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Just Stay Away

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When a mysterious neighborhood boy befriends his young daughter, stay-at-home dad Craig considers him a godsend—until it becomes clear that there’s nothing angelic about him at all.

Craig Finnigan is determined to finish his book this summer, but being an aspiring writer while wrangling his seven-year-old daughter is not easy. So when Alice makes fast friends with a neighborhood boy, Levi, Craig is happy she has a distraction from her constant visits to his home office. But that happiness soon turns to misgivings as Levi’s behavior evolves from that of a shy, odd boy into something far more disturbing.

Strange noises in the middle of the night and things disappearing from their home could be explained away—maybe it’s the water heater, or maybe Craig simply misplaced his flash drive. Craig can’t explain his paranoia, but he feels sure Levi is behind it. As Levi’s visits to their backyard become more and more frequent, Craig finds himself the unwilling participant in a game he never asked to play…and one he’s not sure he can win.

287 pages, Kindle Edition

First published September 19, 2023

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About the author

Tony Wirt

6 books150 followers
Tony was born in Lake Mills, IA, and got his first taste of publication in first grade, when his essay on Airplane II: The Sequel appeared in the Lake Mills Elementary School’s Creative Courier.

He's a graduate of the University of Iowa and spent nine years doing media relations in the Hawkeye Athletic Department. He's also been a sportswriter, movie ticket taker and Dairy Queen ice cream slinger who can still do the little curly thing on top of a soft serve cone.

He currently lives in Rochester, MN, with his wife and two daughters. When he’s not fly fishing or telling you what music you should be listening to, he’s working on his next novel.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 710 reviews
Profile Image for Liz.
211 reviews
September 5, 2023
DNF at 44% bc Craig is a shit father and almost unforgivably dumb
Profile Image for L.A..
604 reviews245 followers
November 6, 2023
4.5* What a horrible child!! This psychological thriller is hard to put down. When the Finnegan's moved into a new neighborhood in Minnesota, they hoped to meet new people and their 7 year old daughter, Alice, would find a playmate. Craig is a stay-at-home dad and writes a book, while his wife is the breadwinner. Time is of the essence in finishing his book in time for the editor to receive it. As the countdown to the day gets closer, he finds himself unable to put words on paper. His daughter, as any 7 year old might be, is high maintenance and he feels guilty when he is not spending time with her.

Meet their neighbor, Levi, a 9 year old disturbing boy who just appears out of the woods one day. At first, Craig feels relieved that she has someone to play with until things change and he finds their cat being hung from a swing set by Levi, (thank goodness he rescues it) then Alice is hit with a croquet mallet... and that is only the beginning.

When Levi shows no emotion, except for a direct stare into Craig's soul, he realizes he is up for a challenge and definitely outwitted by him. Craig's situation deteriorates when he crosses the line and lays a hand on him. His reputation and credibility with law officers and the neighbors is notched by his sleep deprivation and even his wife doesn't believe a child is capable of being a psycho. Items vanish in the house and strange sounds within lead back to Levi. When Levi's mother and wife of a prominent doctor is only seen as a Facebook parent and not a provider of her child's needs, he begins to connect the dots. Craig makes many mistakes leaving me frustrated with his stupidity.
This is an incredibly suspenseful book that you do not want to miss!
Profile Image for Linzie (suspenseisthrillingme).
523 reviews362 followers
October 31, 2023
Craig Finnegan and his family are new to their small Minnesota town. A stay-at-home dad with dreams of being a successful writer, he’s been struggling to put down his thoughts with his current work in progress. After all, seven year old little girls aren’t made to entertain themselves and her constant interruptions are doing little to help flood the page with brilliant new words.

So when Craig comes outside one afternoon to find his daughter, Alice, playing with a neighborhood boy named Levi, it seems that his problems may finally be solved. Just as he’d hoped, over the next couple of days Craig is gifted with silence while the new pair play in the Finnegan’s backyard. Still in the midst of summer, Alice has no other friends, so his selfish delight is buoyed by the fact that his daughter has finally found her first playmate in their new town.

As the days pass, however, Craig’s happiness with the situation begins to sour. The more he gets to know the quiet, strange boy, the more his behavior starts to ring silent bells of alarm. But when household belongings seem to vanish and strange noises sound in the night, Craig tries to explain away the strange happenings despite an urgent feeling that Levi just might be the cause of it all. Is he being paranoid? Or should he be listening more closely to his growing unease?

Listening to his intuition, Craig starts to try and put some boundaries in place, but Levi proves to be a challenging opponent. Now facing an obstinate nine year old, Craig is unsure how to rectify a situation that’s only growing more serious by the day. Can he outwit the small boy and regain some semblance of control? Or has Levi been two steps ahead of him from the very beginning?

Phew. What a creepy, creepy story about a horribly twisted little kid. From the slow burn start to the questionable parenting, this one had foreboding for days. And, I’ve gotta say, if you’ve read and loved Baby Teeth or was a fan of the movie, The Good Son, you have to give Just Stay Away a try! Why might you ask? Well, read on about both my loves and my minor dislikes…

In my opinion, it was, far and away, the epic mind games of a mere child that were the best piece of this novel. So perfect, in fact, that I just knew Craig didn’t have a chance. With an aforementioned slow burn start, the gradually escalating behaviors led directly to a five alarm fire of suspense. One that had me, quite literally, reading the pages so fast that some might call it skimming.

Doubling down on the crafty gamesmanship was the epically diabolical psycho child himself. With very little said by him, the descriptions of his cold, odd behavior and terrifying deeds were enough by themselves to strike fear into my bones. I don’t know what I’d do if I either had a child like Levi or was put into Craig’s position, but both scenarios are enough to make my blood run cold.

On the flip side, however, Craig’s own behavior drove me close to throwing the book across the room more than once. Why he didn’t just tell his wife the whole truth from the very start or resort to his ultimate move sooner had me shaking my head time and time again. All the same, it was clear that nearly any attempt he took to end the terrorism racked by a child seemed to merely end up making his situation worse. Plus, throw in his sleep deprivation and the frustration of not being believed and perhaps I could see how the situation would unravel just as it did.

The area where I think Wirt could have made this twisted novel just a bit better, however, is if we, the readers, were led to question Craig’s experiences just as much as he was. Not quite taken far enough to be considered an unreliable narrator for me, there was definitely a missed opportunity in my opinion. Perhaps if the lack of sleep or uncertainty seeped into the plot a tad more, it would’ve been even more of a home run.

All considered, however, this one had me holding my breath for much of the book. And when I hit that climax? Well, let me just say that the adrenaline-pumping delivery was as close to perfect as you can get. Even better, it was followed up by a conclusion that both wrapped everything up but also left me wondering, which is a mix I rarely find. So if this one has piqued your interest, definitely add it to your TBR. Better yet, grab a copy through Amazon First Reads or pre-order it today. After all, as long as you love domestic suspense featuring a demon child, this one should hit just right. Rating of 4 stars.

Thank you to Tony Wirt and Thomas & Mercer for my complimentary copy. All opinions are my own.

PUB DATE: October 1, 2023

Trigger warning: breaking and entering, near fatal anaphylactic reaction, house fire
Profile Image for Kendall Carroll.
44 reviews3 followers
September 5, 2023
I gave it 2.5 stars. I wish I had liked this book more than I actually did. It was genuinely stressful to read, and very well done, but unfortunately there were some major issues that totally took me out of the story.

The premise of this book was intriguing, and ultimately I do think Wirt wrote it well. The ending especially was genuinely stressful, and I was upset on Craig's behalf at people not seeing the issues with this kid. I think it would've been better had the point of view of the story been more personal, though. Although we were getting to see Craig's thought process, there would be times when the narrator would insert a moment of objectivity that disillusioned me to Craig's point of view. It felt like we were meant to see Craig as someone having an uncontrollable downward spiral, and I wish we had been allowed to wallow in that more.

I also find Craig to be both an idiot and not a great parent, which were both very distracting. He was not behaving in a way that made sense for a competent adult. Since this is a thriller, I needed to be able to root for him. But then he would do the stay-at-home parent equivalent of characters splitting up in a horror movie. I won't root for you to succeed if you're fighting against your own ambitions, Craig.

Trust me that he spends the first half of the book making choices that were so obnoxious and unwise that I was genuinely considering putting the book down. I'm glad I didn't, because the ending honestly made up for a lot of my issues. But it was too close for comfort.

Wirt also didn't take full advantage of Craig's backstory. The information is meant to be used as a way to validate Craig's poor decision making and justify why some people don't believe him, but it was never used to its full extent, which would have been easy to do.

Ultimately, I didn't hate this book. But I probably won't be reading it again. If you want a good psychological thriller that's kind of a quick read, go for it. It won't be a waste of time. But there are probably better options out there if you care about liking your main characters.
Profile Image for Ashley.
5 reviews2 followers
October 5, 2023
I have never wanted to slap a fictional character so badly in my life. And I’m not talking about Levi, who is so obviously a psychopath from the moment we met him. I’m talking about Craig, who may be the world’s biggest moron. I rage-read this book, hoping Craig would grow a brain. Alas, it was not to be.
Profile Image for hollyreadit.
415 reviews341 followers
August 26, 2023
Phew, this book gave me heart palpitations! From the get go, I was hooked! Y’all know I love a creepy kid trope, and this book delivered on that!

Things started off kind of explainable, but then it just kept getting worse and worse. I was so curious how Craig was going to get himself out of the hole he dug. The last 3 chapters literally had me sweating with the intensity. Such a fun and exciting read! The only reason I’m giving it 4.5 stars instead of 5, is because I was so frustrated with Craig then entire time. TELL YOUR WIFE, geez. 😂 all in all I loved this book, and recommend you picking it up on October 1st!
22 reviews
September 4, 2023
Not reasonable not readable

Yes, a parent could get so involved in their work that they forget to handle situations. However, the lack of minimal common sense was used in this book to expand it’s writing into a book.
Profile Image for Teresa Coleman.
88 reviews10 followers
September 5, 2023
This was my Amazon First Reads pick. I regret my choice!
I’m baffled at the number of high star reviews. I wanted to quit reading by about page 40, but told myself to hang in, that maybe it just started slow.
Over and over and over we got to hear how the MC really needed to write in the morning and how his daughter needed to play outside so he wasn’t interrupted but how that made him feel guilty. Over and over how the neighbor kid seemed weird, but he convinced himself that’s normal. I am NOT exaggerating about this. NOTHING of note happened in 65 pages except 2 pages that focused on the neighbor Levi swinging a cat off the swing set.

I will not read any of this author's other work (if he has any).
Profile Image for Vicki Herbert .
596 reviews110 followers
September 7, 2023
The Boy Doesn't Get In Trouble...


No spoilers. 4 stars. This novel was my Amazon First Reads selection for the month of September 2023...

The Finnigan family...

Craig, his wife Courtney, and 7 year old daughter Alice were new to the neighborhood...


... a house husband, was an aspiring author hoping to write his first book while taking care of daughter Alice while his wife worked...

One day...

Alice met a 9 year old playmate named Levi, and the two became good friends...


There was something off about Levi. He ignored Craig when Craig talked to the boy and at times had a warped way of playing games...


Levi sets his mind to destroy Craig by telling his snooty mother that Craig is trying to get him alone and hurt him...


Including Craig's wife and the police believe Levi over Craig and the police tell Craig: Keep appropriate boundaries and...

Just stay away from Levi...

Catching Levi alone and confronting the boy, Craig tells Levi that if he doesn't stop his illegal activities, he'll get in trouble...

Levi's reply: I can do whatever I want. I don't get into trouble...

This was a pretty good story about an adult man trying to convince the other adults around him that a psychotic 9 year old boy is dangerous and is trying to harm him and his family.

I removed a star because, at times, parts of the story were over the top and pretty unbelievable. Also, Craig kept so many things to himself instead of telling others that I was constantly rolling my eyes.

Overall, I thought this story was very good. It was one of the better Amazon First Reads selections this year.
Profile Image for Kori Potenzone.
891 reviews83 followers
October 12, 2023
There is something to be said about the feeling I get when I unearth a fabulous new thriller.

It's like electricity being pumped into my veins and adrenaline is activated.

Just Stay Away

Well, folks, this sure was a doozy.

This book is creepy, addictive and a pulse pounder. My interested was instantly grabbed and I was completely consumed within the pages from start to finish. Not once did I want to put the book down or even say "one more chapter"

Tony Wirt, showcases his natural talent to write in Just Stay Away, and I am here for it.

Check out this teaser :

When a mysterious neighborhood boy befriends his young daughter, stay-at-home dad Craig considers him a godsend—until it becomes clear that there’s nothing angelic about him at all.

Craig Finnigan is determined to finish his book this summer, but being an aspiring writer while wrangling his seven-year-old daughter is not easy. So when Alice makes fast friends with a neighborhood boy, Levi, Craig is happy she has a distraction from her constant visits to his home office.

But that happiness soon turns to misgivings as Levi’s behavior evolves from that of a shy, odd boy into something far more disturbing. Strange noises in the middle of the night and things disappearing from their home could be explained away—maybe it’s the water heater, or maybe Craig simply misplaced his flash drive. Craig can’t explain his paranoia, but he feels sure Levi is behind it.

As Levi’s visits to their backyard become more and more frequent, Craig finds himself the unwilling participant in a game he never asked to play…and one he’s not sure he can win.
12 reviews4 followers
September 6, 2023
meh. make it believable

Compelling premise, the evil child. But over and over again the protagonist’s choices make no sense whatsoever. He’s so disturbed by this kid, but he’s not mentioning anything that happens to anyone, even his wife? Can’t try writing at night? Perhaps if the writing were better I’d stick it out to see what happens but it’s not, so yeah. I’m out.
Profile Image for Caileigh (thebookpear).
131 reviews35 followers
September 30, 2023
Cannnn children be stalkers?

As a parent myself, Levi is all my parental anxieties personified. Craig was at first relived that his daughter Alice had made a new neighbor friend. It is slowly revealed that something is not quite right with Levi. This was a page-turner; I was completely glued to the page and each chapter ended in a way that propelled you forward. There is absolutely nothing worse than the feeling of having to “parent” or discipline someone else’s kid, especially when those parents don’t seem to believe anything you say. Wirt did such a fantastic job creating a simmering tension and a feeling of claustrophobia and impending doom. Pick this one up If you love a creepy child thriller with breakneck pacing. I was thoroughly entertained; Just Stay Away was spooky season perfection.

Thank you to the author and Thomas & Mercer for the opportunity to read this ARC!

My Ratings:
Plot ★★★★
Reading Experience ★★★★★
Characters ★★★★
Writing Style ★★★★★

Overall ★★★★.5

More Books by Tony Wirt:
A Necessary Act
Profile Image for The Cookster.
503 reviews58 followers
September 6, 2023
Rating: 1.8/5

At a mere 288 pages "Just Stay Away" should have been a pretty quick read - but it actually took me more than twice as long to get through as I would usually expect for a book of this length. It isn't awful, but it simply failed to engage me. Instead of feeling compelled to read "just one more chapter", as I do when I am enjoying a book, with this one I was having to force myself to read the next section just so that I could get it finished.

The premise of the story is enticing enough and there should have been plenty of potential for the author to create an atmosphere of constant and growing menace. However, for the most part it was simply ploddingly predictable. The central character of the would-be novelist, Craig Finnigan, does little to make the reader feel any sympathy towards him and his predicament. His decision making throughout the piece is, at best, questionable and actually, more often, just ludicrously unrealistic and intended purely to allow the author to continue to develop the plot along his desired path.

Not the worst novel I have read this year, but also a long way from being one of the best, so I would advise that you "Just Stay Away" from it.
Profile Image for Marion Sheppard.
458 reviews2 followers
September 16, 2023
The father in this story just irritated and angered me to no end. If he thought a neighbor kid was intrusive, he needed to talk to someone in the beginning. By the time things were getting out of hand, the police thought he was crazy, and the kid’s parents thought he was stalking their child. And he continually put his 7-year-old daughter in harm’s way and jeopardy - not a good role model for parenting. The psychological interplay between the father and the problem kid only ratcheted up the suspense, but by that time, I was unwilling to put up with the father’s behaviors.
Profile Image for Gracingyouwithbooks.
88 reviews14 followers
July 29, 2023
As soon as I read that Just Stay Away had the same vibes as Baby Teeth, I knew I wanted to read it. I am such a sucker for creepy kids and this one did not disappoint in the creepiness. I haven’t read a book so fast in ages. I was on the edge of my seat, half the time wanting to throw the book out of frustration, but restraining because I needed to know what was happening next!! 😄 This one was beyond suspenseful and Levi was just terrifying.

I also spent my whole childhood in Minnesota, so this book brought me right back to the summers spent by the pool, hanging out in the back yard, and cooling off watching movies in the basement. It was so nostalgic and the descriptions made it seem like I was right there too.

I don’t have too many books that I know for a fact will be a reread, but this is one of them. Just Stay Away was a 5/5 ⭐️. Thank you again, Tony Wirt, what a summertime, must read, treat of a book!!

Synopsis: The Finnigan family just moved into a new Minnesota neighborhood and Craig is ready to spend the summer with his daughter and write. When his daughter becomes friends with the neighbor boy, Levi, he is grateful. Now that means more peace and quiet to write his novel. Disturbing things start happening around the house and to his daughter right after becoming friends with Levi though and Craig is realizing that this kid isn’t such a blessing after all.
Profile Image for AMY.
193 reviews8 followers
September 5, 2023
What would you do in this situation? The absolute opposite of what the MC does in this book. The most frustrating thing in this story is the lack of average adult intelligence on the part of Craig, the main character. He's a lazy parent, a slacker when it comes to working, and is unable to come up with the most obvious solutions. Come on, man! I read to the end, as there were numerous possibilities of how it all would play out, and I was quite curious about that. Finally, I was happy with the author's handling of the ending. But that guy! Sheesh!
Profile Image for Catherine.
393 reviews5 followers
January 9, 2024
Problem: A 9 year old who is definitely psychopathic harasses and puts your family in danger.

Solution: Immediate alarm system and an electric fence.

You see how easy that was? I’m a problem solver!

For real, though, I’ve read books where bad decisions were made, but Craig takes the crown on this one. He can’t be a part of my horror movie survival squad. He’s a liability. He would get us chainsawed. Craig. Craig? Craig. Just go to the corner and think about your decisions.

Two stars are for Felix the cat.
Profile Image for Caitlin Justice.
295 reviews2 followers
September 14, 2023
I almost didn't finish this book just because the main character was so dumb and such a bad dad. It was also incredibly boring.
Ended up finishing it but I didn't like it at all. I would say it's a waste of time to read.
2 reviews
September 15, 2023
I generally dislike reading ebooks, but have found them a useful distraction while walking on the treadmill. The tablet can prop easily on the little shelf and I can adjust the font to a comfortable size. That being said, I don't want to spend money on a format I don't enjoy, which is why my only ebooks are Amazon Prime free first reads. So far, in my opinion, generally even free is overpriced for these books, this one especially so.

This is a (poorly written) story about a stay at home husband, wannabe writer who is charged with taking care of his seven year old daughter who it seems takes a back seat to his top priority, writing a best seller. This is made obvious when he discovers that locking himself in his office, music blasting, while insisting the child play outside (in a yard that backs up to the forest) unsupervised for hours without it ever occurring to him to check on her, is the best way to get some writing done. This is only exacerbated when an obviously troubled nine year old boy shows up, and rather than be concerned he revels in his good fortune at having even more time to himself while his kid spends time with the little serial killer in training.

OK, seems like there's a story here, but this writer did an abysmal job at finding it. About 80% of this book is the boring, repetitive rumination of this ill equipped father about how he probably shouldn't be allowing his child so much unsupervised time with the 'strange' boy, but his book is his dream and he has to follow it.

In the meantime, here's a man that makes you wonder if he himself shouldn't have adult supervision. He is incredibly stupid and makes bad decision after bad decision that jeopardizes the safety of his family. He's repeatedly and easily outsmarted and out maneuvered by the strange boy...but the bar isn't very high to accomplish this. Throughout the story his daughter shows more sense than her father.

To sum up, perhaps the elements for a good story are here, but the book was boring, repetitive ad nauseam, so very predictable (no surprises), and was not well written. There was zero character development and what little dialogue there was, was written as if this author had never actually heard people speak.
Profile Image for K. Lincoln.
Author 16 books92 followers
June 10, 2023
In the first couple pages, we are introduced to Craig-- a novel writer who is a stay at home dad to a seven year old sweetie who has just moved into a new neighborhood in Rochester, Minnesota. His wife is contending with the somewhat fishbowl-esque nature of the medical community scene and he is trying to write.

When a neighborhood boy comes over to the yard to play with Alice, it seem like a godsend. Finally he can get some writing done!

But the new friend is a bit odd. And Craig can no longer ignore his instincts in favor of writing when things begin to get nasty.

I'm not gonna lie, the first couple pages of exposition were a tad slow. It's only when the neighbor boy starts coming over that tension begins. Craig is a bit of a booby-head. He does ignore some instincts he should have listened to, and then tops it off with some head-shaking moves as a stay at home dad.

Not necessarily bad, but very very unwise in terms of how to handle neighborhood children.

He's not entirely unlikable, just someone you want to slap upside the head, especially when he begins spouting his insane-sounding reasons to not trust the boy to police, etc. Still, once the red flag things started happening, I couldn't stop reading. I had to know what the next escalation was, and I had to know the mechanism by which it was happening. (Craig isn't entirely stupid, he does lock his house.)

And the author sews just enough clues into the mystery pattern to hint at the deadly attempts that culminate in some fairly exciting action scenes at the end.

Just don't start reading it late at night, you might, like me, not be able to put it down again until you see the result of Craig's bad decisions.....
#JustStayAway #NetGalley
Profile Image for Kay Oliver.
Author 11 books185 followers
November 15, 2023
Craig is playing stay-at-home dad to his young daughter while he writes his debut novel. She meets a friend, A young boy named Levi, and they hit it off. Best of all, their friendship allows Craig more quiet time to write. In a sinister, bubbling twist the friendship sours and it becomes a game of cat and mouse. Craig must protect hid daughter from the monster down the street.

Riveting, captivating. I couldn't stop turning pages, so eager to find out what came next. I love when the ordinary turns wicked. Well written with great suspense. Will definitely be looking for more from this author.
Profile Image for Tina.
86 reviews
September 6, 2023
One of the worst Amazon First Reads I've ever got. Glad it was free. The plot wasn't original; it was incredibly predictable. None of the main character's decisions made sense. It's like this story happened in the 80s with no technology. It was an infuriating read.
Profile Image for Jillian B.
249 reviews55 followers
November 29, 2023
Craig is a stay-at-home dad trying to balance writing and parenting, so he’s happy when his daughter makes a new friend who can keep her occupied. But he starts seeing signs that this friend is no ordinary child…and could, in fact, be dangerous.

I was riveted by this story and couldn’t stop turning the pages. The author did a great job of making the setting and characters feel real, and of slowly building the tension. I did find the main character and his hands-off approach to parenting to be very unlikeable in the beginning, and I had trouble sympathizing with him. However, I don’t think we’re meant to see him as a good parent at the start of the book.

Overall, this is the kind of fun thriller that I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend to a friend.
Profile Image for William de_Rham.
Author 1 book67 followers
September 9, 2023
With “Just Stay Away,” Author Tony Wirt has given us a good domestic mystery that includes elements of the psychological thriller. Like William March’s “The Bad Seed” and Lillian Hellman’s “The Children’s Hour,” it examines what happens when an adult encounters an evil child intent on his or her destruction. Although I had problems with the first third of the novel, ultimately, I enjoyed it. By the time I was finished, a contemplated rating of three stars had turned into four.

Craig and Courtney Finnigan have just moved to Minnesota. She’s an exec for “Big Pharma.” He’s a stay-at-home dad. She goes to work every day to earn the family’s sole income. He stays home looking after their seven-year-old daughter, Alice, while trying to complete his first novel in time to meet a rapidly approaching deadline.

Craig finds trying to write while minding an active youngster difficult —which is why he’s relieved when nine-year-old Levi shows up to become Alice’s new bestie. Sure, Levi may seem a little odd—a trifle “off.” But that’s okay. Alice adores him and now, Craig has his mornings free to write.

Unfortunately, Craig is about to learn how badly he has misjudged Levi and just how much damage and heartache a nine-year-old boy can cause.

At the beginning of the novel, I did not think much of Craig (disadvantageous when it comes to a protagonist). He seemed neither likable nor believable Very egotistical and self-absorbed, not to mention quite shallow, he cared more about "making it as an author" than practicing his craft as a writer, not to mention looking after his daughter. And he made so many bad decisions I had trouble respecting and believing in him.

However, as the novel progressed, it became clear that author Tony Wirt intended those character flaws. After all, if an author wants one of his characters to learn and grow, that character can’t be perfect from the very beginning. And, as Mr. Wirt’s story unfolds, Craig does learn and grow.

But not before getting himself into a whole lot of trouble—with his wife and daughter, his neighbors, his wife’s employers, the police, and Levi’s rich and powerful parents. In Levi, he finds a very clever and manipulative adversary—a dangerous psychopath who despite his extreme youth knows how to stay three steps ahead in whatever game he’s playing. Levi’s aggressions start small and then become increasingly dangerous and alarming. Mr. Wirt has a talent for creating suspense and for painting Craig into some very tight, self-created corners.

He also has a talent for taking his story in unexpected directions. Several times, I was convinced I knew exactly what was going to happen next, and how the novel would end, only to find that I was wrong. For me, that’s always a treat.
Profile Image for Juliette Nicole.
282 reviews13 followers
November 1, 2023
2,5 ⭐️

Review of “Just Stay Away’ by Tony Wirt. Thank you so much to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review. “Just Stay Away” is out now 📚

Unfortunately, I didn’t really like this all that much. I had a great time getting into it, but after my first sitting I didn’t really pick this book up anymore. The ending fell pretty flat as well, without too much edge-of-my-seat stuff going on. Craig wasn’t my fave character as well, he honestly should’ve done better and leave his book be sometimes. A book that he didn’t even end up publishing?

Overall, a book with a great build-up that I really liked, but after that, it just wasn’t my kind of thriller.
Profile Image for Naomi.
218 reviews
August 24, 2024
Well that was a stressful read and the Dad, Craig, makes many dumb choices haha
Profile Image for Kathy.
2,695 reviews40 followers
March 9, 2024
4.5 rounded up
Quick, easy read, quite predictable but it flows well and was a total escape. First read with this author, but won't be the last.
Profile Image for Jessika.
3 reviews
September 6, 2023
Wow, the anxiety and heart rate reading this!!
I literally couldn't read the words quick enough.
I only gave it 4 stars due to how much Craig frustrated me throughout the entire book.
He continuously kept everything to himself instead of being honest with his wife and it just constantly backfired and he never learnt until it was too late.
However, the emotional turmoil the boy inflicted on Craig was so frighteningly real and played beautifully on insanity and mind questioning perfectly.
My favourite line relating to that has got to be 'but the little shit was like a constant tickle in the back of your throat. A persistent cough that wouldn’t go away'.
Due to the mentality structured out, I had guessed what the boy may or may not do throughout the book but it didn't stop me from enjoying it.
September 7, 2023
Thank you to Thomas and Mercer and Amazon First Picks for the ARC! “Just Stay Away” releases September 19, 2023.

Craig Finnegan is an aspiring writer and stay-at-home dad to his daughter Alice. As any parent knows, it can be very difficult to accomplish things with young children at home. But while his wife is at her new job, Craig is determined to make it work. When a neighborhood boy named Levi begins showing up in their yard, Craig thinks he has found the perfects solution: while he writes, his daughter plays outside with Levi. But as time goes by, Levi’s behavior seems more and more twisted. When Alice is injured, Craig begins to think there is something downright disturbing about this child. And what’s even scarier: no one believes him.

This book alternated between giving me chills (think “The Good Son” movie with MacCauley Culkin) and me nodding my head along with Craig. As a stay-at-home mom myself, I relate all too well to the guilt over trying to keep your child entertained while simultaneously accomplishing something. If a playmate showed up, how could it not be the perfect solution? At first Levi seemed shy but as the story went on, it was clear there was more going on with him. I was frustrated for Craig that nobody believed him and also found myself wondering if somehow it was all in his head. The tension, fear and frustration were palpable and I could have finished this book in one sitting (if I didn’t have to go to sleep!) Without giving any spoilers, the ending was the perfect amount of closure with a bit of ambiguity too.

This review will be shared to my instagram blog (@books_by_the_bottle) shortly :)
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