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Released from Walter Reed Hospital, Sergeant Alexandra Hargreaves settled in her hometown of Denver, Colorado. With her family and friends close, and her enemies closer, she strives to collect the pieces of her shattered life.Then everything falls apart.Haunted by the past, and terrorized in the present, Alex must reach past pain, through memory, and beyond the grave to find her self and her future."The fey is a romance for people who hate romances; a thriller for people who hate thrillers. If I'd read this on a bus, I swear I'd have missed my stop."-- J. C. Denver, Colorado."This is ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS I have ever read. It sucked me right in and I was unable to put it down. Get it now and enjoy. It really is a great book." --V.A. Carpenteria, California""I couldn't put it down! Every time I stopped reading, even for a second, I wandered what was coming next." --K.M. Long Beach, California

280 pages, Paperback

First published January 26, 2009

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Claudia Hall Christian

82 books85 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 140 reviews
Profile Image for Margitte.
1,188 reviews617 followers
July 21, 2014

Sergeant Alexandra Hargreaves is the only survivor of her unit and barely outlive the torture and wounds from a skirmish with the enemy. With a shattered hip and amnesia of the last six months of her life, she is ready to take on the world again. Forty operations to restore her body did not prevent her from maintaining her image as the G.I.Jane of the Green Berets and the one woman in the USA defence forces with whom all men fall madly in love. Diplomatically stated, all men coming in contact develop a sex craze about her, and her husband is a walking dog in heat, permanently drooling around her, even in company. Really, she is THAT hot, tough and gorgeous!

Known as 'The Fey' ( or fairy in ordinary English) she is the heroine of the action-packed story in which sex, the supernatural and war actions is piled up on every page. Or rather, all over the place. Even if you close your eyes, pinch your nose shut and press your lips together, you will be force-fed, probably through an intravenous tube, while being tied to a chair, this unrealistic idea of a perfect woman! Okay, for those who do ache for these kind of heroines, run along and grab the book!

COMMENTS: a confusion in characters and plot had me rereading several pages, skip others due to irrelevancy to the main plot and overall did enjoy the idea behind the book, although I am not an Amazon-groupie and never appreciated the G.I.Janes of the popular action movies. I also do not think that someone with a shattered hip, or a hip replacement, and so many injuries is able to metaphorically run tunnels through mountains of problems and physically can win every skirmish with highly-trained male soldiers and do it with a giggle. There might be an element of surprise allowing her to get ahead in any fight, but nothing else could convince me much of our heroine's super powers. Admittedly I might be the wrong audience for this book. Or our heroine might be G.I.Jane on steroids! That's a possibility indeed.

There are other elements in the book that did not make sense to me. Identical twins cannot be brother and sister. There were way too many characters and sub-stories brought in, interrupting the flow of the narrative, instead of contributing to it. I wasn't impressed with a woman pouting for not being allowed to drink whiskey with her male buddies while being seriously injured in her hospital bed. And best buddies laughed and joked around when situations were dire, deadly and demoralizing at best. There was just something missing in the rythm of the tale. The idea was really good, just not executed well.

Bottom line: the plot was too confusing for my taste. The story elements did not gel enough.

Mmmm..... two stars. It was okay. The idea was good. Bear in mind, other readers might find it perfect, so consider my opinion with a bag of salt. It is a matter of choice.

And while an attempt is made to redefine a fairy: excuse me, mesdames et messieurs, I need to quickly go kick-start my Boeing! Yes, my name is Fey, after all and the new fairies on the block can achieve anything - at least in some people's imaginations!

Profile Image for Janice.
1,284 reviews68 followers
August 8, 2012
Where, oh where was your editor Ms. Christian?

1. Identical twins are ALWAYS of the same gender. This, I learned in Grade 8 Science. Identical twins are the result of a fertilized egg that splits in two. Both twins have the same DNA. They are always of the same gender. Oh, wait - is this book magical realism?

2. If you have a hip replacement, you will not be running on a treadmill in three weeks - guaranteed!

3. The words "passed" and "past" are not interchangeable. An editor would have caught that and other grammatical errors that found their way into the book.

In general, the protagonist was nauseatingly larger than life. Needless to say, I won't be reading any of the sequels.
Profile Image for Kathryn.
2,711 reviews87 followers
August 23, 2022
Has this happened to you? A friend recommends a story, and you blaze through it so fast you immediately go looking for more and promptly buy the whole dang series? Yep, this is one of those times I didn’t feel bad about buying a series after reading the first book, it’s just that good.

Alex, The Fey, is a Military Intelligence officer that is part of a Hostage Rescue team who has lost her entire team to a terrorist. And now he’s coming after her, her husband, family, and close friends, even though she’s barely survived the last attack. Truly an underrated story in my opinion. I really liked the writing style of this author and am very glad to see it has continued into the second book. I read this first book in a little over four hours and didn’t want to read anything else. This story has military intrigue, romance, family drama, suspense & a little bit of magic realism.
17 reviews
August 7, 2011
I settled down to read this thinking it would be a really good fast paced read. I couldn't make head nor tails of it really!

There were so many plot holes and confusing moments that I am surprised I even finished it.

Let's start with what annoyed me about it.

Alex "the Fey" - This book could be read as a representation of the strong female. Alex is the only female allowed in the green berets. So far, so good. But then, it just gets annoying. Alex is the heroine, she has her own problems and her own feelings and this is good, it makes her human, accessible to the readers. However, after a while you begin to realise that Alex is so special but all you can think is why? What is so amazing about her? She appears to have men falling for her left right and centre. She is happily married apparently, but that doesn't stop her having intimate relationships with other men. Here's the kick- I don't mean intimate sexually, I mean intimate with her feelings and with how close she is to them. I just find it weird that her husband accepts this. There are two things that annoy me about Alex "The Fey" - 1. Her tattoos. Whilst tattoos are cool, I love them I think that putting them on her arm was a horrible place. 2. Her other persona "Alyssa" - This just seemed so arbitrary, half the time I would forget that she had to change her identity, why? Because she seemed to forget half the time as well!

Relationships- This is where the book begins to really get stupid. We already know how wonderful Alex supposedly is. How men fall over themselves to love her. But, it annoys me. What is so wonderful about her really?! One conversation went something like this "What does the Fey smell like?" "Some say flowers, (Anything nice you can think of insert here" "Really? I heard she smells like rain" - That's just narcissism . Bad Alex! Bad Alex!
Her twin - I know that the identical boy/girl twin is a miracle and I appreciate that. I don't mind the fantasy elements of the book - that is the whole beauty of literature, everything goes. However, their relationship is just a bit too strange. I think the author noticed this too, because half way through the book suddenly Max (The twin) has a girlfriend in Paris!

One thing that is noticeable about the book is that some things seem to change suddenly or pop up - as if the author had a change of heart or noticed a plot hole.

It is a disappointment, I am not going to lie. It has a good plot though- but the plot stopped being developed and it was just all about how marvellous Alex "The Fey" is and how her husband (and everyone else) can't keep their hands off her. Not only that but the language does not match that of a fast paced thriller. Too many words are repeated - one in particular "said" they all "say" to each other all the time. or "laughed" apparently in the face of danger, death and sheer pain they are all laughing. Possibly to Alex "The Fey"'s bed....

Do you know what really annoys me though? I decided that it must be given another chance, so I downloaded the second book....

And the third...
Profile Image for Angeles.
348 reviews5 followers
May 16, 2015
You know those female lead characters that are all wispy and weepy and "woe is me"? Well, if that is what you like, GO AWAY! Muahahahah

Alex ("the Fey") is a strong, intelligent woman. She is a fierce competitor with a heart of gold, and she has a mystery to solve: she must set about finding who tried to kill her, and why.

Alex's family, friends, and teammates are fiercely loyal, and her loved ones are behind her (beside her, in front of her, and above her!), and do whatever it takes to help her see her mission through to completion. A little bit of everything for everyone, “The Fey” is a quick read, intriguing from the start.

The imagery allows you to place yourself within the story and live it as if it was your own. Before you know it, you will be reading the last scene … and you will be left wanting more, but feeling satisfied all the same.

I read this book in one sitting - straight through. I meant to read a chapter and get busy cleaning and cooking for our guests ... but got so caught up, I found myself reading on the couch a couple hours later than planned ... and continued to read while I tossed together a single-pot dish, ran a vacuum haphazardly, and tossed dishes into the dishwasher to be rinsed later!

LOVED the book - Claudia Hall Christian needs to write more ... because I need to READ more!!
Profile Image for Gayle Hart.
21 reviews
June 14, 2013
I really wanted to like this book. I really liked the idea of the Fey character, and the basic premise and overall story arc are good, but it really feels like a mish-mash of over-the-top, under-developed ideas. I would have much rather read a 2 or 3 book series with more story and character development, and better pacing and rhythm.

I think the author was trying too hard to be all things to all readers and trying to cram every possible plot twist and motivation she could think of into one story. It is overkill—there were moments I wondered whether the author was doing it on purpose to help the reader empathize with the protagonist, because I felt reading it was a form of psychological torture.

There were a few major plot points that did not serve the overall story and should have been cut; the crisis with her husband's identity being the main one. Absolutely unbelievable that an intelligence officer of The Fey's caliber would have been completely oblivious to her husband's secret identity, especially since her boss and other people around her knew and he was still in contact with people from his old life (at their home, no less). Absolutely unbelievable how quickly and neatly the couple went from major meltdown crisis to everything being hunky dory.

While we're on the husband subject, I like that the husband and wife are very (very, very) attracted to each other (no, really. VERY.) after 13 years of marriage, but I found it wearying that they cannot seem to be in a room together without becoming aroused and they cannot be in a room ALONE together without getting it on. Whether the sex scene is intended as deeply tender love making or a stolen-moment quickie, the author approaches them the same and writes fairly bland, procedural sex scenes—he touched her, she touched him, they touch each other, and they're both satisfied. It was so rote and boring, I found myself skipping to the end of the section every time a pulse quickened. If you're going to include sex/love scenes, put in the effort to craft meaningful scenes. As it is, the sex element ends up as a bunch of throw-away moments in the book that disrupt the story.

I thought there were just too many prominent supporting characters, and too many of them were too similar. (Having multiple names and nicknames for supporting characters did not do anything toward helping to keep the cast of characters straight.) Eliminating the husband identity crisis would have removed the PIRA story line and characters, which would have helped immensely with story pacing and cleaning up the cast. Cian and Eoin do not serve the plot at all, Néall and Eimilie serve no purpose other than to drive the identity crisis. And the PIRA role in resolving the hostage situation could easily have been filled any number of other ways.

As other reviews have mentioned, Alex "The Fey" is a strong female lead. She doesn't just hold her own with the Special Forces guys; she leads them. Unfortunately, Alex seems to have two speeds—kick-ass and insecure/needy. I would have liked to have more character and personality development.

The story is action-packed but I found several of the action sequences too fast-paced—dialogue was choppy or repetitive and it was difficult to keep track of what was happening. Another reviewer expressed the opinion that the military action scenes were close enough to reality to not be fantastical, but too unrealistic to be believable. I would have to agree with this assessment and wish the author had taken the time to make it more believable.

I had several moments where I just debated putting the book down, but I was actually interested in what would happen and how the story line would resolve. I want to give the author credit for capturing my interest enough that I finished the story, but I was left wholly unsatisfied with the telling of the story.

And after going through all of that to get to the end, how the hell did this story end without us ever discovering what was motivating the antagonist or what "property" he was trying to recover?

This book needed a heavy developmental edit to help the author separate the wheat from the chaff. A developmental editor could have helped the author (1) identify the plot points and characters that do not serve the story and needed to be dropped, (2) identify the areas that needed more detail and finesse, and (3) improve the pacing of the storytelling. All things that this story desperately needed.

The book also needed a copyeditor; a single pass to flag basic spelling, grammar, and consistency issues would have gone a long way toward making this a better reading experience, though it would have done nothing to help the storytelling.

I see now, looking at the author's list, that she has endeavored to develop the character into a series, "Alex the Fey," but I don't think I will read any of them—I certainly won't pay to read them. As much as I liked the premise and the idea behind the main character, the storytelling was lacking.

It's not that the storytelling is bad, it just needed more effort put into crafting and polishing the story—as it is, it feels like a second or third draft. And I'm actually a little pissed about that, because with a little more effort and care it could have been a truly good story! It's like having a kid who studied hard and did all the homework for class and got a "C" grade because they didn't turn in any homework, but would have earned an "A" had they turned in the assignments.
Profile Image for Punk.
1,547 reviews299 followers
April 23, 2011
"Action Adventure." Alex "the Fey" Hargreaves commands a Special Forces team, until most of them are killed. It's okay, though, because the remaining members all have nicknames, so it's like there are twice as many of them as there actually are! And it's not confusing at all! To be introduced to so many people at the same time! Who are mostly identified by the color of their skin!

Alex also has an identical twin brother, which she does an inadequate job of explaining. If the writing weren't so stilted and unappealing, I'd read more just to get Max's story.

Made it to the third chapter, where Alex giggles and pouts from her hospital bed ("You are so mean!" she says when her teammates refuse to share their whiskey), before I gave up.
Profile Image for RobinG.
105 reviews38 followers
October 9, 2014
This is the best series I have read in a very long time! The books are long (yippee!) but absolutely gripping from page one. Stayed up all night reading one of them! There are many important characters but she does a pretty good job of keeping the story lines cohesive. I had trouble at first because there are so many characters that are important to the stories but I got better at it. I like the main character, her husband, and her identical-twin brother. There are tiny bits of paranormal in here too. They enhance the story rather than detract from it. By the end of the books, I wanted to do clerical work (I couldn't do any of the other jobs!) for this group! I sure wish these characters could be a real hostage retrieval team!!
Profile Image for Joan.
2,199 reviews
October 28, 2018
I gave up on page 17.

Too many random characters, too many nicknames, too many places where I had no idea at all what was supposed to be happening.
Profile Image for Ms. Erica J.
12 reviews1 follower
February 3, 2024
I only got to 16% but I could not continue! Either I was totally lost or the writing was bad. A she being called Sir, a sister but didn’t know the brother.
Profile Image for Lacey Triche.
35 reviews1 follower
July 8, 2011
This book was fairly good, but it took me a bit to get into the story. At first, it just seemed like a lot of characters and details thrown at you all at once. It probably took me until the -teen chapters to really get into the book. I definitely think that it's worth the read, if you can get past the slow start. I think that the character of Alex was fairly well-developed. The love between her and John was very palpable. I was also partial to the fact that Alex is a twin. That could just be because I have identical twin boys, though. I downloaded this book on my iPhone for free. I would like to read the other two books in this series, Learning to Stand and Who I Am, but those cost, and I don't have the extra mony right now.
Profile Image for Delta.
1,929 reviews24 followers
Shelved as 'free-read'
November 12, 2016
The Fey has some great elements: a kick-ass heroine, suspenseful action, a villain-you-love-to-hate, and loyal comrades at arms. Unfortunately, far too many characters are introduced at once, and the action jumps around so much that it is very confusing to follow. Editing could have made this a great story. DNF at 30%.
8 reviews1 follower
February 25, 2009
LOVED THIS BOOK! The beginning was a little confusing, but it didn't take long to figure it out. Then I couldn't put it down. I loved how close all the characters were to each other. I can't wait to see what happens in the next book.
5 reviews2 followers
July 30, 2011
Worst book I have ever read. The story was so confusing and the writing was atrocious. I couldn't even finish the book and it was promptly deleted from my kindle. I am so glad I didn't have to pay for this. I would have written the author and demanded my money back.
Profile Image for Whitney.
17 reviews1 follower
September 2, 2016
Honestly, this book jumped around a lot and I couldn't really tell what was going on. I finished it, but there were times I read some pages over and over trying to figure out what was happening.
Profile Image for Joy Wilson.
261 reviews7 followers
February 24, 2019
There was a lot going on in this book, spies, green berets, the dead talking, military special forces, and Twuuu Luvvv. I know many reviewers will get caught by all the flaws, but I decided to give 4 stars because although there are certainly flaws, this book was tough to stop reading.

Let’s start with some issues. Too many characters, oh yes, who is a sibling, friend, team member, alive, dead... I often lost the side characters and their connections early, middle, and late. The author is clearly trying to set up the series, and also have everyone included in case a series doesn’t materialize. I wanted to be interested in everyone, but it would have been better to spread the characters out a bit and maybe have a few less twists so that the main story felt cleaner are clearer. I must also say there is a bit too much Deus Ex Machina for me. 40 surgeries, torture, injuries,and yet The Fey can run, kick, and shoot her way out of any situation. Once again, clarity and less superhuman feats would lead to a better fit for this story. Maybe after a few years of rehab Alex would be superhuman again, but it is a concern.

So what did I love? The Fey Special Forces team, Alex, John, the fact that every page kept the action level high although the story probably needed more room to breathe. The question of whether Jesse is really alive or dead. The short chapters and easy reading kept me saying, just 1 more chapter. There is definitely some good bones of a story, but a little less pace, and a little more development of the extra people, team history, and realistic events might help going forward.
Profile Image for Deborah.
Author 10 books60 followers
February 4, 2018
I'm not generally into thrillers, but I liked the idea of a strong female spy. By chapter 4 I was hooked. I couldn't finish this in one sitting, but I found myself waking up in the mornings thinking about it.

Alex Hargreaves Drayson- The Fey- is a strong, intelligent, energetic and courageous heroine whose story only gets more complicated- and engrossing- as it continues. It's also filled with many fascinating supporting characters. In a way, those characters as a whole are also the story- as important as they are to The Fey, as her bonds to them are tested one by one, she has to dig deep into herself and figure out both how well she can do standing on her own and how much she, ace intelligence Green Beret, can put aside knowledge and listen to her gut.
Profile Image for Dee Renee  Chesnut.
1,586 reviews37 followers
March 14, 2019
I downloaded this ebook to my Nook library when it was free in 2012.
I kept reading this book out of stubbornness, because I wanted a better explanation of memory sequences, a better explanation of who characters are, and I just wanted it to make sense. It bugged me to no end that this author called Max and Alex identical twins when this genetic genealogist wanted to say they could only be xx and xxy which is a Klinefelter variant or xx and xo which is Turner syndrome, and Alex would not be as viable as she is in this book.
I do not recommend this book.
6 reviews
June 2, 2020
Alex the fey is the only survivor of a hit on her entire team,she went through alot in the hospital and hadto form a new team,making her the leader and question herself who shewas as she discovers alot of secret but after everything she's still with her loved ones and that's all that matters,this is my first time of reading a novel of this category and i surprisingly love it....
Profile Image for Michelle.
1,042 reviews7 followers
January 11, 2024
Fantastic book!

A truly engaging and at times heartbreaking story. One of tragedy and triumph, secrets and lies, love and loss. More than anything it’s the story of a woman who is smart, strong, capable and will do anything to protect her family and friends. The beginning of the magical story of Alexandra “The Fey” Hargreaves.
109 reviews1 follower
August 18, 2018
Thriller is right!

The Fey. What an interesting, scary, suspenseful story! Whether based on real or imagined situations, the lady hero proved to be smart and physically capable of being a green beret and fully meeting every challenge.
82 reviews5 followers
February 6, 2022
This book was a gift from a friend and while it wasn't exactly what I thought it would be it turned out to be a good read. the main character Alex is over the top! The story didn't contain any actual fairies but it does have some paranormal twists so that made up for them. Looking forward to the next in the series.
6 reviews
February 6, 2022
This is my favorite series!!

This book was so intriguing and kept me up until I finished it. I enjoy all the books written by the author. I have re-read this series many times and still love them all. Can't wait for the next Fey book to come out.
Profile Image for JC.
1,725 reviews60 followers
March 19, 2017
This book had a very weird writing style that just threw me off from the very beginning. I'm not sure what it was, but it made it hard to follow what was going on and why.
284 reviews
September 12, 2017
Very confusing. Couldn't get characters straight in my head. Unstoppable disabled killing machine? 1/5
2 reviews
November 26, 2018

Wow ,I enjoyed this book so very much. Simply put,I will reread this book again. I rarely read a book twice, i will with this book. I will continue to follow Claudia !!
Profile Image for Nancy.
779 reviews59 followers
March 9, 2019
The Fey

This was a good book how ever I do wish the author had done more to make it more interesting.I look forward to reading more of this author's work.
Profile Image for Helen.
200 reviews3 followers
July 8, 2019
I could not put this book down!

Action packed, tense, romantic, thrilling, action packed, full of suspense and so much more. What else can I say except that it is a must read!
4,374 reviews28 followers
July 11, 2019

This book is one about one very courages women is in a special unit in the military and how she and her
Profile Image for Ariane.
9 reviews
October 3, 2019
One of my favorite authors and this is one of the books that started it all.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 140 reviews

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