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Merry Gentry #5

Mistral's Kiss

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I am Princess Meredith, heir to a throne of faerie. My day job, once upon a time, was as a private detective in Los Angeles. Unfortunately, princess has now become a full-time occupation.

My aunt, Queen Andais, will have it no other way. And so I am virtually a prisoner in faerie–trapped here with some of the realm’s most beautiful men to serve as my bodyguards . . . and my lovers. For I am compelled to conceive a child: an heir to succeed me on the throne. Yet after months of amazing sex with my consorts, there is still no baby. And no baby means no throne. The only certainty is death at the hands of my cousin Cel, or his followers, if I fail to conceive.

Now Mistral, Queen Andais’s new captain of the guard, has come to my bed–defying her and risking her terrible wrath in doing so. But even she will hesitate to punish him in jealous rage, because our joining has reawakened old magic, mystical power so ancient that no one stands against it and survives. Not even my strongest and most favored: my Darkness and my Killing Frost. Not even Mistral himself, my Storm Lord. But because Mistral has helped to bring this magic forth, he may live another day.

If I can reclaim control of the fey power that once was, there may be hope for me and my reign in faerie. I might yet quell the dark schemes and subterfuges surrounding me. Though shadows of obsession and conspiracy gather, I may survive.

224 pages, Kindle Edition

First published December 12, 2006

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About the author

Laurell K. Hamilton

357 books25k followers
Laurell K. Hamilton is one of the leading writers of paranormal fiction. A #1 New York Times bestselling author, Hamilton writes the popular Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter novels and the Meredith Gentry series. She is also the creator of a bestselling comic book series based on her Anita Blake novels and published by Marvel Comics. Hamilton is a full-time writer and lives in the suburbs of St. Louis with her family.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 614 reviews
Profile Image for Jaime.
1,505 reviews101 followers
July 11, 2016
I’m not entirely sure why I can’t stop reading Laurell K. Hamilton’s books, but they’re like cake frosting… I always want more, but it’s so very, very bad for me. For example, I’m completely underwhelmed by this book, yet I just added the two she will be releasing this year to my wish list.

The best thing I can say about this book is that there’s some resolution at the end (which is more than I could say about the two prior). The rest of it is pretty much sex and faerie politics. Really, this series is just thinly veiled erotica, yet I CAN’T STOP READING IT.
Profile Image for Elyzia.
105 reviews19 followers
December 27, 2010
Ok before I review the book I need to say something....
I am so tired of hearing all the negative reviews about this series and the Anita Blake series. The negative reviews say that there is too much sex, not enough plot, the book took place in only a day, not enough action.... Well, if you hate it so much why are you still reading it, I mean this is the fifth book of the series. After the first book you should of had an idea that the series was going to have A LOT to do with sex. I mean she is a from a fertility line, and she has to get pregnant in order to become Queen, she was told to bed as many of the guards as she could!!!! I just get aggravated when all of the negative reviews are about the same thing!! It is a fantasy series....magic, sex and power....

Now onto my review of Mistral's Kiss...
I really liked this one a lot. There was a lot of magical sex and real sex. A lot of names to keep up with and now a lot of powers to keep up with. It is easy to get distracted and lose focus if you are not careful. The torture scenes with the Queen, she was actually holding intestines as a leash!!!!!!!!!! Oh My!!!!!!
I couldn't breathe in the garden scene...I thought that they were all lost!!!!
The whole scene with King Sholto was amazing. So many emotions, so much action. The change in moods, change in feelings was great.
I love Doyle and Frost, they are both perfect for Merry!
Abe turned out to be pretty interesting and likable. Mistral, I feel so sorry for him, and I hope that he gets a chance at real happiness but I have a feeling Andais will never allow it.
Anxious to read the next one and see what happens with Merry and her very dis functional family.
It takes a lot of talent to write a series like this one. A lot of research and knowledge. There is some overkill with the redundant mentioning of things that happened in other books, that is always a problem with some series. There is no fault to Hamilton's writing, I think maybe the editor could be a little more attentive, but these over sights do not take away from Hamilton's talent or her skill as a great writer. She has a lot to keep up with, all of the characters, the history, the myths, the Gods and Goddesses, she has done her homework and has delivered a well written, fun, exciting, mystical, magical series.
Profile Image for Mel.
55 reviews6 followers
January 3, 2009
I really love the whole story line of Princess Meradith NicEssus and her struggles to become queen of the Unseelie court but I'm getting really tired of chapter after chapter of sex scenes. It really inhibits plot development and Ms. Hamilton spends a lot of pages catching the reader who might not have read the previous books in the series up. Maybe if the books weren't so short and had less sex, we might actually get somewhere in the story. Granted, there's nothing wrong with an occasional love scene but it gets rather ridiculous! She's boinking 15 guys in this one! Sheesh!
Profile Image for Jennifer Wardrip.
Author 5 books511 followers
November 11, 2012
Amazingly enough, I enjoyed MISTRAL'S KISS. After the farce that has become the Anita Blake series, I was worried that the Meredith Gentry series would inevitably take the same downhill dive. Thankfully, that wasn't the case.

This book is enjoyable, and does actually contain a plot. There are some negatives, of course, the first of which is the length of the book itself--or, more accurately, the lack of length. At only 212 pages, this story is 100+ pages shorter than the other books in the series. It would have made much more sense to make MINSTRAL'S KISS another 10 chapters or so in the previous book, A STROKE OF MIDNIGHT, rather than a stand-alone book.

Also, the book only covers a few hours, from midnight until dawn following the assassination attempt on Merry's life that came about in A STROKE OF MIDNIGHT. I had noticed with the Anita Blake series that the time frames for each book were becoming shorter each time, and such now seems to be the case with this series, as well.

The sex doesn't bother me in this series, either, since the entire "background" of the main plot line is that Merry must become pregnant before her cousin Cel impregnates someone to take the throne. Although the first 70+ pages of MISTRAL'S KISS are a sex scene, with yet again multiple partners, it does actually make sense to the story.

My biggest complaint about the book, by far, is the fact that there is a major, major, MAJOR development at the end of the book that is only given a passing explanation. In less than two paragraphs, a huge event takes place, and yet Ms. Hamilton only devotes a few words to it--almost as an afterthought. Logically speaking, this should imply that the next book in the series will expound on that event, but if you've been following either of the author's series lately, you'd know by now that Ms. Hamilton doesn't always seem to write logically.

Overall, I did enjoy the story, much more so than the last Anita Blake novel. It won't take you long to read this (it took me less than two hours), and you won't see a whole lot of progression, but the editing is tighter with this book, and you'll definitely appreciate a dose of the faery world.
Profile Image for Lila.
769 reviews194 followers
February 16, 2022
Finally, we see more of Sholto!

Does Meredith ever sleep? I think not. There is so much happening and one scene can take up to ten chapters.

I have to admit, there are some pretty funny things all characters are prone to say - I especially like Rhys' humour.

But I think Merry needs some rest.

Also, Frost is so emotionally draining, I honestly don't know how can she love him. Like, I get it, him being beautiful and all, but he is so EXHAUSTING.
Profile Image for Peggy O'Connell.
16 reviews3 followers
February 11, 2008
These books are entertaining, plain and simple. You have a barage of colourful men with fascinating eyes, rather not so bad sex scenes and Merry who is quite cool.
But there are some flaws.
These books keep getting smaller and smaller! There's absolutely no reason why Mistral's Kiss and Lick of Frost couldn't have been combined into one book. It's deeply annoying the way the story is being dragged out.
Repetative phrases. How many times does this writer say "masculine" and "masculine laugh." We get it! They are men! Dang.
But, these books are exciting and entertaining with the faery lure and dark sort of magic.
But could we at least have a 300 page book? Or even 350? A little bite of a book isn't enough. You got to have a full meal of a book.
Profile Image for Jenn.
1,878 reviews317 followers
July 5, 2020
To me, this is the equivalent of Micah from the Anita Blake series. It's a novella, not a novel and does nothing to the series except make us try to like a new character. This book is just slightly over 200 pages and half of that is one sex scene with Mistral.

Now don't get me wrong, I don't dislike Mistral. He's a very intriguing character - even though he's kind of an ass. But the fact that he's a Storm Lord is fascinating to me and I want to know more about his powers and past. What I don't need is reading about his obsession with pain during sex and how much he reads as a sexual predator in those scenes.

Also, all the sex scenes read the same now so half the time I don't even bother.

The shining moments in this book actually had nothing to do with Mistral but with Sholto who has been a presence since the first book. His journey is probably the most interesting one as he is already a king in his own right but he's also so tormented by his own past that it makes him second guess his worth with everyone. There's huge development toward the end of this book, but it's almost looked over as Hamilton hardly spends anytime on it - she's more focused on the sex than anything else.
Profile Image for Denisa.
1,313 reviews318 followers
December 27, 2015
3.5 Well, this was a short one.

I don't understand why didn't the author make one book from the last three. I mean, it's the exact same thing! I don't like the idea that she split them just to make more money... Although you shouldn't judge a book my its author.
The book was good, I really enjoyed it, but I still can't seem to be able to rate it with more than 3.5 stars. There are stuff that I still don't like and loose ends that are just not good. And even some relationships that make no sense (and I'm not talking about the sex part). I like the book, I absolutely love the plot, the storyline, the world it creates. I just can't seem to understand the main character. And again, I'm not talking about the sex. I don't see why people hate this series so much because of the erotic angle. Yeah yeah, monogamy is generally preferred, but if you don't like it don't read it. Books are like a TV program: if you don't like it, change the channel.
Anyway, all in all, it's a good book, a pretty nice series, it's worth giving it a try (if you're not too squeamish).
Profile Image for Dianne.
1,721 reviews138 followers
January 31, 2023
Don't think of this as a book that pushes a particular plot forward -think of this as more of a 3 scene sex manual and you can't go wrong. And not a particularly good sex manual - way tooo much talking and negotiating for my taste, although very true to reality from what I understand.

I will admit that I am finding myself agreeing with Queen Andais about one thing -the Sithen is changing into something it may never have meant to be. However, I can now see upon this re-reading that Meridith seems to have more Seelie than Unseelie in her (leaving sex out of it) so these changes ring true then.

Due to this particular book - it will be interesting to see how King Sholto develops.
Profile Image for Tuğba Atıcı Coşar.
Author 4 books163 followers
January 3, 2023
Bir ara içim şişti ama son kısımlar, vahşi av sahneleri falan güzeldi. Seri günden güne uzuyor, bence çoktan toparlanıp finali görmemiz gerekiyordu ama işte, devam ediyorum.
Profile Image for Rebecca.
200 reviews
November 3, 2010
I'm a big fan of Laurell K Hamilton and have read every Merry Gentry book back to back. LKH has managed to build up a detailed and rich world with likeable and intense characters that you actually care for, which I find is essential for any long running series.
Having said that I was a little disappointed to find that Mistrals Kiss is just treading water in story terms. Nothing important really happens to drive the story arc forward. There are no deadly battles, with the climactic scenes feeling a little flat. More like a sideline than the climaxes of the previous novels.
It's an enjoyable enough book, but it ignores a few too many of the key characters, we have grown to love. LKH has perhaps introduced too many people to the series in the last book, reducing the emotional involvement that the reader has with the characters.
Overall, if you miss this one then don't feel too bad, you haven't missed much arc plot, the previous book (and hopefully the next) is more important to the story development. It does seem to have set the scene for a complete change of story next book though.
If you like LKH then don't be put off, it's fairly tyical of her writing style and easy to read. I went through it in a few days so it was obviously good enough to stop me putting it down, but unfortunately in the end it left me a little unsatisfied.
Profile Image for Kelly.
5,229 reviews203 followers
April 6, 2018
Merry's conquests among her Aunt's guards begins to bring more and more of the forgotten magic to life within the sithen but she is still without child. As the clock on her cousin's imprisonment begins to run down, she has to cement her ties to her allies while avoiding the pitfalls of court politics. I liked this book, but I always get caught in the fact that Merry's time with Mistral is so short. While her Aunt allows Merry to take him to her bed she makes it clear that Mistral is her guard and will not be allowed to join Merry's men. It's just sad. To have so much offered with one hand and then snatched away with the other. Still, I like the book as a whole and enjoy the way Merry's relationships with some of the men is evolving into more than lust.

04/04/18 reread: So, that sticky issue with what the police found during the murder investigation from the last book wasn't resolved and I kinda feel like it was a thread that was dropped. Which makes me a little sad, but maybe (??) they pick it up again in later books? I mean, I know Merry has a lot going on and everything, but...
Profile Image for Sena Public.
66 reviews17 followers
September 25, 2007
Yeah, this book isn't what I thought it would be from reading the jacket; basically a parallel worlds/fantasy with clashing/dueling races, it begins with what is basically a six-chapter sex scene. I know it says that she "spends most of her time bedding her immortal sidhe royal guardsmen", but I wasn't expecting it to be so detailed or extensive, or the bulk of the plot! From the summary one would expect to find a fairly interesting storyline, but it just isn't there. What is there is very little that is convincing in the plot or characters; it is evidently part of a series, but there is insufficient lead-in to explain current events, and I was left very confused.
21 reviews
April 13, 2024
After reading the whole thing, still not understanding the lower back tattoo prominently featured on the cover?

If I don’t review these books immediately, they *poof* right out of my brain (hence why I never reviewed #4). So here is a stream of consciousness fresh off book #5…. **(Some of my opinions contain slight spoilers but this series can’t really be spoiled at this point IMO. There is much left to uncover.)**

Can definitely say this one was more action packed than #3! #4, I think I liked? Can’t say for sure- all the books are merging together.
Each book takes place over a short period of time. Lots of continuing characters across books, with a few added faces here and there. The new ✨garden✨ elements are fun to visualize- big fan of those

Now moving on to personal opinions of the men that seem to be her front runners (there are so many men)—

-Gosh I am bored with Doyle!! I’m sorry! I don’t know why. I didn’t start out feeling this way. I liked him as a top contender the first few books! …but now I am just like okay I get it he’s a powerful guy and is devoted to ~the cause~ and ~doing the right thing~ and ~protecting merry at all costs~
This book alludes to him being merry’s fav and #1 Love above all the rest..but let’s face it, the woman is fickle, so who knows. And who could blame her! So many choices!
So far, they’re acting like it doesn’t matter who merry loves anyways- just matters who gets her pregnant?…but ive been wondering- if she’s having sex with essentially all of them on quick rotation, how are they gonna know who’s the daddy?? By what powers the child has? On looks alone?? Fascinating. TBD I suppose

Frost- not as moody or whiney in this book, but likely bc he did not get much airtime. Book #6 is titled after him, so I assume he’ll be getting his moment in the sun (or snow?)

Rhys- he just seems like a fun time! He and merry aren’t really a love match to me (sexual match sure sure yes yes) but my dream is that they are just the best of friends forever, living life together with homes right next door to each other and a shared backyard. Maybe a little treehouse back there that they have friend dates in every week and just gab
-I’d like to see him as the godfather to (hopefully) her future child
-He’s more lighthearted than most of the others but still complex as a character so I enjoy his presence to mix it up a bit

Galen- Merry treats him with kid-gloves almost? The way he is described with his green hue is honestly very cool but otherwise I just feel he is sweet and the fact that he will likely not get the girl makes me sad for him. He deserves a wholesome little earthy witch or something

There are literally boatloads of other male-like creatures vying to be her baby’s father and I have thoughts about each one but I won’t list them all bc wow this is a lot already

🗣️🗣️I LOVE SHOLTO🗣️🗣️ I’m not taking questions regarding this topic at this time but I will continue to shout it from the treetops
-if he betrays her or gets annoying or if he and merry aren’t madly in love+with child at the end of this long ass series I’m gonna be mad
Profile Image for Il confine dei libri.
4,642 reviews151 followers
March 16, 2019

Buonasera, lettrici! Eccomi con “Il bacio della tempesta”, quinto romanzo della serie “Merry Gentry” di Laurell K. Hamilton, edito Nord.
La corsa per il trono della corte Unseelie continua. Suo cugino Cel ha ancora poco tempo di prigionia prima che torni ad essere una minaccia costante per Merry, ma lei ancora non è rimasta incinta. Molte delle guardie di sua zia, la Regina Andais, hanno deciso di schierarsi con Meredith, anche solo per poter essere un suo amante e restare lontano dalle torture della tenebrosa regina. Uno dei suoi nuovi amanti è Mistral, capo delle guardie di Andais, ma la loro relazione non è accettata dalla regina. Anche se tra i due si è risvegliata un’antica magia capace di far rivivere i Giardini Morti, Mistral sarà costretto a tornare da lei. Quali saranno le conseguenze per la nostra protagonista? E quale ruolo avrà la Dea in questo romanzo?
Eravamo rimasti a Merry insieme ai suoi corvi nella stanze della Regina Andais, dopo aver scoperto il colpevole degli omicidi e chi aveva lanciato l’incantesimo per ferire dal sangue umano. La Dea non ha ancora finito con Meredith, ci sono molte cose che la nostra protagonista deve ancora fare, tra cui riportare la magia nei regni sithen. Ed è ancora in sogno che le verrà mostrato come, con un nuovo artefatto da tempo perduto. Ad aiutarla, ovviamente, ci saranno i suoi corvi.
“Il potere è la bevanda più intossicante di tutte.”
Questo romanzo, rispetto ai precedenti, è molto più breve e tutto si svolge in un paio d’ore, ma ogni scena è descritta nei minimi dettagli. Per quanto siano pochi gli eventi che accadono, sono molto importanti e ci preparano per ciò che accadrà nei prossimi libri, tra cui la relazione tra Merry e Re Sholto. Meredith continua a dover fare decisioni importanti e difficili, cercando sempre di trovare una via alternativa. Il suo gran cuore e la sua umanità molte volte la mettono in pericolo e anche in questo romanzo rischierà molto. Il finale vi farà adorare questo romanzo, in quanto ci saranno delle grosse rivelazioni. Oltre a scene di azione e alcuni misteri risolti, ci saranno diverse scene di sesso (come in ogni romanzo della serie), ma non saranno fastidiose, soprattutto in quanto saranno fondamentali per la nostra protagonista. Per sapere altro dovete solo leggere.
Con questo direi che vi saluto e ci vediamo in “Un soffio di gelo”, buona lettura!
A presto.
Profile Image for Kathy Davie.
4,828 reviews721 followers
February 1, 2024
Fifth in the Meredith Gentry erotic urban fantasy series revolving around a very magically fertile faerie princess. Based in Illinois.

My Take
For as vicious as Mistral can be, you can’t help but cry with him. The queen is such a nightmare. She claims to be so willing to give up to help her Court live again, and yet she can’t actually change her methods of doing business.

The sithen does have a mind of its own as the magic takes so many of Merry’s men even as it responds to Merry’s desires. Now if only she’d be more specific about those desires, especially when one particular request for aid leads to greater danger.

It’s fascinating, the reasoning Hamilton uses to explain gods and goddesses, the fae, why they’ve lost their powers and why they’re coming back. It’s so believable. The history of the many courts of Faerie. The two hearts of the Unseelie Court. The two sides of the death deities. It all coincides with what Merry believes, with what she is bringing back to the fae.

Less fascinating, horrifying in fact, is the queen craving a boost in her own powers (god forbid) through sex with Meredith. 

What irritates me...that Hamilton can’t be bothered to create a different primary character from Anita Blake. The same approach to oral sex. The same love of biting. Hmmm, maybe they're twins who got separated??

The Story
Merry and her men are creating havoc in the sithen what with power levels amping up, sidhe becoming more sidhe, the Wild Hunt's reappearance, and the Queen's change of heart.

It's Merry's time with Abeleoc and Mistral brings the gardens of the sithen back online, but it takes a toll in those whom it swallows up, pierces, or takes within their elements of tree and air.

For the sithen makes Merry's wishes come true, even when Merry and her men want to leave the garden, to save Nerys' people, and her words take them on what Merry initially believes is the wrong path. Certainly her men are unhappy with their invasion of Sholto's kingdom.

As are Sholto's people. In their paranoia, they see it as a combined plot to destroy the sluagh and they react with fear. And yet when Sholto has the opportunity to bring life back to his people, he questions what the Consort wants.

The Characters
Princess Meredith “Merry Gentry” NicEssus, descendant of five fertility deities, Princess of Flesh and Blood, is looking more likely to be heir to the throne of the Unseelie Court. A fae princess considered a mongrel by those who don’t know her; a goddess by those who love her.

The men who end up with Merry in Sholto's kingdom include:
Doyle, the Darkness, the queen’s chief assassin was once known as Nodens, the god of healing, a man others naturally look to for leadership; Frost is the Killing Frost, once little Jack Frost, an element of nature given form by belief; and, Abeloec, now a drunken addict who fears to trust, was once a god who chose kings and queens, made goddesses.

Left behind are Rhys who has regained his powers as Cromm Cruach, the Lord of Death; Kitto, the snake goblin who is part of Merry’s alliance with Kurag, was over a thousand years old when Christ died on the cross; Adair; Usna; Ivi; Brii; Mistral, once again a storm god but still the captain of the Queen’s Ravens, turns out to like pain a little too much sometimes; Onilwyn, a tree lord who hates Merry with all the arrogance of a sidhe, but will do anything to end his millenia-long sexual drought; Crystall; and, Arzhel.

Some are taken and include Galen, who has come into his power—part of it manifests as growing something from nothing—is targeted by Cel and his people. Nicca has sprouted real wings from those tattooed onto his back, and the ring has found him his love, Biddy, one of Cel's guards, with a promise of a child. Amatheon is gone, sacrificed to the land in Merry’s vision so that the land will be fertile again; Hawthorne; and, Aisling was recognized by the Seelie sithen as king, but Taranis forced him out, at least the garden wants him.

Queen Andais skirts the edge of being forsworn, good thing as she doesn’t like to receive pain, only to give it. She has recently learned that she is infertile. Ezekiel is her human torturer.

Sholto, half-sidhe and half-nightflyer, is King of the sluagh, Lord of That Which Passes Between (and a whiz with taxis!)—the queen calls him her Perverse Creature—was and is so desperate to lie with another sidhe that he opens himself to tremendous pain. Black Agnes is Sholto’s chief bodygyuard and lover while Segna the Gold is a sister night-hag and lover and both murderous toward Merry. Ivar and Fyfe are Sholto’s uncles and goblin-nightflyers.

Lady Clarisse is the Seelie noble who entices Sholto.

Ash and Holly are reluctant to aid Merry until she forces them to it; Jonty still hears the Goddess and God and commands his Redcaps. It’s what they mean when they say she calls their blood that has me worried.

Special Agents Bancroft and Charles are with the FBI.

The Goddess as crone with her wisdom, a lifetime of knowledge. The Consort is her other half. The horn comes in a dream.

The Cover
The cover is in shades of red from the stormy red sky of the background to the tinged flesh of Merry’s back with its lightning bolt tattoo to the deep red, cropped leather bustier laced up her back to the red letters in the author’s name.

The title is the sweet trap that the magic of faerie used, Mistral’s Kiss, his wind, his rain, to bring the sidhe and the gardens of the sithen back to life.
Profile Image for Emma.
1,105 reviews96 followers
September 13, 2020
It's embarrassing but I really liked this one! Maybe that was fueled by having read it entirely between 2 and 5am on various insomniac mornings but I think there is some actual character development in this installment of the Merry Gentry series.

Merry starts to make sense of her feelings for her guards, she embraces her powers at the end of the book, and we're left with a bit of a cliffhanger mystery with regard to the red caps which I'm always very interested in to begin with. Mistral's Kiss checked all the boxes for me, as far as smut goes.

More Sholto and less Mistral, please. I really do not like him. He's a creeper.
Profile Image for Desiree M ~*~*~ LiveReadCollect.
1,292 reviews48 followers
December 21, 2013
Review so far on 5/28/2012

Not done yet but I have to start this review before I forget some things.

First off, I'm a little irriated at the font size. I actually don't mind larger font sizes, it's easier on the eyes, however my reason for disliking this books use of font size is that it tricks, for lack of better word, the buyer that this is a full-length 300+ page novel and should be the price of an actual full-length novel. If the font wasn't made larger than normal this book would have probably come in at around 200 pages and fit better in an anthology of some kind or sold as a novella for a couple less dollars. Don't know if the larger font size was LKH's decision or the publishers, personally it doesn't matter to me, it just irritates me and if I hadn't already stopped buying LKH novels this would be a reason to stop and get future installments from the library.

Secondly, I skipped most of the first chapter. Once I realized Merry was dreaming I tuned out and didn't care. I know there was something about a white boar/bull/whatever animal and I think she stabbed it and killed it. Again this is all in a dream.

At about 7 chapters in I'm bored. It's not a good thing when I'm yawning through the sex scenes and looking to see when I'll actually get a little bit of plot. The one thing I did enjoy a bit of in these first 7 chapters is Merry and the Queen's banter, but don't get excited it's only for a few pages. Also when the Queen talks to Mistral was interesting, but when the main character is only having sex and not doing much else I tend to tune out. I'm not a prude, I love reading sex scenes, sometimes the sex scenes are the best part of the book. However if the plot's not holding my interest then those sex scenes better be off the chart hot, because if I'm not enjoying something in the novel it feels like a waste of time.

Now if the plot was decent and the sexy time was lacking, that's ok, there are a few authors that I read who's strength is not writing sex but the plot is good so I can brush that aside. There are other authors I read that I know it's unlikely I'll get a decent plot but the sex is amazing. Then of course there are those authors who are amazing at both. Unfortunately LKH doesn't fall into any of those categories for me. There's little or no plot and the sex scenes aren't hot, good, or entertaining and that's happening more and more with LKH.

One thing that really bothered me was during Abe's turn with Merry, Mistral was told that Merry could and did like some pain with her pleasure. Yet neither Mistral nor Merry set up a safe word or action that would get him stop before Mistral jumped right in with a painful jaw aching kiss that almost shut off Merry's air supply. Stupid. If that's what some of the characters are into, great, but set up a safe word/action/dance/whatever so no one gets seriously injured or dead.

Rest of review 5/29/2012

Ok, I have now finished the "novel" and I'm left with the feeling of what was the point of this one?

I've enjoyed the previous 4 novels in this series, however with this one it seemed the whole point was for Merry to have sex with 3 people that she hasn't had sex with yet. Not only that the character that I thought had died earlier in the book, hasn't. He walked out of some place alive and well, I have no idea how that happened, but I wished he and some of the others that I don't remember had stayed gone. The only guys I want to stick around are Doyle, Frost, and Barinthus. Honestly the others I couldn't care less about.

This series, it seems, is being dragged out just like LKH's other series Anita Blake. Except with this series it's even more obvious because the major story arc is getting Merry pregnant, books 1-3 should be Merry's boink fest to pregnancy and then have 1-3 books after that be about Merry dealing with her pregnancy, being in a relationship with the father of her baby, and her enemies trying to kill her before the baby is born. With the end of the last book being her giving birth. This series shouldn't (in my mind) be more than six books but I see there are eight or nine books so far and if all of them are as devoid of plot as this one was I don't see me sticking with this series much longer.

I will probably give A Lick of Frost a try but I don't know if I will continue after that if I even get to A Lick of Frost since it took me a few years to even get to Mistral's Kiss.
Profile Image for Anna.
1,920 reviews889 followers
December 4, 2017
To set the scene, I read this installment of nonsensical fairy quasi-pornography whilst in the background my Nana watched snooker on the TV. I found that stolid commentary on the perambulations of balls around a green table really added to the Merry Gentry experience. I ran through 'Mistral's Kiss' quickly, because I wanted to get it over with. A friend who I won't name and shame warned me that it was by no means one of the better installments in the series, and they were correct. I believe this was because Mistral was a main character and he is such a jerk. As before, I found myself sympathising with Queen Andais - aside from the seemingly obligatory one creepy incest moment and her insistence upon torture as a solution to all problems. Mistral is her Captain of Guards and, given his fondness for getting rough with women during sex without prior consent, I can see why she forced him to be celibate. At the outset of the book, she turns up while Mistral is banging Merry and asks him, not unreasonably, what the heck is going on. Rather than admitting the obvious (magical booty call), he prevaricates by claiming he wanted to ask advice from Doyle. A weak excuse, since he charged into the room and immediately started frenching the princess, without so much as saying Hi to anyone.

Andais has to put up with a lot of bullshit, really. She is definitely the most plain-speaking character, which endears her to me. On page 49 she asks Merry, "You think you can fuck the gardens back to life?" Doyle replies in the affirmative and (spoilers) that is literally what happens for the next 250 pages. It must be tiring having a son who is deranged enough to be a danger to everyone and everything, as well as niece who unleashes random, disruptive, and powerful magic every time she orgasms, which is constantly. Since the lands of faerie have no apparent rule of law, she is constantly having to negotiate treaties, alliances, and agreements for every little thing - whilst Merry does the same without informing her of it. (I'm surprised by the lack of faerie contract lawyers, actually, as there is clearly a need for them.) To cap it all, Merry's magic is redecorating her entire underground palace without prior consultation. As Andais complains, "There is a field of flowers in my torture chamber." That's just uncalled for. At least she has the comfort of owning a sword called Mortal Dread, surely the most badass of weapon names, and a wardrobe of black ballgowns to match.

Perhaps it is the fact that the narrative really wants you to sympathise with Merry rather than Andais that makes me determined to like her despite her hyperbolic sadism. After all, Merry does some incredibly violent things too, but as the books are from her point of view, we know that she feels bad about bleeding people to death. With regard to Merry's plot arc in this book, I think the salient point is that she doesn't put on any garment whatsoever until page 270. Prior to that, she is clothed only in blood (mostly not her own), lake water, rain, and (presumably) other bodily fluids. There are many discussions about magical sex and several sex scenes in which she mainly seems to be trying to avoid being hurt, which is pretty grim. As with previous installments, the pacing is incredibly inconsistent. Things only really started happening three quarters of the way through, after (spoiler) Merry apparently shagged all the sanity out of Sholto, with terrible consequences.

Although the last quarter was thus pretty good, I enjoyed this installment less than the previous ones due to dislike of Mistral, sympathy for the villainness, and the absence of levity. The Merry Gentry novels work best when they acknowledge their own absurdities. This one contained a single solitary joke, two pages before the end. 'Mistral's Kiss' could have done with more light-heartedness, much less Mistral, and more Frost & Doyle interaction. Moreover, Merry deserves some R&R (her hair must really need washing by now) and it would be nice if she got to talk to her harem more. Calling out Rhys on his passive-aggressiveness is especially overdue as a conversation topic.
May 28, 2011
All my reviews for the books of this series are starting to sound like a broken record! But I have to keep saying that there is sooo much going on in these books and soooo many interesting things....I just can't get enough!

In this book, Meredith is still at the Unseelie Court and they {hopefully} have the crimes solved from the last book but the sithen is calling to Meredith. She has the Goddess working through her to bring it back to life ~ through things she does and yes, through having sex with different guards and bringing their powers back. Once their powers are back, usually they intertwine with Meredith's and cause something amazing or crazy to happen. There's just no way to predict what is going to happen. LKH has definitely outdone herself developing this world and all the characters.

Meredith's guards are still being understanding ~ for the most part. I do like seeing that there are a few special ones although it will be hard to see some of them let go...unless it works out the way it did for Nicca. Unfortunately, they are a few others that are coming to the forefront and I don't really see this ending. Thank goodness I have a few more books to read!
Profile Image for Jennifer.
939 reviews85 followers
September 21, 2015
The Good: Lots of sexy times, a little more hardcore than we've seen before in the series. Variety is good in a series with this much mating going on. Significant increases in power move the story along and give the reader some interesting possibilities for the future. Merry remains awesome, as she masters diplomatic issues and the hardness that is necessary in the world of faerie.

The Bad: Mistral's Kiss is significantly shorter than the earlier books in this series. Normally, not a huge deal - but here it's extremely noticeable in the lack of single book mystery. The entire book pushes forward the series but lacks anything that would make it stand out in the series as important on its own.
Profile Image for Jackie.
1 review
December 11, 2009
I couldn't really find a plot to this book at all. Having not read any of the other books in this series, I was at a complete loss to work out what the whole idea of the book was. If it wasn't for the description on the back of the book I would have no idea that Meredith was trying to get pregnant, and was willing to have sex with pretty much anyone to achieve it. The whole story seemed to concern having sex in one place, then going to another place and having sex with some other guy, then having sex somewhere else with yet another guy. It also lacked the 'happy ever after' which is standard for pretty much all romance novels. Overall, a very underwhelming 'story'.
Profile Image for Claire.
78 reviews1 follower
January 17, 2008
Totally, entirely, and utterly lame book. I don't think more than a single page was concerned with anything other than meaningless sex. I read it in literally 15 minutes. I'm getting tired of Laurell K Hamilton and I think (other than rereading her older books that aren't trashy wannabe erotica) I'm done. Total yawner.
Profile Image for JoAnn.
772 reviews28 followers
December 24, 2017
Although this one was shorter than the others I still enjoyed it, well most of it. The first half was boring for me. I’m pretty sure the first 30% was just one entire sex scene with some other action in between. I am all for sex, in all shapes and forms and read some trashy smut, hell I worked in an adult boutique for 6 years... but damn 30% really??? I was so bored... and sex should not be boring.

Now the last 50% of the book was all action, fast paced and bloody, it was brilliant, I loved it. I’m so addicted to what the outcome is going to be for this series that I’m off to the next one. My poor bank account....
Profile Image for Danielle (Danniegurl).
1,904 reviews101 followers
May 8, 2017
Short. Very short. With the title being about Mistral I expected him to have a more important part or to find out he might be king to her queen. Or if she was pregnant. But this book didn't have much going on in terms of plot. I can't really say exactly what this book was really supposed to be about except sex. This one is pretty much smut.
Profile Image for Sara Hall.
14 reviews2 followers
April 3, 2024
I can’t act like it isn’t getting old. The first 101 pages were almost exclusively one long s€x scene and honestly, it takes away from the really good storyline at this point. I want more storyline and less multiple-chapter s€x scenes. That being said, I still love the storyline so I’ll keep it going.
Profile Image for Stephanie.
113 reviews14 followers
July 2, 2017
This was a bit slow to start..I was getting worried that this series was fading to be honest but this one brought it back for me. From the mid point on I was hooked again like I was with the first couple novels. Looking forward to what comes next!!
Profile Image for Ashton.
261 reviews
January 13, 2018
Not going to get a big review from me....still holding out hope but still losing it fast.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 614 reviews

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