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Franklin U #6

Learning Curve

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Cobey Green
There I was, moving into the dorms at Franklin U, and not into the shared party house I’d lived in my freshman year. Last year had been all about football and parties, not schoolwork. Which was why my grades tanked, and why I was one failed class away from being kicked off the team.
Why I needed to live on campus, and find myself a tutor.
Funny that my new roommate just happened to be a tutor. Funny that he was oblivious to how hot he is. For a smart guy, he was pretty clueless. Maybe I could tutor him in how to be more outgoing in exchange for help with calculus? I could teach him how to talk to people, how to make new friends. Hell, maybe I could even help him punch his V card.
Actually, now that I thought about it... that was a really good idea.

Vincent Brandt
And there I was, happy to be back at college, happy to be where I was most comfortable. Happy to be starting another school year, happy to start tutoring again so I could earn some money.
And yes, there I was, equal parts excited and dreading to see who my new roommate would be... Until Cobey Green’s smiling face appeared at the door. A huge football player, loved by everyone, gorgeous, rich, and out of the closet.
Everything I was not.
It didn’t help that he was genuinely a really nice guy. It didn’t help that I could make him laugh, and we could talk so easily, and it certainly didn’t help that we started having private tutorials which ended up way more private than I’d ever dared imagine.
I’d ranked top of my class in every subject since the first grade yet there I was falling stupidly in love with him.

This was going to be a hell of a year. And one very steep learning curve for both of us.

246 pages, Kindle Edition

First published September 29, 2022

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About the author

N.R. Walker

112 books4,834 followers
Author also writes as A. Voyeur

N.R. Walker is an Australian author, who loves her genre of gay romance. She loves writing and spends far too much time doing it, but wouldn't have it any other way.

She is many things; a mother, a wife, a sister, a writer. She has pretty, pretty boys who she gives them life with words.

She likes it when they do dirty, dirty things...but likes it even more when they fall in love. She used to think having people in her head talking to her was weird, until one day she happened across other writers who told her it was normal.

She’s been writing ever since...


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 650 reviews
Profile Image for Snjez.
874 reviews791 followers
August 20, 2023
Sadly, this one didn't work for me.

I struggled a bit with the first half of the story, because I'm not a fan of the tutoring trope in a romance. I hoped it would get better later on, but there wasn't much of a storyline here. There were also too many s*x scenes for my liking, and I found most of them cringey.

Cobey's character felt too perfect to be realistic, and I feel we got to know him only on surface level. He is great at sports, sociable and nice to everyone. Throughout the whole book he is well-loved by everyone, so the fact that some people call him stupid behind his back, which we find out towards the end, came a bit out of nowhere.

Vincent's character didn't really click with me. I felt sorry for him when I found out about his family, but that's it. He is too damsel-y for me, he blushes a lot and I found him contradictory at times.

Their romance didn't work for me. They meet, find each other attractive, start avoiding each other and then suddenly agree on this tutoring thing. There were some things they did or said that didn't make sense. No idea why they fell in love so quickly.

Some things annoyed me. Like Vincent and Cobey needing their friends to help them realize how they feel about each other. Or everyone cheering whenever they hug or kiss in public. Or their photos appearing on social media, like Cobey is some kind of celebrity.

And Gavin. No idea what his purpose in this story was, except to cause some unnecessary "drama" towards the end. Also Jayda. I guess she was here to tell us it's ok to be yourself and not what other people expect you to be, and so Vincent could make friends with her. 🤷‍♀️
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Imme van Gorp.
722 reviews1,120 followers
June 25, 2024
|| 3.0 stars ||

This book was sweet yet cheesy. Everything between the two main characters went easily and smoothly, and their entire dynamic was light and simple. There was absolutely no angst or drama, which unfortunately meant it was all quite uneventful.

I have to say that this whole thing could sometimes be a little too sugary for me, especially the constant checking in about consent and stuff. It felt slightly unnatural, but I suppose the idea behind it was nice at least.

Corey and Vincent were likable characters but I can’t say I truly felt a connection to them.
Corey was honestly kind of bland and did not have much of a distinct personality; he even came across as a bit unrealistic to me personally, but I can also see why some people would swoon over his incredibly kind and patient disposition.
Vincent, on the other hand, did have more depth to him, especially when it came to his insecurities and childhood, but I can also see why some people might like him a little less due to him being socially inept.

The relationship itself was cute, but wasn’t developed enough for me to really love it. Nonetheless, I genuinely liked how both of them would build each other up with a constant string of support and kindness. It was a very healthy and loving relationship, but I just wish there had been a little more development between them.

All in all, I thought this was a pleasant read with a fluffy relationship and sweet characters; it wasn’t anything mind-blowing, but it was nice.

'Franklin U' series:
1. Playing Games - 4.0 stars
2. The Dating Disaster - 3.5 stars
3. Mr. Romance - 3.0 stars
4. Bet You - 2.0 stars
6. Learning Curve - 3.0 stars
Profile Image for Meags.
2,318 reviews590 followers
October 9, 2022
5 Stars

I had the goofiest smile on my face for pretty much the entirety of this reading experience. In that way, N.R. Walker makes it so damn easy to dish out the best ratings for her always fantastic stories and book couples.

I love a college setting. I love an opposites-attract paring. I love a virgin MC. And, most of all, I love an experienced, proudly bi jock who adores his nerd with heart-eyes and a tenderness that makes a reader swoon while already comfortably seated.

Vincent and Cobey were totes adorbs. I can’t even get into it—honestly, I’m way too invested and feeling way too gushy over these two and the pure, passionate and so damn lovely way their relationship unfolded.

I loved this couple, obviously, but I also loved all the secondary cast, which made the story feel fuller and more rounded. I mean, Cobey’s parents!? These two are parent goals, I tell you. And the scene where shy, anti-social Vincent makes his first real friend is Jayda!? I loved it so hard, I can't even!

So, yeah, BIG WIN for me. Will be putting this immediately on my favourites shelves and will likely be reading again soon for the awesome vibes!
October 4, 2022
Learning Curve might be my favorite in the series thus far.

The opposites-attract theme is strong with this one:

Cobey is a star football player; Vincent is a math genius.

Cobey is from a well-off family with supportive parents; Vincent raised himself, spending his formative years cacooning in the library.

Cobey is outgoing and charming; Vincent is an introvert with massive social anxiety.

At the tender age of 19, Cobey has been with partners of all genders and is unabashedly queer, while Vincent is a closeted virgin.

After the awkward getting-to-know- yous, Cobey has a great idea: He'll help Vincent come out of his shell, make new friends, maybe even get his V card stamped. In turn, Vincent will help Cobey pass calculus.

Walker doesn't always deliver the heat, but she sure does in this story. Cobey helps Vincent explore all his sexy firsts.

The two epilogues, one in the format of a newspaper article, were deeply satisfying.
Profile Image for Maisha  Farzana .
618 reviews402 followers
December 15, 2022
Cute! So freaking cute and wholesome. "Learning Curve", undoubtedly, is the best college romance I've read in a *very* long while. If I'm being honest, it's one of the only two college romances I've ever rated 5 stars. So, you can probably imagine how amazing it was. N.R. Walker is a genius. And she proves it once again.(not that I needed more proof but still....)

"Learning Curve" by N.R. Walker is the sixth standalone book in the "Franklin U" multi-author series. It's jockXnerd, roomates to friends to lovers romance with a great bi sexual rep, weightlifting metaphors and lots of first times. It wasn't as steamy as the previous books of the series. But NR Walker's books always tend to be more romantic than sexy. Of course you will receive no complaints from me. I love a healthy relationship; a sweet & fluffy romance. Told you I'm a hopeless romantic, remember? I love sappy.

I really liked the characters in this book. Cobey and Vincent were both very lovable. They were perfect for each other. I loved their chemistry, their cute banter and how they never denied their feelings. There wasn't any drama. I would've liked a little drama. But that's fine. Most of all, this book just made me so happy. The whole time I was reading this book, I had a huge smile plastered on my face....highly recommended

It was more like a 4 stars read. I am gonna smash the 5 stars button anyway. Just because I want to...
Profile Image for Dani.
944 reviews107 followers
September 29, 2022
Absolutely loved this one! Definitely more mature again and it proves there's no need for unnecessary drama in a romance.
Profile Image for ivy.
583 reviews317 followers
September 30, 2022
DNF - I don’t enjoy the “I’m a nerd so I get a pass for being a jerk to people and having petty thoughts about others” character.
Profile Image for Lau (semi-hiatus) ♡.
442 reviews463 followers
October 17, 2022
Rooming wasn’t supposed to be this good.

Cobey Green is everything Vincent is not: popular, charming and out of the closet. Their worlds weren’t supposed to meet, but when fate places them in the same room, they’ll realize they aren't as incompatible as they thought…

Vincent doesn’t really like people. He can count his friends with one finger, and it’s a stretch. He’s not good at social interaction, crowds and loud music, and he’s too busy studying and tutoring to even try. He’s never kissed anyone, hell, not even held hands. Nobody knows he’s gay… until he blurts it out to his new roommate.

His very dreamy new roommate.

Holy shit, Vincent was so fucking adorable. And hot. How could someone be adorable and hot at the same time? Like that didn’t make sense.

After last year’s disaster, Cobey needs to focus on studying and get a tutor if he wants to keep playing football. He didn’t expect his roommate to be so cute, much less a genius used to teach less-brilliant students like him how numbers work. And he definitely didn’t expect being able to teach him something in exchange…

”Whatcha reading?”
() “Oh, this is partial differential equations,” he shrugged. “Thought I better check I was on the right track for one of my premed sessions.” ()
“You are reading that for fun?”
He almost smiled. “I’d rather do this than jogging for fun.”

N.R.Walker always manages to write round characters that feel like they could come out of the book and talk to you, and this time wasn’t different. I loved how Vincent and Cobey admired the other, oblivious to their own talents. Vincent can’t believe someone as nice as Cobey, someone everyone knows and loves, is interested in speaking with him. Cobey can’t understand why someone as bright as Vincent is giving him part of his precious time.

They started helping each other, Vincent teaching Cobey calculus and Cobey teaching him how to talk to people in order to help him get a boyfriend-although it didn’t go exactly as planned. Nerdy heroes are my Achilles heel and Vincent was completely adorable; the kind of character who stutters and blurts out the truth without meaning too, blushing as soon as he hears himself. Cobey loved him as much as I did and made him get out of their room to eat and have his daily dose of human interaction, showing Vincent he was worth getting to know.

“You are more excited about this than me.”
“Yes, because I get to be the tutor. I’ve never been the smart one before.”

I didn’t expect anything less from NRW, but I LOVED them together. They were so charming and cute and sexy! Cobey was so beautiful, always making sure to do the right thing, getting nervous asking Vincent things he had never had problems asking before, freaking out if he thought Vincent might have misunderstood him…

“You’re one of the good ones, Cobey.”
“If I’m one of the good ones, then why do I feel like shit?”
“You feel like shit because you are one of the good ones.”

Although I would have been fine without Nate’s help and the public in some of their most important steps on their relationship, my only real problem was how Vincent's lack of self-esteem was addressed, more precisely, how it wasn’t. Since the beginning, Vincent doesn’t feel worthy of Cobey’s attention, there were several moments where he thinks Cobey’s ashamed of being friends with him, or that he’s ‘out of his league’ and he only pities him. Although Cobey, very angrily, tells him how wrong he is, you can’t really make someone who feels so unworthy of love change his mind just for hearing it from someone else. I’m a bit picky about this but for me, the character is the one who has to come out to terms with their own worth, and that’s a slow process that I didn’t see here.

I knew the reason he assumed I was embarrassed to be seen with him had nothing to do with me, and everything to do with how he was himself. Which was obviously with his eyes closer. Because he was a complete package.

I don’t know how NRW maintains the high quality of her books-I have yet to find a book by her I didn’t enjoy-, but Learning Curve is another win: likable characters, sweet dynamics and always-on-point pace. Truly recommend to anyone looking for a light college romance, with the perfect amount of smut, fun and deeper conversations to make the MC feel like real human beings.

PS: I loved the newspaper.

Franklin U series:

1. Playing Games: 3.75 stars
2. The Dating Disaster: 3 stars
3. Mr. Romance: 2.5 stars
4. Bet You: 3.5 stars
5. The Glow Up: 3 stars
6. Learning Curve: 3.75 stars
7. Making Waves: maybe someday i'll close my eyes and give you a try
8. Football Royalty: dnf 89%
Profile Image for Jamie.
630 reviews107 followers
September 30, 2022
I loved this book! Loved both Cobey & Vincent. This book was sweet, light, & very low angst. It had a more mature vibe similar to The Glow Up. I know we all have days where all we want is a short, fluffy, sweet, low-angst, low-drama book and I would say this book is perfect for those days.
Profile Image for martina (chaos version).
602 reviews285 followers
December 12, 2022
5 stars that surprise no one.
i’m a slut for virgin nerd/out jock and it was done wonderfully here. i have nothing to add because this is just my very biased opinion. if you want a neutral review you should really read someone else’s.
but if you love this trope like me, then go for it.
Profile Image for aleksandra.
638 reviews2,869 followers
October 30, 2023

I can’t read book series like a normal person so I started from the fifth book because the tropes seemed the most interesting for me. I’m a sucker for a jock x nerd romances, and after reading The Weight Of It All and Galaxies and Oceans by N.R. Walker, which I both adore, I decided to start with this one. Sadly, I end up being disappointed by this book.

The beginning was really promising and I even thought I would give it 3-4 stars, but then the book just went downhill. It was boring, nothing interesting happened here, all they did was make out in the room, go to the dining hall to talk and sometimes Vincent went to Coby's game.

If the romance was at least more slow-burnish, the book would probably be more enjoyable, but they were lusting after each other from the beginning and their relationship started too fast. I don’t know why they even fall in love in each other honestly. For maybe two days, Cobey was supposed to teach Vinn how to be more social and help him to be more confident in relationships stuff, but after that he decided that he wants to be the one doing kissing and that’s probably it. It meaning they were basically together, in around thirty percent of the book.

“Your love is a gift I will never take for granted. Ever. And the feelings I have for you, that you make me feel, mean a lot to me. To have that in my life. To experience that. It’s because of you.”

Don't make me start with their maturity, they couldn't even communicate properly, and if it wasn't for Nate, their relationship probably wouldn't exist. Nate was like a good fairy for Cobey, he always helped him figure out the situation he is in when it comes to his relationship with Vincent.

Vincent’s character, even though I thought I will like him, made me mad sometimes. I know his situation with his father, or rather lack of her, and his past how he basically has to grow up alone, but his assumptions that everyone is bad and when he couldn’t believe why Cobey wants to be with him, made me sad and at the same time I wanted to go inside the book and shake him from my frustration.

Vincent was too perfect to be true, he was extremely handsome, rich, was the best football player, everyone liked him and his parents were perfect. He had problem with grades, but he was focused on football, so that was the reason why. The drama at the end where some people called him stupid was forced for me, simply to give him some bad trait.

The book has some cute moments, my favorite one were when Vincent was wearing Cobey’s hoodie with his number, or that Cobey was gentle and understanding with Vincent’s situation, which should be the bare minimum but whatever.

My rating might be partly so low, because I don’t like college romance as much as I liked in the past. I will probably give a try and read the rest of the series, or at least some of them.
Profile Image for D.L. Howe.
Author 23 books558 followers
September 30, 2022

Could this book be any cuter?!

Cobey has to move into the dorms his sophomore year because he needs to focus on his academics more if he wants to stay on the football team. His new roommate, Vincent just happens to be a genius who specializes in his problem areas.

Vincent is 100% socially awkward and turns out his new roommate has a face that makes you spill the T like nobody’s business.

They can be mutually beneficial, Vincent can tutor Cobey in calculus and Cobey can help him socially. But the best part is Cobey teaching him how to lose his pesky virginity.

The unrequited mutual attraction was freaking adorable and led to so many ‘teaching’ moments. The BJ tutorial was … well it was just hot.

These guys were awkward, hilarious, overly adorable and steamy af! I couldn’t get enough of them together.

There were some amazing side characters, especially Jayda and Cobey’s parents. God, I loved how supportive they were, down to his mom providing condoms and lube.

But poor Vincent, he had such a crap life. It broke my heart and Cobey put us both back together again with his loyalty and kindness. He’s seriously a golden retriever in human form.

Hated to see this end! I loved the little tidbits about their future and I just wanted more and more.
October 20, 2023
A nerd/(sunshine) jock romance - sounds like a recipe for at least a 4 star rating, right?

Sadly, not quite. I’m all for a fluffy romance, and I don’t mind if it occasionally gets cheesy. But this was a bit much, even for my sparkly rainbow coloured standards.

Cobey, “the jock”, is absolutely perfect. He’s a great college football player, good looking, friendly, respectful, with a great family, he’s out and proud, and literally EVERYBODY loves him. The only kink in his shining armour: he’s not particularly good at calculus.

Vincent, “the nerd”, is a bit overwhelmed when Cobey becomes his roommate. He’s gay, not out, a virgin, socially awkward, a scholarship student who’s never really had a loving family. But of all people, he finds talking to (and spending time with) Cobey to be easy, and he opens up to him. He agrees to tutor him in calculus, while Cobey agrees to help him being more social.

The inevitable happens, and all it’s so… free of drama. There’s no homophobia, no jealous ex, no bullying, a lot of talk about consent and safe sex, and it wouldn’t have surprised me if butterflies would have danced around their heads and birds world have started singing when they were around, with little bunnies peeking out of blooming shrubs and every single cloud dissipating to make room for glorious sunshine.

If this book would be a dessert, it would be plain vanilla pudding. Everyone loves it, but it’s nothing you’d go crazy for, unless you’re in the mood for a quick, sweet fix.

It still was pleasant to listen to, because I feel like Nick J Russo added a little depth to the characters that I don’t think would have been there otherwise.

Still, not bad - 3 stars from me.
Profile Image for Cadiva.
3,740 reviews378 followers
October 31, 2022
My favourite one yet

I wasn't sure, given the very young ages of the pair here, that I'd enjoy this one as I usually find myself getting irritated by young adult romance.

Well, how wrong could I have been because this is my favourite one so far in this series and an absolutely joyous read.

Cobey and Vincent are beyond cute together they're supportive, act far more maturely than their ages would usually indicate, and have a relationship development based on the solid foundations of a mutual respect and trust.

This book is also super sexy and I loved how much care Cobey took of Vincent throughout his physical intimacy journey, their first kiss is beautifully expressed and as their feelings developed, so did Vincent's foray from virginity to experienced exploration.

There's a good bunch of secondary characters helping to flesh out the narrative but, for most of it, NR puts the focus purely on these two young men and they shine wonderfully in the glow.

There's also a fabulous Epilogue with a lovely little visual bonus that I won't spoil but which really was a great surprise and very well executed.
I'd actually love to read more of this pair as their lives go on because they definitely had a lifetime happiness vibe all over them!
Profile Image for Mariam, the clown.
648 reviews506 followers
September 29, 2022
I really and actually could be persuaded to rate this 4 stars but my reasoning is questionably so pathetic, I'm LAUGHING at my self.

Corey was just such a GOOD FUCKIN GUY that I honestly just COULDN'T VIBE WITH THE BOOK.

lmaooo, send help cus I need it.

Like my favorite thing he said was "Open your mouth"


Healthy romance is not for me so 🥲🤗🥲

But I fucking LOVED and me little heart melted at the newspaper clippings at the end. That was fucking perfection.

3.5 STARS ⭐✨✨✨✨✨
Profile Image for Ben Howard.
1,287 reviews167 followers
December 15, 2022
Learning Curve was the last book available on Scribd so I had to skip books 4 and 5, but as Carly says I'm coming back for you, baby!

This by far my favourite (of the ones I've read). Cobey and Vincent are goals. No over done drama, just two guys who complement each other so well and are meant to be together.

This is the roommates to mutual tutors to lovers pipeline that I'm living for.

And to top it all off, this is narrated to perfection by Nick J. Russo.
Profile Image for Pheefs.
323 reviews9 followers
December 16, 2023
This is my ultimate comfort read. I read it first in Dec 2022 and have read (listened to) it 5 times in total so far. Vincent had my whole heart, he is just pure goodness and deserved all the love. Cobey is the most gentle of giants with a huge heart, he was perfect to and for V ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Update Dec 2023, I first read this a year ago, it was one of the first MM books I read and it has such a special place in my ❤️. this is my 7th reread/listen in a year 🫣

Nick J. Russo is one of my fav narrators ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Profile Image for alyssa.
959 reviews195 followers
September 30, 2022
[3.4~3.5 - should probably round down but i’ve also reached acceptance that my ratings for this series are out of whack soooo 😂] hmmm now this was an interesting one. not sure i enjoyed it as much as i’d hoped, partly because Vincent, while relatable in some respects (ex. the uncontrollable blushing, the “all studying, no real fun” college experience, etc.), had a woeful backstory that, to me, was delivered in a manner that failed to garner my sympathy organically. thus any time his insecurities would manifest in poor assumptions about everyone else around him, my brain wasn’t as open to see from his perspective.

however, there’s no denying that NR Walker reached astronomical heights on the fluff o’ meter with this story - and i mean cloying sugariness. as in “be sure to schedule an appointment with your dentist ahead of time or you will be left with nothing but a lifetime of regret” levels of sweetness while the baby gay learns the ropes of social interaction and physical encounters from one of the most popular faces on campus.

plus i’m a real sucker for impossibly kind and understanding pipe dreams like Cobey, which i know, how horribly yawnfest-worthy! but no matter, i’m still going to take a moment to pretend people like him exist in great abundance in our reality, because technology still hasn’t quite found a way to deliver the perfect made-to-order man to my doorstep within 24 hours 🤧
Profile Image for Evelyn220.
446 reviews27 followers
October 15, 2022
5⭐️ Cutest jock/nerd romance ever. It was light-hearted, low-angst, syrupy sweet, and wholesome without being cheesy or over-the-top. Just a simple, charming comfort read. Loved it.
Profile Image for Vanna (on-hiatus).
712 reviews85 followers
November 14, 2022
4 Stars!! Lovable, low angsty sweet and a little cheesy romance.. ❤️ I still loved it though. 😍 Vincent and Cobey were great MCs.. I think a little more backstory on Vincent's side or at least some closure would have been great. With such a sad and lonely childhood, he seemed to have very few triggers. I would have liked for him to have at least some therapy once he started doing better. Cobey seemed too good to be true.. 😍 Just perfect in every way.., was it believable for him to fall for his nerdy, socially-inept roommate? No.. but it was sweet nevertheless... 💓
All in all it was a sweet romance with lots of steamy times between the two and HEA worth waiting for. Highly recommended!! 👍 👍
Profile Image for Eugenia.
1,790 reviews294 followers
May 22, 2023
Cute, No Angst, Lots of Sexy Times!

This was a sweet college, opposites attract story. Nothing new here: a sweet jock and a socially anxious nerd.

I wish there had been more UST, since this relationship moved really fast for my tastes.

This is my first read in this series and who knows if I’ll sample any of the others.

Great audiobook performance.

Profile Image for Gustaf.
1,441 reviews162 followers
November 30, 2022
I don't know but it feels like nothing really happened in this book, like at all. Not what I expected from this author.
Profile Image for True Loveislovereview.
2,597 reviews1 follower
September 27, 2022
Cobey is the most adorable football player of the whole university!
They are opposite, Vincent a small, poor, nerdy, serious, antisocial geek, and Cobey the huge, rich, always smiling, open about everything, very popular football player.

Now they are roommates. Vincent is oblivious about his looks and personality, he thinks he’s a nothing. Cobey is mesmerized by him.
Cobey is the popular jock, always good-humored, kind, and sweet.

In short, Cobey needs a tutor with math and Vincent a guiding hand to a more social life, so he can maybe meet his person and maybe lose his… you know…. V-card.
Vincent has never been more red blushing in his life than since he met Cobey.

There are first kisses and first kisses, dang the build-up was intense!

After that kiss, the world got much brighter, for both.
Watch them grow close, watch them… ha! read it yourself, there’s so much to enjoy, it was awesomeness!

Yes, this was a superb read with just the right amount of… just everything. The Vincent nerdy thing was super cute, Cobey’s football thingy ditto (Vincent speaking here lol). Their characteristics were consistent. The sweetness was awesomeness, the sexiness hot, there’s some heartbreaking hurt comfort, and camaraderie fun, all super enthrallingly written. The emotions were palpable, I snorted, smiled, laughed, and cried. Overall good balanced, and developed, it’s all captivating AF. I started reading until I finished, my eyes hurt, but I was very satisfied.

The End was precious, I cried my eyes out. Please don’t peek!
Profile Image for Eli.
215 reviews24 followers
May 31, 2024
I feel like I’ve been saying this about every book I’ve reviewed lately but THIS WAS SO CUTE.

✅Jock x Nerd but not cringey
✅Healthy communication

Profile Image for Dani (Daniiireads).
1,467 reviews244 followers
May 27, 2024
- jock/nerd
- virgin
- roomies to lovers
- opposites attract

BMOC Cobey gets moved to the dorms after his grades plummet the previous year, and gets paired with the very shy and quiet Vincent as his roomie. The pair strike up a weird friendship that soon turns to more when Cobey offers to teach Vincent how to make friends and get dates.

Learning Curve is super fluffy and adorable!
Profile Image for Miriah.
892 reviews44 followers
October 1, 2022
4.5 Stars

So. Fucking. Cute.

So. Fucking. Sweet.


The newspaper clipping in the epilogue made me tear up, as did several scenes in the book. This was incredibly romantic and I could really feel what Vincent and Cobey were feeling. Too cute.

This was low angst and just lovely.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 650 reviews

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