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Burke's Sweet Beloved: A Sweet Contemporary Western Romance

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From USA Today Bestselling Author Kathleen Ball

A New Sweet Clean, Contemporary Western Romance *A Fan Favorite*

"Kathleen Ball is a master storyteller! I love the stories she weaves." 5 Star Review
"There's a lot of twist and turns with these two. It all makes for a captivating read that I read straight through" 5 Star Review
"Kathleen Ball writes great stories. This book is no exception. The characters are fun and have witty conversations. The scenes and situations are realistic. Enjoyable book and recommended for a sweet read." 5 Star Review

~Burke Dawson wants children; unfortunately, that also includes a wife. His first wife was a citified socialite who stole half of his ranch. Now Burke's determined to find an honest country girl with no expectations of love.

Everything in Annie Douglas' life has taught her that men can't be trusted. Although Burke is big, strong, and not seemingly gentle, Annie feels drawn to the handsome Texas cowboy.

Misunderstandings, accidents, and treachery lead to Annie leaving shattered and alone. Can Burke offer the trust, understanding and love she so badly needs?

Author Note- This novel is a very changed version of Texas Haven. It has been rewritten into a Sweet Contemporary Western Romance

224 pages, Kindle Edition

Published September 15, 2022

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About the author

Kathleen Ball

100 books666 followers
Best-Selling, Award Winning Author of Contemporary Western Romance and Sweet Historical Western Romance.

Writing is my bliss and I try to write every day. I started with two publishers who I learned a lot from. Now I self publish. I like the control it gives me over release dates and book covers.

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Profile Image for Jac K.
2,302 reviews343 followers
January 8, 2023
I read the original book Texas Haven years ago, but remember Burke being a HUGE jerk… and not in a good way. It’s not fresh, but I do believe the actual bones/events of this book are the same, but Burke is now a naïve idiot rather than an aggressive ass. Add in the silliness that he would allow his cheating ex-wife that he hates to stay in his home while helplessly holding his hands in the air as she causes trouble, and there was nothing relatable for me to sink my teeth in.

The blurb is missing on GR, basically Burke wants children, so he needs a wife. He’s not crazy about this because his ex-wife left him and took ½ his money, but decides a quiet, country wife will do. Annie is coming out of bad/betrayal breakup and not looking for a relationship but is drawn to Burke. After a rocky start, they agree to an arranged marriage, and things are going well until his ex-wife shows up.

Bottom Line- This didn’t work for me. It does have some OTT soapy elements (spineless/abused h, evil family, vile/meddling OW, illogical), but I couldn’t get over how passive/stupid and blind Burke was. I love OW drama, but this witch deserved some comeuppance and I felt like everything always went her way. It was ridiculous.

Trigger warning-
Profile Image for Kathy Heare Watts.
6,390 reviews175 followers
September 25, 2022

I need to emphasize that I normally love the stories by Ms. Kathleen Ball. My feelings on this particular one and has nothing to do with her writing style—it is the story itself. I struggled with this story—why you ask?—because of the main male character, Burke Dawson. No, he is NO HERO, and I would never grant him that title. I stayed so angry with him and how he was oblivious to his ex-wife, Alice, and bought into everything she claimed, knowing she was a user and treating his present wife, Annie, like everything was her fault. With his betrayal of Annie, their marriage, and her trust, he never redeemed himself in my eyes. Too little, too late. Just because there weren’t intimate details doesn’t make this a “sweet” story. The story includes violence, betrayal, bodily harm, and vicious lies.

“A jerk, plain and simple, that’s what he was. A stupid, gullible jerk.”

A quick synopsis of the story. Burke had married Alice (his now ex-wife) after only knowing her a few days. Infatuated by her looks and charm, when she thought he was a rich ranch owner. It doesn’t take long for them to have issues—like the minute she sees the ranch. Nothing is good enough, and not long for divorce and her taking a huge chunk of his property. She sells it, and that brings Annie to look at the property for her user stepbrother, Sonny. Annie is a sweet girl with no self-esteem who has been abused and beaten by not only her stepfather but her stepbrother, too.

Burke wants a wife, not someone to love, but someone to use—a babymaker so he can pass his ranch along eventually and a housekeeper to do what he has been paying to have done. Annie wants a family and, hopefully, a marriage with love. She is willing to forgo the love of a man, hoping that in due time it will come if she can have a family. What a terrible reason to marry—but to be newlyweds and have the ex-wife showing up with a sad sob story and Burke caves—not even considering what Annie feels. He is so self-centered, just like Alice, and completely blinded to the truth.

Yes, in the end, the truth comes out; he feels bad, she forgives him, and they ride off into the happily ever after sunset. As I said—too little, too late.
4,720 reviews37 followers
September 23, 2022
When a door closes a window opens.
The sparks were flying with the first touch they both may have wanted to ignore it but something was bringing them together. I loved Annie her life had been so hard with a mother and stepfather who did not care and then a stepbrother that was just horrible to her. Burke had a few things to answer for too but he did find his way. It was a sweet love story not without it challenges but it was charming and the epilogue was grand. I did receive a free copy of this book from Booksprout and voluntarily chose to review it.
3,055 reviews10 followers
September 24, 2022
Annie was abused by her family and I couldn’t believe with how controlling her step brother is that he sent her to look at his new property alone. That’s where she meets Burke who is looking for a wife, but is suspicious of her. He doesn’t treat her very well at times so I was surprised she agreed to marry him. Maybe she thought she he was her best option or hope for a family. They have plenty of misunderstandings, but they escalate when his greedy self-centered ex wife Alice comes back to muck things up. Why Burke would believe her again and again or his sweet wife? Until Annie reaches her breaking point but realizes she has the strength and resources to stand on her own feet. At times the storyline was over the top. But I was rooting for Annie who had been through so much to find her happiness whether that was with Burke or not.
Profile Image for Norma.
785 reviews12 followers
September 27, 2022
This was such a wonderful, sweet romance with some suspense. Burke wanted a wife to help run his cattle ranch and when he met Annie, he knew she was the one to fill the roll but he refused to fall for her. Annie had led a life of abuse by first her step father and then her step brother. It was nice seeing Sonny and Alice get what was coming to them. I loved the epilogue as I like seeing where they are 18 years or so down the road. I highly recommend this book!!.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
306 reviews2 followers
September 23, 2022
I laughed, I cried, I screamed, and I fell in love with Burke and Annie! Such a beautifully written story! It kept me on the edge of my seat, and I refused to stop reading until I found out how it ended! So good!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Profile Image for Anita Rohn.
1,778 reviews7 followers
September 23, 2022

A young woman who has been beaten down seeks a safe haven she finds place but several incidents make her question herself. Yet, circumstances change and she finds her strength. An entertaining tale about communication and forgiveness.
Profile Image for Mary Jane McLeod.
2,540 reviews2 followers
September 19, 2022
Really Great Read

Burke wanted a family but he didn't choose wisely the first time he married. Now he'd advertised for a wife. Annie has been treated badly for years by her stepfather and stepbrother. Her stepbrother sends her to check out property he recently bought and the two meet. They marry quickly. Burke's ex shows up and things go badly. There's a lot of twist and turns with these two. It all makes for a captivating read that I read straight through.
Profile Image for Marianne.
6,145 reviews70 followers
September 23, 2022
Heartwarming western romance.. I loved it! It is sweet and charming, with adorable and lovely scenes..

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
September 21, 2022
Great read.

I did not like how the male character was so easy to fool. The ex wife should have Ben prosecuted. But the love was easy to see between the main characters and the outcome was wonderful.
I highly recommend thinking is book for everyone who loves cowboys.
115 reviews
September 17, 2022
Sweet Read

Awww, this was absolutely amazing. True love wins put at the end. Kathleen Ball is an amazing story teller. She keeps you interested from the first page. She has you crying, getting mad, then crying in her wonderful story between an a handsome cowboy and his city girlfriend. The intense feeling you get reading her story will have you wanting more. I don’t want to give the story away, but I highly recommend this book.
518 reviews7 followers
September 17, 2022
Great book

What a great rewrite for Kathleen Ball. I enjoyed this story although I wanted to smack Burke upside his head most of the time.I recommend this book.
47 reviews12 followers
October 2, 2022
Kathleen Ball writes great stories. This book is no exception. The characters are fun and have witty conversations. The scenes and situations are realistic. Enjoyable book and recommended for a sweet read.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
756 reviews14 followers
October 7, 2022
An original story with great characters. A contemporary fiction story unlike the historical fiction I’ve previously read by this author. The strong characters surprised me in what they did. I received a copy of this book and all opinions are my own.
2,106 reviews7 followers
December 21, 2022
Annie left New York in shame for Wiltworth, Texas to look at some property her step-brother had bought while there she met Burke Dawson. He was a rancher looking for a wife. They had dinner together one evening, and they seemed to have a great evening but do to past experience Burke was not interested in a woman from the city as a wife. Shortly, after her return to New York, Annie received roses with a note from Burke asking her to marry him. He was of two minds with Annie. He could not forget her, but he kept telling himself, he could not give his heart and love to a city girl again. Annie was excited, finally someone that would eventually grow to love and care about her. When she told her step-brother she was leaving to get married. He told her no, she was not and processed to beat some sense into her. She did not care. She still caught her flight to Texas and married Burke later in the week. They had not been married very long, when Burke's ex-wife showed back up at the ranch wanting him back. He told her he was married, and there was no way he was getting back with her. Then she was broke and had no place to go so he was going to allow her to stay for two weeks. All kinds of strange things started to happen around the place. It always came down to a difference in the story between Annie and the ex-wife. It was not that Burke did not believe Annie, he just thought if he exnored it it would go away. We all know how well that went for Annie. Enjoy this incredible story of mystery and intrigue with romance.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
1,047 reviews
September 30, 2022
When I first started to read this story I thought it sounded so familiar and then i realized I had read it several yrs ago. Annie was mentally and physically abused by her stepfather and after he died her step brother. She was told she was worthless and a millstone around her step brother’s neck. She was a NYC girl. He sent her to Texas to look at some property Sonny had bought. On her way to Texas her rental truck broke down and she met Burke Dawson when he stopped to help her. He had advertised for a wife because he wanted a family but after his disastrous marriage, he wasn’t looking for love just a partnership. Long story short, Burke and Annie get married. She’s happy and excited . Burke runs hot and cold. Out of the blue his ex wife Alice shows up and then things go down hill. Annie is innocent, naïve but a sweet kind hearted woman. I was disappointed in Burke when he let his ex wife move in. He felt obligated to help her out. I wanted to smack him up one side and down the other. What a disaster. Alice was trying to split them up because when Annie married, she inherited her trust fund worth millions, but Annie knew nothing about it. It had been kept a secret from her years and her step brother was stealing from her. Can Burke and Annie recover from the pain and heartbreak that she caused?.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Michelle.
9,249 reviews23 followers
October 2, 2022
As I sit here trying to think about Burke and Annie's story I was having a hard time coming up with the words for my review. Although the male character hit my nerve a few times I realized that's why I loved this book. When an author can make a reader feel anything strong for a character they've done a great job and Kathleen Ball did that in spades. I loved the storyline and my love/hate relationship with the characters made this a page turning read for me. This is one of those stories that either you love or hate and I loved it. Burke's Sweet Beloved is book one and a great start to A Cowboy's Chance series. I look forward to reading the next book. I voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book.
Profile Image for Cindy Huff.
Author 9 books50 followers
January 3, 2024
The book was well-written and the storyline was interesting. Greed does strange things to people. Annie's abusive past played a key role in her view of their marriage. But the stupidity of Burke made me want to smack him. Disrespecting one's wife by doubting her puts much deeper wounds than the story implies. Miscommunication is a terrible thing. But theirs was unrealistic to me. Love can't hold a relationship together if both parts are broken. A bit of counseling and an epilogue only a few years later rather than twenty would have felt more satisfying. Seeing them working through issues might give readers who are broken the encouragement to do the same. The HEA seemed too quick. Even so, Ball wrote an interesting story with characters, whose brokenness relates to many people.
4,432 reviews28 followers
October 1, 2022
Annie has been crushed by her cheating fiancee with her friend so she goes to Texas to look at the land her step-brother purchased and runs into Burke the next door neighbor. His ex wife sold the land to Annie's step-brother and he is barely getting by with his ranch but he and Annie marry to help each other and there is something so sweet and innocent about Annie that he can not resist. When Alice his ex comes back trouble starts right away and ends up chasing Annie back to New York. Will Annie and Burke get back together or will Alice keep them apart?.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
350 reviews5 followers
October 7, 2022
Burke's Sweet Beloved

This is a wonderful book! I love Annie and Burke's characters. She just wants to feel loved and he is afraid of love, after the way his first wife treated him. Burke is looking for a wife, in name only, and the attraction he feels for Annie makes her a good choice. Shortly after their marriage, his ex-wife shows up and she is pure evil and causes them nothing but trouble. But, more is going on than meets the eye and almost causes Annie and Burke to lose everything, including each other. A drama filled, love story that I think you will enjoy and highly recommend.
681 reviews7 followers
September 28, 2022
Love when none is wanted by one and dreamed of by the other. It is difficult right off the bat when the two put together really don't want the same things. But there is that electric feeling the first time he touches her. Do they both feel it? Can they get past seemingly insurmountable problems with an ex wife in the picture? Annie will need to find a way to figuratively stomp her feet and make him realize what they could have. Can she find the way? Will he come to his senses? This is another great book by Kathleen Ball.
9,848 reviews120 followers
October 2, 2022
I've read several books written by Kathleen Ball; she is becoming one of my favorite authors. I can’t wait to read more of her books.

This is the first book in A Cowboy’s Chance Series; it is a stand-alone book. The story is about Annie & Burke; he’s been burned once but still wants a family so he advertises for a bride. She’s never trusted men but falls for him, after a misunderstanding and other issues she takes off but he wants to convince her to give him another chance.

I received a free copy of this book via booksprout and I’m voluntarily leaving a review.
1,741 reviews30 followers
October 10, 2022
True Love Wins

Burke has been burned once, by his ex wife, Alice. He needs a wife and wants a family, but he can't get his heart around it or trust again. Annie has beaten down by her family and doesn't want to go through it again. Her meeting Burke starts off on the wrong foot and continues, even after they marry. He is such a fool and Annie still clings to what could be. A lot of heartache, that could have been avoided.
I was given a copy of this book by the author for an honest review.
271 reviews4 followers
September 21, 2022
Great new series! This story reminds you of a mail order bride, Cinderella, and the Ugly Duckling! A young woman that has been abused and just wants to be loved and have a family, a cowboy that has given up on love buts wants a helpmate and a family with an ex wife thrown in---what can go wrong?? You will find yourself cheering for Annie and wanting to kick Burke. You will feel all the emotions on this roller coaster! Don't miss this clean romance from Kathleen Ball.

8,965 reviews118 followers
September 28, 2022
This is a well written book with strong characters in Annie and Burke. The author does a great job building their story and pulling you in with all the emotions flowing throughout. She shows their strength and how they grow in their marriage. She moves the story fluidly with her descriptive scenes and delivers a fantastic story.

I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book. All opinions in this review are my own and freely given.
Profile Image for Amanda Marlowe.
1,807 reviews17 followers
September 29, 2022
Burke stops on the side of the road to rescue Annie, her stepbrother has sent her to find out more about the property he's bought. Burke has advertised for a wife, as he wants children and his ex-wife didn't like living on a ranch. Annie hasn't had a good time with her stepfather and stepbrother, so she is wary of her feelings for Burke.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.

A great read from Kathleen
3,745 reviews24 followers
October 2, 2022
Is it possible for a short older lady to pick a cowboy up by his ears and shake him? I wanted to shake Burke so badly I could have been shaking myself. How he can be taken in by the very ex-wife that took him to the cleaners I will never understand. He is lucky that Annie loves him, in spite of him being stupid, okay, my mom would have yelled at me for that, but he was. I really enjoyed this book by Kathleen Ball.
3,159 reviews8 followers
October 1, 2022
Mrs Ball has once again written a wonderful cowboy romance despite the gullibility of Birke. He was taken to the cleaners by his city wife so now os looking for a good country girl. He finds that in Annie but she has some baggage she has to work through. Will things work out? Great start to a new series.

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Profile Image for Rhonda.
2,593 reviews42 followers
October 2, 2022
Love a good Western romance with a sexy cowboy. It's always fun to read about a budding relationship and how hard the characters fight it. Makes for interesting banter and interaction between the characters. Good read.8.

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Profile Image for Christina Bowling.
1,550 reviews16 followers
October 3, 2022
There's nothing sweet or clean about a book where an animal is murdered. That completely ruined the book for me. The author betrayed my trust when I believed that this was really a sweet book, and left me feeling depressed and wishing I'd never read it.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 43 reviews

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