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In the Darkness

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I'd hated Ford Bennett when he was my step-father. Hate isn't a strong enough word, and yet, after divorcing my mom, he's back in my life. It takes years of maturity to understand he only wanted to love me when I was a kid. As an adult, my own affections and desires for him aren't childlike. In the darkness of the night, we fall in love, but it's not enough. I want to love him in the light of the day and take the last name he had wanted to give me so long ago,
this time, as his partner.

The marriage to a woman who can give Satan a run for her money gave me one good thing, her son. He hated me, unable to trust anyone. My love for him has always been unconditional. But he's a grown man, and my passion has changed for the child who once was my stepson. We meet in the middle of the night, in the darkness, expressing our desires, never speaking of them in the light of the day. But hiding is not enough when
I realize I'll never give Axton Styles up.

211 pages, Kindle Edition

Published June 17, 2022

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About the author

Meadow Jones

6 books37 followers
Meadow Jones is a hopeless romantic who loves makeup, the beach and anything with whiskey. If she's not writing, she's most likely reading and enjoying a Crown and Coke. She can't help but give her character's a hard fought HEA, with lots of heat and even more heart. Oh, and she loves chatting with her readers, so don't hesitate to DM her.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 38 reviews
Profile Image for Renae Reads.
594 reviews553 followers
June 15, 2022
*** I reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.***

In the Darkness is the forbidden love story between an ex-stepfather and his stepson who after not seeing each other for six years find themselves back in the other's life and discover their feelings for one another have grown and deepened in those six years leaving both shaken at their newfound feelings.

Axton and Ford never really were able to fully commit to their stepfather and stepson roles, so in the present they rekindled relationship is similar to that of friends meeting again and they are able to pick up where they left off.

Overall this was a decent story, some of the story beats were a bit predictable and over the top, but overall is was an enjoyable read.
Profile Image for Megan.
876 reviews242 followers
December 12, 2022
MM Romance
Stepfather Is Now My Lover
2.5 Stars ⭐️

A To Z Book Title Challenge: I

Ok so I’m pretty sure this is the author’s debut book so I’m giving it more leeway than I normally would but I’m still a bit undecided how I feel about it tbh. Let’s see if I can make this make sense!

This is a stepfather to lovers book and based on the blurb and the subject matter I expected it to be a bit taboo but these two never really had a true father/son relationship as Ford was only married to Axton’s mom for 6 years. So, this reads more as acquaintances to lovers than stepfather although there is a 15 year age gap. The only part that even made me remember they were stepfather & stepson was Ford calling Ax kid and buddy nonstop which was actually pretty annoying. Ford does have a moral issue with it at the beginning since he used to see Ax as a son even if Ax wanted nothing to do with him when he was younger. I just wish the stepfather/son part of this was better done because I kind of feel like this book did a bait and switch on me. It lured me in with its subject matter only to give me something completely different and I didn’t like that much.

However, for a debut I found this book quite readable and once I started reading it, I had trouble setting it down. I liked the characters although I wanted more relationship development between Ford and Axton. Axton is in his first year as a Major League Baseball player and Ford starts going to his games and then they hang out after. It felt all very surface level and when the sex scenes showed up they were kind of weird because everything was done in the darkness. While Ford could admit he wanted his ex stepson he wasn’t ready to come out to the entire world as a stepson fucker so all the physical contact they have is in darkness, quietly, like it’s not even happening and then one is gone in the morning. I felt like this weird arrangement went on for too long not to mention Ford had a weird relationship with his best friend that was happening prior to him being with Axton that was totally random and took away from the storyline.

Speaking of the storyline, just when I was getting what I wanted because they were together and leaving the darkness behind, a situation happens that was so out of left field that it made me drop a star off my rating. Instead of what happened, I would have liked something a bit more realistic and not so OTT. Like WTF? And if I’m 100% honest I would have loved to see some daddy/boy talk or spanking because Axton was such a brat at times and it would have played up the stepfather/son thing in a way I would have loved but the most we get is one sex scene where Ford is calling him “his good boy” and Axton is saying “Give it to me Ford, harder”. Too vanilla for the subject matter.

So overall I liked the idea of this book but not the execution and while some of the other characters interested me I can’t say I’m dying to read their books. 🤷🏻‍♀️ However, I’m not opposed to reading this author again because like I said, the book flowed well and kept my interest for the most part.
Profile Image for Lady Macbeth.
749 reviews16 followers
July 7, 2023
4 stars
I didn't expect to enjoy this story very much because of the stepfather/stepson trope, but I'm glad I gave it a chance because I think the author handled it very well.
I think that the fact that Axton never saw Ford as a father helped a lot: Ford cared about him, but Axton was never his son because he didn't allow it; Ford helped him in every way he could but Ax always kept an emotional distance. Only when they reconnected, after 5 years, Axton really aknowledged how much Ford did for him.

Their love is beautiful and, when they finally stop meeting in the darkness and step out in the light, their sexual attraction also changes into something deep, intimate and emotional.
"I'm ready when you are."
Axton is the first to welcome the new level of their relationship, but he never pushes Ford; he's actually insecure and he silently craves for Ford to love him. He's such a wonderful young man and he didn't deserve what his mother put him through.

I didn't like Cade: his jealousy almost ruined his friendship with Ford; I don't blame him for wanting more than friends with benefits, but he was mean toward Axton. He didn't really know him anymore, Ax was just a boy when they last saw each other and he didn't know anything about the man he became, still he never gave him the benefits of the doubt and he tried to keep him away from Ford (the sex talk knowing Ax was listening was a pathetic move).

What prevented me from giving an higher rate:
I didn't like the whole situation with Axton's parent, it seemed a little over the top.
Ford never stopping calling Ax "kid" was really annoying and it kept reminding that they journey started as stepfather/son.

Anyway, I loved this story and I recommend it.

I'm leaving this review after recently re reading this story.
Profile Image for Grace ❤️.
308 reviews11 followers
July 30, 2022
DNF @ 21%

Yikes I could not get through this. I held on a little longer than I probably should have because I wanted to love this SO much. The premise is one that intrigued me and I love a little taboo. However the constant use of “kid” and “buddy” really annoyed me and not even because of the former step relationship but because Ax was a grown ass man and it felt like the author was using them for shock value instead of it actually serving a purpose in the story. I also got really tired of the juvenile back and forth between, well literally all of the characters, it felt like a middle school locker room. And there is nothing good about a middle school locker room. All of the relationships seemed so surface level. bleh.

Also this story REALLY needs a better edit. The writing was cringey in so many places and the grammar was an absolute mess. Super repetitive language throughout even just the portion I got though which definitely should be caught by an editor. The tone of the writing seemed distinctly British to me which isn’t bad on its own but if you’re going to set your story in the US and have American main characters then you should get an American editor (or someone who knows how) to help you edit your writing so it makes sense for those characters. Generally I’ll push through a messy edit if the story is amazing but this was not it.

Okay one more thing. It’s a personal pet peeve but I absolutely hate the “ew gross boobs I think I’ll go throw up just thinking about them” thing in books. It feels so over dramatic and like a caricature.

Darn I really wanted this to be great. Oh well…
Profile Image for Steph (Teacups & Tropes).
818 reviews115 followers
June 19, 2022
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆

This book fell a little flat for me. I was excited by the premise. A sports romance AND ex-stepfather? Sign me up! But the romance came too late, the constant use of the word “kid” got on my nerves, and I think this just needed another edit before publication.

I was also confused by some of the side character’s back stories? I see the author has one other book listed on GR but I don’t feel like it’s enough to explain all of the side characters and their backgrounds. It just felt like this was part of a series and I missed reading the first three books. 🙈
Profile Image for Allana Kephart.
Author 20 books94 followers
June 19, 2022
3.5 conflicted stars

I don't know how I feel about this. The beginning of the book is fantastic and builds up to so much promise for a twisted, taboo read. The writing is top notch in style and held my attention throughout the entire book.

Ford is a 10 out of 10. He is such a sweet, patient guy, super protective and an amazing father figure. Axton has so much potential as a character, with a detailed, clean backstory that really lends to the stepfather trope. The side characters are all extremely well developed and clearly hint at more books in this universe without taking over the script.

Where the book loses stars is it could easily have been a second chance sports romance. Ford has been divorced from Axton's mother for 5 years at the get-go, and Axton (kind of shockingly) has matured through all his angst and dislike for the man. It feels as though the age gap and stepfather trope were added for shock value and kicks, but the author didn't fully commit to the tropes. Axton has so much potential, even as is, to have lashed out with his abandonment issues in general, or with some things Ford did that could have easily set off anxiety. The age gap is mentioned once or twice in a friendly matter, but if it was dropped entirely nothing would have suffered. It reads more like a second chance where Axton burned Ford in the past and has grown and wants to make amends, which is an adorable concept... Just not what is advertised. I would've loved to see true taboo and angst really embraced here, because the story would have been a glowing 5 star if it were. As of now, feels a bit like a bait-n-switch.

I would've done 4 stars in spite of all that, but the ending (no spoilers) was a hard nope for me. Cliche in a not cute way, and there were way better ways it could've been handled. And before the cliche fluff, the "plot twist" was revealed on such a dramatic left turn it kinda k.illed the impact.

All that being said, it's a good read and I look forward to seeing how this author will grow in the future. I'd class this as barely steamy, but when we finally get to the dirty bits they're very well written. The MM very well done and doesn't read like a self-insert.

Overall, if you're looking for true deep forbidden, this ain't it. But a talented author, well done MM, and second chance, low angst? This is the book for you.
Profile Image for Tajie.
69 reviews17 followers
August 10, 2022
Ya ain’t ready for it… not by a long shot… but you’re in the on deck circle so. This bitch will grab you by the balls and take you for a mercy ride around the block with no regard for your safety or even give you pads. Damn it was fire. It was ice. It was maddening. But it did not disappoint.
Initial me was questioning the read because… baseball; I don’t really enjoy baseball; how could I possibly connect with baseball? Post read me has ordered a cap (worn backwards obv), glove, sliding pants, reflective Oakley’s (for sun glare clearly) and cleats so I am ready for my warmup with one hot as fuck Axton. He will forever be my favorite “pee wee” player that can show me just how strong he is ANY. DANG. GONE. TIME! Don’t even get me started on Ford. Just his NAME gets me sweating. The way he loves is full on and consuming. When he decides Axton is his, there is no changing his mind. Mmmmm mmmm is he deliciously dirty.

This author strapped me in for the ride of my life emotionally . The shit that happens in the dark is always more fun, especially when it’s forbidden.
Profile Image for XxnightxowlxX74.
1,034 reviews8 followers
June 17, 2022
From Darkness into the Light…

As Axtons stepfather all Ford wanted was to love a lost little boy as his son. To give the kid a chance. He taught Axton the love of baseball hoping it would help with his anger issues. He was on the small side and was constantly teased. Ford went to every game, award ceremony and school function he could if he wasn’t deployed.
When Axton turned 18 he was off to college and never looked back. Soon Ford divorced Axtons mom, he tried to stay in contact with Axton but he pushed him away.
5 years later Axton is called up to the majors. He’s still in contact with his mom, taking care of her even though she is just using him for money and her demands for more have escalated.
Fords done paying alimony to her so she has her hand out to Axton. Axton feels the urge to let Ford know to expect to get calls from his mom. Axton has grown up a lot and finally realizes how important Ford was to him. That Ford was the reason he was where he was in life. After 5 years they meet up after a game and they both start feeling a connection.
Ford is only 15 years older then Axton and now that he was a grown man with a mind of his own he wanted Ford. He loves him, not as an ex stepfather but as a man, best friend and hopefully lover.

There was plenty of angst, drama and many combustible scenes that drew me into the pages of this book. Their story was emotional and sweet. I loved their connection even though it was a little taboo but it just made the story more intense.
Profile Image for Dani.
960 reviews111 followers
October 9, 2023

This was just bad. I'm usually into stepdad/stepson but there was so much emphasis and repetition about their relationship when Axton was only nine that it started grossing me out, which I feel wasn't what the author was going for.

Also the dialogue.... They're supposed to be 24 and 39 years old but they talk so formally and every little thing is over explained or ridiculous. There was no difference in vocabulary between any of the characters, none of them had a personality.

I'm also not sure why it was stated that he came out of the ocean wet....like I'm sorry but what other outcome would there be?? And apparently one of them can inhale and exhale at the exact same time which I would be so interested to see!! This book was just fucking weird!

There was also so much going on with side characters that was so far fetched that I got close to DNFing a handful of times, but my curiosity made me keep reading unfortunately. Honestly the mum/bio dad stuff could have been taken out and the main characters relationship focused on instead and there would have been more than enough conflict. As it is, all they do is constantly talk about when Axton was a kid, or have sex and declare they're in love 🤔.

Finally the repetition about being in the darkness..... I swear you could turn it into a drinking game and quite easily die of alcohol poisoning, it was reiterated that many times! You won't forget the name of the book while you're reading it that's for sure!

Definitely won't be bothering with the other two books.
Profile Image for Millie  SK.
178 reviews
August 12, 2022
rather disappointing

I’m not one for the taboos, so when I read the preview and some reviews I jumped on this book. The book was so promising and half way through, everything took a deep dive.

Don’t get me wrong, I understand that Ford was the only good thing in Axton’s life when he was younger, but him getting together with him kinda feels a little gold digger ish to me. He had Axton’s number, never reached out but moved to his city once he realized his investment paid off.
While Poor Axton, has always been attracted to Ford, so this rapid development didn’t take long at all. Also the hypocrisy in Ford was too much, him pretending nothing had happened between him and Axton just because the light is on was rather stupid.
The final conflict was the worse thing I’ve read when it comes to conflict. It was anticlimactic and just meh. Ford is in security, also had been in the army for 20 years, and he couldn’t disarm one man with a gun to protect the man he claims to love?

Onto some good things; I like how protective Axton’s friends are of him. But I get they understand why Ford is important because the only time Axton ever felt love growing up was when Ford was his step dad and honestly, I don’t think there was anything inappropriate going on in Fords mind. He truly saw that Sheila lacks maternal love so he stepped up for Axton.
Profile Image for Trish- Late Knight Luna Reads.
1,825 reviews14 followers
June 15, 2022
“In the Darkness” is a spicy, age gap with a side of forbidden MM romance that I enjoyed and read in one sitting.

Axton is an out of the closet baseball player who has a bit of a chip on his shoulder. His mom is constantly trying to get money from him. But when his ex-stepfather, Ford, reaches out to him; he chooses to reconnect with him. The two had a difficult relationship when he was younger because Axton never trusted anyone because of his mother. But when the two meet again now that Axton is an adult, there’s a chemistry there.

Ford and Axton had a feral lust and attraction for each other that turns into a sweet love story. An age gap romance is always one of my favorite tropes and I enjoyed theirs. Ford is a protective man and wants the best for Ax and for his friends. Ax is definitely a bit of a bad boy which fits him perfectly. I loved the tension and pent of feelings they both had and tried to fight. All the scenes of them together were spicy. There’s also a bit of suspense thrown in the storyline which I enjoyed. I’m looking forward to reading more from this author.
Profile Image for R.
1,971 reviews
June 17, 2022
Ford in a bad marriage but he loved his stepson even if said stepson hated him. Axton just wanted Ford to go away. “I ignore him like I’d ignore any gnat.” Their relationship never improved. Ford divorced the wife from hell and lost any contact with the boy he loved.

Fast forward and they once again connect only this time it’s not as father and son but as men, realizing they are so much more to each other. Even if all their sexy encounters are “In the Darkness.” As their time together became more intimate Axton desperately wanted to carry the relationship into the light. Ford wasn’t sure about how being Ax’s stepfather would play out and he didn’t want to negatively hurt Ax’s career and future. “My love for you, Ax, never came with conditions.”

Lovely story. Ax and Ford were very sweet. Really great villain. I felt the author made the most of her evilness as a way to bring the two men even closer together. Very concise writting. Easy to read and enjoyable.

“I find I’ll forever follow this man who only one time had wanted to be my father. Now, he’s so much more.”

Review Copy requested and reviewed on behalf of OMGReads.
June 17, 2022
These 2 men were just beautiful together! I can not with them! They have this whole "lovers in the dark" thing going that just had me totally captivated! I really loved that they don't just reunite and then jump right into bed together! I really love the progression they had. Axton's mom is just straight psycho! That woman really doesn't know a good thing when she has them. I really loved how persistent Ford was in establishing a relationship with Axton so many years later. What it turned into was quite a bit more than they planned on, but it was as beautiful as anything else they could have been. I really felt that the stepfather factor was handled in a way that made it feel not quite as taboo for me. We met some other interesting characters along the way and I am quite excited to hear more about them in the coming books! Definitely worth all the stepdaddy stars!

Story 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Spice 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Swoon 😍😍😍😍😍
Angst 💔💔💔
Profile Image for sadies_bookstack.
84 reviews6 followers
September 4, 2022
What to expect:

⚾️ Sports Romance
⚾️ MM
⚾️ Age Gap
⚾️ Taboo/Forbidden
⚾️ Twists
⚾️ Dual POV
⚾️ All the feels
⚾️ HEA

This book 🥰 Ford is this gorgeous alpha male who has always loved Axton he wanted to be the person Ax could always count on but Ax was a stubborn kid who had a rubbish start in life that just couldn’t trust!

After Ford divorces Axton mum he tries to stick with Ax but has no joy and years later when Axton has matured he reaches out to Ford to warn him that his mum is after money and this simple act opens the door for their relationship.

When they meet again their connection is so much stronger but very different. They initially put up a bit of a fight as ex stepfather/stepson shouldn’t have these kind of feelings for each other right? Wrong!!

Axton is the first to embrace this new chapter in their relationship but Ford is slower to accept it but In The Darkness it’s just 2 people loving each other!!

The connection/chemistry and love between these 2 is simply glorious to watch unfold! Did I shed a few tears reading this? Yes I did, some for the simple beauty of their love and some for the harsh truths that Axton has to deal with!

Would I recommend this book 💯
4,001 reviews15 followers
November 18, 2022
I loved this story. Axton, hated his step father Ford when he was a young man. He carried that hate into adulthood. As he advanced in baseball and went professional, the hate was under his skin. As he got older and matured, he started looking at his life and his relationship with his parents with adult eyes. He recognized what his Mother is. He started thinking about who and what his stepfather, Ford is to him. Ford, learned the character of his wife, and was ready to leave. But he stayed for Axton. He loved Ax and wanted to be his Dad. He reached out, but Ax ghosted him. How does their communication go when they reconnect? Does Axton still carry his hate? Does Ford understand the tones of love? Great love story of perspectives maturing and communicating. Well done.
Profile Image for Thera.
613 reviews8 followers
July 1, 2022

I really loved this book. It's definitely a taboo subject but it wasn't that weird with this book. The only thing that I felt made it weird was the constant calling Ax kid. It made it seem worse than it was. And then Ax calling him his stepfather. They weren't that anymore. They were both grown men making an adult decision. The meetings in the dark were quite interesting and not at all what I expected. The ending with Ax's mom shocked me. I was confused by Cassie and her pregnancy at the end because it never said the father. Anyway, the book lost one star because of the constant calling them kid and stepfather because it wasn't truly like that anymore.
Profile Image for Tammy Jones.
772 reviews5 followers
July 6, 2022
Fantastic book!

This book makes you realize how unconditional love from someone can mend all the broken pieces of your life if you just have the strength to accept it. Ford had been the only constant in Axton's life before he pushed him away in order to protect himself. Ford never forgot the young boy that fostered so much love within him and swore he would be there for him if ever he was needed...in whatever way he was needed. This story was written so well! The way the characters had such a convoluted history made their connection so much more intimate. The emotional bond carried over to a physical bond that couldn't be denied! Excellent book!
Profile Image for Debra  (Dragon Nanny) Phiri.
1,298 reviews12 followers
July 9, 2022
This was all kinds of wow! We had action, deceit, curve balls from characters you like, sizzle, and so many many emotions!

Ford is a fantastic guy with a love for Ax that starts off innocently enough and just progresses with time. He is supportive, kind, and scared and truly lovers with his whole heart!

Ax has had a mostly horrible experience with life and his mom and as most youth do learns that he can trust and love.

Their story is not always easy to read, as you may want to reach into the pages and strangle a few characters!

Their friends are amazing! They are fun and at times funny!

Can’t wait to read more!
Profile Image for Heather .
905 reviews21 followers
July 31, 2022
missed the mark.

I wanted way more from this book. I expected yearning and chapters of lead up to them getting around to being together. That does not happen. It was almost odd to be and convenient how they just started up sexually after reconnecting. Almost instantly. In the dark with no discussion. I also didn’t like the intimate scenes. They seemed sloppy and unresolved for a steamy taboo book. Nor did I care for the emphasis on his love for his kid the whole book and continuing to call him his kid till the end. Loved the baseball parts. Just wanted more character building and for things ti make more sense. Even the suspense and lead up seemed sloppy.
October 10, 2022
I had no plans to read this book but when I started In The Aftermath by this author I felt like I was missing some information so decided to stop and read this one first.

I liked the story but found this was just a little too taboo for me. I could absolutely deal with the exstepfather/exstepson relationship if the stepfather hadn’t help raise the stepson. Was just a bit too much for me.

However, I did enjoy the actual story and I found it to be well written. So if you don’t mind this taboo relationship than I absolutely recommend it!

I am soooo excited to start In The Aftermath. Especially after meeting Cade and Tristan in this book.
Profile Image for Helen.
402 reviews2 followers
June 16, 2023
Not what I was expecting.

This book wasn’t what I thought it was going to be at all, yes it’s got the taboo element with the whole stepson/stepdad thing but there was nothing sleazy about it, just a very nice love story.

I wasn’t keen on the whole ‘keep the lights off’ thing when their sexual relationship started, they both had feelings for each other and I think how they did that cheapened their relationship a bit.

I wasn’t expecting what happened with Sheila to be so dramatic, so that was a bit of a surprise, but it let Ashton see her true nature.

Overall not a bad book, my first Meadow Jones read, I’m looking forward to reading more.
Profile Image for Caroline.
1,301 reviews6 followers
June 24, 2022
Author Meadow Jones was new to me but I’ll be looking out for more of their books.

‘In The Darkness’ was an enjoyable read. It’s a steamy age gap, taboo MM Romance, with lots of attitude and angst.

This is the story of baseball player, Axton, and his former stepfather, Ford. Reconnecting as grown men when Axton money hungry mother is looking for $$. They quickly establish a bond, stronger than they previously shared. This becomes more but hidden by darkness.
Profile Image for Liza.
1,397 reviews17 followers
May 26, 2023
Another taboo book that had me completely hooked from the first page. Axton and Ford were both such dynamic characters and I loved how their story unfolded, neither one wanting to be the one to give in or give up. And damn was the the complete silent and darkness hot as hell. The anticipation of when they would actually speak was chilling. Then you throw in all the craziness with his mother and this was a great story.
Profile Image for Veronica.
443 reviews10 followers
November 30, 2023
Stepson/ step-dad

I really enjoyed this story. When Axton was younger, Ford was married to his mom, but he never saw him as a step-dad, considering he was number four. He hated him and didn't want to get attached cause they all just leave. After years pass, they reconnect. They lost touch when Axton left for school, and Ford and the mom got divorced. It was nice seeing the relationship developed into more and Ford there for him.
Profile Image for Aneesah.
982 reviews
June 26, 2022
I don't normally mind a little taboo with my romance but something about a former step-son and step-father (especially when the kid was so awful to the man who just wanted to show him human decency) getting romantic with each other didn't sit well with me... I didn't hate this but I didn't love it either.
Profile Image for Jo.
372 reviews1 follower
August 8, 2022
This was just lackluster. I was in it for the taboo’ish plot. That part fell flat. The over use of “old man/kid/buddy” kept trying to remind us. But really it just seemed like they hadn’t moved on. The storyline about Axton’s mother was interesting. Perhaps this should’ve been a mystery focused on that. Also, the sexy talk was super cringe.
Profile Image for Liz.
380 reviews14 followers
June 18, 2022
Forbidden mm romance between Axton, an openly gay baseball player and Ford, his former stepdad. The struggle was real with these two. Wanting each other but not willing to admit it, so they hide it in the dark. Oh the build up. Overall the story was good and I enjoyed the characters.
Profile Image for Lidia.
2,494 reviews26 followers
June 21, 2022
I feel to mark four stars this book because I liked it very much. Nothing was too much or too little though, the topic son/stepfather is a bit delicate and especially but never morbose. I loved Acton and Ford both, and together were very cute.
Profile Image for Bex 💜.
Author 0 books18 followers
July 10, 2022
3.5 stars

Enjoyable read. I love a good taboo book.
Ex stepfather/stepson who meet again after years apart.
I did feel for one particular side character and I hope his story is out so I can devour his HEA.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 38 reviews

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