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John Tiffany #1-2

John Tiffany GN

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John Tiffany Vol. 1 collects and updates this raucous action-adventure. Filled with car chases, intrigue, and beautiful women, John Tiffany is exactly the sort of gut punch that fans of international spy stories love.

John Tiffany is one of the best bounty hunters in the world. Given his precarious line of work, he has found that he can only truly trust four Pastor Lovejoy, an unorthodox priest; Wan Chao, an underworld geek; Dorothy, his conservative teammate; and Magdalena, a sex worker he has foolishly fallen in love with. But it seems that one of them has turned against him and now he’s the one with a bounty on his head. It’s a race against time as he tries to survive being a high-priced target and find out which of his confidantes is the traitor.


136 pages, Paperback

Published August 22, 2023

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About the author

Stephen Desberg

653 books33 followers
Stephen Desberg is a Belgian writer of comics. In 2010, he was the 10th bestselling author of comics in France, with 412,000 copies of all his comics together sold that year.

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Displaying 1 - 17 of 17 reviews
April 21, 2023
"John Tiffany" is a fast paced noir suspense story set against a background of organized crime and international espionage. The main protagonist, although sympathetically portrayed, is a deeply troubling character who views all human interactions as transactions that can be evaluated for their financial worth. When a bounty is placed on his head and the tables are switched he is posed with a number of dilemmas, not the least of which is determining if he actually has any friends he can trust.

Expect, lot's of high energy action. adult situations, car chases, unmitigated man child behavior and lots and lots of all out mayhem. Additionally, it should be noted that this book is intended for mature, if not downright jaded audiences. As such it contains large amounts of material that some readers will find objectionable and is definitely not suitable for work or school .

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher, Mad Cave Studios, which provided me with an eARC in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Lukasz.
1,603 reviews256 followers
May 1, 2023

An ok read. John Tiffany, a successful bounty hunter, gets a bounty on his head. Mayhem ensues. And lots of car chases, naked ladies, and sex. While John Tiffany makes an impression of a cowboy and alpha male, there's more to him, so that's a plus. Sadly, the intrigue and the writing didn't awe me.
Profile Image for Educator.
314 reviews4 followers
April 10, 2023
NetGalley ARC Educator 550974

This is an action packed telling of John V's day to day life. He's a bounty hunter with a close knit group of friends and a forbidden love. The art and storyline keep you engaged and wanting more. Hope we don't have to wait a long time for the next installment.
Profile Image for Emir.
120 reviews4 followers
April 7, 2023
What a great and intriguing story. Story line was great. The art and dialogue even better.
I enjoyed meeting John Tiffany and can't wait for more! This comic is NSFW by the way
Profile Image for Martin Maenza.
822 reviews15 followers
June 16, 2023
This graphic novel will be released on July 18, 2023. Mad Cave Studios provided an early galley for review.

The cover really jumped out to me. We have the protagonist, a handsome suited professional with his gun trained on the reader and a cigarette firmly in lips. The logo includes a gun and bullet holes. This one screams high-testosterone action. I was down for it.

The interior art is equally as appealing. The backgrounds are very detailed, the characters are rendered with distinction and supporting shading, and the coloring is appropriately muted and moody. The action scenes flow very well. For a visual medium, all of this is very important when conveying the story to the reader.

John Tiffany is introduced as a very layered character, a bounty hunter with an interesting supporting cast. The narrative bounces around a bit - from present day to flashbacks. The transitions are obviously indicated, but the reader still has to pay attention to things. The plot flows well so that the volume concludes the case and mystery. I could easily see this continuing with another story arc, which if coming from this same creative team I would gladly welcome.
Profile Image for Doreen.
2,885 reviews79 followers
July 18, 2023
7/17/2023 Full review tk at TheFrumiousConsortium.net.

7/18/2023 Every time I see a square-jawed black-haired white dude with a five o'clock shadow in comics, I immediately think Jon Hamm. Is that weird?

Our book's namesake hero is another Jo(h)n. John Tiffany is a very successful bounty hunter whose inner circle consists of only four people. First there's Dorothy, his right hand woman, whose politics are decidedly right wing. Then there's Wan Chao, who worked computers for the Shanghai Triads before joining John's operation. His main focus nowadays is studying Judaism so he can convert and marry his lady love. Pastor Lovejoy isn't exactly a proponent of the prosperity gospel, but definitely encourages John to do whatever it takes to get the job done so long as his intentions are good. Finally, Magdalena Profokiev is the love of John's life, an elusive sex worker drifting right out of his reach.

It's while John is in Mexico chasing down a lead that he realizes that one of these four people must have betrayed him. An $800,000 bounty has been placed on his head, probably by the brother of a terrorist he'd recently handed over to the Americans. In order to get the bounty lifted, and to figure out which of the only four adults in his life that he trusts has turned on him, he'll have to travel to Karachi and have a... discussion with the man out for his blood.

This fast-paced thriller boasts some spectacular art, that clearly telegraphs even to art-skimmers like myself what exactly is going on in any given panel. The action scenes are delightfully cinematic. The illustrations themselves are chock full of homages to different art movements and styles of the 20th century, from vintage book covers and movie posters all the way around -- in a fun, self-referential loop -- to pop art. Like Magdalena, their gorgeousness goes hand-in-hand with their intelligence.

Alas that that last quality does not apply to the text of this graphic novel. John's investigative work is shockingly poor. While the revelation of who betrayed him was satisfying, its resolution had essentially nothing to do with him at all. The trope of sex worker as idealized love object was also a bit much, tho it does open up interesting avenues plot-wise for future installments of the series. I think I would have been more comfortable with all the naked ladies throwing themselves at John if he'd had more than three, maybe five, brain cells to rub together. Or at least had a personality to explain why everyone wanted to get in his pants.

There were also some mindsets in this book that made me less than comfortable. I'm used to that from bad guys, but it's weird being expected to be sympathetic when the "good" guys spout nonsense. The author is European, so perhaps these are merely his outsized projections of American stereotypes? I'd probably read the next book in the series, but wouldn't have too high hopes for it beyond good-looking action entertainment.

John Tiffany Vol. 1 by Stephen Desberg & Dan Panosian was published today July 18 2023 by Mad Cave Studios and is available from all good booksellers, including Bookshop!
1,408 reviews39 followers
May 30, 2023
My thanks to both NetGalley and the publisher Mad Cave Studios for an advance copy of this new graphic novel about the travails of a bounty hunter just trying to enjoy the good life.

There is an old saying: Sometimes you get the bear, sometimes the bear gets you. Many professions use this to explain problems at work, or even in life. There is probably a few professions that one can say this literally about. A profession that has hunting in the job description, as in bounty hunting. One day a person is travelling the world, enjoying the best things in life, breaking laws in all sorts of countries, shooting strangers and collecting their corpses or even better keeping them alive for a higher reward. Till one day someone is shooting up the Dodge Charger that person is driving in, with cars in pursuit with more weapons than an NRA sex dream, and screaming about the price on the bounty hunter's head. Being one of the best bounty hunters, a lot of people would love revenge. John Tiffany Volume 1 by John Tiffany written by Stephen Desberg and illustrated by Dan Panosian is an action packed international boundary crossing thriller about hunter of men, who finds himself in the crosshairs for the first time.

John Tiffany lucked into bounty hunting, capturing a famous killer and making a rep early in the game. Tiffany used this fame to make contacts, build a client list of governmental agencies, and hire only the best people to help Tiffany do his job. A task in Pakistan goes wrong with a dead terrorist, leaving a powerful organization upset and wanting revenge. Add to this Tiffany has been spending time with his son in Los Angeles, and being a lonely man has hired a sex worker to spend time with. Tiffany has been developing feelings for this woman, wanting to make her more than a hired hand, which causes problems with the organization she works for. Tiffany finds he has a price on his head, a lot of enemies, and maybe even a traitor close to home.

A thriller loaded with action, nice cars, beautiful scenery and lots of cheesecake art. The story is standard thriller, many enemies, some known some unknown, maybe a traitor, with a love story. The tale is told pretty straight forward, maybe a few flashbacks, but is pretty clear and easy to follow. There is a lot of women not wearing much, if anything at all, so a little warning just in case. The art is really good, very detailed in almost every way. Cars look like cars, Dodge Chargers, Porsches, the weapons look real not Marvel SHIELD laser rifles, but real world weapons. The scenery is great, one gets a feel from the art that the characters are in different climes, from suffocating cities, to crowded city streets that look different.

Recommended for fans of Ed Brubacker or Jason Aaron, even the James Bond comics as Tiffany is even more like Bond in his love for the ladies, and the finer things in life. A nice thriller and a good introduction to the character.
Profile Image for Daniel.
2,601 reviews39 followers
June 16, 2023
This review originally published in Looking For a Good Book. Rated 3.0 of 5

John Tiffany - the James Bond for the Gen-X readers. Meaning darker, more violent, and the sex is much more in-your-face. He's a bounty hunter for some of the toughest cases on the books and he needs to think like a spy in order to infiltrate criminal organizations to catch his prey.
He's cool under pressure and remains calm under the toughest of circumstances - which is a little surprising given how often he relies on luck to get out of a jam. He also has a penchant for the ladies - specifically high-class call-girls.

Tiffany's Achille's Heel is his obsession with one particular escort - beautiful, sexy, and an accomplished pianist. He compares every woman to her (asks every escort if they play piano) and tries desperately to find her and wants to buy her out of whatever contract she may be in. But those in Tiffany's sights know about his obsession and will use it against him. He becomes a Bounty Hunter with a bounty on his own head.

The writing here by Stephen Desberg is nice and I really loved the artwork by Dan Panosian who, gives this just the right noir feel. Both the writing and the art made this a nice read.

But while I like the writing (the dialog and the interactions) I didn't care for the concept or character of John Tiffany. Am I misunderstanding the role of a bounty hunter? He acts like a special ops undercover guy.

But my biggest problem is his obsession - to the point of distraction - with one particular woman. Is this realistic? Possibly. But not for someone in his role. It weakened his character for me and since he's the driving force behind the book, it weakened the whole thing.

It was a pleasant enough read (if you like this kind of gritty action) but I'm not likely to pick up any future books in the series.

Looking for a good book? John Tiffany is a graphic novel by Stephen Desberg and Dan Panosian in the tough-guy noir style but the major flaw of the main character is too much and makes the book less interesting to read.

I received a digital copy of this book from the publisher, through Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Jordan.
590 reviews24 followers
June 15, 2023
"You are one of the last heroes, John. One of the very last cowboys riding into the sunset. And I love you for that."

John Tiffany, an absolute player! The man must be a rager in bed if the number of women who throw themselves at him are any indication. I loved the noir vibes he had, though! He came across as an old-school John Wick, and I really enjoyed his character.

I think my favourite character was Dorothy. She was so stereotypically "American" and the absolute scandal of John because she voted for Bush was hilarious. I loved that she was an unapologetically strong female character and that she was clothed in most of the story. I enjoy a pretty naked woman as much as the next person, but there's more to women than being naked and at a man's beck and call.

I wish Magdalena had been developed a little more. I'm really curious about her backstory and exactly who her "owner" is. I felt like she had a lot more to offer for her character than what was shown of her. Some of the stereotypes were a bit much as well, like Rodrigo Rodriguez. It wouldn't have taken much to come up with a different name...

The art style was really cool and brought together the feeling of a gritty noir. The font was a little hard to read on mobile. Some words blended together a bit, but otherwise, I thought everything came together nicely.

Thank you, NetGalley, for the review copy! Everything in my review is my honest opinion.
Profile Image for Juliettaslibrary.
143 reviews50 followers
May 8, 2023
Okay, I'm definitely conflicted.

The art was good, the action was cool, the story was decent, and I did like the noir style james bond vibe John had going on – I love me a bounty hunter – but the characters either felt flat and/or leaned too heavily into (harmful) stereotypes.

All that aside, my main issue with the story was the relationship between John and Magdelena – which was a center point of the entire novel. In short, their relationship felt cheap in an odd way. Most times we saw depictions of her she was naked, talking about sex, or both. The moments of backstory or flashbacks to the progression of their relationship often ended in sex or her naked – like...okay does this girl have anything else to her??? It didn't add anything to the plot other than to show how "irresistible" John Tiffany was, which we already got from all the other women who immediately threw themselves at him two frames after meeting. I think there's often a fine like that needs to be walked when depicting an "irresistible" alpha male and women (especially prostitutes) so that the women don't feel infantilized or fetishized in regards to sex or other traits.

Overall, I think because of the bitter aftertaste I got from this it's landing at a 2.5.
Profile Image for Gab.
357 reviews9 followers
April 16, 2023
2? 2.5?
I'm conflicted

The story is interesting, the characters are interesting and morally wrong in a fun way, but

I've got issues with how stereotypical it is to have the "computer genius who can sell anything online" be Asian and the Mexican character is called Rodrigo Rodriguez?? like, couldn't even be bothered to think of 2 different names?
I've also got issues with the women being naked in 90% of the frames when it doesn't bring anything to the plot
I've got nothing against naked pretty women, but it has to serve a purpose or be relevant or else it's definitely just to grab readers which feels cheap and easy

There's a difference between writing characters that are assholes and it's obvious they're assholes, and writing things in a problematic way because you cannot be bothered to not be racist

So uh... yeah, no, 2 stars
Profile Image for Curious Madra.
2,878 reviews120 followers
April 23, 2023
Thanks Netgalley and publisher for recently giving me access to this graphic novel. I gotta tell ya, John Tiffany is a very busy man with catching the bad guys and women. Himself and James Bond should totally meet up since they might as well be the same guy lol. Anyways the art seems intriguing and the storyline is nuts, which is what I really want in a story badly!

Totally check it out lads!
583 reviews7 followers
November 25, 2023
Felt like reading a movie treatment right down to casting the lead. Fun fast paced story about an accidental bounty hunter with a broken heart. Really super fun read. Loved Panosian's art. Desberg is a great graphic novel writer with a lot of heart. America is missing out on a lot of great European writers and artists because of translation and poor marketing.
Profile Image for Chad.
9,119 reviews994 followers
May 8, 2024
This didn't work for me. It's about a bounty hunter that has a bounty put out on him and it has to be one of four close confidants who ratted him out. The storytelling though is so disjointed with nonstop time jumps that I couldn't keep the timeline straight at all. Plus, the main character is so unlikable that I kind of wanted him to get tagged.
Profile Image for Kurt Lorenz.
673 reviews9 followers
May 8, 2024
I'm not sure if it's the writing or the translation, but the "seasoned professional bounty hunter" in this book acts and talks like a 16 year old boy with the means to do whatever he wants. It doesn't matter how good the art is in a graphic novel when the writing is this intolerable.
Displaying 1 - 17 of 17 reviews

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