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Frat Wars #3

Presidential Chaos

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Two houses. Two Presidents. One hell of a happy ending.


Being President of a frat house means everything is on my shoulders.
Idiot brothers, epic pranks, a list of organizational duties long enough to make my eyes bleed.
None of it fazes me.
But senior year is almost over, and I’m ready to take a step back.
Until the hazing rumors start.
I might not know where they’re coming from, but I know they’re total BS.
Now, instead of dialing back the stress, we’ve broken the number one rule on the row: Don’t get the dean’s attention.
I need to find out who’s driving the lies.
And all evidence points to one person.


I never wanted to become Kappa President.
The appointment was made easier, though, when none other than Zeke Ariston took over Sigma house. I’ve always been … drawn to him.
And maybe a little attracted too.
Pity I’ve never been more than an afterthought to him.
But when rumors start to circulate about hazing, and the sources lead back to my house, it puts me square on Zeke’s radar.
I want to help him get to the bottom of it all.
And with his attention finally on me, I want to tell him how I feel.

The guys on Greek Row meet their chaotic conclusion with this rivals-to-lovers romance full of pranks, shared hoodies, and secret meetings made in the dark.

316 pages, Kindle Edition

First published August 3, 2022

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Saxon James

50 books3,972 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 736 reviews
Profile Image for moonlight ☾ [semi-hiatus].
683 reviews1,430 followers
August 4, 2022
"And what do you call fucking me in the locker room, and touching me in the parking lot, and taking me back to your room to sleep where we only just managed to sneak me out without anyone seeing? And what do you call it when you look at me like ... like ..."
His eyes widen encouragingly. "Like ..."
I swallow.
"Charlie ..."
"Don't make me say it."
His stare holds mine, and I fold.
"Like ... I'm important."
Something shifts in Zeke's face, and he steps forward, fingertips trailing down my cheek in the way that I love. "I call it the truth."

i'm currently in the middle of my finals week and this book was exactly what i needed to get away from the stress i was feeling for a little while. it wasn't perfect and there were things here and there i wished had been different, but i highly enjoyed Zeke and Charles' dynamic/chemistry and this was worth my anticipation. i'm a bit sad this is the final book bc i've loved reading about all three couples in the series and wouldn't mind more from this world, but i do think Zeke and Charles were the perfect pair to close this off. <3

p.s. I KNEW IT. no context, just i knew it. 😌

p.p.s. if you ask me to choose between ChadBailey, RobbieBrandon and ZekeCharles, i REFUSE. all three couples had their own charms that made them likable (and easy to root for) to me and i really can't choose between them. 😭


Profile Image for Snjez.
874 reviews791 followers
August 8, 2022
3.5 stars

This one started so well, that I thought it would be my favourite in the series. I did really enjoy the first 100 pages or so, but then my enthusiasm waned a little.

I've liked Charles and Zeke since book 1, so I was really looking forward to their story. I think that they are both lovely characters and they are great together. There were a lot of sweet moments when they would do or say something cute and I loved that. But overall, while I liked their relationship development, it didn't make me swoon. Also, I skimmed through most of the intimate scenes. Personally, I found them a bit cringey.

The secondary plot was interesting at first, but the way it developed throughout the book and the resolution at the end were underwhelming. I wasn't a fan of the epilogue, either. I would have rather experienced some moments hinted at in the story.

I read the bonus scene after I finished the book. It takes place before the events in this book, but it spoils a possible surprise here, so I'm glad I didn't read it first.
Profile Image for len ❀.
378 reviews4,202 followers
December 19, 2022
the best thing about this trilogy is that it’s over
Profile Image for ellie.
335 reviews3,197 followers
August 7, 2022
4.5 stars⭐️

[update (31/07/22): after reading the bonus scene sent out in SJ’s newsletter... im rounding this up to five stars because it really gave me the final piece to the puzzle that i thought was missing here].

i cant believe it’s all over🥲


Zeke and Charles were even better than i imagined, wow.

this has been one of my most anticipated releases in the upcoming months, ever since i adored the shit out of Robbie and Brandon in book 2. but i was also skeptical because Saxon’s coauthored Puckboys series with Eden Finley has been severely lacking for me. just kinda the same old shit, you know?

so i was scared that might happen with Zeke and Charles’ book, but thank god that didn’t happen.

”Because when I’m sitting in that locker room, right before my swim, the only thing I’ll be thinking of is you. And no matter where you are, I want you to look at me and know that you own that moment.”

okay, so first off the characters?!! adored the shit out of them. i mean, they can’t hold a candle to Robbie and Brandon for me (also their cameos😩), but they were getting close, i can’t lie.

i immediately adored Charles, it was instant. he’s a bit nerdy, he’s flustered and adorable but also a “takes no shit” type of guy. i was honestly expecting the stereotypical nerd that had very little personality outside of that archetype. but Charles surprised me so much because he felt very multifaceted— he was so easy to root for, his characterisation was clear and confident, and i just loved him from the get-go.

while Zeke was a gradual build up that eventually throat punched me outta nowhere. initially, i was side-eying tf out of him, i can’t lie. but damnnnn, that man got to me. some of the shit Zeke said truly had me on my knees, i can’t. i mean... ”Make it smell pretty for me.”👀👀👀

the man was so smooth and unintentionally swoony. he’s one of my fave Saxon heroes, hands down. he would say something perfectly swoon-worthy and id have to put the book down, smirk to myself and resume because it was just that good.

again, like Charles, Zeke wasn’t what i was expecting either. he was equally laidback with this carefree humour and charm, but also stoic and meticulous. he made me laugh as much as he made me swoon— i knew going into this book id love Charles, im all for the geeky underdogs, but Zeke just owned me from the moment he won me over and that’s not something i was expecting.

i think this is why it ultimately worked so well? i went in expecting one thing, and was so happily surprised that they weren’t anything like i assumed they’d be. it just made for a thoroughly enjoyable read.

and as a pair?


they were pretty perfect together. they just clicked. they made so much sense together, their personalities complimented each other and they had such an effortless banter.

the progression of their relationship was honestly perfect. it was so authentic and natural, it wasn’t rushed or too drawn out. sometimes i get bummed out when the MCs are together too soon and the voice in my head’s like “awww man, already?” but that didn’t happen with Zeke and Charles— i just loved the way their bond slowly grew, unfurling and intensifying, how open and sweet they were... they’re iconic, you’re honour!!

”You fucking own me, Charlie.”

here are some of my favourite out of context moments:

⟡ the hoodie
⟡ the nickname
⟡ the car ride in the snow
⟡ their first kiss
⟡ the sleepover
⟡ Charles’ parents
⟡ the red splotches

i was originally gonna out emojis next some of my fave ones with how my face reacted to those moments, but i’m trying to be ✨mysterious✨

also... not to be a party pooper but, this book made me dislike Bailey even more than i already did. out of all six MC’s across the three books, he’s the only one i don’t like😭 the rest are cutie pies and i love them... Bailey can choke. he’s still so snooty and annoying, i really can’t.

but my dislike of Bailey aside... this slapped. i had the best time reading it— it’s the usual Saxon formula with low-angst, fun times and some top-quality steam. i think if you loved the previous books, i really don’t see why you won’t love this one too!

it’s seriously made me wanna reread Brandon and Robbie’s book because every time they appeared i was grinning like a loon. they’re still my idiotic babies, ily. Charles and Zeke are trying to steal your spot though, guys. watch out.

”You’re the greatest gold I ever earned.”

Presidential Chaos was honestly the perfect end to the series. i loved it sm🥺

King of Thieves = 3 stars

Masters of Mayhem = 5 stars

Presidential Chaos = 4.5 stars

i received an advance review copy for free, and i am leaving this review voluntarily.
Profile Image for Renae Reads.
589 reviews549 followers
August 2, 2022
*** I reviewed a complimentary copy of this book***

Frat Wars: Presidential Chaos features the slow-burn opposites attract romance between Zeke and Charles. What I enjoyed most about Presidential Chaos is how radically different it is in tone and pacing compared to the first two, which is mostly due to how reserved both Zeke and Charles are. They both keep most of their feelings internal and find it rather difficult to open up to others. As they find themselves continually drawn to one another, their walls start to crumble as feelings develop, albeit slowly.

Overall I really enjoyed this final entry of crazy, zany Frat Wars, it is just as fun and exciting as the previous and leaves you with a smile.
Profile Image for Imme van Gorp.
722 reviews1,119 followers
June 23, 2024
|| 3.0 stars ||

This was kinda fun, but I definitely wasn’t over the moon about it.

The plot regarding the mystery over who was trying to set the Sigmas up was surprisingly interesting, and really kept me guessing, but I found the reveal very anticlimactic. I had actually already written off that particular ‘bad guy’ since it would have been too obvious, but then it turned out to be him anyway. I suppose it could have been worse, but still.

The romance here was.. okay. Charles and Zeke definitely had a sweet vibe going on and I honestly think they really were a good fit together, but I unfortunately also have to admit that I wasn’t exactly feeling it. There weren’t many, if any, standout moments between them and it all fell a bit flat for me. I wasn’t as invested in them as I could have been.
I did like how they treated each other, though. They were gentle and adoring, and genuinely seemed to care about the other.

I’m hit with this overwhelming truth that I’ll never meet anyone as perfect for me as Charles. I drop to my knees, holding his thighs, staring up at him like I can’t believe he’s in front of me. “You fucking own me, Charlie.”

When it comes to the characters, I feel like none of them really got to shine apart from Charles. All of them felt dull, empty or even unlikable. Their vibe felt a little.. off. And sure, Zeke was pretty decent, but he wasn’t anything to write home about either.
Anyway, Charles really was this book’s saving Grace for me. He was such an absolute sweetheart; I adored him. He was a genuine cannonball of sugar and righteousness, I couldn’t possible not love him. His honesty mixed with a lovely combination of nerves as well as confidence were things that endeared him to me even more.
And well, because Charles was so very sweet, I got really annoyed over how everyone treats him. He doesn’t deserve any hate, yet everyone seems to give it to him anyway. It’s almost like they’re.. bullies. And honestly, how can Zeke just let that slide? Why did he never stand up for Charles? Not in all those years, and not even now that they’re together. It almost makes me feel like he does not deserve Charles at all.

He’s my Charlie. Fiery, bright, sweet, and passionate. I want every part of him.
We’re going to make this work. We have to. Because life without Charles in it is fucking bleak.

Also, I might be in the minority here, but: Kappas over Sigmas every damn day. The way the Kappas stood by the Sigmas, the way they helped them, and how they always took the high way: they were so nice and good. I could never have done what they did if I’d been targeted and harassed by those very same people for four years. Seriously, the Kappas were so much better. And honestly, I feel like the Sigmas getting shut down really would not have been the end of the world.. Sorry not sorry.

'Frat Wars' series:
1. King of Thieves - 4.0 stars
2. Master of Mayhem - 4.0 stars
3. Presidential Chaos - 3.0 stars
Profile Image for Llakshmi.
498 reviews442 followers
August 6, 2022
didn’t sleep. Didn’t get off the bed. Didn’t start my report. I don’t regret a single fucking second. 🥰🫶🏽
Profile Image for Lau (semi-hiatus) ♡.
442 reviews463 followers
August 5, 2022
⚠️This review contains heavy amounts of fangirling, internally screaming and very biased opinions. Read at your own risks.

The day has come. I’ve been waiting dying to read this since the first time we were introduced to Charles and Zeke in book 1. Now I’m left with my heart full of love, a hangover from spending all night reading and the sadness of having finished threatening to give me a reading slump.

I’ll skip the synopsis about Zeke and Charles’ love story because I want you to experience it the same way I did: with surprise, laughter and external screaming - I literally ran to tell my mom, even though she had no prior knowledge of any of this. I’ll tell you instead that Frat Wars is a series about two rival Frats that love to prank each other and have a game that consists in stealing objects from each other. Well, that’s the fun subplot. The spotlight is always on a light, wholesome romance between two beautiful men who are perfect together.

Although they all can be read as standalones, I’d advise you to read at least the first one (King of Thieves) before reading this, because Zeke and Charles’ story hits different when you have experienced shipping them during at least an entire book, making it a very slow burn romance you'll sell your soul to witness yet you are not given more than a tease.

The characters. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Saxon James always makes characters that hit different, that are easy to relate to at least at some point and a writing that makes me feel along with them.

I had HUGE hopes for Charles and he did not disappoint. I think he might be my favorite hero of the entire series sorry, Chad, I love you too. Here we have a nervous, clumsy boy with a tendency to fail and spill drinks all over himself when a certain swimmer is around. I loved how transparent he was, how he couldn’t help but show what he was feeling -usually in the form of unsteady hands, red cheeks and stuttering-, still he was confident and never ceased to amaze me by pulling himself in a vulnerable position asking for what he wanted. He offered his heart, his feelings and his desires without giving it a second thought, with a courage that made me fall for him, wanting to hug him in case anything went wrong and they end up trampled on.

I aim the pillow at his head and cross to my closet for actual clothes. He doesn’t leave while I get dressed (). Instead of playing it cool though, my neck heats, and it takes me three attempts to get my pants on.
Fuck my life.
It’s going to be a day.

Zeke was a complete surprise. I don’t know if I had the wrong picture of him, but in the first chapters my hopes went downhill and I braced myself to have to deal with an insensitive idiot who was going to hurt my baby. Then I realized that Zeke may be oblivious and compartmentalize all he wanted, but he didn’t hesitate to admit what he was feeling - thank God for that, because he didn’t have a clue of the power he had over Charles.

“Thanks, Charlie.” He steps in and presses his lips to my hair.
Like always.
And like always, it both hurts and feels amazing all at once.

While Charles was an open book, Zeke was impossible to read. Charles was nervous around him, Zeke was always calm and cool. I was a bit annoyed by Zeke's overall lack of romantic investment, but I loved how he cherished all the unique features that made Charles who he was, how he showed him affection with actions -even if his mind needed a bit to catch up-, and how he loved to tease him. They were complete opposites but, girl, were they amazing together.

"Charles?" He's lowered one of the windows and is leaning across the passenger seat to look at me. "You really think I'd hang around school this late for no reason?"

I wasn’t as much into the secondary plot this time. Instead of the typical game and pranks, we have a mystery going on: someone is scheming against Sigma Beta Psi by posting lies online and they would have to work together to figure out who they are before the dean shuts it down. It was quite predictable and not as much fun as the previous games, but a really good excuse for our dearest frat presidents to meet ;)

I loved their romance: light, fun, sweet and steamy, it gave me all I wanted and more. I loved their dialogues, their dynamics, their connection. I know it’s not a perfect book, that it’s simple, sometimes a bit unrealistic, a bit too easy… but I couldn’t care less. I can’t remember the last time a book made me fangirl this much -probably King of Thieves (#1)-, and it was the perfect ending for a series I’ll treasure forever.

“Shut up.” A whine plays in his throat. “ Are you going to fuck me or what?”
I grab his ass and pull him between my legs. “Kiss me, Zeke. Fuck me, Zeke. Anything else, Your Highness?”

If you still haven’t tried Frat Wars, here’s a list of reasons why (if) you should:

✅ College romance with the twist of having their unique game, pranks and a whole cast of great secondary characters that make it feel like a complete different setting

✅ perfect to forget about real life, fangirling and laughing while you follow the characters in their shenanigans

✅ Entertainment guaranteed: zero drama, all fluffy, happy feelings to fill your heart with warmth and love

✅ THE smut

✅ awesome character dynamics, sparking chemistry and relatable MCs that you can’t help but fall for

↬ Frat Wars series:

1. King of Thieves: 4.5 stars
2. Master of Mayhem: 3.5 stars
3. Presidential Chaos: 4.25 stars

*Rating purely based on my ridiculous love for this series: 10/10
May 7, 2024
re-read on audio May 2024

Still loved it but found it not as good on audio. Preferred reading it.

4.5***** stars

Oh Charles, sweetie, I wasn’t prepared to fall in love with you! ♡

I gotta say, the very first encounter we see of Zeke and Charles in this book was a total surprise. Didn’t see that coming AT ALL!! But… I loved it. It was a great starting point for their romance and I enjoyed the short story (you can get by subscribing to the author's newsletter) as kind of a prequel very much.

I loved a lot about this book. The pining and uncertainty, even though I’m not usually a fan of that but it made it all so much more sizzling. These two were truly hot. I loved the intensity of the sleepover and the hopelessness over them ever being something that had me rooting for them beyond anything. ♡

His lips leave my hair, and hot air ghosts over my ear instead. “For the record,” he says, “you fit too. And that doesn’t just scare me, Charlie. It’s fucking terrifying.”

They were so fucking drawn to each other, it was everything! Also that they knew better than to fall for each other but also couldn’t help it.

And damn the hoodie(s). I died of sweetness-overload! 😭😭😭

There were a few times in the first half where I got a little bored with the story but this kind of mystery was nonetheless entertaining and somewhat captivating. I loved the epilogue and how it came together with the two epilogues we read before with the other couples. It was a perfect ending to the Frat Wars.

side note: there is one question I haven’t found an answer to yet: Why the hell was Bailey such a dickhead in this book? Yeah I know he wasn’t so big on Greek life to begin with and he always tried to stay somewhat neutral and uninvolved for Chad’s sake but I didn’t like his attitude in this book (esp towards Charlie). At all.


"Frat Wars" Series:

Book 1 - King of Thieves - 4.5 stars
Book 2 - Master of Mayhem - 2.5 stars
Book 3 - Presidential Chaos - 4.5 stars
Profile Image for haletostilinski.
1,351 reviews547 followers
August 4, 2022
This is definitely my favorite book of the trilogy, I absolutely adored it and devoured it within a day.

Zeke and Charles just has the best chemistry and I was hooked from the very beginning. Even before that with the bonus prologue scene that you get if you're subscribed to this author's newsletter, which is short and details how these two start a no-strings, occasional get together for sex arrangement.

This starts right about at the end of the last book, with Zeke and Charles having not hooked up for 3 months, because they're both incredibly busy and for Charles, he's got a major crush on Zeke but doesn't want that to be known, because it seems like Zeke just wants sex, so Charles has been holding back as much as he could, and so he didn't reach out to Zeke, while Zeke has been so busy he didn't even realize it'd been that long since they hooked up.

For Zeke, he had attraction for Charles already, but it really was just sex for him at first. For him, he wants to make it to the olympics as a swimmer, and to qualify he has to be the best, so that takes up a lot of his time, as well as president duties for the frat. Also, he knows his life will be dedicated to going for gold at the highest level, and doesn't think he has time to properly give to what a relationship would need.

Charles is crushing hard on Zeke, but tries to push it down. He has his own problems, as he is in pre-law, but really doesn't want to be. But thinks he should be doing because that's what his grandfather wants of him, and he's rich and Charles thinks that he'll cut off his dads if he finds out that Charles doesn't want to go into Law - instead wants to go into teaching - and oh, also that he's bisexual, as his grandfather is a big homophobe.

When Zeke is needing some relief, he gets in touch with Charles and they have another hook up in the dark in a utility closet on campus that is known as a hook up spot. Because all these months they've been doing it in the dark, with mainly just Charles giving Zeke blow jobs, to try to give it a sense of anonymity to keep their distance and act like they're just getting off with some stranger. At least, for Zeke that's what it's for. For Charles, he's just gone along with what Zeke wanted, and in a way it has protected his crush from becoming anything more than a crush...

But when some anonymous poster on a social media site seems to be set on targeting Sigma Pi, shit gets real. The language is close to how Charles speaks, but when Zeke confronts him about it, Charles firmly denies it, and Zeke believes him.

I mean, we find out that Charles is really just a sweet, puppy dog underneath all his bluster. He might ramble about the Sigma's exploits against the Kappa's, but Zeke lets him because he finds his rambling to adorable.

And when Charles says Zeke's name during one of their hook-ups, it becomes a lot more real for Zeke, who can't stop picturing Charles on his knees for him instead of a nameless, shapeless person.

Zeke soon can't keep his own feelings for Charles from coming to the surface. They were there, but he was able to suppress them with how busy he's been, and their hook-ups being almost anonymous with each other. But not long, especially when this person who seems to be determined to slander Sigma keeps going after them, and these two "rival" presidents have to work together to try to find out who it is.

I just absolutely adored this and couldn't put it down. Zeke and Charles just worked wonderfully together, and their chemistry was *chefs kiss* When Zeke got jealous at one of Charles' frat brothers calling him "Charlie" - because only Zeke is allowed to call him that, mmkay? - it was just gold. And Charles not wanting Zeke to sleeping with anyone else and trying to pretend he doesn't care if he does when he very clearly does.

These two just worked wonderfully together, and this story was so fun and engaging to read, there was never a dull moment.

Definitely two MASSIVE thumbs up from me. This was a great way to end this trilogy, although I'll be sad to see these silly, but sweet frat boys go. Fictional frat boys are so much better than real frat boys *happy sigh* lol (except for maybe one who I won't spoil who is a little fuckwit) but otherwise, they're mostly awesome in this this series.

HIGHLY recommend, especially if you've read the first two books and enjoyed them. I don't know if this'll be your favorite, but it sure was mine, and definitely holds up against the other two, at the very least.

Can't wait for more from this author! 😍

My Ratings for the Frat Wars Series:

⭐️ Frat Wars: King of Thieves: 4.5 stars (my review)
⭐️ Frat Wars: Master of Mayhem 5 stars (my review)
⭐️ Presidential Chaos: 5 stars
Profile Image for oshiiy.
341 reviews53 followers
August 7, 2022
2.5 stars ⭐️ This book was okay for me. Even though I didn't skim chapters over chapters until the very end, suddenly I didn't want to know what would happen to Zeke and Charles's story, or who the hell was messing with them. It was boring in the last few chapters.

Sometimes I was annoyed with Zeke for no reason. We didn't get any solid details about his background, only his desperate need to go to the Olympics.

Charles was alright though. He genuinely cared about Zeke, and I actually loved it. It was kind of adorable. Nonetheless, I wasn't invested in their relationship. I wasn't over the moon once they started the relationship truly on the dangerous terms of "boyfriends".

About other characters, their pranks or activities, and the characters themselves were too uninteresting to care about. And I don't care one way or another if the Sigma house gets shut down, even though it makes me a rude person. Sorry not sorry, folks ☹️
Profile Image for Dani.
944 reviews107 followers
January 9, 2024

Zeke and Charles are officially my favourite couple in this series 😍 Loved how Chad, Bailey, Robbie and Brandon were involved too.

Reading all three books together in my re-read actually made me love Zeke and Charles even more.

Miles remains a man of mystery so no wonder I completely forgot he existed! Looking forward to Bilson's Puckboys book though to get to know him better 😁
August 6, 2022
My favourite installment from this series - but not quite a 5 star read

I wasn’t sure what to expect when I started reading it - I liked book 1, but book 2, the one about Robbie, was so annoying at times with all the yo/bro/frat talk that I wasn’t sure what to expect from this one. But I’m glad to report that the story of Zeke and Charlie, the presidents of the Sigmas and the Kappas, wasn’t as childish as Robbie’s or Chad’s book. They’re both more mature, and I enjoyed watching their relationship develop from being a mere hookup to a real one in which they openly stood up for each other.

So yes, Saxon James is back to writing what she does best: lovable, unique characters and a story with a bit, but not too much drama, where the main characters don’t have to go through “the big misunderstanding/separation” and who actually talk to each other.

Why not 5 stars then, you ask? Because it was… nice. But it didn’t set my blood and my emotions on fire, if you know what I mean.

Still, I’d recommend it, esp if you read the previous books, it’s an entertaining book for a few hours of easy fun.
Profile Image for Ash &#x1f349;.
564 reviews117 followers
August 5, 2022

I’ll be honest I’m not sure what to rate this. I basically skimmed the entire book aside from some moments. The side drama didn’t interest me and the conclusion felt like a big let down. The romance pacing felt weird, like it went from causal to intense really quick. Zeke and Charles had some cute moments and it’s the only reason I’m not leaving my rating at 2 stars. I probably wasn’t in the right mood for this, but also I was setting the book up to tail since I felt the SJ’s previous books have been very average and I was expecting the same from this. All the characters just seem too similar and sound the same too. All the relationships seem to develop very similarly too. Even with all my complaint I’m still gonna keep reading her other books and hope there’s a bit of development in the writing.
Profile Image for Julia (bookish.jka).
765 reviews214 followers
July 17, 2022
"There's something here. I can't even say how I know. I just feel it. It's like ... a click."

I have absolutely loved each book in this light-hearted, steamy, fun series from the divine Saxon James but if I had to choose, Frat Wars: Presidential Chaos is my favourite. Zeke and Charles were just absolutely gorgeous together and the 'whodunnit' plot was a great way to end the trilogy.

"Something's up. Very up. And surprisingly, it's not my dick. Fuckery is afoot, and it doesn't feel like fraternity fun times."

There were so many laugh out loud moments for me in this book, but central to all of those is the relationship between all these frat bros and their two competing houses; just perfect.

"I watch them a moment before turning to where Bailey is petting Chad and then to Zeke, who's smirking at me like he can read the very thought in my mind. Dear god. This is our A-team. We're fucking screwed."

If you love zero angst, but lots of laughs with your snark and steam, then this is the series for you.

5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Profile Image for Cadiva.
3,740 reviews378 followers
July 14, 2022
I could not put this book down once I started reading, so much so that I finally went to bed at 3am having finished it in one go.

I've loved each one of the Frat Wars series but this one is definitely my favourite because it's just such a gorgeous romance between two guys who shouldn't work at all but who just bring support, caring and love into the other's world most unexpectedly.

What starts off as a way to relieve the tension they're both constantly under because of the rivalries between their Frat Houses soon turns into something special as both Zeke and Charles come to realise they're catching feelings.

There's still humour in this book, as with all the rest, but it's tempered by the plotline which is focused on someone setting up Sigma Beta Psi with accusations of hazing and other illegal behaviours and making it look like it's the rival Rho Kappa Tau President Charles who's responsible for the rumours.

I loved watching these two young men fall in love, Charles has had a crush on Zeke for ages but the Olympic swimming hopeful is a bit slower to wake up to his feelings, when he does though, there's no holding him back.

What sealed the deal on this one becoming my favourite in a quite outstanding series though was the way both Frat Houses put aside their rivalry to try and find out who's causing the trouble and then the way the whole Greek Row, Sorority sisters as well, come together in solidarity with the Sigmas.

Although, as a Brit, we have nothing even remotely like Greek Societies over here, I think the friendships and lifelong connections these organisations help to flourish is a universal thing and it's what's at the heart of the series.

The Epilogue ten years later is brilliant, we've seen glimpses in the Epilogues in the previous two books but this one finally rounds things out with style.

I'll miss these guys!

#I voluntarily read a complementary copy of this book
Profile Image for Megan.
868 reviews240 followers
August 6, 2022
MM Romance
Fuck Buddies To More
3.75 ⭐️

Huh 🤔 This series has been surprising because I actually liked books 1 & 3. I am a bit shocked because…Frats. Hate them. I skipped book two because the reviews and the sample were too cringy. Cumpanions? broning? No just no. Even their cameos in this were cringy and even though I liked book 1 at the time I read it, Chad and Bailey annoyed me in this one too. So, I’m thinking my enjoyment of this has to do with not having read this author in ages. I’ve passed on all her new hockey books with Eden Finley and I’m not touching the Divorced Men’s Club with a 10ft pole. Just not my thing and the covers are a bit off putting. Yes, I’m judging. This cover however was the first time in ages, the description on page matched the guy. I’m looking at you, eyebrow. Anyway, I’m not sure how to review this because while I liked it, I had issues with it.

Let’s start with…

I felt like I got dropped into the middle of a chapter and was missing information when this started. There’s 3 months left to graduation and Zeke and Charles had been fuck buddies for months already. More like they met somewhere and Zeke got his dick sucked but it felt a bit random. After reading this I got the bonus scene that was the intro into how this all started. It would have made a good prologue and I’m not sure why it wasn’t at the start of this book. It was just an odd choice.

That being said, I felt like their relationship was always more than just head in a dark room because they saw each other weekly for all their Frat stuff. They had mutual respect for each other despite their houses being rivals so I didn’t find it all that fast when it changed to them becoming more than just presidents who fuck around. They actually had a lot in common and were all kinds of cute together. I loved when Charles would get all flustered and splotchy when talking to Zeke and what I loved even more was how much Zeke loved it. All those years he could have given the task of meeting up with Charles to someone else and he didn’t because there was always interest there despite Zeke trying to deny it. So, all this just worked for me.

But, I just could not give a fuck about the side stories or characters. I didn’t care about the anonymous user trying to take down Zeke’s Frat. Like Yawn 🥱 😴 I didn’t care about the pranks between the two houses or even the other brother’s cameos. I watch the Great British Bake Off and thought I’d like that part but I found it boring. I also didn’t care about Charles’s backstory with his “Grampy”. Honestly the name “Grampy” made me kind of cringe 😬 I’m not really sure why but it didn’t work for me and he’s constantly mentioned but that plot line just kind of disappeared.

That being said, I was really interested in Zeke’s swimming career and I wanted to know more about it. Instead of that stupid bonus scene that should have been the prologue, I would have loved to have one of Zeke’s first Olympics due to what Zeke tells Charles after their locker room encounter in this book. It would have been super swoony to see Zeke’s routine before races and having it link back to this but it never did. ☹️ Yet, I lived for all the scenes with Charles and Zeke together like their first kiss was just so swoony and them fulfilling each other’s fantasies, the hoodies!!!, the nicknames and Zeke riling up Charles. I loved how supportive Charles was when Zeke was going through it and how Zeke did the same for Charles. And the sex scenes were hot yet full of feelings when these two actually get out of the dark. The one during the sleepover was like 🥵. Loved how needy they were for each other and not just sexually either. They gave each other the courage to be free and I was here for it.

But, I felt this book just kind of ended abruptly for being the last of a series especially the last sentence no matter how cute it was. I also never felt like these two were rivals in this book. The houses had a rivalry but Zeke and Charles didn’t. That was all an act. So, while I couldn’t put this down and stayed up until 3am reading it, it wasn’t perfect and I have no idea if I reread this 6 months down the line that I’d even like it a second time. But since it worked for me this time, I’m bumping it to 4 stars because it was a great filler read in between my monster porn books and it’s one of the few books I was looking forward to this year that didn’t horribly disappoint me. So, Kudos for that but it’s going onto my “guilty fucking pleasures” shelf. 💗
Profile Image for Noi .
428 reviews291 followers
April 9, 2024
This was the best one in the series. You can read them as stand-alones through the 1st gives some background for this one specifically. This is about the two presidents of rival Frats. I do want to say that the beginning was a bit choppy and I would have liked some more details on how they got to that point. I also didn't love how they 'got' justice but I get it.

Loved -
- One of them blushes
- The other learns to be soft for the other
- The story was bigger than just the romance

"you can't look at me like that"
"like what?"
"like... I'm important"
"but it's the truth"
Profile Image for Layla .
1,294 reviews10 followers
August 6, 2022
I think it's time for me and SM to part ways.

I don't know if it's the book or me.
I don't know if I'm being pickier than usual.
Maybe it's the wrong book at the wrong time.
Maybe it's the fact that I'm not liking the college NA trope anymore.

What I do know is that I skimmed the fuck outta this book. I was just... not interested.

I thought both MCs were too bland. They talked alot without really saying anything.

I'm just frustrated tbh.
Another new release.... another dud, at least for me.

I'll just be rereading old faves for a while. Those seem to be working just fine. I wonder why.....
Profile Image for Pheefs.
323 reviews9 followers
August 7, 2023
It’s taken me reading this 3 times to really appreciate it. I had always enjoyed the previous 2 books in the series because the characters were less serious/himbo -ish. Both Zeke & Charlie have a lot of responsibilities and are more mature but they have fun together. They balance each other out so well. The epilogue wrapping up the 3 couples was amazing too 🥰

🎧Iggy Toma & Alexander Cendese are awesome as usual🎧
Profile Image for Kate.
281 reviews725 followers
August 13, 2024
I swear Saxon writes pure serotonin. This was such a joy.

THE PREMISE: two frat presidents are rivals with benefits … and perfect for each other.

- MM college romcom
- Warring frat house shenanigans
- Rivals with benefits
- *When you wear my clothes*
- Bi-awakening

4.75⭐️ 3🌶️
Profile Image for ivanareadsalot.
606 reviews209 followers
August 4, 2022

I loved EVERYTHING about this 3rd installment in the frat wars series. It was YES 💥 hot af yummy 🔥, immersive and escapist in all the best ways possible 🥽, and with all the gooey secret-pining feels I'm soft for! ngl I'm sort of a dork rn walking around with big ole googly heart eyes and a dopey grin on my face 🦋😍 the way I had devoured this book omg!!! I'm just so happy this one worked out for me, as I'd HARD DNFed "master of mayhem" which had made me think that my love for KoT was an hallucination! But it wasn't and so here we are!!!! Prez Chaos slapped and I hope that whatever comes next will be just as fun, with all the butterfly feels and ofc frat as fuck 😀👌❤️🏆🥇
Profile Image for Sarah.
761 reviews36 followers
May 5, 2024
3.5 - *possible spoilers. More mature than the previous 2 FratWars books, I liked these guys and their relationship more than book 2. There were some cute moments. I found the side plot interesting to start with and I had high hopes for maybe some photographic blackmail?? Especially that person sneaking past at night and seeing him sleeping in the hoodie but then it fizzled and was incredibly anticlimactic in its resolution. Would have loved some more on page time showing their life experiences/Zeke’s career after school rather than the brief wrap up in the epilogue. Started off as 4 stars then fizzled.

Is Hush Hush a college thing?? I kept waiting for the Hush Hush place to be used differently in the storyline - sounds like the perfectly most unprivate place possible to get caught in a secret gay tryst. Why did the bad guy not take advantage of this and use it in their plot? Or even someone, anyone from either frat house walking in to give us some excitement?

Also, having anal sex for the very first time, standing up in a locker room shower, just sounded uncomfortable. I wasn’t sure whether to be impressed by their ambitiousness or sympathetic. They both had perfectly good private bedrooms. Generally I just found there to be some odd choices throughout this book.
Profile Image for Kristel (hungryandhappy).
1,582 reviews84 followers
August 9, 2024
I loved it so much and I will miss them a lot!

This book was incredible: amazing characters, intriguing story and solid plot. Zeke and Charles have recurring meetings where they talk about their houses and they also have something more. With Charles having doubts about school and Zeke stressed about swimming times that could crash his Olympic dreams, they also find themselves involved in rumours that could ruin Zeke's house and make them close. Charles is simply the sweetest thing ever. I wanted to squish him and hug him and give him everything. He deserves the world. And if he want Zeke, who is not immune to his charm, then why can't he? We have another secret romance story that starts like something totally different and I loved every second of it!
Profile Image for cal ♡.
633 reviews251 followers
May 10, 2023
We kiss while I fuck him slow, deep, holding his thighs apart as I try to fill him as much as I can. I have exactly zero shits to give about anyone hearing us, because after today, I don't want anyone looking twice at him.
He's my Charlie.

saxon james' frat wars trilogy was a blast for me. well, maybe except the second one. i genuinely enjoyed presidential chaos from start to finish. the fact that saxon james wrote these books which made the muscled-college frat boys adorable takes some massive talent. i was busy swooning and giggling nonstop for zeke and charles. i love how zeke could take the in-denial closeted frat boy route but again this is saxon's third book in this series and my trust to this author should have never wavered. some few anticlimactic scenes here and there but those are forgiven. also, the sex was scorching hot. willing to give another shot for the other books from this author!
Profile Image for alyssa.
959 reviews195 followers
August 5, 2022
a classic Saxon James swoony fluff fest!!! while the conclusion to the secondary plotline was a bit anticlimactic and there was a surplus of dithering about their futures, i found the latter relatable in my case and thoroughly enjoyed this endearingly likable pair (the hoodies, red splotches, Charles' wonderful dads, cute confessions, etc. 🥺). perfect timing as well since i’ve been busy having chaotic meltdowns over Hollow Folk—my brain desperately needed this spa time 🤣
Profile Image for Cyndi.
692 reviews41 followers
August 10, 2022
After a week of 3 star worthy series finales, this final Frat Wars book was a breath of fresh air. The entire series was so much fun to read, but I think this one was my favorite. I just loved the complete lack of drama between Charles and Zeke. There were several times when their frat allegiances could have caused friction between them, but they chose to trust each other and work as a team. I loved Zeke's nicknames for Charles and how possessive he was over them. I loved Charles' dads and their incredibly dad-like reaction to Charles introducing them to a boy with tattoos and lines shaved into his eyebrow. The frat plot kept the story moving in an interesting way and I mentally accused so many people of being the "bad guy", but the romance was what really earned my 4 stars. Charles and Zeke were so stinking cute together and had me swooning all over the place on a day when I needed some swooning in my life. I did wish that the bonus chapter had been included as a prologue. I didn't know it existed until after I'd finished the book and would have loved to read it first. So if you haven't read this book yet, find the bonus chapter and read it first (I received it through the author's newsletter). Other than that minor complaint, I thought this was a fantastic end to this series and am looking forward to what comes next from this author.
Profile Image for ForewordPR.
64 reviews287 followers
Want to read
June 13, 2022

Foreword PR is delighted to be working with Saxon James for the release of Frat Wars: Presidential Chaos! Presidential Chaos is a rivals to lovers, friends with benefits to lovers, M/M college romance standalone and the third novel in her Frat Wars Series. Visit here to find out how you can read early: Presidential Chaos
Profile Image for Miriah.
892 reviews44 followers
August 9, 2022
2.5 stars rounded up because Charles was the best.

This took me forever to get through. It was so boring. It focused way too much on the frat sabotage plot and not nearly enough on the romance. Charles and Zeke were very likable and that’s what kept me going, but I’m so glad it’s over.

I also hated the epilogue.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 736 reviews

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