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Marius Grey #1

Brick Dust and Bones

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A twelve-year-old cemetery boy and monster hunter–along with his flesh-eating mermaid friend–has to race against the clock to save the ghost of his dead mother in Brick Dust and Bones, M.R. Fournet's magical middle grade debut.

Nothing’s more dangerous than a monster hunter with a mission.

Marius Grey hunts Monsters. He's not supposed to. He's only twelve and his job as a Cemetery Boy is to look after the ghosts in his family's graveyard. He should be tending these ghosts and–of course–going to school to learn how to live between worlds without getting into trouble.

But, Marius has an expensive goal. He wants to bring his mother back from the dead, and that takes a LOT of mystic coins, which means a LOT of Monster Hunting, and his mother’s window to return is closing.

If he wants her back, Marius is going to have to go after bigger and meaner monsters, decide if a certain flesh-eating mermaid is a friend or foe, and avoid meddling Demons and teachers along the way. Can Marius navigate New Orleans’s gritty monster bounty-hunting market, or will he have to say goodbye to his mother forever?

256 pages, Hardcover

Published July 18, 2023

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M.R. Fournet

4 books5 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 61 reviews
November 10, 2023
3.75 Stars
Perfect if you're in the mood for a spooky middle grade book with monsters, magic, and mayhem. Marius Grey is the sort of protagonist I look for in books—complex, sarcastic, determined, compassionate, and intelligent. I loved the characters the author writes about throughout the story and the way Marius explores his grief. The relationships that developed throughout the story were well-done. Brick Dust and Bones is an intriguing start to a new series.
Profile Image for Jame_EReader.
1,042 reviews1 follower
October 22, 2023
Thank you @mrfournet for this gifted copy to read and review this debut. My kids have thoroughly enjoyed this book especially during this #spookyszn.

👦🏻 review: on my third page, I was thinking Monsters Inc in scarier version. I loved how the different names for the monsters, ghosts and ghouls made this book entertaining. Marius is definitely a brave 12 year old who befriended all the weirdest creatures but maintain to get the sympathy and respect from real people. What a story!

👧🏻 review: I thought this book is a bit corny in the beginning but the story intensified and it got really interesting. I think the book is a crossover of Monsters Inc, Hocus Focus and the Haunted House movies. I like Rhiannon and her weirdness, and she’s definitely a force to reckon with. I love ghosts and monsters’ hunting, it is easy to read and entertaining, the fun and sad and finally I love reading books about spells and ghosts hunting. I really really enjoyed this book!
Profile Image for Emma Mercer.
18 reviews1 follower
October 31, 2022
I know that my younger self would have OBSESSED over this book and the concept behind it. The world is so immersive, the characters are very real, and the magic system is so entertaining to read about. I could see an entire series based around the world in this story, but it’s also written so well as a stand alone.


Something I really appreciated were the friendships and family relationships- the bond between Marius and Rhiannon wasn’t typical, or what you would expect, because she is a mermaid after all, but it still felt very special in their own way. I was also worried when it was mentioned a few times that kids can have a rocky relationship with their parents, but seeing Marius doing everything in his power to reunite with his own mother was very endearing and I’m glad that some positive examples of family dynamic were written about.

I love Marius as a character- super well written and despite being an adult woman, I really experienced this read through the mind of Marius.

There was a lot more gore than I was expecting, but it’s all written so well, and really kept me on my toes throughout the book. Definitely recommend reading!
Profile Image for Hannah DCamp.
249 reviews11 followers
July 19, 2023
Many thanks to the author and to NetGalley for providing me with an eARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

3.5 stars

This was delightful and well-written. It wasn't really spooky (which was a concern of mine, I'm not a fan of spooky books), but had just the right amount of suspense to keep me reading. The final boss (if you will) was pretty darn grisly.

The setting of this book was what really made it shine. The characters, culture, and places that appeared here were rich and realistic, and while Marius' money-making quest was engaging on its own, I just know that all that well-researched worldbuilding on the author's part is made the story really great.
Profile Image for Rhys.
249 reviews162 followers
October 4, 2023
Thank you to Libro.fm for an ALC to read and review.

This is a quick, fast paced middle grade! It was alright for me. It’s not a favourite but the audiobook narrator was great.

I think this is also a great read for kids during scary season (aka right now). It’s got ghosts and a monster hunter MC! I mean what kid wouldnt want to read about a kid hunting monsters? And who has a mermaid friend?
Profile Image for Maven .
278 reviews
November 19, 2022
It was good, reminded me of a Riordan series just a little darker.
Profile Image for Ms. Yingling.
2,760 reviews525 followers
April 12, 2023
E ARC provided by Edelweiss Plus

Marius lives near New Orleans, in a family mausoleum, since his family has dealt with ghosts in the cemetary for generations. His mother has passed away, although her ghost is still around to give him advice. He gets human money for being the caretaker, but he is interested in earning Mystical credit in order to bring his mother back from the dead. In order to do this, he traps more dangerous spirits in his book, and sells them to Papa Harold at the Habada-Cherie. There is a scale that extracts the spirit from the book and tells how much should be paid. Boogeymen aren't too bad to capture, although Marius occasionally has to hide in a child's bedroom to do this. When he is not earning enough, he agrees to take on more serious monsters, although not everyone thinks that this is something children should be doing. Marius also has a secret; his best friend is a mermaid. Not the sparkling, happy, Disney type mermaid, but a creepy Southern one with a frightening maw and endless appetite for flesh. We don't quite know why their bond is so deep, but Rhiannon has never hurt Marius, and helps him in his monster hunting frequently. In between going to school at Madame Millett's small academy (and having to deal with her daughter, who taunts him and calls him Mary) and taking care of the ghosts at the cemetary, Marius takes on increasingly difficult monsters. Papa Harold sends him after a candy lady who ends up being a much more dangerous boo hag in disguise, and he earns a lot of Mystical credit, but he uses it it to save the soul of one of his teachers, who has sold her soul to a demon in exchange for the health of her children. To earn more, Marius eventually agrees to capture a terrifying rougarou. This isn't easy, and it takes all of his skill as well as help from Rhiannon to subdue it. Will this be enough to bring back his mother?
Strengths: This was a different type of magical horror book that I think my students will like. It combines the horror level of K.R. Alexander with the folklore of Tracey Baptiste or Ronald L. Smith, and even adds a pretty good level of monster related gore. Marius is a very sympathetic character who tries his hardest to get by on his own, with very limited resources. At one point, he steals supplies from Madame Millett, and her daugher gives him a hard time, but in the end, Madame Millett helps save the day. Lots of interesting lore to delve in to. Fans of Delaney's The Last Apprentice will enjoy this more modern tale of monster hunting.
Weaknesses: Since I am not familiar with the magic native to the New Orleans area, I could have used some more explanations. Why can brick dust take out monsters? I get the silver, but the brick dust was new. There were times when I felt like I was missing a first book, especially when it came to Madame Millett's school, Rhiannon, and Marius' own mother's death, but this seems to be a debut novel.
What I really think: It's a bad idea to bring people back to life; won't go into the details, but I can't imagine this would end well. A sequel is hinted at, and I would be interested to see what Marius has to deal with in another book. Definitely purchasing.
Profile Image for Lizzy.
391 reviews2 followers
August 17, 2023
Summed up, this book is Neil Gaiman's The Graveyard Book with Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist as the protagonist. When I read its summary and saw its cover, I was so hyped and couldn't wait to get my hands on it. Turns out, this was an extremely infuriating experience.

This is Fournet's debut, and there are far too many examples of weaker writing to count. The main issues for me are:
1. Too much info dumping. - Brick Dust and Bones is set in and inspired by the culture and mythology of New Orleans. Obviously there is a lot of information to impart, but when paragraphs of poorly integrated lore are sandwiched between competent and atmospheric descriptions, it demolishes the immersion.

Candy ladies are known for haunting greets, placing candy on the windowsills of little children. If one of the kids takes the candy, they unknowingly invite the candy lady into their home. Then she can enter in the night and steal their teeth. - page 99

2. Describing things that don't necessarily need describing. - Or as I like to say: trust your audience and find better ways to describe things. Simplify.

The two shook hands. When they did, the slightest spark lit between their touching palms. The light was the faintest shade of blue. Both nodded and smiled to each other...Both parties needed to make the trade in good faith. After a barter, the two people shook hands. If the spark between them was blue, all was well. If the light was black, it meant someone was lying. - pages 91-92

3. Constant use of epithets and descriptions in place of character names and pronouns. - Fournet constantly refers to her own protagonist as "the monster hunter." Please, we know. Use his name. You gave him one, so use it. The following passage is referring exclusively to Marius:

He needed sleep and food. His body screamed t him to slow down, so the monster hunter finally decided to listen. - page 140.

I forgot to cite any passages I liked. But really, this book annoyed me to no end because of the promise that was clearly here, and it sabotaged itself.

Also, Rhiannon the mermaid is explicitly described to be deathly pale with white hair. However, my imagination immediately conjured Halle Bailey as Ariel with white hair, and refused to picture Rhiannon any differently.
Profile Image for Sam.
17 reviews
May 8, 2023
Brick Dust and Bones is a middle-grade novel steeped in the lore which surrounds the Louisiana bayou.

For fans of Grounded for All Eternity and Cemetery Boys, readers will find themselves engrossed by the world Fournet has built, yet shares so casually, as if monster hunting, deals with demons, and grave-hopping is an everyday occurrence. Of course, for Marius Gray, it is.

The story itself is well-plotted and paced featuring monster hunting investigations punctuated with action sequences against an overarching narrative.

Despite being the sole graveyard keeper of Graystone Cemetery and constantly caring for both the graves and ghosts, and his best friend– a mermaid named Rhiannon– Marius is a solitary character which matches with his loner status in other aspects of his life as well as his mourning the loss of his parents. In terms of main characters, they are interesting, but not necessarily compelling.

That being said, we meet quite the background cast throughout the novel, and despite my interest in Marius’ quest to keep his mother’s ghost around, I found myself more interested in these background characters such as the restaurant owner who opened her doors to spirits and humans alike, or this idea of mystic coins only used by those who deal in magic. This is due to the fact that, as stated, the New Orleans history and folklore is rich, the monsters are scary, and it’s written in such a way that I feel like a local as opposed to a tourist.

Overall, this was a fun, fast-paced read featuring a world ripe with magic and just a touch of darkness.
Profile Image for Ronald McCutchan.
215 reviews1 follower
September 22, 2023
I'll be interested in seeing how the author continues the storyline. This was written for maximum action--Marius the young monster hunter has several exciting monster encounters as he's collecting monsters for mystic coins. This is for young readers, so no defeats, though some significant injuries (more of which later...). The impetus for Marius's hunting (i.e. to earn enough to bring his mother back from the dead) feels ambivalent. He's willing to circumvent a lot of norms and rules in order to do this, and yet he gives away a signficant number of coins (thus putting his mission for his mother at risk) to help a teacher that he doesn't even particularly like. I know this is supposed to demonstrate that he is a good character, but I feel it weakened the urgency of his restoring his mother. Also, there was much forewarning/foreshadowing that bringing his mother back in this way might not restore her in all respects/she might be different, and yet the novel ends without addressing that (or acknowledging how his mother is going to reintegrate into the world having been dead and cremated--though the fact that both she and Marius are on the fringe of the paranormal realm and so not really integrated into mortal society does make that less of a problem.)
Profile Image for Kate Bowden.
29 reviews
December 27, 2022
Thank you Macmillan Children's Publishing Group and NetGalley for the ARC.

When children have a purpose in life, they will stop at nothing to achieve it.

Brick Dust and Bones teaches a valuable lesson about what it means to be independent and taking care of yourself when no one is around. Marius is a fun and loving character who risks his life to bring back the one thing he cherishes the most, his mother.

What I enjoy about this book are the thoughts Marius has when confronted with difficult situations. He soon realizes he can’t do everything on his own and it’s with the help of friends and unlikely ally’s that allow him to become a better person.

Marius is an easy character to relate to. Young readers will also love the magical element the book has to offer. The monsters are familiar and just creepy enough to still have nice dreams that night.

M.R. Fournet uses wonderful descriptions that helps paint each scene. My favorite aspects are how detailed the monster fights are. They don’t seem confusing at all.

I truly recommend preordering this book for book clubs, classroom reading, and readers advisory in the library.
Profile Image for Wafflepirates.
369 reviews17 followers
December 1, 2022
*Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for providing an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review*

This was such a fun read. The book follows Marius Grey, a cemetery boy turned monster hunter. The only problem is, he's not supposed to be a hunter, his job is to look after the ghosts in his family's graveyard. But, two years after his mother died, Marius is on a mission to bring her back, and monster hunting is the only way to do it. The monsters featured are recognizable (the first being a boogeyman), though I wasn't familiar with all of them. The world building was great, the author created a believable, supernatural world that exists right under the noses of most normal people. Marius is a fun character, and I loved his mermaid friend Rhiannon (and just the lore around mermaids in general). There were some moments where the story fell flat, and I felt like the ending was a little too vague and open, but overall I enjoyed this book and would love to read more about this world.
Profile Image for Jasmine.
204 reviews5 followers
July 28, 2023
I couldn’t stop listening! Much darker than I expected from a middle grade book—if you like Coraline, this series will be right up your alley. I can’t wait for more installments. It was fun, tense, and complex!

Spoilers ahead (more like predictions but if you prefer to go into a book totally blind skip this part)


First off, that off hand comment in the beginning about how the teacher isn’t Marius’ stand-in-mother was kinda weird. Like if your a mother and you died and your kid was left behind, wouldn’t you want them to find people to care for them? 🚩

AND THEN her “ghost” never tells Marius: nah, don’t go do that dangerous stuff to try and save me. What mother would want their own gain at the expense of their child’s safety/life? 🚩

AND THEN anytime Marius is desperate for his mom’s help, she goes radio silent 🚩

AND THEN that whole sus ending…I’m not gonna lay it out here, but if you read the book you know what I mean.

I’m going to have to read future installments as they release bc I NEED to know what’s going to happen 🤣
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
September 28, 2023
Another commenter said it exactly: my younger self would have obsessed over this story. Even as an adult I closed the book hungry for more. "Brick Dust and Bones" has the grim macabre of "The Graveyard Book" mixed with a Riordan-esque masterful retelling of myth and legend from an author who writes with a voice of familiarity and warmth of one who grew up with the legends.

This well-written tale steeped in folklore and culture allows readers to sink into the myths and legends of southern Louisiana/New Orleans without too-obviously censoring itself for its audience (in that way kids can so easily catch onto). This book does not patronize its young readers with euphemisms. Bones crunch, rotting flesh stinks, the sulfur-smell of Hell and death lingers on the pages. There's real stakes, danger, grit, and gore--you can feel the ache and exhaustion Marius fights throughout the novel. You wince with his pain. It's thrilling and captivating and I hope Fournet had plans to give us a sequel.
280 reviews1 follower
February 10, 2023
Marius and his flesh-eating mermaid friend, Rhia, monster hunt to earn Mystic coins to bring Marius' mother back from the dead. Time is running out as she has been gone for almost 2 years. Set in New Orleans, the imagery and ambience feel like New Orleans and the swamps and bayous of Lousiana. The culture with food, toruist attactions, and magic underlie the plot to cement the world building like the bricks used in the masoleums. Marius is a Cemetary Boy, one who tends the cememtarys and the ghosts of New Orleans, but monster hunting - boogeymen, poltergeists, candy ladies, and more - is meant for one as young as Marius. His grief at the loss of his mother and his determination to try and bring her back from the dead are palpable in every scene and decision he makes. Give to fans of City of the Dead by V. E. Schwab and The Clackity by Lora Senf. A fun, atmospheric read.
Profile Image for Anne.
4,800 reviews50 followers
April 10, 2024
I was happily surprised by how much I enjoyed this middle grade debut novel.
Marius Grey lives in one of the cemeteries in New Orleans. He is the keeper there, tending to the graves and the ghosts. Marius is just 12 so really an adult (like his mom or dad) should be doing things and he should be going to school. But Marius is an orphan, so he just does his best and hunts monsters whenever he can to earn Mystic coin in an attempt to bring his mom back - but time is quickly running out.
Great characters and world-building. I could not put this down, even though I stayed up past my bedtime to finish it. An engaging read. Can't wait to see what Fournet writes next.
CW: loss/death of parents, violence/some blood and gore
Profile Image for Jared White.
1,163 reviews30 followers
August 13, 2024
If you know a tween looking for an action-packed, spooky adventure then this may be the perfect book to recommend. I enjoyed getting to know Marius and Rhiannon (his flesh-eating mermaid friend). If that said tween is of a sensitive nature, maybe skip this one, some of the monsters are quite creepy (the loom-over-your-bed-and-peel-their-own-skin-off sort).

I will say, as a Christian, certain people making deals with demons made me kind of uncomfortable, but I guess that's been a part of folklore and stories for a long time... though I'm not sure why anyone would agree to condemn their own soul to hell for some of the things mentioned (or anything, really)... and I don't think demons get to make that call/judgment.
Profile Image for Cheri.
477 reviews
July 16, 2023
Marius Grey is a 12 yr old monster hunter in New Orleans. He traps the monsters in his "monster book" and cashes them in for Mystic coins. This is a super fantastic fun adventure story filled with magical action and awesome characters. I loved it so so so much. Marius reminds me of a young Constantine (the comic book character) and New Orleans as the backdrop makes the entire story even more interesting. Papa Harold, Mama Roux, Rhiannon the mermaid and Madame Millet are all so wonderful. Beneath the dark adventuring is the tenderness of a lonely boy missing his mother and fighting to bring her back with the help of an unexpected friend. I really hope there will be a sequel!
Profile Image for John Clark.
2,538 reviews46 followers
September 14, 2023
I was surprised at how quickly I read this and savored every word. It is delightful, with empathetic characters, and the challenges Marius faces are extremely interesting. Even though he's driven by earning enough magical coin to return his mother from wherever she went after the car crash, that determination doesn't stop him from looking beyond his needs when those of others seem more important. His friendship with Rhiannon is a big part of the story and shows readers how trust is more important than what's on the surface when another is quite different.
Profile Image for Kelsi.
2 reviews2 followers
October 30, 2023
I had the pleasure of speaking with the author of this book when I attended Rougarou Fest 2023 and was so excited to get into this book back in the hotel. Unfortunately, I was too busy with all the excitement to concentrate on anything else, but really got into it the day after I got home. I wasn’t really sure if this was my jam at first being 35 years old— boy was I wrong. This was so beautifully written. Being a Louisiana girl born and raised herself as am I this had me smiling with pride. One of my auto buy authors forever and always now.
Profile Image for Sarah.
843 reviews4 followers
May 4, 2024
As the last member of his family line, it is Marius' duty to tend to Greystone Cemetery. It's not a bad gig: he lives in a mausoleum and hangs out with ghosts. Since his mom died two years ago, though, he's been tremendously lonely. His best friend is a carnivorous mermaid, for pity's sake. In order to earn the Mystic money he needs for the spell to resurrect his mother, Marius hunts increasingly dangerous supernatural creatures across New Orleans. A fast-paced read that leans harder into the grim and dark than fantastical.
Profile Image for Jaime.
618 reviews29 followers
June 12, 2024
This was a wonderful middle grade book! Brick Dust And Bones follows twelve year old Marius Grey as he hunts monsters and tries to bring his mom back to life. This was a very well written, immersive read full of ghosts, monsters, and even has a mermaid. This book is perfect for lovers of middle grade fantasy and horror. I thoroughly enjoyed this story and the characters and can’t wait to read the next book in this series, Darkness And Demon Song.

Thank you Media Masters Publicity for the gifted copy.
145 reviews10 followers
March 7, 2023
Brick Dust and Bones by M. R. Fournet is a very different tale of a twelve-year old monster hunter and cemetary boy. While responsible for the ghosts in his families cemetary, Marcus also is trying to raise money as a bounty hunter to return his mother from the dead. This is not your usual tale of monster hunting and I think it would be of great interest to middle grade readers wanting a different story than the usual.
Profile Image for H. Woodward.
281 reviews3 followers
July 4, 2023
This is a truly excellent book. Monsters of all kinds: great, terrible, and legendary abound here. Unexpected friends and a nice twisty ending, that still leaves us some questions. I loved this fantastic story- especially the setting, New Orleans is the only place where these tales could all come together! I seldom say this, but the characters really led this story. They’re not worn out tropes, they’re unexpected and unique. I can only hope to read more from this author. Bravo! Well done.
Profile Image for Shannon Collins.
310 reviews2 followers
July 5, 2023
Short and full of mystery and adventure!

Brick Dust and Bones follows Marius on a grave quest as both a monster hunter and a son. This book begins world building immediately and there's no better town for monsters, ghosts, and mayhem than New Orleans. Marius was a beautifully built character and unexpectedly kind.

The tension kept me on the edge of my seat, even in the quiet moment between Marius and comforting side characters.

I cannot wait for more from this series!
1 review
July 28, 2023
Perfect for middle grade, young adult, and adults. I bought this book for my 10 year old grandson, but I wanted to read it first to make sure it wasn’t too dark. I loved it! Fournet does a marvelous job bringing Marius and all his monsters to life and makes you feel like you are right there in the story. My grandson started on it yesterday and doesn’t want to put it down. A perfect read for a family trip.
Profile Image for coffee.
394 reviews2 followers
January 19, 2024
I didn’t enjoy it as much as I thought I would, but it was an interesting read. It was giving The Graveyard Book but I also DNFed that one so I’m not 100% sure, lol. A story of a kid who tries his hardest to capture monsters after his mother dies, while also trying to live a “normal” life. It’s a story that touches on grief, loneliness, and homelessness. It was also giving Fullmetal Alchemist vibes (for the anime fans) except more hopeful, which, well, idk how to feel about that
Profile Image for Kyra Carmack.
345 reviews4 followers
February 14, 2024
This was such a fun middle grade novel! I saw this book in my library and thought that it looked really fun from the cover and decided to give it a chance. I really like Marius as a character and thought that his goal was a noble one. The ending felt a little slow and some characters felt like they needed more development, but overall I enjoyed it. I look forward to the second book when that comes out.
Profile Image for Janet Shawgo.
Author 9 books68 followers
July 28, 2023
Great book for young readers 9-12, and I loved it! When I am asked for author referrals for this age range I will be giving M. R. Fournet's name and her book Brick Dust and Bones to them. The story is filled with interesting facts and wonderous monsters. The author is an excellent storyteller with great detail. I strongly urge you to find this book, read it, and pass on the story of Marius Grey.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 61 reviews

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