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Home #2

Home of His Own

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Tony Romanos is searching for a place to lay his hat and his heart. Traveling on the professional bull riding tour is tough on relationships. He’s never found a man he’s willing to settle down for, or even a home he’s able to call his own.

Brody MacCafferty owns a bodyguard company which has a few perks. Being in Hawaii and picking up a handsome cowboy for a hot one-night stand is one of them. Brody doesn’t expect to see the gorgeous man again.

Neither man can forget that night in Hawaii and fate steps in, connecting them together in ways deep and true. Can Brody convince Tony that Brody’s arms are the very home Tony’s been looking for?

Contents: M/M loving.

This story is connected to No Going Home about Randy Hersch and Les Hardin.

Extra short story included: Where His Home Lies

Randy Hersch and Les Hardin throw a party to celebrate their families and give each other their most important present: their hearts.

131 pages, ebook

First published March 3, 2008

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About the author

T.A. Chase

159 books889 followers
There is beauty in every kind of love, so why not live a life without boundaries? Experiencing everything the world offers fascinates me and writing about the things that make each of us unique is how I share those insights. I live in the Midwest with a wonderful partner of thirteen years. When not writing, I’m watching movies, reading and living life to the fullest.

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Profile Image for Saimi Vasquez.
1,664 reviews86 followers
June 2, 2022
Tony huyo de su casa cuando tenia 15 anos, despues de ser rechazado por su familia por haberles dicho que era gay, desde entonces no ha vuelto por alla y solo sabe de ellos por su tia Elena, asi que cuando recibe una carta de su hermana Maria pidiendole que vaya a hablar con su hijo Juan, no puede creerlo, pero decide intentarlo por el joven. Pero mientras decide regresar a su pueblo natal, debe seguir compitiendo, y es una de esas competencias en Hawai conoce a un hombre que no puede quitarse de la cabeza. Mac solo fue cosa de una noche, pero parece que el cuerpo y el corazon de Tony quiere mucho mas de el, de lo que normalmente quiere con otra persona.
Brody, tambien conocido como Mac, huyo de su casa joven por un problema de drogas y pandillas, e intento enderezar su vida, ahora despues de 8 anos y socio de una empresa de seguridad, quiere volver a encontrarse con la familia que dejo, pero tambien quisiera volver a encontrarse con el cowboy con el que estuvo en Hawai, no ha dejado de pensar en el y quisiera tener la oportunidad de explorar una relacion mas duradera con el hombre.
Asi que cuando Brody va a encuentra a su hermano en un rancho en Wyoming donde tambien vive Tony, no puede creer su suerte, las dos personas que tanto buscaba se encuentran en el mismo sitio, pero ahora Brody no solo tiene que convencer a Tony de que tiene las mejores intenciones con su hermano, sino tambien tiene que convencerlo que realmente quiere una relacion a largo plazo con el joven cowboy. Ambos deberan aprender a confiar y aceptar la ayuda del otro, sobre todo cuando las cosas en el rodeo se ponen dificiles y las lesiones pueden impedir que Tony realice su sueno.

Este libro es un poco mas sencillo que el anterior, sigue siendo dulce, romantico y sin drama, pero aqui vemos mucho menos del rodeo y del rancho, tampoco vemos los dialogos divertidos que tenia el libro anterior, y aunque los personajes son interesantes, les falta ese algo que los hace especiales. Ahora lo que vemos es que poco a poco el universo se va ampliando, incluyendo personajes mas jovenes, diferentes dinamicas y un grupo de guardaespaldas, que promete otro tipo de personajes interesantes en el futuro.
En fin, la serie sigue siendo interesante, me gusta el universo y la forma de escribir del autor, asi que voy a continuar con la serie.
Profile Image for ElaineY.
2,299 reviews68 followers
February 9, 2009
Tony's story picks up where No Going Home leaves off. Les and Randy are all warm and fuzzy together, which leaves Tony feeling the vacuum in his love life even more unbearable. He's estranged from his family after coming out to them and in the Hardin home, he's found the family he's lost even if seeing Les and Randy's love makes him long for a love of his own.

His sister write to him out of the blue, asking that he come home and stop his teenage nephew, Juan, from making a big mistake No prizes for guessing what they would be. Not looking forward to going home, Tony takes off for Hawaii first and does what he usually does when he's traveling on the rodeo circuit - he has one-night stands.

This time, however, the one-nighter stays in Tony's mind long after he's returned to Wyoming and on his way to see what's going on at his sister's. Meanwhile, Mac, the one-nighter, is feeling the same about Tony - can't forget him yet somewhat accepting that this is how it goes with casual sex.

Like No Going Home, the story of how Tony finds a love of his own is sweet but has more emotional points than the first book. There's pain there and longing whereas Les and Randy's lives were just too perfect. Everything went along well for those two and if there were any potholes along their journey, I didn't notice. Tony's story resonated with me a lot more and I couldn't wait for him to come face to face with Mac. Except Mac's real name is Brody. There's no real mystery there so don't think this is a romantic suspense. It's a "straight" romance of how two men meet up again after a one-night stand and everyone get their HEA.
Profile Image for Nic.
Author 44 books362 followers
January 27, 2013
A feel good story about finding family and your place in the world. 3.5 stars
Tony, a bull-rider disowned by his family, finds love with Brody, a man with his own family issues. Despite living in different states and dealing with family problems, they discover 'home' is with each other.
Sometimes the story seems a little strong with its message of acceptance and doing good in the world (the same as in book #1) and perhaps this could have been communicated with a bit more subtlety but it is easy to forgive due to the importance of the message.
The coincidence of also seemed a bit far-fetched but easily overlooked in the scheme of the story.
There are some cute lines about cowboys...
"Wow. A gay cowboy? So those stereotypes really do exist."
"What the hell am I supposed to think? All those tight-assed cowboys rocking their hips like that? It's every gay man's wet dream."
Profile Image for Betryal.
720 reviews3 followers
April 16, 2010
Tony and Brody really get your mojo hyped up in this one. There's nothing like a hot cowboy and an insatiable bodyguard the tease and please you till you're ready to combust from all the excitement.

T.A. never disappoints and has another winner in this series.
Profile Image for Macky.
1,945 reviews230 followers
March 10, 2013
This is turning out to be a great series. I loved the first one ( Les and Randy) and I loved this too. We met Tony in the first book and I was drawn to him as a character so it was nice to see him given his own story. In this he meets a bodyguard who he knows only as Mac in Hawaii and they have a smoking one night stand that leaves a lasting impression on them both but life interferes and they have to leave it at that ... until a strange coincidence involving both their family members brings them back together and their sizzling attraction starts up once again! Tony has always envied the love that his best friends Les and Randy have because its so strong and palpable, so to see it develop for him with Brody ( Mac was his last name) is lovely! Most of the characters are present again who we know and some new ones are introduced as well. A lot of the story centres around the rodeo, as Tony is a bull rider but there's also a lot about his family, and again their homophobic attitudes that drove him away. Like book 1 the love scenes are hot, sexy and sensual, the chemistry spot on and the love story sweet and satisfying. At times it can get a bit predictable but that's buffered by the sheer likeability of the characters involved. 4.5* but rounded up... Les and Randys story just tipped the balance for me but this runs a close race!! Keeper.
Profile Image for Claudia.
2,862 reviews106 followers
May 29, 2016
I think I liked this one even a bit more than the first book because the story was great ... nevertheless, I would have loved a bit more tension between the MCs. But both were great guys.

I think I will read the next book in this series quite soon
Profile Image for Teri.
1,797 reviews
January 9, 2021
So, I don't know. There were things I liked and things that kind of pulled me from the story.
First, I can suspend disbelief, which I think is necessary in a few situations in this book
I did like the guys. I felt badly for Tony, obviously because his family is shit.

I liked Brody as well...man, it would have been stellar to really dive into his past and his struggles. I feel a little cheated that we didn't get that.

What the hell was with

Honestly though, I think the issue for me here was there was just too much going on. I wish there were less issues and just choose one, or two and really give us depth with it. So much was happening we didn't get to really feel anything because something else would pop up .
Sweet guys, good friends, yummy times. I mean hey, cowboys! but..I don't know, a little too busy for me.
Profile Image for Arlyn.
1,137 reviews86 followers
July 29, 2017
I enjoyed this sequel to "No Going Home". Like the first book, I thought this was a quality read with likeable MCs and smoking hot sex scenes. I must admit that while Tony and Brody were fun to read, I liked Les and Randy's story from book one better. The story of how Les and Randy got together had higher emotional stakes, so I felt a stronger connection to each character. I was interested in the story of Tony and Brody, but never truly engaged. While I liked Tony & Brody, I didn't love them. Granter, they had a hard act to follow and understandably, came up a little short.

I would recommend this book to anyone fans of M/M Romance who would enjoy reading about hot, rugged cowboys who are yummy in their tight jeans & leather chaps and downright delicious when they are out of them.
Profile Image for Crissy Morris.
147 reviews25 followers
February 12, 2013
4.25 stars

A Joyfully Jay Review

Cowboys, tight jeans, boots, cowboy hats, rodeo, and bull riding – how could I resist reading this book? The answer is: I couldn’t. I have a weakness for all things cowboy and this series feeds my addiction.

Since leaving home at fifteen, Tony Romanos has longed for a home to lay his head at night, to rest his weary heart, and to grow a family. Meeting Randy and Les was the start of the new family that Tony desires, a family that loves unconditionally. When his past comes looking for him, Tony must decide whether to revisit the birth family that threw him away for being gay and this time be there to support his nephew, or to continue his life as it is without looking back.

After an amazing one night stand, Tony didn’t expect to continue thinking about the man he knew only as Mac. Before Tony has the chance to look for the man, he has to set his demons to rest. Returning to his hometown is exactly what he expected – the spite and hatred from the people who were supposed to love him. His nephew Juan is different, though. Juan is sixteen and gay, but afraid to tell his mother for fear that what happened to Tony will happen to him. When Juan’s friend, Yancey turns up injured and in need of a place to stay, Tony offers to take him to Wyoming to stay at Les and Randy’s ranch.

Brody MacCafferty can’t stop thinking about the amazing cowboy he met in Hawaii, but before he can pursue a search for the man, Brody has to find his younger brother, Yancey. Brody left home at eighteen in order to turn his life around. He always planned on returning for Yancey, it just took longer than expected. The trail to his brother leads to a young man named Juan. Juan helps Brody find his brother and in turn Brody escorts the young man to Wyoming where he will be living with his uncle.

Arriving at Hardin Farms was both a beautiful and surprising moment for Brody. Reuniting with his brother is everything he hoped it would be. But finding out that the man who gave his brother a place to stay is also the Tony that Brody can’t get out of his head is a wonderful shock to his world.

Rekindling the passion between them is not a problem, but opening up and allowing the other in to their lives and hearts in order to have a relationship is another story altogether. Learning to trust again is hard for Tony, but not giving his whole heart to Brody may cost him the best thing that has ever happened to him.

Home of His Own is the second book in T.A. Chase’s Home series. It has been re-edited and re-released by Total-E-Bound.

Like I said earlier, give me cowboys any day and I’m a happy girl. That goes double for Tony. Tony is a strong-willed, world-weary cowboy with a vulnerable side. He’s perfectly balanced by the support and love Brody gives. Brody is headstrong and focused. Tony and Brody are both well-developed, charming characters. They are immediately likable and I fell for them both from the start.

There is a lot of story covered within this book – the histories of the main characters, finding each other twice, relationships (family and romantic), their separate lives and careers. But most of all, it’s a story of the chosen family – the family made up of those friends and relatives that we choose to let into our lives, that we trust with our hearts. It’s a well-organized and engrossing story. This author, again, shows the expertise of her rodeo knowledge, this time in bull riding. Readers are given a behind the scenes view of what the riders experience and what their loved ones go through. The knowledge and description of the sport is left me breathless at times. It was all very exciting.

Now for my quibbles. First, for Brody coming into the world of cowboys not knowing anything about it, he picked up the lingo awfully quick. At times he sounded extremely knowledgeable and other times he was asking questions about things he didn’t understand; it made his character seem conflicting at times. And second – details, details, details. I’m sure we all know by now that I catch the small things because my brain is wired that way. You can’t just pull out your medical insurance card and give it to a friend and expect it to cover that friend’s medical bills. Insurance doesn’t work that way. You can pull your credit card out to pay the bill, though. It’s a small thing, but a little research would have cleared that right up.

All in all, Home of His Own is a great addition to Chase’s Home series. Whereas, I really liked the first book, I liked this story even better. The characters were endearing, the story engrossing, and the sport exciting. It is a very entertaining read. I recommend it to the lovers of cowboys, true love, and chosen family. I’m looking forward to the next installment…and more cowboys.
Profile Image for Chris Kottner-Kirschner.
1,083 reviews13 followers
January 27, 2016
Der Bullenreiter Tony und der Bodyguard Brody treffen sich auf Hawaii und verbringen eine gemeinsamen Nacht. Dann trennen sich ihre Wege wieder; sie gehen zurück in ihre Leben und erwarten nicht sich wiederzusehen. Doch das Leben geht manchmal seltsame Wege, denn ausgerechnet Tonys Neffe und Brodys Bruder befreunden sich und Tony bietet dem obdachlosen Yancey eine neue Perspektive auf Les' Ranch, wo auch Tony immer wieder zu Gast ist um sich von seinen Events zu erholen.

Brody kann sein Glück kaum fassen. Er findet seinen kleinen Bruder wieder und bekommt bei Tony eine zweite Chance. Doch egal wie sehr sie voneinander fasziniert sind und egal wie sehr sie sich zueinander hingezogen fühlen - es ist nicht einfach zwei so unterschiedliche Lebensstile zusammenzubringen. Tony ist immer unterwegs und der Job als Bullenreiter ist lebensgefährlich - dies bekommt Brody bei einem Event hautnah mit. Brody hingegen führt ein erfolgreiches Unternehmen, allerdings mit Sitz in Californien.

Der zweite Teil der 'Home' Reihe erzählt nun die Geschichte von Tony, der als Jugendlicher von der Familie verstoßen wurde und seinen Weg alleine gehen musste. Seine Homosexualität belastet das Verhältnis zu seinen Schwestern und den Eltern, die mit Tony nichts mehr zu tun haben wollen. Auch Brody musste seinen Weg alleine finden und hat große Schuldgefühle gegenüber seinem jüngeren Bruder, der später auf der Straße landete und anschaffen ging.

Auf der Straße lernen sich auch Tonys Neffe Juan - der ebenfalls schwul ist - und Yancey kennen. Zwischen den Jugendlichen funkt es, doch in dieser Geschichte liegt der Fokus ganz klar auf Tony und Brody. Die Autorin bringt wieder sehr viel - teilweise auch kinky - Sex ins Spiel und lässt den Männern viel Zeit und Raum um sich kennenzulernen. Sie wollen eine Fernbeziehung wagen, doch die Umsetzung gestaltet sich zunehmend schwierig und auch frustrierend.

Dazu kommen Brodys ständige Sorgen um Tonys Gesundheit und Leben. Es gibt zwar ein wenig Drama, doch das betrifft wieder eher das Umfeld der Hauptakteure. Längen oder unsinnige Wendungen in der Beziehung von Brody und Tony gibt es hingegen nicht. Und genau das finde ich bei dieser Autorin einfach so angenehm zu lesen.
Profile Image for Elisa Rolle.
Author 62 books236 followers
April 21, 2009
Second in the Home series, this is the story of Tony, ex travelling rodeo partner of Randy, main character of the first book. Tony, a latino bull rider, is living in Les and Randy's ranch when he is not competing in the national rodeo circuit. But, even if he loves both his friends and would do nothing to create trouble between them, he sometimes resents thier happiness and wishes to have a bit of it for himself. And after spending a one standing night with and handsome man in Hawaii, he can't force himself to forget the man.

But family issues cause him to think to the past and how he was thrown of house at fifteen years old when he confessed to be gay. Now his nephew Juan is having the same problem and when he goes to Texas to help him, he also finds another young boy in needs of help, an eighteen years old hustler, Yancey, who seems to old for his age. Tony brings back Yancey to Wyoming with him and he is very surprised when the boy older brother arrives to the ranch to fetch his brother: he is the same handsome man he spent a night with in Hawaii, Brody.

From this moment on, the story is a blurry of events, all of them happening around the different locations of the national rodeo circuit and with a common turning point in Wyoming.

Home of His Own is a very erotic romance, Brody and Tony are a pretty taken couple, but it's also a book written by someone who clearly like the rodeo and the men who work on the circuit. It's mostly a love story and there aren't problems between Brody and Tony that put on stake their relationship. Problems arrive from the outside world, especially from the very traditionalist family of Tony.

The book is also a way for who liked No Going Home, to not let go two lovely characters like Les and Randy, but also to have a glimpse on possible future characters, like Juan and Yancey, but above all, like Derek St. Martin, a country singer with some secret of his own. I'd like very much to read about Derek in the next book of this series.

Profile Image for Shelby.
3,041 reviews85 followers
July 8, 2013
Yet another sweet cowboy romance from T.A. Chase. There's no greater mystery going on here, just two men falling in love. Tony has a wise behind his years energy that matches well with Brody aka Mac. One night stands don't always have to remain at just one night.

When Tony gets the opportunity to ride in basically the pro bowl of the PBR in Hawaii he leaps at the chance. As much as he loves being home with Les and Randy he is jealous of their obvious love for each other. He wants that relationship for himself. So a spot of time away looks good. Go out, ride some bulls, get laid, what more can a man ask for. His one night stand in "Mac" was the perfect remedy. But as he gets home to find a message from his estranged sister about his nephew he still can't get Mac out of his mind. Tony reluctantly returns to Austin and a family he hasn't seen since he ran away from their disowning him over being gay. Now his sister wants him to keep his nephew from making the same mistake, namely being who he is, gay. Ultimately Tony can do nothing, but help his nephew and his friend Yancey offering them a place to stay. Little does he know at the time this will bring him back what he wants most. Namely Yancey's long lost older brother Brody "Mac" MacCafferty. Together the two men strain to find a balance to their lives, Brody's business in LA, Tony's bull riding, and the two young men they find themselves responsible for.

Tony and Brody were so sweet. There was never any question if they were it for each other and the most the struggled with was how to get their diverse lives to work together. Frankly it was a forgone conclusion but the story was told well and I love all the characters in this world. It just puts me in my happy place.
Profile Image for Trisha Harrington.
Author 2 books138 followers
April 19, 2013
This book was not as good as the first one. I was sad because I had been looking forward to a series where I adored every book. It wasn't the case here and there are a few reasons. Although I adored the couple a few things annoyed me and it left me with a feeling of something missing, so this only gets 4 stars.

Unlike some I did love Tony and Brody. They were not the issue for me at all and to be honest I thought they suited each other perfectly. They were not as sappy as other couples and to be honest the "love" was felt by me but I wanted it expressed. Which was my main issue. We heard it, but it really needed to be said. It was also nice to see how two men from sort of similar backgrounds came together.

We also had a mini-couple in this in the form of Tony's nephew and Brody's brother. They were a sweet teenage couple and I have some hope for them, not a whole lot for a couple of reason, but I hope to be proven wrong and maybe see those two get their own book one day. I think that would be a nice change.

This series has a thing for horrible families and I am adjusting to that. I loved Tony's back story and it was nice to see some reconciliation there. I would have loved more of Brody's, but this book was centered more on Tony, so I can't really say much more. It was nice to see Les and Randy again too.

Recommend this series!
Profile Image for Susan Laine.
Author 78 books221 followers
April 11, 2013
I loved the first book in the series: Les and Randy were such a sweet loving couple. I didn't get the same sense from Tony and Brody, unfortunately. Hence 4.5 stars.

When it comes to building a family to replace the one that's kicked you out and treated you like dirt, this is where this book delivers. Tony the bull rider is used to watching his best friends being in love, and he wants that too. He wants a home of his own, not one where he is welcome but still feels like the third wheel. Brody the bodyguard wasn't really searching for anything during the hot one night stand in Hawaii with Tony after which they went they separate ways. Then faith steps in, and the two men meet again. The attraction is still there, and they begin to build their lives together.

This was a good book, no doubt about that. I guess I just didn't feel the chemistry between Tony and Brody. I'm sure other readers will. The style of writing is simplistic and realistic, emphasis on dialogue, with very few descriptions. It was kind of nice to read after having read so many flowery erotic romances, kind of rough salt of the earth. Fitting. I recommend this series wholeheartedly.
Profile Image for Linda-Grace.
484 reviews19 followers
September 25, 2010
I loved Tony from the last book and him with Brody HOT. Love how they met again thru other people like they were meant too be.
Profile Image for Christy Roberts.
1,244 reviews47 followers
October 5, 2015
This is the second book in the Home series and it is wonderful. It picked up about a year after the last book left off I think. It also introduced a few new people into this series and the guy that will be in the next book as well.

Tony is at Les and Randy's ranch recovering after having his shoulder hurt. a letter comes from his older sister who is part of a family that disowned him when he was fifteen because he came out. The only one that hadn't was his Aunt Elena. Tony decided to go to Hawaii for part of the bull riding instead of going to his sister right off.

In Hawaii Tony met Mac who is a one-night stand, but Mac turns into a lot more. It really is a small world out there because once Tony does go to see his sister he finds out a few things after bringing a friend of his nephew's back with him to the Hardin Ranch.

Mac, who is actually named Brody, is the older brother of Yancey, who is his nephew Juan's friend shows up looking for his brother. It has been five years since they have seen each other because of Brody's past. Brody put his life together out in LA and started his own bodyguard service.

Tony has only ever wanted something like Les and Randy have. He finds it with Brody. Brody wasn't sure when it would happen for him, but he knew it would one day. They hit it off again after Brody showed up for his brother. Although, Tony was protective of Yancey at first because of what happened with him.

Tony took in his nephew Juan after Juan's mom threw him out because he was gay. Brody reassured Tony that he was doing the right thing, which Tony knew, but needed to be reminded of it. Brody's brother is staying with them as well because Brody wants him to be happy.

Randy and Les are in this book, but its focused on Brody and Tony. I really enjoyed that they were one big family. Before the book was over Tony had made amends with one of his sisters and moved in with Brody in Wyoming. They brought Juan and Yancey with them as well.

It also played out Tony's Rodeo days like it had Randy's in the first book. Brody was worried about Tony because of a few injuries Tony got. One of Tony's friends had a bad accident, which freaked Brody out as well. This was another great read and I read it in one day because I couldn't put it down.

Profile Image for Tam.
Author 21 books100 followers
September 3, 2011
I finally bought this after reading the first one. This is Tony the bull riders story with lots of interaction with Les and Randy on the ranch. It's about a year later and Tony basically lives with the guys in between rodeos. While in Hawaii he meets Mac (Brody) for a one nighter and can't get him out of his head. His family convinces him to come back to Texas to convince his nephew that being gay is bad. Riiight. Ask the gay guy to do that. Anyway, his nephew brings home a beat up rent boy that Tony takes back to the ranch with him. Turns out the rent boy is Brody's little brother. They eventually get back together and try to work out a long distance romance with Brody following Tony around the rodeo circuit. Lots of details of how dangerous bull riding is. I know rodeo is dangerous, but I was totally squirmy when he described Cody being injured. Reminded me of my hometown rodeo last summer where in the bronc riding they opened the gate and the horse completely flipped over on top of the cowboy with legs in the air stuck in the gate. I was terrified not only the for the cowboy but the horse because it's leg was wedged in the fence. Amazingly they both walked away unhurt and the cowboy took another ride on a different horse. Freaky, exciting, adrenalin rush. With a child who is a total horse-nut and goes to western riding camp I think these books appeal to me. Also the whole "bringing home strays" works for me on lots of levels. There is a short included about V-Day with Randy and Les and the whole "family". So I love the world built in these books.
Profile Image for Anita.
1,848 reviews27 followers
September 7, 2016
Now this was done nicely! This the second book in the Home series and I liked it way more than the first. While you don't necessarily have to read book 1, No Going Home (Home, #1) by T.A. Chase , I would advise it as it introduces Tony's friends, Les and Randy. Tony is a bull rider who rides the circuit. He's gay but so far, that hasn't hindered his career. His very conservative, traditional Latin family, however, wants nothing to do with him. That's ok with Tony at this point. He's struggled since he was 15 but is now on solid ground and his family is Randy and Les and the others on the Hardin Ranch. He has a one night stand that rocks his world. He and the guy go their separate ways, but life has a way of shaking you up and you never know what may happen. Tony and Brody are great MCs surrounded by some robust secondary characters. I love the way their romance develops. Measured, cautious and very realistic. No rushing headlong into boyfriend land. just one pet peeve - the constant use of "his lover this, his lover that" good grief!! Great background on bull riding and the various characters. We quickly meet what I think is the MC for book 3 and he's introduced in a very short but memorable scene. I have to admit I was kind of bummed by book 1 and hesitated to try book 2 but very glad I did. Will definitely try the 3rd in the series.
Profile Image for Pamela Su.
1,168 reviews30 followers
July 18, 2013
This is a sweet romance and one of the reasons I enjoyed it more than the first book is because the villains of the piece (Tony's family) aren't all painted as evil people. They're not perfect but they don't come out seeming like horrible monsters. Just set in their ways and narrow minded.

For those who missed Les and Randy, we definitely get to see more of this couple's life together after the first book. I liked how warm and cozy the environment was with these two. There's a lot of positive energy that Les and Randy give out and their generous, open-hearted nature just envelops everyone who crosses their path.

Tony's had some hard knocks in his life but he has learnt to overcome them and it was nice reading about how he reaches out to his nephew, Juan, who was also suffering in the restricted environment that Tony was raised. It is this aspect of Tony that most appealed to me.

Brody is a good fit for Tony and I liked seeing how concerned he is about Tony's welfare. I would have liked to have seen more interaction between Brody and his brother, Yancey but most of the book is focused on the main characters' developing relationship.

As a couple, Brody and Tony don't really stand out for me. Honestly, they're a little bit boring. But what made this a warm, memorable story are all the other elements that are interwoven into this romance.
Profile Image for Karen K.
426 reviews13 followers
December 6, 2010
Great second story in the Home series and T.A. has given us a fantastic couple to fall in love with. Tony is a sweetheart and even though he likes to come off a little over-cocky and arrogant, when it came down to it all he wanted was a family and someone to share his life with despite his big talk. He had to endure so much family drama and chaos just to be who he was and in my book he's a hero for disregarding all the negativity surrounding his return home to help his nephew - Juan was lucky to have him. Mac's life wasn't easy either, though he'd made the wrong choices when he was young, he certainly rectified his life and his character and became a strong, determined man. I loved that he went looking for his brother, not deterring from his journey until they were face to face. The twist that Brody and Mac were the same person was great - I loved the casual way that Tony reacted even though he'd been dreaming of the man ever since their first encounter; he was so sauve, and when Mac decided to buy the ranch to be closer to Tony and Yancey, it totally melted my heart.

The short story at the end was so sweet and endearing and such a nice addition to the original story. I couldn't help just falling in love with Les and Randy all over again.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Plainbrownwrapper.
948 reviews72 followers
August 1, 2014
Multiple serious problems kept me from enjoying this story much -- including awkward prose, bad editing, unbelievable bad guys, plot inconsistencies, obvious medical inaccuracies, and failure to create palpable emotional connections.

Here's one typical example of the writing throughout: "He collapsed on top of Brody whose arms gave out and they flopped to the bed." Who thought that sentence was good writing? There are multiple problems even with that one short sentence -- now multiply that by an entire book of similar sentences.

And somebody -- author, editor, proofer, SOMEbody -- should have noticed when one character flung open a door that had been locked just a couple of pages before, and other similar consistency failures.

And who had the bright idea that fractures couldn't be diagnosed when soft tissue swelling was present?? Seriously?? Has anyone involved in the production of this book ever heard of the concept of fact-checking?

So anyway -- the bad writing created constant small irritations throughout, and hampered any efforts to let the reader connect with the characters. Bah, I say.

A flat 2 stars for this one.

Profile Image for Chappy.
2,016 reviews102 followers
April 9, 2016
This was just OK for me...

First off, I found the coincidence a little hard to believe. Tony and Brody have a one night stand in Hawaii. When Tony goes to his estranged family to "rescue" his gay nephew he ends up rescuing Yancy as well and bringing him back home to Wyoming. Yancy was a homeless rent-boy since he lost touch with his older brother. Well, guess who the older brother is??? Yep, it's Brody and when he comes looking for Yancy, he finds Tony.

Coincidence aside, Tony and Brody seem good for each other but I needed more passion. These guys were too analytical about their relationship. Love is supposed to make you crazy and impulsive but they were very cautious. Thankfully it all works out in the end.

Profile Image for Lee.
620 reviews
March 14, 2011
Book two in the Home series, Home of His Own, continues the story of Les and Randy, but they take a backseat to the two main characters Tony and Brody. While this is an interesting and well written story, it falls a little short when it's compared to the first book in the series No Going Home. There were quite a few side stories going on that help to lay the groundwork for later books and they do make the series more cohesive, but they distracted from the Tony and Brody story. I still liked the book and I'm ready to read the next one.

I give Home of His Own, three stars.

Profile Image for jay.
240 reviews1 follower
November 19, 2013
Almost had to put this one in the DNF pile. I read the 1st in the series a while ago and gave it a 3 star so I figured I liked this author's style ok and I just wanted an uncomplicated quick read. Well I either have gotten harsher in my critiques or the 2nd book is just much worse. Stale dialogues, flat characters, uninspired story. I could skip pages and pick right up. And the whole thing where the MC was a tough rodeo star with a tragic past history with his family just didn't fly. But I think the worst part for me were the 'winks'. Everyone winked at everyone else, continually. Was driving me nuts.
Won't read anymore from this author.
Profile Image for Tracy.
276 reviews
March 12, 2014
I really did enjoy the first book in this series so decided to download them all. Just before I started this book I was hoping that it was not going to be about a completely new couple and I was never going to read about Les or Randy again. The chemistry between them in the first book was perfect so was hoping to read lots more about them!
I was not disappointed, the story continued from the first and I was introduced to new characters who grew on me very quickly. This has a great storyline, great characters, all with difficult, troubled backgrounds.
This is a very addictive series that I highly Recommend!
138 reviews
February 1, 2009
I enjoyed this but it was true to a formula. I used to think these coincidental meetings stories were a bit far fetched but the older I get the more I realise that in life many many coincidences do happen. Some might give this 4 stars but I don't really get the Rodeo thing, so have only given it 3. Also, why is it that these stories always have at least one of the partners with either enough money to not bother working, or the sort of job that allows easy relocation - that I find much harder to believe than the coincidental re-meeting line.
Profile Image for Wendy❤Ann.
1,757 reviews48 followers
September 26, 2012
I was glad to see Tony get his own story after getting to know him from earlier in the series. With this book, I never had that soft romantic feeling – these guys came across as “manly men”. I was wishing for more content around their initial meeting vs. bam, flash to hotel room. I look forward to that initial angst of getting to know one another that was kind of glossed over here. I did appreciate the angle of the story dealing with Tony’s homophobic family and how this was ultimately the reason why he and Brody found each other beyond their initial one night stand.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 66 reviews

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