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Making Room in Advent: 25 Devotions for a Season of Wonder

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Preparation for the Christmas season can often feel busy and frantic, but it doesn't have to be this way. What if we stopped and listened to the movement and unfolding of God's plan around us? Making Room in Advent is an invitation away from the chaos and into the space where God is at work. The unfolding of God's plan often happens in unlikely spaces, both in Scripture and in our own lives. Join Bette Dickinson as she moves through the story of Jesus' birth and the stories of the many people that were part of the journey. Each page is filled with an original painting that will fill you with hope and wonder during the Advent season. The twenty-five devotionals offer spiritual practices, breath prayers, and reflection questions that allow you to truly make room for God's work in your life, your community, and the world.

120 pages, Hardcover

Published September 13, 2022

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Bette Dickinson

1 book2 followers

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Profile Image for Panda Incognito.
4,212 reviews77 followers
September 16, 2022
This unique Advent devotional features Bette Dickinson's beautiful art and brief daily reflections on the Nativity story from Luke. This first appealed to me because of the beautiful cover design, and every reading begins with art from the same series. The paintings visualize different scenes, experiences, or metaphors from Luke, and the use of color and light particularly appealed to me. Dickinson's minimalist design is perfect here, since her white, foamy shapes represent spiritual beings in a way that conveys their other-worldliness. I have never seen Nativity paintings like this, and Dickinson also wrote short prompts to accompany them, giving less art-inclined readers a theme or idea to think about as they look at the painting.

Each reading begins with a short passage from Luke, and then Dickinson shares reflections and life applications from the story. After that, she shares short prompts to ponder and pray about. I particularly appreciated what she wrote about dealing with mystery and uncertainty. For example, she points out the contrasts between how Zechariah and Mary responded to Gabriel, showing that even though they asked similar questions, his question came from unbelief while hers flowed from curious wonderment. At the beginning, I was concerned that she was using him as a foil to Mary to make a point about gender, but she wasn't trying to say that women are inherently more spiritual or better than men. Throughout the book, she highlights how God elevates the socially lowly and makes a point of celebrating women's faith, but she also writes about the male characters with sensitivity and care.

The art and written reflections in this book provide a fresh look at a familiar story. I enjoyed reading this and looking at the artwork, and will definitely return to it in the future. This is a great choice for anyone who is looking for an Advent devotional, and even though Dickinson shares her reflections and suggests applications with the expectation that her readers are Christians, this can also appeal to people who are spiritually seeking or want to understand the narrative from a cultural perspective. Overall, this book is an inviting, unique look at the Nativity story.

I received a free copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Kaitlyn.
10 reviews2 followers
December 31, 2022
I really enjoyed this devotional. The artwork was beautiful and moving, and the message felt poignant. My only drawback was the lack of a disclaimer. It may feel obvious that an advent devotional would talk about pregnancy as the story is about the birth of Christ. But much of the devotional focused around the blessing of pregnancy and the trying realities of it. Given that there is a lot of content around this specific part is the story, and given the sensitive nature of dealing with pregnancy for women across the board, I would’ve appreciated a disclaimer or warning.
Profile Image for Kim Koi.
48 reviews2 followers
December 25, 2022
Bette’s art and words invited me to reflect deeply and slow down during advent.
Profile Image for Cara Meredith.
1,186 reviews29 followers
December 2, 2022
A beautiful book with incredible quotes and pictures …even if Kelley Nikondeha’s book still tops the Advent cake.
Profile Image for Kirsten.
720 reviews63 followers
January 2, 2023
I read this book as part of a book study at my church and found Dickinson's art to be both meaningful and beautiful. She's an extremely talented artist who was able to weave daily reflections through her work as a way of drawing us closer to Jesus throughout Advent, and I found this to be a very impactful experience.

That being said, I do believe this book is most effective when discussed as a group. Our book study was set up to meet once a week, with us completing the days in between on our own. Even though I'm very comfortable engaging with art as a means for reflection, I found myself losing steam and not fully committing to the exercise when I was on my own. The biggest reason I can think of for this is that Dickinson recycled the same 4 prompts for all 25 pieces. Once I noticed this pattern, I found it hard to want to fully engage, and I ended up phoning it in on many of the days.

Another interesting observation that came from this study is that it really alienated the men in our group. Dickinson's focus is largely on the feminine experience of Advent - Mary's pregnancy, Elizabeth's barrenness, etc. - and as a result the men in our group found it hard to connect with many of the pieces. This of course in no way detracts from the experience, but did add an intriguing element to our group discussions.

Whether you choose to engage with Dickinson's art on its own or as part of this study, I'm confident the Holy Spirit will meet you there if you let it.
1 review
October 8, 2022
Look no further from "Making Room in Advent" for a refreshing and life-giving Advent devotional. Using Bible truths and her own unique experiences, Bette Dickinson artistically paints both in art and in words unique insights and teachings gleaned from Luke 1-2. She has a way of weaving in unique and fresh thoughts and viewpoints that will meet readers in all stages of their Christian walk. Intervarsity Press has published "Making Room in Advent" in its ivpformatio line - a book line set aside specifically for works that draw readers in to God's presence and grace through "deep inward work of spiritual formation that begins rooted in our souls, draw(ing) on the rich resources of Scripture."
Several of the devotionals leave one breathless, whether from a beautiful painting, or from life-giving and healing truths. The breath prayers found at the end of each day's reading serve as a tool to continually pause and meditate on God's Word throughout the day in a "pray without ceasing" manner. "Making Room in Advent" supersedes all Advent devotionals I have personally read. This devotional is created to accompany the Advent season; however, it is also appropriate and applicable to every-day life outside of Advent. Whether this book is utilized privately, between a couple of friends, as a family, or in a group devotional setting, it will not disappoint.
Profile Image for Kristin Emily.
Author 1 book5 followers
September 13, 2022
A beautiful guide to Visio Divina, breathing fresh life into Luke 1-2

This small book offers a fresh way to encounter the Christmas narrative during Advent. The embossed hardcover, quality paper, and beautiful colored artwork make for a lovely gift book.

The gorgeous artwork blended with 25 Advent devotionals helped me sit and ponder Luke 1 and 2 in small portions at a time.

Each day a new painting is presented. I was encouraged to take a few minutes to slow down, look at the artwork, see what stands out to me, and listen to what God might be whispering to my heart through what I see. This ancient Christian method of contemplative prayer is called Visio Divina, kin to Lectio Divina.

Following a time of sitting with the art, I read a portion of Luke 1-2. Then the devotional included background, insights, and invitations to see new things in this often-familiar story.

Through the help of Bette's guide, I didn't rush through the readings "because I know this story already."

As a result of slowing down, I was delightedly surprised at the fresh perspectives which jumped out at me. I saw things that were there all along yet I had missed them. I had incorrectly assumed that I had gleaned whatever is to be gleaned from this scripture.

Each day closes with a short breath-prayer. This is a special way to continue pondering my encounter with God that day.

Bette Dickinson has helped take the Christmas story off the "flannelgraph board" of my mind. The incarnation has become rich in meaning, depth, and life again.

It feels great to have one Christmas season decision made (to use this devo) and purchased already. I'm looking forward to Advent and using this book to ponder Luke 1-2 again.
9 reviews
September 27, 2022
A Renewed Connection to the Advent Story
There are so many ways to appreciate and honor the advent story. This book really made me realize that the advent story can be fresh and alive again, and again. The original art work is beautiful and creates moments of deep reflection. I see myself revisiting it each year with new appreciation and insight. It’s a pretty keepsake and the engaging chapters draw you in to the advent story of today.
This is one of the most thoughtful and thought provoking books of faith that I’ve read in while. It is part study, part devotional, and most of all it is highly actionable and relevant to those at any stage of their faith. The book is applicable to reading alone or part of a small group or even for a message series leading into Christmas.
There are many days I could positively quote or comment about. Day 12 Making Room for Your Song reminds us of the invitation to pour ourselves out in love for our neighbors as a way to bring the kingdom here on earth. When we pray “help me to see”, there are always all kinds of ways to love our neighbors. Many times it’s in the moment, and other times it is intentional discernment through prayer for longer term needs. If we are called to it, God will see it through and make a way.
It’s awesome the way Bette weaves all of her talents through Making Room in Advent. She’s an artist, a wife and mother, a teaching pastor, and all with an authentic heart. The words on the page come to life and her voice clearly speaks. In conclusion, Making Room in Advent is the gift of renewing or discovering each one’s personal connection to the advent story in today’s world.

Profile Image for Renae Stahl.
104 reviews47 followers
September 14, 2022
“While the ‘Annunciation’ was Mary’s beginning, the ‘Magnificat’ is her becoming. She moves in this moment from a humble willingness to accept God’s call, to awareness of the significance of what it means. In the ‘Magnificat,’ Mary sings the song she was meant to sing with her life.”

“Making Room in Advent,” is a magical work of art. Bette Lynn Dickinson has poured herself into this project and the illustrations together with the thought-provoking words and meditations reinspire a story that to many of us has become overfamiliar and unenchanted.

The care that was taken in crafting this and making it a meaningful, embodied experience has resulted in a stunning and invaluable addition to any library no matter the season you find yourself in. But especially, it will make the perfect accompaniment for a time of year that to many has become one of the most harried and stress-filled times of year. Here is a gentle reminder to stop, breathe, and notice the beauty that is infused into creation.
1 review1 follower
October 13, 2022
This book is such a beautiful companion to enter more deeply into the story of God, and to help open us to the story unfolding in our own lives. I really appreciate the combination visually engaging paintings alongside the scripture and thoughtful reflections. It allowed me to use all parts of my brain and my senses! And I loved having the short prayer prompts after each reflection which invited me to pause and gave voice to some of my own deep prayers and longing.

Towards the end, the book invites us to make room for wonder: “We must learn how to see beyond our physical eyes and perceive with eyes wide to wonder. Only then will we truly see.” (p. 94). This is exactly what this entire devotional book does for me: The beauty of the paintings created space for me to be touched by the mystery and beauty of the a familiar story in a new way. It helped me perceive with wonder. I’m excited to return to this book during Advent season, but I also think that it is an encouraging devotional for all times of the year.
Profile Image for Victoria.
1,268 reviews17 followers
December 26, 2023
I read this each night to my family for Advent (with candle lighting and all).
The paintings in it for each day were beautiful and took a lot of work, but I feel that this devotional focused too much on the paintings each night. Sometimes the paintings don't speak to us as an emphasis was made for it to do.

The writings each night were written to prepare for the coming of Christ, but there was hardly much talk about Jesus himself, which I know sounds odd. I feel it focused way more on Elizabeth than anyone else. My favorite night was the one talking about the marginalized. There were some pretty good discussions made by my family. I think this would have been better if I read it alone as a mother than with my whole family.
Profile Image for Amy Living Well Read .
92 reviews13 followers
October 7, 2022
Bette Dickinson has created an Advent treasure with this devotional that pairs her gorgeous paintings with her daily Advent devotionals. Each day's devotional provides a painting to reflect upon, a Scripture reading, a brief devotional, a question to ponder, and a breath prayer. I love the focus on the women in the Advent story and also how the author highlights the way that God centers the marginalized in the Christmas story. This book is small, but it packs a powerful punch. It would make a gorgeous early Christmas gift--for a loved one or for yourself! I'm looking forward to sharing more about this one with my reading community in the days leading up to Advent. Highly, highly recommend!
Profile Image for Valerie.
619 reviews2 followers
December 21, 2022
Decent devotional Advent countdown to Christmas. The pictures were OK. Have to admit several reminded me of people smoking, and not divine hand, but the context of the book is very good. It took the story of Christ’s birth through Sarah and Mary … a take I had not done before. I appreciated the Biblical story told through their eyes, and the daily Bible verses that helped bring the birth to this ole woman’s heart in a new way. Recommend as a new way to open each day towards the Christmas holiday.
Profile Image for Anthea Kotlan.
16 reviews2 followers
September 20, 2022
Can you ever really feel ready for Christmas? Bette Dickinson invites readers into a time of contemplation and soul preparation during the season of Advent in her book, "Make Room in Advent." The stunning illustrations and the engaging devotionals provide fresh insight into Biblical texts. The author includes breath prayers, short readings and so much to ponder.
Profile Image for Brittany.
13 reviews
September 21, 2022
I have loved Bette's work since I first encountered it and am thrilled to hold this book in my hands. Every year in Advent, I long for a resource to draw me toward the slow and contemplative and beautiful in the midst of the busyness of the season. I can't wait to share this with others for whom I want the same thing.
136 reviews2 followers
November 9, 2022
When the book arrived I was disappointed by the size...I was expecting a bigger book. And because of the size, reflection on the artwork wasn't so easy...
However the content is great, a thoughtful advent read. The artwork is beautifully illustrated and gives a new dimension to the Christmas narrative.
Profile Image for Lori Neff.
Author 5 books30 followers
December 16, 2022
Beautiful, thoughtful, and fresh. I am looking forward to engaging with this lovely book again and again.
Profile Image for Carol Ann.
288 reviews10 followers
December 28, 2022
This is a delightful Christmas devotional with art by the author to ponder. It travels slowly through Luke 1 & 2 accounts for Advent and Christmas. Lovely.
Profile Image for Brenda Seefeldt.
Author 2 books13 followers
September 2, 2024
Beautiful Advent art with beautiful and deep words. We will be using the words and purchasing some of the art to use for Advent this Christmas season at our church.
Profile Image for Bob Wolniak.
665 reviews10 followers
December 26, 2022
A truly wonderful daily devotion through the season of Advent. The author’s paintings combined with readings and reflections and applications makes this a personal favorite I hope to use each year.
Profile Image for Janet Sketchley.
Author 12 books80 followers
January 15, 2024
Meditative artwork, Scripture, and a brief devotional followed by reflective questions and short “breath prayers” to repeat through the day make this book a special part of Advent—or at least December 1-25, since the season of Advent usually begins in November.

The Bible verses come from Luke 1 and 2, highlighting the key figures: Zechariah, Elizabeth, Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, Simeon, and Anna.

Making Room in Advent became a favourite part of each day for me, bringing quiet, calm, and pages of journalled response. I missed the benefit of the brief daily prayers by not taking time to write them down and keep them in view to include in my day.

The art in this book is lovely, restful, and thought-provoking. A paper copy of the book would be ideal, although I found reading the ebook on a tablet gave me a large enough view of each image. I don’t know how effective it would be on a smartphone.

Highly recommended for anyone desiring a meaningful collection of devotionals leading up to Christmas—although it could benefit readers any time of the year.

Bette Dickinson is a prophetic artist, a writer, and a speaker. To learn more about her, visit bettedickinson.com.
Displaying 1 - 24 of 24 reviews

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