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Lost Falls

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When Detective Daniel Pynchon Wakes up in Lost Falls, on the shore with no recollection of how he got there, he struggles to piece together the events that lead him there.

As he investigates the phenomenon surrounding his memory loss and the town itself, he discovers horrors both human and otherwise.
TWIN PEAKS meets LOVECRAFT COUNTRY in this socially minded mystery thriller graphic novel.

144 pages, Kindle Edition

Published May 24, 2022

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About the author

Curt Pires

104 books15 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 32 reviews
Profile Image for Timothy Urgest.
535 reviews368 followers
October 30, 2022
Weird for weird’s sake does not a story make.

Had potential, but floundered. A tangle of untethered threads.
Profile Image for April Gray.
1,366 reviews8 followers
March 31, 2023
Okay, look - I can handle vague. I even like vague, it can really set the mood, y'know? But the vaguery here is just a bit too much, even for me. There doesn't seem to be much of a plot; this feels more like a string of hints than an actual story. These clues do seem like they'd make an interesting story, and I stayed interested enough to finish the book, but I don't think I could tell you what it's about. It's trying too hard to be mysterious and trippy, and it just gets annoying. I wanted to like this more, but instead I'll just have to like the idea of it.
Profile Image for Rory.
87 reviews
June 2, 2022
I tried to like this. It has all the influences that I love - Twin Peaks, Lost - but it's ambition far outstrips it's competence as a story, and you end up frustrated by something that's too thick with mystery and too thin on substance.
Profile Image for Sesana.
5,714 reviews337 followers
March 6, 2024
I really did want to like this. I'm all about weird stories with a lot of questions, to a point. The problem, I think, is that one of the questions is "what story are we trying to tell here?" We haven't even really gotten to "what's going on?" because we're still trying to figure out what the plot is at all. I'm not sure if that's because there are too many weird details front loaded that don't necessarily move the plot along or if Pires was just taking too long to find his way. I also think that collecting only four issues at a time was not the best choice for the book.
Profile Image for Jayaprakash Satyamurthy.
Author 43 books501 followers
August 30, 2024
This wears its influences on its sleeves - Twin Peaks, obviously, and there are obvious nods to Pynchon, Cormac McCarthy and David Foster Wallace. And...it doesn't add up to anything coherent. It's not even a satisfying unsolved enigma, because nothing seems thematically linked.
Profile Image for Quentin Wallace.
Author 34 books177 followers
October 19, 2023
Not sure where to start here. I'll just say it was too confusing for me and leave it at that.
Profile Image for Craig Schorling.
1,296 reviews4 followers
May 27, 2022
So after 130 pages and four issues I would not be able to explain to someone what this about. It ends with a big to be continued... so some will say it still has story to tell. That may be true but I have never liked that crutch. It leads to incomplete writing and storytelling. Each issue of a comic is part of a bigger picture but I will almost always leave with a sense of what that issue was telling. The pacing in this was all over the place. No explanation to where the locations are or what they are. Character just appear and are not explained. The art was not anything special. Maybe when this is completed it could be something fun but as it stands this was a huge miss for me.
May 30, 2022
I really tried ....

.... but this wasn't a good read. The characters, the storyline, I just didn't care. I will not continue to re the series.
Profile Image for Thom.
167 reviews3 followers
April 16, 2023
Note: I received access to read this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Lost Falls sets up a lot of mysteries and then doesn't leave any breadcrumbs. Constant jump cuts from scene to unrelated scene, an evil force that is seemingly an amalgamation of every evil act in history (only if you studied history in 9th grade US classroom), and some secret society cruelty shit. It seems more concerned with telling me *about* a story then telling a story.

I won't be continuing this series.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Scholastic Squid.
487 reviews10 followers
November 10, 2022
First off, I had no idea this was a graphic novel… secondly, I borrowed this on prime reading because it said it was like Twin Peaks (spoiler it’s just as mystifying) so I couldn’t not. Thirdly, I did enjoy this even though I was confused about the the overarching plot because there was action, secret communities, a spooky waterfall, and aliens?? I think aliens any way.. I’d be willing to read more.
Profile Image for Bree Hatfield.
301 reviews4 followers
April 4, 2024
Small town paranormal police thriller. This isn’t the type of thing I’m usually into, but I downloaded this on a whim and read it super quickly. It’s not bad, but it’s lacking quite a bit. There was some interesting discussions on racism, but the “you’re one of the good ones” line was extremely odd. I’m not sure what was meant by that but it definitely felt racially charged, which isn’t a good look. It was fine, but not great.
Profile Image for Sean.
3,592 reviews27 followers
June 12, 2023
Well, this wasn't how I wanted to end my weekend. Curt Pires tells the story of a guy, maybe named Daniel, who has a faulty memory, as he deals with cops, killers, god, the devil, time travel, and all about weirdness. The book made no sense and the art was just as vague. I wouldn't recommend this is anyone.
Author 4 books2 followers
June 12, 2022
I liked this book a lot. Plenty of strangeness and a well drawn captivating story. At times the jumps and oddness made it a little challenging to remember who was who. I'll definitely read the next, though, when it comes out.

Profile Image for Thaisa Meyka.
575 reviews5 followers
September 6, 2022

O detetive Daniel Pynchon acorda misteriosiamente em uma cidade desconhecida: Lost Falls. Mas enquanto ele está tentando desvendar como foi parar naquele local, desaparecimentos bizarros estão ocorrendo - diversos adolescentes são encontrados mortos diariamente, sempre de forma terrível e perturbadora.
Como se já não bastasse isso, o detetive se vê no epicentro de tudo: cascatas que escondem um enorme segredo, abrigam uma horrenda criatura e, de alguma forma, possui esses adolescentes. E como Pynchon sabe disso? Por causa de um fantasma que o persegue...
Pode parecer que temos muitos elementos sobrenaturais apresentados em poucas páginas, mas a história possui uma fluidez interessante e, apesar de apresentar mil perguntas e não dar ao leitor nenhuma resposta, fica claro que esse é apenas o volume inicial, introduzindo personagens, mistérios e dilemas.
A arte não é das minhas favoritas, já que eu prefiro algo totalmente realista ou traços realmente cartunescos, mas ela permite que o leitor acompanhe a trama até mesmo em momentos onde os diálogos não estão presentes.
A sinopse fala sobre o quadrinho ser uma mistura de "Twin Peaks" e "Lovecraft Country", o que eu concordo, e ainda acrescentaria que ele também tem uma vibe "Fringe", "Dark", "Supernatural" e, principalmente, "Wayward Pines": uma cidade enigmática, cheia de monstros e assassinatos, de onde é impossível sair sem que um novo ciclo recomece - e, no centro de tudo, está o protagonista, que sofre racismo em um lugar majoritariamente branco, mas que também é o único capaz de revelar os segredos que se escondem nas cachoeiras de Lost Falls.
A narrativa é, sim, confusa, e é difícil saber o que é sonho e o que é realidade; no entanto, acho que essa é a intenção do autor. O que eu gostaria de ter visto mais é o desenvolvimento pouco existente dos personagens - algo que espero encontrar nas próximas edições, mas confesso que me preocupa o fato dessa primeira temporada ter saído há mais de um ano... Ainda assim, estou curiosa para a continuação!

Mais resenhas no instagram literário @livre_em_livros e no canal do Youtube "Livre em Livros"!
6 reviews2 followers
August 19, 2022
Echoing what others have said… this book makes no sense. I really wanted to like it, but it feels like what was in the writer’s head probably made sense but did not translate at all to the graphic novel format. I gave up about a third of the way because I had no clue what was happening.
Profile Image for Kasey Turner.
396 reviews4 followers
July 6, 2023

This went from a horror, supernatural mystery to a religiously digmatic storyline. Additionally, there seem to be 3 or 4 groups/entities moving through this story, but by the end, I'm still not sure how parts are connected. I'm not planning to read further in the series.
Profile Image for Luke Shea.
406 reviews2 followers
July 29, 2022
Good hook! I want more!

A pretty delightful kinda pilot episode for a great new series I'm excited to see more of! Very LOST-y, high praise in my book.
Profile Image for Daniel Hipkiss.
51 reviews
April 3, 2023
No likeable characters, storyline had no substance, artwork was a cheap imitation of Michael Lark, weird without the intrigue and wholly disappointing. Worst read of the year by far.
14 reviews
October 6, 2023
The continuous references to Lynch, Pynchon and David Foster Wallace et al. just make you uncomfortably aware you could be reading something better.
131 reviews
December 19, 2023

The bad artwork ruined it for me for what should have been a good story, very disappointing so no further interest as far as I’m concerned …
6 reviews
February 17, 2024

The story started at a good pace and it got messy I didn't understand what was happening in the middle and everything settled fast
Profile Image for Bec.
670 reviews63 followers
March 31, 2024
It's hard to enjoy a book when you have not a single clue of what is happening. There are vague hints to a storyline but I'm not sure if I was close to understanding those hints...
Profile Image for Adam.
364 reviews2 followers
July 16, 2024
Sometimes the art of missing out chunks of the story doesn’t work. This is confusing and could have done with some backstory or at least filling in some of the blanks with art.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 32 reviews

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