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I Scream Man

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When a boy vanishes under strange circumstances, forensic psychologist Annie Hunter collects her team of sleuths, the Nut Crackers. They link the boy to a network of powerful people, the "I Scream Men," who gain political favors through a juvenile sex trafficking ring. As Annie tries to hide a victim they seek to silence, head predator Alder Plattman - nicknamed "Plat-eye" - snatches her young daughter. Relying on coded clues, some quirky allies, and the mysterious method of remote viewing, Annie sets out to rescue her daughter and cripple the criminal network. Among her associates is attorney Jackson Raines, a youth advocate whose brother stole the network's secret records before he was murdered. As a hurricane bears down and Plattman chases Annie's team, they race to recover this vital cache before he can find and destroy it.

340 pages, Paperback

Published September 8, 2022

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About the author

Katherine Ramsland

99 books520 followers
I've loved books since I was 3, and the library was a highlight of my childhood. I've been fortunate to be able to find great joy in what others have written and sometimes to give this to readers. I follow my own muse, because it leads me on interesting adventures. I began my writing career with "Prism of the Night: A Biography of Anne Rice." I had a bestseller with "The Vampire Companion." Since then, I've published 69 books and over 2,500 articles, reviews and short stories. I have also been an executive producer for "Murder House Flip" and "BTK: Confession of a Serial Killer." From ghosts to vampires to serial killers, I have taken on a variety of dark subjects, mostly in crime and forensics. I hold graduate degrees in forensic psychology, clinical psychology, criminal justice, creative writing and philosophy. Currently, I teach forensic psychology and criminal justice at DeSales University. My books include "I Scream Man," "How to Catch a Killer", "Confession of a Serial Killer", "The Forensic Psychology of Criminal Minds", "The Mind of a Murderer", "The Human Predator: A Historical Chronicle of Serial Murder and Forensic Investigation", "Inside the Minds of Serial Killers", "Inside the Minds of Sexual Predators", and "Inside the Minds of Mass Murderers". My background in forensic studies positioned me to assist former FBI profiler John Douglas on his book, "The Cases that Haunt Us", and to co-write a book with former FBI profiler, Gregg McCrary, "The Unknown Darkness", as well as "Spree Killers" with Mark Safarik, "The Real Life of a Forensic Scientist" with Henry C. Lee, and "A Voice for the Dead" with James Starrs. I speak internationally about forensic psychology, forensic science, and serial murder, and has appeared on numerous documentaries, as well as such programs as The Today Show, 20/20, 48 Hours, NPR, Dr. Oz, Coast to Coast, Montel Williams, Larry King Live and E! True Hollywood. Currently, I'm working on a fiction series, The Nut Cracker Investigations, which features a female forensic psychologist who manages a PI agency. "I Scream Man" is the first one.

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Displaying 1 - 16 of 16 reviews
Profile Image for Romaine Heart.
2,344 reviews28 followers
October 26, 2022
Annie is a forensic psychologist. She calls her agency
"The Nut Crackers, because we accept hard nuts to crack. I perform psychological assessments and offer profiling with a specialty in questionable suicides.....My private investigation agency accepts cases with paranormal features."
"I Scream Men" is a network of powerful people who gain political favors through a juvenile sex trafficking ring. "
When one of Annie's cases is dropped she's upset because the child in  question has been accused of murder.
Then Jaz, an attorney, comes knocking on her door. Together they try to unravel the mystery behind I Scream Man and the head predator  "Plat-eye".
A hurricane is close when three juveniles escape the JTA. The teens know things about what goes on within the juvenile system as well as Plat-eye's operations.
When Annie's daughter is kidnapped she learns her ex husband's girlfriend is involved and possibly her ex husband.
Airic, a medium and Putcha, a shaman helped during their investigation.
Loved Valerie's language. 
"And once they get in the system, it’s as hard getting’‘em out as suckin’ the shugah from sweet tea."
Action packed drama, mystery and suspense will keep you intrigued.
Thank you Booksirens and the author for a digital copy. Read and reviewed voluntarily and the opinions expressed here are unbiased and entirely my own.
Profile Image for Sue Wallace .
6,678 reviews93 followers
September 30, 2022
I Scream Man by Katherine Ramsland.
The Nut Cracker Investigations.
When a boy vanishes under strange circumstances, forensic psychologist Annie Hunter collects her team of sleuths, the Nut Crackers. They link the boy to a network of powerful people, the “I Scream Men,” who gain political favors through a juvenile sex trafficking ring. As Annie tries to hide a victim they seek to silence, head predator Alder Plattman – nicknamed “Plat-eye” – snatches her young daughter. Relying on coded clues, some quirky allies, and the mysterious method of remote viewing, Annie sets out to rescue her daughter and cripple the criminal network. Among her associates is attorney Jackson Raines, a youth advocate whose brother stole the network’s secret records before he was murdered. As a hurricane bears down and Plattman chases Annie’s team, they race to recover this vital cache before he can find and destroy it.
I really enjoyed this book. Great story. 4*.
Profile Image for Cloyd Steiger.
Author 3 books18 followers
October 21, 2022
I Scream Man is a rare foray into fiction by prolific non-fiction author Katherine Ramsland. She hit this one out of the park.
The novel includes many well-rounded characters. One of which is a hurricane.
It’s a fast-paced work, a thrilling crime novel with a bit of paranormal thrown in. The main protagonist, a forensic psychologist like Ramsland, worked fervently to save several at-risk children in the clutches of a corrupt juvenile justice system where children are being sexually exploited. She is thrown into the case with an attorney she’s not sure she can trust, a detective ex-husband and father of her child whose side she is not certain is on; they race to save the children while a significant hurricane is barrelling down on them, creating dangers of its own.
A fast-paced work. Great reading for anyone who wants to be enraptured in a good story.
Profile Image for Billie.
5,745 reviews68 followers
February 6, 2023
This is a brilliant read.
Wonderful well written plot and story line that had me engaged from the start.
Love the well fleshed out characters and found them believable.
Great drama and romance with wonderful world building.
Can't wait to read what the author brings out next.
Recommend reading.

I read a complimentary advance copy of the book; this is my voluntary and honest review.
6 reviews
October 6, 2022
A real page turmer

This one got me going. I couldn't be sure who was the bad guy and who were the good guys. Then when I thought it was resolved it took off again! Entertaining to read.
Profile Image for Lesley Johnston.
30 reviews6 followers
November 23, 2022
This book had a great mix of crimes, mysteries, thrills with the added fun of psychic possibilities. Annie Hunter (a forensic psychologist) and her team, the Nut Crackers, seem like a amazing group that would be as fun to hang with as they are great at investigating crimes.

This is a fast-paced, on-the-edge-of-your-seat, page-turner of a book. I loved the true and current crime angle of sex trafficking tied in with the (not my normal read) psychic assistance, all while in the middle of a huge, soaking hurricane.

My favorite character was Kam and I would love an entire book centered around her as she grows into her capabilities that seem to be blossoming here. I also loved Mika.

I loved that Annie felt the stong presence of guiding hands on her shoulders at a crucial emotional and scary point in her journey to assistance others. I think that would be an awesome thing to experience at the time that you need it the most.

I am so glad to have found this author and cannot wait to read more of her books. I love true crime and even took a college class on the BTK Killer so her writings will be so interesting to read.

I received an ARC for free and am voluntarily leaving a review as my thanks to the author.
Profile Image for Ale.
185 reviews5 followers
January 31, 2023
Forensic psychologist Annie Hunter, with her team, is hired by a mother because her son has mysteriously disappeared. While she investigates a hurricane arrives, her daughter disappears, and she discovers some cases she is investigating are connected to a larger one, to mention something.
When I started reading the book I was a little worried because it has 90 chapters, but they are not too long and the story mixes action, dialogues and descriptions well: you want to know what happens next; it happened a couple of times that the following step was a bit obvious, it also happened that a couple of times I felt a bit confused because I could not exactly figure out how they arrived to do what they were doing.
One aspect that bothers me a bit in books but not in movies or telefilms, is about paranormal: Annie asks help from psychics and gets in contact with spirits.
The last aspect that was hard for me to read is when the author writes, for some characters, as they pronounce words, to make the reader aware the character has an accent, I guess. I think that not having english as a first language made it difficult, but I made it.
I enjoyed reading the book, it’s the first one of a series,, I am curious about others too.
Thank you so much to BookSirens for letting me read this book, I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Annie Hunter è una psicologa forense, con il suo team, viene assunta da una mamma per cercare il figlio misteriosamente scomparso. Mentre procedono con le indagini sta per arrivare un uragano, sua figlia scompare, e scopre che il caso a cui sta indagando insieme ad altri sono in qualche modo connessi con uno più grande, per citare qualcosa.
Quando ho iniziato a leggere il libro ero un po’ preoccupata perché ha 90 capitoli, ma non sono lunghi e la storia unisce bene azione, dialoghi e descrizioni: ero curiosa di sapere cosa stava per succedere; un paio di volte mi è capitato di perdermi perché non mi era chiaro come fossero arrivati a fare quello che stavano facendo e che qualche volta il passo successivo era abbastanza ovvio.
Un aspetto che un po’ mi disturba nei libri, ma non in film o telefilm, è l’aspetto paranormale: Annie si fa aiutare da “medium” e da spiriti per trovare indizi che possano aiutarla a risolvere il caso.
Ultima nota, ma questo credo sia legato al fatto che non sono madrelingua inglese, l’autrice per alcuni personaggi scrive come pronunciano le parole, credo per rendere il lettore consapevole che hanno un accento, beh era un po’ difficile da decifrare quello che dicevano.
Mi è piaciuto leggere questo libro, sono curiosa degli altri.
Ho ricevuto una copia gratuita dalla casa editrice tramite Book Sirens, che ringrazio per avermi permesso di leggere questo libro. Questa recensione contiene la mia opinione ed è pubblicata liberamente.
Profile Image for Cheryl.
1,622 reviews19 followers
October 30, 2022
Wow, such a page turner and beyond my normal thrillers, mystery's etc with the psychics. Are they real, are they fake? I love the information she provides when it comes to that. As she makes her determination so can you. Sadly child trafficking is all to real and what a concept, taking the ones from homes for wayward youth. The blurb gives the premise for this book and I copied and paste it here as it really is a fantastic blurb and the book still leaves you with *say what* moments and more.

**When a boy vanishes under strange circumstances, forensic psychologist Annie Hunter collects her team of sleuths, the Nut Crackers. They link the boy to a network of powerful people, the “I Scream Men,” who gain political favors through a juvenile sex trafficking ring. As Annie tries to hide a victim they seek to silence, head predator Alder Plattman – nicknamed “Plat-eye” – snatches her young daughter. Relying on coded clues, some quirky allies, and the mysterious method of remote viewing, Annie sets out to rescue her daughter and cripple the criminal network. Among her associates is attorney Jackson Raines, a youth advocate whose brother stole the network’s secret records before he was murdered. As a hurricane bears down and Plattman chases Annie’s team, they race to recover this vital cache before he can find and destroy it.**

I highly recommend this book, it touches on so many emotions and the people in her team of Nut Crackers are so likeable your just drawn to them all. Twist and lots of page turning that keeps you up. I think there might be a book 2 coming, I hope so. Thank you for the arc! I freely volunteer my thoughts and opinions. #Iscreamman #katherineramsland #levelbestbooks #booksirens
Profile Image for Lori Foster.
Author 10 books112 followers
Want to read
January 9, 2023
Intense, dark, and full of twists and turns, Katherine Ramsland’s debut novel I SCREAM MAN will keep you flipping the pages nonstop until you’re done. With a hurricane bearing down on them, forensic psychologist Annie Hunter and her team of sleuths must wade deep into the world of sex trafficking to rescue her kidnapped daughter and several other children, who are victims of a corrupt juvenile detention system. The suspense grows with the strength of the hurricane as she turns to a shaman and a medium for help, unsure who to trust in a hunt for evidence that will cripple the network. I highly recommend this book and I look forward to more from the author.
Profile Image for Carmen.
100 reviews1 follower
April 8, 2024
I’ve always enjoyed reading anything with some mystery with added paranormal aspects to it. This book thankfully introduced me to a new author too. I loved the chemistry between Jax and Annie so please bring him back in future books. Natra is cool so I hope she has a larger role in future books too.

My only issue was the Southern accents written as eye dialect. If you live in or have known someone from the South it’s easy to hear the accent as you read. This part was a distraction for me. It wasn’t enough to take away from the plot but I found it annoying.

Thank you to the publisher for a free copy in exchange for my honest review.

Profile Image for Robert.
11 reviews
May 4, 2024
I liked this Goodreads giveaway. It is a good mix of mystery, paranormal activity, and some fun characters. I even enjoyed the ever-menacing hurricane in the background. The budding romance did not grab me, but I'm not much into romance reads. I really want to find out more about the intriguing mystics, Puca and Airic, and their background stories. There's lots of twists and action, some so quickly that it's almost difficult to keep up with, but over-all the novel was a fun thrill ride. Looking forward to the sequels.
Profile Image for Joshua Blum.
49 reviews2 followers
August 4, 2024
I had to put this book down for awhile and restarted it about a week ago.

The story was interesting but the characters and plot line weaved and zigged and zagged a bit more than I was comfortable, frequently finding I had to back up and reread a chapter or two in my struggle to keep up follow the action.

One editorial note is that it can be said a person speaks with a thick Southern/Georgia accent. Phonetically spelling out dialogue only served to confuse me and make it more difficult to comfortably read rather than paint the scene.

My thanks to the author and publisher for the give away!
Profile Image for Kathy Webb.
535 reviews35 followers
April 28, 2024
I won this Kindle edition book in a
Goodreads Giveaway. Thank you to everyone
involved. Good book - action packed.
Profile Image for Lindsey.
109 reviews
April 7, 2024
Goodreads giveaway winner / free book review:

This books was quite a page turner. Kept me second guessing myself.

Kindle e-book on IOS.
Used Spoken content accessibility tool with English Australian female voice Matilda Premium to listen to this book.
Profile Image for Kelly.
231 reviews22 followers
April 28, 2024
The characters in this book varied from kids/teens to adults and law enforcement to shaman. It had paranormal elements and a hurricane mixed into the mystery and action. "I Scream Man" drew me in very quickly and held on tight all the way to the end. Katherine Ramsland is a new author for me, but I will be looking for more of her books. I am also hoping this is just the first of many stories for Nutcracker Investigations. I see the potential for a good series with these characters.

I won this book in a Goodreads Giveaway. I want to thank both the author, Katherine Ramsland, and Goodreads for the opportunity to read this book.
Displaying 1 - 16 of 16 reviews

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