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Franklin U #3

Mr. Romance

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alternate cover edition of ASIN B0B3JF1X7M

When you’re clueless, Mr. Romance can help.

I’m not sure how it happened, but it turns out I’ve unknowingly been dating three people.
Friends don’t spoil other friends, apparently. My trust fund means I can afford to, though, and what’s a meal here and there? Or some clothes? Or textbooks? That doesn’t mean we’re dating, right?
Others disagree. If I want to get through the rest of college knowing who my friends are, I need help from someone who knows all about dating and can tell me what not to do.
Someone like Mr. Romance.

When people look at me, romance is the last thing they think of… but I’m still the first person they call. Need a first date planned? A big romantic moment? Gotta beg for forgiveness? I’m your man. When it comes to romance, I’ve got it handled.
Not personally, though. My romantic life is… barren. All I really want is someone to snuggle with and spoil me. What I’ve got is planning dates for people who have no clue about romancing someone.
But now I’m somehow Charlie Martin’s anti-romance consultant. Charlie, who’s completely clueless yet the most accepting and friendly person I’ve ever met. Who’s giving and generous. Who’s befriended me and wants me to be happy.
I’m supposed to help him stop his friends from falling for him. The last thing I need is to fall for him myself.

273 pages, Kindle Edition

First published September 8, 2022

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About the author

Louisa Masters

65 books1,302 followers
LOUISA MASTERS started reading romance much earlier than her mother thought she should. While other teenagers were sneaking out of the house, Louisa was sneaking romance novels in and working out how to read them without being discovered. She’s spent most of her life feeling sorry for people who don’t read, convinced that books are the solution to every problem. As an adult, she feeds her addiction in every spare second, only occasionally tearing herself away to do things like answer the phone and pay bills. She spent years trying to build a “sensible” career, working in bookstores, recruitment, resource management, administration, and as a travel agent, before finally conceding defeat and devoting herself to the world of romance novels. Louisa has a long list of places first discovered in books that she wants to visit, and every so often she overcomes her loathing of jet lag and takes a trip that charges her imagination. She lives in Melbourne, Australia, where she whines about the weather for most of the year while secretly admitting she’ll probably never move.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 629 reviews
Profile Image for Snjez.
874 reviews791 followers
October 1, 2022
3.5 stars

This was my first book by this author, so I didn't know what to expect, but I'm glad it ended up being such a fun read.

Things I liked:
- interesting premise and a great start to the book
- a bit ridiculous story, but it made me laugh many times
- Charlie – completely oblivious, but so sweet and endearing and a wonderful friend
- Charlie and Liam – I wouldn't say their chemistry was off the charts, but I liked them together
- cute, romantic moments
- great side characters - Matt, Ian, Jake and Artie
- the epilogue is exactly as it should be – short, sweet and doesn't take place ten years later 😅

- the relationship between Charlie and Liam didn't start off as I expected/hoped
- I wasn't a fan of the intimate scenes, though some situations were really funny
- the story dragged a bit here and there
- there was some miscommunication, but it didn't bother me that much here

Audiobook – 5 stars. Because it's Greg. Enough said. Actually it's not enough. 😂 The way he brings the characters to life with his natural and realistic narration while giving each one of them their unique voice and personality is amazing. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Profile Image for Imme van Gorp.
722 reviews1,119 followers
June 25, 2024
|| 3.0 stars ||

This was fun, but also a little ridiculous, and I felt like the actual romance was missing something.

I’m not sure what it was, but I wasn’t really feeling the love between these two for some reason. They were obviously very attached to each other and hung out all the time, but why did they fall in love? What did they truly adore about each other? I don’t think I got to know any of these things and thus, the depth and feelings just weren’t really there for me. I also think I was expecting a little more angst and pining with this one, but we hardly got any of that.
Nonetheless, I still thought their relationship was enjoyable and I liked their interactions quite a bit. It just had so much more potential.

When it comes to the two main characters, I didn’t really love either of them. However, I did definitely prefer Charlie over Liam.
Sure, Charlie was dumb as rocks and he took obliviousness to a whole new level, but overall he was charming, sweet and caring. He could be annoying, but I also found him endearing. He definitely always tried his hardest and always had the best possible intentions.
When it comes to Liam, however, I felt like he was extremely bland. He had no personality at all, and at times I didn’t even find him particularly likable. Also, even though he is supposedly “Mr. Romance”, nothing he did or thought or said was even remotely romantic. I was honestly a bit confused about that. So many swoony things could have been done with this character, but we got absolutely zilch. Nothing. Nada.

Anyway, obviously my review is making this book sound pretty bad. I can’t deny the tone has been kind of negative, and I’m not sure I really wanted to convey that. I mean, it’s not as if I didn’t like this book. I did. I loved the premise, and the general idea of the storyline is awesome. I just think it all could have been done so much better, and I’m a bit disappointed with Liam’s character and the romance itself. It was still fun, though.

'Franklin U' series:
1. Playing Games - 4.0 stars
2. The Dating Disaster - 3.5 stars
3. Mr. Romance - 3.0 stars
4. Bet You - 2.0 stars
6. Learning Curve - 3.0 stars
Profile Image for Shile (Hazard's Version) on-hiatus.
1,120 reviews965 followers
November 3, 2022
My first Louisa Masters book and I have to say I had the best laugh with this book. I went in with low expectations and it delivered what it needed to.

Audiobook- 5 stars It's Greg!!! Duh!

Story - 3.5 fluff, fluffity, cute stars.

The characters were adorable and lovable.

I love me some clueless guy with a heart of gold and Charlie is just that. Liam is sooooo sweet and they complement each other. Gaaahh!! I want a Charlie in my life.

The side characters were amazing too.

Overall, I had fun listening to this one.
Profile Image for Meags.
2,318 reviews590 followers
October 15, 2022
4.5 Stars

Mr. Romance hit the ground running with the cuteness and hilarity. I was laughing my arse off and highlighting like a fiend by page 5, and my obsession and joy for this story and its adorable characters thankfully never let up.

Sometimes oblivious characters and ridiculous social situations turn me right off in stories, but the way Masters created Charlie and his lovable golden retriever personality, incapable of anything but kindness, positivity and, yes, a truckload of obliviousness to certain social cues, really was a treat for me to experience as a reader.

The premise was OTT but fun as hell, with Charlie needing Liam’s (AKA Mr Romance’s) expert assistance, after it becomes apparent that Charlie has trouble discerning which of his friends are actual friends and which think they are dating/hope for more. The idea that a bunch of people in Charlie’s life have believed they were dating him, when he himself only felt friendship, was a bit far-fetched, particularly because of the sheer number of people in this category, but the execution of this plot, and Charlie himself, were so sweet and charming, that it was all too easy to believe everyone would be falling over this guy.

The humour and light-hearted nature of this story really worked for me. I laughed hard and I laughed often. I (clearly) adored Charlie and his whole personality, but I also fucking loved steadfast, hopeless romantic Liam, especially in the way these two hit it off and eventually fell in love.

The sex scenes were in turn both steaming hot and uproariously hilarious. Particularly, the first time they were together, which coincided with Charlie’s first-time bottoming—it was a scene for the ages. I went from being ridiculously turned on, to laughing to the point of tears, to being turned on again, back and forth the entire scene. It will definitely go down as one of the most memorable sex scenes in my 2022 romance reading.

I guess the main thing I took from this story, besides the permanent smile on my face, is a sense of shameful wrong-doing on my part… that I’ve never read a Louisa Masters novel before now (only having read a handful of shorts stories/novellas that didn’t nearly engage me as much as this one did). I can tell from this experience that I’m in sync with her style of humour and romance, and after the handful of crossover moments that occurred here, it’s easy to see where I need to spend my time next.

In conclusion, this book was a hoot and I loved every minute I got to spend with these guys!
September 12, 2022
I feel like I read a different book than everyone else. I didn't find this story to be cute or funny or charming. I found it silly, contrived, and boring.

Almost DNF @45%, then started skimming.

The MCs act very young, which I guess they are at age 20, but the immaturity is real, especially on Charlie's part.

Charlie and Liam (whom Charlie insists on calling "Lee" for some reason) aren't well-developed characters and lack chemistry.

And the ending is a weak HFN.

This was my first (and last) book by this author.
Profile Image for Lau (semi-hiatus) ♡.
442 reviews463 followers
September 29, 2022
Being a good friend is not always the best idea.

That’s what Charlie has learned the hard way: several of his friends think he’s dating them. He needs to fix whatever is wrong with him. Luckily, there is this love adviser who might be able to help him.

I watch romantic movies. I read romance novels. I fantasize about the perfect date with the perfect guy. I plan perfect dates for everyone else… and then sit at home alone.

Liam loves helping other people with their dates but it’s starting to become a double edge sword. He wants to love someone and he’s starting to lose hope he’ll ever find the man for him. When Charlie asks him to teach him how not to date, Liam will slowly understand how difficult is not to fall in love with him…

Mr Romance is a strangers to friends to lovers between the most oblivious hero and the most romantic one. They were cute together but, for the first time in my life, I couldn’t shake the feeling they were perfect as friends.

The original premise might be unrealistic, but it works. Liam truly appreciates how good-hearted Charlie is and feels bad for having to change his ‘good friend’ habits only to make people understand he isn’t dating them. It’s not fair and it feels wrong to tell someone as kind as Charlie that he should stop being so good. Charlie is the sweetest person, he’d anything for his friends, but now he can’t help but doubt everything he does and having to check with Ian he’s doing the right thing. I could see the connection, I could see how much they deserved each other but, sadly, what I could not see was their chemistry.

“You get me. You accept me. Nobody else knows me like you do. If you think it’s going to be okay, I believe you.”

I also felt both were a bit too soft as characters. Charlie has his naïve and kind nature; Liam, his loneliness and romantic heart, but neither of them gave me special deepness that could make them feel more real. And for such a fun premise, I missed laughing out loud as I did with the other two books. Instead, I was a bit bored from the 30%, but I’m glad I decided to finish it because there were a couple of very wholesome scenes worth the read. I just wish I shipped them together or, at least, care about them enough to make it more interesting.

“You’re the best friend I’ve ever had and so much more. () I would rather spend five minutes in silence with you than an hour doing anything else in the world.”

Franklin U series:
1. Playing Games: 3.75 stars
2. The Dating Disaster: 3 stars
3. Mr. Romance: 2.5 stars
4. Bet You: 3.5 stars
5. The Glow Up: 3 stars
Profile Image for alyssa.
959 reviews195 followers
September 9, 2022
"I'm butthole over nose in love with him."

oh Charlie, you secret romantic 🥺

the story throws us right into the action of Charlie's misguided paramours, where three spurned "lovers" accuse him in the middle of a café of having the gall to date them all at the same time. cue the deluge of question marks because he could've sworn they were only good friends?? little did he know, Charlie's been leaving a path of broken hearts since high school and wasn't even aware of it. and when you take into account how guilty he feels for hurting people's feelings, it's honestly quite tragic.

but he can't help the frequency at which his golden heart is misinterpreted as romantic interest - not only is he beyond sweet and clueless, he's more than generous with his time and money and loves to lavish his friends when he can.

still reeling from this bombshell, Charlie is introduced to the one-and-only Mr. Romance, Liam, who takes him on as his first anti-romance consult. in other words, Liam helps Charlie decipher people's intentions as well as teaches him how to set boundaries in friendships so as not to lead anyone astray with his golden retriever nature. did i mention there's role playing involved? a marvelous educational tool, truly.

in true romcom fashion, we have our customary miscommunication trope thrown into the mix as their relationship slips from client/consultant to friends to fwb (a label behind which they hide for a spell), but i found it toned down enough and applied with such fun, comedic delivery ("eggplant parma" 😏) that not once did i have the urge to pull my hair. small victories!

the side characters absolutely took the cake ("dating makes your brain soft" Ian deserves a story of his own - i guarantee he's going to have his own cult following as the days go on lol), Greg Boudreaux's interpretation of drunk Charlie was *chef's kiss*, and kudos to the author for name-dropping her own titles in the story 😎
Profile Image for ivy.
583 reviews317 followers
September 17, 2022
3.5 ⭐️ Such a ridiculous scenario and so funny. If you can’t just roll with the silliness, don’t bother reading it. Main characters were the two sweetest little souls. Side characters were an A+.
Perfect read for the emotional funk I’m in right now.
Time to browse this authors backlist.

Short review - see ‘funk’ above

Just going to leave you with a couple of quotes now.

”Just checking, you’re not into me, right?” “Hard pass,” he assures me. “I don’t go for cute and clueless. And anyway, I’m not doing relationships. Being in love is hard work and it turns your brain weird.”

”Aw. That’s so sweet. Who knew people could be this good-looking and nice in real life? Maybe he has a wicked stepparent or something. I pause in case he’s about to burst into song or woodland creatures are going to appear out of nowhere, but he just stares at me quizzically as the silence stretches out. What were we talking about?”
Profile Image for Rina Pride.
321 reviews87 followers
November 25, 2022
Me interessei pelo Mr romance no livro 2 da série FU, fiquei curiosa em como seria o romance daquele que ajuda o romance dos outros.

Foi uma história leve e divertida, o Charlie é um cara realmente sem maldades e um pouco tapado ( coitado) 😅 Ele é um amigo amoroso e isso acabou dando em confusão ( queria amigos assim para eu desfrutar do 💳).

Liam teve o romance que desejava ( um filme de sessão da tarde +🔞)
Parabéns ao Mr romance pelo seu romance ( chega de falar de romance) 🤣
October 15, 2022
3.25*** stars
audio: 5 stars

Well, I don’t feel very strong about this book. Though it was entertaining at times and Liam and Charlie were totally cute, the pace of the story was too slow for me (if not to say that I was bored) and if it wasn’t for the audio I probably would’ve skimmed my way through the pages.

But I also had a few good laughs, so that has to count for something.

Franklin U series:

Book #1 - Playing Games - 4.25 stars
Book #3 - Mr. Romance - 3.25 stars
Book #5 - The Glow Up - 3 stars
Profile Image for Enay QueerBooklover.
434 reviews199 followers
September 18, 2022
Awwww, that was a sweet, fun read! I loved Charlie, who was like an dopey but adorable puppy, who was kind & generous but generally oblivious to social cues indicating people were attracted to him. Liam, aka Mr Romance, was the steady, sensible influence who helped via a business arrangement, then as friends, then as more. An enjoyable read from a new author for me.
July 12, 2023
Better than expected, partly because of Greg B.‘s narration

I honestly try not to bore you with my sometimes very audio-leaning reviews, but bear with me. Sometimes it’s really hard to separate the audio-experience from the book itself.

As happened here: writing this review, I really try to imagine how I would have rated this book if I’d read it instead of listening to it, and I’m pretty sure it would have been somewhere around 3 stars, but after finishing it with a huge smile on my face, I find myself not being able to rate it with less than 4 stars.

Back to the book: it’s part of an anthology, and can be read as a standalone. It follows Liam, “Mr Romance”, who’s made a business out of helping people create romantic moments for their significant others. And Charlie, who- believe it or not- is socially… well, not awkward. Naïve maybe? Blessed with a kind heart and a generous attitude? But who, because of being friendlier than people usually are, ends up making a few of the people he thinks of as friends believe that he’s dating them (including a straight guy who believes Charlie is is sugar daddy).

So he hires Liam - not to get his help for romancing someone, but to keep him out of trouble and to find out which of his friends are not really friends, but (unintentional) relationships.

Yes, a scenario like this is highly unlikely, but it’s refreshing and funny. Charlie is so naïve and… good, for the lack of a better term, that I ended up wishing people like him were real.

I loved them texting back and forth, and -again the audio- how Greg B. made them sound while writing. Listen to it, then you’ll know what I mean 😅

And I loved how the author hid a small Easter Egg by making Charlie read one of her own books at some point 😂

Liam was so exasperated sometimes with Charlie, and I loved how he started falling in love with him nevertheless.

What I rolled my eyes at: the time it took for them to come clean about their feelings (they’re friends with benefits for a while, but don’t see each other as boyfriends 🙄).

This anthology seems to have a “grand gesture” premise towards the end, and I’m not sure if the one here is based on a real movie scene, but it was cute and thoughtful.

All in all, probably a nice in-between book if you read it, but a very enjoyable experience if you choose the narration.
Profile Image for Ele.
1,310 reviews40 followers
September 25, 2022
I'm sorry, I didn't like this one at all. Charlie's obliviousness stopped being funny pretty quickly and became ridiculous
Profile Image for Cadiva.
3,740 reviews378 followers
January 4, 2023
Sweet and super cute friends to lovers romance

This one had such a sweet plotline that I had a big smile on my face throughout reading it.

The mix-ups poor Charlie got himself into had me chuckling while also shaking my head at his absolute clueless naivety.

Liam, aka Lee, was also really easy to like, he's a romantic who likes to help others do special things for their partners or wannabe squeezes.

This book, overall though, is the one that confuses me because of its links to Louisa's paranormal ghost series.

There's nothing in here, or the Franklin University series as a whole, which indicates that the supernatural is a thing, yet here we have prominent appearances of Ian and Matt (as well as Keiran and Connor) who are secondary characters in the Ghostly Guardians world.

There's also another crossover with her Joy Universe series, which I've not read, but that one didn't really cause any issues.

Still it's a minor quibble in what's a really sweet and very engaging story that sees two guys fall in love almost accidentally.

Given their young ages, this ends with a very solid HFN which I could definitely see turn into a HEA.
Profile Image for martina (chaos version).
602 reviews285 followers
September 9, 2022
why didn’t i read a book by louisa masters before?

i absolutely loved this. there is no way, and i repeat, no way that you can’t like charlie. it would be like hating puppies. you can’t.
if anyone is doubting that you can’t actually date people and not realize you are, well i did it so yeah i guess it also happens irl.

every single time that liam said bad things about himself i wanted to strangle him because he’s too precious to be insulted.

also, this is so funny. i actually laughed out loud several times.
i also would like to add that i usually don’t like too much romance, but this? this is a work of art.

a special mention to the love for taylor swift in this, you just can’t say things like that and expect me not to swoon.

i’m absolutely not ready for neve’s book. but i also can’t wait.
Profile Image for Ben Howard.
1,287 reviews167 followers
December 11, 2022
It's third time lucky for me with this series.

After hearing about Mr. Romance in the previous books, we finally get to meet him. Liam helps people around campus plan dates and romantic moments, for a fee. He's very successful at what he does, however his own love life not so much.

Charlie is a very giving person. He's attentive to his friends needs, and as he's lucky to have a trust fund, he likes to pay for his friends. As far as he's aware he's just being a good friend, but when three of his 'friends' paths cross, an argument breaks out. They all think they're dating him.

Charlie's (actual) friends come up with the idea of enlisting Mr. Romance. Instead of helping Charlie woo somebody, Liam is going to use his knowledge to help Charlie find out who is a friend and who actually thinks they're dating him.

And of course, with Liam and Charlie spending so much time together they begin to have feelings for each other.

I loved this concept. It was unique and fun. Charlie is just so innocent and naive at times and Liam having to explain to him how people can take his gestures as romantic was so funny. Especially the guy who thought Charlie was his sugar daddy 😂😂
423 reviews22 followers
September 10, 2022
It was funny and adorable. Loved the premise, Charlie and Liam , Ian and Matt, Jake and Artie. Secondary characters were amazing in this one.
Charlie and his obliviousness and enthusiasm were endearing, there were several laugh out loud moments, loved the kisses and the cuddles. Highly enjoyable read, just suspend disbelief and roll with it.
A bit dragged towards the end. Trip to whatever place it was from the author's other book felt forced and I had a feeling the sole purpose of it was to make me read her other books.
The book could be 20% shorter and all better for it.
Profile Image for Megan Rose.
217 reviews19 followers
September 20, 2022

Mr. Romance had such a cute yet bizarre premise, so I was incredibly excited to see where it would go. The main character certainly finds himself in quite the pickle at the beginning of the book. I couldn't wait to see how he got himself out of it!

While I did enjoy parts of Mr. Romance--especially the last 30%--I am sad to say that the humor in this book and I unfortunately did not mesh. I have a strange sense of humor, so this is not the first time I've read a book where everyone said they were laughing every few seconds, only to laugh once, maybe twice the whole time. I can definitely see why others found it funny, but I think the largest part of why I had trouble getting into the story was because I didn't understand the humor.

Charlie, the main character, has got to be hands down, the most oblivious person I have ever met, in real life or on a page. And that's coming from someone who's rather oblivious herself. It was a little confusing to me why he was so oblivious, especially in regards to dating and love, when his mom focused a lot on women's rights, especially in relationships. I feel like it's something she would've sat him down and seriously discussed at some point. Especially since she saw him struggling in high school.

I think the best way to get the most out of this book is to put all reservations aside at the beginning and just go with all the whacky situations and see where it leads you. If you get the humor and find it funny, I have no doubt this book will be a joy to read.

I will say that I did enjoy the story a lot more once it focused less on Charlie's relationship failings and more on his relationship with Liam. The two of them were cute, and I really enjoyed watching their bond grow. The ending was especially endearing, and almost bumped the book up to a three stars for me. I really loved all the scenes at the theme park! It really brought the book full circle and solidified their relationship.

So, while I had some issues with Mr. Romance, I still recommend checking it out. I see why so many people have enjoyed it thus far, and I'm sure lots of you will too!

Thank you to Gay Romance Reviews for providing me with a digital ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.
Profile Image for Grace.
3,029 reviews182 followers
September 10, 2022
3.5 rounded up

This author doesn't often work for me, but I... didn't hate this one. Interesting/unique concept, and I enjoyed the characters and the build of their relationship. Plus the smut was super hot and very much worked for me. I *am* starting to get a little annoyed by all of the books in this series and the way they are all essentially working as walking billboards for the authors' other, entirely unrelated series'. There are PROMINENT cameos in this book for characters that are featured in other book series by this author--to the point where it seemed like these were characters being set up for their own books in *this* series. It's really distracting, particularly in a multi-author series. Can I just read this one series in peace??
Profile Image for magic_of_darkness_and_books.
175 reviews68 followers
October 21, 2022
This book was a pleasant surprise. 💜

I'm usually not a fan of characters who are naive, or clueless, or something like that. BUT here I loved Charlie! He was adorable, so sweet and good, and kind. 💜 And Liam Mr. Romance!? *puppy eyes* where can I find Mr. Romance for myself? He was such a pleasant character to read. He was romantic and so sweet. 💜

I loved the plot, the talks between the two, the play, the smutty parts, and the sweet romantic gestures.

I will definitely be checking more books by this author! The first book in this series is still my favorite. But it also feels kind of wrong to compare them because they were so different.
Profile Image for GeishaX .
358 reviews37 followers
October 15, 2022
This book and i got lucky with each other. It met me when I was just in the right mood for exactly what it had to offer - which was a light romance with a side dish of humor. I was entertained. The characters were engaging and not as stereotypical as they seemed at first glance (Liam is not a beauty, more an interesting face and the smaller guy is the top). The story was not only unrealistic but a little bit over the top and ridiculous but for some reason I didn't mind so much. I can't really explain why because I have moaned and bitched about the exact same thing when it came to other books but here I suddenly don't mind.
Profile Image for taylor :) (in a slump).
210 reviews41 followers
September 10, 2022
this was so funny. so so so funny. i literally sent my bestie a 3 minute voice message of me laughing hysterically while i tried to tell her about a scene in this book. literally cracked me up. this book was also extremely sweet. swoon worthy and all that. there wasn’t much sex in this book. a couple good scenes and then mentions of stuff they’ve done but no details. but im honestly not mad. the book was just so funny and sweet that i could overlook it which is crazy for me. i really liked the other characters in this book. they made it all the more enjoyable. what a fun read!!!! probably my fav in the series so far
Profile Image for Jamie.
630 reviews107 followers
September 20, 2022
The premise was a bit wild but I really enjoyed the book regardless! This was so close to being four stars but the epilogue was so unsatisfying.
Profile Image for PineappleLo.
44 reviews5 followers
September 9, 2022
This was so unbelievable. Had to DNF at 30% because I couldn't handle how ridiculous the storyline was.
Profile Image for Jamie.
887 reviews74 followers
September 14, 2022
3.5⭐️ - this was cute but didn’t quite catch me. While I did enjoy Charlie and Liam, I didn’t necessarily feel a strong romantic connection. Maybe it was because this was not a spicy book at all or maybe it was that Charlie was so damn dense.

The Friends with benefits part didn’t make a lot of sense to me. Like it kinda came out of nowhere and really didn’t fit for Charlie who was trying to avoid confusing anyone into thinking they had anything other than friendship and Liam who was a huge romantic. I’m just not sure the setup worked in a cohesive way.

The characters are likable but holy crap Charlie was just so oblivious all of the time!! I know that’s the gag with this but it bordered on being dull because he was so sweet but there was almost nothing else to him. Liam had more dimension but I didn’t think this book contained much that made him truly interesting.

This read kind of slow for me. I did enjoy it but I needed Charlie to be a little more aware and less surface level. I also needed more spice. This had almost none. There was more mention of them having sex rather than anything on page. That was a missed opportunity to show their deep feelings and those passionate connections.
Profile Image for Natalie.
383 reviews50 followers
August 21, 2024
Liam & Charle
Rating: 3.5 ⭐
Narrator: Greg Boudreaux

- College Romance
- Friends-to-Lovers
- Anti Romance Lessons
- Gymnastics
- Friends With Benefits
- Grand Gesture
- Vacation Together
- Size Difference


Verse: No
HEA: Yes
POV: Dual
Breakup: No
Cheating: No
OM/OW Drama: No
Ages: 20 & 21
Profile Image for Gustaf.
1,441 reviews162 followers
September 9, 2022
So it's a 3/3 win for me so far when it comes to this shared universe.

With that said this is my favorite by far. I loved Charlie and Liam. Especially Charlie. So much love for Charlie.

Full review to come.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 629 reviews

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