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My Journey with Farrah: A Story of Life, Love, and Friendship

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“A beautiful testament to the powerful love and friendship the two women shared as they searched for a miracle.”

Wichita Falls Times Record News

In My Journey with Farrah, Farrah Fawcett’s longtime friend Alana Stewart shares her personal diaries from her three years by Farrah’s side, during the former Charlie’s Angels actress’s tragic struggle to defeat cancer. A celebration of an incredible bond, the power of Farrah’s indomitable spirit, and poignant memories from their thirty years together, My Journey with Farrah is a tribute to an amazing woman and an amazing friendship.

288 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 2009

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Alana Stewart

6 books4 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 88 reviews
Profile Image for Leanne Schneider.
148 reviews7 followers
October 25, 2015
This book made me so mad. Mad that everyone let Farrah suffer they way they did. Jetting across the ocean a million times for nothing. Subjecting her to ridiculous gurus and snake oil salesmen. Planning trips around Alana's stupid astrologer. Oh my God. This woman was trying to fight cancer!! Cancer needs to be taken very seriously...not treated with a bunch of crap magic potions and scary tortuous doctors in another country. I just can not believe what they subjected her poor body to. I am currently fighting cancer. And reading this book broke my heart.
God Bless you Farrah. I am so grateful you are at peace and out of pain. You dear sweet angel.
Profile Image for Ann Bacon.
2 reviews
September 5, 2012
After reading this book, I feel like I have learned nothing more about the person that Farrah Fawcett was. I understand that the book was generated from Alana's personal journal, but good grief, don't you think she could embellish it a little to given us a look inside each of them? All I read about was the amazing sacrifices Alana made to cart her friend around to Germany for treatment and that she had no time to spend with her own children. In the very least, I hope she learned a lesson from this. Spend more time with your kids and don't buy caviar if you don't have the money.
Profile Image for Marsha.
Author 4 books1 follower
September 14, 2009
I have been a fan of actress Farrah Fawcett ever since I saw her in shampoo commercials and then in the classic 1970s TV series, “Charlie’s Angels.” Farrah was strikingly beautiful. As a native of Texas, she seemed like a pleasant woman. She had a wonderful smile; that is for sure.

I was initially very surprised when it was revealed in the media (I read it in People Magazine), that Farrah Fawcett had been diagnosed with anal cancer. Unlike many Hollywood celebrities, Farrah always seemed very conscious of her health. She did not take drugs. She did not drink to excess. She was known to love playing tennis, particularly in the 1970s and 1980s. So, it was very upsetting that at 60 years old, Farrah had this horrible disease.

However, before reading her friend Alana Stewart’s book, I never realized all that Farrah had gone through to try and fight the cancer. However, like “The Terminator,” it just would not die. Her tumors kept returning and spreading. Her liver had tumors. It was horrible. Farrah sought treatment in Germany, where they had some new procedures, which were not approved or regulated in the United States, that they could try on Farrah.

Just like Gilda Radner’s fight against cancer, which she described in her book, “It’s Always Something,” despite all that was tried, and the battles fought, the cancer won the war.

I could not put down this book. By the end of Alan’s story, I felt that I too, had a lost a good friend.
Profile Image for Pam.
296 reviews13 followers
September 27, 2010
Before I judge this book too harshly, I would like to say never in my entire life have I suffered the ravishes of cancer upon myself or anyone else that I care about. That being said this was a sad book. Sad meaning I didn't like it one bit. Still I read the whole thing. The epilogue was its redeeming feature and sounded a little more wisdomic. Farrah Fawcett endured a terrible form of cancer and while reading this journal it seemed to me so sad that she was not allowed to know how dire her circumstances were. I believe the battle of cancer may be fought with positive thoughts and encouragement, but this was silliness. The doctors involved knew from the beginning there was basically no hope for a cure. Farrah seemed to have been dragged all over the world hoping to survive. Alana Stewart's hopes blew around in the wind. I thought about the phrase "Would you like some whine with your cheese?" many times. Alana spoke often about her personal life which is okay. But, I don't think the book is so much about Farrah's battle than Alana Stewarts complaining. Actually Farrah's illness seemed like a huge inconvience to me. And I suppose it would be one. But I really didn't care. There was one big ? mark that really struck me. Could Farrah have spent her last 2 years with a better quality of life? I believe so.
Profile Image for Kathleen Nightingale.
494 reviews29 followers
March 31, 2022
For me, this was a true time waster. I feel the best chapter was the last chapter, other than that it was an extremely shallow read.
Profile Image for Anne.
2,300 reviews1,147 followers
January 11, 2015
As a pre-teen, I was obsessed with Charlie's Angels. Farrah Fawcett's pictures adorned my bedroom walls - she was sassy, beautiful and everything that I wanted to be.
Her life was cut tragically short when she died in 2009 from cancer.
Farrah's lifelong friend, Alana Stewart was by her side throughout her diagnosis, treatment and her death and this is her story.
The pain and suffering that Farrah endured is stark, with nothing spared. However, this book at time reads like a constant moan from the woman who was supposed to love and care for her friend. Yes, she still had a life to lead, but some of her actions and her comments are breathtaking and self-centred.
Poor writing.
Profile Image for Julie P.
178 reviews2 followers
March 16, 2011
What I learned from this book is that everything is better with money, but cancer will still kill you anyway. It's really all about how much grace you have as you approach the end. Nice pictures, but a bit self-focused on the author's struggles, and money issues.
March 27, 2012
Sad to hear how much torture Farrah went through to try to beat her Cancer, but the author spent a lot of time writing of her own sacrifice to help her, which I had a problem with.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Michele Fields.
12 reviews
September 5, 2013
Self indulgent. Alana cluelessly suffers from poor little rich girl syndrome. The book claims to be about Farrah's journey but it's all about "me."
Profile Image for Read-n-Bloom.
360 reviews9 followers
January 8, 2022
Loved this book by Alana Stewart about her best friend Farrah Fawcett. I remember Farrah really well from television’s Charlie’s Angels. My mother, dad, and I watched it every week. We always liked the show and enjoyed watching Farrah in it. She always seemed to be a nice, caring person, but with Hollywood and TV you just never know. With reading this book her friend Alana shows how sweet and caring she was and such a fighter. This is Alana’s book or diary of her thoughts on when Farrah was going through cancer and leading up to her death in 2009. My own dad died in 2009, but on September 2, of cancer as well. And I remember being in the hospital with him when Farrah passed and they were announcing it on TV. It took me awhile to get this book read. Many things came up with my mother and possibly maybe it was a hard one to read. But it is a really good reading of Farrah and her life in those two years after she finds out she has cancer. Alana did a great job with it. I know it must have been hard but a release as well.
Profile Image for Sharon Chance.
Author 5 books42 followers
June 20, 2013
To have a friend who will stand by your side, through thick and thin, is a rare and precious gift that few truly experience. And to witness a friendship such as this is a blessing in itself.
In her book, “My Journey with Farrah: A Story of Life, Love, and Friendship,” Alana Stewart lays out for the world to see her friendship with Farrah Fawcett, and it is indeed beautiful.
Documenting the last three years in which she was Farrah’s constant companion during Farrah’s intense battle with cancer, Stewart draws upon her journal entries and her memories of the bad times and the good. The two had been best friends for over 30 years, finding common ground in their Texas upbringing and through their children and careers. They were as close as sisters, if not closer. So it wasn’t unnatural for Stewart to put her life on hold in order to help Farrah find a way to beat her cancer diagnosis.
As only a close friend could, Stewart shares quite a few little known facts about her friend Farrah, including the superstar’s intense love of family, especially her son Redmond and her longtime companion Ryan O’Neal. But there are the quirky little things, such as Farrah’s fierce sense of humor, her love of southern cooking and her tradition of making pecan and coconut pies at Christmas time that are especially endearing. Stewart also includes many photos of Farrah and her close friends in happier times.
And as these are excerpts from Stewart’s personal journal, there are many entries where Stewart examines her own well being, including a short-lived romance, her anxiety over her children’s welfare, and an upsetting brush with cancer herself. She bravely shares her raw emotions in these pages, and it’s a unique inside view of grief – at losing her best friend and confidant, at not being able to stop her friend’s suffering, and the sadness that shadowed them all right up to the end.
Stewart’s book is a close look at how the two friends sought any and all ways to find a cure for Farrah’s disease. But “My Journey With Farrah” is also a beautiful testament to the powerful love and friendship the two women shared as they searched for a miracle.
A portion of the sales of “My Journey With Farrah” have been earmarked to go to the Farrah Fawcett Foundation for cancer research.

June 29, 2016
My Journey with Farrah by Alana Stewart

On the front cover is a picture of two friends just spend time together and never let friendship never go away in life. Try to enjoy life together the best they can before something happens to each other.You might want to have tissue with you, when you read this book because some parts might make you cry but at the end it might make you cry to so be ready to cry.
In 2009 Alana Stewart wrote the book My Journey with Farrah. The main characters are the author which is Alana and Farrah her friend. Alana and Farrah been friends for thirty years and they been going through alot together. In the fall of 2006, a test of their friendship arose unlike any other they had faced: Farrah's cancer diagnosis. Together, Farrah and Alana were relentless in their pursuit of a cure and in these personal diaries,Alana shares her thoughts on the journey she and Farrah embarked upon as they battled this illness to the end. From the importance of selflessness to the undeniable value of faith,Alana’s diary entries demonstrate how, even in the face of this debilitating disease, Farrah continued to teach everyone around her about the courage and power of friendship.
The life lesson of this book is that you learned that you stay with you friends all they life and never lost your friends by not going and helping them with they are sick and need help when they need help also to always be a good friend and never leave a friend behind when they are sick. You will learn to never leave your friends behind when they are about to die and never do anything to make they think that you are leave them or make they feel that you are get abandoned. You will learn your lesson if you don’t stay with your friend when they are sick.
My opinion of this book that it is sad and a life lesson book you will learn to stay with you friends.

Bottom line: It is a life lesson and it is sad to read.
Profile Image for Louise.
1,548 reviews87 followers
December 1, 2010
Alana Stewart and Farrah Fawcett were “soul sisters” who were always there for each other, never forget each others’ birthday, spent vacations together, shopped together, had dinner together, made their famous pies together and were sisters from every perspective. They were confidants and confided in each other things they wouldn’t even tell their spouses. How lucky for both Alana and Farrah to have this kind of true and honest friendship.

When Farrah was diagnosed with cancer, she asked her best friend, Alana to film everything she went through to try and find a cure for her cancer. What a brave and courageous thing for Farrah to do and equally courageous for Alana to do the filming. At times it was very difficult for Alana to keep filming when she could see through her lens how much her friend was suffering, but she soldiered on like a sister would do.

From the many plane trips to Germany and back to the United States, to holding a puke bucket while watching her friend vomit up to 75 times in one night, to watching Farrah go through excruciating treatments, Alana stayed by Farrah’s side through it all.

This book is not only part memoir of Alana’s final voyage with her soul sister but also a testament to Farrah for having the courage to let the public see her suffering and what she went through.

I happened to be a huge fan of Farrah and when I learned of her death, I cried. She was a beautiful, talented, precious woman who took no guff from anyone, yet always maintained her decorum.

Everyone needs to read this wonderful story of love, life and an amazing friendship. Alana will never forget her “soul sister” Farrah, nor will I. Rest in peace dear, Farrah.

283 reviews
October 25, 2009
When I first started reading this book I wasn't sure of what to expect. I have always thought Farrah was beautiful but fluff, same with Alana Stewart but I was wrong.

Two girlfriends, one with cancer, love, support, cry and laugh together. Alana documented Farrah's fight for life by video and this book. Her video was shown as a documentary on one of the major channels. I would like to see it again since I have read the book.

I missed the girlfriend connection possibly because my best friend died this year. There were no last words to say to her, no preparing for her death. When Alana said "I can't call my friend anymore, no more shopping trips, no more baking pies together" it hit me that I felt the same way about Valerie.

Farrah showed an amazing courage and strength in her battle to overcome this cancer. She suffered indignities, she was so, so sick from the chemo, she was burned so badly from the radiation that the doctors couldn't use any more on her.

Farrah so wanted to live and went to any length to do it and Alana went right next to her the whole way....there were many trips to clinics in Germany.

I felt sad for those that loved Farrah. I also felt sad to think that my best friend and I never had a chance to say good.
Profile Image for Lisa.
154 reviews66 followers
June 6, 2010
Alana Stewart's journals of her time spent with her best friend of 30 years (Farrah Fawcett)as she underwent 3 years of treatment for cancer. This is a story of true friendship and the lengths we will go for those we love and cherish. I really didnt know much about Alana Stewart before I read this book. Just her marriages to George Hamilton and Rod Stewart.I certainly haad no idea her and Farrah were so close. I really felt I got to know who Lana and Farrah were as women. It's a touching, beautiful story of friendship strength, and faith. It is a shame Farrah did not live to see it published. I know she would have been very proud of it. What a fighter she was, right up till the end. It's amazing how much she went through. She always kept up hope. Alana must miss her dear friend so much!
Profile Image for Debbie.
344 reviews
December 31, 2014
I'm not a believer of astrology, healers or alternative medical treatments in foreign countries. I was very suspicious of how Dr. Jacob would always suggest that their was some sort of new treatment available only in Germany every time Farrah returned home. I wonder if things might have progressed differently if Farrah had stuck with the advice given to her in this country and had had her colon removed. Perhaps it wouldn't have made a difference. Clearly, Farrah had an aggressive form of cancer.

Alana was clearly a dedicated friend who did what she thought was right to help Farrah. I was not interested with her relationship with the Italian chef or her money and health concerns. Still, anyone would be fortunate to have such a tireless and devoted friend.
Profile Image for Nicole.
58 reviews
August 17, 2015
I read this book in just a few hours. I couldn't put it down. I've been a Farrah Fawcett fan since I was a young girl, but I've recently become a fan of Alana Stewart as well. I have two books to read written by Alana and this was the first one I received. I devoured it. I love the way Alana writes and I can hardly wait to read the next book - her autobiography! This book, written in series of journal entries, opened my eyes to how powerful a friendship between women can be. The book made me smile, made me cry, inspired me, and made me think a lot about how life can change in literally seconds. Farrah and Alana were blessed to have found each other. Nothing, not even death, can take that from them.
Profile Image for Colleen Dougherty.
Author 4 books2 followers
October 5, 2009
It, of course, was very sad but I enjoyed reading of the sisterhood that had developed between Alana and Farrah. The book didn't give gossip on the relationship between Farrah and Ryan or give information on Farrah's list of accomplishments, it really focused on the friendship and Farrah's fight. Alana also shared her fight with cancer that she basically had to handle alone since Farrah was too ill to help her. I was touched by the book and am still a sad fan that lost one of Hollywood's angels.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
184 reviews
December 5, 2009
When I picked up this book I didn't think I would like it but was interested anyway. I found it to be an honest account of
thier two years together. Alana and Farrah were family to each other and family sticks together through thick and thin.

I new the medical system was screwed up because of ins. co. and the almighty dollar but this was an insight into how ineffective it is. Germany's system is a little better but not perfect either. I feel if Farrah had different care she would be alive today.
Profile Image for Kay.
1,243 reviews21 followers
January 11, 2010
I didn't see the documentary produced on Farrah's illness but I had heard from many people how good it was. After reading this book I was inspired by how strong and full of fight Farrah was. Having grown up in Texas at the same time Farrah and Alana did I had some friends that had gone to school with Alana. I also knew people that had gone to school with Farrah. From the things I heard I always thought both were too much fluff and not enough substance. Age changes people I guess because both had a lot of strength to get through this period.
Profile Image for Tari.
35 reviews
November 22, 2015
3.5 Stars. I read this as I watched the documentary when it came out about Farrah which was very difficult and gut wrenching for me. Being a child of the 70's I grew up with her and was saddened that her journey ended as it did.

This book showed that Farrah was sweet in spite of horrible indignities and pain. It was a hard read in some ways but oddly I felt like I needed to read it.

Anyone would wish for a friend as devoted as Alana Stewart.

Sidenote: I felt that Farrah's dying got less attention as it otherwise may have as Michael Jackson died on the same day.
Profile Image for Mary Pringle.
19 reviews
January 2, 2010
Wow what an amazing story!!! I wasn't sure I wanted to read this book when I picked it up, I was afraid it would be just another book someone writes to profit off the illness and death of someone famous. This book soooo was not that, Farrah you find to be so much more than what she has always been portrayed to be and we should all hope to have at least 1 friend in our lives that will stand by us the way Alana did with Farrah.
Profile Image for Cherice.
88 reviews
November 21, 2009
wow - my eyes are still blurry with tears.
I couldn't put it down. I have always been a fan of Farrah but until seeing her documentary and reading this book, never realized just how beautiful she really was. Obviosuly on the outside but even more so on the inside. Sad, painful, honest and loving book about the terrorist disease of cancer and the spiritual strength of friendship and love.

"A friend loveth at all times"
- Proverbs 17:17
Profile Image for Kirsten.
55 reviews1 follower
January 7, 2010
I got this book right after it came out this summer after the death of Farrah Fawcett. I was intrested in her life. This book is told by her best friend Alana Stewart, Rod Stewart's Ex-wife. Some of it was intresting, a lot of it was about hospitals, and treatments and it brought me down. I got about halfway through it. It would probably be a good book to read or give someone who has cancer to inspire them to fight.
Profile Image for Jackie.
218 reviews3 followers
August 4, 2011
If your fan of Farrahs, watched to documentary, or interested in cancer treatments then read this book!!! I enjoyed it very much. I also liked reading it in the diary perspective. I am hoping some day Redmond allows his mothers journals to be published. This book is real, raw and sad. I had tears streaming in several places. I am so glad to have read this book. ~ Rest In Peace Farrah ~ Forever Missed.
Profile Image for Marianne Jay.
997 reviews17 followers
April 17, 2012
This book was rated "not that great" so I was reluctant to pick it up. However, it was a really well written book.

If you have ever endured a cancer fight with a loved one, you will GET what Alana Stewart is saying.

I have endured cancer with many of my loved ones and this book just brought all those emotions rushing back.

Finally, Alana's devotion to Farrah was extraordinary. A Wonderful Book
Profile Image for Chris.
9 reviews1 follower
January 28, 2013
I really enjoyed reading this book I grew up watching Farrah and followed her is a career in the movies as well deo someone to go through Cancer regardless who you are it is a horrible thing watching your loved one suffer. I believe this book was well written by Alana and show the devoted friend she was she gave up alot to help her dear best friend Farrah will always be alive in spirit through her friend and her son Redmond and her forever relationship with Ryan. Agreat story to read...
Profile Image for Ali.
926 reviews19 followers
September 9, 2009
I was very touched by the documentary 'Farrah's Story' that showed her struggle with rectal cancer and that's what ultimately made me want to read this book as well. It underlines how harsh cancer and its ensuing treatments is, but also shows how afflictions like this actually do bless our lives and the lives of those around us. It was a very quick read and I liked it.
Profile Image for Cindilouw.
156 reviews2 followers
January 19, 2010
I really liked this book. Alana shared her feelings and thought during the process with Farrah at her time of her diagnosis and ultimately her passing. The only thing I wished for was for some of Farrah's journal entries. She shared them on a documentary, and Farrah had a way with words that were beautiful and touching.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 88 reviews

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