away from those who are determined to own it. But will that be enough? Temptation is strong here at Holy Cross Academy.

This is a dark and twisted catholic bully academy reverse harem with a secret society twist book. You will want to heed the warnings in the beginning of the book. There will be content in this book that will be triggering to some readers.
This is the story of Chasity, Levi, Ash, Bast and Jonas. There is a whole lot going on in this book and I don't really want to go into the story because I feel like you are better off going in to it blind. So I will just tell you about the characters that you are going to love or love to hate. Chasity is coming to Holy Cross broke and before it is over the school will try to break her even more. She also is carrying so heavy and huge secrets and has had a miserable like that will just break your heart. I so wanted Chastity to be strong and fierce and stick up for herself. I just wanted to see this poor girl find it way down deep inside of herself to be the strong fierce independent woman I know she can but. However, with the way she was treated before coming to the Academy I can see too how that would be a difficult thing for her to do. But I so hope we get there. Then you have Ash who is gosh just a jerk but he is also very loyal and fiercely protective of the people he cares about. Levi is the alpha male who can be horrible to mostly everyone but he does have a soft spot in him for Chastity and I really loved that side of him but it doesn't come out often. Bast is a young man who loves fiercely and with everything in him. Like Chastity he has had a really horrible past. Then you have Jonas. He is the guy that makes her laugh and when she is with him she feels as safe as a girl who has been through in life what she has been through. I really loved this book. Like I said there is a lot going on. If you love your books dark and why choose with a secret society then you are going to love this book.
Profile Image for AllieTurnsPages_.
77 reviews17 followers
January 30, 2023
Chastity💗 it doesn’t take long for you to quickly love this sweet girl; and wish you could just reach through the pages an hug an protect her. Growing up in a strict religious family, head of the church, her innocence was violently betrayed, and she has earned every single one of her battle scars!
Her young life has been full of punishment, pain, and heartache, never truly knowing what it felt like to be loved an protected at all costs. She escapes one hell, only to find herself in another! When Chastity lands at her grandmothers school, after being locked in a mental institution by her father, she finds herself at the brunt of her grandmothers truly disgusting and unjustified punishments, on her path to redeem her granddaughter for her “sinful” ways.
Not long after arriving Chastity has caught the eyes an full attention of 4 contenders- who all seem to have disturbing backgrounds themselves, all apart of a “brotherhood”, they are “Adams” looking for their one true “Eve”, although they know this Eve is now at the school, they aren’t 100% certain it is Chas, but hope it is, as they have each fallen hard. I love how once they pick up on chastity’s uneasy an timidness, they are gentle with her; letting her lead the way. While there were multiple 🌶️ scenes, I appreciate that the authors took time before getting to that, because this story was about Chas an mending a broken girl, and healing a heart that’s been broken by one’s she trusted one too many times!

The storyline is engrossing and the plot is truly flawless, keeping me engaged from start to finish! Such a beautifully captivating story. It ends on a cliffhanger, an holy heck, I was crying, screaming, trying not to throw up 💔 I can not wait for book 2, eager to see if the guys stay apart of the brotherhood an claim Chas as their Eve, or leave the church an it’s wicked ways behind all together, and grown in this new relationship together! However it goes, I have no doubt Jenn & Amber will no heal our broken hearts an give our beloved Chas her truly deserving HEA!

I would highly recommend this to any romance readers who appreciate a beautifully damaged heroine, and her multiple love interests who she does not have to choose between, that will all play apart in fixing her broken heart!

I received an arc of this book, in exchange for an honest review, these opinions are all my own! Thank you Amber & Jenn, so much!
Profile Image for KassiKayC.
109 reviews3 followers
January 31, 2023
Seriously that cliff hanger!?! Fair warning this book does contain religious scenarios that can some might deem extreme. Chastity, I love this girl and I just want to hold her and keep her close. She has been dealt a hard hand in life recently. There is a lot going on in this book with the School, The Brotherhood "Adams" and the mention of them finding their "Eve". This book starts off with a prologue that guts you. What role does Jacob play in the brotherhood piece of everything? How far is the Brotherhoods reach and what they do? Heck what do they do??? I love how Jonas and Bast care for her. Ash, man I really hope you get your redemption in the next book. You need it. Levi oh Levi you make for some hot moments in this book. I am left wondering the whole book about her grandma and how she could let some of the "punishments" happen. I mean seriously? SERIOUSLY? Are those type of punishments a real thing? How no one can believe Chas. How can you look at that girl and not believe what she has been telling everyone. Well, see what happened. Do you believe her now? I can't wait to see where the next book takes us and how everything plays out. Definitely read this book, you won't be disappointed. The epilogue.... what a cliff hanger and way to go out. Amber and Jenn I love both authors so much, but right now I really don't like you.... :)
Profile Image for Josmely.
425 reviews17 followers
February 2, 2023
I literally cannot move right. I cant believe what I just read. This book just tore my heart and soul out AND I WANT IT BACK.

Holy crap the emotional roller coaster that this book had me in should be illegal. The authors fr need to pay for my freaking therapist.

Chastity my poor strong girl😭😭 she has been through so much I don't know how she able to get up every morning. She a character that I instantly fell for and I just wanted to put her in my pocket. Even though there's a lot of ups and downs in this story I'm glad that she was able to find herself a little and become more comfortable with a lot of stuff throughout the book. Seeing her growth made me shed a couple of tears.

Now the guys are all pretty freaking amazing except one. Not saying Ash was bad but he did have some moments that made me want to fight him. He had his sweet moments though. Levi, Jonas and Bast are soooo good. Even though they didn't know her story and everything she went through they still understood she needed to be handled with care. And oh did they do that. They were all so patient with her. Because of that she was able to trust them and explore a lot of stuff.

The ending of this book was so unexpected I don't even know what to think right now. The authors did an amazing job writing this. I need the next book asap and see my girl burn the world down right along side her men.
Profile Image for Esmeralda.
96 reviews
February 3, 2023
⭐️ Book Rating- 5
🌶 Spice Rating- 4

🎶 -
I was given an ARC copy in exchange for an honest review by peachykeenas. My review will be 100% honest, as it should be. There's also no spoilers in this review, just basic info.

🗝 - Mini Review:
Stop what you're doing and read this book. Literally disregard your whole entire tbr and run to read this book! Bonus: It's available on KU!

I literally cannot wait for book 2. (Locked Promises) When book 2 releases you must know that I will be RUNNING to read it. I will literally be reading it the second it drops.

🥀 - Lengthy Review:
Okay, I'm going to cut straight to the chase. so I gave this book 5 stars. Here's why!

The book itself was an amazing read.

I highly recommend this book if you love "why choose" books!

Here are some more fantastic tropes that are in this book:
- Student X Teacher
- Secret Society
- Virgin MMC's (3/4 of the MC's men)

As for the relationships there's MXM and this book is ultimately MMFMM.

The book also contains FF scenes! Which I loved! Chasity's girl isn't part of the harem to my understanding though. She does help Chastity with her issues though which truly warmed my heart.

Have fun reading!

🍪 - Favorite Quote/Scene
“Our eggs are getting cold.”
“I don't know how much longer I can keep my vow with you wearing so little,”
“You guys can wait a few more weeks. You're almost in the second stage. Then you can fuck each other stupid.”
Profile Image for Alyssa Longmire.
130 reviews2 followers
February 3, 2023

Tropes/triggers: MM, FF, MF, dark RH, virgin MMCs, self harm, SA, child abuse,

👉I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review👈

Overall I thought there is a lot of potential for this book and the rest in the series. The cliffhanger is rough! I noticed throughout the book there were some plot holes and it needed more of a transition between some chapters. It’s a story about a young woman, Chastity, who was forced to enroll at Holy Cross to “change her sinful ways” and she is subjected to more abuse at the handsy of her grandmother. Within this school is a secret society. One of the teachers is a leader, and three of the male students have to complete a series of tests to be let in. A big rule for them is that they must remain a virgin until they find their “Eve” else they won’t be allowed to join. Eve gets picked from the female students at the academy, and unbeknownhst to the characters, (the reader knows) the young woman is their Eve. While they can’t have sex, they are interested in experimenting with each other 😉 All of them are instantly attracted to Chastity, though she is very shy and doesn’t like to be touched. Can they keep their hands to themselves so they can join the society and win their Eve?
Profile Image for Lorena  Garcia -- Brittany's Book Blog.
1,711 reviews58 followers
February 3, 2023
4 Stars

I think this is the first book I read like this, with so many religious kids in a very strict religious academy and while the girls seem to be a bit more bold, and the guys are holding off to join the secret society and they seem to be very excited about it too, the boys cannot have sex if they want to join the secret society.

Chastity has a horrible past but somehow she's the one who ended up punished and due to that, she was sent to this school and her grandmother happens to be the headmaster of the school and is keeping a very tight eye on her every move. Chastity is very shy and even though she's not liked by most of the females in the school, the boys feel differently about her. They all practically drool over how beautiful she is, and they all think she is an easy lay, but little do they know!

The boys who have gotten close to her, seem to be protective of her and have been looking out for her. Each of her guys are so different, each has their own unique personality, but when it comes to Chastity ... they all have one thing in common and that's to protect her at all costs.

Very, very different and the religious theme really had me as I'm not one to read books like this, but I enjoyed it very much! Can't wait for the next one!!
Profile Image for Piia.
48 reviews15 followers
February 7, 2023
Holy moly, what a read!
This book is definitely page-turner, very intense, with so many twists and turns you never see coming.
It’s dark, RH with MM (light FF) scenes and has strong religious and secret society subtopics. Don’t dive in without reading the trigger warnings first! They are there for a reason!
Both authors are new to me but whew! What a collaboration! I’m in love with this thrilling web they’ve created, filled with heartache, drama, pain, personal trauma, secrets and more secrets.
On the romantic side, Locked Hearts is rather slow burn and not overly spicy. But it’s understandable considering what barbaric brutality Chastity, our FMC has endured in her past. Her men Bastian, Jonas, even Ash couldn’t be more supportive and patient with her.
Oh, and Father Levi. It was delight to read chapters written from his POV. I had some seriously good laugh out loud moments reading those. Yes, he was an enigma in the beginning. But as for that taboo teacher/student relationship, I didn’t see it that way. Although, I have a feeling he will be the top dog.
Now, everything that happened in the last few chapters is utter roller coaster. When Dragon’s, the leader of Locked Souls, identity was revealed I was shocked! To say I wasn’t prepared for that kind of cliffhanger is clearly understatement.
Profile Image for Kolleen.
292 reviews16 followers
January 28, 2023
FMC: Chastity
MMC: Levi
MMC: Jonas
MMC: Bastian

This is a dark why choose romance in the making. The writing was absolute perfection and I felt all the emotions in this book. Be sure to check triggers because this one may push boundaries.

Chasity is shipped off the her Grandmothers Catholic school as her last chance at redemption. She has a secret she has been trying to keep. She has tried to tell the truth but no one will listen not even her family. Chastity has already been through hell, could it get worse?

Her Grandmother, Mother Cross, has warned everyone about Chastity and has asked everyone to keep a close watch on her. That doesn’t stop the 3 MMC’s, Bastian, Jonas an Ash, from becoming obsessed with her and try to help her. Little does she know that they are part of an underground secret society.

Also, what school bully romance isn’t complete without the grade A B*tch squad?

I could not put this book down and it leaves off with a MAJOR cliffhanger, so be ready!


Bully romance
Why choose
Religion trigger
Self harm
Age gap
Taboo - teacher/priest
MFM - light
Profile Image for Ms Cat's World.
991 reviews10 followers
February 1, 2023
Prologue 2 Epilogue 😱💔😭

The prologue 😱😟💔⁉️⁉️⁉️

Holy Cross Academy, the place where those that have lost everything seek redemption and every door opens to secrets 🙈🙉🙊. Temptation drips from the pages of this dark bully reverse harem romance.

Chastity, the daughter of a preacher, disowned and sent to live with her grandmother, the Mother Superior of Holy Cross Academy. Memories haunting her, seeking pain 🪒 to chase them away before drowning from it all.

Bastian, immediately smitten with her. Ash and Jonas, our MM duo 😘🔥. All on the path of joining the Locked Souls Society at the Academy, becoming a part of a brotherhood for life. Levi, their sponsor, teacher and mentor. Multiple POVs written of them all plus her roommate, Tempest, as well.

There is a pureness in the way the author writes the main characters. Then all the darkness and tragedy that occurs in the past and present, it makes it that more heart-wrenching. This is a dark, dark and twisted bully romance 🖤 don't forget that. Includes MM & FF steaminess 💋🔥 as well as student/teacher taboo 😘 Highly recommend understanding the triggers especially from the prologue and what happens to create the ending 💔😟😭
Profile Image for Sierra Mackenzie.
Author 3 books110 followers
January 30, 2023
One thing I love to say is how a book will take you on a rollercoaster. This one starts you out at the top of one of those REALLY tall hills and sends you straight down immediately. Poor Chasity has been through so much during her life. It's definitely one heck of a mystery why she needs to repent until you get further into the book. Finding out that answer is like you're getting taken through so many of those twisted loops.
There were quite a few interesting characters, each in their own way. Quite a few I absolutely disliked simply because of how they behaved--and I know that was the point. Some I adored from the start. And a few, I held mixed feelings about. But again, they were done that way on purpose and it was done very well.
So many emotions are running through me right now from everything I read. And that ending had me react out loud. I teared up for Chasity :(.
I couldn't get enough of this book and I really, REALLY want to read the second one. I highly recommend it and yes, I definitely recommend pre-ordering the next one. It's worth it.
Profile Image for Kyla .
320 reviews6 followers
January 31, 2023
What do you get when you have a broken FMC, a super sexy priest/teacher, 3 hot boys, and a Catholic school? A fantastic story that’s what! I loved this book! Jenn and Amber are both fantastic authors, and I am so excited they co-wrote this great book. This is a dark, why choose, bully, secret society romance, and it’ll run havoc on your emotions. Chastity, the FMC, has been through a lot so when she is sent to Holy Cross, she has a lot to repent for. She’s in a bad place and on top of that she has to deal with mean girls, her super strict grandmother, and some of the boys playing hot and cold with her. It’s a sad tale that will keep you hooked from page one all the way to the very end. Beware, this is a Kindle-flying, scream at the authors kind of book. The cliffhanger is by far the worst one Amber has written and man is it intense. I practically inhaled this book; I didn’t want to put it down! Don’t miss this! I can’t wait for book two and I’m so excited for these amazing authors to co-write again!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 181 reviews

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