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Breaking Time #2

Fracturing Fate

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Don’t miss the stunning conclusion to the  Breaking Time  duology!
"Perfect for fans of Outlander... A lush story of star crossed lovers and time traveling assassins." —Laura Sebastian,  New York Times  bestselling author of Ash Princess

History tore them apart. Can they survive their future?

While consumed in a devastating battle with the demigod Llaw, Klara is mysteriously catapulted five hundred years into the past, suddenly alone and distraught that she and her fated love Callum killed the demigod at the expense of Callum’s own life.
As the last Pillar of Time, an anchor point in the timeline of the world, Klara must navigate dangerous magic, confusing visions, and powerful adversaries to determine the fate of the world and avenge the life of her love.
But with all the treacherous enemies—magical and human alike—chasing Klara in 1500s Scotland, she has no idea what, and whom, she actually left behind on the battlefield in 2022. In a battle across history and the present, life and death, Klara must fight to choose her own fate.

304 pages, ebook

First published August 15, 2023

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About the author

Sasha Alsberg

8 books65.3k followers
I am the #1 NYT Bestselling author of The Androma Saga and Breaking Time Duology.

When I am not writing, reading or being a dog mom, you can find me over at Joffe Books where I am their Social Media Manager.

Represented by Joanna Volpe at New Leaf Literary.

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Profile Image for Caroline Fosse.
452 reviews68 followers
September 21, 2023
Easiest dnf I've ever read, what a journey this book was, my lord.....

In the first book, Clara meets a Scottish man who accidentally traveled forward in time, this time she's the one accidentally time traveling. Where? she travels back in time to Scotland, and acts a fool for the majority of time. It's actually unserious how Sasha has talked so much about research this and research that, when so many things historically just doesn't make sense. It is strange how a publisher would allow this book to be published, considering it's a copy of Outlander by Diana Gabaldon, a book series Sasha has made it very clear she is absolutely obsessed with.

It seems to me like she read the Outlander series, decided to write the same story with similar names but didn't really succeed in making it her own. She just doesn't have the vernacular she thinks she possesses- I do believe her writing has improved, but that doesn't mean it's impressive considering it is after all just a copy of the series she based her whole personality around. I think it's lowkey offensive to write this and publish it when it's just Outlander 2.0 YA version.
Profile Image for Melissa Moats.
42 reviews1 follower
October 4, 2023
This book was so bad it was almost laughable. Alsberg seemingly couldn't remember what she had written previously in the book, didn't read through her writing again for revisions, didn't research the time period, didn't know how to craft a storyline, and the list could go on.

For instance... Police? Indoor plumbing? Fiancee? Did the author even research 1500s Scotland?! These modern words seem out of place for the 1500s. Writing a storyline that specifically contrasts the past with the present requires careful attention to world building and setting. The author would have done well to create more distinction between 2022 and the 1500s. There was also some major discrepancies between books 1 & 2. In the first book Calum said he couldn't read and could only recognize some letters. Then he tells his dad that he can read? Not only that, but he writes Klara a letter?! These things could be overlooked if the story itself was more engaging. The storyline, however, had very little depth or interest. Every time they come across a mystery or roadblock a random god/goddess shows up to save the day. And what the heck was her Grandma doing in with the faeries??? Seriously. Another laughable addition was the inclusion of... wait for it... Aromatic scalp massages?! In the 1500s?!?!?! Then in the end Callum and Klara are just magically able to visit the future? I totally didn't understand why and how they were suddenly able to do that.

All in all this book was so bad it was funny and I have no idea how it got past the editing phase
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for brii | bibliotaph .
325 reviews1 follower
May 1, 2024
I enjoyed the storyline behind this one a lot more than I did Breaking Time. The Fae are always characters that I can get behind, and I really enjoyed how this book incorporated that into the time travel that we've already been experiencing.

I will say that while I enjoyed the story a lot more than the previous, the characters still bothered me a lot. There's no chemistry between our two main characters. Considering these two are supposed to be madly in love, I get no sparks from them and actually find their relationship pretty bland and boring. Thrown together because that's what you're supposed to do in a YA novel. I thought there was more to Klara and Tom's relationship than there was with Callum. Considering how his storyline panned out. That's saying something.

The way that Klara is written feels extremely immature to me, especially because she's this super special girl who's pretty much been chosen to save the world. Some of the things she says made me cringe. Hard. Not even getting started on how unrealistic Callums entire character was.

I enjoyed this more than the first. But I still didn't really find it enjoyable.
264 reviews
August 26, 2023
3.5 ⭐️ I wanted to like it more, but I started losing interest part way through.
6 reviews1 follower
February 17, 2024
I loved this book. I LOVE the way it ended and I’m happy she chose what she did. Her and Callum’s relationship is amazing. I’m sorry about Thomas but he deserved it at the same time. I wish there was a half book about Klara and Callum’s life after, or Thomas and Callum’s life before. But, overall I loved the series and can’t wait to read more from the author.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Cynthia.
Author 5 books30 followers
May 2, 2024
This was the second part of the duology to Breaking Time.

It had an epic conclusion where the worlds were in the balance and it was up to Klara and Callum to fight the evil powers. With friends and/or enemies they met in the future and in the past they navigate the treacherous waters of love amidst their foes.

This book delved more into the lore of the fae and fantasy elements. To aid the story along there were times when it was "information dump." And Klara seemed a bit annoying with her 21st views and language; she didn't try to fit in or go with the norms of the 16th century.

The ending of the story could have been a little more flushed out. There were some lose ends which were pivotal to the story line that were thrown to the wayside in lieu of the love story between Klara and Callum.
Profile Image for Razzle Reads.
212 reviews29 followers
August 17, 2023

Breaking Time Duology by Sasha Alsberg

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
Spice level: 0/3
Genres: YA, Fantasy
Tropes: historical, romance, time travel, Scotland, separated lovers unite, different worlds

After the passing of her mother, Klara decides to forgo college and instead help her father run a historical inn in Scotland. While running errands, Klara finds a mysterious man in the middle of the road (covered in blood). After talking with him (Callum) and later encountering some monsters, she believes him when he says he is from the 1500s.

Klara discovers that she is the last Pillar of Time, or a hiding place for a rogue goddess’s magic. Callum believes he might be fated to protect her, since he witnessed the previous Pillar (Thomas, his best friend) get attacked by a dark force before he accidentally time traveled to Klara.

In book 2, Klara is transported back to the 1500s in Scotland and has to find a way to both survive as well as travel home. Dark forces continue to follow Klara and hunt her at every turn.

Throughout the series, Klara learns about her powers and the responsibility that was thrust upon her. Callum learns about his past and his heritage. They both have to learn how to trust each other in order to survive.

This series is (mostly) a dual POV of Klara and Callum, with a few additional character POVs thrown in to the second book.


Individual ratings
Breaking Time : ⭐️⭐️.5 /5
Fracturing Fate : ⭐️⭐️⭐️ /5

This series had the potential to be very good; I think the concept is interesting and there was enough going on that it drove the plot forward. I really enjoyed Klara as a character; even when faced with danger, she was able to stay brave and even sarcastic.

Time travel is a difficult trope/concept to use in books, especially ones that are not meant to be classified as sci-fi. In this series, I felt like a lot of it revolved around time travel (both overall plot as well as chapter by chapter actions). However, there were a lot of inconsistencies and things that were brushed over. It felt like the author was both trying to over-explain the time travel as well as push it under the rug, and it ended up feeling poorly done.

My main issue, however, is with the concept of someone going from the 1500s to the 2020s. Because of the HUGE amount of time in between, literally almost everything would be different. Callum asks almost no questions and has almost no issues with the things he is experiencing and seeing. He almost immediately after time traveling encounters a car and somehow this does not freak him out at all. He is later able to figure out a shower, as well a zipper, with no guidance. I just don’t think this response is very realistic.

In the second book, I thought the plot concept was stronger. But for some reason, it felt both too slow and too fast? There were fight scenes that felt way too fast but the rest of the book seemed to drag on.

Overall, I think the series has an interesting concept. If you’re interested in historical romances or time travel, you might like this series.

Thank you to Storygram Tours and Inkyard Press for a copy of Fracturing Fate ✨

Specific notes

Book 2

-the word fiancé gets thrown around a bunch but it was not a word used in the 1500s, especially not in Scotland. I normally wouldn’t be this nit picky but the author has Klara use fiancé instead of boyfriend to “fit in the sixteenth century” which makes me think the author was at least thinking about it. Thought this was a typo at first but it gets used a lot in later chapters as well

-there are multiple moments in this book that don’t make sense from a time travel perspective. At the beginning, when Klara and Thomas discuss Llaw jumping back in time, they’re unsure if that is because of Klara or not. But if so, the order of events in the book doesn’t make sense (they bring up this issue but then don’t elaborate or try to figure it out). Klara later meets (while in 1550s) someone she knows from 2022, and somehow he knows her? Unless the author intends this to mean he can exist simultaneously in both the past and the future, it doesn’t make sense.

-the last 60 pages are filled with so much history and backstory about the Pillars and Callum/Klara’s heritage; it feels like this stuff should have been done sooner. Unpacking it all last minute feels weird
Profile Image for Siobhain McCormick.
701 reviews31 followers
September 5, 2023
I was given an arc copy to review by Harper360ya. My reviews are always honest and all opinions are my own. I will always try to avoid spoilers in all reviews as well. #FracturingFate #BreakingTimeDuology #SashaAlsberg #Harper360uk #Harper360ya #ARCReview #AD #BookReview

Fracturing Fate is the second book in the Breaking Time Duology. It’s perfect for fans of time travel stories like Outlander and romantasy (romance Fantasy) fans and while it does have a couple of flaws, to my opinion at least, it was an enjoyable duology.

Taking place where Breaking Time (book one) left off Klara, while in a devastating battle with the demigod Llaw is catapulted back five hundred years into the past. She is suddenly very alone and distraught that she and her fated love Callum have killed the demigod but at the expense of Callum’s life. As the last remaining Pillar of Time, an anchor point in the timeline of the world, it is left to Klara to navigate dangerous magic, confusing visions and powerful enemies to determine the fate of the world and get revenge for the life of her love. But there are enemies both human and magical alike chasing Klara in 1500s Scotland and she has no idea what she actually left behind in 2022. In a battle across time, history and the present, life and death in the balance Klara must fight to choose her own fate.

I have to say I think I enjoyed this one a bit more than the first (review coming for the first one eventually!). The plot is generally well fleshed out and moves at a good pace. The characters are likable and since I have been pushing my boundaries and trying to read more novels with a bit of romance in it does work well and I did enjoy it. That said, without spoilers, a few little bits and pieces did lower this from a five to a four for me.

As mentioned the characters are generally fleshed out and well developed but there are few pit falls that I have found are easy to fall in with time travel fiction. For example the way Klara acts to certain people (it’s hard without spoiling things) back in the 1500’s is bordering on rude. While she is right by modern day standards the way she reacts seems to contradict her character and supposed relationship with Callum. It didn’t fully break immersion for me but for someone who is a Pillar of Time, even in training/learning, I feel like she could have taken a moment to assess. Speaking of the Pillar of Time and legacy I did wish there was more of this peppered throughout the duology as a whole. It tends to come towards the end of Fracturing Fate and while welcome I feel like little bits and pieces might have been weaved or at least foreshadowed a little more throughout the novel. There are few other bits and pieces such as language and words used in the past but these are really nit-picky on my part and don’t overly detract from the novel as a whole.

Now with those little bits in mind this is by no means a bad novel or one I didn’t enjoy, far from it. I really enjoyed following Klara and Callum and their story over time. The plot and premise interesting and while it has elements of Outlander Alsberg has managed to create her own solid universe and magic system as well. I am sure I will pick this duology back up in the future and will definitely recommend to romantasy fans and those who enjoy a good time travel story.

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39 reviews4 followers
August 9, 2023
Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with an eARC of the conclusion to Alsberg's duology, Fracturing Fate.

This review contains spoilers!

I really liked the first book Breaking Time, and when I realized it was a duology, I immediately pre-ordered the second book. Unfortunately, I liked the first novel a lot better. The pacing of this novel was fast, but not in an exciting way. I didn't understand half the battles and they were over so quickly without too much tension or climax. The story felt rushed at times. Relationships lacked development. Thomas and Klara's relationship wasn't well developed and then suddenly there was a love triangle (?). It was unclear b/c Klara lamented losing Callum at the same time as admiring Thomas. But then just as quickly she chose to tell Callum that she thought Thomas wanted her. It wasn't necessary to have a love triangle and it made Klara seem kind of insincere and flaky. It really bothered me.

Also, Callum's reunion with his long lost father happened way too fast, was accepted very quickly, and was not super believable, Then Klara's rejection if his dad was equally annoying. The idea that she was basically a mouthy teen to her lover's newly found dad -- didn't work for me. Forcing contemporary beliefs onto 500 year old characters was not realistic even if she did't agree, and being disrespectful to him was kind of disrespectful to Callum. Maybe if the relationship was developed instead of rushed, then her reaction to him would've been more realistic. I liked the idea of her standing her ground I just didn't think it was realistic (even for fantasy).

Then Callum and Klara overall... The relationship was more believable in the first book. There was more heat and tension. You can't develop a relationship between characters by comparing them to television show couples. It was telling and not showing -- which again was disruptive to the flow of the story. It was disappointing and I didn't feel as connected to these characters.

I kept getting lost in explanations and never really felt like I understood any of the dimensions/other worlds. It was a lot of explaining too which felt contrived and took me out of the story. Again, I think it was the pacing. Battles were over quickly. It really annoyed me when the creatures attacked the coach and afterwards no one (like NO ONE) was like "What the actual..." and instead was like -- "Oh look a cute cabin that is perfectly decorated for us to go inside and fool around." A weird bird like creature just almost killed you all but let's light a candle and get romantic!

All of that said, there were many really good storylines which redeemed some other elements. The linking of Klara's time to Callum's was fun and interesting. Seeing the manor and Klara's ancestors and Jockie! Those elements kept me reading on. While I knew Thomas wasn't who he seemed, I enjoyed reading on as the revelation was exposed. I'm glad I was given the opportunity to read the conclusion to the story.

Overall worth reading the conclusion.
September 2, 2023
I wanted to pick this up because I have been a fan of Sasha Alsberg for years, and I wanted to see the conclusion to this duet.
"Fracturing Fate" resumes immediately following the ending of " Breaking Time". Klara has found herself 500 years in the past, back to the time Callum had originally come from. Klara believes that Callum was murdered, and all she wants is to finish what she started and get back to when she is supposed to be. Callum will stop at nothing to figure out what happened to Klara and be reunited with his love. But when forces greater than the both of them challenge them, everything is put to the test and Klara and Callum will have to decide what they really want to fight for.
This was a fine conclusion to this duet, nothing that blew me away, but I had a fine time reading it. Time travel is a very lofty concept to write about because it is very difficult to execute well. There are a lot of plot holes that can easily arise from time travel, and I think this series does suffer from that. When Klara finds herself 500 years in the past, I do not think she is nearly as shocked as she would realistically be. She comes from a time of every convenience at her fingertips, and was sent to a very brutal, difficult time to simply live. She should have been shell shocked and probably more terrified about learning how to live.
In this second book, Klara gets to meet and work with Thomas, Callum's best friend. I felt like Klara was way too trusting of Thomas right off the bat merely because he is Callum's best friend. Klara and Callum had a very quick, very insta-lovey relationship, and just because Callum trusts and knows Thomas, does not mean Klara should put all faith into him. There were several moments that I think Thomas raised series red flags, and no one questioned him, which I found unbelievable.
I am still not a huge fan of Klara and Callum's romantic relationship. I love a good love story, but they really do not have anything in common, and if they were of the same time period, I do not think they realistically would cross paths. I would have enjoyed this story ten times more if they remained friends and just figured out the saving the world thing together, as friends. They are both far too committed to each other after only a few days and it got under my skin.
I did enjoy the setting and getting to see Scotland in two different time periods. The atmosphere was engaging, and the writing was vivid for me. I especially enjoyed seeing Klara's family inn closer to its conception and how it has remained untouched for so many years.
Overall, this book was fine. I will likely recommend it in the future to someone with specific interest in the plot, and I will likely continue to pick up books by Sasha Alsberg out of curiosity in the future.
January 31, 2024
Book 2 of 2

This ‘New Adult’ aged version is much more mythical and fae driven than the ‘Outlander’ series. It is more like, if Claire had been following Geillis. This books begins with Klara now stuck in Callum’s time, 1568… alone. How will get back to each other? There are so many gods and folklore creatures that I started highlighting and tabbing them in their own color. This story is about so many more moving parts than just Llaw. I am not sure if I liked it as much as the first one, but it was still great. The author wrapped it up in a nice little bow at the end. I am sure I will reread this duology many times! There a very few books and definitely not series that I reread, but these are fantastic.

And to leave you with a few quotes like I did with the first book:

Klara - “But maybe next time he could call us an Uber before he gets the hell out of Dodge.”
“Lady Clara is lightheaded,” Callum said hesitantly. “She needs rest and quiet.”
“And a couple of Advil wouldn’t hurt,” she added…

“I’ve just been slingshotted into a past that I’m very uninterested in being a woman in, and now I feel like I’ve been forced to digest an encyclopedia’s worth of Scottish folklore.”

“The library’s enchanted, Klara yelled. “No assholes allowed.”
23 reviews
August 9, 2024
The first book in this series was just so-so and I was hoping the second would be better but I was disappointed. The overall story had potential but was just landed completely undeveloped and generally hokey. At one point I fell asleep listening to the audio version and didn't even bother going back to hear the 20 minutes I'd missed. I was interested in hearing the Scottish folklore but it was written as though it was an afterthought and forced into the story in a very dry manner. I don't know if this was a YA story, but it read like it... I was even eye rolling at certain points, it was just that lame, so maybe I made the mistake of choosing a series that wasn't written for my demographic.
I don't like to be so critical of someone else's hard work and passion but I just wish this had been so much more. Many other reviews compared it to Outlander, which I haven't read, so maybe I need to go read that.
Profile Image for Abby.
77 reviews5 followers
August 10, 2023
Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with an eARC of the conclusion to Sasha’s Scottish time traveling fantasy romance duology, Fracturing Fate.

This review containers spoilers for book one, Breaking Time.

Klara and Callum have switched places, now each stuck in the same Scottish village but 500 years apart once more. With Llaw gone, their problems should be mostly resolved right? Wrong. The gods are still playing games and there’s plenty of betrayal afoot.

I did enjoy Fracturing Fate more than I enjoyed Breaking Time, however there were still aspects that took away from the reading experience for me. Some of these were technical details like formatting (which could have just been the ARC file) but others were more story related. I still don’t feel like the romantic relationship between Klara and Callem had any substantial development, at least not that is experienced with and by the reader. It was mostly *danger* -> “I love you,” and that was it. I don’t feel like we actually saw a lot of character development which was disappointing for me. I felt like this was also true for the political relationships and explaining the fae and gods lore. I never felt connected to any of it.

This was a quick read and I’m glad I got closure after reading Breaking Time last year, but overall I unfortunately don’t feel like this lived up to its potential, it was mostly a YA outlander retelling with heavy nods to other popular series. Calling a sword “the mortal sword” when knowing Sasha started out as a The Mortal Instruments fan account on Instagram back in the day was an entertaining moment.
83 reviews
March 16, 2024
Alsberg does a really good job of allowing her reader to know just enough to start putting some pieces together based on assumptions, while enabling an air of mystery to remain. I loved the fantasy aspects, the romance, the descriptions of the characters' feelings, and the ending, but most of all, I loved the multiple levels of each character. Each one was very thought out and their thoughts/words/actions were very true to character, making them that much more believable.
Profile Image for Annarella.
13.6k reviews150 followers
August 25, 2023
I enjoyed this one more than Breaking Time, it's more compact and less paying homage to Outlander.
The plot is fast paced, there's a number of twists and the characters are more mature.
Some parts are a bit confusing and I am not sure if I understood the logic behind the time travel and magic in this world.
Many thanks to the publisher for this ARC, all opinions are mine
40 reviews1 follower
September 3, 2023
Wow, I couldn’t put this book down! I liked Breaking Time better but this was great! Klara and Callum’s relationship grows and they confess their love to each other. What a bond the two share! They can’t live without each other!
Their new found powers grow and with help they defeat the enemy. It’s sad that Thomas dies but he was awful. It was a good ending.
Profile Image for Izzys_Internet_Bookshelf.
1,845 reviews69 followers
October 31, 2023

Being completely honest, I had almost no interest in reading this book. I had remembered loving the first one but this one just started off really slow, then it turned to skimming the pages, and THEN when I got towards the last few chapters I decided to read it and all I remember were a lot of cheesy lines, which I didn’t enjoy.
Profile Image for Simira.
358 reviews8 followers
September 11, 2023
This book was definitely better than the first. It had some more Scottish folklore to explain what was really going on with the goddess. More characters involved and the ending was what you expected to close out the story.
Profile Image for Inkyard Press.
207 reviews107 followers
August 1, 2023
Young Adult Fantasy, Young Adult Time Travel, Young Adult People & Places, Romance
Profile Image for Caroline.
1,108 reviews2 followers
August 16, 2023
I am not surprised at Thomas I have been expecting it since book one. Love that Callum and Klara didn’t let miscommunication hinder them.
90 reviews6 followers
May 17, 2024
A good sequel. I enjoyed the writing style of this book better than the first one. And I love the mythology.
Profile Image for Gabriella.
53 reviews
January 6, 2024
This book was amazing. I loved the first one and this one. I enjoyed that Callum’s POV wasn’t just “I must save Klara” and we see a better side of him. I highly recommend it.
Profile Image for Brielle June.
175 reviews1 follower
April 25, 2024

The first thought that came to my mind is that this book is so Timeless (Taylor Swift) coded. Just like the first book, I absolutely devoured this one.

I truly had a blast while reading this. Were there a few things that could have been better? Yes. But I didn’t read this for a work of literary genius. I read this book to find enjoyment and to connect to these characters again. The writing in this book is easy to get into and it keeps me in the story, always turning the page.

It quite literally had me, “I’ll go to bed after this chapter” But did I go to bed? No, I had to keep reading. This book is definitely more character then plot driven. Which sometimes can be a bad thing, but in this case it’s a good thing to me. Seeing as I was and am truly so invested in these characters. I also like how it sends the message of love being the most powerful thing, no matter the time period.

Only, I wish there was more for me to devour lol. (this gif is me devouring the story)
Displaying 1 - 24 of 24 reviews

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