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Practicing the Power of Now: Essential Teachings, Meditations, and Exercises From The Power of Now

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Eckhart Tolle is rapidly emerging as one of the world's most inspiring spiritual teachers, sharing the enlightenment he himself experienced after a startling personal transformation. His views go beyond any particular religion, doctrine, or guru. This book extracts the essence from his teachings in The Power of Now, showing us how to free ourselves from "enslavement to the mind." The aim is to be able to enter into and sustain an awakened state of consciousness throughout everyday life. Through meditations and simple techniques, Eckhart shows us how to quiet our thoughts, see the world in the present moment, and find a path to "a life of grace, ease, and lightness."

142 pages, Hardcover

Published September 1, 2001

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About the author

Eckhart Tolle

262 books9,826 followers
Eckhart Tolle is a teacher, author, and entrepreneur. He is a German-born resident of Canada best known as the author of The Power of Now and A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose. Tolle does not identify with any specific religion, but he has been influenced by multiple spiritual works.

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Profile Image for Fatima.
186 reviews371 followers
December 27, 2019
از خصلت های خوندن این کتاب اینه که نفس یا ذهن به شدت از متنش واهمه داره و به هر ترفندی دست میزنه تا کتاب رو نادیده بگیریم و ماه ها طول بکشه تا تمومش کنیم و سر آخر موقع نتیجه گیری ازش چنان ذهن خالیه که نمیدونیم جریان چی بوده و قرار بوده چه چیزی رو یاد بگیریم ! اما اینها از ترفند های ذهن هست و باید بگم شاید متن این کتاب و تمرین هایش برای خیلی ها سنگین و قابل فهم نباشه اما اون ترک های لازمه، روی دیوار ذهن به لطف نویسنده و آگاهی ناب و حضورش ایجاد شده ، خود من با انجام تمرین مشاهده ی ذهن و دقت به رفت و آمد افکار و این که فکر بعدی چیه ؟ برای چند لحظه سکوتی رو در درونم تجربه کردم و گیجی نفسم رو به چشم دیدم که میپرسید جریان چیه ؟! شاید به عمرم اینقدر واضح متوجه نشده بودم که من ذهنم نیستم و انگار کسی مدام در سر من آسمان و ریسمان بافی میکنه تا هرچیزی رو برعکس حقیقت ذاتی خودش نشون بده و دوستم رو دشمن نشانم بده و برکتم رو اوج بدبختی و گیر کردن هایم وسط زندگی رو بهانه ای برای دلسوزی برای خودم و از این قبیل بازی های ذهنی که در عجبم چطوری تمام عمر درگیرش بودیم و هستیم ! امان از این نفس و ذهن و به امید رهایی ابدی از آن ...
Profile Image for Polina.
200 reviews83 followers
March 23, 2009
I never managed to complete reading the Power of Now although tried several times. This book was a god send, and even though it still suffers from what seems to be repetition of the same principle on every page, since it is a lot shorter I have read it in a day and feel like I have fully grasped everything that Eckhart was trying to convey in his main book. So if you, like me, find the Power Of Now a difficult read this book will definitely give you all the main ideas in a concise digestible form.
I think this book will make for a perfect every day companion as the author suggests to read one paragraph or section every day to reflect and to remind yourself of the practice. Might also make a good intro to Power Of Now if you want to introduce your friends or relatives to the ideas put forward.
Profile Image for John.
61 reviews3 followers
November 20, 2008
Tolle has a way of giving meaning to life by using exercises, meditations and essential teachings (many based on Eastern philosophies) to bring peace, balance and harmony into our lives. The goal is to be able to bring about and sustain an enlightened state of consciousness in our immediate existence.

I'm particularly attracted to the Budhist, Hindu, and Taoist notion of "no-self", relinquishing the ego so that life's challenges do not impact you, rather you flow through and around them. In my opinion, this philosophy embodies what self-confidence wants to be when it grows up.
Profile Image for Aesaan.
145 reviews81 followers
April 12, 2021
Practicing the Power of Now is an effective read with a few handy meditation exercises in the mix. This book is focused on the key techniques to stay calm and to always be present at the moment regardless of the situation.
“All problems are illusions of the mind.”
Often we let our thoughts wander in time other than the present. We sometimes live in the past causing sufferings to our mind and body or we get obsessed with what may or may not be, meaning we fear the future. Tolle with great emphasis teaches us to live in the now and to not let our egoistic and unconscious mind take the driver's seat.
“WATCH ANY PLANT OR ANIMAL AND LET IT TEACH YOU acceptance of what is, surrender to the Now. Let it teach you Being.”
However, this book is repetitive throughout like a mantra and reminders on how to slowly but effectively improve your life. The book demands to be read slowly.

I don't have any major complaints however I wish there were couple more exercises. That's it!
“When you accept what is, every moment is the best moment. That is enlightenment.”
Profile Image for Maria Clara.
1,117 reviews619 followers
December 17, 2019
Realmente me ha gustado, sólo que me ha parecido un resumen de El poder del Ahora, su anterior libro. De todas maneras, siempre va bien refrescar los conocimientos que una ya tiene 🤫
Profile Image for Marj Osborne .
243 reviews34 followers
August 30, 2011
This book contains many strategies to help us lead a richer, more satisfying life. In many ways it's the work journal or exercise of Tolle's previous work, however it contains many quotable lines which you want to come back to. Here are a couple:

"To be identified with your mind is to be trapped in time: the compulsion to live almost exclusively through memory and anticipation...the past gives you an identity and the future holds the promise of salvation, of fulfillment...Both are illusions." (p.31)

"Wherever you are, be there totally. Stress is caused by being 'here' but wanting to be 'there'. It's the split that tears you apart inside." (p.50)

I read this book in one sitting, however because of its mantra-like repetition of key concepts, I think it would be better to dip into it from time to time, reminding oneself of the need to take time out to achieve balance, to centre our beings in tranquillity, to take fully immerse our self in the moment rather than looking forward or back.
Profile Image for Emma Sea.
2,206 reviews1,163 followers
November 9, 2018
i don't know what to think, man. it's not that the basis of this isn't sound. Suffering comes from resistance; wishing that circumstances were other than they were, insisting that something 'shouldn't' be happening. Suffering comes from living in the past, or the future. But there are other books - a fuckton of other books - that can guide you through this. Tolle wouldn't be the first writer I'd suggest to someone interested in dealing with life challenges in a way that brings you peace.

Because that whole binary gender only completed by "opposite energy polarity" thing? Yeah, nah. Fuck that.

On the other hand, I've been meaning to read this for twenty years, and I feel a great deal of satisfaction knowing I finally did (whether or not it was worth the wait.)
Profile Image for el Amine EL Metioui.
8 reviews22 followers
August 21, 2016
قوة الان، قوة اللحظة التي نعيشها الان، هذا الكتاب الذي اكاد اجزم انه من الصعب فهم و ادراك محاوره من خلال قراءة واحدة، لقد كتب تول و شرح لماذا يسيطر علينا الكئابة و الاحزان و لماذا و كيف سمحنا لذلك ان يحصل رغم اننا نشعر بكل شيء، لأننا غير واعيين بما يحصل و اننا صدقنا الاوهام التي هي الماضي و المستقبل و وضعنا كل امالنا فيهما ، و تجاهلنا [الان]، التي هي مفتاح الخلاص و السلام الداخلي و طريق السعادة، و أن العقل قائدنا الى التهلكة و الشعور بالذات الان و عدم التطابق مع العقل يجعلنا و اعيين بما نحن سائرون نحوه ،
كتاب عميق جدا،
Profile Image for Tami.
Author 36 books77 followers
June 26, 2008
Practicing the Power of Now is a handy companion to Eckhart’s wildly popular The Power of Now. Essentially, Practicing the Power of Now contains the same information as in the first book. However, I have to say that I prefer this format. The first book was written in a question answer format. These questions came from the author’s students. He also included amalgamated questions that covered a variety of common queries. These question and answer sessions gradually took the reader from common perception through to an understanding of the illusions that we generally accept as real and the importance of the present moment.

Practicing the Power of Now is written in formalized chapters summarizing much of the material written that first book such as being and enlightenment; the origin of fear, entering the now, dissolving consciousness, etc. The best quotations, mediations, and exercises first previously presented are also included.
87 reviews6 followers
July 25, 2011
What a gem. So much more easy going than the original. Ought to be read once a month or whenever you need peace of mind. You dont even have to read from one end to the other. The headings allow you to reflect on the areas of your life where you need inner peace. For once repetition actually benefits the reader instead of annoying you.... Highly highly recommended.
6 reviews4 followers
July 16, 2012
I wish someone had told me that this was not new content from Eckhart Tolle, it is basically an abridged version of The Power of Now. So it's obviously very good, but not worth buying if you just barely finished The Power of Now and are looking for more.
Profile Image for Narjes Seghatoleslam.
86 reviews3 followers
December 18, 2020
با اینکه نزدیک به 8 سال پیش یک استاد فلسفه بمن پیشنهاد خواندن کتاب نیروی حال را داد، این کتاب رو سه ماه پیش موقعی که داییم فوت شده بود شروع کردم به خوندن. میخواستم ببینیم دلیل تشویق افراد بزرگ به بودن در حال چیست؟! داییم فوت شده بود و من وحشتناک ناراحت بودم. حال من خراب بود و نبودن در حال بنظرم مفیدتر می آمد. سه ماه هم طول کشید تا کتاب رو خوندم نمی دونم بخاطر مفاهیم سنگین بود یا ترجمه بد بود. مترجم کتابی که من خواندم هنگامه آذرمی هست. بهرحال بنظرم اگر کلاس مدتیشن نرفته بودم متوجه کتاب اصلا نمیشدم. در کل بودن زمان حال این گونه که کتاب گفته کار بسیار سختی هست ؛حداقل برای من.
در مورد مصیبت، درد، سختی، رنج و غیره راه حلی که داد بود این بود که باید بجای مقاومت در برابرشان آنها را پذیرفت.
Profile Image for Cloudy.
72 reviews47 followers
August 24, 2019
حداقل چیزی که برام داشت این بود که یه دید تازه‌ای بهم داد برای یه سری موضوع‌ها. کلا موقع خوندنش حسم یکم بهتر میشد..و خب تموم شدنش به معنی بستنش و گذاشتن توو ک��ابخونه نیست میتونم بخوام هرموقعی بهش برگردم. در کل خوندنش جالب بود برام.
435 reviews11 followers
August 1, 2012
Although this is the companion workbook to The Power of Now, which was published in 1997, my familiarity with the material and many of the processes have enabled me to read through it all in a couple of hours. From this point of view I can agree with Tolle’s suggestion in the introduction that it is an Introduction to the grander version in his previous book. However, it is still quite a substantial volume for a beginning of awareness for anyone who has not had any prior experience of this kind of work.

My suggestion would be that a newcomer to the idea of meditation or mind awareness would benefit from reading through the volume reasonably quickly, perhaps jotting a few notes of the pages which seem most difficult to connect with. Then a second reading allowing plenty of time to practice the exercises will allow the more familiar and the less familiar to balance each other rather than feeling like too daunting a task.

Once some familiarity has been achieved, Tolle’s own suggestion of randomly opening the book to read or practice an exercise will already have some foundation upon which to anchor its practice more readily. There are also a few quotes of one or two lines well worth writing out to display for triggering attention as you go about your daily tasks.

A handy little volume to refer to on a regular basis.
Profile Image for Shawn Persinger.
Author 6 books9 followers
June 14, 2022
I read this book because a friend recommended it and then bought it for me. Sadly this is the worst sort of New Age claptrap – and I write that as someone who has read many, very good self-help and spiritually-minded books. This book however is filled with discursive platitudes and unoriginal concepts.

I did finish the book but gave up any semblance of goodwill toward it when I read: (Question): "Is there any scientific evidence of this?" (Answer) "Try it out and you will be the evidence." That's the complete opposite of scientific evidence!

Infinitely better alternatives: "The Way of Life, According to Lao Tzu" (Witter Bynner, Translator); "10% Happier" Dan Harris; "Catching the Big Fish: Meditation, Consciousness, and Creativity" by David Lynch; even the book written by a man convicted of felony negligent homicide (don't throw out the baby with the bath water) "Harmonic Wealth: The Secret of Attracting the Life You Want" by James Arthur Ray (with Linda Sivertsen); and the most obvious point of reference, "Be Here Now" by Ram Dass.
Profile Image for Elyse Walters.
4,010 reviews11.4k followers
August 5, 2012
My husband and I have read all his books ---(started listening and reading him before many knew who he was).

Master Spiritual leader
Profile Image for Nashwa Moustafa.
Author 4 books93 followers
February 24, 2021
دسم وصعب ومحتاج إعادة قراءة بشكل متأني

الكتاب فيه حاجات صعبة وفيه حاجات غير منطقية لكن فيه نقطة لفتت نظري جدا. الكاتب بيذكر مثال على أن مفهوم الزمن غير موجود عند الحيوانات والأكتئاب خاص بالانسان فقط والحيوانات اللي ممكن تعاني من الاكتئاب بتبقى مرتبطة بالإنسان ودي مشاهدة حقيقية جدا شوفتها اكتر من مرة في حيوانات منازل بيتم إهمالها ومعاملتها بشكل سئ فبتنتحر وحيوانات في حديقة الحيوان في اوقات كان حال الحديقة سئ جدا كنت حاسة أن الحيوانات عندها اكتئاب
16 reviews6 followers
December 27, 2013
The three star rating for this book has little to do with its actual content and more a reflection that it turns out to be an unnecessary purchase. It lifts sections of "The Power of Now", often verbatim, and offers nothing new.

If it has some value it saves the reader from paging through "The Power of Now" to find the exercises.
Profile Image for M&A Ed.
347 reviews54 followers
May 26, 2019
انسان دغدغه مند امروزی نیاز به آرامش دارد...گاهی به گذشته بر می گردیم و افسوس می خوریم و گاه نسبت به آینده نگرانیم...همه سخن این کتاب بهره مندی از زمان حال و لذت بردن از "اکنون"است.بدون توجه به گذشته و آینده. فکر می کنم کار سختی باشد اما به تجربه اش می ارزد.
Profile Image for Nasrin M.
64 reviews15 followers
December 30, 2020
چند روز پیش آشنایی خبر گرفت ازم و صحبت از زندگی و معناش و آشفتگی ها و... شد و ایشون که خودش دانش آموخته فلسفه هم هستش پیشنهادش واسم زیست معنوی بود و واس شروع هم کتاب نیروی حال رو پیشنهاد داد که البته خودم یک ماه پیش حدودا استارتش رو زده بودم در برخی قسمت های کتاب ابهاماتی بود واسم و فکر میکنم لازمه بازم برگردم بهش، نمیدونم به نسبت خود کتاب اصلی کامل هست صوتیش یا نه ، اما خب دوست دارم بار بعد بیشتر فرصت بدم به خودم واس درکش، اما خب برای بار اول گاهی موقع خوندن جبهه گیری می کردم وگاهی عجیب بود و گاهی هم خوب و فکر می کنم میتونه نگاه جالبی باشه و البته مفید ، و به نظرم بهتر از دید معنوی بهش نگاه کنید تا اینکه دنبال استدلال های خاص و شاخ و برگ دادن باشید .
▪امتیازش پیشم فعلا ۳.۵ و شاید دفعه ی بعد که
بهش بر می گردم تغییر کنه .
Profile Image for Richard.
51 reviews15 followers
December 1, 2008
Eckhart Tolle published the Power of Now in 1997. Many inspired readers wrote him and requested a more practical version for daily study. In 2001, this small, but powerful version was released.

Having read most of his writings, I tend to go back to this one and A New Earth quite often.

Truly eye opening and life changing for me.
Profile Image for Aida-Bianca Groza.
375 reviews184 followers
January 19, 2023
Cartea asta e un exemplu bun de ce în mod normal nu citesc dezvoltare personală: aceeași idee repetată cu metafore diferite, dar fără sfaturi punctate despre cum poți să îmbunătățești/să schimbi ceva.

It wasn’t a total bs, dar nici nu am rămas cu prea multe, deci kinda useless.
Profile Image for Dawna.
15 reviews19 followers
July 15, 2012
It took me quite awhile to finish this book. There was a great deal for me to digest. Even then, I believe this is one that I will have to periodically refer back to in the future.

"The mind identified state is severely dysfunctional. It is a form of insanity.

"Almost everyone is suffering from this illness in varying degrees. The moment you realize this, there can be no more resentment. How can you resent someone's illness. The only appropriate response is compassion."

This is a concept that stood out so starkly and put things in greater perspective for me. It also gave new meaning to the words "we're all crazy here". According to Tolle, as long as we continue to identify with the mental self as our True self... We truly are.p
Profile Image for Mustafa Nuwaidri.
382 reviews169 followers
December 15, 2017
انتهيت من هذا السفر البديع و يا ليتني ما انتهيت
هذا الكتيب الصغير ذو المائة صفحة هو مرجع ملهم لاولئك الذين يعانون من ظلمة الحياة البائسة
هذا الكتاب مع سابقه "قوة الآن" هما دليل للتنوير فعلا عندما ننصت لهما
انا ممتن جدا للكتاب وللمفكر الرائع ايكهارت تول
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