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Behind the Scenes

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Business consultant Rose Josten might not have officially reached “pug lady” middle age, but she’s already got the pugs—along with their little Gucci coats and trash-lovin’ appetites. Still, life is good, with her work, her sisters, and a secret hobby creating incredibly tactile (if surprisingly sexy) mindfulness videos. So why does it feel like it’s not quite enough? Which is exactly when former filmmaker Ash Stewart enters camera left, and Rose’s world suddenly goes full technicolor . . .

Ash never looks at anyone. Not since her ex ripped her heart from her chest in Spielberg-esque style, crushing Ash’s reputation, dreams, and directorial career in one brutal blow. But Rose is altogether different. She’s curvy, beautiful, and just so damn put together. And her business expertise might be Ash’s best bet for getting her last film—and her last chance—financed. Now if they can just keep their attraction under wraps, Ash’s lost dream could finally come true. But are they creating movie magic . . . or setting the stage for disaster?

353 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 31, 2023

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About the author

Karelia Stetz-Waters

10 books709 followers
Karelia Stetz-Waters remembers a time when happy endings romantic love was a holy grail she thought she would never find. Stories about lesbians all ended tragically. At seventeen, she was certain the best she could hope for was to die nobly for the woman she loved (who would never love her back, of course). Four years later, she saw her true love across a crowded room, and they have been together for twenty-plus years.

Knowing that happily-ever-after is possible for everyone, Stetz-Waters has made it her life’s mission to craft happy endings about women finding true love with other women. She is also on a quest to spread “cliteracy” across the country, using her work as a romance writer to teach readers about female sexual anatomy, desire, and pleasure.

When she’s not shopping for model clitorises or writing love stories, she’s teaching writing at a community college in rural Oregon where her students inspire her every day with their bravery, creativity, and perseverance. She also teaches for the Golden Crown Literary Society Writing Academy, a creative writing program for queer women. It’s been her honor to mentor writers who are now her peers and colleagues. Karelia also loves to garden, draw, and play with her pug-mix, Willa Cather.

Karelia has a BA in Comparative Literature from Smith College and an MA in English from the University of Oregon. She is represented by Jane Dystel of Dystel, Goderich & Bourret.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 687 reviews
Profile Image for Madison Warner Fairbanks.
2,785 reviews429 followers
March 13, 2023
Behind the Scenes by Karelia Stetz-Waters
Contemporary sapphic romance.
Rose is a high powered business woman. She’s the best in her field. She been contacted by an assistant of Ash Stewart to help put together a finance proposal to make a movie. Rose and Ash had already met by a pool with a camp of pugs. Since there is already interest and attraction, Rose immediately accepts the work on a probono basis.

Rose and Ash are attracted to each other but between past relationship issues and other factors, they are both hesitant to approach the subject. It drags the first third of the book down when neither has the courage to do more than longing glances. Fortunately by the half mark, they have both realized and acted on the feelings and begin a relationship. There are a few hurtles, as in any romance, that need to be dealt with and overcome. The women deal with those issues gracefully and by talking to each other. So smart!
Engaging and romantic.

I received a copy of this book from NetGalley.
Profile Image for Heather Adores Books.
1,270 reviews1,317 followers
June 11, 2023
Genre ~ LGBT romance
Publication date ~ January 31, 2023
Page Count ~ 353
Audio length ~ 10 hours 2 minutes
Narrator ~ Lori Prince
POV ~ dual 3rd
Featuring ~ FF, characters in their 30's/40's, opposites attract, slow burn, some steamage

Rose & Ash meet when Rose is hired to consult for Ash on her movie project. Their insecurities and past trauma is slowly revealed, and I enjoyed watching them evolve their friendship into more. Their chemistry was good and the slow build up was sweet. I say slow, but it was also pretty much an insta-lust.

Overall, this was fine, but there were a bunch of side plots that had me meh~ing. We always have to have one bad apple and Ash's ex, Victoria, was pretty awful. The dogs made me smile though.

I was able to listen to an audio copy as well.
Narration notes ~ a fine job, but no real distinction between the main characters. The male voices were eh.

*Thanks to the author, Forever and NetGalley for the ARC. I am voluntarily leaving my honest review*

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Profile Image for Katie B.
1,472 reviews3,121 followers
January 30, 2023
3.5 stars

Chemistry is so key when it comes to romance and thankfully the two leads in Behind the Scenes, Ash and Rose, had it. And it wasn't just some surface level type connection. The strength of this novel for me was the two leads truly cared for one another and that was going to be true regardless of whether they pursued a romantic relationship. In this crazy world we live in, it was refreshing to read about two genuinely kind people.

Rose Josten is a successful business consultant. Ash Stewart is a filmmaker who needs to secure funding for her latest project. Not going to be easy considering her last film was a bit of a disaster. While Rose typically only works with companies there is just something about Ash that convinces her she should lend her expertise. But hey, this is totally going to be a strictly professional relationship, right?

Rose has a rather unique side hobby which I'll admit I didn't totally understand at first. However, the author lays the groundwork with the characters' backstories so it makes more sense why it is something they would be drawn to. And yes, I'm being vague on purpose. Go in with an open mind!

Recommend if you are looking for a romance with steam but also one that features two people with a meaningful connection.

Thank you to Forever and Netgalley for providing an advance digital copy! All thoughts expressed are my honest opinion.
Profile Image for Kristy.
1,201 reviews177 followers
January 31, 2023
Filmmaker Ash Stewart went through a traumatic experience and a subsequent breakup with her ex that completely derailed her career. Now she's making commercials and is exiled from the film industry and all her former friends, except the loyal Emma. Business consultant Rose Josten has put everything into a job she does not really like just to take care of her sisters after their parents died. Now, thanks to Emma, Rose is helping Ash chase her filmmaking dream by pitching a new project to a famous producer. Rose should be concentrating on making partner at her firm and Ash should be focusing on her film, but the two of them can't help realizing how much they like each other...

I requested this ARC on a whim because I liked the synopsis and oh wow, I'm so glad I did! I love finding a new author, and this book was really good. It was really sweet, very funny, and often sexy. I completely enjoyed watching Rose and Ash fall for each other. Stetz-Waters wrote a story that is very true to the lesbian experience, and Ash and Rose felt like women that I would be friends with. They were easy to like, but also real and flawed. Ash is struggling after her breakup and being pushed out of the industry. She's scared to open up her heart again. Rose, meanwhile, has a lot of anxieties due to her parents' death and the pressure she's felt to care for her sisters. Neither woman felt like a cardboard character, but instead genuine and fully fleshed out. Honestly, I found both Ash and Rose to be badass and sexy! (Also, it's so great to have a lesbian romance with characters in their 30s and 40s.)

The supporting cast in this book is really fun--Rose's sisters are a trip as is Ash's team helping her film. There are places in this book that made me laugh out loud. (Rose's pugs are the best!) Every one supported each other and Ash's movie project, which just made for a feel-good read. There were occasional miscommunications (always my pet peeve) or kept secrets, but they never lasted long--therefore making this the ideal read for me.

Overall, this is an excellent, touching, and funny read. I loved the romance and story. 4+ stars.

I received a copy of this book from Forever (Grand Central Publishing) and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review.
Profile Image for Leah.
453 reviews216 followers
May 12, 2023
2.75 Stars
“Behind the Scenes” by Karelia Stetz-Waters is a book I thought I’d love but ultimately did not. I liked it well enough but it took forever for me to get through and finish. I absolutely adored “Satisfaction Guaranteed” so maybe I came in with too high expectations but this fell flat for me.

What I did love was Rose! I loved her dedication to her sisters and her adorable pugs. I had a book crush on her from page one basically and maybe that was my problem. I could not understand her attraction to Ash, and frankly, I didn’t really feel much chemistry in the book either. It always felt like something was missing and I could never put my finger on what it was.

While I did love Rose, some of her actions felt out of character and contradictory and it was hard to believe that it was all because of/for Ash. I liked Ash but the way she was described gave me Shane for the L Word vibes and I just didn’t see the appeal. And her quirk with her hair got on my nerves after about the third time it was mentioned. I did sympathize with her past and I was rooting for her movie. The movie plot line is what actually kept me reading rather than the romance. Seeing her growth was nice.

On top of that, the whole plot basically made no sense to me. I couldn’t understand why Emma reached out to Rose in the first place or why Rose accepted the job. So many of the plot points felt a little too convenient.

I received an ARC from Forever (Grand Central Publishing) via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Bethany (Beautifully Bookish Bethany).
2,588 reviews4,262 followers
August 20, 2023
4.5 stars rounded up

This was DELIGHTFUL! Exactly the fun and heartfelt sapphic romance I needed. Behind the scenes follows two 40-ish year old women who each have their own trauma from the past and are very single. Ash was once a celebrated filmmaker with a hot producer wife, but after a tragic accident her wife left her and she's been picking up the pieces ever since, making commercials to make ends meet. But now she has a final shot at returning to film IF she can successfully pitch the queer rom-com she's been writing. But while Ash is talented director, she's terrible at numbers and organization.

Enter Rose- a business consultant at the top of her game, who secretly makes anonymous ASMR videos on the side. She and Ash ran into each other at a pug convention, and now she's being brought in to help with the pitch. But she and Ash might be exactly what the other needs...

This was a really lovely slow-burn romance with two broken people who have been in the process of healing. Ash has sexual dysfunction from the trauma of her accident- something her wife had no patience for- but the way Rose handles it is really wonderful. I loved this and will definitely be reading more from this author in the future. I received a copy of this book for review from the publisher, all opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Kaitlyn.
240 reviews74 followers
May 17, 2023
Yeah, so I swoon for kindness. 😅

I had a tough time getting into this one at the start, but by the end, I was sold. Lori Prince did a great job with the narration, and Rose’s voice…….yeah 🔥

The Good:
* Lots of humour🙌 – especially with the highly entertaining family and friends.
* Lovely characters – Ash did get a bit annoying, I’ll admit; she was not my favourite. Even so, she was deep and flawed and human, and that’s always good. Rose, though, Rose was swoon-worthy and amazing, while still having her hang-ups and struggles but just being a wonderful human being all the way through. 💕*wistful sigh*
* Character growth – both MCs undergo significant change and learn to move on from a troubled past.
* Well-written traumas – both MCs have a traumatic past that they struggle with and the author writes these well as well as the long-term effects they have on each MC and their relationships.
* Such compassionate, empathetic characters especially Rose (*swoon*)! This part really got me, I just love seeing humans treating each other with so much kindness and understanding. 💕💕💕
* Body positivity – it’s not super overt, which I actually liked, but I appreciated the mentions of how different their bodies are and the reverence for those differences. 🔥
* Imperfect sex😅🔥 – no, this doesn’t belong on the cons list. Imperfect sex is real, it’s normal, and it ought to be more visible and normalized. Books tend to dramatize sex so much, they make it perfect and wonderful with stars and explosions and all manner of orgasmic pyrotechnics. That’s great, I love a bit of fantastical sex as well. But it’s nice to see couples and scenarios that feel more realistic, too. People who are flawed, sex that isn’t great the first time or isn’t reciprocated, or (as is the case here) someone who can’t be or doesn’t want to be touched intimately. It’s important to show that sex isn’t all about mind-blowing, best-you’ve-ever-had orgasms, it can just be about intimacy and pleasure and meeting your partner where they’re at, it can be whatever you and your partner(s) want it to be. (Congratulations on reaching the end of this sexual wellness course!🙌).
* 🔥Steam🔥 – more than one sex scene always goes on The Good List (okay, that’s not actually true…)

The Less Good:
* I found that the start was a bit boring. 🤷‍♀️
* Ash was annoying, as previously mentioned. No one needs to talk about their ex that much with their current partner. 🤦‍♀️
* This is so common in romance, of course, but the plot was predictable as well as the resolution to both MCs traumas.

Overall, I would recommend this one. It’s funny, really heart-warming, and steamy 👌
Profile Image for Jamie.
637 reviews107 followers
December 3, 2023
Traveling book #3.

This was just ok, it had a lot going on and a lot of the humor started to feel a bit forced. If it wasn't part of a traveling book group I'm not sure I would have finished it. It did have some cute moments and some funny moments in it though. I also kind of liked learning about ASMR that was kind of interesting to me lol
Profile Image for Pooja Peravali.
Author 2 books107 followers
December 21, 2022
When business consultant Rose is hired to help frazzled director Ash make her return in Hollywood, a romance begins to bloom between the pair – now if only they can manage not to get in their own ways!

I was in the mood for a cute sapphic romance this winter season, and Behind the Scenes delivers in spades. Rose and Ash have excellent chemistry, and there are a pair of adorable, ever-hungry pugs, but what really sold me on this book was the humor. There’s a really light-hearted ribbon running through the story, even as it tackles more serious topics such as grief and sexual dysfunction, and the humor is off-beat without becoming insufferably quirky, which is a rare accomplishment in rom-coms.

I also really enjoyed the close platonic relationships depicted – between Rose and her sisters, between Ash and her friends. The world of this book is a fundamentally happy one, and the people within it are ordinary, cheerful people that you cannot help but root for. All the characters felt quite real and well-rounded to me.

I did feel like some parts of the story were a little much when you put them all together, for example the phenomenal success of Cherry Cover Apron being completely unknown to Rose. I also thought the evil nature of Ash’s ex was a little over-the-top in an otherwise well-balanced story. However, these elements did not detract from my enjoyment of the story, and I definitely plan to read more by this author!

Disclaimer: I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley. This is my honest and voluntary review.
Profile Image for Anita Kelly.
Author 10 books1,272 followers
October 30, 2022
Put this in my official blurb, but both of these characters were so unique and well-drawn. I particularly loved the ASMR subplot, as well as the mentions of sexual dysfunction, which I’ve read before in m/m but not f/f. And, as a very local aside, I have never read a more Pacific Northwest scene in a romance than one at a McMenamins in Centralia, lololol, which tickled me as much as I’m sure it was meant to!
Profile Image for Gail.
991 reviews51 followers
January 31, 2023
A romance with cute pugs - count me in! Add Rose and Ash as lead characters and you're off into an easy read with humor, heat, a smattering of angst and a sexy script to sell.
I loved that there were loving friends and family - that confident Rose shows a vulnerable side, both women excel in their respective talents and Ash regains her own footing as a director. ASMR and the Cherry Covered Apron combined with Ash's script carry the day. There's a tenderness to the relationship between Rose and Ash.
Secrets, stifled dreams and anxieties, even Ash's coldblooded ex can't derail the outcome.
Well done - thoroughly enjoyable.

I rec'd a copy through Netgalley/Forever. My review is unbiased and voluntary.
Profile Image for Mia.
2,526 reviews952 followers
September 20, 2022
3.5 stars

This was a light, sweet, fun book, full of emotion and romance. I absolutely flew through it, but the pacing just felt slightly off to me. Overall, though, definitely recommend because, hello sapphic romance!

ARC kindly provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Erin.
675 reviews39 followers
January 28, 2023
Unfortunately this book just didn't work for me. Primarily because the book very quickly delved into the trope of insta-love which is a trope that just does not do it for me in romance. Any scenes or moments that in a vacuum would have worked for me, just don't hit at all when I don't believe in their relationship at all ,which is what happens with insta love. And in fact, a few of those scenes in this book ended up coming off negatively because of that.

In addition, and this is more of a niche me problem, I found myself too caught up in how much the business side of this book made no sense to me. Rose is a business consultant that specializes in supply chain. Which has literally nothing to do with movies at all. So it made no sense to me that Emma had reached out to Rose to get her to help with the movie pitch. And the only reason she accepted the job was wrapped up in the insta-love which obviously did not work for me. Even if I mentally got past the dubious start of this business relationship, the way it was handled after was infuriating. Rose didn't tell her job about this pro bono job and kept it a secret. But also she spent so much time during work hours working on it to the point it did become an issue with her job. And I just needed her to choose one. Either take the job as a job. Or take is as a pro bono thing to do in your free time but the whole half and half drove me up the wall. It just came off very unprofessional which seemed to go against the characterization of Rose that we had been given. And again the whole reason for this behavior was wrapped up in the love for Ash that I never bought because of the insta love trope so all in all I just found myself often fixated and annoyed by this.

I was invested in the movie storyline itself. I was really rooting for Ash to get her movie made and that was largely what kept me reading this book. And while I wasn't invested in the romantic relationship, I did enjoy the characters solo journeys outside of the romance itself.
Profile Image for Rachel Lacey.
Author 35 books1,764 followers
January 12, 2023
I'll never think of ASMR quite the same way again (Cherry Covered Apron is hot - I'm convinced!) This was a fun, sweet romance that kept me turning the pages. Plus, cute pugs!
Profile Image for emily.
767 reviews115 followers
February 17, 2024
Overall, probably like a 3.6/7ish for me.

I had some technical issues with the audiobook, and saw on audible that I wasn’t the only one. I actually called in and we troubleshooted for a bit (thanks Eric and his boss, seems to have gotten it fixed, so if you’re having issues, give them a call maybe?). I enjoyed the fist book I read by this author, Satisfaction Guaranteed, for the most part. I picked it up because Lori Prince narrated it and found an author I enjoyed. Lori Prince narrates this one as well, and she gives Rose one of my favorite voices in her repertoire, so I was having a pretty good time in that respect. Something I’ve found happening often lately with romance is that I enjoyed one character quite a bit more than the other in these relationships, and that happened here, too. Ash, while I’m sympathetic to her situation, and def get how all of it would mess you up and have issues, got on my nerves. The girl talked about her ex, SO MUCH, and the quirk of “she goes to rub her fingers through her hair nervously, but it’s already up” also got on my nerves. GIRL, YOU SEEM TO ALWAYS WEAR YOUR HAIR UP, HOW AND WHY DID YOU DEVELOP THAT QUIRK? that’s a VERY petty nitpick thing, but it got on my nerves after a while. The constant taking about her ex (again, where a lot of her issues stemmed from, I GOT it, and yeah, some of those ARE probably convos you should have with a new partner, but at a certain point, girl, jfc, talk abt this with a therapist not the woman you’re currently trying to date?).

I also thought the impression of asmr as sexy was a little overblown. In my experience watching it on YouTube for the last few years 9/10 it’s not sexy or sexual at all. Weird, absolutely. Sexual, no not rlly.

That said I really liked Rose and her sisters, I DID like Ash and Rose together for the most part, and I was invested in the story, there were just a few small things that probably would have made this probably closer to a three stars read, but Rose had the dreamy voice, and used it for some of the asmr bits, so my ears were happy.

I def rec it, I think my few small issues were def, small, and others will rlly love it. This is becoming a solid instant read/goes to by tbr list of this author for me.
Profile Image for Ashlee.
301 reviews22 followers
September 5, 2022
Rose meets Ash when she is hired as a business consultant to help Ash put together a presentation for the movie she is trying to get a major investor to fund. There is an instant attraction on both their parts but each has some secrets and a past that keep getting in the way of pursuing a future together.
This was the second book I've read by this author but it won't be the last. I loved these two characters and their quirks fit each other so perfectly. The authors unique sarcastic wit kept me on my toes throughout and I loved every minute. Rose's three sisters are hilarious and I couldn't get enough of their text exchanges, even though my copy seems to be missing some of the emojis that would have no doubt made them even better. Emma meddling was fun and I think she and Ty would have gotten along so well, maybe in the sequel. I've already bought myself a book from the authors back catalog to read after this, hoping for some of the same magic. This was a great book I'd highly recommend!
Profile Image for Bea.
295 reviews32 followers
January 31, 2023
Happy pub day!!! 🎉🎉🎉

I love love love this book. It’s one of my top 10 reads from 2022 and I’m so excited that it hits shelves today! And just in time for Valentines Day 💘 Sapphic romance? Sign me up!!

Rose is a business consultant. Ash is a filmmaker trying to regain relevance and reboot her reputation after a painful divorce. Ash has lofty aspirations and Rose will do everything she can to make those dreams happen. As you know, work relationships can get messy when feelings are involved.

Rose and Ash’s connection goes deeper than the surface as they process heavy feelings, work through their past, and figure out who they are to each other. Overall I really loved this book. Pugs & Kisses 🐶💕

Thank you to Forever Publishing for sending me this book in exchange for an honest review!
Profile Image for Anniek.
2,207 reviews828 followers
January 17, 2023
I've had Satisfaction Guaranteed on my TBR for a while now, but somehow hadn't picked it up yet, but after reading this, I definitely want to read more by this author. This was a really great sapphic romance. The writing is funny and engaging, the relationship is tender and heartfelt and gives both women the space to heal, and both of these elements were so strong I almost forgot to pay attention to the plot at times, even though that's really fun too.
Profile Image for Gaby.
95 reviews573 followers
January 24, 2023
I think I had a smile on my face consistently for the last 50% of the book. It's the type of love story that makes you want to scream into your pillow in excitement. I am fully in love with Rose and prepared to fight Ash for her.

While I loved the book, I did feel like it was a little slow to start. I didn't start getting into it until about 20%. There was also a big event that forced Rose to face her biggest fear, and I didn't feel like enough time and attention was placed on that moment (I'm trying to hard to make this spoiler free lol). A good portion of the book is spent talking about how much this fear affects Rose's life and then when she finally faces it, it's like no big deal.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the arc in exchange for an honest review! I really enjoyed this book and will be recommending it to everyone!
Profile Image for Grace.
1,093 reviews79 followers
May 1, 2023
Obviously, I read this book for the pugs. Who were PERFECT.

This was such a charming story. And not just because of the pugs! The characters were very relatable—idk about you, but I completely relate to characters who play things safe because they’re afraid to do something wrong in life or feel like they have too much baggage for anyone to love them. It was also very refreshing to read about such a healthy couple. So many things that could have turned into a big argument or moment of drama were resolved so healthily and I just 🙌🏻 bask in the glory of that. Super cute and funny, pugs were the best part.
Profile Image for lauraღ.
1,953 reviews106 followers
April 26, 2024
They were close enough to kiss. Rose’s hip rested against hers. Ash felt like the filament of an Edison bulb, glowing and delicate.

3.5 stars. This was a real rollercoaster of a read. So many emotional ups and downs, and not always in a good way. Sometimes I'd find myself loving it, and other times I was convinced it was going in directions I would hate. It didn't help that it included some of my biggest romance novel nitpicks. But by the end, it had hit so many of my favourite emotional notes, and made me really care about the characters, so overall, I'm counting this as a win.

Ash is a talented director with a major scandal and trauma in her past, hoping to scrape her way back from her blacklisted status by making the queer romance movie of her heart. Rose is a very successful business consultant who's very good at the job she doesn't quite love, and very good at her secret ASMR hobby that she does love. Rose ends up helping Ash with the pitch for her movie, and they start falling for one another. This is a story of women with a considerable amount of trauma and baggage in their backgrounds finding each other, and being exactly what they need for each other. That aspect of it just continuously melted my heart. Rose is such a caretaker, and even though she had to sacrifice some stuff to be there for her sisters in the past, there's never any sense of bitterness about it, because she genuinely loves and wants to be there for those she loves. (And not that it would have been bad if she WERE bitter about it.) And when she uses that force romantically, it's devastatingly charming. There's several moments where she goes out of her way to be there for Ash, to provide emotional support, or material support, and it's always so lovely. If written differently, it could have felt pushy or overbearing, maybe, but it didn't. I love narratives where like, one person doesn't necessarily NEED help, but their love interest lovingly and willingly renders it. 

Rose is dealing with a debilitating fear of flying; I liked the way it played into the story, even though it was resolved a bit too easily for me. I really did enjoy the treatment of Ash's trauma and disability. Sexual dysfunction isn't often featured in romance books, and her struggle with it was really heartfelt and genuine, treated with a lot of tenderness. I guess it just struck me really favourably, because in another book, it's something that might have been used for a laugh (doubly so for the ASMR stuff). It was great that it wasn't treated as a joke; just another part of her character. The little hidden identity plot was cute, and by the end I LOVED the moments that it created for both of them. This was a great example of a book having older characters who are mature (40/38) but who still have learning to do, growing to do, and are still vulnerable in many ways. And I really loved them together.

I unfortunately had several nitpicks that brought the rating down. There were two times that the book used huge dramatic misunderstandings for a conflict, and they were just the type of things that really annoy me in romances? Like, I seriously considered putting the book down after Thankfully, both those things were resolved very quickly. That really brought things around for me, both times, because I've read so many other books where conflicts like that get dragged on for chapter upon chapter. But the initial damage was kinda already done. Like the first book, this sometimes used cis-centric language when it really didn't need to, and that was a disappointment. That's a problem in a lot of books I read, obviously, but I point it out here because I guess I thought I could have expected better. And the writing in general sometimes got a little clunky. I feel like chapters kept ending in weird, abrupt places, and that really threw me off.

Still, I'm very much counting this as a success. Those last few chapters especially just felt really romantic to me, and cemented how much I really loved the couple. I'll definitely pick up this author again.

Content warnings:

In some miraculous, time-traveling way, she’d comforted Ash in her worst hours.
Profile Image for Angie.
535 reviews42 followers
February 18, 2023
Coming off a string of underwhelming books (with exception of The Mighty Heart of Sunny St James, of course), Behind the Scenes was exactly what I needed to bring me back to that thing I love about books—that can’t-put-It-down obsessive quality that means I’ll be sad to say goodbye when I’m done.

Behind the Scenes was funny and sweet and quite serious at times. Rose is so swoon worthy it’s ridiculous, even if Ash is supposed to be the super cool, hot, and sexy one. Plus there are hilarious pugs and supportive sisters and friends and people who actual deal with trauma.

I’m not sure this reaches a full five stars, but the fact that I even considered it says a lot. But I don’t know how much of my recent reading is possibly inflating my rating senses. Time will tell. But I loved the time I spent with this novel.
Profile Image for Maria.
2,230 reviews79 followers
February 15, 2023
I tried so hard to get into this one but it seemed all over the place and I couldn’t get a good handle on what was going on. There was the part about making a movie, which I found really interesting, but it was all bogged down in the trauma both characters were dealing with that it got lost. Added to that was the fact that it seemed like so many clichés and topics were thrown in that it wasn’t so much that I couldn’t keep up but that I didn’t want to. The characters were unlikeable and, at times, it was difficult to distinguish between who was who since they were written so similarly. The writing style just didn’t work for me and I gave up at about 30%.

I received a copy from #NetGalley for an honest review.

Profile Image for kayli.
281 reviews151 followers
April 21, 2023
4.25🌟 what i loved most about this story is the way that rose and ash take care of one another. i feel like they complemented each other perfectly. i also am partial to hollywood/film industry stories and i liked seeing the journey of ash overcoming her past trauma to put her passion project together. this is my first book by this author and definitely looking forward to reading more!

*thank you to Forever Publishing & netgalley for the eARC!
Profile Image for Dwon .
208 reviews61 followers
September 23, 2022
Thanks to Netgalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review! This story is everything I never knew I needed in a book. Ashlyn and Rose are perfect for each other! I love Rose's sisters and all of Ash's friends (especially Emma and Mia!). I love the support both of them get from the people that love them and the support they offer in return. I love the pugs that pretend they are near death from starvation every time Rose gets home from work. I wish I could see and hear Cherry Covered Apron's ASMR videos in real life. I hope there will at least be an audio book version so I can hear Rose's voice! Highly recommend for anyone who just loves love and love stories that help heal the heart as well as the mind.
Profile Image for currentlyreadingbynat.
749 reviews83 followers
November 11, 2022
This is such a cute sapphic romance. Although it took me a bit to initially get into, once I was invested I flew through it.

This is the first book I've read from Karelia Stetz-Waters, however her previous book, Satisfaction Guaranteed, has been one of those books waiting for me on my kindle for months. I adored her writing style, particularly the realistic dialogue, humour and sarcasm she manages to get across. It felt witty and fun, which was exactly what I needed this week.

Although it sounds light-hearted, Behind the Scenes does tackle a few big topics - mainly sexual dysfunction and trauma. I loved how Stetz-Waters manages to interweave these big topics but still makes this book feel light and fun. It was definitely informative without being preachy, and I particularly loved this aspect of the novel. I'd also be remiss if I didn't mention the ASMR subplot, which I really enjoyed.

Behind the Scenes is a great sapphic read that I'd definitely recommend, particularly if you're into character-driven romances.

Many thanks to Netgalley and Forever (Grand Central Publishing) for a copy of this novel. ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Jennabeebs79.
454 reviews19 followers
October 9, 2022
Karelia Stetz-Waters does an incredible job creating two main characters with strengths and struggles. They’re real, raw, and so darn honest. It’s refreshing! The humor and sarcasm she uses work so well.

Rose hasn’t officially reached “pug lady” status in her life, but she’s close. She’s a fixer in both her professional and personal lives. Ash’s past traumas have left her broken (her words, not mine) and she has one last shot to get her movie picked up by a billionaire producer. Ash is a workaholic who believes she needs to do everything on her own and when her friend and cameraperson, Emma contacts Rose to consult with Ash, Ash begins to see that it’s okay to ask for help. The character arcs of both women were a joy to be a part of and I love how they went from questioning whether the other could possibly be interested in them to putting it all on the line while becoming vulnerable and honest. It’s clear from the start that these two are meant to be together and their journey to happiness is a fantastic ride.

Rose’s sisters and Ash’s employees and friends add a lot of humor and depth to this book. The four-way group text between Rose and her sisters is hysterical and I don’t think I’ll look at some of those emojis the same way again. Rose’s pugs Muffin and Cupcake are perfect and I can easily visualize how dapper they both look in the designer Gucci coats.

Stetz-Waters isn’t afraid to incorporate out-of-the-box topics in this book where she tackles sexual dysfunction due to trauma, sexy mindfulness videos, and fear of flying. She also includes the fear of being eaten by pugs when dying alone.

I received an ARC copy of this book in exchange for an honest review
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