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Of all the Rowan's children, Damia was the most brilliant and the one who inherited the Talent. It was obvious that she would be a Prime. As Damia grew up, her Talent became almost too strong to control, and the only solution was to send her to the planet of Deneb, to her strange grandmother.

380 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1991

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About the author

Anne McCaffrey

578 books7,404 followers
Anne Inez McCaffrey was an American writer known for the Dragonriders of Pern science fiction series. She was the first woman to win a Hugo Award for fiction (Best Novella, Weyr Search, 1968) and the first to win a Nebula Award (Best Novella, Dragonrider, 1969). Her 1978 novel The White Dragon became one of the first science-fiction books to appear on the New York Times Best Seller list.
In 2005 the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America named McCaffrey its 22nd Grand Master, an annual award to living writers of fantasy and science fiction. She was inducted by the Science Fiction Hall of Fame on 17 June 2006. She also received the Robert A. Heinlein Award for her work in 2007.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 252 reviews
Profile Image for Grace.
254 reviews72 followers
March 20, 2011
This is silly, this book isn't about Damia, it's about Afra. Which is probably the right choice as he's more interesting than she is, given he's 24 years older than she is and by the end of the book she's only 19. (Which has its own set of problems right there.)

It's a middling book. But you know, I think I've realized why this series wears on me; it's quite boring to read about hyper-privileged aristocrats who are spoilt, moody, confident of their skills and power and who never interact with the riff-raff. It's palace intrigue without the actual intrigue, because no one's ever trying to kill each other off and there's no political opposition to (or check on) the FT&T monopoly. There's no struggle in their lives, only small flare-ups of drama between siblings. So the only things they expend effort on are flirting, pouting, and having children. It's maddening.

The first half of the book's all Afra, the second half of the book's largely Damia, the Rowan lurks around being moody and pregnant and fussy, Raven flits in and out like the high school quarterback, adored by all. Boring! Boring boring boring.

Romance novels in spaaaaaaaaace.
Profile Image for Snail in Danger (Sid) Nicolaides.
2,081 reviews79 followers
May 22, 2012
So. Continuing with the re-read of this series ... after choosing to re-read The Rowan as the story of some highly dysfunctional people rather than as a grand romance, I read the first sequel as the story of how their children — particularly their second daughter/third child — had to learn how to deal with the world and their own psionic talents. In the case of the third child ... not very well, at first. Her two older siblings had this weird sibling bond and they tended to leave her out of their games. So her mother had the bright idea of having another baby, except she'd been pregnant too much in too short a time, and developed gestational diabetes, and they had to pack the kids off to a different planet to live with extended family.

To sum up: really weird relationship dynamics. The first part of the book is a reverse angle story - it's many of the events of The Rowan from the point of view of Afra, one of the supporting characters. Eventually, the title character gets older and we get more of her viewpoint. And we learn that Afra (who has been her parents' colleague since forever, changed her diapers, etc.) was just waiting for her to grow up. Which is this weird mix of sane and creepy, you know? It ends with him feeling renewed and able to "manage a third generation of Rowan women." Yes, that's a quote. Gag me!
Profile Image for Jen.
323 reviews5 followers
August 9, 2013
Guilty-pleasure reading. You know it is when you open the book and the inside of the cover is coated in unicorn stickers that you put there when you were eleven.

If I were reading it for the first time now, at the age of *coughcough*, I probably wouldn't have enjoyed it. As it is, I've always skimmed this book more than read it from cover-to-cover. It's not the kind of book I read for the writing itself, it's the book I read for the ideas of the characters. I've just always loved Afra and the completely romanticized and unrealistic love he has for Damia.

The alien sub-plots I could do without, as they were basically only put in there to traumatize Damia.
Profile Image for Wealhtheow.
2,465 reviews583 followers
May 15, 2020
This book is told through the POV of the man who babysits, befriends and eventually has babies with Damia, the Rowan's psychic daughter. Boring as only McCaffrey can manage.
Profile Image for Tarmia.
198 reviews
September 29, 2017
I started this series last year and am so happy to have finally read the 2nd installment! McCaffrey has created a deeply imaginative world that has all the best bits of a good sci-fi: telekinesis, telepathy, CATS, aliens, teleportation, CATS, and just enough romance and sex to mature what could have turned out to be childish, into an edgy, emotion-filled, chronicle of a Talented family's adventures.

July 29, 2020
When you hear the name Anne McCaffrey, what comes to your mind?

For many of you, it's probably dragons; Ms. McCaffrey was "The Dragonlady," after all. Readers of her non-Pern writings may also think of fictional planets, characters with magical abilities, and maybe even cats.

What probably wouldn't come to your mind is sex...but unfortunately, that's what this book was all about. The title character hops in bed with multiple guys; so much so, I felt like I was reading a trashy romance instead of a sci-fi/fantasy novel. While romance has its place in science fiction--hey, even Star Trek and Star Wars had such themes!--this was over the top. I mentioned on here before that I had to special order The Rowan so I could complete the entire Tower and Hive series this month; maybe the fact that iBooks and the Kindle Store didn't have the first volume was a divine hindrance from reading this series.

I give it two stars because, while the story was rather trashy, at least the writing was great. Ms. McCaffrey had a wonderful way with words; it's a shame she couldn't have used them in a better way.
Profile Image for Chinook.
2,322 reviews19 followers
April 4, 2019
That rating is for the love I had for this book as a teenager. I read and reread this series. I’d come home on vacation from university or Edinburgh or Seoul and reread those same old copies. They are all falling apart. Pern was my favourite, but these were a close second.

As an adult with children, it’s considerably harder to believe the romances. Rowan’s insta-love, Damia’s insta-father figure to lover. And like, I’m married to a man ten years my senior, but it’s still weird that she’s 19 and he’s 25 years older and he changed her diapers. That’s weird. It’s as weird as the Jacob thing in Twilight and how messed up is our culture that it took me this long to really look at how weird this romance is.

I do find the whole FT&T thing fascinating and as an older reader I wish there was more about the politics and power structures of all these worlds and such.
Profile Image for Jody Ellis.
247 reviews9 followers
November 13, 2015
One word? Logical. Words like 'can't' were replaced with 'cannot' and the like. It was filled with curiosities and possibilities, and it was certainly entertaining. It's logical scientific almost way of writing, meant you couldn't get emotionally involved but you could be painfully curious in the world that exists in the future.

It's incredibly well laced for a series of generations to pass, and the texts ties up perfectly. It isn't boring but because it doesn't grab at your emotions there's no excitement of exhilaration either.

If you haven't read the first (like me) then don't worry about this one yet. I felt like I was missing most things to fill in the gaps and was winging a fair bit to try and piece the story together. I think if I'd read the previous text first, this one would have flowed better but that's more my fault. The author chose not to enable readers like me and instead insists on a complete picture to really appreciate it. So I think I will certainly go back and fill the gap.

I have marked the rest as to read. I'm not sure if that will stick but they aren't a priority. I haven't been left dying to know what happens next.

2,016 reviews56 followers
January 6, 2017
3.5 stars

This is my least favorite of all the Tower & Hive books, but I can't quite put my finger on the issue. (It should probably be called "Afra" too, but that's something else!) I do love the problems of dealing with Talented and gifted children!
Profile Image for Tex-49.
672 reviews54 followers
June 25, 2023
Romanzo poco interessante, per la maggior parte tratta della fanciullezza di zio Afra e poi di quella da Damia, che, diventata donna, si innamora di Afra. Tre arrivi di alieni risolti al max in una o due pagine ciascuno. Tutta la tecnologia si riduce alla potenza di alcuni individue telepatici che trasportano merci e persone (compresi se stessi) istantaneamente nei più punti più lontani dell'Universo, bah!
Profile Image for Kessily Lewel.
Author 39 books168 followers
June 5, 2019
This is the second book of the Tower and the Hive series that introduced the character Rowan to us. This book focuses on her daughter Damia. I've read this book many times since I was a teen, and I still love it. I still find new things and new perspectives each time.

Certain parts of this book has not aged well, and I think that some of the modern readers are a bit thrown off at the romance aspect of this. Afra, who is significantly older than Damia (24 years older) helps to raise her and a lot of the book focuses on their relationship at different points. First as a babysitter, honorary uncle to her. Then as a supervisor type, and then finally as a lover.

In this day and age it can come off as grooming her as a child to become his later, but I think you really need to step out of your own universe and into theirs. Afra never groomed her and he treated her appropriately at each age. When she was a child he loved her as the dear child of his friends. When she was a teenager and had a crush on him he ignored it completely, because he's an honorable man.

Only years later when she was adult, had lived off world controlling her own tower, do they finally turn to each other in romantic love. The age difference is weird to us, but to Primes who live significantly longer, and to telepaths who share emotions on a deeper level it's not really a factor. It is a bit cringy when they tell her parents and neither of them are at all concerned about the fact that he used to change her diapers--I would have expected at least some upset about that even when this book was written almost 30 years ago.

I gave this book only 3 -stars more because the Damia character just irritated me a lot. She is whiny and spoiled, treats people badly and always comes off entitled. She doesn't seem to grow up until tragedy strikes and then she immediately matures. For an overall great series this one book fails for me.
Profile Image for Douglas Milewski.
Author 37 books4 followers
May 5, 2017
Damia (1992) by Anne McCaffey is the sequel that nobody asked for starring characters that nobody found interesting. Then, McCaffrey expanded the story, providing us with a novel full of filler.

Inside those bound, Damia continues the family story begun in The Rowan. We meet several characters, follow the development of both their personal and professional lives, culminating in a rehashing of the original short story, "Damia." The novel is almost entirely devoid of tension, anxiety, excitement, or charm. It just is. This is sorta the SF equivalent of an Epic Fantasy where you read about what every character does on making camp, day after day. What's there is all well written, but not engaging, possessing no momentum of its own. Damia doesn't even show until past page 100, over 1/3 of the way through the book. The characters themselves feel rather dull to the touch, like dough where the yeast has died off.

I'd love to say that expanding the story added something, deepened the setting, or increased our attachment to the characters, but it didn't. The whole thing takes place in the well run future, and the problem with the well run future is that there's really very little to sort out. The problems with this setting just overwhelm McCaffey's good intentions. I found little in the world that charmed me. Combine this with no knack for writing a family drama, and you get a novel that's pretty much dead in the water. Even so, the book is a marked improvement over The Rowan.

If you liked The Rowan, this book will continue to satisfy, possibly even more so. Otherwise, you're likely to get bored before the story gets anywhere, because the story really doesn't get anywhere.
Profile Image for Sarah Sammis.
7,541 reviews246 followers
June 22, 2007
Having just read Get Off the Unicorn, Rowan's back story was pretty fresh in my head. It was probably too fresh in my mind as I found myself going from feeling bored to feeling a little icky.

The first 100 pages are basically a recap of the previous versions of the story. It's a long and drawn-out "previously on Young and the Telepathic" and a complete waste of time.

The remainder of the novel shows the Rowan as a conflicted and possibly post partum depressed mother who is overworked and trying to be a super mom. First she pawns off her kids on her coworkers and later when pregnancy number four is causing her health issues and emotional problems, Damia and her siblings are shipped off to grandma and grandpa's house! This book devolves into a melodrama in space.

But it gets better! Damia finds romance (while growing into the family business as her talents are as strong as her mother's) with Afra, her old baby sitter and now mentor. No one thinks this relationship is a good idea and yet no one tries to stop it. Somehow uniting Damia with a man old enough to be her father is happy ending.
Profile Image for Meg.
342 reviews6 followers
January 6, 2009
Not sure I'm going to be able to finish a rereading of this one. I last read this in jr high or high school, and remember quite liking the character of Afra. I still do, but there's a whole lot else about this book I don't like. The Rowan, who was a pretty good character in the last book of the series, is the stereotypical overworked mother. If the book wasn't written by a woman I'd honestly have a tough time not thinking this were some sort of criticism of working mothers. Maybe it is anyhow? Also, McCaffrey seems to be contradicting things she wrote in the last book. In any case, I know how the book is going to end up and just keep wishing it had been done better, because I quite like the premise of this universe. I'm just worried it's going to get worse.

And yeah... I ended up skimming the last 100 pages, and we're going to be downgrading from two stars to one, for this line alone "Afra now looked forward to managing a third generation of Rowan women." Slightly paraphrased as I don't have the book in front of me. It made me barf in my mouth a little bit. Thus, one star.
Profile Image for Kathy.
346 reviews
July 26, 2022
This review is for the audiobook. I have been reading McCaffrey series including The Tower and Hive since a teenager so I have read them a number of times. Having the audiobook narration has been excellent. Listening instead of reading made for a refreshing telling.

25/7/22 Have listened to this again and I love this story of Afra, I've come to realise he's one of my favourite characters in this series. This time around listening to Damia, I found adolescent Damia a bit irritating and obnoxious, but that was just minor thing, that hasn't really occurred before. What do you know, I'm in my mid 50s now so maybe her adolescent behaviour is just getting to me now where as it didn't before. But as an adult and child 'Damia' I liked her.

I have to say that I also have the book and have read it numerous time since I was a teenage. But I do listen to a lot of audiobooks these days, while I'm working or just doing things around the house. Because I work on a pc all day at work, I like to rest my eyes a bit so audiobooks are excellent for that.
Profile Image for Colleen.
603 reviews2 followers
April 10, 2011
I've always been curiously enraptured by this book, and I think I've finally figured out why -- because it holds back certain things I would have like answered. What does it mean that mercurial Damia didn't shield when she was with her first lover, Amer? McCaffery isn't going to tell us explicitly. Want to know what Damia's birth was like? Her first few years at Augeraie, her eventual Prime tower posting? Nah, you'll get a quick sketch of an update, and LIKE IT. Thank goodness after a book of very noble, lonely characters, McCaffery gives us The Chapter of Love and Quiet Moments Fishing, a single note of reflection in an otherwise very busy book spanning twenty eight years of the life of the male protagonist (another question, what does Capella's 'methody' ethic entail, really?)

Whatever. There are mental powers, precociously smart and adorable kittens, (and kids), and Epic True Love ("a meeting of the minds") and really, are you reading this for the educational value? Come on.
Profile Image for Theresa.
45 reviews1 follower
October 15, 2021
These books are comfort food for me. I've been rereading them for years.

That being said, I don't think they've held up as well as some of McCaffrey's other works.
Damia especially is a bit of a twit. And the weird father-daughter vibe of this romance is pretty weird. Like I don't care if nudity is normal if a teenage girl with the hots for you asks you to rub oil on her naked boobs...and crotch...you can say no! You can walk the heck off. It's ok!
Afra comes off as highly condescending and not at all a respectful even match of minds. He still treats her like a little stubborn girl, that's not a foundation for a relationship. Frankly she SHOULD feel bad for what happens to her brother, they brush that off so fast the guy doesn't even get a funeral!
Sorry McCaffrey, but this one just might not stand the test of time.
Profile Image for Ed Avern.
78 reviews1 follower
August 22, 2018
Picked this up for a couple of quid at a second-hand bookshop on Charing Cross Road. I’m a fan of McCaffrey’s ‘Dragonriders’ series, so thought I’d give it a whirl.

It’s... well, let’s be honest - it’s proper, old-fashioned sci-fi pulp. Pretty dubious prose, weirdly meandering story, stock characters, and some awkward sex with a surprisingly male gaze.

Aside from that...I quite enjoyed it! Certainly I had no trouble getting to the end of the book. And, actually, the worldbuilding was good. I understand this is actually the sequel to another book, but I didn’t feel unable to follow it for that, or like I was missing a huge amount.

TL;DR - If you enjoy pulp SF, you’ll probably enjoy this. Otherwise, probably not.
Profile Image for Catherine.
637 reviews19 followers
December 14, 2012
I did not love this book as much as the first time I read it some 15 years ago for a two reasons:

The first 1/3 of the book is a recap of the previous book, but from Afra's point of view. If I had read the other one some time ago, the recap might have been helpful, but because I moved straight on from the first one it was a little pointless.

The relationship between Afra and Damia was just plain weird. I tried to keep an open mind about it, but Afra had taken care of Damia like a father in the beginning and then they became lovers... a little strange for me.

Profile Image for Laura.
47 reviews
February 26, 2017
I agree with most that this book isn't so much about Damia as it is about Afra. that being said I adore Afra and thus love this book as I have loved almost all of Anne McCaffreys books. The immense worldbuilding she accomplishes is incredible and lends itself so well to character development.
Profile Image for Daniel.
414 reviews17 followers
April 1, 2022
I'm not sure why I keep on with this series. Somehow they start off good but jump the shark halfway through. This story is about Afra, Damia is a side character. I think it's weird/uncomfortable whenever Damia is called a minx when shes a child. Creepy.
3,761 reviews9 followers
August 11, 2021
Initially, I liked Damia, but it got a little odd for me. I’m not sure about the romantic relationship between Damia and Afra. I did not finish reading the book.
Profile Image for Tom Nixon.
Author 21 books10 followers
May 17, 2020
I've already plunged ahead in this series and I think I might be safe in saying that this is the best book in the entire series. Damia starts with the childhood of Afra Lyon- the Rowan's second in command who featured prominently in The Rowan. It follows Afra as he grows up on methody Capella with it's strict constraints on manners and social behaviors- he never does get sent to Altair to take a Tower course as the Rowan promised his sister in the prior book- however, itching to get off of Capella and see other worlds, he takes a chance and sends an application to Rowan- which she accepts.

The book then shifts to recounting the events of The Rowan-but from Afra's point of view- before accelerating past those events to where the meat of the book begins. The Rowan's second pregnancy is affected by the massive mind-merge that destroyes the Hiver Leviathan, so Afra, Jeff and others arrange for their first son, Jeran to establish a bond in utero with his sibling to reassure her that she's safe- he does so and he and Cera develop a tight sibling bond. When Rowan has Damia, her third child- she proves to be preciocious in the extreme and a solitary soul who is somewhat shut out from the tight bond her older siblings have-- this leads the Rowan to 'arrange' another pregnancy to give Damia a sibling- which succeeds, but her pregnancy doesn't go nearly as well- and when Damia discovers her Talent to teleport- they send the kids to Deneb to grow up in the relative safety of a planet and not a domed space facility like Callisto.

Damia grows into a powerful Talent- but a lonely one, like her mother and despite an exceedingly awkward and frankly inappropriate attempt at throwing herself at Afra, she gets sent on advanced course of training to prepare her to run her own Tower and eventually, she gets one: Iota Aurigae, a new colony teeming with metals that the growing Nine Star League is all too eager to get their hands on.

As one of the newer colonies, Aurigae doesn't have the distant early warning devices the other colonies have, so Damia goes out on patrol by herself to check for threats and things of that nature and she makes contact with a new alien- an entity that calls himself Sodan. Concerned with a potential alien threat, Jeff Raven and The Rowan send Afra out to evaluate the contact and he becomes concerned that this alien is weakening Damia's mental abilities- and by extension his too, so they send Larak, Damia's brother out to Aurigae as well and together along with Jeff Raven and The Rowan they go along as Damia makes contact again and they find out the truth: Sodan is only a mind, his body long since abandoned in the crossing from the galactic rift-- he does covet the metals on Aurigae and is attempting to weaken Damia so he can acquire them. In one, final, terrible confrontation, Sodan is destroyed, but nut before his final thrust against them nearly destroys Damia and Afra, kills Larak and takens the Rowan and Jeff Raven out of action.

Sent to Deneb to heal, Damia realizes that one mind has always been there for her and has always cared for her and that is Afra. Together, their love realized, they also realize that they are being contacted by a new ally-- another alien species that knows of the Hivers that they have fought and are lo0king for allies in their struggle.

Overall: this is the best book in the series- but not without some eyebrow raising moments. I mean part of me gets it: if you know someone on a mental level through telepathy, that's got to lead to deeper connections than through just dating/marriage, etc-- like you don't just know someone- you really *know* them, which makes the whole Damia/Afra thing a bit more believable- but the 25 year age gap between the two of them represents a certain May/December romance that isn't something you often see in books.

Is it bad? I mean, there's the whole younger woman/much older man thing which is one thing- but it's also balanced out by the fact that she is more powerful than he is- at least in the 'professional' telepathy/teleportation sense. In a way, the inequalities in the relationship balance each other out and certainly not once throughout the book does Afra let on to any potential attraction he has for her. So there's nothing creepy or problematic here either.

You see more of the 'world' in this one too, which I enjoy-- lots of time and descriptions of Deneb and Aurigae round out the colony worlds in terms of going big or going home when it comes to sequels, McCaffery hit a home run with this one.
Profile Image for JosieQ.
36 reviews1 follower
July 13, 2022
Well, I reviewed the first one and it was much more terrible than I remembered from reading it as a child, and this book is the same.

It's so depressing how random and off-putting these books are, they just have no real focus or sense of pacing.


Rowan doesn't want certain things for her kids, but other people decide she's stupid and do those things anyway and that's okay. Horrific, but treated like no big deal. Useful now though in a world that's going to stick poison in your kids whether you want to or not! Ahead of her time with this one.

Rowan wants to love and be with her kids and for them never to be lonely like she was, and is devastated when they're going to send them away without letting her say goodbye (wtf??) because her fourth pregnancy is a difficult one but then... she never brings them back. Sends the 4th one away too and they're just raised by grandma forever.



Damia isn't born with the iconic white streak. It's just mentioned one day that she has it. But like, when did it come in? At what age? Why doesn't anyone remark on its (sudden? Gradual?) appearance? Oh and like one of her brothers does too now. ◔_◔

The book will spend chapters upon chapters upon chaaaaapters describing someone cooking, or having a baby, or running a glorified shipping company, but when it comes to the climax! Damia falls in love with, is taken advantage of by, realizes the betrayal, and battles with and kills an alien in, like, a few pages. A chapter maybe.

Oh and like Larak is dead. "So he's dead," a character basically says, and opens his pod last knowing he's dead and there he is dead. That's not how you kill a major character, Jesus. You're great at describing sitting around and cooking fucking dinner with telekinesis but terrible at drama, and climax, and power scenes. Ugh.

And my god do these books suck all the magic out of superpowers.

The look in his yellowy eyes...

Quit saying yellowy eyes. His eyes are yellow. You wouldn't say, "The look in her bluey eyes" would you? Because it's stupid.

Green skinned and blond is a horrible color combination. Ew, Afra.

"I really don't want Ezro learning from that sort of example."

Who the fuck is Ezro? Guess Rowan's pregnant again, and this is the name of the fetus? Okay sure, no need to explain it, just throw a random name in and we'll figure it out or not who cares. Ain't like he ever has any relevance anyway, like 90% of the named characters.

Tower shoes.

The fuck are those? How are they different from non-tower shoes? Don't give a thing a name and then not bother to explain what it is. Come to that, what the HELL is a Coonie? I thought it was like a cat-thing but then she describes noises and actions it does that are not cat-like. No need to actually describe what might be an interesting and alien pet, but oh but please do tell me more about what's cooking for dinner.

... in the crepuscular twilight

So, in the twilighty twilight?

"You're stuck with this white man's burden again."

Um... I do not think it means what you think it means. It does NOT mean your grandma is staying over.
Profile Image for Robynne Lozier.
265 reviews26 followers
May 17, 2023
Damia (The Tower and the Hive, #2) by Anne McCaffrey

Ok I just read DAMIA - book 2 in the Tower and Hive series by Anne McCaffrey. This is a re-read for me. I first read this series way back in the 1990s and really enjoyed it. The only reason I did not read Book 1 (Rowan) is because it is not currently available as an e-book at the Kobo Bookstore.

The Rowan is the Callisto Prime. She has the talent of Telekinesis and Teleportation. As such she has been trained to "Sling" goods around the federation of Nine Planets to help the economy. Each of the Nine planets has their own talented Prime, and Rowan is the 2nd strongest Prime of all. The strongest Prime is the Earth Prime, and he directs or "manages" and trains all the other primes.

Being a Prime can be a very lonely job, and the person you want to mate with has to have a sufficiently high level of talent in order to "blend" or bond with the Prime's talent.

The Rowan has met 2 such men. One called Afra Lyon and the other called Jeff Raven. Rowan eventually marries Jeff Raven and they have 4 children, one of whom is a feisty daughter named Damia.

While Afra was originally in love with the Rowan, he does eventually end up falling in love with young Damia instead. And yes there is a 24 year gap between them. But since Damia is almost as strong as her mother in the Talent department, she also requires a high level talented mate and really, the only one left is Afra!!

This was a great story. All about Damia as a child growing up, learning how to use her talent, and then the number of times she is impetuous and gets herself into trouble.

It is not until Damia faces an alien enemy that she understands just how much Afra really means to her and they are finally able to get together as a bonded couple.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Alice.
402 reviews1 follower
May 16, 2023
Oh, boy. The longer this story went on the more uncomfortable it became knowing that Afra and Damia were the intended romantic relationship the story was building towards – and I liked Afra. Perhaps that's why so much of the book centred on him instead of the titular character, to get the reader to like him enough to look past his falling in love with his surrogate sister's third child. It didn't quite work for me.

Almost half of this story is from Afra's perspective, recapping events from 'The Rowan' and covering Damia's childhood until she's old enough to become the perspective character in blinding speed. Even when she is our narrator the story still skips over large chunks of time between chapters. We don't get to see Damia set up her own tower, or any of the training after her schooling on Deneb – in fact, the events covered in the blurb of the book are barely there in comparison to the short story that McCaffrey incorporates into the last third.

'A Meeting of Minds' was published in 'Get off the Unicorn' in 1977, 15 years before 'Damia', and although the way it was incorporated didn't feel too out of place it felt incredibly rushed. Which, I suppose, it the general tone of the book.

While not McCaffrey's greatest work, I enjoy her writing style and the setting enough that I will continue with the series. That said, I'm not sure I'd exactly recommend this book or series to anyone. The romance is...what it is, and the plot feels sacrificed to the romance, to the point where it accomplishes neither genre particularly well. If you're just making your way through McCaffrey's back list and you enjoy her writing, I won't dissuade you, but if you're looking at this series as a starting point or want to revist an old favourite I'd give Acorna or Dragonflight a go instead.
Profile Image for Romana Drew.
Author 9 books63 followers
August 30, 2021
Damia is the sequel to The Rowan, and the second in a series of books about these characters and worlds.

The Rowan's third child, Damia, is a powerful talent. Not only can she teleport and telepath, but she amplifies the talents of those around her. Like her mother, she is a bit temperamental and unpredictable.

The Rowan's old friend, Afra, is the first to sense that The Rowan is pregnant again. He and Damia are often in contact, even before she is born. As a toddler, he is her best friend and confidant until she is sent to live with her grandmother on another world.

Most of this book reads as Afra's biography. It does chronicle Damia's life but it is filtered through Afra. Although I enjoyed reading Damia, not much happens plot-wise in the early part of the book. There are a few adventures and misadventures, but mostly Afta works, and Damia grows up.

When Damia is a teenager and runs a tower, the colonies are once again threatened by aliens. Talents must come together to defeat the enemy, much as they did in The Rowan. Instead of being an ending, that event sends the plot in a different, although not unexpected, direction.

The plot is secondary to the character development and worldbuilding in this book. In the same vein, the science and technology are secondary to the characters. They do have mental abilities to teleport and communicate telepathically. Those talents are used throughout the book, but they are not the focus of the story. In the end, Afra's and Damia's lives are the starting place for several more books.

If you want an exciting plot-driven story, this isn't the book for you. But if you enjoy McCaffrey's writing style and want to read about interesting, likable, and emotionally accessible characters, this is worth reading.
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