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The Tyranny of Desire

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PUCHY MUSHKIN is a big dreamer and an even bigger loser whose spectacular failure as a human being is exceeded only by the enormity of his penis.

In the depths of his despair, Puchy has an epiphany: Could the endless series of screw-ups that define his existence be the result of his overwhelming desire for success, the success he believes is his birthright?

To test his theory and, hopefully, change his fate, Puchy vows to banish all dreams, goals, aims, ambitions, and obsessions from his life except one: to assassinate desire itself and hang it by its feet like Mussolini.

What follows is the hilariously dark, raunchy, and irreverent tale of one man's twisted war with himself—an anti-story about an anti-hero whose only motivation is to have no motivation at all.

Will Puchy succeed in his quest to conquer desire? Or will desire get him first? Pick up your copy of The Tyranny of Desire today to find out.

212 pages, Kindle Edition

Published January 25, 2023

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Morty Shallman

4 books5 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 59 reviews
Profile Image for Nicole (Nerdish.Maddog).
236 reviews15 followers
February 17, 2023
This is the weirdest and most glorious book ever written and I want MORE. The Tyranny of Desire follows the protagonist Puchy on his quest to abolish desire from his life after being crucified by his ex-boyfriend. Puchy leaves his home in Chicago and travels to the city without desire, Los Angeles. The quest to live a life without desire thrusts Puchy into the most absolutely bonkers situations that anyone could think of, but thank God, Morty Shallman thought of them, and he put them into this book. I found myself laughing at the absurdity of this plot while also seeing that so much of it is true. This planet is strange and so are the people living on it. This is one of those books I want to recommend to everyone but that would fail to acknowledge the fact that I'm weird, and normal people don't always like weird. Weird is an acquired taste. Fans of Chuck Palahnuik and Kurt Vonnegut will be pleased to know there is a new contender in the gritty raw world of transgressive fiction.

Thank you NetGalley and Flying Bed Books for a chance to read and review this book. Thank you Morty Shallman for opening your mind and putting this amazing book down on paper. I will be purchasing this for my shelf because I liked it that much.
Profile Image for K_IndieWoods.
120 reviews7 followers
May 4, 2023
I am the perfect audience for Morty Shallman's The Tyranny of Desire. Why? Because I am that rare woman who likes to take it all in, every last lasciviously lubricious undoubtably dubious detail In fact I was delighted to devour this grandiloquent chronicle. Was I amazed, appalled, astonished? Indeed. Was I aroused, amused, absorbed? Absolutely!

The Tyranny of Desire is the epic tale of one man's attempt to save himself from disappointment by denouncing all desires. This book comes with a Great Big Warning at the start: if you are easily triggered or offended this is not the book for you. Although armed with an amazing talent to amuse, Morty Shallman is not kidding when he delivers this Warning. This book touches on many taboo topics all revolving around the star of the show which is the over abundant endowment of our hero Puchy Mushkin.

The Tyranny of Desire is certainly a one of a kind work of art. Although some of the content did bring about moments of deja vu from my virginal DM in-box of (any given) social media account. A riotous, rip-roaring ride of preposterous posturing of dirty, dark and dastardly deeds. In all seriousness you can not take this story serious. I did have wonderful moments of wondering. I also found a few fallen moments of fury and sorrow (always and empath). I would recommend this book to any brave reader who has flexible beliefs and is willing to be stretched and left in stitches.
I am grateful to NetGalley and the publisher Flying Bed Books for the ARC of this book. And to the author, Morty Shallman, I hope my review paid proper homage to your witty work of art. I am leaving this review here voluntarily.
Profile Image for Janet (iamltr).
1,181 reviews68 followers
February 3, 2023

I usually stay away from any book that warns you away because you just can't handle the edge lord content, but something about this one caught my attention.

Slight spoilers ahead.

So in here we have Puchy Mushkin. His claim to fame is his massive wingdinger. He is not a nice person. After trying to sleep with a guy because his boyfriend rented out a place to show his art which upset him, Puchy is crucified by his now ex boyfriend and almost lost his massive wingdinger, but the cops show up just in time. This starts his trying to change? make different? something with his life.

After way too many interactions and deeds, he ends up in a psychiatric hospital, because of course, and at one point hops on a woman he obsessed over while she was brain dead and humped, licked, etc while claiming that he would take care of her.

He spends a couple of years in the hospital and after a penis reduction surgery, was sentenced to go back to law school and ends up back with the guy who tried to crucify him.

The epilogue has him doing something in revenge and of course that is as expected as the rest of it.

I don't know why this had to lean so hard in the over the top rhetoric. This was written well, had a few funny parts, and could have been an out there story had it been told in a way that made sense.

All in all, this was not as horrible as described, was not so edgy that one would run screaming into the night, and had promise.

I would definitely read more by this writer.
Profile Image for Mohamed .
332 reviews43 followers
January 15, 2023
If desire is the root of unhappiness, then it probably follows that lack of desire would remove all unhappiness, no? This is the crux of this farcical story, with its wild twists and turns, as the well-endowed Puchy tries to get to the bottom of his endless lack of direction or passion for anything, and the ways in which this relates to desire and lust. It's a darkly funny story that made me both laugh and feel bad in equal amounts.
Profile Image for Bethany Johnson.
129 reviews9 followers
January 25, 2023
This novel reads like the love child of Holden Caulfield and Humbert Humbert grew up to be a sexual deviant, and then spiraled into a full blown existential crisis as the protagonist of the raunchiest Chuck Palahniuk story you could ever imagine.

It was a fast, wildly entertaining ride with a bizarre but likable cast of characters and a main character you’ll hate to love. Bonus points for all the jokes at Trump’s expense. I found myself highlighting so many passages, knowing full well the internet overlords aren’t going to let me quote them here. You’ll have to read it for yourself. If you’re easily offended, don’t read this. I’ve seen a few reviews criticizing this book for being juvenile and pornographic but like…what did you expect? It was exactly what it was held out to be. Don’t read Penthouse if you’re looking for Good Housekeeping. Many thanks to NetGalley for the advance copy.
Profile Image for Jacqueline.
56 reviews
February 19, 2023
The book has an intriguing tag line hyped by the many trigger warnings promising scandal and debauchery, but the novel failed to fully engage me. I felt like I was trapped with that party guest who believes they're the most interesting person in the room and keeps talking at you despite your attempts to politely disengage. M. Shallman creates a chaotic sketch of setting, characters and very loosely defined plot hung on a shaky scaffold of murky philosophy, derivative tropes and poorly realized satire. The author hints at deeper meaning introducing themes of capitalism vs. art, challenging sexual norms, identity in modern America, knowing oneself, discovering what love is and how to find it; he is unable to fulfill the potential of these themes in a morass of dick jokes, coprophilia and endless indulgent digressions from the main character in loquacious, polysyllabic rambling rants with no true conclusion or insight. I wouldn't recommend this novel.

Thank you to NetGalley and the Publishers for the opportunity to read this ARC.
Profile Image for Stephanie.
502 reviews57 followers
February 15, 2023
ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.

I had no idea what I was getting myself into with this book and I immensely enjoyed every word of it! I would never give anything away, and this book is NOT for the faint of heart. At its core, it’s about trying to want not to want. I’d love to shout it from the rooftops that this is one of my new favorite books and recommend it to everyone, but sadly I only know a few people who would truly appreciate this masterpiece for what it is. If you’re into crass humor, don’t have any triggers, and enjoy brilliant writing and storytelling, this is the book for you!!!
Profile Image for Tahndi.
6 reviews29 followers
January 15, 2023
So happy to have received an ARC for the Tyranny of Desire by Morty Shallman. What a hilarious, crazy, raunchy, and yes, “profound,” rumination on the meaning of life, love, and lust! It’s a fast, fun read, and I was especially impressed by the crazy cast of characters who are much deeper and more surprising than they may appear at first glance. Highly recommended for readers who enjoy some LOL humor with their existential, lit. Got the hardcover for the artwork.
Profile Image for Marsha.
1,084 reviews27 followers
January 28, 2023
This book is different from what I normally read, but it sure was fascinating. It's raunchy, it's funny in a dark sort of way, and it's disgusting at times. The Protagonist is a failure in almost every aspect of his life, and when a epiphany hits him, he decides to kill desire, pretty much any desire. When an ex goes crazy, he leaves town, and luckily has an old college buddy who has a job and a place to stay for him to stay. Despite his lack of desire for anything, he finds himself being offered plenty of opportunities, though they don't always work out in his favor in the end. There are hijinks in which he is both the instigator and the victim. There are situations that will make you cringe. I will admit that at times the writing was beyond my intelligence. The character also tended to ramble on a lot. (His inner dialog was a bit wordy, getting to the point.) Throughout all the shenanigans that take place, the one constant is his struggle to fight desire. The book is taken from his POV. Due to the subject matter, this is suitable for mature readers.

*I received an ARC of this book from Netgalley.
Profile Image for Marsha.
1,084 reviews27 followers
January 28, 2023
This book is different from what I normally read, but it sure was fascinating. It's raunchy, it's funny in a dark sort of way, and it's disgusting at times. The Protagonist is a failure in almost every aspect of his life, and when a epiphany hits him, he decides to kill desire, pretty much any desire. When an ex goes crazy, he leaves town, and luckily has an old college buddy who has a job and a place to stay for him to stay. Despite his lack of desire for anything, he finds himself being offered plenty of opportunities, though they don't always work out in his favor in the end. There are hijinks in which he is both the instigator and the victim. There are situations that will make you cringe. I will admit that at times the writing was beyond my intelligence. The character also tended to ramble on a lot. (His inner dialog was a bit wordy, getting to the point.) Throughout all the shenanigans that take place, the one constant is his struggle to fight desire. The book is taken from his POV. Due to the subject matter, this is suitable for mature readers.

*I received an ARC of this book from Netgalley.
86 reviews
January 24, 2023
I would not have chosen the The Tyranny of Desire by Morty Shallman on my own accord. What a loss that would of been for me if it wasn't for the ARC from Net Galley who gave it to me for an honest review.
Before the story begins there is a satirical warning of content. Though it is satirical please be warned the content is raunchy. With that being said I became captivated with the main character Pauchy, after the first two pages of shocking content. I enjoyed the flow of the book, the easy way the stories of all the characters combined and connected. Mr. Shallman's ability to write and use words creatively was amazing. Pauchy the main character is trying to figure out life, like the rest of us. However, he gets into lots of messed up events while trying to just get through the day. This is one of my favorite paragraphs; "The universal constant in all our lives is . . . wait for it . . .life itself! We don't choose it. We can't control it. We can't change it. We can only "ride it" like surfers in a tsunami or skiers on an avalanche, careening faster and faster to our inevitable crushing demise on the shores or crevices or reality." Puchy learns to ride the tsunami of life whether the wave is at its peak or breaking. I was very happy to surf the swell and ride it out with Pauchy and the rest of all the crazy, loveable interesting characters.
Profile Image for Anne Wolfe.
720 reviews44 followers
January 28, 2023
Yes, I read all the warnings and descriptions and still gave it my best effort. At 12%, I was forced to give up on this novel.

First let me say that I am not a prude, that I know what gay male sex can encompass, but that's not what made this book impossible to read. It was like being tickled to the point of pain. One can only laugh so much in each sentence before it gets to be unbearable. Yes, the Yiddishisms (like Puchy) were initially cute but OMG it goes on in the same vein until it is too unpleasant to continue. At first I thought that perhaps Morty Shallman was aiming at a specialized audience, but on further reflection, decided that no audience, relatively sane would go on to finish.
I know a number of .gay men but I cannot imagine any one of them liking this book. Ditto for any straight or cis person of any gender.I know. So maybe it's me. Judge for yourself. I hesitate to thank the publisher and NetGalley for this ARC.
Profile Image for Lorraine Petkus.
226 reviews3 followers
February 8, 2023
I received a free copy from Net Galley agreeing to review it. If you do not like sexually explicit books don’t read this one but you’ll be missing a great read about Pucky Mushkin who was blessed at birth with a humongous member, all you guys with little ones take heart, it didn’t turn out to be a blessing. Pucky derails the events in his life which helped him determine that his unhappiness was caused by desire and to eliminate unhappiness he had to eliminate desire. He starts with his birth, continues with grade school, first love, high school and college T2A (read book). In college he meets Shane who later in life due to being crucified (read the book) he joins him in LA where he obtains 2 truly unique jobs (one I had to Google, found it was real, sort of). It’s also at this period of his life he gives the greatest description of being in love with someone. The book has 3 or 4 endings, you get to pick the one you like. This was a humorous fast read, I plan on buying a copy since the free one disappears.
Profile Image for Hayley.
456 reviews10 followers
March 4, 2023
This book was funny but also disturbing. Reading it made me highly uncomfortable the entire time. It was like watching a train wreck. I dont think this book was for me, hence the low rating. But the humor the author brings and the totally new plot devices deserve credit. this book is going to be controversial but I think that is the point. Anyway I am happy to be apart of the conversation around it.

Thank you to Netgalley, the publisher, and the author for allowing me to review this book.
Profile Image for _jackiesbookshelf_.
33 reviews13 followers
February 19, 2023
The Tyranny of Desire......Wow!! What a book! It is definitely one of a kind. I enjoyed every bit of it! It was wildly entertaining, it was raunchy and a bit dark at times. If you are easily triggered this book is not for you.

Thank You NetGalley for this arc.
Profile Image for Amy.
618 reviews26 followers
June 17, 2023
Ebook/Absurdist Fiction: It was okay. Christopher Moore is the king of absurdist fiction because he combines obnoxious with tame. Shaliman is pretty much all obnoxious, but he had a plot. It was a story about a man trying to grow up, but in the end, I really don't think he did.
I want to thank Netgalley for a ARC of the book.
Profile Image for Annie.
718 reviews14 followers
January 18, 2023
I fancied reading something different and this definitely filled that bill. A plot which is at times funny, erotic and unpredictable, it is mostly entertaining . There are warnings about the content before you begin on the book proper.... I can see why ! Not for the faint hearted
Now that I have finished, I am still wondering what it was all about !
Thanks to Net Galley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review
Profile Image for Jan Sikes.
Author 30 books245 followers
February 10, 2023
I chose this book because I could tell it was going to be very different. And different it was. However, despite the warning posted that the book had some possible sensitive triggers and was the most messed up book ever written, I was sure there would be something of substance to the story. What I found was basically a story of a man born with a gargantuan penis and a lifetime of abuse and debauchery. I saw no purpose for the story other than for Puchy Mushkin to explore his past. There is no redeeming quality to the story—No plot, no character arc, and no reason for the story to have been written. I can't recommend this book.
Profile Image for Darlene Golbitz.
429 reviews8 followers
December 15, 2022
Courtesy of Book Whisperer and Netgalley, I received the ARC of The Tyranny of Desire by Morty Shallman. There was some LOL humor amidst this raunchy and preposterous satire, some delightful Yiddish phrases, puns and political insight. Puchy:s search for meaning in his life involves his questionable choices, dealing with his parents, relatives, "friends", coworkers, physicians, and everyone else acquainted with him! A very contemporary escapade!
Profile Image for David.
203 reviews2 followers
January 27, 2023
At the end of this “book,” the author, Morty Shallman asks the readers (many, who like me received this book compliments of NetGalley) to review it with “intensity”.

Loving it or hating it were the same for him, as long as we showed we cared.

I don’t care. I didn’t care. I was confused, never really repulsed (as was his intention). Tho is not a book for everyone (anyone?). It’s about a “man” with one BIG quality - that shapes everything around him.
He’s not a good man or a nice man. He’s selfish and gloating - again, his one “Big” characteristic is all he’s about - he was born with it, so not his fault, but it just makes him more… gross?

If you’re in the mood for a quick, derivative, “indie” kind of read, go for it. Otherwise….

PS. Why do I want to try one more of his books, though? So Morty, maybe you got me!
Profile Image for Meghan Turner.
105 reviews4 followers
February 22, 2023
What a wild ride this book was. There was not a moment where I could have predicted what Puchy was going to tell us next. I laughed out loud, yelled in disgust, and had moments where I actually believed Puchy’s plan made sense. Five stars for keeping me riveted the entire time.

I received a copy from NetGalley and am leaving my review voluntarily.
Profile Image for Jithendra Jithu.
1,510 reviews61 followers
April 22, 2023
The Tyranny of Desire


Morty Shallman



"A ribald and incisive provocation... riotously bawdy... readers who relish irreverent literary play will be rewarded with insight and challenges to convention..." — Booklife

PUCHY MUSHKIN is a big dreamer and an even bigger loser whose spectacular failure as a human being is exceeded only by the enormity of his penis.

In the depths of his despair, Puchy has an epiphany: could the endless series of screw-ups that define his existence be the result of his overwhelming desire for the success he believes is his birthright? To test his theory and, hopefully, change his fate, Puchy vows to banish all dreams, goals, aims, ambitions, and obsessions from his life except one: to assassinate desire itself and hang it by its feet like Mussolini.

What follows is the hilariously dark, raunchy, and irreverent tale of one man's twisted war with himself—an anti-story about an anti-hero whose only motivation is to have no motivation at all.


👉Talking about the title of the book, the title of the book is really so interesting to read.

👉The cover is appealing and attractive as well.Writing style is appreciable .
The Tyranny of Desire follows the protagonist Puchy on his quest to abolish desire from his life after being crucified by his ex-boyfriend. Puchy leaves his home in Chicago and travels to the city without desire, Los Angeles. The quest to live a life without desire thrusts Puchy into the most absolutely bonkers situations that anyone could think of, but thank God, Morty Shallman thought of them, and he put them into this book.The Tyranny of Desire by Morty Shallman is the perfect choice for fans of Arthur Nersesian and Gary Reilly's The Asphalt Warrior. If you're a fan of edgy, irreverent literature, you won't want to miss The Tyranny of Desire.

For complete read do order this book through below link

For book link:


Wow! What a book! I am in love with the book

For complete read do order the book on @amazondotin @amazondotcom

👉I just loved reading the book ...

Happy reading!
Profile Image for Kate.
200 reviews6 followers
February 22, 2023
What the hell did I just read? But also, I'm good with it?
I will say this: I recommend reading this when you are in a good or at least neutral mood. When I was in a fair+ mood, I could see the ridiculousness and laugh and cringe and still be entertained. When I started reading after recently being very angry, I found it disgusting. Don't get me wrong - it's disgusting either way. But the entertainment you get out of it seems to be higher depending on your mood. I ended up putting it down and waiting until I was in a better mood to start again. Maybe I should read it all again while extremely angry though and write a review from that perspective too?

Puchy Mushkin is cynical and bored and angry at his lack of success which he believes, due to his penis size, that he deserves with little to no effort. So, in an effort to get success without doing anything he is attempting to kill his desire for anything and then hope the success just finds him. Instead, he stomps around L.A. partying and causing mayhem. It seems like Puchy's plan is actually working though. And then, and I mean this in a very literal sense because nothing is off limits in this book, everything goes to shit. Puchy is then left to figure out where his formula (the one he made to kill desire as if it were a math problem) went wrong.
This was somehow entertaining while basically being about nothing. I don't know how Morty Shallman did it because I can think of at least 3 other books I've read that were also pretty much just writing to write and I hated every minute of those, but THIS? THIS BOOK? I couldn't look away from the carnage.

Thanks to publisher/NetGalley for my copy to read in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Jessica.
242 reviews8 followers
February 23, 2023
Well, this book is pretty much what everyone else is saying: Vulgar, politically- and socially-INcorrect, a wild ride, and mostly a good time. The protagonist is a hoot, and reminds me of Harry Flashman from the Flashman series.

Absurd comedy like this book's is sometimes my thing, sometimes not; here, it really hits the mark and had me laughing out loud repeatedly. I can't say why some other books with the same type of humor (although much less vulgar) come across as annoying and trying too hard, while this one excels at entertaining me; but entertain me, it did. For reference: Hitchhiker's Guide, Good Omens, Terry Pratchett's work in general, and some of Fredrik Backman's stories give me "trying too hard to be witty" vibes that I cringe at more than laugh. Fans of those writings may enjoy the humor in this book, as it's similar, but somehow is better to me.

You have to be able to suspend judgment and an expectation of seeing right and wrong doled out by this book. The guy is not all there, has some really weird ideas about life, and can be offensive to some. If you're up for such a story, then this one could be for you.

I gave this 5 stars not because it's a literary masterpiece, but because it accomplished exactly what I believe it set out to, and it does it very well. It's meant to repulse, humor, and entertain its audience while being a basic guide of how not to live one's life. On those merits, it earns an A+.

This may jump into my rotation of books I reread, thanks to how much fun I had while reading it.

I read an advanced copy of this book through NetGalley. While I appreciate the publisher allowing me to read a free copy, that did not influence my review one bit; it's all my own opinions.
Profile Image for Linda.
1,017 reviews24 followers
January 29, 2023
OK. So. Um...The thing is...Uh. This book is kind of like...Pay attention to the trigger warning because every word of it is true.

I'll start with the positive. The Tyranny of Desire is often very funny. Sometimes it is a little overdone. There were passages that made me wish I hadn't eaten dinner before I read them. The scene where a quicky lover poops on Puchy was the first one that made me wish I hadn't eaten a bowl of Cheerios before reading. (Yes, I eat Cheerios for dinner. Don't look at me like that.) Then she puts her poop in an insulted thermos. At that point I had to get some fresh air. I meant insulated thermos, then I realized the thermos was probably insulted.)

I never thought I'd say this, but there was so much sex on almost every page that I got tired of it, like eating way too much chocolate cake. (Or Cheerios. No wait. No one can eat too many Cheerios.) I also wondered how Puchy ever found a pair of pants that fit. I mean really, he'd have to have a codpiece the size of a parachute.

So , ok, there are disturbing things in The Tyranny of Desire. Some nonconsensual sex. Underage sex. (I mean, way under age.)

The idea of personifying something that is only figural, like personifying Death, goes way back in literature. The idea of Puchy personifying Desire is classic. Despite being based on a classic idea, it's unlikely The Tyranny of Desire will be taught to English majors anytime soon. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I'm an old fogie and this will go down with the likes of Shakespeare. But probably not.

Thanks to Netgalley and Flying Bed books for allowing me to lose my dinner over The Tyranny of Desire. (Really, don't eat while reading this.)
Profile Image for Garrett Zecker.
Author 9 books62 followers
June 14, 2024
Shallman’s The Tyrrany of Desire is literally a laugh out loud riot that seemed to come out of nowhere. It tells the story of grade A loser Puchy Mushkin. He has a lot go wrong every day. His jobs, lovers, even daily routines scream dead-end Coen Brothers schlimazel. But he has one thing going for him that no one seems to believe, even himself – a truly, horrifying giant... er... personal endowment. In fact, if there was some way to describe the opposite of an Achilles heel, in its most literal sense, it would be Mushkin’s Member. In navigating all other aspects of his life, he will never be satisfied until he is blessed with the fortune and accomplishment he feels he deserves. In the pursuit of this, he takes a personal Shakespearean vow to banish all desire beyond that which will enrich and encourage his success, he finds more and more problems piling up and getting in his way with no help from his third leg to arrive at his destination.

I absolutely loved Shallman’s novel. It is probably one of the most Jewish novels I have read in some time, pulling tropes and jokes that mirror any number of folk tales, comedies, stereotypes, and even the echoes of self-deprecating racist beliefs. Shallman spins them on their head and delivers an incredibly well-written standup routine of a novel that I flew through, and then I immediately began to recommend it to friends. It is simply a masterclass in comedy writing about a down-and-out loner that can’t get close to anybody without it going horribly wrong. A raucous, funny read that in the hands of any other author would never have the momentum, hilarity, and engagement that this piece does.
Profile Image for Elise.
988 reviews72 followers
July 18, 2024
This book covers several deep, dark perversions, twisted fetishes I had no idea even existed, and even though I am not sure this is information I wanted or needed to know, I certainly didn’t need a front row seat. That said, I am the curious sort, so I couldn’t look away from this filthy and disgusting train wreck. Just as the protagonist of The Tyranny of Desire has been used and molested his whole life since kindergarten because of his giant phallus, I feel like I was molested by letting this book into my life. While the philosophical idea of Puchy attempting to rid his life of desire is an interesting philosophical concept (very Buddhist, which was never mentioned in the book, but the characters here aren’t exactly intellectuals in the know), anything philosophically interesting is overshadowed by all of these disgusting, shallow people and their vile fetishes. This book is a weird fever dream, and I usually enjoy that sort of thing, but I guess I met my match here. I am giving this one a generous two stars because I was able to finish it in one day (although that might be because I wanted it out of my life as quickly as possible) and because about 3/4 of the way through I was laughing out loud because of the absurdity of it all I guess. Judge for yourself, but if you decide to read this one, don’t say you weren’t forewarned.
86 reviews
February 21, 2023
I would not have chosen the Tyranny of Desire by Morty Shellman on my own accord. What a loss that would of been if not for the ARC from Net Galley who gave it to me for an honest review.
Before the story begins there is a satirical warning about the content. Though it is satirical please be warned the content is raunchy. With that being said I became captivated with the main character Pauchy after the first two pages of shocking content. I enjoyed the flow of the book, the easy way the stories of all the characters combined and connected. Mr. Shellman's ability to write and use words creatively was amazing. Pauchy the main character is trying to figure out life like all of us. However, he gets into lots of messed up scenarios while trying to just get through the day. This is one of my favorite paragraphs, " The universal constant in all out lives is . . . wait for it . . . life itself! We don't choose it. We can't control it. We can't change it. We can only "ride it" like surfers in a tsunami or skiers on an avalanche, careening faster and faster to our inevitable crushing demise ob the shores or crevices of reality." Puchy learns to ride the tsunami of life whether the wave is at its peak or breaking. I was happy to surf the swell and ride it out.
7 reviews
January 5, 2024
I did not like this book. But, I did finish it, which is why I am giving it two stars. I never actually threw it across the room in disgust. Metaphorically, of course, as I read on my iPad and I’m hardly going to throw that. While reading this I wondered why I requested it. Maybe because I had been thinking of Chuck Palahniuk and his book, Haunted. The publishers “warnings” of this book being just so, so risqué intrigued me. I was wrong to be intrigued. To paraphrase Ebert, this book sucked. It was not risqué, it was juvenile, nay puerile and shallow. Every other sentence is some comment on how big this guy’s dick is. Spattered amongst the other word droppings is the protagonist’s desire to want nothing. Which he conveniently forgets whenever he runs off to have tons of boring sex and do drugs. Like some of the other reviews, I googled the author, because I could not believe a grown man had written this. Please do not do as I did and waste valuable life minutes on this. Read Palahniuk if you want something edgy and trigger warning happy. If you really want to read a book with every trigger warning and then some, read The Painted Bird. Oh yes, this book was free from Net Galley, thank you NG :) However it cost way too much in terms of my time.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 59 reviews

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