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Realm of Curses #1

A Lust for Blood

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There is no escape when the monster is you.

When Oriana awakens in a field of blood and bodies, she is devastated to realize the patchwork of death was caused by her own hand. A curse lingers in the air, and there is only one option to save herself from further bloodshed. Oriana uses her magic to create an enchanted forest imprisoning the monster responsible for the massacre–herself.

Garren has built a career around slaying demons. When he learns of a centuries old creature locked away in the strange Phantom Wood, the opportunity is too great. He will stop at nothing to destroy the demon filth that lurks in those shadows if only to satisfy his own haunting memories.

Oriana soon finds herself caught in a cat and mouse game, fighting to keep her identity secret. As the two grow closer, secrets unravel. But could they each be the answer the other has been searching for?

The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde meets the Witcher in this debut Adult Dark Fantasy novel by K.C. Smith.

354 pages, Paperback

Published November 1, 2022

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About the author

K.C. Smith

5 books197 followers
My only goal in writing is to create adventurous stories full of magical worlds that allow the reader an escape from the real world for a while. I want you to have fun when reading one of my books!

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 216 reviews
Profile Image for SK.
476 reviews7,504 followers
July 12, 2023
Read if you like the Witcher and the Strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.

"I don't think I could ever be lost from you, not truly, for I know you will always be there to find me."
"Until the end."

Cursed by someone close to her centuries ago, Oriana wakes up to find herself surrounded with bodies and bloodshed, only to realise the demon that killed, is her. Garren has a reputation of killing demons and has never backed away. The two soon find each other in a chase.

I have never read The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde but I have seen the Witcher, and this one gave strong vibes for it. The world building is strong yet pretty simple to follow, and the pacing is decent, if one has the time they can read it in a single day. The twists and turns were awesome.

The best thing about this was the plot, it grabbed my attention from page 1 and it stayed that way through the end. I went in for the romance but stayed for the action. The way the fight sequences are written, are immaculate 🤌 I could picture the graphic scenes aptly and oh wow I am impressed. I enjoyed Garren's fights with the demons a lot and Oriana's struggles were so vividly described 🤌

The romance was okay, I wasn't too into it. The chemistry is present but c'mon when you have monster fight scenes who wants romance?? 🤷‍♀️ If I were to rate the spice, it would be 1.5/5 🌶️

One thing that could have been better was if the author had taken time to resolve some matters thoroughly instead of brushing over them within two pages. The argument that happened towards the end between Oriana and Garren could've used at least a whole chapter over it. The whole thing was brushed within passages, it felt weird. Sometimes a little drama goes a long way 🙈😅

The ending was not bad, the plot twist at the end had my jaw on the floor. I ended up liking Orrick after all 🤷‍♀️

Overall, an enjoyable read. Will keep an eye on the authors future works.

⚠️TW- Graphic scenes of death and violence, gore, blood, self harm, and attempted suicide ⚠️


It's giving the Witcher ✨
November 8, 2022
"Wh-what are you?" he stammered, backing away from her toward the door behind him, toward his only means of escape.
She graced him with a menacing smile, displaying her full set set of masterful fangs.
"Death," she hissed, and then pounced.

From the very first moment I saw this on BookSirens, I knew I needed to have it.
A Lust For Blood is a gothic tale so terrifying and bloody you will want to save it for spooky season, but in case you can help yourself (guilty, your honor), I recommend you dive into this armed with courage and willing to let yourself be transported into a magical universe filled with scary monsters, demon hunters and so much violence to last for days.
Fast-paced and action-packed, with insanely detailed writing and horrid creatures straight from your darkest nightmares, you won't be able to put it down once you start.
The thing I liked the most about the book, was the world-building and the lore, especially the monster's descriptions and the action scenes that were disgusting and made me squirm, but were absolutely gripping nonetheless.
I loved that this was told in a double pov, because it gave us the chance to focus on Oriana and Garren's stories independently, and I also appreciated that one of the main characters was my age. Who says you can't live an adventurous life, once you turn 28.
It also doesn't hurt that the romance was nice to read about. I was honestly (and surprisingly, if you know me) more interested in the whole legend/curse storyline and overall plot, but I didn't mind the bit the romance and appreciated that it wasn't the focal point of the story.
It reminded me a little of a gothic and dorky The Witcher and I can't say I'm complaining. I actually might have let my mind imagine young Henry Cavill as the protagonist, but that's a story for another day.

ARC received from BookSirens in exchange for a review.

Featured Book Reviewer

Profile Image for A.
136 reviews44 followers
December 5, 2022
This was so good!! I loved the world building. I thought it was so cool. I also loved the magic. The story had be interested the entire time. I kept wanting to know more and get answers to all of my questions.

I loved Oriana as a character. I thought she so interesting. I enjoyed her journey through the book. I also loved Garren. He was just so good and I love home. I also immediately got Witcher vibes which is always fun.

I don’t know if this is an unpopular option but I like Orrick. He was fun. He is the drama and I love it. Would read a book fully dedicated to him.

I highly recommend this book. It was so good!! I loved the story and the characters.
Profile Image for acupofteaandabookplease.
127 reviews21 followers
October 8, 2022
This book was perfect to start Halloween's month : it wasn't scary but full of monsters, tricky gods and a terrible curse. I loved how the characters were slowly revealed and how the story was exciting to the very last pages. Oriana and Garren are so cute but I really liked Orrick... I must admit he made me really think a lot about Loki 😁 The author gave a magic touch to this book thanks to beautiful description (but they were not long ones... which I dislike)... the only reason I don't give 5 stars is that sometimes I felt like some part of this book were rewritten and they were not as smooth as the rest of the book... Sometimes I just felt like I had missed something... but it wasn't me 😊
Profile Image for Bex Kula Hildrew.
201 reviews9 followers
November 3, 2022
I am positively mind-boggled by all the 4- and 5-star reviews this book has received. It honestly felt like the world’s lamest Witcher fanfic dressed up for a college creative writing class. I’m giving it an extra star because it did bill itself as a Witcher meets Jekyll & Hyde (and I was totally here for that) and I did enjoy the first half a bit, but it took that interesting build up and served up a giant plate of cheese with a side of overwritten dialogue. Even the spice had no heat.
Profile Image for Jessii Vee.
190 reviews239 followers
March 17, 2023
First 50 pages were SO GOOD! But after the two main characters meet, it went downhill. Too Insta-lovey for me.
Profile Image for Savannah.
197 reviews380 followers
October 17, 2022
A Lust for Blood is dark and gory, complex, romantic, action-packed, and overall an amazing book, especially for spooky season.

Oriana is our main character and she is cursed to lust for blood on every full moon & she has also has enchanter magic. We get little bits and pieces about how Oriana was cursed and her past throughout the book and I loved the way this was written because it kept me curious about her and made me want to keep reading to find out more. I really felt for Oriana throughout the book because she’s conflicted—she’s good but has her dark side she can’t control and she feels very guilty about that. She struggles to accept both parts of herself. Garren was a mystery that I spent the book trying to solve and I adore him. He also gave me Henry Cavil in the Witcher vibes and I LOVED it. I was rooting for Garren and Oriana the whole time, they both just deserve happiness.

The book is so detailed and really goes into depth about the magic system, mythology, and world building. I was blown away with how well written the mythology was and it was so easy to absorb as a reader. The demons descriptions were so detailed and the imagery of the world was absolutely beautiful, Smith did an excellent job. The way that the town was described made it seem so enchanting and the woods were perfectly creepy and a very unique concept. Smith wrote an exceptional history of the world, it’s detailed, unique, and captivating. A Lust for Blood is perfectly paced and keeps you enthralled.

The plot truly felt like a game of cat and mouse as I was waiting for certain secrets to be revealed. The story was action packed and there were quite a few revelations throughout the book that had my jaw dropping.

I loved this book so much and it is one of the more unique books I’ve read. I highly recommend A Lust for Blood!

Some things you can expect from this book:
✨Demon vs demon hunter
✨Dark and gory
✨Dual POV
✨Meddling gods
✨Monsters & curses
✨Jaw dropping revelations
✨Gender swapped Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Spice: 🌶/5 (one scene)
Profile Image for Leonie.
249 reviews36 followers
October 27, 2022
When I first came across A Lust For Blood, I was immediately on board, as the premise managed to catch me right from the start. I was lucky to have been granted an ARC of this by Booksirens and my excitement only grew. I am afraid this might be a case of “It’s not you, it’s me” – unfortunately.

A Lust For Blood tells the story of Oriana, a mythical being with magical abilities and monstrous traits at the same time. Fighting for the good in herself, she builds a trap to cage the monster in her she is not able to control and still wants to limit it in its bloodshed. One of her means to achieve this is the magical Phantom Forest – impenetrable, in theory. Of course there is young Garren, a demon slayer who followed the tale of a Demon right through Oriana’s forest.
We accompany Oriana and Garren in their journey of covering and discovering, of getting to know each other and facing the challenges their nature brings.

While I started this book with fairly high expectations, I am sad to say it did not exactly meet those. I was looking forward to a long journey of hide and seek, of close calls and forbidden attraction, of slow, slow build-up to the plotline and the character’s relationship. The world building could have used more detail for my taste, as well as the timeline might have profited of a less rapid development in terms of plot and character entanglement. Also, I would have loved to see more depth to the characters themselves, as I tend to “bond” over small things with my fictional companions – finishing the book I knew nothing about them, that was not inextricably connected to the plotline. Giving them edges, irks, conventional and unconventional things they love or enjoy, that would form the characters in more detail and would probably allow the reader to develop a certain kind of affection to them more easily. I felt like I had a bigger distance to both Oriana and Garren, which does affect my being invested in their story a lot.
In general, I think this book could have used more detail: Descriptions of places, people with actual names even if they are just some villager (in moderate amounts), slower development of attraction or affection as well as other emotions, the previously mentioned more finely crafted mold for the characters would probably have helped ascending A Lust For Blood to a different level.
After stating what I missed, I will also have to say what a reader can expect before diving into A Lust for Blood: The characters do stay true to themselves, we experience a rapid development of plot and attraction, there is room for so many more stories and we do progress really fast in the story.
If someone prefers a quick read without having to dive through 300 pages of worldbuilding prior to plot unravelling, this might be the right book for you. It also might be the right fit for readers who think lengthy fight scenes to be rather dull. It is an enjoyable read and in no way or shape a bad read – it just was not that memorable to me due to the points I have listed before.

As I did miss some loose ends to be tied up towards the end of the story and there are still quite a few mysteries unsolved I imagine there might be more to tell of Garren’s and Oriana’s story, so maybe this was the beginning to a far bigger story.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
Profile Image for Marcy.
23 reviews2 followers
July 5, 2024
The premise of this book is so cool and it starts off well with solid dark fantasy vibes and lady villain goodness only to have everything good about it take a back seat and then fade away in favour of what almost feels like a different story entirely.

I read the synopsis and I wanted dark fantasy, a cunning game of cat and mouse between two adversaries, forbidden love and most of all I wanted some badarse lady villain being villainous.

Unfortunately there’s not really any of that in this book save for some short lived villainy in the beginning which is also when the dark fantasy vibes come to an end and it suddenly feels like regular fantasy.

There’s no cunning game of cat and mouse, Garren just reads a bunch of books in an old library.

They’re never really adversaries, Garren is just a douche one time before immediately having his perspective broadened by the token wise old lady and going back to their sappy insta-love relationship.

Their love isn’t forbidden or even enemies to lovers it’s just shallow insta-love based on…idk destiny or something I guess? The rest was disappointing if only because it had potential but the “romance” was honestly the hardest part to take seriously. Oriana is supposed to be a 700+ year old immortal and yet when she meets the cardboard cutout of an action figure with no personality of his own that is Garren, she’s acting like a gushing adolescent over stupid stuff like his muscles, his stormy eyes, how distracting it is seeing him with his shirt off oh and his stormy eyes. Notably she doesn’t gush over any traits of his personality because he doesn’t have one. He seemed like he was supposed to be the cocky rogue for a chapter or two but then he solidifies into the generic hero who is whoever the plot needs him to be at any given moment and does it without being memorable in any way which made it even more frustrating when Oriana falls in love with this 2D piece of white bread and I’m sitting here reading it like, seriously? The chemistry is just so artificial and like much of the story, it’s told to you but not shown to you in any meaningful way.

The biggest disappointment though was how the relationship between Oriana’s dual identities is never really explored beyond her wanting to suppress her “evil” side, there’s no POV from that side of her after the beginning and there’s no real character growth at all. She’s supposed to be both of them in equal parts and yet we only see the “good” side of her while her bloodlust, as it’s awkwardly referred to often, is just some pseudo demonic possession that happens sparingly and mostly off screen. We don’t even get to see how that side of her feels about being suppressed and locked away inside herself. So many lost opportunities for something rich and compelling.

Combine that with a rushed ending and one of the most annoying Deus ex Machina tropes made the whole thing so unbelievably anticlimactic that I still managed to be disappointed even though I was just reading it to finish it at that point.
Profile Image for Tatyana (The Literature Llama).
201 reviews33 followers
April 12, 2023
This book was AMAZING. I did not want to put it down ever! I loved the pacing, the characters, the storyline, the twists, the magic, all of it. If you’re a lover of fantasy of any form, read this book now! It was the perfect mix of romance, monsters, character development, and myth. I loved every moment of it.

This is a very unique twist on the classic, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde littered with myths, legends, monsters, curses, and a little bit of romance. I was in awe of how this world came together and how each character seemed important and flushed out. How the story flowed so well from one scene to the next. And the ending was perfection.

I can not wait to see what else KC comes up with. Because this one was gold! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Profile Image for rachel.
315 reviews16 followers
September 26, 2022
"You misunderstand what it is to be a god."

A Lust for Blood is the perfect Fall read: it is filled with convoluted curses, gods, monsters, and a gothic romance subplot.
So let's break it down:

Quality of Writing:
The world-building and magic system in this book is just *chef's kiss*. It's easy to digest yet at the same time brilliant and complex. Smith has a splendid manner of writing where you think you have everything figured out, only for the most perfectly plotted plot twist to pop up. I have zero complaints - only compliments.

Pace and Plot:
If you're a fan of books that have different parts/sections (i.e., Six of Crows), then this book is for you. Each section had a new element to the same overall mystery of the world/curse that it made the ending all the better. To put simply, it all tied together perfectly in a way that made the book hard to put down. Pacing-wise, I would put this book around a medium-to-fast pace.

This is the only section I found slightly lacking (but the plot and lore more than made up for it!). This wasn't so much about the individual personalities of each character, but their interactions with others. As much as I ended up loving the blossoming relationship between Garren and Oriana, there relationship felt very implausible at first. There was more telling than there was showing, but as the characters grew, so did the plausibility of their relationship. Individually, however, they were both powerful, strong characters. I genuinely enjoyed them both, as well as side characters such as Orrick.

Would I Recommend?:
Overall, this book was very well-written and a perfect Fall read. I fully plan on picking up a physical copy of this book once it hits the shelves as well as recommending it to all of my friends. I would also recommend this book to fans of Furyborn, adult fans of Percy Jackson, and/or The Witcher.

My deep thanks to NetGalley, K.C. Smith, and Phantom House Press for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review! A Lust For Blood is out November 1st!
Profile Image for Rachel Emily.
4,261 reviews346 followers
December 10, 2022
Thank you to @mtmctours for including me on this tour for A Lust For Blood by K.C. Smith (@balancingbooksandcoffee), the first book in the Realm of Curses Trilogy! This debut novel is a great gender bent mash-up of Jekyll and Hyde meets the Witcher and is out now from @phantomhousepress.

Wow! This book was quite a wild, fast paced ride. I love that Oriana, our cursed monster, is the main MC of the story and we feel a bit more on the outside of the story with Garren, the monster hunter. I love how that was set up at the start, it felt very fresh. Although Oriana is the monster, you feel so much compassion for her, for having to endure centuries of her curse.

The writing and world building was solid and the pace was great. I think if you’re a fan of morally grey characters, definitely a Witcher type of vibe, and like a bit of gore, then you will love this book.

Profile Image for Sara.
337 reviews9 followers
June 25, 2024
One of those books I thought would be mid but turned out to be way better than I could imagine.
33 reviews
August 23, 2022
Wow! This was an excellent read! I definitely didn’t know what to expect going into it, but it exceeded my expectations and more. The story is so unique, and while there are some very dark aspects, I still felt light and hopeful while reading it. This is a true testament to the author’s skill in how she makes her words come to life.

The story revolves around Oriana, who believes herself to be a demon and is constantly fighting the internal battle of good versus evil. She is such an amazingly intricate character, and she really makes you re-examine what it means to be morally grey. I especially loved reading the story from her perspective, as she has such a beautiful appreciation for life which shows in everything she thinks, says, and does.

The plot really kicks off once the MMC, Garren, is introduced into Oriana’s orbit. The world-building is so imaginative and unique, and I truly could not put the book down. I stayed up way too late to finish this book in one day, but I don’t regret it. While I would say the romance is not particularly important to the plot (there was one mildly steamy scene), it does really help you get a better sense of the characters’ personalities as individuals.

Overall, this was a well-written read with imaginative world-building, complex characters, mild romance, and an extremely intriguing plot.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
Profile Image for K.C. Smith.
Author 5 books197 followers
August 6, 2022
A gender bent reimagining of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde meets the Witcher.

Maybe a little biased, but I liked it.
Profile Image for Belinda Smith.
408 reviews10 followers
October 18, 2022
“Demon stories were told throughout Svakland to deter children from misbehaving, but that all changed many years ago."

I received a copy of the book from the author and BOMM in exchange for an honest review. The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde meets the Witcher in this debut Adult Dark Fantasy novel by K.C. Smith. I loved every second of this thrilling book with monsters, gods and more!

When Oriana awakens in a field of blood and bodies, she is devastated to realize the patchwork of death was caused by her own hand. She tries to escape the ​bl​ood​shed but it finds her again. To protect everyone from her curse, Oriana uses her magic to create an enchanted forest imprisoning the monster responsible for the massacre–herself.

Garren has built a career around slaying demons. When he learns of a centuries old creature locked away in the strange Phantom Wood, the opportunity is too great. He will stop at nothing to destroy the demon filth that lurks in those shadows if only to satisfy his own haunting memories. He is not an ordinary human being though. He has been different from others for a long time with no answers as to why.

“Some were never lucky enough to find a Darragh or a Garren in their lifetime. It was quite magnificent that she somehow had, and both times in the mortal world.”

Garren and Oriana have secrets of their own and Oriana finds herself caught in a cat and mouse game, fighting to keep her identity secret from Garren. As the two grow closer, secrets unravel. They race against time to save Oriana and everyone else.

The world building was amazing. This world created was rich with lore and myths of gods and monsters. I loved the descriptions and vivid details throughout the book. The revelations were a surprise and made the plot exhilarating. Every character was a treasure and were beautiful women into the tale. I can’t pick a favourite since I love them all. But Orrick was so much fun cuz he reminded me of Loki. There were so many layers for each character which made the story so much better.

“I was born with my father’s thirst for death. But my mother’s love for life and beauty. As you can imagine, the two don’t exactly mesh well together. My entire existence has been a struggle, a constant war battling deep within.”

Oriana and Garren were such awesome characters who were very easy to fall in love with. I was rooting for them as soon as they met! XD

The bond forming between them was beautifully woven into the story. As individual characters, they were fierce and loving and everything to love in a person. I loved their interactions and their banter. I enjoyed reading this book and am very excited for the rest of the series!
Profile Image for lauren ⋆☽˚.
148 reviews16 followers
March 2, 2023

The beginning was mind numbingly boring. But once I got past that, it was an okay read (emphasis on okay).

The two main characters had absolutely no chemistry. Like, they met, they kinda didn’t like one another but they recognized that they were both attractive. Then, like two days later, after very limited interactions, they were painfully in love?? They did have a few cute lines:
·̩̩̥͙**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚~Oriana moved closer, melting into his embrace as he explored her with a gentle possessiveness that sent a tingling heat rushing through her.
~“You are a song my soul is constantly, hopelessly drawn to. You have not once left my mind, Oriana. Not since the day I met you.”
~He was quite certain that if he had fallen asleep in this dungeon and she had left him in peace, the absence of her presence would have awoken him instantly.

Also, Garren was so annoying. He was too cocky for no reason. He also kept honing in on the fact that Oriana was “ordinary”. spolier I get that she had an enchantment on to make her blend in, but damn, he was obsessed with the fact that sometimes, under a certain light, she was fucking breathtaking, but the rest of the time she was so plain and borning.
He didn’t look at her for too long, worried she would change again, her features melting from the stunning creature she was, back into the unremarkable woman that didn’t seem to suit her. STAY AWAY FROM HER! YOU DON’T DESERVE HER!

Then, he had the audacity to yell at her for trying her best. Like girl already had so much self hatred. "By trapping them like caged dogs? You have stolen their lives, kept them hidden in this dark place, kept them scared. You are no better than the Gods you hate. You have been careless and selfish,” he spat, the full extent of his ire dripping from every word. FUCK YOU!

Sometimes a man being hot is not enough to justify his boring and annoying ass personality. And they had no chemistry. And the smut was bad.

The writing was eh, I feel like it could have had another round of editing and it would have been a lot more enjoyable. But honestly, she really wrote and published this book, like go off queen. Don’t let me talk shit about your book. Put me in my place.
Profile Image for Elina.
99 reviews11 followers
November 3, 2022
"Whoever goes into the Phantom Wood on the full moon never comes out. Beware the eve of the blood moon , for the White Demon will steal you into the night and bathe in your blood to keep her youth."

She was that demon.. Orianna.. The monster of the Phantom Woods. Ever since she was young she was fighting an internal battle, two conscienses in the same body.. Until now, this curse, the her darker half is free..

Orianna once was happy, she loved her hometown and she loved Darragh .. But someone else decided to change this, to wake her dark side and since that day she fights very hard to protect the others from the monster that curse made her..

Garren is a demon hunter, he met his destiny when he was ten years old. He met a beautiful woman, like no other but there was something strange with her, she was the first demon he met. Since then he has been fighting terifying monsters. He is exhausted and lucky to be alive, but he has anitger task.. He has to fight the White Demon in the Phantom Wood...

Really, what can I say about this book? It is really a treasure to read. The discriptions are so vivid, you fell the cold Oriana felt, the dangerous breaths of the monsters Garren faught.. The Phantom Wood, gray, cold and misty.. It is so magical.. I loved Orianna, how she fights her dark side, I loved Garren how lonely he feels, how tired he is but he keep fighting. Oh, and the moment the met..

I don't want to say more, you should defently read this book. K. C Smith is officially one of my favourite authors!
Profile Image for Cleo & Vine.
142 reviews31 followers
November 15, 2022

A Lust for Blood is a gender-bent Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde with a hint of the Witcher. It is a vampire story, but simultaneously isn’t one at all. It’s a story from the perspective of the monster hiding under the bed (or the one staring back at you in the mirror. Smith’s book expertly examines the monster and villain inside us all. Can you win the battle when you are fighting yourself? Where is the line between good and evil?

Though the first book in Smith’s Realm of Curses series is just under 300 pages, it features perfect pacing, unexpected twists, and characters to unalive for. Expect carnage, gore, and excitement that will keep you the edge of your seat. It’s medieval, mysterious, and absolutely murderous.

After careful reflection, K.C. Smith’s debut adult fantasy deserves a 4.5 out of 5. Points were taken solely because I would have devoured a hundred more pages of this thrilling series opener. Don’t believe me? Here are some quotes to sink your teeth into:

“She heard someone’s laugh, cold and callous, and realized suddenly that it was her own. As she ripped out the man’s still-beating heart, his screams silenced.”

"’Wh-what are you?" he stammered, backing away from her toward the door behind him, toward his only means of escape.

She graced him with a menacing smile, displaying her full set set of masterful fangs.
"Death," she hissed, and then pounced.’”
Profile Image for Tatiany.
206 reviews
November 20, 2022
This book was advertise to me as a Dr Jekyll/ Mr Hyde retelling with a mix of the Witcher.. While I see what others meant by that, this story it’s it’s own unique tale. it did not feel like a debut novel, and I think the idea of the FMC was brilliant. The way I see it Oriana is a type of witch/vampire. How cool is that? I mean I know exactly what she is but I don’t want to spoil it for y’all.

The writing is really smooth and although I’m not a fan of gore and the beginning of the book has a decent amount of it. The way it was written was so good that I did not mind the bloodshed.

I really enjoyed the development of that internal issue that Oriana has. I love how she not a hero nor a villain but she tries to do better.

The slow burn fated mates had me screaming lol like I really wanted them to kiss and once they did it did not disappoint. Also mhm *that scene*

The world building is just great. I loved the whole enchanted forest small village that the author has going on. The only thing I’m sad about is that this book just came out and I need the next one ASAP.

I want to send NetGalley and Phantom House Press for making it possible for me to read an ARC in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Gabby.
103 reviews12 followers
October 18, 2022
This Witcher Vibes book was fantastic!!!

Dr Jekyll Mr Hyde have nothing on Oriana and her Monster!

Garren can give Geralt a run for his money. Tall dark, handsome and a demon hunter? Sign me up!

The story in the book was a huge page turner I couldn't put down. It kept me on my toes and had me guessing. I can't wait for more book in the series to come out.

A perfect read for Spooky season and well anytime of year!
4 reviews
September 23, 2022
The story of a demon and a demon hunter. This book was beautifully written and full of twists I wasn’t expecting. I was super intrigued with the world building and the cosmos. I hope we learn more in the next book! Overall this was an awesome action packed fantasy with a hint of horror. I felt the end was a little rushed, but it did wrap everything up very nicely. An impressive and unique debut novel that definitely deserves 5 stars!

Thank you to netgalley and the author for providing me with an ARC copy in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Shia.
927 reviews17 followers
April 2, 2024

I almost DNF’d this. The plot had too many moments of confusion and lack of character development and I often found myself so bored I skimmed through a good portion of it.

Oriana could have been this amazing beast that Garren tames with patience and love - like a Gender reversal of Beauty and the Beast!! That would have been epic! But the instalove was a disappointing development. Garren’s origins also could have been more heavily focused on especially as he was vital to breaking the curse.

Overall, I feel everything was way too rushed in this story to truly enjoy what it was designed to be. If more time had been taken to build the world and its people better, I could see this being an amazing fantasy series full of hideous monsters, conniving gods and a sweet romance.
Profile Image for Kat M.
3,622 reviews19 followers
August 20, 2022
this was a great start to the A Realm of Curses series, it does what I was hoping for in a fantasy horror novel. I enjoyed the plot of the book and thought it was a unique concept in the horror genre. The characters were wonderfully done and I enjoyed the way Katelyn Smith wrote this. I look forward to reading more from her and in this universe.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
Profile Image for Moody.
103 reviews2 followers
December 11, 2022
Can I just say I did NOT expect the turn of events of this book?!

This book has such a strong start that hooked me into it so much. There’s just something about this one that made me turn the pages non-stop at literally two in the morning!

From the very start, we were given this mysterious woman with an unexplainable characteristic that made me want to know what is happening and why it is happening. This is a high fantasy book so the setting is entirely different and I really appreciate the world building and the whole new terms for me to remember. There are also time jumps that at first made me a tad bit impatient because I just want the two main characters to meet 😂

Oriana— the female lead depicted what a person who cannot accept a part of themselves act and interact with their environment. I kind of relate with her fear and I absolutely understand the decisions she made, although they look like they’re flawed from someone who doesn’t experience what she’s experiencing, however everything she does has a purpose. I just felt like her acceptance stage was too rushed so I hoped we were transitioned better on that stage but in overall I love her character all throughout the book.

Garren— please don’t even get me started with how hot he is in my mind 😭 So based from what I noticed, he really started strong and gradually transitioned to becoming king of soft when he met Oriana. I love their banter when they first met and I really enjoyed their chemistry! I think Garren really matches with Oriana so well, the former being a breath of fresh air and the latter being the serious one with a dark secret.

Maybe if I can just suggest a thing to make the succeeding books better is that I hope the side characters are given more screen time because I love reading the lives of the side characters so much! I also think it is more hollistic for a book to give life to the side characters and highlight their stories as well!

One thing I also adore about this book is that I LITERALLY though it will just be a vampire book but NO, this has god’s & goddesses, demi- gods, literal world builders and elemental magic! All I am looking for is in this book so I would highly recommend this to fantasy readers out there!
Profile Image for Caitlyn (delightful.reading).
566 reviews42 followers
October 24, 2022
A Lust for Blood is an amazing gothic fantasy romance told from two POVs.

Oriana is cursed. In order to protect people from the monster within, she sets up a prison for herself: an enchanted forest known as the Phantom Wood.

Garren is a demon hunter, dedicated to ridding the world of evil. When he hears tales of a demon within the Phantom Wood, he knows it's his duty to destroy it.

When the two meet, Oriana knows it's essential that she hides her identity from Garren. However, the longer Garren stays, the closer he comes to her identity and her heart. Can Oriana keep herself hidden, or will Garren discover the truth?

I really enjoyed this! The narrative style in A Lust for Blood is fantastic. The dual POV not only shows who each character is, it also shows different timelines, as Oriana's POV starts years before Garren's. It also adds to the gothic fantasy elements surrounding the story.

This tale also has elements of Jekyll and Hyde, as Oriana's inner struggle between her light and dark side play an essential role in the novel. It's just an amazing and unique take on the classic dual nature trope.

Also, the mythology in this book is astounding. The author put a lot of time into fleshing out the history and mythology of A Lust for Blood. It's a really strong foundation that directly ties into the book.

The characters were great, especially the two leads! Also, I noticed this was book one in a series, so now I'm hoping that a certain bringer of chaos gets the main character treatment for book 2.

All in all, this is a great gothic fantasy read with dashes of monster romance, Jekyll and Hyde, and mythology thrown in. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. Many thanks to Book Sirens and the author for the ARC!
Profile Image for cady_reads.
156 reviews
September 5, 2022
A Lust for Blood is a deliciously dark and morbid book. I was surprised at the (unwilling) viciousness of the female MC Oriana, but I loved every second of it. This book is the PERFECT spooky/dark/luscious fall read. We have: a sometimes monstrous/sometimes demonic (again, unwilling) female MC, a demon hunting male MC, and a sentient and eerie forest. I read this in one sitting and I can’t wait to see what comes next.

Thank you NetGalley and Phantom House Press for an early eARC.
Profile Image for Leah.
243 reviews46 followers
November 13, 2022
DNF @ 20%

The blurb sounds great, but the actual book simply couldn't hold my attention. It's an incredibly simple (as in, this is a Witcher fanfic) yet confusing mess. I found myself reading pages without grasping a single thread of what is supposed to go on, only to find that x pages later I didn't miss anything.
Profile Image for Dino Queen.
314 reviews30 followers
March 6, 2023
the dedication: to those who dare to break free and become who they were always meant to be
the cover: I loved it at first sight and I love it even more after reading!
FMC: Oriana- a vampire who has been cursed to be a slave to her bloodlust every full moon. She has travelled centuries to find her current home until the curse takes permanent hold over her consciousness. Just as her time is running out, she encounters Garren who seems intent on helping her break the curse.
MMC: Garren- a demon slayer who stumbles across a magical forest and is brought to safety by an unknown woman whose enchanting face he cannot forget. As he wakes, he sees his mystery woman… but then he doesn’t. Did he hit his head when he lost consciousness or does this woman keep shifting forms? He’s intent on saving this village from the mysterious magical forest that has cut them off from the outside world and slay the demons that lurk within, and this shift woman might be all the help he needs.
POV: 3rd person, dual POV
HEA: yes
spice: there is 1 spicy scene but otherwise no spice or steam!
TWs: murder, death, graphic depictions of murder and gore, self-harm, attempted suicide, suicidal thoughts, manipulation
standalone: book 1 of Realm of Curses series
final thoughts: the art (cover, chapter images, map) are beautiful!! The world building was amazing and I kept picturing the town from Red Riding Hood-that Amanda Seyfried movie- mixed with the town from Midsommar (but without all the ick LOL) and it was so well done and beautiful I could feel myself in every scene that was written. My drawback was that while the scenery was well done and the writing was amazing I felt like the romantic/intimate relationship came out of literally nowhere?? Yes, tension and attraction throughout but I felt like it went from a crush to “yeah we’ve been banging for months” within a paragraph and maybe that’s just me and others didn’t feel that way? It wouldn’t stop me from reading the rest of the series though because I thoroughly enjoyed K.C. Smith's writing style and storyline

A Lust for Blood
read this book if you love
🧛 vampire MC
🔮 supernatural creatures
🪄 magic
💖 paranormal romance
🌍 world building
🗺️ world maps included!
🌀 twists and turns
😳 forbidden lovers (hunter/hunted)
Profile Image for Hepzibah Becca Jael.
675 reviews8 followers
November 6, 2022
A Lust For Blood
K. C. Smith

Rating 🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸/5(yeah I know this is her debut novel but I swear you wouldn't even feel that way for a second! )


“You–you are so incredibly infuriating. You are a mystery I can’t seem to solve, and–” He swallowed, almost choking on the words. “You are a song my soul is constantly, hopelessly drawn to. You have not once left my mind, Oriana. Not since the day I met you.” 

This book is a book that had my heart racing and wanting to finish it ASAP and also not wanting to finish a good book so soon I was torn but you know which side won 🤭 if not we wouldn't be here would we🤣. Anyway this book had the angst, the passion, the thrill, the beauty, the destruction of dreams and also blood lu&t lots and lots of blood lust!

I got to read this book because I was on tour with BOMM tours and got an ARC copy, so I knew that this was the authors debut but OMG did this blow my socks off! I loved the dynamic between Oriana and Garren they had a on and off thing going on between them which was swoony to read, the sibling rivalry is well written!

Our MC is Oriana who has been cursed by the God of War and Trickery, to be consumed on the last day of every month until she succumbs to be the monster that rages inside her! She is determined but sometimes slips out of her self made enchanted prison the Phantom Woods. Will she ever find a way to break the curse or will it break her?
Garren is a demon slayer so once he hears about the white demon that scours the Phantom Woods and holds a town hostage, he is determined to set them free but finds love will he let it distract him from his cause? And what is Oriana's story? Read to find out!

A tale crafted to perfection and the hours and days and months the author had poured into this book makes the book such a perfect fantasy novel. The plot is just simply mind blowingly brilliant, the characters are so so lovable, the elements of fantasy and spice is chefs kiss, the pace is steady but not slow, and the writing style is amazing! Overall this is a book that will quench the thirst of all fantasy lovers! Come eat your heart out people! (pun intended 😉)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 216 reviews

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