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So Long, Insecurity: You've Been a Bad Friend to Us

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2011 Retailers Choice Award winner!
Perhaps one of the biggest issues all women face is their own insecurity. Beth Moore, one of today’s most admired and trusted Christian writers, wants women to be free from the insecurity trap. So Long, Insecurity will strike a chord with women everywhere, as Beth speaks truth into the lives of readers, showing them how to deal with their innermost fears, rediscover their God-given dignity, and develop a whole new perspective―a stronger sense of self. Women of all ages and backgrounds will resonate with this message of security and discover truths that will free them emotionally and spiritually and lead them to a better life as they walk with God.

368 pages, Hardcover

First published February 2, 2010

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About the author

Beth Moore

343 books2,478 followers
Beth Moore has written many best–selling books and is a dynamic teacher and a prolific Bible–study author whose public speaking engagements take her across the United States to challenge tens of thousands. Beth is focused on teaching women all over the world and is known and respected wherever she goes. She is a dedicated wife and mother of two adult daughters and lives in Houston, Texas, where she leads Living Proof Ministries and teaches an adult Sunday school class. Beth is one of the best known women in the evangelical Christian market.

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Profile Image for Carla.
55 reviews
October 7, 2010
I was a little apprehensive about going through this book. Up until now I have tended to write off the, in my view, over-sensationalized "Beth Moore" women's studies and have consequently avoided them. However, I was proved quite wrong in my private little stereotype, and the shallow book I expected turned out to bring me to depths in both my spiritual journey and my emotional and mental well-being that no book ever has. Ever.

This book is easy to read, but has clearly been used by the Holy Spirit to free women both from insecurities and the deeply rooted sources in a deep, powerful and lasting way. Beth not only leads the reader through close (and difficult!) self-examination of the reader's past, but through powerful prayers and tools to set the reader on the path of healing and wholeness even after the book ends. This book was used by God in my life like a jackhammer - breaking lifelong, cemented patterns for good - some that I didn't even recognize were there. I will be keeping this book and referring to it over the months and years to come.

I would recommend this book to anyone with even the slightest little feelings of insecurity, because if you are ready to tackle this book - it will not disappoint you.
Profile Image for Kim.
4 reviews
July 17, 2010
I tend to dislike womanish books. Not this one. Beth is humorous and her illustrations hit home. Insecurity has done damage to my energy and intimacy in relationships. What I learned from this book has helped me relax and enjoy myself.

What I learned---

What is insecurity
-self-doubt and uncertainty about my place in the world, -self-consciousness, anxiety, lack of confidence, fear of rejection, unsure of whether my feelings are legitimate.
-self-preoccupation—more aware of self than anyone else in the room

Drawbacks of insecurity
-trying to make things as I want them to be
-trying to make my kids, not just direct them
-Trying to discover about kids what only God was meant to know
-Obsessing over someone’s anger.
-Being hurt is almost inevitable because expectations are so high—undue pressure on relationships—making blowout inevitable
arresting loved ones and holding them in emotional jail for punishment rather than investing in them
-disliking the people we love
-looking for value from those we love and putting too much pressure on them
-devaluing myself
-Urge to lie when I don’t know something
-fear driven as we are so careful about what we try to project
-Fixating on every self-gain and self-loss
-We will never feel better about ourselves by becoming consumed with ourselves or by feeling worse about others.
-Losing God-given dignity

My insecurity reasons
-Sins & wrongs; not living up to my ideals
-Broken dreams from not living up to my ideals
-Not performing well or having respect of others or influence on others due to not living up to my ideals. Like other people excelling in “my area,” saying something stupid to someone I admire, having people not respond well when I pour out my heart. Trying to make amends whenever I think I’ve done something wrong.
-Not being one of the most gifted people alive.
-In the end, pride because I want everyone, myself included, to respect and admire me.
*No greater burden than my ego. It allows things that break my heart to keep me from healing. I have arrogant expectations beneath my self-contempt.

Believing Truth
-Search for significance. Our need for significance is built in so we will search for the Creator.
-Let truth scream louder than the lies that have infected us.
I need someone who will love me when I hate myself.
-“He knows it’s scary to be us.”
-Worship is pre-occupation; if we are preoccupied in anger & unforgiveness than we are worshipping the person we are thinking of.
-My loved one is a separate person from me; one who God loves, pursues, and sometimes chastises.

More than talk
-Satan wants us to dig ourselves into a pit of self-hatred by insisting on getting my dignity back when I’ve been foolish, acting even more foolish, and then vastly more insecure and a failure.
-If we only talk about our problems, we stir the pot we are drowning in and intensify the undercurrent, drawing ourselves further down.
-I can let the healthy whole secure part of me drive my actions, emotions, relationship

*I do not have to act on feelings of insecurity.
-Stop affirming and reaffirming to myself how inferior I am
-Do not give the future the right to intimidate you
-If you are borrowing trouble from the future by worrying, go ahead and borrow the grace to deal with the problem. Imagine all your worst fears coming true and then what would happen on the other side of them. God taking care of me no matter what.
-Expose myself to materials that edify my soul; put down or turn off something that makes lies about myself believable.
-Shift friends that make me feel stupid and small to the B list.
-Can say “Self, get over it.” Our culture’s great injustice is training us to avoid personal responsibility so we can’t come to repentance & restoration.
-Have faith—insecurity is a lack of faith.
Put specific truth in place of insecurities and close self to future onslaught

The truth is
-I am beautiful to God; He is enthralled by my beauty
-I am a treasure to God.
-I am worthy of respect.
-I am clothed with strength and dignity. When I am feeling over-exposed, I can say “I am covered by God.”
Profile Image for Ellie Sorota.
157 reviews6 followers
July 28, 2012
While Beth Moore's Bible studies have been immensely eye-opening to me, her book So Long, Insecurity was a waste of time. The book begins promisingly enough, but then spends too many pages explaining that, yes, this is a book about insecurity, and yes, some people are insecure, and yes, insecure people might benefit from reading about insecurity. She forgot, apparently, that she'd already said that with the title. This often happens in self-help books - pages and pages spent justifying its publication rather than actually addressing the topic at hand.

I finally decided to say, "So long," to So Long when Beth began a paragraph with, "One day, I was on a walk with my ipod when God spoke to me." When God speaks to you, tell us about that - not your ipod.
Profile Image for Beth.
67 reviews10 followers
August 10, 2011
The title leave you nothing to wonder about....it's about insecurity. And if every woman was honest with herself, we would recognize that oftentimes we fail to embrace our God given security, strength and dignity like we should. I think this book is an outstanding tool, even if you don't feel like you have cronic insecurity. It's eye opening to how, we as women, tend to walk into a room and immediately compare ourselves to our surroundings and chalk points into the "do I measure up" column. I particularly liked the fact that this book talks about the real security of God and not just believing in a universal goodness. Beth Moore goes through all sorts of causes for insecurity on many levels, from abuse and loss to how women are portrayed in American culture. By the end of the book the reader can take away valid and usable techniques to catch themselves choosing an attitude that represents their strength and dignity rather than one of insecurity. I think this is one of those books, that while the title might be something I'll need to explain over and over again, I will keep on my shelf and reread several times. I will say (and the author admits to this) it's a little bit of a messy read and difficult to follow near the end.
Profile Image for Deana.
14 reviews31 followers
January 14, 2011
Beth Moore has the heart of a servant and this book proves her passion, knowledge, and wisdom in Christ. She has done her best in helping women believe in their God-given beauty, talent, and anointing from Christ. With tact, Moore convicts with the Holy Spirit's guidance and touches the brokenness with the compassion from the Father. Women in today's age need a reality check, and Moore helps unravel the lies and temptations the world burdens us with. I recommended this book to every friend I have that is weighed down by illusions their weak perceptions and/or hearts have told them about self-image, self-esteem, true success, etc. Moore cares deeply about the inner-woman and this shines forth in her honesty throughout the book. If every woman reads this book and is completely honest with herself, she will find deliverance from even hidden insecurities. I was freed in many ways and reminded of God's word and more of Jesus, both of which are the only true sources of sweet deliverance from the corruption in our hearts and from the lies we believe about ourselves.
Profile Image for Jill Williamson.
Author 60 books1,470 followers
June 18, 2010
Review by Jill Williamson

I love Beth Moore. I've never met her, but I've done several of her Bible studies and had the privilege of attending one of her conferences. The woman inspires me. Why? Because she's real. She's suffered through life, just like the rest of us, and she refuses to let that define her. Praise Jesus for that! That, and her passion for studying the Word of God, draws me, and thousands of other women, to her like sheep to a shepherd. She is a disciple of Jesus. She teaches His truth in a wonderful, personal, life-changing way.

So when I saw this book, I knew I needed it. I've always had low self-esteem. And I am plagued by insecurity. The smallest little comment will send me into a spiral of woe. One example, I have the nasty habit of interpreting faces. I can read minds, too, you know. If someone looks at me funny, I know I did something to make them upset with me, and I can't stand it until I know everything is okay again. I've also trained myself to interpret email tones. I entertain my husband every time I read an email to him. He says I read every word with a negative, attacking tone, as if the author has a personal agenda against me--or someone.

One of my husband's most telling phrases is: It must be exhausting being you.

Well, ouch.

But he's right. It is exhausting being so insecure. I don't mean to do this to myself. And I'm tired of it. And a bit ticked off, as Beth was in the beginning of her book. Having read the book, I will say that I now have confidence that I can beat this thing. Insecurity distracts our minds from living the life God intends for us. It keeps us weak instead of strong. It keeps us distant instead of loving. It keeps us judging instead of reaching out and building lasting friendships.

Once again, Beth Moore has inspired me. I'm saying, "So long, Insecurity! You don't own this girl!" Whoo hoo! Now that's something to get excited about. If you've ever felt insecure, sit down and talk it out with Beth. And that's exactly what this book was. A nice, long, heart to heart with Beth Moore about a topic that plagues us. I highly recommend it.
Profile Image for Becca.
677 reviews36 followers
June 26, 2021
I talked with a friend about So Long Insecurity and we agreed that had I read this at another point in my life it very likely would have been much more impactful. At this point, it felt very surface level and lacking a lot of theological depth. If insecurity is something new you’re learning about, this may be a good starting point, but if you’re looking for more meat, you may want to skip this one.
Profile Image for Kristi.
468 reviews2 followers
February 12, 2011
This book should be standard issue to every woman on earth. Probably every man, as well. Whether insecurity dogs your steps constantly or whether it only rears its ugly head on occasion, we all hate that ugly feeling. Moore delves deep into finding the root of the problem of insecurity and helps us examine why we find ourselves falling into this trap. Like a wise and loving big sister, she doesn't pull any punches but with authenticity and transparency about her own struggles, Beth offers practical strategies and real answers that can help us defeat this monster. One of my favorite things about this book is the way she approaches the topic -- She is absolutely real. Some of the scenarios will make you laugh out loud, and some will bring tears to your eyes. They'll strike home, though, as Beth zeroes in on some of our tenderest areas. Definitely worth a read. Or two. Or a dozen.
Profile Image for Mechelle.
29 reviews28 followers
August 29, 2014
A friend recommended this book to me as a must read. It's not. I first tried to read the eBook version of the book. I couldn't get past the first chapter. I felt like she talked too much--yes, talked too much in a book. I then tried to listen to the audio version. It wasn't any better. It only confirmed that, yes, she does talk too much. The eBook read like I was having a telephone conversation with a friend who I wanted to yell at and say, "Get to the point." The audio version confirmed it. She's the reader, and yep, she read it just like I heard it in my head when I was reading. She sounded like she was enjoying an evening with girlfriends, which is exactly how the book reads. There's no real substance to this book. Just her going on and on and on about people having insecurities.
Profile Image for Audrey.
107 reviews1 follower
October 10, 2017
Maybe 3 and a half stars. I found the subject relevant to my life but didn't find the overarching principles of dealing with our anxieties to be comprehensive enough to satisfy me. The Biblical principles were solid, but I would have liked her to expand on them. I think I was affected by two things: 1) I was listening to the audio version of this book which I find makes reviewing and applying difficult. 2) A majority of the examples and application centered around men as the source of insecurity, which I don't relate to.
Profile Image for Caitlin N..
427 reviews14 followers
January 28, 2011
Insecurity is a monster.
This book exposes it for what it is and passionately bids us to rid ourselves of it.
Beth Moore breaks insecurity down, getting to the reasons behind why we think and feel those negative things about ourselves. Then, with the truth of Scripture, she obliterates every single one, teaching us how to be free, secure, confident people.

It's life changing stuff.
Profile Image for Maddie.
44 reviews
December 10, 2015
Fear and insecurity run deep for me. I remembered the first time I felt paralyzed by fear, I was only in elementary school. The struggle is real, but God is so faithful. Beth Moore's book is a beautiful reminder to women of their value in Christ. No fear, God will take care of us no matter what hardships we encounter in life. In the end we will be able to look in triumph on our foes.
26 reviews
August 4, 2015
Most people don't want to admit they have a problem with insecurity, but after reading this book I realized it is a problem for most of us at some point in our lives. At a particular low point in my life I realized I had a massive problem with insecurity, and it was holding me back and negatively impacting my relationships. So I swallowed my pride and did a search in the library database for "Insecurity" and this is the only book it brought up. I'm so glad I rented it. I loved it so much I bought my own copy and the digital copy years later when it became available. One of the many things I love about this book is that it feels more like chatting with a good friend, than reading a self-help book. I could pick it up and read only a page and I would feel uplifted and inspired. Beth Moore has a way of making you laugh while also giving you greater insight about yourself and your relationship to God. Beth Moore is now one of my top favorite authors and speakers and I love everything she puts out. Thank you Beth Moore for giving me greater insight and understanding as to why I have struggled with insecurity in the past and how to move past it! I highly recommend this book to everyone, particularly women.
Profile Image for Melissa.
63 reviews5 followers
April 6, 2010
I bought this book because of two reasons: First, I love Beth Moore--she has great insight, is a fantastic Bible teacher and can be those things and still embrace a spray tan. Secondly, I wanted to dig into something deeper--but not as deep (with as much homework) as a typical Beth Moore study. I did not buy this book because I thought that I was fraught with crazy insecurities.

HOWEVER, let me just say that I have learned a lot about myself, and others, from So Long Insecurity. Granted, there are long passages that may not apply to me, but then again there are single sentences that pierce my heart as if she wrote them with me in mind.

I think just about every woman should read this--if not for themselves, then for their daughters or their friends. Great insight into a woman's mind and what shapes us, whether we are aware of it or not.
Profile Image for Margaret Metz.
415 reviews9 followers
October 27, 2010
My best friend suggested I read this book (she had just started reading it herself) and it was one of the best pieces of advice I have ever been given.

This made me laugh, challenged and inspired me. I could relate with so many things written between the covers. It's so universal that even if you don't think you have a "problem" with insecurity - I'm betting that you would be blessed by it.

I deliberately took my time reading this book so that the information could sink in and hopefully change some of the bad thinking patterns and habits I have. I think this is one I may have to re-read on a regular basis just to make sure I don't slip up.

It was awesome and I would suggest it to every woman I know.
Profile Image for L8blmr.
1,144 reviews12 followers
November 30, 2015
The title of this book called out to me and I thought I'd probably be able to pick up a hint or two for dealing with the insecurity I have dealt with since I was a small child (lots of reasons; too boring to get into). I don't know how many times since I began reading it I have said to myself, "I didn't know anyone besides me ever felt that way!" Mrs. Moore does an outstanding job of bluntly (and humorously) throwing things out that make the reader (at least this one) feel not so ... abnormal. Have I learned anything useful? Actually, I have. I've been concentrating on my own insecurity for so long that it has prevented me from recognizing other people's insecurities and have misjudged many of them. And what was I doing "judging" them in the first place? We're all in this together!
20 reviews
May 10, 2010
I am really sad to give this book a one star because I was really excited about reading it.

Every woman has some sort of insecurities, but for me, I never got any WOW moments out of this book. I was hoping for a light bulb in my head to go off and scream out to me THAT'S YOU AND HERE'S HOW YOU DEAL WITH IT.

Oh well...better luck next time on the next book.
Profile Image for Heather.
13 reviews2 followers
August 19, 2012
I've been having a hard time reading this one. Her analogies often get me side-tracked... I wish I could just hear her voice sharing the info instead of reading it. "Get Out of That Pit" was available to me on audio and that was SO MUCH easier to digest.
I wonder if I'll ever finish this one, even though it has great thoughts.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
38 reviews3 followers
February 5, 2010
Beth Moore is one of my all time favorite speakers, bible study writers, and book writers. She has big texas hair, makeup and jewelry, and she knows it & isn't afraid to poke fun at herself.

This book was a slower read than the others, as it was a lot of food for thought. I think it's a great book for moms of girls to read, as some of her advice about the world we're raising our daighters in is RIGHT ON THE MONEY.

Proverbs 31:25 is the premise of the book. She is clothed with strength and dignity.

It's a heavy topic, but one that's timely for me. As women we are quick to measure the worst of ourselves to the best of others and for that we'll always come up short.

One of the last chapters in the book is titled "WHAT ARE YOU AFRAID OF?" When I came to this chapter I got chills. As many of you recall, when I got the news of my parents divorce, the Holy Spirit spoke to me, and asked that same question.

From Page 333, Moore says:

"What will God do if .........?

Here's a smattering of answers to that mnighty good question.

The Maker of the Heaven and earth will:

Perfect everything that concerns you (Psalm 138:8)
Work all things together for your good (Romans 8:28)
COntend with those who contend with you (Isaiah 49:25)
fight this battle for you (2 Chronicles 20:15)
equip you with divine power ( 2 Corinthians 10:4)
delight to show you mercy (Micah 7:18)

and many more.
Profile Image for Elizabeth7781.
221 reviews4 followers
September 6, 2010
Everyone on planet earth feels insecurity. It's just that Beth is actually honest enough to admit it. An intriguing read on the root causes and how to move away from being victimized by insecurity. One of the better books I've read this year.
Profile Image for Bailey Wenger.
29 reviews
October 17, 2012
I loved this book! It deals with insecurities that every woman struggles with--and it gives ways that we can battle those insecurities through scripture, prayer, an a lot of laughter from Beth Moore. I love her funny, real-struggle stories. :)
Profile Image for Judy.
23 reviews
April 20, 2010
As always, I loved Beth's refreshingly candid approach to a problem that is so destructive, especially to women. Truly a subject we need to discuss with our daughters.
Profile Image for Catrina Welch.
Author 7 books8 followers
January 7, 2014
amazing book. Beth's insights of a woman's heart bring great healing and liberation through the Word of God.
Profile Image for Maureen Russell.
222 reviews3 followers
January 12, 2016
Beth Moore has the amazing ability to have you crying and laughing all in the same story. Great book. Would recommend to anyone!
August 11, 2016
I'm a very insecure person and this was recommended to me. But I feel like there was no resolution other than just feeling secure because I am a beloved daughter of God.
11 reviews
June 8, 2022
Beth reminds us to love ourselves, be kind to others, personalize others when we feel threatened, be a role model. Nicely balanced and supported with scripture. (She is clothed with strength and dignity and she laughs without fear of the future. Proverbs 34:25.). “We have this treasure-this all-surpassing power in these jars of clay. Every time we glance in the mirror, we come face-to-face with a supernatural work of God.” Parts of the book I did not find relevant to me but over all provides good insight on how insecurity affects us and our relationships.
34 reviews32 followers
November 22, 2021
I just love this lady! Her genuine passion for Jesus is infectious. I both cried and died of laughter at different points throughout this book (the latter during the car wash story!)
Profile Image for Kaysie Hamilton.
40 reviews3 followers
August 22, 2024
A study I have began many times but never finished because it pushed at me too much. This time I was ready for it. I love Beth’s casual writing about serious topics. It’s like listening to a friend. I also loved listening to this with the Libby app. It was peaceful and endearing to hear Beth read her own words and put her own emphasis on important or tender points. She’s the best.
Profile Image for Sabina Farmer.
35 reviews8 followers
May 20, 2022
My therapist told me to read this book. Pretend you don’t see this.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 504 reviews

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