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Hall of Thorns #1

A Rose Among Thorns

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No one said anything about an attack vine.

Rose Thorn should never be left unsupervised around plants. Potted things tend to die around her as if on principle. But when her great-aunt calls and asks Rose to watch her garden nursery for a few days, Rose can hardly say no. After all, Aunt Lily is the closest thing Rose has to a grandmother—and the only family she has left—so Rose doesn’t mind driving out to her tiny mountain town to look after the place.

Aunt Lily never mentioned anything about an inspection, however.

Rose is taken aback when an agent from an organization she’s never heard of arrives and panics to find Aunt Lily missing. As it turns out, Aunt Lily hasn’t been entirely straight with Rose. She’s not visiting a sick friend—she’s in danger and on the run. She keeps a hidden greenhouse on the property in which she grows highly regulated magical plants. And she’s an elf…as was Rose’s grandfather.

Though stunned to witness magic at work and shocked that no one ever divulged the family secret, Rose refuses to abandon the nursery until her great-aunt is safely home. But as she and the agent, now awkward housemates, try to keep up their cover story and find the missing grower, they realize that whatever led to Aunt Lily’s disappearance might not be the only magical crime in progress.

And while Rose has no green thumb, another talent of hers may be budding…

187 pages, Kindle Edition

Published April 19, 2022

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About the author

Ash Fitzsimmons

29 books41 followers
Ash has always loved a good story. Her childhood bookshelves overflowed, and she refused to take notes in her copies of classroom novels because that felt like sacrilege. She wrote her first novel the summer after her freshman year of college and never looked back. (Granted, that novel was an unpublishable 270,000-word behemoth, but everyone has to start somewhere, right?)

After obtaining degrees in English and creative writing and taking a stab at magazine work, Ash decided to put her skillset to different use and went to law school. She then moved home to Alabama, where she works as an attorney. These days, Ash can be found outside of Montgomery with her inordinately fluffy Siberian husky, who loves long walks, car rides, and whatever Ash happens to be eating.

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Profile Image for Melanie.
1,243 reviews101k followers
June 29, 2024
i have been very vocal about my new found love of the r/fantasy bingo , and one of the challenges (with hard mode activated) is to read a self pubbed or indie book with less than 100 ratings on goodreads. And as of typing this review, i am number 43! but also, i really love Mark Lawrence's spfbo awards that he (and a team of so many cool sff bloggers) holds every year, really honoring and uplifting indie and self published authors and their stories! So this very long preamble is to inform you that i knew i had to pick a crossover book for this challenge and this one was on the list of spfbo x books and was free on kindle unlimited!

this was a really charming story about a girl named rose, who very unexpectedly gets a message from her aunt lily, asking her to come take care of her flower nursery for her, because she has to leave immediately. and basically, once rose arrives she thinks everything is normal and what she has always known to be true, but a magical elf inspector comes and shows her a secret magical greenhouse and teaches her about a whole new world filled with magic. but together, they also need to figure out where lily went and how to get her safely back asap!

this was really cute and i easily fell in love with both characters. rose is also an artist, and i really loved that about her, and just her finding happiness and being able to navigate the new and old world a little less lonely. i liked the small town, i liked meeting all the side characters (i loved* a faun in a blazer), and i really liked learning about all the magical plants and potions that can be made with them.

this story also just reminded me how much fun it can be to pick up a book not really knowing anything about it and just being able to have a good time with it, without any expectations. yes, the writing and banter was a little cheesy at times, but sometimes cheesy isn’t bad. and i hope this just really helps me reach for more unrated indie stories, because this really was a fun and cozy reading experience!

trigger + content warnings: mention of loss of grandparents and parents in past (illness and car accident), brief talk of addiction, brief mention of bullying in past, talk of drugs, magical compulsion / slavery / captivity, gun violence, drinking, grief, vomiting, unexpected loss of consciousness, magical overdose

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Profile Image for Kealyn.
387 reviews32 followers
August 24, 2024
A Rose Among Thorns by Ash Fitzsimmons

Around 4-ish stars

A Rose Among Thorns is a funny, loveable, fast-paced fantasy story. It's an easy and quick read and I really enjoyed it. Do I sound weird if I admit that I fell in love with a vine called Sally? Cause Sally was the BEST part of this entire book! She completely won me over the second she appeared in the book. 

The book starts with Rose Thorn arriving at her aunt's place. Her aunt is visiting a sick friend and she asked if she could take over managing Eden's Bounty, her flower shop. 
The next day Yven ti'Asha arrives. He is a special agent of DDP, Division of Plants and Potions, and he is coming for an inspection. Rose finds out that her aunt has magical abilities and is selling potions and special/magical plants. And that she isn't visiting a sick friend, but that she is missing. Yven is an Elf and he stays with her to fulfill all the orders so that no one is going to find out her aunt is missing. And so that they gain time to investigate her disappearance and find her again. 

When they enter the nursery a vine wraps herself around Yven holding him back. But the vine listens to Rose and she names her Sally. She lets go of Yven but never really trusts him. I just fell madly in love with Sally. I know she is a vine but she has a feisty personality. Has her own will and mind and isn't afraid of showing her discontent for certain things. I just love her to pieces. She is such a fierce and powerful character she really fills the pages with her energy. 

This book is about finding aunt Lily. It's about friendship and growing. It's about experiencing who you are and what you are capable of. And I really enjoyed this fast ride the author took us on. 

Rose and Yven are very likeable. I did wish at times their personalities would have a bit more presence like Sally did. But they are great leads and I did like them very much. 

All in all a great book. This book is around 3.75/4-ish stars overall. I am looking forward to reading the rest of this beautiful series. And I just need another Sally fix ;). 
Profile Image for Sea Caummisar.
Author 71 books845 followers
May 3, 2022
Is cozy fantasy a genre? If so, this one fits. Small Town. Quirky, fun, likeable characters. A mystery where the danger isn't really threatening, but solid enough to give a plot and cast tension. Add magic. Viola, you get A Rose Among Thorns. Or would it be YA fantasy instead of cozy? Is there a difference?
That doesn't matter. Let's talk about the story. A human gets called upon by a family member to watch after a greenhouse while the aunt 'visits a sick friend'. So called human had no clue that her world would soon change and be opened to a whole other world she never knew existed.
A plant was actually my fave character. Think of a guard dog, but not canine and in vine form. I almost pictured Sally as the flytrap in Little Shop, just with more vines, and nicer to those who deserve kindness.
This is the start of a series and I can certainly see the appeal to following along with the rest of the story. Book 1 didn't end on a cliffhanger (thank goodness, I hate those), but it did reveal just enough new information to keep the story fresh and to keep the reader curious as to what's next
Profile Image for Kelly.
1,846 reviews83 followers
August 23, 2024
I'm reviewing this as part of a tour with The Write Reads.

This is the first book in the Hall of Thorns series. Somehow, it was different from what I first expected, but I liked it. I think that from the cover design, I expected a powerful, romantic love story or fairy tale, and while this falls into the fantasy genre, I didn't find it to be like that. My favourite thing about it was that I found it so much fun.

I liked Rose's personality, she struck me as funny and sassy. Yven was also an awesome character. I found the storytelling fairly simple, but I enjoyed the fact that nothing was overly elaborate or embellished. In any case, the story and characters both came to life easily for me.

I found this light, easy reading and very entertaining.

Thank you to The Write Reads, and to the author, for the opportunity to read and review this.
Profile Image for A Voracious Reader (a.k.a. Carol).
2,043 reviews1 follower
August 27, 2024
Book source ~ BBNYA Tour

Rose Thorn gets a call from her Great-Aunt Lily asking if she can watch over her nursery while she visits a sick friend. Despite having a brown thumb, Rose is happy to help her last living relative. What can go wrong? Oh, my. So much can go wrong.

This is a magical wonder of a story. It flows fast and has great characters. The plot is fantastical and yet grounded. Rose has no idea about magic or that she’s smack in the middle of it, but she gets a decent crash course from Yven, the Agent who shows up to do Lily’s greenhouse inspection and finds a complete novice in her place. There’s magic, danger, mystery, humor, and I mentioned magic, right? What a great world! I look forward to more books in this series.
Profile Image for Kriti Dalmia.
359 reviews19 followers
August 30, 2024
Book Review: A Rose Among Thorns by Ash Fitzsimmons
Rating: 5☆

Rose Thorn is not your typical protagonist. Plants tend to wither around her, but when her great-aunt Lily asks her to watch over her garden nursery, Rose can't refuse. What starts as a simple favor quickly spirals into a magical mystery when Rose discovers her great-aunt is missing and in danger. With the help of an unexpected ally, Rose uncovers family secrets and hidden talents, all while navigating a world of magical plants and elven heritage.

Ash Fitzsimmons creates a compelling story that combines urban fantasy with a touch of mystery. Rose is relatable and endearing, making her journey all the more engaging and appealing.

The story is well-paced, with twists that keep you on the edge of your seat. Fitzsimmons' world-building is engaging and realistic, painting a vivid picture of a magical realm hidden within the mundane.

Rose's growth from a reluctant caretaker to a determined heroine is beautifully portrayed. Her interactions with the enigmatic agent add depth and humor to the story.

The magical elements are seamlessly integrated into the narrative, making the fantasy aspects believable and enchanting. Just when you think you have it all figured out, Fitzsimmons throws in a twist that keeps you guessing.

This is a delightful read for fans of urban fantasy and magical mysteries. Fitzsimmons' storytelling prowess shines through, making this book a must-read. Whether you're a seasoned fantasy reader or new to the genre, this book offers a refreshing and enchanting escape.

It is perfect for readers who enjoy strong female leads, magical adventures, and a touch of mystery.

Thank you @thewritereadstours for providing with the book
Profile Image for Dini - dinipandareads.
1,047 reviews117 followers
August 24, 2024
I read this as part of the blog tour hosted by The Write Reads. Special thanks to the author for providing a digital copy in exchange for an honest review!

TL;DR: A Rose Among Thorns is a great beginning to a cosy fantasy mystery series. The characters were entertaining, the banter was pretty cheesy but so fun, and the fantasy elements were rather light, making it perfect for those who want to read more fantasy but don’t want to get bogged down by expansive world-building. It has great appeal for a wider audience and I can see why it got second place in the BBNYA competition! 😍 I enjoyed this much more than the start led me to expect and I’m keen to continue with the series!

I have to admit that A Rose Among Thorns started off a bit rough for me and that had to do with my own expectations. What I thought would be a gradual introduction to the plot, world-building and magic system, was instead our main character being thrown into the fire almost immediately! I was fine with the intense introduction to the magical side of the mundane and I expected disbelief and lots of questions from Rose; however, she questioned little and quickly acclimated with barely a hitch to her step. Did I find her reaction unrealistic and require a great suspension of disbelief? Yes. That said, I quickly came to accept that this is the type of cosy fantasy that you shouldn’t take too seriously and I don’t mean that disparagingly! Rather, this is the perfect mix of cosy fantasy and cosy mystery where things happen because they happen and if you just buckle in for the ride, you’ll have a fun time, and I certainly did! 😄

Despite the head-turning pace at which Rose accepts the existence of an entire magical world that exists in parallel with ours, I liked her character a lot! Rose was down-to-earth, easy to empathise with and had an infectious energy about her. She very obviously takes things as they come, is very good at rolling with the punches, and is not one to be left behind in all the madness that ensues. Even with Aunt Lily being the only family she has left, her steadfast and determined loyalty shines through as we learn more about her history. There was one element of her character arc that I guessed at early on and while it was predictable, I’m keen to see where Fitzsimmons Also, the unexpected bond she formed with Sally was fantastic! I loved Sally! 😂 She also had great chemistry with Yven, our Elfin main character, and their partnership made for an easy and entertaining read.

Yven is a magic government employee who’s as straight-laced (oh, station wagon) as they come and who is endearingly passionate about plants and cooking. It was adorable how he was so in his element at the nursery, selling flowers and plants, and I loved how much he stood by Rose’s side. Again, the speed at which rules are broken in this book is eye-popping but it did make for a plot that progressed smoothly and quickly! 😂 I loved his friendship with Pars, who brought a comedic presence to the story, and who joined their sleuthing duo later in the story. I should say there’s no romance between Rose and Yven but there are romantic vibes. They would make an awesome couple and although part of me hopes it happens in the future, I also wouldn’t be mad if their relationship stays platonic. I just love them together!
Profile Image for Kate A.
506 reviews15 followers
September 2, 2024
Rating 4.5/5

It’s brilliant when you pick up a book and realise that you are in for an easy but exciting read and that’s what happened when I picked this book up. A Rose Among Thorns has such a nice light atmosphere and I loved the premise, it is urban fantasy mixed with a little action and a little bit of romantic tension, but still has the suspense that I expect when trying to find a perpetrator.

The story is so engaging, it didn’t take long before I was hooked and didn’t want to put the book down, I felt totally immersed in the journey to find out what happened to Aunt Lily and the magical world the author created. We only get a glimpse of the magic since what can be done in the human world is limited but I enjoyed the little bits that we were able to see and find out about the supernatural world.

I wasn’t too sure about Rose at first she didn’t seem like she was going to bring much to the story as she was really out of her depth and it didn’t feel like she was going to find her way, but I did like that she dropped everything to help her family. Then as the story progressed she showed her determination and acceptance, especially with all the new things she has learned about her family, and quickly became a loveable character.

Yven was fascinating, I liked that he was always a little unexpected, he’s an agent with style that loves to cook, but can also hold his own in a fight. I also liked the chemistry between Rose and Yven, especially as they are very different but I was rooting for them for most of the book. Also, a special mention goes to Sally the vine who is of course the coolest, a plant with sass and a protective streak, what’s not to love?

I really enjoyed this book, it was entertaining and kept me engaged, I didn’t want to put it down once I got started. I was a little gutted when it ended because I wanted to know more about the world that Yven and Rose’s family come from but then I was excited because there are more books in this world and with these characters to come. I highly recommend A Rose Among Thorns and I’m looking forward to more from this author.

Originally posted on everywhere and nowhere
Profile Image for Claire Reviews.
769 reviews30 followers
August 24, 2024
📖 Book Review | 🚒 Blog Tour Stop
In association with The Write Reads

It's my stop on the blog tour for A Rose Among Thorns by Ash Fitzsimmons. It's book one in the Hall of Thorns series and was runner-up in the 2023 Book Blogger's Novel of the Year Award (BBNYA)

BBNYA is a yearly competition where book bloggers from all over the world read and score books written by indie authors, ending with 15 finalists and one overall winner. BBNYA 2024 is occurring right now!

If you want more information about BBNYA, check out the BBNYA website https://www.bbnya.com/ or take a peek on Twitter @BBNYA_Official. BBNYA is brought to you in association with the @Foliosociety (if you love beautiful books, check out their website!) and the book blogger support group @thewritereads

A Rose Among Thorns
Length: 179 pages
Genre: Fantasy
Age Category: Adult
Date Published: 19 April 2022

Brief synopsis:
Rose Thorn should never be left unsupervised around plants. But when her great-aunt asks Rose to watch her garden nursery for a few days, Rose can hardly say no. After all, Aunt Lily is the closest thing Rose has to a grandmother — and the only family she has left — so Rose doesn’t mind driving out to her tiny mountain town to look after the place.
Aunt Lily never mentioned anything about an inspection, however.

Reading A Rose Among Thorns was an absolute delight! One of its most appealing aspects is how much of an easy read it is; I simply flew through the pages. It is adorable without being cutesy, fantastical without being inaccessible, packed with lively characters, and has a tangible and exciting storyline with an adventure at its heart.
Let's talk about those characters. Rose is the perfect FMC here; she's sarcastic, funny, and plucky, with a heart of gold. Agent Yven's her perfect counterpart, and they are written so beautifully, as separate entities, and together.
When I came to the end of the book, I immediately wanted to read the next in the series; the surest sign of a brilliant book!


Thanks to The Write Reads and Ash Fitzsimmons for providing an eARC; this is my unbiased review.
Profile Image for Chris Hepler.
Author 19 books3 followers
October 22, 2023
My first impression of this book was that it starts with a premise much like the mobile game Lily’s Garden; twenty-something woman named after a flower (Rose) inherits a big ol’ run-down property belonging to an older relative (Lily) and gets started fixing the place up and growing stuff. But there the resemblance ends. The supernatural world comes to investigate what happened to Rose’s great-aunt, who was a big wheel when it came to growing magical plants. Rose and her elf investigator friend (Yven) must solve the mystery of how and why her great-aunt vanished.

I thought this book was pretty great. The characters (mostly Rose and Yven, who get the majority of the page count devoted to them) are adorable and down-to-earth, and the magic is appropriate to the unusual, central conceit of the book – Lily’s plants are used for potion ingredients, and most of the magical effects are potion-based, which is something I haven’t seen before. It’s not super-tense, close to what the kids are calling “cozy fantasy” these days, but with about as much action as one might expect from a story centered on investigating the small-to-medium-size fish of the supernatural drug trade. The pacing was good and kept me reading. Though the book clearly sets up for sequels, it does *not* end on a cliffhanger, which is always worth an extra point in my ratings chart.

Overall, “A Rose Among Thorns” is a step above most of the indie urban fantasy I’ve read, and I’m interested in how the series will grow the characters. Not Sally, though. Sally the attack vine doesn't need to grow. She's perfect as she is and is probably 200' long anyway. :)
23 reviews
August 30, 2024
This book was right up my alley. Perhaps this was just what I needed to read right now? A book that was cosy, light, sassy, smart, magic, and everything nice with sugar and spice coming up.

Not to mention that this book was a runner-up in The Book Bloggers' Novel of the Year Award 2023. Phew. We are raising the bar with this one.

Our Main Character Rose Thorn does not exactly have what we call green thumbs. Still, she managed to get herself unsupervised in Aunt Lily's nursery for a few days.

The catch? Aunt Lily did not mention anything about an inspection.

Que the cute inspector guy. OK agent, Agent Yven ti’Ansha. Even his name is cute. Of course, they do not get along right away. They are strangers who decide to try to work together until Auntie Lily is back. Oh, and did I mention he cooks?

They manage to get themselves into all sorts of situations. Oh no, not that kind, this is not that kind of book. Criminally.

Rose gets an introduction to the magic of this world as Yven teacher her the ropes of the magical part of Auntie Lily's life.
Although I love the banter between the two, it is Sally that has my heart. I think we all need a sassy Sally in our lives.

I loved the ending. It was an unexpected one for me, I love the possibilities it opens up for us… or rather them… 😉

The next book will also be an interesting read, indeed. 😊
Profile Image for karla_bookishlife.
832 reviews28 followers
August 25, 2024
A cute, cosy, romantasy read set in a quirky small town garden nursery. Rose Thorn is summoned by her great Aunt Lily to keep an eye on the nursery in her absence, and whilst, Rose isn't green fingered in the slightest, she adores her aunt and will do anything for her. However, things aren't quite what they seem. An inspector turns up with a plan to evict Rose and take over the property. It seems there is a lot Rose doesn't know about her aunt and the nursery. There is magic at its core. Rose discovers talents of her own. The close proximity of living alongside the inspector makes for fun reading. At under 200 pages, this is the perfect entertaining quick read. Perfect for fans of cosy fantasy books like Legends and Lattes. #aroseamongthorns #ashfitzsimmons #TheWriteReads #thewritereadsontour
Profile Image for Kat.
Author 11 books559 followers
October 18, 2023
A ROSE AMONG THORNS was such a cool book! Rose Thorn gets a text that she’s needed to fil in at her great aunt Lily’s flower nursery for a few days when a family friend falls ill. Sounds innocuous? Sure, at least until elves and fauns from the magical society that manages dangerous plants show up on your doorstep, informing you that your aunt is secretly an elf who grows highly dangerous magical plants. And that her sudden disappearance means that she may be in danger. I loved the characters in this one. Rose was lots of fun. Yven was a favorite and I loved hearing about the elves and his background. Sally the strangling vine was absolutely one of my favorite characters! She was like a dog or a cat and I loved how much personality she had. The world building was great, with glamours, cursed potions of all kinds, forbidden romances, and a mystery to solve as they try to determine what happened to Lily. I’m excited to read more in this series! 5/5 stars.
Author 4 books31 followers
December 27, 2022
Rose's aunt has gone away leaving her to manage her nursery which is unfortunate as Rose has the opposite of green fingers - though she is a talented artist. Quite quickly she receives an inspection from a magical Department of Plants and Potion - in the shape of a young man/elf and discovers her aunt is in trouble which she has to sort out. What follows is an entertaining tale which is a delight to read. I will look forward to read the rest of the series - which Amazon tells me has already got to 4!!
Anyone who likes a bit of magical intrigue sprinkled in their romance and thriller will love this.
Profile Image for Kelly Miller.
Author 11 books379 followers
July 14, 2022
A Rose Among Thorns is pacy, short, and engaging. Although it is Book One of the Hall of Thorns Series, it is a complete and satisfying story arc, which I always appreciate. Since it is a contemporary, urban-type fantasy, I think it would appeal to most readers, whether or not they typically read fantasy. There is intrigue, family secrets, danger, and even a bit of romance (the clean variety.) A thoroughly enjoyable read!
Profile Image for Renee Marski.
Author 68 books74 followers
August 25, 2022
Such a fun story! Rose is watching her Great Aunt Lily's nursery when a man shows up, claiming to be an agent. Well, hes an agent but not the human kind. Turns out Lily is an elf and shes a grower for potion ingrediants. And shes missing. Now Rose and Yven have to figure out what sent Lily on the run to begin with. And did I mention Sally the attack vine??

Rose has spunk. She is fearless and i love it. Yven is smart and quirky and that makes him lovable!!
51 reviews
April 23, 2022
Ash has struck gold again

Ash has once again introduced me to characters I missed as soon as I read the last page. I can’t wait to follow Rose and Yven’s adventures. Can Rose be accepted by the elven Clans? Where will the human and magical worlds collide next?
Please tell me there will be more than 4 books!
Profile Image for Frances Evelyn.
Author 9 books29 followers
June 6, 2022
Rose Thorn is standing in as manager of her Aunt Lily's nursery. She doesn't know anything about plants, but that turns out to be the least of her problems when a Special Agent from the Department of Plants and Potions arrives.
This is the first book in Ash Fitzsimmons's new series and it promises great stories, wit and, if I'm not mistaken, a slow-burn romance. Looking forward to reading more!
Profile Image for Carl Brothers.
40 reviews1 follower
April 22, 2023
Fun Read

This had all I hoped for in an urban fantasy; tons of magic, engaging dialogue and a well written story that kept my interest all the way to the end.
Profile Image for Heather - Just Geeking By.
457 reviews79 followers
September 12, 2024
When her great-aunt asks her to look after her nursery for a few days, Rose Thorn doesn’t hesitate to help her. Aunt Lily is her only living relative and as an artist, she can easily take her work with her. While she has no luck with plants, Rose is sure she can handle a few days – until an inspector turns up.

The arrival of an inspector from an organisation she has never heard of is just the start of the bad news. Aunt Lily isn’t away visiting an ill friend; she’s missing, and her absence has triggered a series of events. It turns out that everything Rose thought she knew about Aunt Lily and her family is a lie. There’s a whole other world that she didn’t know existed, and Rose is a part of it. Her grandfather and Aunt Lily are elves – so is Rose.

Turning up for a quarterly inspection, Yven ti’Ansha from the Division of Plants and Potions is shocked to find the owner absent and her uninformed great-niece instead. When Rose repeats a code phrase to him, he realises that Lily is in trouble and starts procedures to secure the nursery, which includes removing Rose from the property. Unfortunately for him, Rose’s stubbornness and further complications prevent him from doing just that.

With both of them refusing to budge on the matter, Rose and Yven set up a grudging partnership to keep the nursery running in Lily’s absence and protect Lily from repercussions. As they work side by side, they uncover clues suggesting that there is more going on than Lily’s disappearance.

I read A Rose Among Thorns by Ash Fitzsimmons as part of the 2023 BBNYA contest and thoroughly enjoyed this book. I was drawn in by the idea of an urban fantasy novel focusing on plants and potions, with a plant nursery as the primary location. Plants and potions are often an overlooked part of magic-based universes. In A Rose Among Thorns, Fitzsimmons brings the reader’s attention to the source of the ingredients and the plot involving them is cleverly devised.

The characters were a highlight for me, especially the relationship between Rose and Yven. While the characters grew closer in an intimate environment, I appreciated that Fitzsimmons did not rush to push her main characters together. Their relationship felt realistic, based on time and multiple experiences.

The secondary characters were well-developed and entertaining, and A Rose Among Thorns contains one of the most unique creature companions I’ve come across. I’m not going to lie; this book is worth reading just for that!

A Rose Among Thorns is a creative urban fantasy novel with a mystery plot that will intrigue readers. I’m looking forward to continuing the story with book two, Roulette.
Displaying 1 - 24 of 24 reviews

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