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Writer Friends #2

I'm In No Mood For Love

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What is Clare Wingate doing? One minute she's suffering in a pretty-in-pink gown she'll never wear again, and the next thing she knows, it's morning and she has the nastiest hangover of her life.

To make matters worse, she's wearing nothing but a spritz of Escada and lying next to Sebastian Vaughan, her girlhood crush turned sexy, globe-trotting journalist. Somewhere between the toast and the toss of the bouquet, she got herself into a whole lot of trouble.

Clare had the right to go wild after all, she'd been knocked off her dyed-to-match shoes after finding her own fiance in a compromising position with the washing machine repairman. Clearly her society wedding is off.

But Sebastian pushed all the wrong buttons and some of the right ones. Clare is in no mood for love not even for lust and wants to forget about Sebastian and his six-pack abs ASAP. But he isn t in the mood to go away, and his kiss is impossible to forget.

359 pages, Paperback

First published September 26, 2006

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About the author

Rachel Gibson

69 books5,299 followers
Rachel Gibson is a New York times and USAToday bestselling author of 22 books.

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167 (1%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 554 reviews
Profile Image for Mo.
1,387 reviews2 followers
December 25, 2013

Review on the short side today, cos the Turkey needs to be cooked. Liked this one. Like Rachel Gibson's writing style. Sebastian and Clare had known each other for years. He was the Gardner's son, she was always tagging after him when they were kids. He moved away, became a journalist, did not get back to see his Dad very often and had a bit of a strained relationship with him. Her fiance is caught doing the business with the Sears repairperson. Clare breaks off the engagement, gets drunk, ends up in bed with Sebastian..... OK, off to check the turkey now.....
Profile Image for Zeek.
889 reviews149 followers
December 4, 2013
Clare Wingate's carefully ordered life fell apart before her eyes when she walked in on her fiance playing cowboy with the Sears repairman on the closet floor. But she's determined to set it aside til her best friend gets married. When she accidentally gets loaded the night of the reception, she awakens to find herself in a hotel room with a man she's known all her life but hasn't seen for ages.

Sebastian Vaughan has known Clare since they were kids but seeing her in a sexy pink thong has put a different spin on things. Sure he played the perfect gentleman and didn't touch her- well almost- but he's finding it difficult to get the image of her stripping down before him out of his mind.

When Sebastian decides to stay a few more days to spend time with the Dad he's lost touch with, he and Clare are thrust together forcing them to reacquaint when both just want to run away. Until one passionate kiss rocks their world.

Their relationship doesn't just come together, however, she's nursing a broken heart and he's got a career to think of- plus he's a commitment phobe- but when Clare realizes she's no longer gonna follow the path she's taken in the past when it comes to men, Sebastian must face some things about himself as well- or lose the woman he's come to care for more than any other.

I love the "we've been friends forever and now we're suddenly more" hook and it works well here. Clare and Sebastian feel instant heated attraction but, because of their history, they don't quite believe it, much less trust it. Still this is one hot couple and I'm glad Gibson put them together.

I was totally shocked to see this book getting bad reviews on Amazon. In my opinion, I'm In No Mood For Love is outstanding for many reason but mostly because it is totally character driven- really not much of a plot other than them getting together. Clare is a modern woman and it's easy to identify with her. Sebastian, (okay a little too good to be believed, but what romance novel hero isn't?), is well drawn and supplies much of the humor in this book.

Finally, I adore Gibson's writing style. I loved that the hero's point of view had a prominent part of the book. The aspiring writer in me became envious of how effortlessly she'd have the characters move around a room and give us simple little things to make them come alive. His tie catching the breeze, her heels clicking on the kitchen floor- little things like that made the characters feel three dimensional and that you simply don't get in this genre too often.

Fun, fast read!
Profile Image for Jacob Proffitt.
3,191 reviews1,921 followers
December 31, 2016
While the second in a series, you don't really need to read the first to fully enjoy this one. The first is really good, though, so I recommend you do, and it's nice getting to know the writer friends one book at a time.

I was interested to see the romance of the romance writer and this didn't disappoint. I loved how the romantic soul was both her great strength (in seeing the better possibilities of people around her) and her great weakness (in wishing so much for the good, even ideal, to be true that she ignores evidence to the contrary). I particularly liked how well Gibson handled the devastation of Clare finding that she had been engaged to a gay man. That felt a little played for laughs in the first book (the romance writer doesn't know her fiancé is gay!), though not cruelly so, and seeing the discovery impact Clare so forcefully was necessary and played an important part of the flaw Clare most needed to figure out.

Sebastian wasn't as much of a win for me, personally, though I ended up liking him for Clare's sake in the end. I liked that he had his own dissatisfaction to address and you could see that the two characters' crises were headed for intersection and that each had much to learn from the other. What really won me over to him, though, was how he kept getting lost in Clare's books—not just that he bothered to read them, but that he kept staying up all night because he got caught up in them. And I loved that he recognized the talent and storytelling skill Clare had developed. Even better, that he was inspired by her example to explore his own leaning towards storytelling with fiction of his own inclination.

Anyway, the story is good and the pace excellent. I particularly liked how naturally Gibson drew this out over a span of months. Clare certainly needed the time to recover from the break up of her engagement and it ended up serving Sebastian's growth arc, as well. Indeed, a really strong aspect of the story is the parallel development of both as they grew together, even during the times they were apart.

So this is two outstanding stories in a row in this Writer Friends series. I really hope this is the beginning of a pattern and that the next two keep up that standard.

A note about Steamy: There are two explicit sex scenes, though the second is short. So this is the middle of my steam tolerance. It thought that the having sex felt a bit forced to start, though I came around eventually.
Profile Image for Karen.
814 reviews1,191 followers
February 23, 2019

"Why can't you just leave things alone?"
"Because I love you and that changes everything."
"Love," he scoffed. "What do you expect from me? Am I supposed to change who I am and fit my life to suit yours because you suddenly think you love me?"
"No. I know you can't change who you are, which is why you're the last person I wanted to fall in love with."

I really, really liked the first 97% of this book. In fact, I was teetering on 4.5-5 stars, until page 273 of 279. That is the precise spot that the wheels feel off of this romance wagon. WTF happened? I mean, I'm all for a happy ending. I expected it, I would have been crushed without it. But not at the complete unmanning of the hero. After an entire book of avoiding commitment, I felt like he walked right up to the heroine and served her his balls on a silver platter. It was so out of character that I had to laugh. Or puke.

How could she just ruin the ending like that? And I am a huge fan, RG.
If I was grading papers here, you would have lost a complete letter grade for that fucked up ending. I am not a writer, but I'm certain I could have come up with a better ending for these two. I am holding on to some hope that you'll have put a little more effort into the next one.
Profile Image for Auntee.
1,334 reviews1,440 followers
December 19, 2011
Well, I knew it couldn't last. After eight straight 5 star Rachel Gibson reads, I knew I was tempting fate. It sort of crashed and burned for me with this book, the first one I've read from the Writer Friends series. The premise sounded good to me--romance writer Clare catches her fiance in bed with another (a man!), turns her back on looking for Mr. Right and hooks up with childhood friend (sexy world renowned journalist/commitment-phobe Sebastian) in a "friends-with-benefits" arrangement, but then does the unthinkable and falls in love with him. So what went wrong? With the other RG books I've read there's been lots of humor, a fast pace, quirky supporting characters, smart and sexy dialogue, passionate romance, and a likable hero and heroine. Didn't get much of that in this one. The pace was slow, the characters were mostly boring, the dialogue was sort of ho-hum, the romance didn't take off until around page 250--which was way too long to wait--, and the hero and heroine were just "ok". I didn't feel the passion between Clare and Sebastian--in fact for most of the book it felt like they were indifferent to each other. Things improved drastically with a little more than 100 pages left in the story (and then it became like a RG story that I'm used to) when the romance finally took off, but by then I was barely invested in it. There were some nice moments (the unexpected birthday present; the marriage proposal and gift) but there wasn't quite enough to make this a favorite read. Disappointing, but I'm not ready to throw in the towel over one less than stellar read. I'm looking forward to going back to Truly, Idaho with the follow up to this one about Clare's writer friend Maddie (Tangled Up In You (Writer Friends, #3). For this one? 3 1/2 stars
Profile Image for ᴥ Irena ᴥ.
1,652 reviews221 followers
July 8, 2015
I'm In No Mood For Love is a friends-to-lovers story.
We find out the reason behind Clare 's bizarre behaviour at Lucy's wedding in the previous book. After she finds her fiancé Lonny with the Sears repairman in her walk-in closet, Clare decides not to trust any more. I dislike cheating trope with passion but the description of what she found in her closet is hilarious ('She’d stood there with her great-grandmother’s pearls in hand, too shocked to move, while the man who’d fixed her Maytag the day before rode her fiancé like a cowboy.')
So when a man from her childhood appears, the only thing she is ready for is to be his friend with benefits. But since this is Clare we are talking about, that isn't easy.

What I found annoying are the following: 'He wasn't going to cry like a hysterical woman' or 'like a paranoid old woman'. Anyone can be hysterical or paranoid as far as I know. I wasn't aware old women were more paranoid than the rest of the world.

There is no serial killer or anything like that in this book. I prefer romantic suspense to this, but there are other things that are worth the reading time, Sebastian's relationship with his father being one.
Anyway, If you want to read a low angst love friends-to-lovers story with a happy ending, this would be it.
Profile Image for Jan.
989 reviews215 followers
March 22, 2019
2.5 to 3 stars. A light rom-com type book, but not very memorable. Nothing special. Sadly, nowhere near as good as the Chinooks Hockey series.

The H in this one is a hot journalist who has been there and done that, but somehow as a character he hasn't really got the 'it' factor. The h is a bit of a mess. Engaged for ages to a gay man, and she was the only one who didn't know he was gay. Hmmmmm. Is she just dumb? Or blind?

And she's also apparently addicted to shopping. And right there, my interest in her as a character fizzled. Yeah I'm female, but there are some of us who actually don't care about shopping, ya know? That aspect of her character turned me right off. In fact, I just finished this book, but I'm honestly struggling to remember her name. Oh yeah - Clare.

So yeah, nothing special......

Profile Image for Micky Cox.
2,188 reviews31 followers
June 19, 2022
An excellent enemies to lovers rom com with witty dialogue and a nice steam factor to set the mood! I am absolutely loving this series where all the main female characters are authors and the men they fall for are adversarial in the beginning. This book was particularly fun as the love/hate between the main characters goes all the way back to childhood. The narration really brought the book to life. I can't wait to listen to the next book in the series!
Profile Image for Lisa (Remarkablylisa).
2,394 reviews1,843 followers
August 15, 2018
Good story about friends with benefits and two people who have a history! However like most Rachel Gibson books the love bits come towards the end so it might be a little slow for some readers. I suggest to listen to the audiobook for an easier ride
Profile Image for Carina Alyce.
Author 46 books1,038 followers
July 16, 2021
This is another book that gets the honor of a place on my bookshelf. Mostly because of Sebastian - he's that guy that everybody knows - all the daddy issues in the world, unable to settle down and likes it that way. . . until Claire. While I didn't care about Claire that much (because she was inconsistently written), Sebastion is the one who matured alot. I also need to give points for a realistic portrayal of getting STD testing after finding your spouse cheating on you.

Still, you'll get some hot scenes too.
Profile Image for Seyma.
735 reviews
October 13, 2018
İlk kitaptan sonra bu da neydi? Çok yavandı üçüncü kitaba başlamak istemiyorum ya o da böyleyse 😢
Profile Image for Nisha.
788 reviews245 followers
April 8, 2010
Normally, this would be my type of book. The H/H sharing parts of their childhood, an obnoxious hero who loves to tease an uptight heroine, and a heroine who really has had the worst luck wiht men. But, somehow, it just wasn't as good as my expectations.

I loved the childhood connection parts. They were cute, though I wish there was more mentioned. And the general set up was so promising. But as we get to know Clare, she becomes a so-so heroine. I think its because she is described as a girly-girl and very put together. Not my favorite in a heroine. Heroes like Sebastian are generally my type, considering my favorite HR, but lets start with the obvious. 'Sebastian' for a 21st century man is kinda an overkill. And then there is the fact that he is a successful globe trotter journalist who has serious commitment issues. Now I feel like I'm watching Millionaire Matchmaker.

The main problem with the story was the romance and love. It was just so...underdeveloped. Clare suddenly realizes she loves Sebastian and Sebastian, after some time of being angry about Clare ruining a perfectly good relationship, realizes that her really loves her. It was so sudden and sappy that it just didn't work for me.

I was also hoping for more humor with the friends and family and such. No luck with that. For a chick lit romance, it was kinda lacking. I hate to say it, but it wasn't all that great. Readable, if there is nothing else at hand, but subpar considering the premise.
Profile Image for D.G..
1,366 reviews337 followers
September 12, 2020
**2.5 stars**

This didn't age well.

This book is chock full of homophobic jokes ("We knew he was gay because he liked decorating", "I'm too manly to be around lace!") and misogyny (i.e. men commenting on a female colleague's breasts.) Yeah, I know this was the way it was - I'm from the same generation as the leads and I had to suffer many such comments and probably have a higher tolerance than younger folks. But gay bashing is so rampant in this book (almost every other page) that even I was super uncomfortable.

If you are intrigued anyway, here's my take: as a romance, the book isn't strong enough to merit a reading. The first half was very women's fiction, with the heroine dealing with a breakup and growing in the process while suffering attitudes against the romance genre and being supported by her friends (that the book leaned this way was ironic given that Claire kept fighting with her mother because she said Claire wrote women's fiction instead of romance...) The second half felt more like a romance but the time they spent together was so glossed over that the reader doesn't see them falling in love (and lots of the love scenes were fade to black.) Their confessions of love were too rushed to feel real to me.

Not recommended.
Profile Image for Quirky Omega.
445 reviews73 followers
December 30, 2015
Good enough. That’s it. Nothing much to really say about it.

Let’s list down the reasons:-
An extremely “been there done that” kind of a plot line. Childhood enemies grow up to be gorgeous and fall in love with each other. Who hasn’t seen that?
I could have happily overlooked the above point, had the execution been good. But the novel lacked on the story telling front.
The romance was just so…..ordinary. At no point did the characters sizzle my pants with their passion. One doesn’t need sex scenes to put across the characters’ fiery chemistry. Great banter and well timed situations and actions can achieve the same thing. Sadly i didn’t get off on either.

The book’s and okay read at best. Read at your own discretion.
Profile Image for ab.
15 reviews
May 21, 2019
I’m not even sure this book deserves the 2 stars I’m giving it. The synopsis made it seem so interesting, but the romance really fell flat and never seemed believable to me. On top of that, Sebastian is nearly unbearable, what with all his ‘stuff like that is girly, and real men don’t like it’ / ‘I don’t want to cry like a girl over my own mother’s death’, and that disgusting bit when they slept together and the condom broke, and while Clare was in a panic, he started going at it again. Ew. I feel like his character was so big that Clare just sort of fell to the wayside, and I never grew attached to her, nor felt much of anything for her, period. She was just sort of there. An accessory to Irritating Sebastian.

I’ll still be giving some of her other books a try, as I loved ‘See Jane Score’, but this one just wasn’t it for me.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Michelle [Helen Geek].
1,772 reviews412 followers
May 4, 2012
3/3.5 Stars

This was a bit of a slower grab for me and I was surprised. The book started out with the "walk of shame" and had me laughing, but then the connection was broken and slow coming back. I did, in the end, enjoy the book, but not as much [or nearly as much] as others by this author.

Not sure I'm as keen on the "Writer's series", but am moving to another .. running out of RG reads. Not a happy sitch.

You may enjoy this one more than, I. It was good, so don't let me deter you.

Happy Reading!
Profile Image for Esra.
Author 48 books85 followers
March 11, 2015
Bu serideki kitaplarda bir şey eksik ama ne çözemedim gitti.. Bir yavanlık var gibi..
Ama keyifli okunuyor..
Profile Image for *TANYA*.
1,002 reviews385 followers
February 29, 2016
I've read several Rachel Gibson books and this one is my favorite so far. Very cute book. I really really enjoyed it.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
477 reviews16 followers
January 8, 2018
What can I say about this book? KISS HER ALREADY! Sorry just had to get that off my chest! This was not a typical romance novel. Usually the heroine and the hero hit it off right away and something happens to separate them. But not this book so much tension and pretending they didn’t love each other. Ugh it took the whole book for them to realize that they loved each other. Overall it was a good book just annoying they didn’t get together faster.
Profile Image for Melinda.
661 reviews
Shelved as 'dnf'
January 15, 2021
DNFing for rampant homophobia. I get that her ex cheated on her with a man and that is EXTREMELY jarring but YIKES at the rampant stereotypes such as the 'classic' "what straight man wears pink!?
Profile Image for Lauren.
2,434 reviews159 followers
April 14, 2016
I'm In No Mood for Love
4.5 Stars

After catching her fiancé in flagrante delicto with the repairman, Clare Wingate gets rip roaring drunk and awakens in an unfamiliar hotel room. Unfortunately, the occupant is no stranger, but Sebastian Vaughan, the bane of her childhood existence who has turned into a sexy and successful journalist. While Clare is determined to forget the embarrassing episode, Sebastian has other ideas and isn’t shy about showing Clare exactly what she’s been missing ...

Although contemporary romance is not a preferred genre of mine, every once in a while a series comes along that grabs me. This is one such series.

Clare is an endearing heroine and one cannot help sympathizing with her feelings of loss and betrayal at her fiance’s actions. Sebastian is completely commitment phobic, but certainly knows how to lay on the charm and does a really good grovel, which makes for a wonderful ending. Their romance is sweet and spicy as they have excellent chemistry and their banter and bickering makes for entertaining reading.

My one small caveat is that

All in all, a lovely romance and I look forward to reading Maddie’s book next.
Profile Image for Juliana Philippa.
1,029 reviews970 followers
September 1, 2009
(3.5 stars) I vacillated between giving this book 3.5 or 4 stars, but finally settled for the former. Once Clare and Sebastian start their relationship, the book really takes off, but I wish it had happened earlier. I enjoy antagonistic relationships between the hero and heroine, but if it goes on for too long one starts to wonder how believable a lasting romantic relationship between the two of them is. Clare and Sebastian rub each other the wrong way pretty much all the time until they sleep together; after that, their relationship was much more interesting (for someone who wants to read a romance book, that is). They both want everything to be casual, won't admit to any deeper feelings, but they really enjoy each other's company and their interactions are fun and sweet.

The ending was wonderful and one of Gibson's strongest, even though I've liked other books I've read by her better; my favorite one - See Jane Score - stumbled just a little in the grand romantic-declaration finale and I thought in this area at least, I'm in No Mood for Love definitely pulled through.
Profile Image for Courtney.
35 reviews1 follower
July 13, 2008
Really, I think I would rate this a two and a half. I'm In No Mood For Love follows up Sex, Lies and Online Dating, except the main character is Lucy's friend Clare, bodice-ripping romance writer extraordinaire. She becomes entangled with her childhood nemesis Sebastian after attending Lucy's wedding and then finding her fiancee Lonny having sex with the Sears repairman in her closet.

This book, as opposed to the first in the series, is much harder to read.

And once again, it goes from naughty sex scenes to the old contrived chick-lit, swoony honey-trap.

The funny thing is what bothered me the most. At one point Sebastian and Clare are chatting about their favorite movies (hers: Pretty In Pink, his: "Willie" Wonka--spelled incorrectly). Gibson goes on to talk about Grandpa Joe and "Willie's" mom and the infulence of the golden ticket...I think she meant Charlie Bucket...not Willy Wonka. How did an editor let this pass?????

There are two more books in this series...one featuring friend Maddie (a true crime writer) and Adele (a sci-fi writer). Hopefully they are infinetly more interesting than Clare.

But I bet they all end the same...
Profile Image for Audrey.
385 reviews93 followers
June 4, 2012
Light and fluffy. Just what I needed.

Charming allergic-to-commitment hero who thinks he's getting what he wants when the heroine proposes a protecting-her-heart, friends-with-benefits arrangement. I was afraid the heroine was going to be one of those prissy rich girls, but I found her very easy to relate to and quite a sympathetic character. I loved the hero's point of view in this book, and it was really sweet to see the little things he did and thought that clued us in to his feelings even before he became aware of them himself.

I wasn't too keen on some of the big time jumps (skipping forward weeks to months in a chapter or scene change), but I rolled with it. The development of their relationship from childhood acquaintances/friends to adult frienemies-to-lovers just seemed more realistic with that timeline.

There were some noticeable wrong word choices and malapropisms, but I'm feeling generous today and still am giving this book a weak 4 stars.

Enjoyable, fun, and nothing too heavy.
Profile Image for Jen.
151 reviews5 followers
February 27, 2011
This was a quick read, but I didn't like it as much as I remember liking another of Rachel Gibson's books (one I read so long ago that I don't recall the name). That was the reason I picked this one up.

This tells the story of romance writer Clare, who walks in on her fiance with a another man on the day of her friend's wedding. At the wedding, she gets sloshed, and wakes up in the morning with Sebastian Vaughn in a hotel room - wearing only a thong and with no memory of what happened. This sets the two on the course for hot steamy relations, and just perhaps, for love...

I think the reason I didn't like this one that much was I just found Sebastian to be a bit of a jerk. He gets nicer as the book goes on, but his cocky macho-man attitude didn't appeal to me.
Profile Image for Nonieღserenity2bliss.
1,915 reviews361 followers
February 4, 2012
2½ stars.

Not enough romance! What a shame since Clare is a romance writer. After reading the other three books from the series (in no particular order), I was so looking forward to Clare's story. It took me a while to get my hands on this book. In this case, it is certainly not worth the wait.

Too much reminiscence about the past and family problem to really concentrate on the build-up of the characters relationship with one another. I thought the first chapter was great, but it went spiraling down from there.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 554 reviews

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