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Humans saved bees from extinction...
and created the deadliest threat we've seen yet

The loss of bees was heralded as the sixth wave of extinction. Economies crashed. Ecosystems collapsed. Wars were waged as countless starved. Luckily, humans were able to alter bees' genetic code to deal with the hazards of pesticides and disease.

Inadvertently making their venom fatal to humans.

River grew up in the Green Zone, a haven for those who are Immune. Bees are free to fly, pollinating their prolific crops. Echo was raised in the Dead Zone where bees are exterminated so vulnerable humans like her can live. Stealing from the heavily guarded Green Zone is a necessary part of survival.

River and Echo are both in their seventeenth year. They're both about to have their immunity tested. And they're both about to have their futures forever altered.

Ultimately, they're about to become part of the final fight for human survival. Are bees really the enemy they need to defeat? Or is mankind a far greater threat...

316 pages, Kindle Edition

Published January 3, 2023

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About the author

Tamar Sloan

100 books425 followers
Tamar really struggled writing this bio, in part because it’s in third person, but mostly because she hasn’t decided whether she’s primarily a psychologist who loves writing, or a writer with a lifelong fascination with psychology.

She must have been someone pretty awesome in a previous life (past life regression indicated a Care Bear), because she gets to do both. Beginning her career as a youth worker, then a secondary school teacher, before becoming a school psychologist, Tamar helps children and teens to live and thrive despite life’s hurdles like loss, relationship difficulties, mental health issues, and trauma.

As lover of reading, inspired by books that sparked beautiful movies in her head, Tamar loves to write young adult romance. To be honest, it was probably inevitable that her knowledge and love of literature would translate into writing emotion driven stories of finding life and love beyond our comfort zones. You can find out more about Tamar’s books at www.tamarsloan.com

A lifetime consumer of knowledge, Tamar holds degrees in Applied Science, Education and Psychology. When not reading, writing or working with teens, Tamar can be found with her husband and two children enjoying country life on their small slice of the Australian bush.
The driving force for all of Tamar’s writing is sharing and connecting. In truth, connecting with others is why she writes. She loves to hear from readers and fellow writers. Find her on all the usual social media channels or her website.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 99 reviews
Profile Image for Reds Book Nook.
33 reviews5 followers
June 18, 2024
“How ironic that it was humans who created them. A solution that became just as deadly as the one they were originally trying to solve.”

This book did take me a little bit to get into, it's not my normal genre, but by the third chapter, I was well and truly hooked.
The mystery, intrigue, world-building and characters are all phenomenal!!
The contrasts between the Green-Borns and the Dead-Borns were striking, especially with each being totally nieve about the other.
Even the characters were contrasting against each other and themselves, Echo is in some ways very naive, especially about the ways of the Green borns, her not knowing what a toilet was for example, but in other ways, Echo is strong, stubborn, feisty, and loyal.
The Authors nailed everything about this book, if you're a fan of the Hunger Games or Divergent, you will not regret reading this book.
Don't start reading unless you have all the books because, trust me, you will dive into one after another with this series!
Profile Image for Tracie.
19 reviews
January 3, 2023
YA/Dystopian is my genre of choice and this did not disappoint. A bit reminiscent of The Hunger Games, this tells a story of people that want to be more in life. If only they can pass the test. The characters are vibrant and very well portrayed. I couldn't put it down, it had me on the edge of my seat. I can't wait for the next one. Highly recommend!.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for theeducatingbibliophile .
63 reviews22 followers
June 12, 2024




😲 - these were my literally expressions reading this book! I more than enjoyed this book, I can’t even explain how it made me feel! I need more! Immediately! Like now, not tomorrow! Now!

I can’t even say anything except if you like Hunger Games! You’ll LOVE this! I think I’m going to go into a book slump from reading this! Nothing has compared!

Also, there is not enough stars to rate this, but I give it 🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝 6 bumblebees! ;)

I will forever recommend this, it’s legit AMAZING!
Profile Image for Pandora.
206 reviews93 followers
June 5, 2024
This book!!!
I knew from only one chapter in that I would need the rest of the series pronto.
If you're a fan of The Hunger Games, Divergent, Maze Runner or The Giver, this book is going to be right up your alley.
The concept is truly unique and even seems frighteningly possible in a dystopian future we could one day find ourselves in. The two main characters are highly relatable. Echo is tough and not afraid to stand up for what she believes in. River has been taught one thing his whole life and is now starting to question absolutely everything.
I devoured this book and absolutely cannot wait to dig into the rest of the series.
Profile Image for Brie.
53 reviews
March 9, 2024
Just like every other dystopian book I've read so far. Predictable enough to make it boring: starts out showing the life of the MC and her best guy friend (who she has a crush on but it's never meant to be because she's destined for the cute boy on the other side of the tracks) living in the slums, and she is the only one to pass the bee test...which transports her life from rags to riches...but she doesn't want it.

The entire book shows the two MCs scuttling around and trying to be all hush-hush-secret in this new, elite place.
But looking back, they don't actually do anything important.
She's a rebel, he's a rule follower, there is predestined chemistry between the two blah blah 🙄

It was obvious from the beginning that she (Echo) was going to make it in the Green Zone and River's sister wasn't, yet the author took up 20%, delving into the character's repetitive thought process, seemingly trying to build suspense. Ironically, this made it more predictable, as the character's constant attempts to reassure their own doubts inadvertently signaled the obvious outcome.

Also, it was clear from the start that Nola is the mother (that hasn't been revealed in this book but I'm that positive) of River and his twin or her best friend, at least. Or the mother is in the Hive, since it was mentioned in the beginning that the Leader acted as if she was Forgotten and not dead.
Also, the door between the two Zones should NOT be that easy to walk through. No alarm when opened? No passcode? Camera over the door? Nobody reported to follow/spy on them this entire time?
Come on.
This whole story hinges on them being able to get access to both Zones.

The part about the Jupiter GIRL in the beginning was super annoying. I never read a book before that had a they/them person in it, and i wish people would keep their politics out of fantasy books.
'..says Jupiter, who is neither a boy nor a girl, preferring to live very comfortably just as a person'
What kind of BS is that? She was either born with girl body parts or boy. Just because you SAY you're neither doesn't mean it's the truth. What if i went around telling everybody that my skin is not black or white (even though I'm clearly white), it "just is"?
People are either going to think you're crazy or say okay but inside they are still going to see me for the color i am.
I think Jupiter really did go there to get more stupider.

Anyways... the whole book was lame and liberal. Oh, i forgot to mention the part about the MC about to kill a bird for food and then we get the whole "animals are friends, not food, speech 🙄).
"We don't need to kill animals. We have all of this *points to a corn field*" (uhh yeah..almost no nutritional value btw).
"But it's just an animal"
"Yes, but don't need to die for us".

I was not surprised, then, when the author made the big, bad Queen bee a metal robot...so that when they end up having to kill her in the future, it won't be killing an actual live insect. I'm rolling my eyes here.
There was quiet a bit of that liberal-vegan crap hidden in the book. Reading reviews for the other books, it seems most people rated them good but said they were glad/relieved for the series to be done 🤔

The reason I'm giving it 2 stars instead of 1 is that there were some parts that were kinda exciting, like what was inside the restricted area
Profile Image for Jessica.
990 reviews24 followers
January 6, 2023
"Humanity's greatest threat.
And yet, their only salvation.
There’s no life without bees."

The bees were close to extinction when humans managed to alter their genetic code to withstand pesticides and disease. Inadvertently making their venom lethal for most. Now the lucky Immunes live safe in the Green Zone, where the bees fly free and pollinate their crops. The Vulnerables live in the Dead Zone, protected against the bees' deadly sting by a fine net, but constantly fighting starvation and diseases. River and Echo have grown up in each zone when it's time to test their immunity at the age of seventeen. But the question is if it's really the bees that are their greatest threat, or if it's the humans?

Climate change - and mankind's egotistical lifestyle - is behind these authors new dystopian series. Ecosystems and economies collapsed, followed by war when countries fought over limited resourses. "Harvest Day" makes me think about "The Hunger Games" and "Divirgent", but it stands on its own feet. The pacing is high, and it doesn't take long to get to know our main characters. When Echo arrives to the Green Zone she immidiately turns River's life upside down. She makes him question everything he's grown up to believe and he realises that nothing is as it seems. After a visit in the Dead Zone, River is shaken to his core.

I like how the authors have built the Green Zone to imitate a beehive, with busy worker bees (the Immune) who work for their queen (Oren, the leader). It's obvious that the "queen" hides things, but I still get surprised about WHAT he's hiding. And that cliffhanger is nothing but cruel!

* I received an ARC from the authors and I'm giving my honest review. *
Profile Image for Tez .
271 reviews4 followers
June 2, 2024
When humans saved the bees from extinction but in doing so have turned them into the worlds deadliest creature. Only the immune can survive a bee sting.

Echo grew up in the dead zone where all the bees have been exterminated, but no bees means no life, the people living in the dead zone (the vulnerable) live on the meager rations given to them by the green zone. With never enough food, they are barely living and must fight to survive.

River and his twin sister Flora have grown up in the green zone, a haven for the immune. They are raised believing that they are doing good work for mankind.

When they turn 17, young adults must attend confirmation to determine if they are immune or vulnerable. To Rivers dismay his twin Flora is found to be vulnerable and is sent to live in the dead zone. To Echos amazement she is found to be immune. When she enters the green zone she can’t believe the luxury the immune live in and see a great injustice to how her people live.

Both Echo and River are thrown together by circumstance and as River learns to deal with the loss of his sister and Echo comes to terms with how the green zone functions they discover a deadly secret that will affect all of mankind.

I know this is a YA book but I was disappointed by the writing style, it was very simple with not enough depth. I’m saying that the simplicity made this an easy read. The storyline itself was interesting but it was very predictable. With more depth of character and of the world we are reading about I think I would have enjoyed this a lot more.
Profile Image for Jason Marchingo.
17 reviews2 followers
June 7, 2024
I was super unsure about this read in my first few chapters, but, the further I got, the more hooked I became.

This is everything it’s been described as, and earnt its 5 stars for sure. The cliffhanging, jaw dropping ending had me feeling things that I only thought possible from movies. Even writing this review, and even though I suffer from bad aphantasia, the vivid images this has left in my mind are priceless.

This read is highly recommended. Not only is the cover stunning, but it feels great, looks great and reads great. Definitely can’t recommend it highly enough. I’ll be back for books 2 to 5 for sure.

Let me just end by telling you to grab a bottle of kasi and to be in peace.
Profile Image for Tharrshi.
34 reviews
February 10, 2024
Probly the best dystopian book/story I’ve read so far. Couldn’t put the book down. It’s like hunger games was set in a sci-fi setting with a little romance. The writing and story telling using POVs from both main characters was done so well. And it ends on with a cliffhanger!! Can’t wait to read the next book of the series!
Profile Image for ems_booknook.
305 reviews19 followers
June 8, 2024
Dystopian is my absolute kryptonite, especially when it comes to ones that are as unique as this one.

I will admit, it was a bit hard for me to get into because of the YA nature, but once it got going I was hooked.

It was a bit messed up, then a fair bit messed up, then it got more and more messed up and then that ending was BRUTAL!

Profile Image for Katheyer.
1,557 reviews22 followers
November 24, 2022
Tamar Sloan & Heidi Catherine, the authors of the “Thaw Verse” are back with a new dystopian world, and after repeating in numerous occasions that “The Thaw Verse” series is without any doubt the best dystopian verse of this decade, I must confess that “The Sovereign Code” is very fierce contender for that title too. With a somehow more ‘traditional’ take on dystopia, “Harvest” the first book in this series presents us with a divided world, in which the members of society are separated into two different habitats: the Green Zone and the Dead Zone.

At seventeen everyone undergoes Confirmation at the Betadome, the test to determine whether they are Immune or Vulnerable. Despite their upbreeding the outcome of the test will determine the rest of their lives. For Echo – a Dead Born – the Confirmation offers the possibility of a live of plenty, at the cost of leaving behind those she loves. For Flora and River – Green Born twins – failure at the test seem impossible. The outcome bears not only changes in the lives of our three protagonists, but also a glance into the real machinations behind the process.

Sloan & Catherine’s wonderful dystopian world, foreign yet familiar, beautiful and terrifying captivates the reader at first read. Their fluid and nuanced writing conveys a powerful message, whose actuality plainly apparent. The extraordinary thoroughly built world is populated by well developed and multifaceted characters, credible and relatable at all times. This is – as always - a fast-paced story, that provides action non-stop, an intelligent plot, and very satisfactory developments, a real page-turner, a great adventure that leaves a lasting impression without disregarding the level of pure entertainment every good story should provide.

Sloan & Catherine dystopia not only lines up effortlessly with such classical verses as “The Hunger Games” and “Divergent”, even surpasses them offering not just very carefully crafted worlds, the right balance between dystopia and social critique, with a constant questioning of the values and drawbacks of the system that allows the reader to understand the strengths and flaws and find unsettling similarities to our own society and values.
Profile Image for Devika.
555 reviews18 followers
January 5, 2023
Harvest Day is the first part in The Sovereign Code series. This is a new series by this two authors, who already worked together on the Thaw Chronicles and Origins of Thaw series. This book is all about bees, which I find really unique. Will this story be as unique as it seems to be? What will I think of this book?

Find out in my review on my blog Boekensteeg
Profile Image for Reads_Must .
667 reviews15 followers
November 25, 2022
Harvest Day
The Sovereign Code #1
Heidi Catherine, Tamar Sloan

Heidi Catherine and Tamar Sloan have definitely been added to my 'favourite authors' list. The way they write dystopian books is just incredible and the first book in this new series is no exception.

Written in dual POVs, the plot follows Echo and River, their different lives and ultimately their race to find out the truth.

The pacing was great so I read this in one sitting because I just couldn't stop. The world building was interesting and I loved the unusual use of bees as the destruction of most of the human race.

I also liked the mix of science/advanced technology alongside the more basic, almost primitive, way of living. It helped to develop that sense of division between the two colonies.

There were a few twists here and there but I just know that the other books in this series will be packed with more. I'm curious about Chase and why he hid certain things and I'm looking forward to getting more answers.

This book ended on a cliff hanger so now I can't wait to read the next book!

*Thank you to @heidicatherine for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review*
Profile Image for Kate Jones.
Author 10 books7 followers
November 18, 2022
As an author myself, this is a concept I wish I had come up with.
Not only is the book a great read, but it brings with it a chillingly stark message which will leave readers looking at bees in a totally different light and will have us contemplating how we, as humans, treat our world.

With a post-apocalyptic resonance to it, the story is a frighteningly real description of what our world could end up like, yet it weaves this warning through a heart-warming tale of friendship, family, and love. No matter how bad things might be, there is always hope and we still have time if we, as a race, sit up, listen and take action.

The world and character building is wonderful; the story moves forward at an enjoyable pace and there are plenty of tense moments which had me turning the pages until I reached the end.
Talking of which...this book finishes on the mother of all cliff-hangers which had me desperately hoping that a click on the link at the end would take me to Book 2.

No such luck. I guess I will have to wait to find out what happens like everyone else (unless I can find out where the authors live and promise them all sorts if they will just spill the beans!!!)

Well deserving of 5 stars from me.
Profile Image for Jessica Fuller.
301 reviews71 followers
December 24, 2023
WOAH. This book was incredible. I’m a massive $lut for dystopians. They have me in a chokehold and this book was everything I love in this genre. There were some things that happened that I could guess but still had that amazing shock factor. Then there were other things where I thought it would go a certain way and didn’t. I loved this book so much and I’m so glad I got the next one so I can start reading immediately because I gotta know what happens. Also, can we talk about how amazing Echo is. I love River too but there is just something about a strong FMC with such an awesome personality that I just love so much. If you love dystopians I highly recommend picking this one up because it’s top tier in its genre, imo.
Profile Image for Carolina.
56 reviews2 followers
May 3, 2023
Harvest Day: The Sovereign Code is a young adult dystopian novel by Heidi Catherine and Tamar Sloan. The book is set in a future where the world has been ravaged by climate change and the bees have become deadly to humans. The story follows two young people, River and Echo, who are from different worlds. River lives in the Green Zone, a safe haven for those who are immune to the bees. Echo lives in the Dead Zone, a dangerous place where the bees are free to roam. When the two meet, they are forced to confront the harsh realities of their world and the choices they must make in order to survive.

The book is well-written and engaging. The characters are well-developed and relatable. The plot is fast-paced and exciting. The book also explores some interesting themes, such as the nature of good and evil, the importance of family, and the power of hope.

Overall, Harvest Day: The Sovereign Code is a well-written and enjoyable dystopian novel. It is sure to appeal to fans of the genre.

Here are some of the pros and cons of the book:


· Well-written and engaging;
· Well-developed characters;
· Fast-paced and exciting plot;
· Explores interesting themes;


· Some of the characters are a bit stereotypical;
· The ending is a bit rushed

Overall, Harvest Day: The Sovereign Code is a good book that is sure to appeal to fans of the dystopian genre.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
2,674 reviews34 followers
April 23, 2023
This is book one of The Sovereign Code and the main characters are Echo and Chase from the Dead Zone, and twins River and Flora from the Green Zone. It is Echo’s seventeenth birthday, which means it is time for her Confirmation, when she will find out if she is Immune or Vulnerable. The Immune live in the Green Zone with food a plenty and never have to worry about being stung by a bee, whilst those who are Vulnerable live on the other side of a massive net, to protect them from bees. But where they live is a wasteland, where nothing can grow and the people are left to waste away with only the scraps of food the Green Zone provides, to try and stay alive, until they eventually die of the scourge. Chase is a couple of years older than Echo, but she has been friends with him for the whole of her life and wants to return to the Dead Zone after her test, to the young man she believes she loves and also to help look after her father and an old woman called Nola, a former Green Born, who is close to death. Life for River and his twin sister Flora is much easier, living in a land of plenty and also being the children of Oren, their leader. To them the bees are so important and must be looked after and revered. The rest of the world was destroyed by people being at war and from the loss of bees, causing starvation and near extinction. Only changing the DNA of bees managed to allow a small number to survive to pollinate those plants that remained and had been saved. But now their sting is deadly to most humans!

Chase is one of those who can get things and Echo asked for some pollen, to ensure she could get stung quickly on her Confirmation test, to get her returned to the Dead Zone through the black door. River and Flora are also part of the small group going through the test that day and hopes they are both immune, having never been apart from his twin, although they have worked in separate areas of the Sting, the secure area of the Green Zone. Flora works in the LaB and has done lots of research since their mother died some five years ago, whilst River is keen to work out in the gardens he has only seen from a distance. The saying amongst their people is always, ‘go in peace’, not that their father really ever shows them much of that. Flora tells River that the number of people being Immune has fallen every year and she thinks only two will make it through the test this year, out of the twenty three that enter! Echo knows that any of the Dead Zone who get stung are likely to die during the test, as those from the Green Zone are always prioritised by the medics, who are also from the Green Zone. Anyone that gets swarmed by the bees and stung multiple times is never going to survive, no matter where they have come from. They all have to enter the Betadome, the netted hive which is the breeding zone of the bees, which are so vital to their survival. Having watched this test numerous times, Echo knows that the main cause of death for those inside the netted walls is that they don’t get an injection of adrenacure in time, especially if they are from the Dead Zone. Adrenacure is the only medical intervention for a bee sting and is in very short supply, only available in limited numbers in the Green Zone alone. If they refuse to take part, then their already limited food rations would be cut off completely and they would starve to death even sooner than normal.

Those who are still alive at the end, either get to pass through the green door, into the Green Zone as they are proved to be Immune, or back through the black door if they are classed as Vulnerable. River and Echo are the main characters the story concentrates on in this first episode of the series and as they get tested for their immunity, the results of it are about to change their futures forever. The result is not going to be accepted well by either and there will be lots of questions, with very few real answers available to satisfy them. Both will have to work together to fight against the unfair treatment of Echo’s people, especially after finding out a few things he has always been led to believe are not as they seem! Flora had found out a few things she had concerns about but hadn’t told River. The two are about to become part of a huge battle for what is right and for their very own survival and the survival of others, especially those in the Dead Zone and those being used for nefarious purposes by their leader to pull the wool over their eyes. More will become clear as the story continues. I really enjoyed this one and bought it and will get the rest of the series as soon as I can, certainly a series I would recommend to others. I received an ARC copy of this book from BookSprout and I have freely given my own opinion of the book above.
Profile Image for Iris.
13 reviews1 follower
June 9, 2024
REALLY wanted to like this one and I’m sure it will appeal to plenty of people who are looking for more romance than anything else. Jupiter is also a great character, loved the rep that we don’t usually see in books like this. Anyone being transphobic about her is a loser!

The main plot was super interesting and I was so curious what was behind the door, but I feel like it got relegated to B plot so fast in favor of the romance. I wanted way more about the conspiracy behind the bees and way less of the MCs spent over half the book constantly agonizing over whether their crush liked them back rather than, you know, the mortal peril they’re currently in. This meant I unfortunately had to tap out halfway through and just skim to get the plot because I couldn’t stand either of the main characters.

Both MCs spend most of the book either complaining or doing -super covert- stuff that made almost no tactical sense. Oh yeah, except for when MMC gets angry and starts taking his rage out physically around him. To be fair, I would be angry too if so much shady stuff was very clearly happening in my society and not one single adult seemed to even notice? For real though, man is a total sociopath. I didn’t even feel bad when the “angry mob” tried to attack him (before FMC stopped the angry crowd from MURDERING him by.. asking nicely?) The entire situation just felt bizarre and jarring. It took me completely out of the story.

The two leads have no romantic chemistry to me. Everything from the way MMC was marveling over FMC’s beauty 5 seconds after meeting her to the weird love triangle set up between them but is simultaneously always condescending to her for her minor mistakes. FMC claimed to be in love with her boyfriend from back home but didn’t think about it once so she clearly doesn’t love him but FMC ALSO shows 0 interest in MMC except oops, they kissed and she’s magically in love with this guy she met yesterday. Because of his “loyalty” to his sister when he hasn’t lifted a finger to help her yet. Girl, I know you can find a better man than a nepo baby with anger issues.

I suppose this would be someone’s cup of tea, but everything I read just left me more frustrated than anything else. DNF.
776 reviews25 followers
March 14, 2024
Killer bees are on the loose, with some immune to their stings but many not. In a devastated world, the bees and Immunes - and almost all crops - live in the Green Zone, while all others are banished to the Dead Zone, which keeps the bees away but has almost nothing growing, leaving the inhabitants dependent on the dubious generosity of the Immunes. Two wildly separated worlds, two people who want to bring them together - but too many have an interest in keeping them apart. When Echo is found to be Immune, first of the Dead Zone inhabitants for years to be so, she triggers changes no one anticipates - because she's desperate to see the benefits of the Green Zone enjoyed by all those she cares about. And River, son of the Green Zone's leader Oren, lost his twin to the Dead Zone the same day, and will stop at nothing to save Flora if he can. But the more they find out about what's going on, the darker things get. And if they dig far enough, they may not even be able to save themselves...

This was an intriguing premise and a well-written clean read - until it ended on a total cliffhanger. River and Echo had me interested in their respective plights from the start, even if I felt they should each be a little more sympathetic to what the other was facing. And an iron-hand-velvet-glove ruler always makes for an interesting situation, though I disliked Oren's treatment of River (but everyone needs a villain, right?). I particularly enjoyed watching River's journey from blind ignorance of what the rest of the world was like, to disbelief, to horror, and finally to a desire to fix things. As for Chase - well, I didn't feel like I really understood his motivations or what he was trying to achieve, but he was definitely a necessary part of the plot. I'm kind of intrigued to see what happens next, but scared that it the next book might just lead to another unsatisfying cliffhanger. So, though I enjoyed the story and the author's writing, I'm not sure whether I'll continue or not.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for R.M. Krogman.
Author 7 books33 followers
February 5, 2023
“Harvest Day,” the first book in series of the “Sovereign Code” by Tamar Sloan and Heidi Catherine, was an enjoyable read with a fascinating post-apocalyptic setting. Set in the future, after an ecosystem collapse caused by humans tinkering with nature, the world is bleak, most of its fertile earth wasted away to dust and decay. Only two kinds of humans exist now: the immune and the not. Separated by physical barriers and vast cultural differences, these two factions come together for only one reason: Confirmation.

The young woman Echo is one of those headed to Confirmation, the ultimate test of immunity to the bees at the foundation of humanity’s future. Her dreams are in the Dead Zone, as she dares not imagine there could be a better life. The same could be said of River, a product of the Green Zone. “Harvest Day” follows these two as they learn that life on the other side of their boundaries is not what they thought, and that saving humanity, a cause so noble, may not be so distant from losing humanity.

Lies are as sweet as honey, and they drip from the stark white walls of the Green Zone’s hive-like tower. Prejudice and loathing seethe under everyone’s skin, coated by a smooth layer of assuredness that every person’s place in the world is where they belong. I really appreciated the mindlessness of social mores shown in this book, the obvious resentment between factions, and the blindness to others’ suffering demonstrated in the world-building. It was believable.

Forced together despite their qualms, Chase and River must navigate this world and find to their surprise that, as different as they are, they may be stronger together. If you like enemies-to-lovers (low steam), forced proximity, post-apocalyptic fantasy romance, then this is an excellent book for you!

Note: This book is third-person, dual-Point-of-View, present tense. I hate reading the present tense, but I did it because I liked the story! It was driving me nuts though.
Profile Image for Renee.
225 reviews3 followers
June 17, 2024
OH MY GOD!!! what a book!!!

This had me hooked from start...I didn't know what to expect but I can honestly say, it did not disappoint.

Echo is a Dead Born, living in squalor and on rations. Her life is full of brown and grey and a sickness called the Scurge. It's all around her.

River is a Green Born, living in luxury and an abundance of food. He has nothing to worry about, unlike Echo.

They are 17 and about to face Confirmation...to see who is a Vulnerable and who is an Immune. Vulnerables (if they survive) must live as a Dead Born, while the Immune live as Green Borns.

Echo loves Chase, they have been friends forever and she doesn't want to leave him. River and his twin sister Flora don't want to be separated....but Confirmation has other plans for them.

Thrown together against their wishes, Echo and River have to trust each other and work together, while dealing with these unknown feelings they have for each other.

Life as a Green Born isn't as it seems. Can Echo and River work together to find out what I'd going on???

I was on the edge of my seat, dying to know what was going to happen. I couldn't stop! It was like an addiction! AND I WANT MORE!!!

Absolutely brilliant ❤️❤️❤️
72 reviews2 followers
January 5, 2023
Dystopian Magic

This book provided a great introduction to this unique dystopian world. While there are many themes it shares with worlds like the Maze Runner, the Hunger Games and Divergent, these authors manage to provide a new world that is different and fantastical. Yet, they also found that magic level of believable, so you as the reader can feel immersed in their world.

The characters introduced in this book are great! The female character has that level of sacrifice and knowledge that things are wrong, but unlike some characters she has that self drive to do better and make changes (Looking at you Katniss) Echo’s drive and lack of knowledge on her new circumstances is perfectly paired with River’s need for conformity and conflicting new thoughts. His journey of becoming a self-thinker is beautifully done.

I am so excited for the next book. The cliffy is a doozy, but no worse then the previously mentioned series. If you enjoy developing characters, side characters you just aren’t sure which side they truly are on, dystopian, and many levels of evil and mystery; this is a book you need to pick up and start reading.

77 reviews1 follower
April 23, 2024
3.5 stars
Bees = Death. That's the premise of this book (trilogy, I presume). Society is divided into two: the Vulnerables, in the Dead Zone, awaiting a long slow death via the "Scurge" and almost bound not to be immune to the sting of the bees; then there is the elite in the Green Zone, where all the immune people live.
On their 17th birthdays, youngsters go into an arena to determine who is immune, who isn't and who'll die because there isn't enough antidote or they simply get stung too much.
The two main characters are alright, relatively fleshed out, though still acting illogically at times - both for their age and for their circumstances. There's the typical drunk who is actually rather more astute than they initially seem and also the threat of rebellious machinations going on in the background. In general, a better effort than these writers' Elemental Games, more readable for one and a more interesting dystopian setting for another. Oh and the genetically enhanced bees make for an interesting subtext. The subtle nods to Pierce Brown's Red Rising series are also quite clear and appreciated.
Profile Image for DeeDeeWReads.
982 reviews10 followers
December 19, 2022
I have read SO many of Tamar and Heidi's books. I live for anything apocalyptic and this one delivers. Long ago we took bees to extinction and that made the world go sideways. So we alter their genetic code, and now WE are on the edge of extinction. So comes the development of the Green Zone and the Dead Zone. Those that are immune can live among the bees, thriving as a colony while those in the Dead Zone are starving to death and dying of disease.

When teens turn 17, they are tested on their confirmation day. They are found to be immune and live in the green Zone, vulnerable and they are dead zone bound, or you die of the sting. Echo and River are two of those teens. Echo is from the Dead Zone, River from the Green Zone.

Come along and read to find out what happens and what secrets are hiding in BOTH zones. This one you won't want to put down! I am SO excited for book 2, Hive Mind.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Beverly Laude.
1,985 reviews36 followers
February 25, 2023
Even though I am well beyond the target age for YA dystopian books, I thoroughly enjoy the genre and I am always looking for the next great series. This book, the first in the Sovereign Code series, might just fit the bill.

In a future where humans have saved bees from extinction, they have also created a monster. Most humans have become susceptible to bee venom in a fatal way. The ones who are immune and those who aren't are living in separate areas in order to survive. But, this also create a great disparity between the two groups.

The story is well-written and thought provoking in light of climate change and the potential for our current world to lose the important bee population. Also, it gives the reader insight into the dangers of messing with Mother Nature. This book ends on a cliffhanger, so the reader will have to wait to see what happens next. I know that I will be there when the next book releases as I have to know hos the story ends!.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Kate_KaylaDean.
55 reviews
June 9, 2024
My first book club read! I’m part of an amazing Aussie and Kiwi book club in Facebook, and decided to participate in the June book club read – Harvest Day by Tamar Sloan and Heidi Catherine. So I was super excited to get into a book I’d never heard of before and again, explore the world of books beyond my own boundaries.

Harvest Day is a brilliant story that focuses highly on the codes and conventions of black v white; good v evil; life v death – that all well known ying-yang trope. It’s very Hunger Games-y, but that’s totally okay because I loved Hunger Games when I read it some 15 years ago.

A dystopian book that at times can be predictable (which is the reason why I gave it four stars and not five), the story is a unique concept with characters who are both likeable and to younger readers, quite relatable. Yes, this is a YA book so the writing is simplistic, but you know what? Sometimes, simple is better, and that is why I enjoyed it as much as I did. It wasn’t overly descriptive, it had just the right amount of adventure, attitude, and storytelling.

Of course, Harvest Day ended on a cliffhanger, and wouldn’t you know it…there are four more books after it!
Profile Image for Becky Doyle.
22 reviews
June 9, 2024
Book Review: Harvest Day ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

This book is a little different to what I’ve been reading of late but it will have you hooked! The survival of the human race after its near extinction has left the world divided into the Greenborn and the Dead-born. One living a life of plenty, never knowing poverty or struggle believe they all work toward the colony’s survival and that of the world itself. The other living on scraps and dying from the inevitable scourge. The deciding factor: their immunity to bees. But not all is as it seems. As a dead-born finds herself welcomed into a new world of plenty when her immunity is discovered, she unravels the world before her along with her mentor who has never questioned his life before. Something much more sinister is at play, and it is most definitely not as everyone is brainwashed to believe. This book literally had my screaming when left on a cliffhanger , and quickly ordering the second .

My biggest tip for reading this is buy the series, you’re not going to want to wait for it to arrive to find out what happens to River and Echo
23 reviews
May 30, 2024
Honestly, I think I loved that River and Echo start as enemies and then secretly confess their love for each other I think that made me like the book. On the other note, I thought it was quite shocking how you have this villain named Oren who is rivers dad turn on his own family because when he mentions that rivers sister and his mother both failed him. Now River failed him to it gave that I'm disappointed in you vibe. Still, I would love to watch you suffer by taking the one you truly care about away because I think that it will benefit the colony later you find out that the green zone and the dead zone people are the same and that no one is truly immune to a bee sting. Still, they are trying to find it basically to make everyone I'm,mune but when I compare it to the real w, ify if you get stung by a bee you are either allergic to it or you are not and I can see where they get vulnerable immune and forgotten.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Nikkii.
50 reviews10 followers
June 4, 2024
I read as part of a monthly book club ! I did enjoy it more than I thought I would , YA not being a genre I often read at all . Echo is an amazing strong , clear minded , resourceful girl , who never once wavers in her beliefs ! River well River annoyed me to no end ! He couldn’t decide which way was up and which way was down , I didn’t fully believe his intentions until the very end of the book ! Boy make up your damn mind and stick to it ! I know it is hard to be raised to see things one way only to find out they’re entirely different but boy how many times do you need to be shown something to know it’s true 🤦🏻‍♀️ !! Anyway that’s my little rant about River ! Also Chase not a fan 😂! Now I believe Flora knows more than she’s letting on and Nola I have a feeling I know exactly who you are !!!!
Book 2 will hopefully reveal more !
Happy reading x
Displaying 1 - 30 of 99 reviews

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