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The Moors Murderers: The Full Story of Ian Brady and Myra Hindley

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Meticulously researched by C.G.C. Cook, ‘The Moors Murderers’ gives readers a rare and fascinating look into the lives of Ian Brady and Myra Hindley – often known as the evillest couple in British history. After a torture and killing spree that lasted two years and left five innocent children dead, many aspects of their lives have been kept hidden from the public. Cook’s new release changes that – making unseen photographs, letters and accounts public for the first time.

In the mid 1960s, the serenity of Saddleworth Moor was forever interrupted, even if people didn’t yet know it, as the area became a grave for the innocent child victims of Ian Brady and Myra Hindley.

The couple’s vile torture and killings have shaken up British history ever since, with the couple often considered two of the most evil people to have lived. However, the public still have many questions about who they were and how their dysfunctional relationship operated.

In this book, many artifacts become public for the first time, including photographs from Ian Brady’s ‘Tartan album’, police interviews and witness statements, which shed vital new light on Brady, Hindley and the dangerous cocktail their union became.

294 pages, Hardcover

Published June 30, 2022

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Chris Cook

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 74 reviews
Profile Image for Marialyce .
2,103 reviews694 followers
March 19, 2022
This was a bone chilling story of two people who seemed to lack any kind of human emotion and whose sole goal seemed to be inflicting harm on others. There was nothing to admire about either Ian Bradley or Myra Hindley. They were reprehensible creatures that indulged in sado masochistic endeavors.

Meeting at work, Ian and Myra developed a strange relationship. She was so attracted to him, but he initially didn't seem to return her adoration. Later though, they got together, never marrying, and embarking on a career of drinking and starting to indulge in their sadistic tendencies. They complimented each other in the ways in which they indulged in deviant sex and the dreams of going further into trying to hurt others. The journey to their murdering trail was precisely planned and the team worked out how they would entice their victims, deciding that children were easier to entice and then murder.

The couple would bury some of the victims on the Moors and then often go back to the grave site to visit and try to relive the killings. For two years, the couple continued unchecked on their spree. In all, they wantonly murdered five innocent children. They were finally apprehended and put in prison for the rest of their miserable days. (England didn't have a death penalty)

Truly vile and despicable people, these two have been never forgotten in British history. If there is a hell, there is hope that these two are deep residents of it environs.

This was a spine tingling book that would take your breath away, and presented new information and pictures that were taken by the couple. Not for everyone this was a decent true crime story that I wished had never happened.

Thank you to Chris Cook, Penn and Sword History, and NetGalley for a copy of this story.
Profile Image for Erin Clemence.
1,277 reviews375 followers
April 16, 2022
Special thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for a free, electronic ARC of this novel received in exchange for an honest review.

Expected publication date: April 30, 2022

In the 1960s, Myra Hindley and Ian Brady turned the desolate yet serene countryside of Saddleworth Moor into a burial ground, disposing of their murder victims in the deep soil. The despicable acts of the couple became well known in the U.K, and had the entire country on high alert. When authorities finally found two bodies buried in the moor (both were young children), the investigation began and soon, one more body was found (that of a young man) in the Brady/Hindley home. As the police continued their search, the couple stayed mum, claiming innocence until the last minute, and refusing to turn on each other.

C.G.C Cook brings the horrible murders of the young couple to light in his well-researched, true crime novel “The Moors Murders”. Complete with never-before-seen photos taken by Ian Brady, Cook’s story takes us through the childhood of Ian and Myra, their infamous relationship, and the emotional police investigation. Canadian fans are likely to compare Ian and Myra to our own famous murdering couple, Paul and Karla (I know I did!), and the brutal and heartless acts performed by this pair are just as despicable.

Cook pays respect to the victims and their families the best way he can, while still maintaining the story’s integrity and reality. Ian’s manipulative relationship with Myra, his love of Hitler and his approval of the Nazi Internment Camps, immediately makes Ian the monster in the story. Myra, however, is not depicted as the innocent “tag along”, like most female serial killer partners are, but instead is held responsible for her own rule in the murders, even though she herself denied culpability in the face of damming evidence.

I was fascinated by the similarities in the couple’s upbringing, and how both Myra and her sister Maureen, seemed to fall for similar men (although Maureen’s husband was responsible for turning the couple in to the police, he played a role in the murder of the final victim). The fate that brought two similar monsters together is most definitely a cruel one, and I was relieved that the legal outcome went the way it did. Although I was not familiar with this specific story until this novel, I can imagine the fear and heartbreak that ran through the small community during the couple’s reign.

Creepy and very dark, Cook’s portrayal of the killing couple leaves an indelible mark, and although some of the formatting could use some tweaking, “The Moors Murders” is a compelling true crime novel, depicting the most disgustingly despicable crime imaginable (child rape and murder) and the monsters who committed it.
Profile Image for Mark.
1,400 reviews
April 21, 2022
A book about these 2 evil people is never going to be an easy read,a disgusting pair whose crimes shock as much now as when committed
The detail in the book is astounding,interesting to read about their early lives and how they met and how it was her who was determinded to snare him,also found the letters from the pair to relatives and each other fascinating,the crime details are not easy to read and I did skip over parts
A lot of effort has gone into making this surely the most in depth look at 2 people whose names people my age grew up knowing and fearing and even now cause a shudder of revulsion when mentioned
Profile Image for Louise Wilson.
3,233 reviews1,660 followers
April 4, 2022
There's not a lot to say about Ian Brady and Myra Hindley that people don't already know about. I don't know why, but I'm always intrigued when I she a new book or tv show about this evil vile couple. They were also deluded, believing they were committing the perfect murders. There is new information and pictures that were taken by these monsters. These dreadful killings and burying of their victims should never have happened. I hope they both rot in hell.

I would like to thank #NetGalley #PenAndSword and the author #ChrisCook for my ARC of #TheMoorsMurders in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Maja  - BibliophiliaDK ✨.
1,136 reviews893 followers
March 30, 2022
I was sort of on board with this book up until the point where a picture of Lesley Ann Downey's torture is featured. By then I could not continue. It shocked and disgusted me so deeply, I could not get over it. Those pictures were taking during the torture of a child by her torturers right before her death. They should, in my opinion, never be seen by anyone. There's no reason at all to feature them in this book. It's just disgusting.

ARC provided by the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

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Profile Image for Kristine.
140 reviews135 followers
May 1, 2022
I had to DNF this book about halfway in.

I understand this is a factual rendition of these horrific murders, but the lack of any emotion added by the voice of the author seemed really detached and chilling, in addition, I do not condone (an edited) photo of the victim (while being tortured) being added to the book. It seems unnecessary and disrespectful to the victim and the victim's family. Imagine losing your daughter and loved one and seeing a part of her body in this unbelievably dreadful situation being published in a book. Just no.

Thank you, NetGalley for the ARC of this book!
Profile Image for Valerity (Val).
1,023 reviews2,756 followers
March 14, 2022
I found this to be very good book on the serial killing couple and their twisted ways. I read about the Moors murders a long time ago and found this to be so much more revealing with its new information and photos. You learn more about the interactions between them and how they built up to doing a murder. They used a list they checked off in an effort to avoid detection, believing that they were committing the perfect murders. Ian Brady was particularly evil and was set on indoctrinating others, starting with Myra. Very good true crime. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
Profile Image for Anandi.
488 reviews37 followers
October 30, 2022

ARC provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

If you know me at all, you know that I’m a bit of a true crime nut. I like reading up about serial killers and unsolved murders and I like delving into the psychology of all things horrific. It’s morbid, but it’s fascinating to me, just as it is to millions of others, and well. It is what it is. So when I was trawling the true crime section of the netgalley shelves and saw this book, I just had to take my shot at getting a copy!

I’ve read about Ian Brady and Myra Hindley before. I’ve also watched documentary styled in-depth videos on their lives and the horrific crimes they committed. I know quite a bit about this case, so to speak, but I was still intrigued and wanted to see if this book would give me a different account of what happened, or delve deeper into the court proceedings or something else novel. If nothing, I hoped it would just be a recounting of the events, and as someone who doesn’t remember much of anything most of the time, I thought I’d be having an engaging time, either way.

And then I tried to read this book.

And DNFd it at 12%.

Now, I’m usually very forgiving of ARCs that I pick up, because they *are* review copies and it’s the least I can do to, like, finish the book I’ve been generously gifted. Even when writing and narration aren’t all that, I tend to push through and then I vent about them in the review. That’s what I tried to do with this book, too, even though the writing is absolutely unreadable. There’s no narrative voice whatsoever, and the book doesn’t seem to have a point. I truly did hold on, until the recounting of the sexual crimes committed by Ian Brady in his youth started. The details were gratuitous and gory, and again, absolutely pointless. It just seemed like the book was revelling in the violence of it all. It felt disrespectful and disgusting, and I cannot believe someone really picked this book up to be published.

I can usually stomach a lot of stupid shit, honestly, and I realize that with true crime, it’s really hard to omit details when it comes to some of these cases, because they are relevant to the whole…picture you’re trying to paint while recounting the cases. But there’s definitely a tone. There has to be some level of respect while handling these stories. There’s a line you don’t cross, I think. And this book definitely crossed it for me.

Don’t read it, don’t recommend it. And sure as hell don’t buy it. It’s awful and if I could get away with giving it zero stars, I would.
Profile Image for Julie Haigh.
705 reviews996 followers
March 27, 2022
A well-researched and well-written account.

Over the years I've heard about Ian Brady and Myra Hindley over and over again. I've seen TV documentaries about the Moors Murderers, but this is the first time I've read a book on these terrible crimes.

The book starts right from when they were born. Encompasses all of their lives, not just the murders. An in-depth examination-includes comments from people who knew them at school for example, how they were at the time. Many black and white photos are included, some of them not released before.

It's interesting learning about their lives, what could be triggers etc. But when you read this, and realise what monsters they were, I don't think there can ever be any excuse for crimes so terribly chilling as these. Inexplicable why any girlfriend would ever agree to things like this. You'd think she'd run a mile. How could she stay together with him and participate in these crimes with him, when he's done such awful things to her? Or did he? Was she making that up? Did he make her go along with the murders, would he have killed her otherwise?

All these grisly events happened quite near to where I live. There are lots of details in here I didn't know. I didn't know that much about the case at all really. And chilling to think how terrifyingly close they came to where I live.

Despite the difficult subject matter, it's easy to read, detailed, yet not long-winded. Becomes a really gripping read.

What makes us want to read something as shocking and gruesome as this? Why are some people so bad, and don't seem to have any conscience, not a care for others? It's fascinating how the different pieces come together, and they are eventually caught.

A must read for fans of true crime books. One of the most well-known cases, and here is a very well-researched and well-written account.
Profile Image for Twisted Tales.
66 reviews1 follower
March 20, 2022
⭐⭐⭐⭐ /5

I was asked to review this book as part of a ARC Netgalley read.

I found this to be very good book based on the serial killing couple and their twisted ways. This was a bone chilling story of two people who seemed to lack any kind of human emotion.

Ian Brady and Myra Hindley were an ill-fated couple, a couple who brought havoc into the world when they got together.

It's really hard to know what to say when it comes to reviewing books like this, however this was such a good read, so well written and thought of.

Beckie x💛x

Profile Image for KillerBunny.
230 reviews124 followers
September 22, 2023
Wow, so dark and interesting.
I heard tons of podcast about them but I still learned a lot reading this. And so many pictures never seen before.
Profile Image for Emma Hardy.
1,171 reviews70 followers
April 6, 2022
We all think we know all there is to know about this disgusting pair, and yet so many of us are still so intrigued to work out how people can behave like this. This definitely revealed more information than I had known before and the photos included make this more real than ever.
Quite a few times I had to put the book down. as the information was so disturbing it was hard to digest. This really isn't for the faint hearted.
The timeline did flit around quite a bit which didnt make it the easiest to read,
Profile Image for Rebecca Hill.
Author 1 book60 followers
March 17, 2022
Ian Brady and Myra Hindley were an ill-fated couple - a couple who brought havoc into the world when they got together. Through the murder of young children, they brought a new terror into the world, leaving bodies that horrified England when the truth began to emerge.

Ian Brady and Myra both had a difficult upbringing, but Ian had a more stable upbringing than Myra did. Myra's father was abusive, and she ended up defending her mother and sister against him more than once.

My review:
This was a heartbreaking book to read. It was difficult to read knowing what was going to happen. As you read about their young lives, and then how they met and began their relationship, you start to get the sinking feeling - and a sick feeling as you know what is going to be done at the hands of the monsters that became the Moors Murderers.
Overall, I really did enjoy this book, as you can see a bit more in how these two developed, not only as people but in their relationships.

Thank you to NetGalley and Pen and Sword for a copy of this book for my fair and unbiased review.
Profile Image for Charlotte.
298 reviews2 followers
May 10, 2022
The Moors Murders is another fresh look into the crimes of Ian Brady and Myra Hindley, which is a case I studied in Psychology years ago and found fascinating and eerie.
Many Thanks to NetGalley and Pen And Sword for an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

Ian Brady and Myra Hindley are notorious in the UK for their crimes- this book gives a rare and fascinating look into the couple and some aspects of their lives and evidence that has not been previously made public.

The writing style was extremely factual and the writer definitely kept it emotionless and as close to a factual paper style writing as this is quite a divisive and upsetting case. Some of the evidence was genuinely uncomfortable to see in pictures so please be careful regarding potential content warnings and do your research if you’re thinking of reading this.

It’s not an easy read in any way shape or form- in fact it’s quite gruesome at parts, as the crimes where exactly that, and I definitely feel I have come away learning more about them as a couple and their crimes. I personally loved that not all of it was about the crimes though- there is insight into the Hindley and Brady as people and their relationship.

I enjoyed reading more into the case, into the lives of Brady and Hindley- genuinely as a true crime fan I found this intriguing, well researched and overall a good read. There are so many books about this pair- but this one seems to stand out a bit more to me after reading it due to the mass of research that has obviously been completed and the temptation of never before seen evidence.

Final Thoughts,
A well written and researched profile of one of Hindley and Brady, and the crimes that definitely shook the UK and remain infamous to this day.
1,110 reviews11 followers
May 6, 2022
There have been lots of books about the Moors Murderers, and this one covers the subject very well with plenty of photographs, some allegedly previously unseen. Ian Brady and Myra Hindley are perhaps the most villified and hated of all serial killers, as without any remorse they kidnapped, raped, tortured and killed children and young adults, and even when caught refused to tell the distraught parents where their little ones were buried on the moors. They showed no shame, no regret, no remorse.

The book takes us through their lives, relying on testimony from people who knew them and from documentation. It covers the awful crimes, but does not sensationalise or dramatise the horror. It does not need to - the bare facts that they abducted these children, took them away, in some cases photographed and recorded them, and then killed and buried them are quite horrifying enough. I remember my own parents (having children around the same ages as the victims) being horrified that people could do this, and particularly that a woman could act in such a way.

The book is a difficult read, graphic in content and incredibly sad. We will probably never know the final resting place of Keith Bennett, and one is left wondering how many more children/adults they killed and disposed of.

An excellent, factual, non-sensationalist read. Thank you to NetGalley and Pen and Sword for allowing me access to the ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Shannon.
393 reviews22 followers
May 22, 2022
Thank you to Netgalley and Pen&Sword/Pen&Sword True crime for the arc of this book.

5 star- this follows the full story of the horrendous moors murderers Ian Brady and Myra Hindley and goes through detailed account of their story and the crimes in which they commited against those poor young victims..

Such a informative interesting read recommend if you love true crime
April 28, 2022
There isn’t much to say about The Moors Murders that need explanation to anyone in the UK as to what happened (or I’d be surprised much of the world the awful murders are so well known) and I have read a few books on this, but I thought this book was a really well written and comprehensive study of the events , thoughtfully and respectfully told (too many books don’t do this) there was information I hadn’t read before and I was impressed by the authors ability to stay unbiased and present the facts without an opinion. Well written and researched I recommend this to people interested in true crime and who want a non biased look into these awful events

Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for a free copy for an honest opinion
Profile Image for Shannon Johnson.
22 reviews1 follower
May 11, 2022
Firstly I thought this was above all a very respectful and thoughtful telling of the worst kind of crime imaginable, any crime against children by adults is unforgivable and should be met with the harshest rulings available but in my opinion I also think those punishments should fit the crime. I thought this had a unique approach when in fact the author took upon years more research to start the book with the birth of each main character/monster and not just talking about the crimes committed by them. It did seem that Brady was off the mark from a young age on his own but that, his partner in crime and I do mean partner seemed fairly normal until she left what seemed a perfectly normal relationship with a normal man who did not like to rape & murder children & did not think Hitler was the cats meow for a very unhealthy I love him, I hate him, I love him again obsession of Brady that then turned into an indoctrination of his coo coo Hitler beliefs & way of life. But I don't know if I believe it didn't take much to get her to the dark side? Or if Brady truly did indoctrinate her? People talked about how great she was with kids, how much kids loved her, parents loved her, she babysat for free! These don't seem like psychopathic tendencies but how could someone who did love kids have even have stood by while they knew a child was being killed or abused? Even at the expense of there own safety, knowing they were only safe because they were complicit in the horrendous crimes? So many questions. I however do not believe that Brady committed these crimes alone, I think she help from step one to step end and every step in between. There is recorded voice proof of this! I think she was someone who got off on the power of it, and enjoyed the dirty work of it! She literally showed more worry for her dead dog then she did over dead children! Bottom line this is an extraordinary read even though hard material to process due to its nature of unthinkable crimes against sweet innocent children. I would like to sincerely thank Netgalley the Publisher Pen & Sward as well as the Author Chris Cook for the ARC of this outstanding novel
180 reviews5 followers
April 23, 2022
Well researched and presented book telling the background stories of the Moors Murderers. Harrowing in places as you would expect but fills in many of the gaps in the case. An illuminating historical crime book.
Profile Image for PigginDani.
312 reviews9 followers
March 19, 2022
To start my review, I would like to add the names of those that lost their lives. And to their families, the hidden victims that were left forever broken.

Pauline Reade, 16. John Kilbride, 12. Keith Bennett, 12. Lesley Ann Downey, 10. Edward Evans, 17.

Now this book isn’t going to be for everyone, much like horror books/movies, but unlike horror, this has two words that can scare even the toughest of people, True Crime!
Those two little words change everything.
In a horror movie, you can pause or, if a book, can put it down and remind yourself that “this is just a work of fiction” You can’t do that with True crime. It isn’t fiction. It is real-life.

I have thoroughly enjoyed reading this. It has been such an eye-opener.
The detail of their lives apart and together is incredibly fascinating. I naively thought one was eviler than the other, that one was shy and easily controlled. Oh, how wrong was I?!
Both were cold, callous, and manipulating. Doing whatever it took to satisfy depraved desires.

Serial killers have always been a mystery to me, so learning about their childhoods and upbringings gives a new level of insight into how their minds work.
I’m not saying I understand them, but, in the words of one of my favourite tv shows, Evil Lives Here, there had been signs!!
Signs do not scream, Serial Killer in the making, and hindsight is a marvelous thing, but I cannot help but wonder if some earlier intervention might have changed the course of history, and these two then may never have met?! Yet, I believe the darkness that lived within these two would lead to heinous acts either alone or together.

Folie à deux is a perfect description of Myra Hindley & Ian Brady.

What a beautiful, almost righteous irony there is within their story. Ian Huntley admired Adolf Hitler, and much like Hitler, Ian’s ego and arrogance ultimately drove him into making a fatal mistake. A mistake that would see him arrested and later imprisoned. I do take immense joy in knowing that.

I highly recommend this book, but would suggest that, like me, read it one chapter at a time. Even the earlier chapters can be hard-hitting.

My final thought (thanks, Jerry Springer. lol) is books that explore the origins of pure evil are fantastic. Thanks to the media, we are constantly exposed to the faces of these murderers, instilling a sense of fear that can live within us, but books like these reveal the truth behind the images and take away any power they might have.

Thank you so much to @NetGalley & @Pensword, for the gift of the arc ebook in return for my honest review.
Profile Image for Catherine.
814 reviews5 followers
April 5, 2022
I’ve grown up knowing about the Moors Murderers. However, never really in great detail.
Chris Cook the author has really put a lot of work and research into this book. We learn about their early lives. How they got together. More importantly how they committed their crimes. The book contains many unseen photographs and interview transcripts with the police.
If child murder really upsets you then put the book down. I have always been ok with true crime. However, the subject matter is tough. I broke the book into sections read over many days.
To begin with I wondered if Myra was led by Ian. Violence was a big thing in their relationship. Now days I’m sure some women would use that in trial.
By the end of the book all the evidence is presented to you. The reader can then make their own minds up about Brady and Hindley..
many thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the opportunity to see an arc
610 reviews7 followers
April 3, 2022
I hesitate to say I really enjoyed this book because any book about the Moors Murders is extremely difficult reading. However, this one was extremely well written with great attention to detail allowing all the facts to be told from the point of view of the families as well as a glimpse into the mindset of the killers with diary excerpts and letters..
This was meticulously researched with much supporting evidence presented including numerous photographs, and I would say it is probably the best book I have read on the subject. Utterly heartbreaking, the ruthlessness and depravity of both Brady and Hindley is unbelievable. The facts about Hindley's sister Maureen and her husband David, who reported them to the police were so interesting, they were vilified for associating with Hindley and Brady but if it wasn't for them coming forward there would have been even more deaths.
Fascinating and compelling read.
Profile Image for Rob.
137 reviews1 follower
March 29, 2022
With thanks to Pen & Sword True Crime and NetGalley for an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

The subject matter is undoubtedly not for everyone, but for anyone with an interest in the Moors Murders (or true crime in general) this is a fantastic read. I had previously read at least one other book on the case, but the level of detail that this author goes into on both the backgrounds of the serial killing couple and how their reign of terror unfolded is extraordinary. The inclusion of the many (at least for me) previously unseen images of the victims, crime scenes, mugshots and moors scenes was also fascinating and really brought the story to life. The book ends rather abruptly with a very quick summary of the trial, but the author is planning a second book to explore the story of the trial as well as the subsequent lives of the killers.

It would seem wrong to call a book telling such a tragic story as this enjoyable, but for me the author does a good job of telling the story in a way that is respectful of the victims, while leaving the reader in no doubt as to the depravity of Hindley and Brady.
Profile Image for Dee Groocock.
1,142 reviews44 followers
April 2, 2022
I don’t think there are many who won’t have heard of the names Myra Hindley and Ian Brady.

Having read a lot over the years about The Moors Murderers, I wasn’t expecting to find out anything new, I was wrong.

There are many unseen photos and details of their interviews regarding the murders. There were times I felt quite ill reading what those two did to their victims.

It is a harrowing read but you can’t expect anything else where those two are concerned.

The victims must never be forgotten.
Pauline Reade
John Kilbride
Keith Bennett
Lesley Ann Downey
Edward Evans

My thanks to NetGalley and Pen & Sword for my copy in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Georgi_Lvs_Books.
1,196 reviews27 followers
March 17, 2022
“It wasn’t master and slave. It was more like teacher and student. Bit by bit we were moving towards an almost telepathic relationship.” Ian Brady

Well this is a story I won’t forget for a long time, very very sad and quite traumatic.

I had heard of the “Moors Murders” but didn’t really know much about it.

This story had a lot of information on Ian Brady and Myra Hindley, as well as each case on the 5 victims.

There was many photos also which I always like in books. I feel that it is important to state that there is 1 particular photo that might be upsetting for some as it is of Lesley Ann Downey just before she is killed.

This was such a sad story and for the 5 victims I can’t help but feel so much anger towards these two murderers. It’s hard not to hate Myra more as she was a woman and easy to trust and she used that to her advantage.

There is another book that Chris Cook will be writing and releasing in the future called “Convicting The Moors Murderers” which I am very keen to read.

“He was going to commit the perfect murder and she was going to help.”

If you like reading True Crime, this is a book to read!
583 reviews13 followers
March 23, 2022
What a truly horrifying couple! These were two deranged and sick individuals. The crimes they committed were awful and they showed no remorse for the crimes at all. This story is riveting and will grab you. A great true crime book!

Thank you to #NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.
308 reviews6 followers
October 11, 2022
Such an interesting case. Very rage inducing due to who the victims were. If you can handle child murder definitely give this book a read.
Profile Image for Paul Sutherland.
10 reviews1 follower
May 27, 2022
I was thrilled to be able to review a copy of “The Moors Murders – The Full Story Of Ian Brady and Myra Hindley”, by C.G.C Cook, for the horrific case of Brady and Hindley is one that quite rightly continues to shock and horrify people today, six decades after their monstrous crimes. It’s always a case that has held my interest and conscious – how can something of that magnitude not, I ask you? – and with such a complex tale, any book concerning it is worthy of a read, as it is the courtesy that anyone who takes the time to research and write any account of such crimes deserves.
Yet, as the case is so well known that it is almost lore, researching and writing any new book on the subject must be difficult – and if it’s a case I have been familiar with for many years, I always approach any such text with caution, thinking “What new will I learn here about something I already know so well?”.

I needn’t have concerned myself there with this book. In fact, it shamed me, and redefined what I know/knew.

I class myself, in nowhere near an expert on the crimes of Brady and Hindley, but knowledgeable enough to be able to hold court on any discussion on the subject, yet I’d find myself very much a silent audience listening to C.G.C Cook discussing the same. The research – wow, the research - is painstaking and impeccable, allowing a well-constructed narrative that takes the reader in a tried and tested winning formula chronologically through each of the pair’s crimes. For the most celebrated of the true crime reader, within you’ll find never before revealed extracts, including interview transcripts – some disturbing to read – and magnificently dotted throughout with photographs (and how the author has come by these is a testament to how much of a true crime fanatic, and dedicated researcher he is) with a chapter dedicated to each victim and the relevant events within the canonical timeline, and culminating in the arrest of Brady and Hindley, and the evidence gleaned within the case.
Whilst that may seem open ended, and rushed to a finish, it is not so – for the reader is promised part two also, in the form of a second book – which will cover in its entirety the trial, and the aftermath. An unreal effort.

Told respectfully, yet captivatingly throughout, I found “The Moors Murders – The Full Story Of Ian Brady and Myra Hindley” to be THE most fascinating study of what many consider to be the most disturbing crimes of the 20th century that I have ever read – and for me, it has now replaced Devils Disciples, and even the canonical, Beyond Belief as THE definitive study of Brady and Hindley. To any would be authors thinking of attempting a book on the same subject – stop right here and save yourself the bother – because it’s just been perfected.
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249 reviews605 followers
March 18, 2022
Thank you to the publisher for providing this arc through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review

It was my interest in this case that called me to this book and it was that same interest that kept me reading through this harsh, unedited and jumbled mess. Prior to picking this up, I already knew quite a lot about this case, which actually helped me make sense of a lot of the information present in this volume, which is more often than not messily inserted. It really read like Cook simply compiled his notes into order and then just send it off to his publisher instead of trying to write a neat narrative. The writing style was dry to the point of chapping, with only ominous attempts at segways that were more cheap than compelling.

The selling point for me was the unseen photographs that Cook discovered, and those I was remained intrigued by—though I must warn whoever decides to read this that there is a very disturbing photograph present of one of the victims of this case, Lesley Ann Downey, taken moments before her death. If this is something you are not comfortable seeing I recommend simply skipping this book.

I cannot recommend this for anyone, prior knowledge of the case or not, being as it was a poorly written and frankly confusing at times. I also found myself questioning where some information were, tiny details that, while unimportant in the grand scheme of things, were presented in other mediums I consumed and weren't here.

And another warning—the author chooses to the the g slur right at the beginning of the book, which was unnecessary and idiotic. I mean, it's 2022. I am begging the publisher to remove it before publication.

Also, I must note that choosing to publish another book about this case and market it as "Part 2" is extremely distasteful and seems more like a money-grab than anything, which is disgusting considering the brutality of the subject matter and the very real consequences the actions of these two individuals had on so many people.

Overrall, reading this was a big waste of time. For those interested in the case, I highly recommend checking out Casefile's three episodes series on Spotify, which accounts for everything, is perfectly scripted and incredibly respectful of the victims.
Profile Image for Monika Armet.
424 reviews54 followers
October 28, 2022
This book details the lives of serial child murderers, Ian Brady and Myra Hindley. It describes their childhoods, how they met, and ultimately, their killing spree.

I was particularly shocked when I read that before Myra met Ian, she loved children and was great with them, and she used to babysit. Apparently, this has all changed when she met Ian and she began listening to his ravings and love of Nazi Germany.

There were moments in the book that I found particularly hard to read, especially the descriptions of how they killed the children. They called their murders “sacrifices”, something I found chilling and abhorrent.

The new addition to the book are unseen photographs of the killers, it was quite uneasy watching them in normal situations.

Overall, it’s a well researched book, perfect for fans of true crime.

I normally rate the books I review, but on this occasion I won’t – I feel it’s disrespectful to the victims and their families.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 74 reviews

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