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Franklin U #5

The Glow Up

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Chris Delaney

I've promised myself that this was going to be the year to finally buckle down. I'm a junior, and I’ve settled on a major. I've got focus and determination. The one thing I haven't figured out yet? How to deal with the massive crush I've been harboring on the guy in study carrel six.

I don’t know his name and some of my friends think it’s time for me to move on, but he has this whole sexy, broody, dark eyes and messy hair thing going for him. And yeah, he seems like he could be my polar opposite. The kind of unapproachable, serious type who doesn’t smile much, but I’d like to think he’s all rays of sunshine underneath his stormy expressions and disheveled demeanor. All that intense energy… I dig it.

I want to know him.

The rub?

I’ll have to find the courage to actually introduce myself.

Aiden Russo

The college experience is supposed to be parties, drinking, and fun with a few classes mixed in. It sounds pretty amazing, right? For me, it turned out to be endless lectures, avalanches of homework, and copious amounts of caffeine. The study carrel might as well be my dorm room. And that guitar under my bed? It's got two years of dust growing on it. But this is the life I have to lead if I’m ever going to help my dad.

Pre-med isn’t for the weak.

The problem? Loneliness holds me hostage.

If only I could find someone willing to break through my ever-present cloud bank, and remind me what it’s like to have fun again.

307 pages, Kindle Edition

First published September 22, 2022

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About the author

A.M. Johnson

35 books1,927 followers
A.M. Johnson lives in Utah with her family where she works as a full-time nurse. If she’s not at the hockey rink with her kiddos, you’ll find her buried in a book or behind the keyboard. She loves romance and all things passionate. Amanda enjoys exploring all genres and bringing life to the human experience.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 564 reviews
Profile Image for len ❀.
378 reviews4,202 followers
October 24, 2023
“And for the record,” I said, brushing my thumb over his lips. “My life… I started living it when I met you.”

You all were right.

And I have never been more grateful.

Let’s pretend I never said what I said in my review for The Dating Disaster where I said these college romances aren’t for me. We don’t know that Elena.

Past Elena would also never skip books in a series. Instead, she would force herself to read the previous books in it just to get to another one, so I think the fact that I decided to skip books 3 and 4 to get to this one simply because I kept seeing nothing but love and praise for it makes it even better. It was not disappointing in the least, and I regret nothing by deciding to leap.

This was one of the most realistic college romances I have read. A couple of facts go into that reasoning—no lack of communication, no unnecessary conflict, school work being relevant and part of the characters, young 20-year-olds doing usual 20-year-old stuff. I say this as the 22-year-old that I am who has never done 20-year-old standard college stuff (Frat parties? What’s that?). Every positive thing everyone else has said about this, I agree.

Let’s keep it short and get to the point.

“Aiden, you have to want this, want us, want your own life. The whole life is too short saying isn’t some overused platitude. It’s the fucking point.” His kiss was gentle, and I leaned into it, into him. “Live your life… and for the record, that’s all I’d ever want for you to do.”

The Glow Up is sweet. Soft, tender, and quite angelic, it is a journey of two young men who find and experience love for the first time. Even though our characters aren’t virgins, they act like awkward high school kids who have a crush on each other, and you bet I was kicking my feet back and forth at 2 am reading this. This author and I didn’t start on the right foot with Love Always, Wild, but my interest in her other books is still solidly there. However, hearing that The Glow Up is something you would expect from this author, I have hope.

One reason I know why this worked for me is because of the constant growth and development of the two young boys. I generally love the trope where one MC secretly crushes on the other MC who has no idea they exist. For example, Chris had a crush on Aiden after seeing him in his first year. This led to a secretive two-year crush, whereas Aiden started finding Chris attractive after meeting him. But, what begins as a sweet friendship (where one might want more from the other) slowly develops into a relationship of awkward love. Another component that felt so realistic and added to this growth was the constant hesitation and uncertainty on whether or not the person was experiencing love or if it was just a “college sweetheart” thing. This provides a strong perspective on how young people are constantly told they can’t and don’t know what love is because of their age, despite their mind, body, and literal soul telling them otherwise. I appreciated this because of its open-mindedness to the reader and the people around our two boys. It gives a cheerful and bright light to the doubt by showing how different people like Aiden and Chris deal with these intense emotions they are experiencing for the first time.

“It took me a second to get back on track, but not once did I ever stop trying to figure out a way to come back to you.”

Aiden and Chris’s relationship developed at a beautiful pace. They had an instant connection, but there were small boundaries that were respected by both. There was patience through a friendship that bloomed into something more substantial. A.M. Johnson not only tells but shows how the two grow together, and it’s easy to be captivated by the new life the two boys are giving each other. There are so many cute moments between the two that it’s hard not to fall for them and be invested in what they will do next. From awkward run-ins, new friendships, bonding over music, and small dates, a relationship full of new firsts waiting at the finish line. Even after confessing how they felt about each other, there was a lot of communication between the two on every occasion, not having any room for unnecessary conflicts, misunderstandings, and doubts. It was refreshing, showing a side of the romance genre I’ve wanted to see more often. It showed how these two young men offered a different sense of maturity in who they were, despite what they were being driven by, their young age, and how carefree they tended to be.

But, despite the lovely connection, I thought these two had, the book’s strength is in the characters themselves. I loved the communication they didn’t lack. This has got to be one of the first and only college romances where both characters talk to each other about anything and everything. Their vulnerability comes naturally to each other, being open to each other without worrying about judgment. Their connection was also natural, having a smooth flow and captivating the reader’s attention to draw them to their progression. There is a sense of comfort they give each other, and it slowly unfolds to show their trust, growing loyalty, and devotion.

I loved reading about the reality of their life. There’s no sugarcoating anything, especially college. It felt like it brought forth a different perception of academia in the U.S. It wasn’t anything terrible or opinionated; it just showed common themes of impostor syndrome, the pressure of grad school, deciding between majors, and realizing you don’t want to do what you’ve made yourself believe this whole time. Aiden’s struggle with med school, pressure, and making his dad proud was so honest and heartfelt. I wish I could hug him and tell him to stop thinking about others’ priorities and take care of his own first. I also loved Aiden’s gentle patience, understanding, and care from Chris and how he helped Aiden see a different side to his interests. The two complimented and balanced each other so well. It wasn’t a complete case of opposite attraction, but there were a lot of differences between the two in what they wanted for the future.

“Every day I’m grateful for pushy roommates and awkward massages.”
“And clumsy run-ins.”
“And The Head and the Heart.”
“And you...”
“And us…” he said, resting the tip of his nose to my temple, and I took a deep breath knowing my home was his too.

But, despite the entertaining content, adorable dates the two had, and beautiful relationship development, I have to say that sometimes it was difficult to realize who was who at certain times. Sometimes Aiden and Chris didn’t feel like different people, and I had trouble knowing whose perspective I was in, even if we knew their POV. Their voices weren’t wholly indistinguishable. This was a minor flaw, though, and I don’t think it’s something that everyone will struggle with. I just felt like I wasn’t reading two different points of view. I also wasn’t always a big fan of their friends. This is another “me” problem because it annoyed me how much their friends would make everything about sex. Sometimes it also felt like Chris and Aiden couldn’t tell their friends everything they wanted to, or maybe they regretted it. I know it was supposed to be funny, and they had supportive moments, but their immature and childish tendencies were still there.

Overall, this was still one of the sweetest, most wholesome books I’ve read. This is a good one if you’re looking for a college romance with low-angst.

In a crowded bar, in a sea of people, it would only be me and him. It was private, and like always, it was “Cleopatra.” It was peanut butter and grape jelly. It was two years on a rooftop. It was sex and skinny dipping. It was sun-warmed sheets and holding hands. It was endless studying and laughter. It was guitar strings and calloused fingertips. It was us.
Profile Image for Snjez.
874 reviews791 followers
September 29, 2022
4.5 stars

This was quite different from the other books in this series so far. It was more serious, but also incredibly sweet. I have a soft spot for stories like this one, where one character is pining after another, and I really liked how it was done here.

Chris and Aiden were super adorable. I loved how their relationship developed. No miscommunication here, thankfully. I also loved reading about characters who don't care about the 'wild side' of college life. Nothing against those who do, but this was refreshing.

The story felt a bit slower and more sappy towards the end, at least for me, but I think it was a really enjoyable read overall. I loved the writing, especially the natural and realistic dialogues.
Profile Image for moonlight ☾ [semi-hiatus].
683 reviews1,430 followers
September 29, 2022
SO CUTE!! 😭 this was so pure and lovely. i felt more attached to the mcs in this than i did for the ones in the first book of the series (for context, after not liking the book 1, i was hesitant to continue the series but i'm glad i ended up reading this one lol). although my heart broke for Aiden bc of the pressure he felt of wanting to help his dad by majoring in pre-med rather than making choices for himself, i loved how Chris was simply there for him. the romance itself was sweet and it balanced out the feels for me. <3

p.s. Ron and his 'friend'?? we better get a spin off standalone or something for them, please. 👀😩
Profile Image for Nark.
700 reviews1,515 followers
October 6, 2022
“my life… i started living it when i met you.”

✦ if you've read any of my reviews, you probably know i hate and/or dnf most contemporary, cutesy college romances that are so popular and overdone these days. and yes, i know it's my own fault for giving them any attention in the first place lmao. i am the queen of self sabotage. however, this book was a pretty pleasant read overall. while it was that typical, mostly forgettable, cute and fluffy college romance, it also felt quite realistic and genuine overall.

✦ i particularly liked how honest, supportive and understanding the mcs were of each other. they had no unnecessary drama between them, and they were not afraid to communicate and be vulnerable with each other.

✦ this also had lots of sweet moments. the mcs were so clumsy and awkward at the beginning of their relationship, so it was just absolutely adorable experiencing all of their first shy interactions. their mutual crushes on each other were so wholesome.

✦ i admit i did skim a little towards the end, because there's only so much fluffy low angst romance i can handle, but still, i enjoyed this for what it was overall, and i'm still giving it a solid 3 stars. if you like reading about healthy and sweet relationships, you're probably gonna eat this book up.
Profile Image for ellie.
335 reviews3,197 followers
September 29, 2022
A. M. Johnson’s soft romances will always be superior. she writes the achingly beautiful and brutal romances so well😭
I drew stars on his hips so I could wish for him to stay.

the story is still engaging despite its simplicity and i think it’s because both Aiden and Chris are so endearing and fleshed out. she really focuses on the depth and nuances of both characters and it really paid off. their bond was so wonderfully soft and sweet, and my favourite part was watching them grow together as people and as a couple... it was all-around just soft gooey feelings.

the whole book had both a painful and emotional undercurrent to it, that despite it being very low-angst, there were still moments that were gut-wrenching and made me heart hurt. i didn’t expect to want to cry quite like i did. especially for Aiden, i loved him sm, my lil broody science guy.

my hope for this series has been reignited. so everyone say thank you to A. M. Johnson.

We both pushed our way toward each other, each step a heavy heartbeat, each second too long, until the first hot tear hit my cheek, and strong arms gathered around my waist, under my guitar bag, and he was mine again.
Profile Image for Cyndi.
692 reviews41 followers
September 15, 2022
4.5 stars - Look at me, skipping ahead in this series! I don't even recognize myself in the mirror anymore. Next thing you know, I'll be DNFing bad books (yeah right). In all seriousness, I couldn't pass up the chance at an A.M. Johnson ARC. I loved the For Him series and thought Let There Be Light was a masterpiece, so requesting this book early (and acting against all of my Type A tendencies) was a no brainer for me. It helps that these books legitimately stand alone.

This book had a very different vibe than the first three in the series. There was a softness to it. It didn't have that frat party, drunken night at Shenanigans frenetic energy that the others had and I liked that shift. It was mellow and flowed at a very natural and comfortable pace. It put me at ease after reading a much heavier story, so timing might have played into how much I enjoyed it, but mostly I just really liked Aiden and Chris. From the second they started hanging out together, there was a tenderness between them that made me all gooey inside. Even through the typical fears and uncertainties of a new relationship, they felt sturdy. At one point I realized that I wasn't waiting for the bottom to fall out and that was a nice feeling.

I also really liked the side characters. Aiden's roommate, Drew, and his flavored condoms cracked me up. Chris' best friend, Tommy, gave advice that was somehow both good and bad at the same time. And I adored Chris' moms, though their holistic farm life and dry turkey reminded me of a disconcerting episode of Atlanta. Once that memory was in my head, I couldn't get it out.

If you're looking for angst or misunderstandings or characters who don't know how to communicate, you won't find that here. This was just a sweet and sexy book about two supportive and honest young men falling in love and I thought it was a great addition to this fun series.

*I received a copy of this book from Gay Romance Reviews and this is my honest review.
Profile Image for Meags.
2,318 reviews590 followers
October 6, 2022
5 Stars

Another day, another 5-star M/M romance by the remarkably talented A.M. Johnson.

Don’t let the new adult, college themes deter you—this is a beautiful love story on every conceivable level. Yes, the MCs are young, but their sweetness and their vulnerabilities make every moment they spend together a heart-melting delight to read.

There’s just something in the way Johnson writes a story. She always manages an effortless emotional depth to her plot, her characters and their relationships, that not all authors manage to reach. I see her name attached to an upcoming book and get truly excited, because I know, regardless of the themes and tropes, I’m likely in for another incredibly written story.

Here, the plot is straightforward, the angst lite, the relationship drama basically non-existent—which I actually loved. But the way these two characters, Chris and Aiden, felt about life, their futures, their parents, and especially each other, provoked the kind of emotional reactions from me that few romances elicit. My heart was full and happy, as these two lovely souls found companionship, passion and love together.

Although part of the larger Franklin U, multi author series, The Glow Up can easily be read as a standalone and instantly takes first place as my favourite of the bunch (so far). I absolutely adored Chris and Aiden's story.

Profile Image for NicoleR.M.M..
606 reviews142 followers
October 12, 2022
4,5 stars. This book left me feeling all warm and swoony. It was exactly what I needed without realizing I did.

This was so sweet, so honest and it had such a mature feeling to it. A real genuine sweetness that warmed up all my insides, all those feelings I had been missing with the previous book I read in this series. If I had been a bit reluctant to get into this after the deception of that other book, it was completely unnecessary. And I should have known better too. Because this is A.M. Johnson, and she has never let me down. She's one of those authors who is capable of lifting a plain, basic story to a higher level with her poetic writing, her excellent character development and her wonderful, real life dialogues.

From the first pages in this book I was smitten. Smoothly paced, the author tells us the endearing story of Chris and Aiden, both of them studying at Franklin U, but their paths never really crossed. One time however was enough for Chris to develop a 2 year long crush on Aiden. When they meet again, it's the cutest thing - Chris finally has the chance to gets his hands on the guy he's been pining after...literally. From that moment on these guys it's such a delight to watch them grow together, to see how they slowly fall for each other. They bond over music, over their mutual attraction, the 'no expectations' flirtations and their first kisses that lead to more. There was a special feeling about their friendship and developing relationship and I loved every minute I spend with them. And even though this was a low angst story, sure there is some drama. Aiden didn't always have an easy life, and it's one of the reasons he's afraid to take life as it comes - he's pressuring himself into doing things he's not even sure he wants, he feels responsibilities he shouldn't and he doesn't have a clue how his future should look like. Deep down he knows his choices aren't the right ones, and I loved how Chris was there for him, just trying to help Aiden see other options without pressuring. He gave Aiden all the space and time he needed to figure things out. It was one of the reasons I loved his laid back personality, even though it sometimes meant he forgot to take what he needed for himself. One of the things I appreciated most about this story was that these guys talked! They had honest and real conversations, hardly leaving any room for misunderstandings or an unnecessary break up at 80% just for the drama. Of course they struggled, of course there were things they needed to overcome, but for the most part, they did it together, and I really loved seeing that, as it is a rare thing in mm romances. Again, I should have known I could count on A.M. Johnson for this. She really turned this story into much more than you might expect from a series about a couple of students. It was next level storytelling and I already look forward to her next project! Oh, and that epilogue!! That left me with so many fuzzy, warm feelings! Definitely swoon worthy and the perfect ending to Chris and Aiden's story.
September 30, 2022
The Glow Up is romantic, sexy, swoony, with a cherry on top kind of epilogue.

It's impossible not to love Chris and Aiden, who are mature, caring, and honest with their feelings.

The way Chris crushed on Aiden, and their first meeting on the massage table ... I was grinning like a fool.

I really enjoy A.M. Johnson's evocative, dialogue-driven writing style.

My one criticism is that the last couple chapters, when Aiden abruptly left to help his dad, felt frantic and were in sharp juxtaposition to the previous languid pace.
Profile Image for ivy.
583 reviews317 followers
September 17, 2022
This book felt like sunshine. Johnson has a way of writing that captures the characters every mannerism so clearly and it’s one of my personal favorite things. see highlights after release date

Christopher Delaney - hippie type, mellow guy. Hazel eyes and lopsided grin. Chris’s cool/calm boy vibe kept the entire book feeling like his mellow/cool personality.
Aiden Russo - broody, super studious loner musician and his crooked grins. *sigh*

These two were just so honest and so like-able. Two years of one-sided pining for someone who doesn’t even know you exist finally coming out to play?! So good.

NO angst
Two guys meeting and being super cute together
Tooth achingly sweet/sappy but I didn’t mind it

Great edition/addition(?) to the FU series universe!

ARC received by Gay Romance Reviews
Profile Image for Lau (semi-hiatus) ♡.
442 reviews463 followers
October 17, 2022
What would you do if your two-year crush, who doesn’t even know of your existence, comes asking for a free massage? And what would you do if things don’t go exactly as planned and he runs away in the middle of the session, cheeks blushed and ready to forget the whole experience?

Chris has run out of excuses for not talking to hot, broody, science guy. At this point, he’s afraid there is no way he’s going to be so dreamy on the inside as he’s on his sweet fantasies and has settled to keep watching him from afar.

Seeing him every day made me smile. It reminded me it was okay to indulge in daydreams and hope. () Hope that next time, he’d look up from his textbook, finally see me, and maybe want to know me too.

But when destiny makes their paths collide, he can’t let the opportunity pass. He only hopes Aiden won’t run away. Again.

I’ve just read Let There Be Light by the author to prepare myself for this book, so I knew I was up for an emotional ride. Although it wasn’t as lyric as the former, it was still deeper than the other books in Franklin U.

To be honest, reading this was bittersweet and Let There Be Light is the only one to blame. That book was like reading poetry: it made every scene and character come to life. The Glow Up was a bridge between the ‘typical’ college romances and the author’s emotional writing in LTBL, so I was left a bit disappointed. Damn expectations, I wish you didn’t exist.

I liked how easy it was to talk to him, to be myself again. I’d been drifting in this river rapid that was my life after everything imploded in high school, and for the first time in forever, it seemed as though my feet had a chance at catching the ground again.

Both Aiden and Chris took their time to experience every second of their relationship, treating it from the beginning as something too important to rush. They fall in love like in the old movies, where holding hands for the first time was a life-changing event that deserved to be cherished. A.M.Johnson’s heroes don’t have sex, they make love. This might sound cheesy, but it compensates all the real life struggles Aiden is dealing with.

“My life…I started living when I met you.”

The only real critique I have is that their POVs were a bit too similar, especially towards the end. I kept having to go back to find out which character was the one talking.

PS: I still can’t believe they positioned the most lyric love story of the series after Never Wilde erotica 😆

Franklin U series:

1. Playing Games: 3.75 stars
2. The Dating Disaster: 3 stars
3. Mr. Romance: 2.5 stars
4. Bet You: 3.5 stars
5. The Glow Up: 3 stars
6. Learning Curve: 3.75 stars
7. Making Waves: maybe someday i'll close my eyes and give you a try
8. Football Royalty: dnf 89%
Profile Image for Madigan Likes to Read.
1,177 reviews96 followers
January 21, 2024
The Glow Up is everything I could ever want in a college romance.

I usually shy away from college romance. It may be an exaggeration, but it feels like college romance is teeming with the seemingly dumb jock and/or the painfully awkward nerd. And I'm tired.

My favorite thing about The Glow Up is that these are two regular college age dudes living their lives. And while this book is not at all reflective of my own college experience, I found these guys relatable and more like the people my friends and I were when we were in college.

This book is not 100% fluff, and I loved that. Even when I'm looking for a light read, I need a little angst to enjoy the book. I loved here that even though this book touches on heavy topics - Aiden's loneliness, his struggle to care for his depressed dad, and more - all that angst is external to the relationship. Instead of creating obstacles for the relationship to overcome, this book is about Aiden finding his glow and Chris supporting him along the way.

But what about the ending? At my age (kinda old!), it's almost impossible to think two 21yos could stay together forever, but this author made me believe Chris and Aiden could last a lifetime. And how? That epilogue! So many epilogues take place just a few months later. Here the author gives us an epilogue seven years later! We get insight into the life these two build together and it is chef's kiss.

I received an ARC from Gay Romance Reviews in exchange for a review. All opinions are my own.
October 16, 2022
3*** stars

Sadly this didn’t work for me very well. I guess it was because of all the school stuff. The workload Aiden had to power through to pass his classes and keep his scholar ship almost gave me anxieties too.

As reading is some kind of excapism for me I don’t wanna read about kids working themselves into the ground for their future. Especially with Aiden here who brought all this pressure on himself for a goal he didn’t even burn for to achieve. This is not a college experience I wanna root for or read about.

With the rest of it I was pretty bored. Maybe it was my mood or maybe I wasn’t just digging it. I skimmed a lot a few times.

The romance was sweet tho and I loved seeing them make music together. I appreciated Chris’ efforts to Glow Up Aiden and his life again and I’m glad it worked out for both of them in the end.

Franklin U series:

Book #1 - Playing Games - 4.25 stars
Book #3 - Mr. Romance - 3.25 stars
Book #5 - The Glow Up - 3 stars
Profile Image for Kaity.
1,651 reviews20 followers
August 15, 2023
Reread/Relisten: August 2023

Because after reading “Learning Curve” I wanted read another Franklin U couple haha and these so are too cute together! Maybe I’ll keep on the roll of rereading books of this series haha Felix and Marshall was in this one.. so maybe I’ll pick up their book! Haha

4-4.5 stars: October 2022

This vacation I am on is hindering my reading lol but this book, I was hooked from page one. I think I tried to start another AM Johnson book a while back and didn’t get in to it.. might have to change that. There wasn’t unnecessary drama from either main character and they communicated which was amazing.

The narration with Teddy Hamilton and Michael Crouch was great. The only complaint is they didn’t really make either main characters voice distinct so it was some times confusing on who was talking, but other than that, I enjoyed the narration!

This definitely won’t be my last AM Johnson book! Can’t wait for the other books to go on audio, while this series has been hit or miss for me, I have had more hits than misses, and the narrators are amazing soo that makes up for it.
Profile Image for Maisha  Farzana .
618 reviews402 followers
September 25, 2022
It was more emotional and heavier than the previous books in the series. That's good cause I like sappy...

I love rom-coms. But I love it more when a good book makes me cry or forces me to feel all kind of emotions. "The Glow Up" did both. It was my first book from this author. I know A.M. Johnson is a well loved author in the mm romance genre. But I never picked up anything by her, until "The Glow Up". And man! She didn't disappoint. This book was lot more mature and  intense than I was expecting from a college romance. It felt so tender and heart warming from the very first chapter. The characters had depth and distinct personalities. Aiden and Chris were so lovable. I loved how they always communicated. Their chemistry was amazing. I loved the romance. It really did feel like "true love", hopefully you got what I was trying to say..In all, I really enjoyed every moment of reading it. Loved this book. Highly recommended. You should read this particular instalment even if you don't like the previous books in the series.
Profile Image for Papie.
779 reviews167 followers
December 27, 2022
I loved the first half of this book. It was romantic and sweet. Aiden and Chris were adorable. The second half was a little boring. Not much happens. There is a twist of unnecessary drama near the end. And it’s ridiculously sappy. These are 22yo boys, how are their cheeks constantly wet with tears?

On the other hand, I am so thankful that this managed to avoid all the dudebro stupidities and pranks we often see in MM college romances.
Profile Image for Jamie.
630 reviews107 followers
September 23, 2022
I absolutely loved this book! I loved seeing a book set in a college where the characters didn't act like stereotypical immature college bros and they both communicated so well and were so open with their emotions. I loved both Chris and Aiden so much. I wasn't expecting to get teary over a Franklin U book, but this one was really everything.

I've never read anything from this author before but now I want to binge everything she has written!
Profile Image for Rosabel.
723 reviews238 followers
September 27, 2022
This is such a pure book, I don't know how A.M. Johnson did this, but now I need more of this writer's books! 🤩🤯🤩🤯

I don't like a lot of tropes that worked for me here, I just feel that this was so brilliantly done that I couldn't care less! This was sweet but kept it real, this was touching without being overbearing, this was fun without being too much.

This didn't had a miscommunication trope at the end, but we encounter a real problem with a very mature solution. This had the boys getting together early but GOD I LOVED IT!

They gave each other piece by piece, they got to love each other slowly, so it was a delicious slow/fast burn. I fucking don't know, but it was amazing!

Read it.
Profile Image for alyssa.
959 reviews195 followers
January 4, 2023

work this past week has me ready to call it a day….for the rest of my working life (letmeretireearlypls), but this was exactly what the doctor ordered. aside from a handful of side characters that took extra time to get a handle on, i loved every second of this. the pair's soft interactions proved to be the warm, firm hug that the romantic in me desperately needed 🥺

the audiobook made the experience even better. i went in thinking this was my first time listening to Michael Crouch, but after stewing over it for a while, i recognized his voice from They Both Die at the End! like reconnecting with an old friend. and well, i've professed my love for Teddy Hamilton's narration numerous times already, so i'll save y'all the spiel 😆

Thank you to GRR and the publisher for providing a complimentary audio copy of this book. This is my honest review.
Profile Image for L Ann.
623 reviews137 followers
November 1, 2022
God, Chris was such a sweetheart. His crush on Aiden was freaking adorable and I loved seeing their relationship flourish. This was a great addition to the Franklin U series. 3 stars
Profile Image for cal ♡.
632 reviews251 followers
October 30, 2022
In a crowded bar, it would only be me and him. It was peanut butter and grape jelly. It was two years on a rooftop. It was sex and skinny dipping. It was sun-warmed sheets and holding hands. It was endless studying and laughter. It was guitar strings and calloused fingertips. It was us.

★ college romances usually give me the meh vibes but this one hit different.
★ ultra mega swoony shit. just all the feels.
★ great characters, from aiden and chris, to their best friends, drew and tommy.
★ the drama delivered.
★ i kinda teared up??? what the hell.
★ i feel like i enjoyed the first half a bit more.
★ great great writing! the whole book is def wordy but it will grip you.
★ the vibe is if netflix choose to adapt this book to a movie i know it will blow up/
Profile Image for Vanna (on-hiatus).
712 reviews85 followers
November 5, 2022
5 Stars!! 🤩 This is my absolute favorite among all the books I have read in the series so far.. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️It was pure perfection; the MCs, the story, the natural and organic way the relationship builds between Chris and Aiden.. and OMG the steam!!! 🔥🔥 . The intimate scenes between the two were flaming 🔥HOT!!🔥 (I was reading this on a long flight and had to keep checking my periphery to make sure no one saw what I was reading.. 😝)
Overall the book was very sweet and romantic; low on the angst but had some heaviness in the subject -matter. That's what I liked about it too, that it wasn't all frat-boy-party-trope it had some themes around coming of age and adulting which I enjoyed. I don't want to give out anything by saying too much.. but I will highly recommend this book to everyone, irrespective of whether you're a fan of the series.. it reads like a standalone.. and you will love it!! 👍 👍 I will have to check out more books by this author 😍
Profile Image for Lilly [Hiatus due to School] .
938 reviews356 followers
October 8, 2022
This was such a sweet and tender college love story. The Glow Up was everything I expected and more. I absolutely adored Aiden and Chris so much. Chris had a secret crush on Aiden for two years before a chance (embarrassing) encounter happened in which Aiden finally ended up in Chris's orbit. I do not read a lot of college-set romances, but this one felt so mature while still having that youthfulness to it. Especially as Aiden is trying to find his footing and his identity, he comes from a troubled background in which a divorce led to his father into alcohol abuse and depression, and he was left to shouldering a burden so heavy for a long time. However, with Chris by his side, showing him boundless support and love, he was able to find himself and choose his own path in life.

The romance was so tender, so sweet. I think it was perfectly paced as well. It may seem fast, but I sometimes believe when you know, you know, and this is an example of it. The side characters were wonderful as well, both Tommy and Drew!

This was my first book in the Franklin U series, and I am now super intrigued. I will definitely be checking out the other books in the series. I am now tempted to start from book one and not read another one in the middle!

One side note - I loved Chris's parents. They are so loving and supportive. The type of parents every child deserves and needs.

Overall I adored The Glow Up and can't recommend it enough. This is my first read from A.M. Johnson, and I am excited to read their other works.
Profile Image for martina (chaos version).
602 reviews285 followers
October 30, 2022
2.5 stars

this started out really well, i was sensing an emotional journey and i was definitely there for it.
but then it became plain and kind of boring honestly. the middle part of the book gave me absolutely nothing.
the ending tried to make up for it because it was well done and we got emotional again, it was really the best part of this book, but i just can’t forget the boring part.

the MCs are supposed to be very different, but you can’t really tell. a few times i had to check the POV because they were so similar.
chris has a crush on aiden and likes to play the guitar, but his personality ends there.
aiden is done better and he was more deep, but still, he could have used some work.

the glow up thing doesn’t have any sense honestly. the book is supposed to revolve around it, hell, it’s the title, but it’s thrown in there randomly without really a reason and then they mention it a couple of times, but that’s it. i didn’t like how it was done at all.

this book had some very beautiful deep sentences but they were very random and they completely disappeared in the middle part of the book, which left me disappointed. they reappeared at the end but it just wasn’t enough. you can’t rely on a few sentences when the rest of the book could have used so much work.
Profile Image for Ash &#x1f349;.
564 reviews117 followers
September 24, 2022
Finally a winner in this series! I enjoyed this right from the very start, everything felt so tender and the immediate pining set the mood perfectly. Chris and Aiden were so good with communicating, which was refreshing after some of previous FU books. I honestly don’t think I have a bad thing to say about this. It’s the perfect read if you want something tender and soft with no angst but also not overly fluffy or sweet either, just a perfect middleground.
Profile Image for Dani.
944 reviews107 followers
September 22, 2022
Aiden and Chris made my heart so happy! This was so sweet, and way more mature than I was expecting, especially in this series. Loved it 🥰
Profile Image for Grace.
3,029 reviews182 followers
September 26, 2022
This was one of the better books in what has so far been a shockingly lackluster series, but it still felt a little flat for me. Maybe because it feels like every book in this series has one of the MCs struggling with their major/career choice and it's feeling repetitive. Maybe because the occasional lapse into more poetic writing felt entirely at odds with this pairing and this book. Maybe because the smut also felt a bit boring and repetitive to me. *shrugs* I did enjoy it overall, but while I thought the writing was solid, my attention was barely held--it could just be that college-aged books aren't really doing it for me these days
Displaying 1 - 30 of 564 reviews

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