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Tasting Madness #1

Seeing Sound

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I’m starting over.

Moving to a new town to start college, where I can try to be normal. Or at least pretend I am.

I’m willing to fake it, because I’m tired of trying to get better. Tired of spilling my guts to doctors and therapists to understand why I’ve heard voices since I was a child.

The meds are working… for now, but if they stop, I’ll never tell. I just want to live my life, and if that means ignoring why so many people think I’m crazy, so be it.

She’s the most silent storm I’ve ever witnessed.

Waylynn is as pretty as a picture, curvy, with hazel eyes that always seem to evade everyone’s gaze.

She’s been avoiding me since our first encounter, but fate intervenes and brings her right back to me… and my brother.

Now I need to know more.

Seeing Sound is the first book of the Tasting Madness Series. This is Reverse Harem novel with adult themes and situations.

280 pages, Kindle Edition

First published September 8, 2022

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About the author

Albany Walker

32 books1,900 followers
Albany lives in Michigan where she's happily married to her high school sweetheart. She spends most of her time juggling her four children's extracurricular activities, with her nose stuck in a book. When not reading you can find her writing her very own book boyfriends. Albany's passion is writing romance with real characters that are far from perfect, but always seem to find their own happily ever afters.

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137 (1%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 610 reviews
Profile Image for Rain.
2,086 reviews28 followers
December 19, 2022
I don't think a book should be tagged as reverse harem if there isn't any sex in said book.

This story reads like a somewhat adult Twilight, if Jacob and Edward are brothers and they're both obsessed with Bella. (I guess they kinda were lol) It has everything you'd expect from a story like this. Lots of angsty drama, teenage-like emotions, and some light kissing. That's it.

It takes place on a college campus. One brother is a football player, the other a TA. So there is a slight forbidden teacher/student feel to it.

What I can't understand is how these two brothers that had a ton of casual hookups all of a sudden go cold turkey for the shy, submissive, blushing virgin, can't even look-them-in-the-eye girl. She’s so innocent, she doesn’t even get the obvious sex jokes people say around her. There is a bit of ow drama, but no cheating. It’s just all the past hookups that want more.

There is a hinted pnr element, that never comes to light. I really hope it does in the next book! Despite my complaining, I still loved reading this ridiculous story! It was like eating candy, zero nutritional value, but so tasty! Recommended for fans of this kind of story, but go into it knowing there is zero steam.

Thanks to Isabella for encouraging me to read this one! I’m completely hooked on the drama!
Profile Image for Anastasia シ.
615 reviews211 followers
May 17, 2023
4 stars, full Review on my blog!

Seeing Sound by Albany Walker is a slow-burn reverse harem romance. This book is so exceptional that if I could give it more than 5 stars; I would rate it a perfect 10 out of 5. I was completely engrossed in the story and felt as though I was living in the same world as Waylynn, experiencing her every emotion and anticipating the ending that Albany Walker had in store for us, which after finishing the last book recently... I'll say lacked a lot and left unanswered questions, but regardless of that, I loved every minute of it.

Waylynn, our FMC is a complex character with inner demons that constantly speak to her, causing her to feel judged and fearful of being labeled as "crazy." She is striving to lead a normal life, free from the constraints of medication and inpatient treatment, and is taking the first steps towards independence by living in her own house near the college and attending classes. Memphis and Oswald Gravlin, the brothers who enter Waylynn's life, are perfect in their own ways. Memphis is a distant, grumpy TA, while Oswald (Oz) is a happy-go-lucky football player. Bates, their best friend and a cello player by night and electrician by day, unfortunately, didn't have enough presence in this first book.

Seeing Waylynn's progression throughout the book was awkward but not in a negative way. She was always striving to fit in and please others, never fully knowing what to do or say. Even with Memphis and Oswald, she was constantly hiding and uncomfortable, afraid of making mistakes. However, the brothers are slowly helping her to overcome her anxieties and become a more confident and empowered person.

The dynamics between the characters are fantastic. Memphis is dominant, protective, and possessive, which I found incredibly appealing given Waylynn's reserved and shy personality. Oz is an excellent balance to Memphis, and their interactions together were a joy to read. The story is full of angst, and I loved seeing the characters in various settings, such as in class and around campus. The characters were so well-developed and realistic that I fell in love with them, at times forgetting I was reading a book, and felt as though I was right there with them, sharing their experiences. I found myself really drawn to the main character and her boys, and I think the author did a good job of creating tension and interest around their relationships. And while there are no spicy scenes, the tension between the characters is pretty spicy.

Although I have some criticisms, I believe the author missed an opportunity to explore the psychic elements of Waylynn's abilities in more depth, which I thought was a unique aspect of the book. Despite its uniqueness, this aspect was barely touched upon throughout the series. Although it's mentioned that the voices are the boys' thoughts, it's never explained why or how this occurs. Consequently, I found it challenging to classify this book as a genuine paranormal book, as many people are doing. I thought the world was a cute little area, but I think the author could have done a better job of building it out more and providing more context for the story. The plot lacked direction after the first book, and I think the author could have benefited from adding more detail and world-building to make the story more engaging. Also, let's talk about the ending with Memphis' explosion! It felt like he jumped to conclusions wayyyyy too quickly. Also, the couple of editing/spelling errors, which should be fixed by now, since I showed the author. 

Despite these criticisms, I thought the writing, pacing, and characters were both good, which is why I gave the series a relatively high rating. This was definitely one of my favourites of this year.

Seeing Sound | Review
Touching Oblivion | Review
Feeling Forever | Review

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Profile Image for G.
498 reviews186 followers
September 27, 2022
Absolutely loved it. Haven't read a contemporary why choose that I thoroughly enjoyed in a long time. The characters were really fleshed out which I find extremely fascinating. The multiple POV's was a great addition. I can't wait to see what happens in the next book. Highly recommend you try this book!!
Profile Image for nika.
430 reviews363 followers
September 27, 2022
failed miserably…probably the most boring and bland book i’ve ever read
Profile Image for ✧ FLINN ✧ (Semi-Hiatus).
503 reviews114 followers
February 19, 2023
A mess.

Dnf around 40%.

Pretty sure it’s one of my the worst read of the year and we’re just in February. Help, I’m screwed.

The guys are The pushiest male leads ever, to the point where it’s very creepy and it made me very uncomfortable.
We’re just introduced to them and already they act possessive, stalkerish, alpha like, I usually wouldn’t mind when it’s well done and with a little of time for characters development/relationship all that jazz but in here?
It’s very creepy and just… wrong.

The FMC is a doormat, the queen of all the doormat ever written and she just stay silent and accept the behavior of the guys pushing her, making decisions for her and forcing their opinions on her.

And Way? Our heroine? She just goes along with it, wtf?! And again I would usually not mind too much if 1) it’s a mafia or dark romance type of books so my moral compass is not the same, which is usually expected with those genres and 2) if I was a little bit more familiarized with the characters which is NOT the case in this novel.

There’s absolutely no plot, nothing is happening. The story is bland and boring and follow the FMC day to day life, which I don’t not care about, moreover the writing is VERY childish as well.

This book was filled with red flags and I didn’t see that coming, I feel misled.
Profile Image for Marina.
194 reviews
September 28, 2022
Clarity and believability issues.

Playing with monsters was the first of Albany Walkers books I had read, and I initially loved it, dismissing the lacking background info. I never could read the second book for some reason. Next I tried the first Infinity Chronicles, which had a ton of issues with character behaviours and world building. Now Ive attempted this new series which seems to be a meeting of the previous books I’ve read from ms walker. Problem is, despite the interesting premise, it shares many of the same problems as its predecessors.

There seems to be a pervasive theme of nonexistent background info or weak worldbuilding. Some of it I think is a result of trying to keep things mysterious but has only managed to dull interest as the story progresses. Instead of a chunk of background info near the end there should have been breadcrumbs throughout the book to build intrigue and keep the reader guessing.

Mostly this book was a lot of relationship building that felt forced. Character behaviours were once more overly aggressive to the point where they border on abusive relationship warning signs that made protective alpha male read more as douchey high handed behaviour. Like oh my goodness, there was so much anger over her maybe telling someone she lived alone while these men shoved their way in.

Bates I liked , but his involvement felt forced like a sad third wheel.

The women in this book were classically (not in a good way) written as thirsty catty bitches while our lead was the golden girl that all the men wanted. Yay feminism? Like what is this, why is every woman reduced to a stereotype that makes it feel like hunger games for the MMCs’ dicks? Not every female is straight, single or has the same type. Same thing for the guys throwing themselves on the FMC when her guys are absent. Why is this such a thing in books now. The universe doesn’t revolve around the cluster of main characters.

Meanwhile, I’m waiting for some hints or something to do with the fact that our lead obvs isn’t crazy but is in fact a mind reader. Simultaneously I’m hoping for some character building through mentions of her history in mental institutions.

What do we get? Nada.

Some mentions of going to school with rich kids despite the book starting with her in an institution talking to another patient. A prescription for Xanax (a well known anxiety med) despite her showing signs of needing anti-psychotics with no explanation behind her diagnoses. And a vaguely mentioned sheltered wealthy upbringing that somehow has lead to her being allowed free reign halfway across America from her parents after years being under treatment (her mother only called once).

None of this made sense, made her “illness” feel uninteresting and irrelevant to the story. It also is so poorly explained and talked about that the spn/sci-fi slant the story is attempting feels weak and unbelievable.

Honestly it was nearly 300 pages of golden girl being fawned over by guys who can’t seem to accept the word no and dressing it up as being protective. Add a dash of forced angst and stupid roadblocks and I’ve forgotten there’s an actual backstory and am just counting the pages left.

Let’s not mention writing style and how some chunks of dialogue lacked clear tags and environment descriptions leaving me rereading and wondering who’s talking and how someone moved from one spot to another so fast. This just goes back to clarity and better explanations.

I just need to end on the “cliffhanger” otherwise known as obligatory attention grab to get readers to hold on for next book. What was that? Everything about Memphis’ reaction was the bad type of controlling and demanding. I get his damage, I do, but he jumped right to assuming the pills were an addictive substance. They could have been any number of things. Thyroid meds, beta blockers, anti rejection meds, idek there are so many medications out there that a seemingly healthy person might require. Just because the label was removed (ever heard of people who pull off beer or water labels when bored) and the fact she didn’t feel like disclosing her medical history when pressured, does not make her an addict. I was actually really happy she finally pushed back at the end and was the first time I liked her even if it needlessly propelled the drama. Anyways, it felt extreme and since that’s what I was left with and it’s bugging me the most currently I needed to add a rant.

On the fence about continuing solely out of curiosity since nothing has been answered in the actual story. Which I hate. The story is supposed to be woven into the romance, instead it’s been shoved into the back and is wondering why it’s being forced to sit at the kid’s table.

So big things to consider I guess…

Side note- what does the title even mean? Seeing sound? I get the sound and the voices, but like is it because she’s meeting the voices? I’m feeling dense about this, because at first it feels like auditory and visual hallucinations.

Second note- since the sequel isn’t out, I will most likely forget and subsequently drop this series. Mostly because the blurb is implying another book spent on relationship with this voice thing going nowhere, like it’s not even classed as sci-fi or fantasy, and the writing isn’t providing an explanation either. Like so confused and in agreement with reviewer who called this a hamster wheel going nowhere.

2.5 stars, 63%, C
Profile Image for Rae.
2 reviews
September 10, 2022
Groundhog Day

I don’t usually write critical reviews, but I did not see any others posted yet.

Honestly, this book is basically the same day, over and over again, all the way to the end. Like Groundhog Day, but without the protagonists ever actually attempting to make significant changes. I finally started skimming at about the 40% mark because it was getting painful. I kept going because I wanted to see if there were any developments in the big mystery of why/how the heroine was hearing voices. That ended up being disappointing.

Another issue I had with this book is that one of the love interests basically treats her like trash (definitely emotional/verbal abuse), and the heroine allows it. The times that she actually stands her ground are few and far between, and she always lets him back into her life/home as soon as he tells her to. I’m sorry, but that’s just not okay, and it made me,at best, apathetic to all of the characters.

Overall, 2.5 stars. I rounded up, because I’ve enjoyed other books by this author and hope to enjoy more in the future. I don’t know if I’ll even try with the next in this series, though. Maybe, if there’s evidence of the plot actually progressing.
Profile Image for Cee.
2,833 reviews147 followers
July 10, 2023
So many red flags about these men, but our girl thinks they are sweet. 😂
She’s a bit naive and never had a romantic relationship so a lot of what they say goes over her head. And while this isn’t inta-love, I’d call it insta-connection and wary trust between them. It’s interesting.
Also, I didn’t mark it, might change it later, but she heard their voices in her head since childhood, so there is something paranormal going on. If it turns into more I’ll add a tag.

This is a slow-burn y’all, don’t knock this for the lack of steam, I think the development considering her experience level and how long they’ve known each other is right on track.
Can’t wait to see what happens next.
Profile Image for magaly.
152 reviews
November 11, 2022
this book was a whole lot of nothing and i genuinely don’t understand how it has such a high rating with over 1,000 reviews???? literally nothing happened in this book!!! there was no plot!! this book made zero sense and nothing was ever explained nor were there any hints to explain why waylynn (the fmc) has heard and still hears the voices of the mmcs (oz, memphis, and bates, but mostly oz and memphis). i thought this was going to be a paranormal book but nope. so i’m just wondering then why can she hear *their* voices specifically??? the author should have at least given a snippet of the reason why.

waylynn also comes off as very very juvenile and naive and i don’t like her developing relationship with memphis because he’s 24 while she’s 18 (i think? she’s a freshman in college so...) and she’s very inexperienced while he’s not. and he’s so fucking bossy and demanding and waylynn does literally everything he asks her to do and it felt a little coercive since she is so juvenile and naive and innocent. it was icky tbh. it also got very annoying how she had no back bone and just did everything that was asked of her.

also, while this book is a slow burn in terms of any physical relationships bw the characters (the most that ever happened bw them was them making out), it was very fast paced emotionally. before the book even ended, there was already talks about the characters falling in love???????? like how??? nothing ever happened lmao and the only character i feel waylynn has remotely any chemistry with is oz

overall, this book was very bland, boring, and made zero sense. would not recommend.
Profile Image for Cheesecake.
2,833 reviews449 followers
January 4, 2024
I was looking for very low angst while my sprained shoulder heals.
This fit the bill, but actually it even exceeded it.

Nothing happens <- not an exaggeration.

We know that Waylynn psychically hears voices. They are specific voices. And she has been in psychiatric care since she was a kid because of it. She is on Xanax for it still.

She meets the owners of those voices when she starts college and they are drawn to her like flies to honey. But there's absolutely no suggestion that they hear her in their heads or have any special abilities at all. It's a little OTT the way the fall for her. Like fated mates.

Two of the guys are brothers (Memphis and Oswald Gravlin) and have a sad backstory. The 3rd (Bates) is a close friend of theirs that isn't as big a part of the story yet.

The end is a mild cliffhanger but there have been no answers and they still don't know or even suspect about her mind reading... although it's not really mind reading because she makes no efforts to do it. The thought voices just randomly pop into her head.

safety is good.

There are two readers (male and female) that do an excellent job.

OK, I read all 3 books and here's a brief synopsis;

Hi I'm Waylynn and my name is the most interesting thing about me. I have a paranormal ability that is completely useless and will be in no way explained or even explored in this series. My parents are super rich and my mother is crazier than I am.
Hi I'm Memphis and I was used to going through life only caring about my brother until I met Waylynn and suffered some kinda instant kismet or something.
Hi I'm Oz and I am a happy go lucky football player who also feels like my life will be pointless without Waylynn in it and I hope she's OK with all the crazy chicks that stalk me.
Hi I'm Bates and I'm kinda a 4th wheel but I'm cool with it because I'm a bit of voyeur. Women also stalk me but I guess an electrician who plays heavy metal and rap songs on a cello is pretty darn cool.
We are all part of a story that has no plot but is more like a pinball machine with random crazy mean girls and other clutter trying to stop our ball.

Well I guess it was relaxing but in the end it was frustrating too because the one thing I curious about (her ability to hear their voices) is in no way addressed or even talked about.

But my shoulder is starting to feel better and I am not tied to the house anymore because I can't put my winter coat on. So onto something with more of a story please. Why do I keep trying this author? I guess it's better than Xanax ; )

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Rose.
511 reviews31 followers
September 15, 2022
Meh, it was okay. I struggled with the insta-ness of it all because I don’t know what type of connection there is between them. It’s obvious it’s something but what…past lives? Some of mate or fate or soul bond thing? Idk 🤷🏻‍♀️. I hope we find out more in book two, like a lot lot lot more. There’s a surprisingly low and honestly disappointing level of information and plot in this one. I felt like a hamster on a hamster wheel, round and round we go but going nowhere. Fingers crossed it all comes together.

There are some really great scenes, some good (albeit forced) drama, some nice J/P-ness, and some interesting “surprise, I must be a sub” moments in this book. I’m wondering, betting, and lord almighty hoping that when this series is all wrapped up and we see the big picture that I’ll reread this book one and have a giant “a-ha, it all makes sense now” moment. As it is this is not the type of book one that stands on its own. It felt more like an installation in a serial than it did a book one in a series.

The men: they’re a little charming and a lot a bit flawed. I’m going to need Oz to take a Xanax and tone it down a lot in book two, please. He’s exhausting! I’m having doubts that Bates is even in this harem/menage? Maybe I missed something pivotal here but the two of them have as much chemistry as oil and water. And Memphis, sir, he needs to cool his jets. I love how protective he is but he has a major case of foot in mouth disease. I love second hand embarrassment but noooooot, never, no how no way, do I love it when I’m embarrassed for a H.

I liked the h a lot! She reminds me a lot of Laura from Infinity Chronicles which is a good thing! There were times when I felt like some of her reactions were overreactions, maybe Oz will share the Xanax, and I was rolling my eyes a bit but overall she’s the type of h I enjoy reading so that was a big plus. I don’t usually want my FMCs to make friends, lol. I like all the focus to be on the main characters but so far, aside from the friend from the prologue, every female who this h has interacted with has been a total asshole to her. We need some balance there.

Overall, an okay introduction that I don’t really know how to feel about since it feels very incomplete still. I’ll probably come back and adjust this rating if/when I finish the whole series.
Profile Image for Adrienne McFarlane.
468 reviews37 followers
September 8, 2022
Well crafted story. The newest book by Albany Walker is outstanding. The high quality of the storyline kept me engaged from start to finish. I was so enthralled that I was surprised when I finished. I was definitely left wanting more. The characters have depth and are well written. I can’t wait to see what happens next.
Profile Image for Cat Hoffpauir.
1,700 reviews183 followers
June 7, 2023
4.7 stars.
I never thought I’d be giving a romance book with zero spice such a high rating.
The tension and back and forth in this book is just Everything for me right now though.
I am So into it.
I’m really hoping we get closer in the next book. But I’m not gonna lie. I really love the push and pull that happened in this one. It had me in a damn chokehold.

I’m so glad I picked this up.
I reaaaaally hope the next two books are just as good as this one!🤞🏻🤞🏻
Profile Image for aida.
447 reviews45 followers
September 20, 2022
4 stars for an interesting and original story idea that has completely drawn me in, along with decent pacing and writing. The cliffhanger came and hit, and I was absolutely upset to know that I have to wait another two months to get more of this story and these characters.

I like Way as a character, but do find some of her naivety just a little too outlandish considering she's been in mental institutions but hasn't been cutoff from the world. She still has social media and is capable of communicating, so I just feel like she would understand some of the nuances and innuendos of new adult conversations more.
I am curious to see what comes of her 'schizophrenia' - this book does not make it clear on if it's just a darker romance or if it is paranormal, but it's obviously leaning toward the paranormal.

Deducting a star for the following reasons;
1. It's established that since being released from the hospital and taking her new medication, Way is not hearing the voices in her head nearly as often. That's fine. Where I feel we're failing a little is in properly setting this 'voices' thing up throughout this first book. As Way meets the three guys, all of their voices are familiar, which freaks her out because she swears those are the voices she’s heard her whole life. THEN, there are a few instances where it seems she can hear their thoughts (which are the voices in her head). However, this is not consistent throughout this book, and towards the last 40% is basically not mentioned.

2. I'm not opposed to an 'alpha-hole' in a harem. Memphis is clearly taking this role on. But the constant treating Way like she's a goddamn naïve idiot incapable of caring for herself gets a little old and is even addressed by Bates and Os as being odd and out of character for Memphis. But I will admit that I'm curious if the paranormal aspect that seems present will be a part of what explains this later on.

3. Liam. I think that was his name? The dude that sits next to Way in her math class on the first day? He basically becomes irrelevant after the first half of the book. I have a feeling he'll be returning eventually in a bad guy/stalker/obsessed type role, since that's usually how these books go, but it's not being set up very well if that's the case since he's forgotten by the end.

Knowing this is the first book in a series makes it easier to rate a little higher despite some of the flaws or shortcomings I feel this book has, since I think they'll be resolved or addressed throughout the series.
Ends on a cliffhanger, which I'm fine with, but the ending conflict sort of came out of nowhere and highlights how little we know about Os & Memphis. Hoping we'll get more character depth out of all the guys, and even Way, in the next two books.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Elliex.
2 reviews
December 20, 2022
I didn’t want to be so harsh, but oh my god.

This was an extremely boring reading, absolutely nothing happens, the plot is non-existent, and the FMC and MCs relationship is so shallow. I don’t understand the appeal she has, and the insta love.. I have the impression is a fated mates kind of situation but it is not explained at all. The MCs just barrel into her life with no explanation, and the only thing that is interesting about her, that she hears voices, is not explored. the spice is disappointing. Mainly because of the total lack of personality of the FMC, she’s is so submissive, clueless and spineless it bears on cringe, and don’t get me wrong, I love possessive, jealous over the top men in romance novels, but it doesn’t work here due to the lack of chemistry. I finished the book and was left wanting, honestly, I don’t know how to explained what this book is about to anyone, will not continue the series. That was a very lackluster story, don’t waste your time with it.
Profile Image for rosa.
498 reviews
April 14, 2024
Did I read the same book as everyone else? This was so dry. Nothing happens. It's essentially a story of them going about their daily lives, with some insignificant drama at the end trying to masquerade itself as a cliffhanger. I was bored, and Waylynn was annoying me from the beginning when she acted like accidentally bumping into someone in a crowded space was the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to her - she has voices in her head; surely that can't be true.

I've come away with so many questions but not in a good way. How did Waylynn go from needing to be in a psychiatric care facility to living on her own at college? Why is this book called Seeing Sound? Why has it been labelled RH/why choose? Who would collectively name their kids Memphis and Oswald? Ngl though, I don't actually care.

The plot has potential but the execution is just so blah.
Profile Image for Rachel.
244 reviews24 followers
May 27, 2024
I expect more paranormal, something whoo whoo witchy to pop up in this book but so far it's been a slightly tame contemporary college romance novel.

FMC is a very shy innocent virgin type who spent a lot of time in mental health clinics due to the fact that she hears voices in her head. She's found a medication to help control the voices and is now an adult moving on to start college. She meets a set of brothers and their best friends who all happen to have voices similar to the ones that she's been hearing in her head her whole life. Nothing much comes from that interesting fact in this book.

The Guys,
The Eldest Brother, Gives off massive Daddy Dom vibes. He likes to be in control, gets off on her calling him Sir, and tells her she's a good girl. So lots of praise kink going on between them. He's gonna be the one who might set off a few red flags in the beginning.
The Youngest Brother, Football player college jock with a bug heart. He's more playful and sweet but still dominating in his own way.
The Best Friend, Electrician by day, Cello player by night, seems to be a bit of a balance for the overdominant brothers so far, I think he has a bit of a voyeurism kink.

So far the storyline has mostly been about getting to know each other, but the FMC is still keeping the whole "I hear Harem Voices in my head" thing a secret. I think this is going to be less paranormal and more slightly mystical. My guess is she's sensitive to people's emotions and thoughts, some kind of Empathy overdrive gene? I was expecting to find a secret paranormal group but that's just not the case here, the guys all seem perfectly human and besides the voices and sometimes emotions she picks up on, nothing else whoo whoo is happening here.

But the story is still good and I'm enjoying it. But if the shy innocent virgin-type FMCs and Overyly Dominating men with Praise and Voyeurism kinks aren't your cut of tea steer clear of this one.
Profile Image for Violet.
404 reviews65 followers
January 21, 2023
This book was a refreshing change for me. The Tasting Madness series is not one I would normally read, yet I was hooked right from the start. I loved the characters, was swept up in the mystery surrounding the heroine, and couldn't get enough of their story! Each character was well developed and had their own personality and mannerisms, which is very important to me in a story. I very much enjoyed the author's style.
Profile Image for Bookstasies.
169 reviews28 followers
September 27, 2023
Nothing happened beyond feeling attracted to one another - besides the little conflict at the end which shouldn't be considered a "cliffhanger." I wasn't invested with the characters but it was just a fast paced college read.

I doubt that I will continue with the series.
Profile Image for Zen.
2,360 reviews
November 9, 2023
5 stars

As always, I really enjoyed this author. Could have done without the cliffy, but since all the books are out, I can move on to the next one.
Profile Image for Thylia Persad.
140 reviews
November 22, 2022
I hated this but I lowkey kinda liked it? it's similar to the havenfall harbour series which I also liked but hated.

okay so essentially I like the plot, it kept me intrigued throughout the book but the characters -mainly the the 2 love interests I hated. they're honestly annoying ash and are always fucking things up w the FMC. they're so smothering and treat the FMC like a child.
I normally love possessiveness in books but man, these two are so intolerable w it especially cos they just don't deserve the FMC, much less deserve to be calling her theirs.
Oswald was slightly tolerable but fucking hell Memphis needs a goddamn therapist.

Waylynn I sort of liked, she has a slight problem w communicating and needs a stronger backbone but she's okay.

and the scenes were honestly just the same day over and over which got boring really quickly but the plot was good enough and I'm interested enough to read the 2nd book.

also I have a theory about her therapist and the voices thing, and just wanna read the rest to know if I'm right lmfao
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for nora.
17 reviews16 followers
September 8, 2022
✅ Reverse Harem
✅ Slow Burn
❌ 🌶

Albany Walker does not disappoint (if we overlook the gut-wrenching cliffhanger). This book is a new favorite and I can't wait to read the next one. It's beautifully written, mysterious and exciting.

Waylynn is my new favourite MC - she's sweet, quiet, humble and a bit naive, but throughout the book you can see her growth and her backbone. I love her.

So far we have two men (Oswald & Memphis) in the harem, but I'm sure we're going to get a third man (Bates) in the next book.
Profile Image for ..
415 reviews40 followers
September 16, 2022
wavy baby my best girl everrrrrrrrrr
Profile Image for Cassandra Doon.
Author 24 books54 followers
February 5, 2024
Book: Seeing Sound
Read By: Ebook
Author: Albany Walker
Genre: Reverse Harem, Contemporary Romance
Recommend: Yes
< b>Age recommendation: 18-30+ Years
My feelings:

Albany Walker's reverse harem romance, "Seeing Sound," left me captivated and deserving of more than a 5-star rating. I was fully immersed in Waylynn's story, experiencing her every emotion and eagerly awaiting the conclusion. Overall, it was an enjoyable read, although there were some lingering questions at the end.

“Eyes up, Waylynn.” She hesitates for just a second, then peers up at me from under her lashes. The words good girl

The main character, Waylynn, struggles with her inner demons and the fear of being labeled as "crazy." Despite this, she strives for a normal life without medication or hospitalization, living on her own near college and attending classes. Her world is turned upside down when brothers Memphis and Oswald come into her life; the distant and grumpy TA, and the carefree football player. Their best friend, Bates, who is a cello player by night and electrician by day, has little presence in the first book.

“They said I only need to bring three friends with me next time to find out about their real mission. Do you have time to learn about your true calling?”

Waylynn's development throughout the story may have been awkward, but it wasn't necessarily negative. She constantly tries to fit in and please others while feeling unsure of herself. With the help of Memphis and Oswald, she becomes more confident and empowered over time.

“I get that, right there—acceptance of my instruction without question, your trust that I know what you need.”

The dynamics between the characters are fantastic; Memphis is dominant, protective, and possessive while Waylynn is reserved and shy. Oz balances out Memphis perfectly, creating enjoyable interactions between them. The well-developed and realistic characters draw you in and make you forget you're reading a book. The relationships are full of tension and intrigue, with hints of spiciness between them.

“That sounds terrifying,” he whispers in awe. “Why does that seem worse?” “Because she made walking away look easy,” I admit, and he nods slowly. “What happened after that?”
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Tabatha Reed.
1,604 reviews154 followers
June 30, 2024
I liked this one more than I was expecting to like it. The premise is intriguing and I love a possessive, bossy fella.

The heroine occasionally hears voices. We learn early on that is seems the voices she occasionally hears are actually real voices. The voices of the love interests. We get no answers or insight into how or why this is happening in this first book.

Many review describe the heroine as a doormat and it's hard to argue with that. I like doormats sometimes though, personally. If the doormat in question is being treated well, I don't mind it at all. These guys practically worship the ground she walks on.

This first book contains no spice at all aside from a couple of kisses.

It ends with one of the guys (Memphis) messing up pretty big with the heroine. I'm curious how he'll turn things around. He finds her medication and proceeds to accuse her of being a junkie. Dumb, dumb, dumb. It could be worse, so I'm rooting for him to fix his messup.

Safety - mild OW drama, Memphis is approached a few times by past hookups. He’s not interested in anyone but h. There’s a forbidden aspect since he’s a TA first her English class with a zero fraternization policy.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Kate &#x1f49e;.
415 reviews8 followers
December 19, 2023
I’m questioning if I read the same book as everyone else. Nothing actually happens in this book, and it’s basically a run down of their daily activities. the characters are drier than stale crackers, Memphis is a bit of an A-hole and that ‘cliffhanger’ at the end, well it’s not a cliffhanger. Don’t think I’ll continue with the series
Displaying 1 - 30 of 610 reviews

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