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Imagine this...
The power of imagination has been lost!

Now it's all about the artillery as AD52s, crystal shooters, spikejack tumblers, and orb cannons are unleashed in a war of weapons and brute force.

As Alyss searches wildly for the solution to the disaster that has engulfed her queendom, Arch declares himself King of Wonderland. The moment is desperate enough for Alyss to travel back to London for answers, where Arch's assassins are threatening Alice Liddell and her family. But after coming to the Liddells' assistance, Alyss discovers herself trapped in a conundrum of evaporating puddles. The shimmering portals that exist to transport her home through the Pool of Tears are disappearing!

What is happening in Wonderland? Deep within the Valley of Mushroom the Caterpillar Oracles issue this prophecy: "Action shall be taken to ensure the safety of the Heart Crystal. For Everqueen." But who is Everqueen?

As the metamorphosis of Wonderland unfolds, enemies become allies, bitter rivals face off, and Queen Alyss and Redd Heart must both confront their pasts in this thrilling, no-holds-barred conclusion to the New York Times bestselling series.

370 pages, Hardcover

First published October 1, 2009

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About the author

Frank Beddor

26 books1,536 followers
Literary Sleuth and world creator Frank Beddor dared to expose the true story of Wonderland in the New York Times bestselling young adult trilogy The Looking Glass Wars. To satisfy the awakened curiosity of his readers he continued to tell the parallel adventures of Royal Bodyguard Hatter Madigan’s search for the lost princess in the graphic novel series Hatter M. He lives in Los Angeles.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 789 reviews
Profile Image for Annalisa.
557 reviews1,537 followers
December 9, 2009
Have you ever wondered if the Matrix would make a good book and then tried to imagine how an author would describe Reeves billowing trench coat and those swift motions that robotically counter those powerful agents? Probably not, but if you had, you'd quickly realize that somethings are best visual. And speaking of the Matrix, you know how the Matrix was cool and then the sequels weren't as good (when are they ever) and by the end you were done with this idea that was originally so creative but then just dragged on? You're getting a pretty good of what reading ArchEnemy is like. I often had trouble following what he was describing and other times frustrated that he kept cutting scenes short, jumping to someone else's dire circumstances, just to leave you hanging on a cliffhanger without telling you anything that happened. The Looking Glass Wars was interesting and different, but I'm kind of over the novelty of it and not really interested in the graphic novel turn the series has taken. Beddor should have wrapped up his story in one book and left it at that.
Profile Image for Jamie.
1,523 reviews1,248 followers
April 8, 2014
In this series, The Looking Glass Wars, Frank Beddor his given us an intricate, highly imaginative world. He took the world of Wonderland to a new level, giving it more depth, creativity and action. This final book takes what the first two books created to give us an action-packed ending.

While I love the series concept, I felt this one fell short of what the first two books set-up. The imagination was starting to feel a bit flat in this book. A few new ideas but mostly just a long wrap-up of the past couple books. The character story was especially lacking. We jump all over the place, every couple pages we are seeing things from another perspective. No real depth or character growth. A little with Molly and Charles Dodgson but that is about it. Alyss seemed to lose all personality, Redd was much milder than past books. Arch luckily was still a smart, wicked tyrant.

This book was full of action! While lacking in some areas, it didn't lack here. Yet with how much was happening I feel it would have made a better movie than book. In fact, if this series were turned into movies, I would assuredly go see them. It might even make this book make more sense. The constant jumping and scene changing keeps you glued to what is happening but we never seem to get much resolution to what was happening in the last scene. It needed more details and time to really explain what was going on at times. I think Mr. Beddor's mind was likely visualizing some amazing battles but his mind must have been so much faster than his pen could keep up with.

This series is still worth reading. The first two books are amazing and you need to read this to finish the story arc. However, this conclusion leaves space for improvement for filling in some blanks. I hate when authors start a series and don't finish and I always said "Any ending is better than no ending." Well this wasn't much better than that concept. It does wrap things up but I felt empty as I read a lot of this final book. The action was fun but I felt detached from the characters which I don't like.
Profile Image for The Flooze.
763 reviews278 followers
December 14, 2009
(4 for the world-building. 2.5 for the actual story.)

ArchEnemy is the sort of story that will make a visually stunning action movie. There's no doubt that Beddor can perfectly visualize every aspect of his detailed, intricate Wonderland.

But you know how, in action movies, your attention is so focused on the varied kabooms that you never have the chance to notice the wooden performances? After all, who cares if characters are phoning in the emotions, so long as the fight scenes are furious and the weapons slick?

Well, in a book, I think ya kinda have to care about those things.

The final installment of The Looking Glass Wars is once again overwhelmingly screenplay-ish. Throughout the whole of this experience, I've been convinced Beddor is consumed by creating a movie-worthy concept. In that, he's been successful.

The battle scenes are quick and dirty; the weapons are wondrous shiny. The scope of the land is vast and filled with treacherous obstacles and fabulous creatures. The transitions between viewpoints are infinitely camera-worthy.

But I'm not watching a film. I'm reading a book. And when reading, I want characters I can relate to, lives to worry about. I want to connect to them and share in their success and their loss. I want to roar with delight when the good guys score a victory.

In short, I want to give a shit.

In this, Beddor fails. The characters are bland. Queen Alyss is nothing more than a template do-gooder whose worries are superficial. Dodge is just some angry bloke who loves the Queen because, well, that's what he's there for. The walrus, Bibwit and Doppelganger offer a little comic relief through their twitchy antics. The best character of them all, Redd, has been completely diminished by her failures, so that even Her Imperial Viciousness no longer bears the same bloody glow she harboured in the first two books.

All aspects considered, ArchEnemy isn't going to offer any surprises. It neatly ties up loose ends, and provides an imaginative mind a lovely landscape worthy of the best CGI has to offer. Wait for the movie so you can be appropriately dazzled and distracted by the cool inventions and neat places. With some pretty explosions and some gore, you won't have to worry about a pesky thing like character development.
Profile Image for Jessica.
Author 28 books5,795 followers
January 6, 2010
Frank Beddor likes his villains.

No, he loves them.

He loves them to the point where he gives Alyss, Queen of Wonderland, three pages for every ten devoted to the villains. The villains, for their part, do a lot of Snidely Whiplash-esque teeth-gnashing and vain threatening. Redd Heart is campy to the point of making me groan, and Arch is a stereotype. Meanwhile, we're supposed to care about Alyss' and Dodge's thwarted love, Alyss' struggle to reunite the queendom, etc, when we're given only brief, frustrating snippets of information about them.

When I read Looking Glass Wars I was thrilled beyond all reason. It was so COOL! He'd taken the classic Alice in Wonderland story and twisted it around until it was something so new and brilliant. I loved the soundtrack that went with it, and the Hatter M. comic book series. But I really think his "cool idea" is just not being well-executed at this stage. The ideas are still there, but too much time is given to the villains, and to the many weapons. (By the way: why do the practitioners of "White Imagination" spend so much time creating and developing weapons?) There are almost no descriptions of the characters, or the strange creatures that inhabit Wonderland, yet the three or four characters he does describe are described ad nauseum. (We KNOW Bibwit is pale, he's an ALBINO!)

In the end, I enjoyed reading this book, I loved the Everqueen angle and the Caterpillars, but I wanted more: More Alyss, more Dodge and Hatter, and more descriptions of the fascinating world he'd created.
Profile Image for Bry.
637 reviews94 followers
June 4, 2010
I think my qualm with this book is that it reads like a screenplay. The plot seems extremely disjointed and jumpy. There just isn't much continuity and no smooth segways. Furthermore, the entire books is written like a description. Only the bare essentials are given and done so in the most boring language. During action scenes it seems as if every sentence begins with the name of a character and a physical description of their movements, yet with no imagery or feeling. Overall the result is you have a story with no heart.

This screenplay like approach also affects the characters too. They are wooden and stuck in their original cliche's with no allowance for growth. They never surprise the reader or even each other it seems. And if they do surprise another character with their actions it still fails to impress the reader because it seems like most of the major decisions made and actions completed are naive and flat out stupid. There were several times when I though Alyss should have died due to her naivete.

Overall I am glad I got a HEA for the series as a whole but reading this was more of a chore than fun. I felt I had to finish it, but didn't necessarily want to. Who knows, maybe it just wasn't my cup of tea. Maybe others will like it better.
953 reviews253 followers
May 15, 2013
A slightly disappointing end to the trilogy. The basic ideas are stil wonderfully inventive, but I honestly feel that this is one of those rarely occurring books where it would translate better in film. Simply too much focus on (and too little description of) confusing fights with technology that was hard to imagine (if you'll excuse the unintentional pun). The writing itself seems to have gotten worse, but still, some pretty unique ideas and interesting twists.
Profile Image for Elevetha .
1,866 reviews194 followers
August 30, 2012
2.5 stars. I was a little disappointed in this conclusion to "The Looking-Glass Wars." Honestly, I need a re-read but when I did read it, I remember thinking, "What? This is it? THIS is where we end? Oh well." There was little characterization, all action, and what we did get of characterization was all for the villains. Don't get me wrong. I love a good villain. Tar Man for one. Redd for another. I love her character. But when the story is supposed to be about Alyss, or at least that was what I thought Frank Beddor was going for, and all you ever get about anything is the villain's POV or their growth and their feelings and their motives,etc, that is bloody great (In fact, can we get Frank Beddor to give classes to other authors about including these vital tidbits and plot points in their books?) but give us something, ANYTHING, about the main characters! Honestly, I now think of this series as "Redd's series." She is the main character. Arch gets more than Alyss in this book. Alyss is a side character that you had to know her story as told in the first two books to appreciate and understand Redd's story. That was the author's goal. In my humble personal opinion.
As Jessica Day George says,

"Frank Beddor likes his villains.

No, he loves them."

Which is perfectly stated.
Profile Image for Katy.
2,046 reviews197 followers
January 12, 2021
This was a fun YA series to read during the winter.
Profile Image for Leandra.
139 reviews3 followers
August 1, 2020
I... Don't really know how to rate this book. The series overall was okay, some parts better than others. I would say it was a good ending, I enjoyed the reading. But something is missing.
I cannot say I didn't like it, I could even reccomend it as a nice easy read, but I don't think it will go on my favorites' shelf.
Maybe if I was younger I would have enjoyed it more?
I also found some descriptions a little confusing, but that could also be a language gap, since English is not my first language.
Profile Image for Quinn Costello.
23 reviews2 followers
February 8, 2024
3.5 Stars
The book and series overall was enjoyable. The world building is really fun. However, since the second book I have felt the side characters and side plots have taken away from the main story. Alyss and by extension Redd are sidelined for large chunks to see what other characters are doing and at one point we are told what has been done is actually pointless. Compared to the first book this one just felt underwhelming.
Profile Image for Terence.
1,211 reviews448 followers
October 26, 2009
I am of two minds as I write this review:

My first mind admits to enjoying the subgenre of novels that rewrite classic stories - Gardner's Jason and Medeia or Updike's Gertrude and Claudius, that tell a tale from a different POV - Moore's Fool is one I read recently, or that explain what really happened on that "dark and stormy night" - Farmer's The Other Log of Phileas Fogg. My junior/senior high school English teacher had us rewrite a classic from another character's POV (I chose Dracula - told from the Count's point of view, and he won). And I've always had an idea for writing a story set in Middle Earth told from an orc's point of view - whose attitude to Sauron and his wars is bested summed up in that song from the otherwise forgettable animated version of the trilogy, "Where There's a Whip, There's a Way" (i.e., We don't want to go to war today / But the master of the lash says, Nay, nay, nay!)

All this is a somewhat roundabout way of saying that the idea of rewriting Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass was immediately intriguing and that Beddor does a credible job in this book and the two preceding - The Looking Glass Wars and Seeing Redd.

The Alice Liddell of Carroll's books is actually based on Alyss Heart, rightful Queen of Wonderland, whose parents have been brutally murdered by her aunt, Redd, and who escapes into our world with the aide of Hatter Madigan, a member of the elite group of warriors known as the Millinery (whose hatwear puts Oddjob's to shame - FYI: Bond reference). In Alyss's world, "imagination," the power to think of something and then bring it into being, is wielded to create all sorts of objects and is the source of inventiveness in our own world. Alyss and Redd are the two most powerful practitioners of "imagination," which undergirds both their claims to rule.

The story is fast paced, well told and the characters likeable, in particular Hatter Madigan and his daughter, Homburg Molly. And Redd Heart's over-the-top sociopathy is fun to witness (if this is ever made into a movie, the actor playing Redd should have a field day chewing the scenery all to pieces).

My second mind wonders what the point, in this case, was? I suppose to justify a rewriting/reinterpretation of a classic, one should have a purpose in mind. A need to explore some aspect of the work that the author neglected but that is worthy of discussion. For whatever else you may think of Wicked, certainly one of its themes was the perennial one asking how a person can become such a monster as the Wicked Witch.

Here I don't think Beddor's efforts really do much more than reveal a reasonably clever twist on the original. The "magic" of Carroll's books is entirely lost, IMO, and what's left is another pleasant diversion that may reveal more about what modern readers expect in a fantasy than anything else - and it doesn't reflect well on us (another opinion).

Recommended, with caveats. Don't expect anything that will blow you away but you may be entertained for a while.
Profile Image for Lanica.
313 reviews30 followers
December 31, 2009
The first two books of the series revolved around the characters of Alyss and Redd, this book detours more into the characters of Arch and the caterpillars and I was left feeling that the ending that could-have-been would have been better if the author had stayed with Alyss and Redd.

I loved the first two books, but this one just fell flat. I never got into the character of Arch, so when he took over the plot line I sort of lost interest. I kept reading because I wanted to know that the rest of the characters were doing, but the more I read the less connected to the book I felt. The worms...well, they just drained the life out of the novel. I was curious about them, but in the end...they didn't do anything. They were flat and boring and their purpose made the ending of the book seem...flat.

Also, there was the budding romance with Alyss and Dodge...I expected it to be fleshed out in this novel, but instead it was pushed to the back burner until the very end when a bow was nicely placed around all those nagging loose ends. I loved the first two books and was hoping the third book would build on what was created, instead it tore it all apart and rebuilt it on a weak foundation. I was disappointed in this book, but I do look forward to reading the graphic novel, Hatter M.
Profile Image for Jennifer Wardrip.
Author 5 books511 followers
November 5, 2012
Reviewed by Kira M for TeensReadToo.com

In this final book of THE LOOKING GLASS WARS trilogy, Wonderland's Heart Crystal's powers have been depleted and so have the powers of Imagination. This leaves Wonderland vulnerable to its enemies, which, according to the caterpillar oracles, are many.

With doubts in the air and hidden enemies within Wonderland, who may even be people pretending to be her friend, Alyss forms an uneasy truce with Redd, the queen who killed her parents and took over Wonderland. Their goal: to defeat Arch, the King of the Boarderland.

With little chance of counting on Imagination to save them and the stakes high, will Alyss find a way to keep her throne and save her people? Who can she really trust?

This book had a lot of violence in it, much like the first two in the series, but was an excellent conclusion to the trilogy. The plot was intense and well-thought out. The main characters are well-developed and stayed true to their natures that the author created for them.

Fans of the original ALICE IN WONDERLAND, fantasy, and adventure will all enjoy reading ARCHENEMY, but will need to read THE LOOKING GLASS WARS and SEEING REDD first, in order to be able to follow the story.
Profile Image for Anne Osterlund.
Author 5 books5,454 followers
August 18, 2014
Imagination is in danger, both black and white. With rebellion surging within Wonderland, Alyss and her bodyguard head off in disguise to a rally against the very force that has made her queen. But the rally soon spirals into violence, and Alyss and Dodge are forced to flee for their lives.

Which gives King Arch the perfect opportunity to invade Wonderland and capture its throne. Unfortunately for Arch, his attack on imagination has done the one thing nothing else could accomplish.

It has placed Redd and Alyss on the same side.

I enjoyed ArchEnemy better than the second novel, both because Alyss takes on a more active role within the plot and because once again the author has woven together the real world of the Liddels and the author, Lewis Carroll, with the fantastical events occurring in Wonderland.
Profile Image for Samantha wickedshizuku Tolleson.
2,156 reviews61 followers
March 17, 2019
The start of this book was utterly confusing, but that irons itself out pretty quickly.
I'm really not a fan of King Arch. Though I feel empathy for Redd. I can somewhat understand the anger that she has.
I felt a bit annoyed by Alyss's attitude. It seems that she has given up in the beginning, but I'm waiting for her to get over that.
Profile Image for Jennifer Thomas.
37 reviews
August 14, 2020
Duuuuuuuuuuuuull. Read the first book and then just ignore the fact that the other two books even exist.
Profile Image for Maria.
130 reviews21 followers
July 1, 2010
I began the last book of Frank Beddor’s The Looking Glass Wars trilogy with some trepidation. Final books in trilogies are notorious for failing to match the pace and excitement of the previous texts, and I worried that this would be the case here as well. I did find that ArchEnemy suffered from end of series-itis, but not in a terminal sense. Beddor’s book continues to build on the world he has created, and ambitiously addresses the social and political struggles of those who occupy it. Although ambitious, however, the story presents these struggles in a way that doesn’t highlight why they are wrong, only that they are. While this might be acceptable in a work of fiction written for adults, I am concerned that it is perhaps too ambiguous in a text written for young adults, who need more explicit and concrete explanations—but more on this later.
The book begins where Seeing Redd ends and follows three storylines in a broad fashion: Alyss and Dodge; Hatter and Molly; and Arch and Redd. Each of these three pairs has major unresolved issues that are used by the oracles of Wonderland, the caterpillars, toward a mysterious end. The oracles have a mission all their own and, since they can see the future, they appear especially manipulative and self-serving in this book. But this series has a lot to do with trust, and even when Alyss and her friends misplace their trust in one individual, other friends step into the breach to protect her and the court, and Alyss chooses to believe that the caterpillars are on her side.
There remains a major unresolved issue from Seeing Redd: All the imaginationists lost their abilities after the explosion of the bomb planted by King Arch, and it is unknown if anyone will regain their talents. The Club family, who has long targeted the Hearts, takes this opportunity to hold rallies and meetings to speak out against the imaginationists: the architects, artists, scientists, and other talented individuals in Wonderland. Alyss is mystified by this behavior; she can’t understand why the members of her populace would turn against her and those who represent the creative energy of the kingdom. Perhaps more ominous, the Clubs have begun to gather up the imaginationists and relocate them by force to ghetto-like tenements called ‘limbo coops.’ Alyss doesn’t have any proof, however, that the Clubs are directly behind what is happening, so she and a very worried Dodge attend a rally in disguise to collect the evidence necessary to prosecute those responsible. Dodge’s worst fears are realized when Alyss is recognized, but they are saved by a transport of imaginationists headed towards the coops; although the imaginationists are being deprived of their legal rights and forced to live in unacceptable conditions on Club lands, they are not a group without power, and they give Alyss the good news that they are recovering from damage caused by WILMA. Imagination is returning to Wonderland.
Meanwhile, Hatter and Molly are trying to cope with Weaver’s death and Molly’s accidental detonation of the WILMA device. Hatter is a warrior, and has given his life to the protection of the Heart family; he doesn’t know how to be a father to a teenage daughter, much less to one who is suffering on so many levels. But Wonderland is being attacked by Arch, who is well aware that both Alyss and Redd are without their powers, and the king is determined to punish both Hatter and Molly. Hatter decides that he has lost too much; he is willing to surrender his life in defense of the queen, but not his daughter’s. He decides to take Molly to the only place he deems safe enough: To the Reverend Dodgson, the only person Hatter knows who is aware of Wonderland and will recognize potential attacks on his daughter. He leaves Molly on Earth, angry and surly about this second abandonment, but she eventually begins to use the time productively.
At the same time, the reader begins to learn more about Redd and her youth. When she was a wild young woman, causing her parents great concern for her eligibility to rule Wonderland, she was spending that time with Arch. Her original quest to gain her throne creates a situation in which she “envision[s:] a future with” Arch, “cavorting as they pleased while she ruled Wonderland and he Borderland, an enviable power couple if there ever was” (115). Her temporary return to power during Seeing Redd has her revisiting those feelings, and desiring an equal to share her life with. Arch, however, is a misogynist who sees women as things, and his only interest in Redd lies in her position as queen of Wonderland; without a throne and her powers she is merely a woman, and not a threat in any sense. But his arrogance about the success of his machine and excessive pride in his intelligence also causes him to underestimate WILMA’s success or the extent of Redd’s madness. This final betrayal by a man she sees as her equal at first drives her to attack him, and then flee to lick her wounds in defeat. This experience causes her to see any “sentimentality,” no matter the degree, as “the most dangerous weakness of all” and she fully completes her descent into madness (117). At this point she will do or promise anything to restore her crown and her position to power, especially after she begins to recover her imagination. Arch now has two Heart women as his enemies, and his certainty in complete success foreshadows his downfall.
The state of the political environment of Wonderland seems to be the biggest concern in this book, which is clear from the outset with Alyss’ need to travel in disguise to the rallies planned by the Clubs family. Alyss makes it clear that the civil rights of her people must be protected, even if “we don’t like what they’ve gathered to hear” (33). When she begins to feel doubt about the decisions she has made in the course of her reign Dodge must remind her that Wonderlanders are, by virtue of the differences in imagination, not equal in ability and “ll [she:] can do is try to make it so [all Wonderlanders are:] equal in rights—subject to the same laws and afforded the same fundamental opportunities” (119). The Clubs, meanwhile, are determined to deprive the Imaginationists of their freedom and to move them into tenements and restrict their movements. King Arch isn’t faring any better; as soon as he successfully invades Wonderland the tribes he has managed by “antagonizing them against one another to prevent their banding together against him” begin to behave like the nearsighted, greedy populace he has trained them to be (149). And above all of these political systems are the maneuverings of the caterpillars, who can see the possible futures and have political goals of their own. Ironically, Redd and Alyss are united in protecting imagination from Arch and the Clubs, and they align themselves with the caterpillars, who they hope are also on the side of imagination.
Imagination, and the differences between those who possess or lack it, also lies at the heart of the book. Early in the story it becomes evident that the instability of the last fifteen years has been difficult for the Imaginationists of the queendom, and thy are now beginning to believe “imagination causes more problems than it solves” (102). But Alyss has already had to address this issue: In Seeing Redd she realizes that imagination isn’t in itself good or evil; rather, it is up to those who have imagination to choose how they are going to use their ability. The green caterpillar tries to explain this to Redd in ArchEnemy when he says, “It is supposed that power corrupts…[y:]et the powerful are often corrupt before they are powerful” (95). Despite her ongoing dispute with her niece about the succession to Wonderland’s throne, Redd, too, recognizes that “a world with imagination is better than a world without it,” but her final descent into madness prevents her from applying the wisdom she has been given and allows her temporary truce with Alyss to be only for the purposes of defeating Arch—she fully intends to attack her niece afterwards in order to regain possession of the Heart Crystal and with it control of the imagination in Wonderland (187). The conclusion of the book, which revolves around the establishment of the Everqueen, makes it so that no one group of Wonderlanders (or a single individual, for that matter) can control imagination: “Some shall be born with much imagination, others little” but “Everqueen can never be destroyed, or the inspiration she provides lessened” (363).
Although I enjoyed the story greatly, I do have some concerns about how it has been constructed. One of the biggest issues I encountered was with the structure of the book, which felt like three smaller books shuffled into one. Beddor rotates his short chapters between characters in an almost predictable pattern that sometimes interferes with the enjoyment of the story and makes it feel fractured; as soon as one storyline gains momentum he ends the chapter and carries on with another storyline. While this may be a deliberate strategy to help younger readers manage the scope of the story, I know it caused me issues with remembering the order of events, and that it would, likewise, be problematic for a younger audience. I feel the book would have benefited from some judicious blending and some page breaks, rather than a new chapter every time the perspective changes.
Another concern I have with the overall story is the treatment of the Imaginationists by the Clubs. Early in the story the reader learns that this minority population is being gathered at gun point by soldiers and forcibly relocated to specially designed concentration camp-like areas where soldiers patrol the borders on foot and from guard towers. Families are often scattered and forced to live in squalid conditions with little food or comfort; at one point a Club soldier breaks up a dispute telling the involved parties that they are not allowed to kill each other, “[y:]ou leave the killing to us” (25). All of these descriptions are powerful reminders of historical events (German concentration camps throughout Europe, Japanese internment camps in the United States) but there is very little discussion within the story about the human rights violations or the human cost of what is happening. The camps exist only as the location where the Imaginationists have been taken and in the context of Alyss’ time gathering support from them, and I feel they are a subject that could have been expanded upon. Given the strongly political tone of the book, it is disturbing to be that greater emphasis was not placed on the criminal nature of the rights violations.
Despite the concerns I have with the text, which I admit are more in the way of curiosities and mild annoyances, I enjoyed this book. I wish the story had been of the same depth of the first book, which was more complex and created a unique and thriving world. Also, the dustcover of the book seems to indicate that Alyss will be travelling to Earth in the first part of the book, which I was looking forward to because Alyss’ departure in the first book was abrupt and left some questions, but her return doesn’t happen until nearly the end of the story. The finish of the story is consistent with the rest of the series, however, and although the creation of the Everqueen is somewhat anticlimactic and rushed, the major characters that support Alyss all end well.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for C.E. Clayton.
Author 13 books255 followers
August 18, 2022
I’m going to keep this review as brief as humanly possible, not because I don’t have thoughts on the final book in the Looking Glass Wars, but because this book is impossible to talk about if you haven’t read the first two books (and really, why are you reading reviews for this if you haven’t read the other two books?). But in “ArchEnemy” Alyss finds herself ruling over a queendom still suffering from a lack of imagination as the effects of book two are still being felt. There are factions of dissent Alyss never knew existed in Wonderland, and her enemies are still out there, waiting, and closing in… This book is almost non-stop action, which is what I expected given how things ended in the last book and what needed to happen this time around. But I also thought, given this was the final book in the series, that a lot of character work would be done as well and, unfortunately, there wasn’t.

I will say that this book is incredibly easy to read. The chapters are short, often ending on cliffhangers that make you keep going. The equivalent of shoveling popcorn in your face during an action movie. Which is really what this reads like, and if this series was made into a movie or show, I’d absolutely watch it! The author has such a clear vision for what this version of Wonderland looks like, the clothes, the weapons, the choreography of the action scenes, that it really does come through on the page (unless you don’t like that, then you’ll be confused or just skimming a lot). But the author put so much energy into that, into bouncing between characters as things get more and more dire, that the actual character development was incredibly stilted, or not there at all. This felt the most glaring, to me, for Alyss and Dodge who, arguably, I should have cared for the most and should have had the most growth given their relationship.

Too much page time was spent with the villains, and not enough on the people fighting to put Wonderland back together again. When the attention is split that much, and so little is spent on character description of any kind in favor of weapon and action descriptions, it felt, at times, like big things were happening “off screen”. Plans were developed the reader doesn’t see, except when the characters are about to execute the plan, or after it’s been enacted. The plot felt light, relying too heavily on oracles making things happen “because” and the rest of the characters flailing about, rather than being active participants in the fate of the queendom. That being said, I did really like how no imagination in Wonderland made Earth suffer. It was an interesting way to raise the stakes for Alyss, though it amounted to little. Same goes with how those with Imagination initially liked that it went away, how not having that burden to constantly create was creating its own burnout for them, but at the end of the day, they still couldn’t function without it. I loved those touches and wish more had been done with them!

All in all, I didn’t mind this book. Like I said, it’s easy to read, a very popcorn action adventure that took very little of my brain power to follow, which is kind of what I like in the summer months. But for how strong this series started this final book just wasn’t the climax I was hoping for. It’s not bad, it just needed more when it came to character building and resolutions in my opinion. The author had an amazing idea for this series, I just think the plot and subplots got away from him in favor of the visuals. I still think this series will be a lot of fun for younger readers after they read Through the Looking Glass. So, just like it’s predecessor, this final book in the Looking Glass Wars gets 3 stars from me because I think it’s going to be one of those stories and series I forget about, and don’t think about ever again.
Profile Image for Carrie (brightbeautifulthings).
894 reviews33 followers
March 9, 2020
There are spoilers ahead for The Looking Glass Wars and Seeing Redd. After King Arch’s attack, Alyss, Redd, and the Wonderlanders are suddenly without their imaginations. Unable to fight back, both queens are forced to hide while Arch establishes himself as the new King of Wonderland. But the war is far from over. Alyss returns to London to search for answers and protect the Liddell family, but she soon finds herself stranded as the portals to the Pool of Tears begin to dry up. Meanwhile, Redd concocts her most outlandish plan yet: Is it possible for the two would-be queens to form a temporary alliance against a bigger threat? Trigger warnings: death, grief, depression, drugging, violence.

This is a satisfying conclusion to the trilogy, but it remains solidly in the middle of the road for me like the rest of the series. I prefer more character development and fewer action scenes, but I can see the fast pace and short chapters especially working for readers who struggle to pay attention for long periods (or perhaps aren’t yet sold on the concept of reading as a hobby). I like the world and the characters though, and Beddor has developed a rich and interesting alternative Wonderland that’s a blend of fantasy, science fiction, and a little steampunk.

The introduction of the Everqueen comes pretty late in the series to make much sense, and I’m not sure it’s necessary to the overall plot. The caterpillars are committed to the protection of the Heart Crystal, and that’s a satisfying enough motivation for their actions in this book and the others. I wanted to see more of Alyss coming into her powers as a queen, but I had the sense that, given all the kerfuffle, she’s more or less exactly where she started at the end of the first book. In terms of adaptations, I liked it more than Queen of Hearts, less than Alice, and about on par with Splintered (without the tedious love triangle or, in fact, much romance at all).

I review regularly at brightbeautifulthings.tumblr.com.
Profile Image for Kat.
543 reviews32 followers
January 29, 2021
This trilogy was a fun concept - but a TERRIBLE execution. Every one of the characters was flat. We were told Dodge and Alyss were in love, not shown. Their relationship wasn’t even good? Hatter was boring. Molly was? Sad? All the time for no reason? Idk.

The descriptions in this were Too Much and often were so far from the point I got lost. The story didn’t make much sense and felt like too much buildup. The ending was lame. Redd’s demise? Come on.

Also, Arch was an entirely unnecessary villain. One of his only qualities was being majorly sexist. It should have been about Redd/Alyss, not Arch.
Profile Image for Jelli.
494 reviews
August 8, 2020
A satisfying conclusion to the Looking Glass Wars trilogy. Overall, the series takes the familiar Wonderland characters, gives them a twist and inserts in them into a complex plot involving palace intrigue and an actual war between the various Wonderland imagination factions. Beddor tells an engaging alternate Wonderland story while also saying some thoughtful things about imagination and power. I recommend the audio books because the narrator does a great job of creating and maintaining distinct voices for the characters across the series.
Profile Image for Heather W.
884 reviews12 followers
April 23, 2018
An ok ending to the trilogy. A bit rushed at the end, and a bit disappointing on how the bad guys arcs are finished at the end. A tad predictable and possibly not doing the original idea justice. And again with the pauses in battle scenes!!!!

All in all, an OK easy read but definitely fell flat at the end
Profile Image for Michelle Graf.
248 reviews27 followers
February 13, 2024
Just about the same as book 2, and I feel the same about this book as I did the previous one. I much preferred Hatter and Homburg Molly's story over the main one. Characters are flat otherwise. The setting is neat, but the story isn't really compelling after more of the same. And the ending is kinda disappointing. Props to the guy reading the audiobook for committing to his performance, reading aloud all the sound effects for combat. That was fun to hear.
44 reviews
April 7, 2020
4.5 What a brilliant book and a wonderfully crafted world! Great to see some of “Lewis Carroll’s” math puzzles make an appearance as well!
Profile Image for marcus ghee.
17 reviews1 follower
October 6, 2023
Frank, you rushed the shit out of that ending. What exactly is this EverQueen mess??? WHERE TF IS HBIC REDD HEART???? Who did Arch end up being on earth??? I HAVE QUESTIONS FRANK.
Profile Image for Berkeley Andrus.
56 reviews
March 30, 2021
Just like the others in this trilogy, ArchEnemy is an exciting and rewarding story that is just not well written. I've never both enjoyed and disliked a book so much.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 789 reviews

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