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The Border Lord

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Ordered to marry, Laird Lachlan Kerr thought a betrothal to homely, timid Lady Grace Stanton was hardly worth the trouble of protest. Yet, despite everything, he found there was something about her that was ... brave. All his life he had been surrounded by betrayal, and this woman, who believed there was still goodness in him, was special indeed.

Grace knew that the safety of her home depended on her betrothal --- signed, sealed and delivered! Lachlan's strength and unexpected care of her were dangerously appealing. She could fall for this man with secrets in his eyes ...

281 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2008

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About the author

Sophia James

178 books127 followers
Georgette Heyer novels formed Sophia James' reading tastes as a teenager, but her writing life only started when she was given a pile of Mills & Boons to read after she had had her wisdom teeth extracted! Filled with strong painkillers, she imagined that she could pen one, too. Many drafts later, Sophia thinks she has the perfect job writing for Harlequin Historical, as well as taking art tours to Europe with her husband, who is a painter.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 70 reviews
Profile Image for  Danielle The Book Huntress .
2,696 reviews6,440 followers
August 23, 2009
I couldn't stay away from this book any longer. It sat on my bed, calling my name, and I dived in. This is a good book for those who like the English-Scottish conflict romances. It's got a healthy dose of the politics of that situation, but not so much that it's boring. The focus stays on the growing romance between Grace and Lachlan. Their relationship doesn't start out ideal, either.

First of all, Grace has a skin condition (I think it was probably eczema), that she was self-conscious about. She also stutters, has really bright red hair, and limps. She's 26 yrs old, and firmly on the shelf. A big fan of Plain Jane stories, I was wondering where things would lead as I read this story. Would this be a 'makeover' story or the kind of plain jane tales I prefer where the hero sees the heroine as she is and loves her for the person she is. Luckily this fell into the second category. Grace's lack of looks wasn't really an issue for Lachlan. His issue was his weariness at all the fighting and intrigues, his distrust for his bride who may or may not have been his deceased brother's lover and murder. He is attracted to her voluptuous curves, her brown eyes, and her bright shiny hair. He also finds himself attracted to the courage she shows, despite the fear that she has.

Lachlan is one of those hard heroes that you have to warm up to. He fully intends to keep his mistress, although he will take full advantage of having a comely wife to get with child many times over. There is an almost adultery scene, but I was gratified that he couldn't do it in the end, because all he could think about was how it felt to be with his wife instead. Yay! But I was pretty annoyed when he was allowing his mistress to fondle him at the table with his wife. Grace was a cool customer about it. I probably would have brained him with a tankard. But all ended up well with that situation. Lachlan soon comes to realize that he doesn't want any other woman but his wife.

Grace is considered an outsider initially, but she slowly wins over her husband's people, first by saving a boy from a severe burning, and then by saving the son of a neighboring clan, who could be an enemy of the Kerr clan. However, there is sabotage trying to make it seem like Grace is trying to bring down the clan. I liked that Grace remained steadfast and true to herself the whole time. She didn't jump off the handle or do anything stupid. She showed the maturity of a woman of her age, and trusted that her integrity would shine through.

This book might not be to the taste of those romance readers who don't like a lot of history and politics in their romance. But I felt it was well intregrated into the story. Lachlan is in a dicey situation. He has loyalties to some of the English rulers but also the Scottish rulers. This book is set during the time when King David has returned, but also there is Robert the Bruce with his agendas, and some of the Scottish leaders want Scotland to be free of English rule, and some want Scotland under England. And right in the middle is Lachlan. He had been fighting his whole life according to pre-decided loyalties because of his French grandmother and his Scottish father who turned into a womanizing drunkard. Plus his brother wasn't the best man either, being a womanizer himself, and also very self-serving, going off and making political alliances he shouldn't have. All Lochlan wants is a home and a family. Although he is not happy at the edict from King David to marry Grace, she turns out to be the key to having the home he always longed for.

At times I was frustrated at Lochlan's lack of faith in Grace, in the face of clear evidence that she had proven her loyalty. I tried to tell myself that it was reasonable for a man who had buried a faithless wife and was cuckolded by his brother, and who spent most of his life involved in court intrigues, to be distrustful. Thankfully, Grace shows her solidarity to Lochlan and her new home not by going through any changes, but by being herself and being steadfast in her loyalties to the husband she quickly falls in love with.

This was a beautiful story, and the writing is fairly artistic in some passages. I think that Ms. James really poured her heart into writing a story that would touch the reader and give them entertainment that engaged the mind and the senses. Highly recommended for fans of Scottish-English conflict romances, arranged marriage, and plain jane themes in romance.
Profile Image for Preeti ♥︎ Her Bookshelves.
1,374 reviews19 followers
October 23, 2017
Started strong but petered down to an average moc-mu-second-chances fare.

I liked the idea of a plain h with a skin condition (novel that, probably eczema), with a limp (at times) and chancy vision (?migraine). But then the author forgot all that and the skin got soft and 'translucent' and the hunky H couldn't get enough of her, leaving the buxom live-in mistress fuming and plotting. Add some half-baked conspiracies and rescue mission/kickass moves by the formerly frumpy h and we have an eyeroll inducing second half.
Profile Image for Feminista.
850 reviews1 follower
September 28, 2012
If you like the idea of a virgin wife and a man who has unlimited experience, then this is the book for you. I can't impress just how sick I am of this repetitive theme. And trust me, I read the reviews before reading this book and no one (whose reviews I follow) mentioned her being inexperienced, his infidelity, his flaunting of his mistress in front of her or the parade of women whom he had bedded before her.

And then I realised that this is a Harlequin Romance. Enough said. My number one priority will be to check the publisher from now.
Profile Image for NorthernLightsGirl.
83 reviews32 followers
June 6, 2009
This turned out to be quite a story. I really enjoyed it even though it did have a small part of a story line I did not favor. The mistress angle.

Profile Image for SheLove2Read.
2,964 reviews193 followers
June 25, 2009
Very good read. The only problem I had with this is that in the beginning, Lachlan had a mistress.
Profile Image for Jena .
2,313 reviews2 followers
Shelved as 'avoid'
June 21, 2022
Self note avoid

the h is described as “ timid, homely, plain.”
Profile Image for Gerrie.
877 reviews
August 31, 2016
The author really did emphasize the historical in this historical romance. The historical time period is an interesting one. Scotland is now under the rule of King David, son of Robert Bruce. David has been a prisoner of the English for 12 years, and is now back on the Scottish throne. However, he is engaged in negotiations for a member of the English royal family to take over the Scottish throne. This was probably political maneuvering to keep England from taking advantage of its weakened neighbor while David figured out what to do next. Further, Scotland was divided into several political factions, also contributing to its instability.

The hero, Lachlan, is a close ally of David. The heroine, Grace, comes from a powerful English family. The kings of England and Scotland decree their marriage for political purposes. Lachlan is strikingly handsome. Grace has a limp and a bad skin condition. While she is immediately struck by his beauty, at first he just sees her as a political alliance.

I love an historical romance where the history is as much a character as the lovers, and is skillfully woven into the story. But the romance has to work as well, and it did not do so here.

Lachlan has a mistress. She was his mistress prior to his marriage. When he takes Grace home to his castle, his mistress is ensconced there. He flaunts his relationship with his mistress before Grace, and even has the mistress sit at the head table at meals with him and Grace. Further, the members of Lachlan's clan are hostile to Grace, and he does nothing to smooth the way for her.

All of this could have been promising, but never delivers. Lachlan starts to feel lust for Grace, and beds her whenever he can. But he's also apparently still with his mistress as well. At some point he also begins to fall in love with Grace, but it wasn't believable to me. It felt forced.

Finally, Lachlan, despite his apparent developing feelings for Grace, never severs with his mistress. Their relationship ends for other reasons, and not at his instigation. He never apologizes to Grace for his behavior to her, and never, ever, atones in any way for the humiliation he caused her.

Maybe men in the 14th Century never explained their behavior or mistresses to their wives. That may be historically accurate. But it's completely unsatisfying in an historical romance. And undermines and negates the romance aspect.

I give the book 4 stars for history, 2 stars for romance (which is probably generous). So 3 stars is what it ends up with.
Profile Image for Meg Kinch.
174 reviews
November 9, 2011
Overall and in the end the book was good. However, I didn't care for the fact that the hero had a mistress for a good while. I don't like the fact that he basically shamed the heroine in front of his entire clan when they were back at his castle by embracing and heartily kissing his mistress. There were many parts of the book to me that felt disjointed and just thrown together. A couple of times I had to go back and ascertain what exactly was going on as the top changed rather drastically without the benefit a break or a space or anything to indicate a change. It could be rather confusing at times and while I did end up thinking that the book was good, there were many instances where there was great room for improvement.
Profile Image for Suz.
2,289 reviews73 followers
December 17, 2012
This was a surprising read. It was another one that sneaked up on me while I was adding it to my database and I got caught up in and had to finish.

It was also another one that the hero was hard to warm up to but not so much that I couldn't appreciate his inevitable redemption.

The heroine was plucky and insecure and had an inner strength that eclipses most of the heroines in this genre.

FYI - this book was originally called Knight of Grace so if you're looking to complete your collection don't work too hard looking for the older version if you have this newer one.

Profile Image for Deyanira C..
240 reviews4 followers
October 1, 2023
2.5 Estrellas.

No es un mal libro pero tampoco es bueno, cuando lo inicie me gustó tanto que no puedo creer que le esté santo tan baja calificación pero se verdad no puedo dar más, y aunque respeto su trabajo no me quedaron ganas de leer nada más de esta autora.

La historia se desarrolla en el siglo XI y trata de Grace, una joven Inglesa soltera de buena familia con una gran herencia pero que a sus 26 años ya es considerada mayor para casarse una solterona, que es considerada fea y sin ninguna cosa buena, por eso se burlan de ella en la corte y hasta hacen chistes sobre ella, es tartamuda, con un problema en la piel, cicatrices por quemaduras, coja, y nada bonita.
Ella por un arreglo político se casa con Kierr un Lord escoceses que es ma frío que el hielo, es guapo, rico, valiente, pero no quiere enamorarse, como su primera esposa lo traicióno no cree en la familia, y solo acepto la boda por el dinero de Grace y por qué quiere un heredero, pero desde luego que no le gusta Grace de hecho el tiene una amante que vive en su castillo con la que se besa y duerme, sin siquiera disimularlo frente a su esposa Grace, pero resulta que con la convivencia el descubre que Grace también es valiente, compasiva, educada, recatada y madura, ella acepta que el no la amara y se resigna a ser solo una esposa accesorio, trata de hacer lo mejor de la situación. El matrimonio se consuma de inmediato lo que hace que la pareja conecte pero por muchas otras cosas desconfían, por lo menos él, además no acepta sus sentimientos y no es bueno con ella, pasan muchas cosas políticas y situaciones que provocan que se acerquen y se alejen, y pues como es obvio terminan enamorados, y ella embarazada.....
La idea es más que buena, y los primeros capítulos enserio me atraparon pero llegando a la mitad todo fue en picada y en general no funciono para mi.

Me encantó que la protagonista tuviera defectos, y que el protagonista se enamorara de ella por su personalidad, el problema es que el amor no es creíble el pasa de ser indiferente a estar loco por ella, sin razón, conviven poco, hablan casi nada, y tampoco se entiende la atracción sexual tal vez por qué las escenas están escritas de forma plana, todas son iguales y quedan a medias, así que al final el principal elemento, el romance, no está bien hecho y no solo no se siente real sino que no tiene pies ni cabeza está totalmente forzado, es aburrido y vacío. El nunca la defiende y aunque mil veces nos dice que le gusta no se entiende que le gusta dice que su valentía , pero ella se muestra cobarde todo el libro.

Me gustó que el tuviera una amante, porque es de lo más realista para la época y la circunstancias, el era un hombre rico y atractivo de 33 años, lo más normal es que tuviera una amante hermosa, aunque a muchos otros no les guste a mi si por qué le da realismo y le da sabor, pero no está bien hecho, la amante sale sin más ni menos, ni la corre el prota ni su esposa ni se va por qué sabe que ya no la aman o algún giro dramático NO!!! Solo se va por qué la abuela del prota que solo sale como en 2 escenas la corre y el prota es como ah bueno adiós, Aburrido!!!!! nunca se ve que el protagonista prefiere a su esposa sobre ella, salvó una escena en la que ni siquiera está claro si el se acuesta o no con ella, tampoco se muestra la rivalidad entre las mujeres ni nada así que esto tampoco funcionó.

Que ella tuviera secretos era interesante pero que los mantuviera durante toda la novela fue exasperante y no de buena manera, me estreso que ella aunque lo amaba no podía ser sincera con nada, guardaba secretos tan tontos que no podía creer que los mantuvieran hasta el final.

Los enredos políticos, y familiares son tontos y ni siquiera tienen sentidos, no voy a exponerlo aquí pero más de una vez los problemas no solo son simples y estúpidos sino que cuando se resuelven queda claro que no tenían la más mínima congruencia, además en algún punto se enredan tanto las cosas que esto se volvió aburrido y pesado.

La rivalidad Escocia Inglaterra, no se explica bien y al final no influye en nada en la historia no ahí lealtades encontradas ni nada, así que el tema del Lord escocés que cuida las fronteras ni siquiera está presente en la historia

Bueno como dije la idea era buena pero la historia se desarrolló de forma muy mala, y la escritura tampoco ayuda, casi todas las escenas se quedan a medias y salta a dos o tres días después (sin marcar bien la separación) , lo que realmente llego a ser molesto, además a veces quiere ser tan poética que no se entiende bien lo que pasó. Y la historia se cuenta pero no se muestra, los personajes apenas hablan.
Profile Image for ☽ Rhiannon ✭ Mistwalker ☾.
1,088 reviews38 followers
April 4, 2019
Well, the set-up was stellar. Skittish (hovered on the "traumatized" shelf for a minute there), insecure, plain heroine with a limp is forced to marry by the king's decree to a handsome hero who, frankly, is a total asshole to her. He suspects she played a role in his brother's murder; she alludes to martyring herself to protect her family. I was wringing my hands in glee and anticipation of some sweet angst and groveling. Instead, I ended up with a protracted court intrigue and a suddenly brazen heroine with a magical vag. This is terrible messaging to give women! Listen up ladies: if a dude is mean to you, gropes his mistress in front of you, tells you point-blank that he does not give a single shit about you, there is NO amount of boning him that is going to somehow "win" his heart. Stop hoping he will change, collect your self-respect, and leave his ass.

Anyways, I would have forgiven that terrible messaging had it let to my aforementioned angst-and-grovel-fest, but the second half of the book kinda lost me and I found myself skimming. I didn't buy the heroine's character "arc" (sudden, drastic personality change), nor the hero coming to love her. And, But overall, there was a lot of elements that I like in my historical romance, so I'll give it a good rating in the end. (3.5 stars)
Profile Image for Kelly_Instalove.
510 reviews110 followers
May 13, 2013
Grade: B

They did not speak afterwards, each locked in a silence that was their own, a thin and tenuous bond against the secrets that would divide them.

The happy couple....

Lady Grace Stanton is a political prize, but she’s less than a beauty. Lachlan Kerr is the reluctant laird of a neighboring clan.

The set-up....

Arriving a week late for the ceremony, Lachlan takes his late brother’s place as groom within an hour of meeting his plain, stammering bride.

The conflicts....

Lachlan is still bitter and deeply distrustful over the betrayals of his late wife and his late brother, and his pride flares against Grace’s unexpected stubbornness, outspokenness and sense of honor. Meanwhile, he ignores the machinations of his jealous ex-mistress, who turns the clan against the new lady of the manor by blaming Grace for every illness, injury and accident. Also, the dead brother might not be dead.

The romance....

They’re great together in the bedroom, but out in the cold, hard keep, it’s a slow buildup from resentment to grudging respect to fierce loyalty to love.

NOTE: There is a brief bit of infidelity, but nothing comes of it (heh).

The recommendation....

It’s a bit heavy with the political and family intrigue, but it’s satisfying to watch Grace become a strong and vibrant heroine.
Profile Image for Claudia.
2,862 reviews106 followers
January 20, 2015
4,5 stars and definitely a keeper.

this was my first book by Sophia James and I don't think it will be my last. Mrs. James has her own way of writing and it took me a bit to get used to it, but it is beautiful in its own way.

to keep the peace, Grace is forced to marry Lachlan Kerr - the brother of the one man, who is rumored to be murdered by her family.

Neither Grace nor Lachlan are very open with the truth, which results in a lot of mistrust and wrong accusations. nevertheless a relationship is developing and because of the slow going of these feelings, they are wonderfully authentic. there is a lot of hurt at the beginning and to be honest, it is a bit dark.

Grace is a great heroine. she is neither the perfect beauty nor is she easy and out-going or well-loved by her new clan. but she is very brave and battles through.

Lachlan had never anyone he could really trust and as he begins to trust Grace, he is always reminded that neither she nor he are telling the truth. I understand where his feelings are coming from and although I don't like the idea of a mistress, it turns out ok.

there is quite a bit of intrigue, politics and English-Scottish conflict in it. the plot was well done and the end was a bit of a surprise

all in all this book was a very good read and I really enjoyed from the beginning till the end.
Profile Image for Mo.
1,746 reviews176 followers
June 10, 2014
For a time back in the 80’s & 90’s, my reading material of choice was frequently bodice rippers, historical fiction, and regency romances with a few contemporary best sellers thrown in for good measure. Most of them were pretty steamy (blush) &/or overly romantic, but I read them during a time in my life when I found myself as a single parent, and these books fit the bill. I found them to be highly entertaining.

I recently donated a slew of them, but I wanted to catalog them all the same. So if there is no rating here from me, it means that I don’t remember anything about the book other than I obviously read it. If there is a rating, it must have been in some way memorable for me.

I only wish that GoodReads had been around years ago so that I had some idea of the many books I have read – there were thousands! I did own a copy of this book, but most others came from the library because back then I could never have afforded the 100+ books I generally read in any given year.

And by the way, I still read bodice rippers – just not quite so many as I used to!
175 reviews1 follower
August 12, 2014
Runny Scrambled eggs. That's what I thought of after plodding through this book. Took a good egg and scrambled it so that it ran all over the place!

This was a short book filled more of history than romance. The H is a cheating, suspicious jerk. the h has so many contradictions. Plots and twists had me had me "what hell was that about?" and definitely not in a good way.

Just don't do it people!
Profile Image for Brittany.
3,265 reviews25 followers
May 8, 2013
I actually really liked this book. I loved the story and the characters. All the history was a little hard to wade through but even so I could not put this book down.
Profile Image for Cherry.
125 reviews26 followers
March 19, 2016
I kinda felt like this entire book was just a mash up of the typical romance novel scenes (particularly, from Julie Garwood books). Because of that, I had no connection to the characters.
Profile Image for Karyn Gerrard.
Author 50 books595 followers
April 6, 2013
Wonderful historical read! Really like the cover as well!
Profile Image for Lady K.
444 reviews6 followers
October 26, 2018
-> http://antredeslivres.blogspot.com/20...

Soyons bien clairs : je partais avec un énorme à priori. Il faut dire que j’ai eu quelques mauvaises expériences avec les romans Harlequin. Et la couverture de celui-ci est… peu engageante, en plus d’être pas du tout raccord avec l’histoire. Jugez par vous-même : dans l’histoire, Grâce est rousse et pâle, Lachlan est habillé à l’écossaise, bronzé – on se demande comment il fait – et a de longs cheveux nattés. Bref, comme il était disponible gratuitement (sur le site) j’ai quand même tenté. Et j’ai bien fait ! Quelle histoire pleine de rebondissements, on a droit à des personnages travaillés et profonds… En gros, c’est un livre difficile à lâcher !

Boiteuse, affligée de rougeurs et de bégaiements, Grâce, 26 ans, est considérée comme une vieille fille dont les chances de se marier et de fonder une famille sont minces, pour ne pas dire inexistantes. Mais afin de pacifier les relations à la frontière entre l’Écosse et l’Angleterre, elle est donnée en mariage à Lachlan Kerr, un seigneur écossais qui ne voit pas d’un très bon œil cette union que son roi l’oblige à accepter. Il obtempère, empoche la dot conséquente mais ne compte pas changer son mode de vie pour cette Anglaise.

Les débuts entre nos deux héros sont électriques. Tout les sépare, et si Grâce met tout en œuvre pour se faire accepter, on ne peut pas dire que c’est le cas de Lachlan et de son clan. Seule, isolée des siens, la jeune fille doit faire face au mépris et à la suspicion de ses nouveaux sujets et même de son mari. Une situation bien inconfortable. Mais elle ne se laisse pas abattre, même lorsqu’elle est la cible d’un odieux complot voulant la faire passer pour une vulgaire traîtresse. Son courage et sa détermination forcent le respect et l’admiration.

Malgré son indifférence volontairement affichée, Lachlan commence à apprécier cette femme qu’il n’a pas choisie. Il apprend à la connaître et découvre ses qualités. Peu à peu, sans qu’il ne s’en rende vraiment compte, il s’attache à elle et apprend à l’aimer. Cependant, de nombreux obstacles vont se mettre en travers de leur chemin… notamment le passé bien trop mystérieux de la demoiselle. Il ne faut pas non plus oublier que le conflit entre l’Écosse et l’Angleterre est loin d’être terminé… et certaines personnes peu scrupuleuses ne reculeront devant rien pour mettre le feu aux poudres : Lachlan et Grâce sont des cibles toutes trouvées !

L’intrigue est solide et d’une richesse surprenante. Cela va bien plus loin que la romance historique classique. Certes, il est plaisant de voir Lachlan et Grâce s’apprivoiser… mais il n’y a pas que ça. Il y a une véritable histoire derrière, avec le contexte politique et tous les enjeux qui en découlent.

En conclusion, une romance historique captivante dès les premières pages. J’ai adoré faire un bout de chemin en compagnie de nos deux tourtereaux. Je recommande sans hésiter 
Profile Image for Tibwalovesstory.
293 reviews3 followers
May 2, 2021
Une petite romance historique pour passer le temps en ce dimanche après-midi du 2 mai 2021. Même si j’ai toujours su d’instinct que ce sous-genre ne serait jamais l’un de mes favoris - car je n’ai que faire des affaires politiques et des intrigues d’époque, je me suis laissé tenter par Les noces écossaises, de Sophia James, roman disponible gratuitement sur l’application de la maison d’édition Harlequin.
Et... je n’ai pas passé un moment désagréable. Le roman est divertissant, riche en rebondissements, le mariage arrangé du chevalier écossais Lachlan Kerr et d’une jeune noble anglaise, Grâce, étant rudement secoué par les intrigues politiques, tentatives d’enlèvements, attentats et complots qui déferlent sur Belridden, en Ecosse. Des sujets sérieux sont abordés, comme le viol et le manque d’estime de soi, et Grâce, cette héroïne timide, naïve et craintive au départ finit par gagner les cœurs, sa détermination à se faire aimer de son mari l’amenant à sortir de sa réserve, à faire preuve de courage et à devenir femme au fil des pages. La motivation, la persévérance et les efforts finissent toujours par payer.
Profile Image for Kalyee.
295 reviews8 followers
December 10, 2017
I gave this a 3, but it’s a low 3.

The writing was good, and I found both Lach and Grace believable and interesting. However there was more political intrigue, infighting, machinations etc by the Scottish king and the English one, than I really like( personal preference as I don’t enjoy court intrigue in general).

There was one other thing that annoyed me.
Profile Image for Latoya .
129 reviews1 follower
June 24, 2024
I enjoyed the writing in this story. I found myself thinking about the lead characters and cheering them on amidst the fact that I was unsure what was happening in the politics or the families. There was a lot of suspense but not to keep me on the edge of my seat. The twists were tame enough to not make the sweet reading experience too stressful. Maybe that was it: the love story was easy to follow and I did not know what to expect next from the characters. I was also happy that the spice was tame. I would read more from this author just for the writing and the relaxation.
44 reviews1 follower
May 25, 2018
Gostei mesmo muito! Grace é maravilhosa, uma protagonista perfeita apesar de todas as suas imperfeições...ela cresce ao longo do livro tornando-se cada vez mais forte! Lachlan ,apesar de ter sido guerreiro durante praticamente toda a sua vida e das traições que sofreu, NÃO É OGRO, aprende a confiar em sua esposa não partindo para a acusação por qualquer insinuação que lhe seja feita.
Os dois são perfeitos um para o outro,completam-se.
Profile Image for hani.
96 reviews7 followers
June 16, 2022
This month, I seem to be undergoing a somewhat sort of streak where I read random books that I didn't expect to even finish, and then I ended up adding them to my new faves list. I liked this book, I loved the main characters, and I liked the sequence of events, but I just didn't love the writing of it. It felt awkward, and the metaphors and similes were horrible. But I loved the storyline so I put up with it. I still love this book, I just wish the writing was better. 4/5 ⭐️
Displaying 1 - 30 of 70 reviews

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