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Franklin U #8

Football Royalty

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If you never fooled around with someone of the same gender, did you even go to high school?


My whole life I’ve had the pressure of being Marcus Talon and Shane Miller’s football prodigy. I’ve been destined to follow in my NFL-playing fathers’ footsteps since the day I was born. I usually thrive under pressure, but as senior year looms, it all gets too much, and I need an outlet. The last place I thought I’d find my release is at Levi Vanderbilt’s graduation party. In his bed. With him.

It’s a one-time thing. An experimentation. And while it was fun, we agree that being with guys isn’t for either of us. I’m happy to accept that until he turns up in California.

I haven’t had to think about him for four years, but now I can’t get him out of my head.


Coming to Franklin University for grad school to follow a boy I hooked up with once is the stupidest thing I could have done.

We said that high school didn’t mean anything, but the truth is, that night made me realize who I truly am, and since then, I’ve been trying to find that sense of freedom again.

I’m hoping it can be with him, but everything I’ve heard around campus points to Peyton not having the same life-changing revelation I did.

And if that’s the case, did I just move across the country for a straight guy?

Kill me now.

263 pages, Kindle Edition

First published October 13, 2022

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About the author

Eden Finley

59 books6,505 followers
Eden Finley is an Amazon bestselling author who writes steamy contemporary romances that are mostly full of snark and light-hearted fluff.

She lives to create an escape from real life for herself and her readers.

She's also an Australian girl and apologises for her Australianisms that sometimes don't make sense to anyone else.

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33 (<1%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 556 reviews
Profile Image for ellie.
335 reviews3,197 followers
October 17, 2022
the moment i found out Miller and Talon’s son was getting a book, you best believe i lost my mind. they’re one of my fave couples by EF (a close second to Beck and Jacobs, but not quite there) so i was super excited to read Peyton’s story and see Talon and Miller as dads.

and while the latter was undeniably iconic... Peyton and Levi? not so much.


i mean, don’t get me wrong, i liked them. but... the book was just kinda unmemorable and uninspired. neither Peyton or Levi really stood out to me, you know? they just felt generic and a bit underdeveloped. at times their individual POVs felt quite indistinguishable and i found neither of them really gripped me. i wasn’t deeply rooting for them.

...i just didn’t really care.

the book was mediocre at best, for me. it was like i was only reading half a story that just refused to delve deep enough and really flesh out the characters and the romance— and i honestly didn’t feel the chemistry between Levi and Peyton. i didn’t understand why they so desperately wanted to be together. everything was so lukewarm and im tired, y’all!!

Eden Finley has written some of my fave couples ever and really got me into reading mm romances... but she’s just churning out the same old, same old and i can’t anymore. her characters and humour and plot lines need revitalising. something refreshing and new, something she’s never done before.

there’s only so many quirky, “funny” football/hockey player dude-bros i can read from her at this point. her stories just all blend together now, the characters losing their uniqueness and edge... im just :((((

and i can’t lie, Talon and Miller stole the show, hands down. i even wanted to give this four stars because i loved their scenes that much but clearly i refrained because other than them, the book underwhelmed me.

Talon and Miller really came for Levi and Peyton like


seeing them as dads was so stinkin cute!! someone sedate me. they were hilarious and adorable, still hopelessly in love. like Talon sitting on Miller’s lap, every time they flirted and teased, i was just full of nostalgia and constantly grinning like an idiot. the way they loved their sons?? best dads of the year. Rina Kent heroes can’t relate.

Talon was the best needed comic relief in this book despite Felix attempts (which were just failing miserably). at their core, Talon and Miller are still the same people, just more mature (well, on Miller’s part, not sure about Talon😭) and the perfect dads, gahhhhh. they’re soulmates your honour.

you best believe every highlighted quote on my kindle is them and them only. and here’s my fave one🥺

”Everyone assumes Shane Miller is my biological father because I have his last name, but that’s not true at all. I have Talon DNA but am a Miller by name. It’s the opposite for Brady. Our dads wanted us to have a piece of each of them.”

so, it’s a super easy and quick read filled with nostalgia but... nothing spectacular :/ i am curious about reading Brady’s book tho👀
Profile Image for Snjez.
874 reviews791 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
October 16, 2022
dnf @47%

Nothing is working for me here, really. The storyline, the pacing, relationship 'development' after a 4-year gap, interfering side characters right from the start.

The writing feels cliché, stereotypical and generic. Character development is surface level. I feel like I've read about the same type of character as Peyton so many times before. Nothing about him stands out to me. Levi is a mess of a character.

The first chapter was promising, but I'm just not invested in the story and I'm a bit bored, to be honest. I only got this far into it because of the audiobook.

I've started this series with a dnf, and it seems I'm ending it with one.
Profile Image for moonlight ☾ [semi-hiatus].
683 reviews1,430 followers
October 13, 2022
I step up to the counter and lock eyes with Peyton, who’s waiting with a big-ass grin on his face. He’s here with his entire family. His brother, dads, and uncles. “Large Study Juice with two pumps of caramel for …” I sigh. “The sexiest quarterback to ever quarterback.”
Peyton’s smile widens when everyone else in the coffeehouse snickers, but as he steps forward to collect his drink, he’s cut off by his dad.
“Aww, son, you ordered a drink for me. How sweet.” Talon takes the coffee from me and takes a sip, but then screws up his face. “Holy hell, that’s pure sugar.” He hands it off to Pey.

~ typical Talon 🤣🤣😭

this was cute, but were the mcs memorable? the romance? no to both for me, unfortunately. i liked Peyton and Levi but they just didn’t stand out to me. there were even times when i was wondering when the story was gonna end bc it got tiring after a while. 😭 Talon and Miller though?? definitely stole the show. aside from Beck and Jacobs, they’re my other favorite Eden Finley couple and seeing them as dads didn’t disappoint one bit. i missed them so much. 🥹 i loved Brady too, but not sure if i’m gonna read his book bc it seems like his will be mmm (and i’m not really into ménage—or any relationship where it’s more than two people tbh lol).
Profile Image for aleksandra.
638 reviews2,869 followers
October 30, 2023

It was soo cute, until it wasn’t at the end, but still solid three stars read. The tropes were perfect, because we have quarterback with two dads aiming to get into NFL x rich guy whose life was changed one night with said quarterback aiming to get him back.

I really enjoyed this book because the writing style was easy to follow, and the story wasn't as boring as I thought it would be.

Main characters were great, even though I liked Levi more because I actually think this guy did nothing wrong. Peyton's attitude towards relationships was, let's say, not enough for me to understand why he didn't want to be in a relationship with Levi. I know football was his whole life and he "didn’t" have time for nothing else, but that was his whole reason to not be in a relationship with Levi. He was in college and there are people with families who play professional sport and manage everything just fine, so for me it was kinda stupid excuse. Towards the end when Levi had tough time with money when his dad left him and he said that he doesn’t want Peyton to pay for everything because he will feel bad with it (which I totally understand because I could never let people who barely know me pay for everything for me). Levi was hesitant to let Peyton and his dads help him, and Peyton decided that his hesitation is equivalent a 'no' and his game tomorrow is more important so he run away, and only when his dad talked with him he came back.

"Next time you’re overwhelmed and stressy and I’m not helping, could you maybe talk to me about why before jumping to you’re going to leave?”

Peyton said that when he came back and I wanted to punch him in the face, because HE JUST DID WHAT HE SAID. Punch in the face wouldn’t be enough I think. And, let’s not forget about him having no personality, beyond playing football.

There was some positive things about Peyton, because he and his family, especially the dads who stole the show, and his brother Bray who has his own book were the best family. Peyton’s relationship with his brother was really satisfying to read and I hope they will talk about Bray’s relationship with his SEALs in his book.

Both of them, Peyton and Levi were spoiled brats sometimes, even though they mostly claimed they weren’t.

"Others on the outside see that and think we’re spoiled brats, getting anything and everything we want, but Levi and I both understand it’s not that easy."

I mean, Peyton spend over two thousand dollars on dinner, because his dads left him and Levi in a restaurant alone. If that’s not mean being spoiled and unreasonable with money, then I don’t know what it is.

In overall, I enjoyed the book and will probably read more of Eden Finley's books in the future.
October 18, 2022
I've been excited for Peyton's story since he and his brother Brady were introduced in Felix and Marshall's book (The Dating Disaster, Franklin U #2).

I tried to engage with the characters, but Peyton and Levi were shockingly boring and wooden.

Peyton's dads' interference and constant sex jokes weren't cute but annoying (on the verge of inappropriate).

I read through 50% (right after the first unexciting sex scene) and started skimming. I just couldn't take it anymore.

Profile Image for Renae Reads.
589 reviews549 followers
October 10, 2022
*** I reviewed a complimentary copy of this book***

Football Royalty is a low-angst second chance romance between Peyton and Levi. Their high school hookup left both shocked at the intense connection they both shared and 3 years later they get to finally reunite and explore their shared feelings. Of course, their are many challenges in their way and seeing how they navigate everything while supporting each other was sweet.

Peyton is beyond stressed to be the athlete his legendary parents expect, while his expectations of himself prevent him from having any romantic connections with another person. The last thing he expects is his hookup from 3 years ago to waltz back into his life. Levi is a breath of fresh air and their connection remains just as strong.

I loved seeing the mutual pining between Peyton and Levi. Both are reluctant to reveal to the other just how important they are, so seeing them both dancing around their shared feelings was quite comical. Once everything is revealed their romance is so darn sweet that you cannot help but root for both to sort out their issues and finally be happy together.

Overall Football Royalty is a great finale to this fun series. I loved getting to see so many familiar faces, while enjoying this adorably sweet second chance romance.
Profile Image for ivy.
583 reviews317 followers
December 21, 2022
I was enjoying this one too much I didn’t even think about a review so here are some quick thoughts for my own memory:

Levi’s understated sexiness
Peyton’s love-able cockiness
Super hot chemistry 🔥
Weed shotgun
Peyton and Brady’s brotherly love
Great dialogue
”F*ck, you’re cute” (that whole scene)

Most of my highlights don’t make sense out of context 😂

Disclaimer: I have never read Talon and Miller’s book so I had no expectations of anything going in to this

1. Playing Games - 4
2. Dating Disaster - 2.75
3. Mr. Romance - 3.5
4. Bet You - dnf
5. The Glow Up - 4
6. Learning Curve - dnf
7. Making Waves - dnf
8. Football Royalty - 5
Profile Image for Megan.
868 reviews240 followers
January 28, 2023
MM Romance
Football FWB
2 Stars ⭐️

So, I had no intention of reading this book because Eden Finley’s (EF) stories have started to feel super formulaic and it’s like I’m just reading the same story over and over again. But EF just released ‘Can’t Say Goodbye’ (CSG) recently and it’s her first MMM book and that interested me enough to pick this up so I’d have all the info I needed going into it. Having all the info felt important because Peyton and Brady are brothers and they are also Marcus Talon & Shane Miller’s sons from the Fake Boyfriend Series. Since I loved the Fake Boyfriend’s series I was really excited to reunite with Talon/Miller and meet their sons but unfortunately this just did not work for me and not even cameos of some of the other Fake Boyfriend couples could save it. I did enjoy what I read about Brady though so at least there’s something positive that came out of this.

There’s nothing particularly wrong with this book but I just found it terribly predictable and boring. For these college stories to work I just really need some kind of new dynamic or a character we haven’t seen before because they all start to feel the same. We have Levi, the guy who comes from old money whose family expects him to go to Harvard and become a lawyer but Levi wants to go to art school instead. Yawn 🥱 Then we have Peyton, football royalty because of who his dads are and he’s about to get drafted into the NFL. His whole life has been about football and he never dates because of it but Levi showing up changes all that. Can Peyton handle all the pressure and be with Levi too? And what happens if Levi’s dad finds out he’s in art school? YAWN 🥱 😴

Unless you are new to romance books the outcome of all of this is just incredibly predictable and I so hoped there would be some kind of twist that made it different somehow but no it was just the same old thing except for cameos by some of my fav Fake Boyfriend couples. Unfortunately they couldn’t save this though because I just never quite felt the connection between Levi and Peyton 🤷🏻‍♀️ and tbh I really wanted to DNF this but there was just enough Brady to make me continue on. So, in theory, I got what I wanted out of this book because it gave me insight to Brady and his men and I really liked what I learned but the rest of it was just so damn boring that I fell asleep reading it twice and it made me remember why I don’t read EF books anymore. So now I can’t say I’m all that excited to read CSG even though that’s the reason I even put myself through the torture that was this book. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

One more thing. While some of this book showed Talon/Miller being really supportive great dads, there were other parts where they made me fucking cringe. There’s just some stuff they said and did that crossed a line and it took me out of this book. That being said though, I loved that Maddox was still his himbo self even 25 years later. I cannot even imagine having an uncle like him. 😂 Thank fuck him and Damon never had kids.

Profile Image for Lau (semi-hiatus) ♡.
442 reviews463 followers
October 17, 2022
time of death: 89%

I tried. I really tried. I wanted to end this series with the right foot but, lately, every Eden Finley’s book I read feels the same over and over. If I cared about the characters or laughed with them, I wouldn’t mind that much, but the only emotions I get from them are boredom and deja vu 💀

Franklin U series:
1. Playing Games: 3.75 stars
2. The Dating Disaster: 3 stars
3. Mr. Romance: 2.5 stars
4. Bet You: 3.5 stars
5. The Glow Up: 3 stars
6. Learning Curve: 3.75 stars
7. Making Waves: maybe someday i'll close my eyes and give you a try
8. Football Royalty: dnf 89%

series overview: while half of the books weren't specially memorable, I have to admit having a new MM college romance to look forward every week made me really happy and I had a good time reading most of them.
Profile Image for alyssa.
959 reviews195 followers
October 13, 2022
***now available (pretend i didn’t think it came out yesterday lmao), happy release day! 🥳🥳***

I look up at the sky. "Why, God? Why did you give me Marcus Talon as a father?"

Dad deepens his voice, pretending to be the voice of God. "Because you deserve the best, son."

[4.4~4.5] considering the fake boyfriend series was one of my first reads when i initially dove into the mm rabbithole, i'm not afraid to admit that the nostalgia factor is *heavily* at play here (what can i say, i'm weak to fanservice merriment 🤷🏻‍♀️). but come on, a story featuring Miller and Talon from Blindsided and their two sons, Peyton and Brady? none of us saw it coming.

taking off at a clumsy trot, the story had me there for a longer-than-comfortable moment in the first half. my head may have been caught up in worries of too much being left unsaid and too much dancing around, distracted by steam dense enough to cloud my vision (*crickets* only me? 😆).

then suddenly, i found that i could breathe again. a weighty sigh of relief. they admitted and caved into their feelings earlier than expected, the plot timetable swiftly rearranging itself in my head. simply knowing that they chose vulnerability - despite being uncertain how to navigate their own personal circumstances - was enough for the story to angle upwards and soar.

Peyton and Levi are perfect for each other. they're linked by a kinship of being on the receiving end of familial/societal expectations and pressure in both similar and contrasting ways. the Vanderbilts prove to be the perfect foil for the supportive Talon-Millers, who come together to tackle Peyton's belief that he can't have both football and Levi, as well as Levi's desperate attempts to break loose from the oppressive Vanderbilt chains and taste even a modicum of freedom. it made my heart sing and taught Levi that *this* is what family is truly about 🤧

the payoff in the second half - a rambunctious crew, lighthearted teasing, questionable decisions addressed, proper groveling, a third act conflict nipped right in the bud, glorious shows of supportive family, and delightful future-brother-in-law bonds ALL included - was indisputably amazeballs. the family dynamics sold me a hundred times over, and i loved that it was thrown into the spotlight.

next up on HEAs i have no business begging for: Brady's story? pwetty pwease 🥺


Thank you to GRR and the publisher for providing an advanced copy of the book. This is my honest review :)
Profile Image for taylor :) (in a slump).
210 reviews41 followers
January 9, 2023
I wish I could go back and slap past me in the face for not reading this the day it came out. What a lovely story. I was going to read Brady’s story “Can’t Say Goodbye”, but I decided I probably should read this one first. And now I wonder if I should’ve read Peyton and Brady’s dads’ story “Blindsided.” It’s not that I was confused or anything at all, but I think I would’ve liked reading how everything started. I am in love with the Talon-Miller family.

I honestly have no bad words about this book. I can’t think of a single criticism. So I am about to just wax poetically. I enjoyed everything about this. Every word. I loved every character in this. Well not Levi’s family, but they don’t count. But I especially loved Talon and Miller. They were so funny and sweet and embarrassing and supportive and yadda yadda. Wish I was a part of the family.

Do you know the feeling about thoroughly enjoying something, but you don’t have the words for it? That’s me right now. I am desperately trying to come up with words to convince readers that this book is wonderful and they should pick it up, but all I have is a fat question mark in my head. Blank thoughts. I hate when that happens. Just know it’s good. Believe me. The spice in the book was also top notch. I almost was disappointed because I thought there was only going to be a few scenes, but more came up so all is well.

I’m really excited to start reading about Brady and his navy SEALs next. I have a feeling that one is going to be sad, but I am ready for it. I have a bag of Reeses on my night stand, so I am prepared. Please read this book. I mean I read it in a day without stopping, so it’s obviously fantastic. :D
Profile Image for Jamie.
630 reviews107 followers
October 14, 2022
I loved Peyton & Levi! Loved their initial meeting and them seeing each other again years later. Loved seeing Peyton dealing with being the son of famous NFL players and deal with his own football career and loved seeing his relationship with Levi grow. I have always loved this author's humor, this book definitely had me laughing out loud at parts and it was just so fun to read!

I really think you have to have read this author's previous books in order to be able to enjoy this story, there is just so many cameos from her other characters, it might be too much for someone who hasn't read them before. Not only that, but I think this book had just way too much Talon & Miller in it (not that I didn't enjoy them but they really took over and stole the show which took away from Peyton & Levi's story).

Overall I did really like it, I would say this book was one or two small tweaks from being a five star read. I am excited for Brady's book but I hope it is actually Brady's book with way less cameos from his family.
Profile Image for Dani (Daniiireads).
1,467 reviews244 followers
May 29, 2024
- friends to lovers
- queer awakening
- second chance, kind of

A high school graduation night hookup between Levi and Peyton ended up being a sexual awakening for the both of them. For Levi it was the catalyst for his eventual coming out, but for Peyton it was something he kept quiet despite Levi centering around all of his sexual fantasies.

Fast forward three years and Levi is back, now attending Franklin U, and Peyton can no longer deny the draw between the two of them. Levi proves to be a bit of a distraction, and Peyton's dreams of football stardom are now tied with dreams of a future with Levi. Can he have both, or will he ultimately have to choose between one or the other?

Peyton and Levi were a great conclusion to the Franklin U series, and I am super excited that Eden is giving Brady his own book because I loved him so much!
Profile Image for Dani.
944 reviews107 followers
October 13, 2022
Loved it!!! I will never not read anything Eden Finley writes in this universe. Loved Peyton and Brady's relationship, and Peyton and Levi were just cute!! Talon, Miller, Damon and Maddox were hilarious as usual.

Can't wait for Brady's book, and I'd LOVE a reunion for everyone from the Fake Boyfriend stories!
Profile Image for Meags.
2,318 reviews590 followers
October 26, 2022
4 Stars

Fun, sweet and sexy, Football Royalty was everything I was hoping it would be for Franklin U star quarterback, Peyton Miller, and his reconnection with his once high school fling, Levi Vanderbilt.

I liked that both Peyton and Levi bonded over their affluent upbringings and the pressures they felt to follow in their influential fathers’ footsteps. It’s not often the book pairing is two well-off characters, so I wasn’t sure if I’d enjoy that dynamic, but I loved the companionship these two found together, and the way they acknowledged their privileged lives and checked themselves (and each other) when that privilege began to show too much, striving to be the best versions of themselves they possibly could be.

At its core, this is a second-chance romance, between two young men trying to find their footing in a world that expects all too much from them. They have shared an intense connection since the night they (officially) met at Levi’s high school graduation, but years on, finally attending the same university, they realise that a one-off night of emotional and sexual connection has the potential to be so much more, if only they can work up the courage to embrace their attraction and find a way to fit each other into their already over-complicated lives.

Having not read Blindsided, where Peyton’s fathers, Marcus Talon and Shane Miller—two pro NFL players of great status and success—first fell in love, I was worried reading Peyton’s story, with all the character crossovers and mentions of events past would detract from my enjoyment. I’m sure in some ways, it may have, knowing I’ve missed a lot of the backstories of these characters, who are VERY PRESENT here—but I had a blast regardless, so much so, I will now make it a priority to go back and read Talon and Miller’s story poste haste. Undoubtedly, fans of these two should have a great time revisiting them so far into their relationship, guiding and supporting their now grown boy(s) in sometimes outrageous but always well-meaning ways.

Overall, Peyton and Levi’s story was a lovely ending to a series that has been one of my greatest reading pleasures of 2022. Cheers to all the authors involved—I had a blast spending time at Franklin U! <3
Profile Image for D.L. Howe.
Author 23 books558 followers
April 6, 2023

I’m totally reading this backwards but I’m ok with that.

So, I met Levi and Peyton in his brother Brady’s book Can’t Say Goodbye. And I needed their story, mostly because I’m intrigued by their dads. So, definitely gonna have to go back and read their book here soon.

I really enjoyed this one, in fact, it might be my favorite that I’ve read by Finley. The chemistry between these two was absolutely perfect.

It all began at their high school graduation party. Neither considered themselves gay, but they ended up getting off with each other.

They may have both moved on but neither of them forgot.

Four years later they’re both at Franklin U. While Levi realized he was gay, Peyton continued to only see girls. But when they’re together, Peyton realizes there wasn’t a girl he wanted as much as he wants Levi.

This one rode the perfect angst line of giving me what I want but keeping me begging for more. They were just so hot together but even better was how sweet and emotionally connected they were. Total relationship goals with those two.

I also loved Peyton’s family, the way they helped Levi when his own family left him high and dry. I want to be in that family!!

Overall an adorable, smoking hot story with all the feels!!

#booklover #romancebooksofinstagram #bookstagrammer #bookish #bookreview #booksedit #bookwhore #bookaesthetic #goodreads #bookstagramromance #mmromance #pride #lgbt
Profile Image for Kaity.
1,651 reviews20 followers
October 13, 2022
4-4.5 stars

yaaaaaas back with the "fake boyfriend" boys haha Marcus and Shane.. but one thing before i get in to this review... is it bad that i am more excited for Brady's book than finishing this one haha don't get me wrong i loved this book but Brady was the shining star in my opinion, and his Navy Seals (thats right two ;)) thank god that book comes out IN JANUARY 2023!! soo those three months need to hurry the fuck up haha.

but back to this book, it was great from the start, this made me want to go back and read "Blindsided" but you don't have to, to read this book which i was thankful for.

Levi and Peyton were adorable together and they communicated thank god! haha i am so happy to see the kids from Edens "Fake Boyfriends" series have their own HEA.

I am waiting for the other books to go on audio (this book is on Scribd) before i finish out the FU series, yes i know that this series has been getting some mixed reviews, but to me overall i have enjoyed almost all the books!
Profile Image for Juli.
71 reviews25 followers
November 6, 2022
This book was an absolute gift for those of us who adored Blindsided.

I give it 5 stars for the family scenes with Peyton’s brother, fathers, and uncles. All of that was warm fuzzy fun. I loved seeing Miller and Talon as parents, and everything felt 100% in character for them. I enjoyed the family and parenting scenes so much.

I give it 3 stars for romance. That part was perfectly fine but less interesting. In fact, the beginning of the book wasn’t that interesting at all. It improved when the family started having more of a role. I did like the MCs, and I liked them together, and I liked how the tensions between them were so realistic. But the romance just didn’t shine for me.

I’d give it a pass if you haven’t read or didn’t enjoy Blindsided.
Profile Image for Grace.
3,029 reviews182 followers
October 18, 2022
DNF ~50%

Not gonna rate, because I really do think I just am really not interested in college romance at this time. I'm getting a little exhausted with Finley's works--I loved her earlier stuff, but it feels like her fics are getting bro-ier and more filled with exhausting characters and OTT banter. Everybody seems to have loved Marcus and Talon in this one, but I thought they were unbearable and in the first 50% I didn't see a single instance that made me believe these were parents and not fellow football frat bros--they were not written as adult men with children in college and were indistinguishable from every other sports bro Finley's written. I didn't really care much about Peyton or Levi, and the whole thing was just boring. The only character I've BEEN interested in for this whole series is Brady, but who knows how I'll feel with his inevitable book.
Profile Image for Jacqueleen the Reading Queen♡.
1,333 reviews88 followers
January 20, 2023
This was fantastic. I have no idea how Peyton turned out so normal after growing up with the most embarrassing parents ever. I would have died had my parents ever done half the stuff Talon and Miller do to their sons. Then again, they are also the most amazing and supportive dads ever. So I guess it's a trade off.

But back to the MCs. I loved the whole premise of Peyton and Levi having had a high school night of passion that ended awkwardly, yet never stopped lingering in the way back of their minds. That when the two meet again there's that same spark that led to that night so many years ago. It was actually sweet in the end with how besotted they became. How smiles just lit up their faces at the sight of each other. I adored them together. Their story ended on a pretty solid HFN. I have to say, I am psyched an ARC of Bradys book is sitting on my kindle to read next because he was such a big part of this book and I NEED to know how his storyline turns out in the end. And maybe get a glimpse of future Peyton and Levi if I'm lucky.
Profile Image for martina (chaos version).
602 reviews285 followers
October 14, 2022
i missed eden so much.
i didn’t read her most recent series and damn, i love her books.
a nice ending to this tragic series.
i was enjoying this too much to take notes so i don’t have much to say, just that i liked this a lot, miller and talon stole the scene as expected, i laughed so much BUT peyton was an asshole a few times so i didn’t give that extra star.
Profile Image for Sheena.
571 reviews38 followers
July 1, 2023
reread July 2023

3/5 stars

I loved Miller and Talon’s book so much. So it made me so much more excited to read about Peyton. I was a bit disappointed because although I did like Peyton and Levi, it didn’t click for me. I just feel like there is something missing, that spark. It was a good book though. I am mildly interested in Brady’s book, but we will see.
Profile Image for Tracy~Bayou Book Junkie.
1,562 reviews47 followers
September 20, 2022
5 Stars

Of all the Fake Boyfriends stories, Blindsided, Talon and Miller’s story, was my favorite. I was really excited to get to know their sons, Peyton and Brady, and to get to read Peyton’s story.

I absolutely adored the relationship that the boys have with their fathers and I loved that the author featured Talon and Miller so greatly throughout the story. I really enjoyed catching up with them.

I loved Peyton and Levi. They fit together well, had great chemistry, and they were smoking hot together. I adored their back-and-forth banter, it was funny and entertaining.

This was an enjoyable read that was well-written and flowed well. Although it’s part of the FU series, it can definitely be read as a standalone. Definitely recommendable!

* Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie for my reading pleasure, a review wasn't a requirement. *

Profile Image for Megan Rose.
217 reviews19 followers
November 8, 2022
Football Royalty, while the eighth and final book in the Franklin University series, is the fourth book I have read. I did really enjoy this one and would say it’s tied for my favorite of the series at the moment. The plot itself and the side characters were easily my favorite parts of this book and the four I’ve read thus far. While the romance was really sweet, it was the found family vibes, the friendships, and all of the side relationships that added an extra layer to the story and really rounded out the book. I loved getting to see not just Peyton and Levi’s stories, but everyone else’s too, and it was so much fun to catch up with Miller and Talon, especially since I just finished a reread of the Fake Boyfriends series!

Peyton and Levi had one awkward hookup in high school, but even though it might have been cringeworthy for them, it was also Levi’s gay awakening, and Peyton’s sort of bi-awakening. Fast forward a few years later to Franklin University when they’re crossing paths again, and neither can get that one night, or each other, out of their heads.

Even though the chemistry between them is evident, they both decide to stay as friends for now, and focus on building that relationship. Which would be fine, if both of them weren’t so attracted to each other. Watching their friendship grow was fun, but it was even more enjoyable to watch that push and pull of their romantic feelings getting in the way at every turn.

I was also living for the constant embarrassment from Talon and Miller. Like, I’m pretty sure those two had children just so they could tease and embarrass them in front of everyone. They may be adults now, but they’re the same loveable and dorky guys I remember from the Fake Boyfriends series. Despite their incessant teasing though, they have a close relationship with both Peyton and his brother Brady, and it melted my heart to watch their dynamic. I need a scene between Peyton, Brady, Miller, Talon, and all the guys and their partners from the Fake Boyfriends series. Imagine the snark!

Another part of Football Royalty that I immensely enjoyed was the friendship between Levi and Brady. Brady was definitely loyal to Peyton, and would do anything for him, but he was also protective of Levi in his own way, and stood up for him when no one else would. Some of my favorite scenes were between Levi, Brady, and Felix (whose book I still need to read!). I absolutely cannot wait for Brady to get his own book. The second that one comes out, no one bother me because I will be finishing it in one sitting, much like I did with this one!

I still don’t understand football any better in Football Royalty than I did in Fake Boyfriends, but I am a sucker for a sports romance no matter the sport, and this one did not disappoint. The usual mix of tender and hilarious moments Eden Finley is known for balancing fantastically were present, and all done so well.

This one was a lot of fun, and I’m so glad I had the chance to read it.

Thank you to Gay Romance Reviews for the digital ARC in exchange for my honest opinion!
Profile Image for True Loveislovereview.
2,597 reviews1 follower
October 12, 2022
4.5 stars. Four years ago Peyton and Levi had a hot encounter. Afterward, both act as if it was nothing special.
Now they meet again at Franklin University and oh boy, both have to admit something.

Both come from money and status, and only one of them has a supporting family who has his back.
One family is the opposite. While Levi is out, Peyton still has to figure out some things, if he ever wants to out himself.

“I’m so proud of you, you little manwhore.”

Peyton’s dads are embarrassing funny. Both are football legends. No pressure on Peyton’s shoulders ha!

The story is a lot about Peyton’s football career, but also Levi’s circumstances got an excellent place here.
There’s no doubt, they are meant for each other, what’s in the way is their future, study, family, career, and money.

Excellently written story, I loved both men and certainly Peyton’s family. It’s wonderfully developed, has a nice amount of emotional moments, at times extremely funny, with enough heat and a hea.
The main characters were dedicated to each other and their future. They were so engagingly and adorably pictured, I felt really connected to them.
As a reader, you can’t ask for more! A wonderful addition to the FU series!!
Profile Image for Cadiva.
3,740 reviews378 followers
November 5, 2022
Absolutely worth the wait

This was the book I was dying to read in the Franklin University series because Talon & Miller are two of my all time favourite characters and I knew they'd be about to watch their eldest child fall in love.

It was absolutely worth the wait, not only were the dads on hand to dispense sound advice and take the mickey out of their son, but we also got a glimpse of who's going to be firing Brady's cylinder when his book comes out early next year.

I couldn't have been happier with how this narrative played out, I adored Levi, who had essentially changed his whole future three years after one encounter with Peyton at their graduation, moving to California and an art degree and rejecting the rich lawyerly life his Vanderbilt surname was supposed to give him.

They're awkward, hesitant, clearly still both fascinated with each other and wondering if that feeling of queasy excitement might turn into more when their paths cross again.

Eden treads a really clever line then as the story moves through a number of different plot points which switch between Peyton's football future, Levi hiding what he's doing from his family and their developing relationship.

With pressures coming from all sides, I felt this was a pretty realistic depiction of the dilemmas facing college age kids.

There's no single big dramady moment, thank gawd, they both do daft things but they're also both quick to own up to their mistakes, fears and their feelings.

With a surprise guest appearance from Damon and Maddox, this really was a joyous way to end the series.
Profile Image for .Lili. .
1,250 reviews257 followers
October 15, 2022
Football Royalty by Eden Finley; I'll start by saying I enjoyed it.

The characters were lovable.

I liked the premise.

I'm a sucker for college romance with opposites attract sprinkled in, add-in, past history between the characters, and I'm sold.

But Peyton and Levi were overshadowed by Talon & Miller, Peyton' parents. It's always a pleasure when past characters make appearances, and it was no different here. The problem is they were more memorable than the main couple.

Brady, Peyton's brother, has a secret romance that we get a small glimpse into started to interest me more than the protagonists' love story.

I think it's because the relationship development between Levi and Peyton was lacking.They hooked up once in high school. They don't see each other for years, then run into other at FU, and feelings immediately sizzle. The relationship growth felt more telling than showing, is what I'm trying to say- I think.

I struggled with the rating because on the one hand, I did like the characters. But the niggles I mentioned really stuck out like sore thumbs.

3.5 Stars
Profile Image for Miriah.
892 reviews44 followers
October 14, 2022
…was this a romance?

Honestly, everyone in this book is so fucking lovable. No complaints about the characters and I loved seeing Talon and Miller again. I also loved Levi bonding with Peyton’s brother Brady. The rough thing is that all the side character relationships were more exciting to me than Levi and Peyton’s relationship. They had no chemistry, no romance, and no time to legit fall in love.

Sure the book was enjoyable, but largely forgettable and lacking in the romance department. I’m not sure I would’ve enjoyed the book at all if I wasn’t already invested in Talon and Miller. They were good dads 🥹
Displaying 1 - 30 of 556 reviews

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