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Always to Remember

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Branded a traitor and imprisoned for refusing to fight for the Confederacy, Clayton Holland returns home to Cedar Grove, only to be spurned by the townspeople, except for vengeful Meg Warner, who finds her hatred and grief transformed by love. Original.

323 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published February 1, 1996

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About the author

Lorraine Heath

73 books4,205 followers
Also writes Young Adult under Rachel Hawthorne, Jade Parker, and with her son as J.A. London.

Lorraine Heath has always had a soft spot for emotional love stories. No doubt because growing up, watching movies with her mom, she was taught that the best movies "won't half make you cry."​​​​​​​

She is the daughter of a British beauty (her mom won second place in a beauty contest sponsored by Max Factor® during which she received a kiss from Caesar Romero, (the Joker on the original Batman TV series) and a Texan who was stationed at Bovingdon while serving in the air force. Lorraine was born in Watford, Hertfordshire, England, but soon after moved to Texas. Her "dual" nationality has given her a love for all things British and Texan, and she enjoys weaving both heritages through her stories.

When she received her BA degree in psychology from the University of Texas, she had no idea she had gained a foundation that would help her to create believable characters—characters that are often described as “real people.” She began her career writing training manuals and computer code for the IRS, but something was always missing. When she read a romance novel, she became not only hooked on the genre, but quickly realized what her writing lacked: rebels, scoundrels, and rogues. She's been writing about them ever since.

Her work has been recognized with numerous industry awards including RWA's RITA®. Her novels have appeared on bestseller lists, including ​​​​​​​USA TODAY and the New York Times.

The author of more than 60 novels, she writes historical and contemporary romance for adults and historical romance for teen readers.

Under the names Rachel Hawthorne and Jade Parker, she writes popular contemporary, historical, and paranormal r​​omance for teens readers. She also writes young adult novels with her son under the name J. A. London.

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December 5, 2022

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DNF @ 20%

Okay, wow. It's been a minute since I've disliked a book enough to give it a one star but this book was AWFUL. In one of my Colleen Hoover book reviews, I talk about how sometimes a book can be well-written but one of the leads can just totally ruin a book for you, and that was how I felt about Meg in this book. I don't think I've despised a heroine THIS much since, like, THE DUKE AND I by Julia Quinn. She was awful.

So the plot of this book in a nutshell is that it's set just after the Civil War. Clay, the hero, is a conscientious objector to the war and to slavery, and so despite living in the South, he refused to fight. This got him hated by everyone, arrested, and nearly executed as a traitor. But the people at the jail were moved to spare him because he prayed for them and not for himself just before his death. When he goes back to his hometown, he's hated and spurned even more, and no one hates him as much as Meg Warner does, because she basically single-handedly holds him responsible for her husband and brothers not coming home.

In the words of Peter Griffin, Shut up, Meg.

Meg decides the best way for Clay to repent is to build her and the town a statue-- for FREE-- glorifying the Civil War. She wants it made out of white marble, because it is a material "as pure and white as the Cause" (excuse me while I vom), and before we've gotten to 20%, she's screamed at the hero, slapped the hero, and basically treated him like a subhuman, all the while talking about how he's going to build her this statue and that he OWES her. Like, girl. Get out of that r/choosingbeggars forum on Reddit. It's not meant to be instructional.

When I'm reading a romance, I have to believe in the couple. I don't have to necessarily like them as people or want them as friends (case in point, AIN'T SHE SWEET? by SEP where the heroine and the hero both do some seriously questionable stuff), but I have to kind of be able to catch a glimpse of how they could end up together and believe that they're capable of redemption. Ms. The South Will Rise Again and her stupid white purity statue can go to hell, as far as I'm concerned. Clay was fine, but he felt like a Christ figure, created just to be martyred, and I don't think I've seen a character created for such a beating since the heroine of REDEEMING LOVE. I don't think there's nobility in suffering and I don't think Meg deserves or is worthy of Clay. Reading this just filled me with disgust. It's a shame because I've loved some of Lorraine Heath's other works but this one was just so bad for me.

1 star
Profile Image for peachygirl.
291 reviews837 followers
March 2, 2024
I don't think anyone in this miserable snotty town deserved Clay. Especially that uppity bitch he fell in love with. I wanted to write a long review as an ode to this amazing character, but I'm gonna read all the parts I earmarked and moon over him again.
5 stars, ONLY for Clayton and his adorable twin brothers!
Profile Image for Sophie ♥.
125 reviews246 followers
December 29, 2013

Lorraine Heath just blew me away with this book! I never would have imagined I'd enjoy this one so much since it's one of her earlier books and not as acclaimed as the Texas Trilogy and her newer books. But from the very beginning this book had me connecting emotionally with the characters and the story.

After refusing to fight for the Confederacy, Clayton was spurned by everyone in his hometown of Cedar Grove. To Meg, who lost her husband and brothers in the war, Clay's presence was a constant offense. As punishment, Meg commissioned Clay to create a memorial for the town's war heroes.

What I loved about this book was that Clay wasn't your typical delicious want-to-eat-up-with-a-spoon alpha male who oozes with sex appeal, yet he captured my heart and owned it for the entire book. I found myself crying for his loneliness, wishing I could be the one to comfort him. I just wanted to take him home and wrap him in my arms and give him all the love no one else would give him. His vulnerability was what made him such a loveable hero and his inexperience made me all the more protective of him. Even when Meg hated Clay in the beginning, I never in any way disliked her. In fact she truly was worthy of Clay and their happy ending was just the sweetest thing.

"I don't know, Meg. I got into the habit a few years back of not thinking past today, but I'll need a place to work once I've learned all I can at the university in Germany. Besides, I like Texas granite."
She nuzzled his neck. "I've grown rather fond of it myself."
"And fond of me?" he asked.
"Especially fond of you." She kissed him slow and leisurely to prove her words. Then she nibbled on his ear. "Why don't we finish this at home? My shoulders are beginning to ache."
He laughed. "I have an ache myself."
"I'll be happy to rub it."

This book is going into my favorites for sure. Out of all the Lorraine Heath books I've read this one is my favorite of hers. A beautifully written book with perfect characters and a touch of poignancy. I would definitely recommend this to anyone who loves an emotionally moving book with a sweet ending.
Profile Image for Julianna.
Author 5 books1,337 followers
September 9, 2023
Reviewed for THC Reviews

After finishing Always to Remember, I was left with a sense of almost sheer perfection. This unique book is far more than a mere romance. It is a morality tale of a man making a stand for what he believes, and facing the scorn of an entire town because of it. This story asks and in my opinion, answers quite well the difficult question, “What truly constitutes courage?” It is about love and hate. It is about true friendship. It is about loyalty to one's convictions. It is about redemption and forgiveness of wrongs both perceived and real. Most of all, it is about people finding a way to come together in harmony in spite of their differences. Always to Remember is a story that really delves into the complexities of the human heart and mind with a depth that I don't often see in a romance novel, yet it never feels dark. As I read the book, it evoked so many different emotions and reactions: tears and sadness for all that Clay had suffered and the level of hatred that some human beings are capable of; joy and laughter for the humor that can be found even in the most difficult times; sighs of appreciation for the swoon-worthy romance. This book truly had it all, and I can't think of a single thing I disliked or would have changed.

I thought the characters in the story were incredibly well-rendered. I'm not sure that I have ever read such a kind, gentle beta hero as Clay was. He had suffered tremendously for being a conscientious objector to the Civil War, a genuinely tortured hero in both body and mind. He exhibited a depth of courage that made an entire town rethink what courage really means. His loyalty to both his beliefs and those he loves is a rare gem. If it wasn't for the fact that I know selfless people like Clay actually exist, I would almost be tempted to say that he was too good to be true. I found his virginal status to be both intoxicating and endearing just like Meg did. I also loved his artist side. The descriptions of Clay carving the monument brought it to life in a way that made it seem like a character itself. Meg was a bitter angry woman after her husband and three brothers were killed in the war, and she hated Clay as much as everyone else in town. It was sometimes difficult to read her direct biting words to him that were born out of her hatred, but even though I didn't agree with those sentiments, I never felt like I didn't understand her. I think this was all part of the beauty of the message that the book was trying to convey. Underneath it all, Meg was definitely a kind, caring and compassionate person, and as Clay slowly and unbeknownst to her chipped away at the rock surrounding her heart, she was able to show that side to him. The amount of growth that Meg went through from the beginning of the story to the end was phenomenal and believably written. In my opinion, Clay and Meg were two characters who complimented each other perfectly.

Always to Remember also had a great cast of secondary characters. Meg's grandmother-in-law, Mama Warner, and Dr. Martin, the kind country physician, were about the only two people who didn't hate Clay, and they were always full of wisdom to impart to those who would listen. Clay's younger brother, Lucian, hated him every bit as much as the other townspeople, but when realization hits him, he, too, grows and changes in ways he never would have guessed. Clay's ten-year-old twin brothers, Josh and Joe, are an endearing combination of vivacious wit and wisdom beyond their years. They had me laughing out loud at some of things they said, and on the occasions when they seriously spoke their minds, it never felt out of place or too mature, just that they had been well-brought up to understand and appreciate the finer points of life. Even though Meg's husband and Clay's best friend, Kirk, had been dead for months, his spirit played a pivotal role in the story through his letters and words he had spoken to both of them in the months and years before his death. I really liked that he was a strong part of the story and that Meg had truly loved him. Meg's brother and father, as well as most of the townspeople, hate Clay with a passion and throughout the story do some very despicable things to him, yet even they were important, in that they allowed Clay an opportunity to show his mettle and the power of forgiveness. All in all, this was a wonderful group of characters who really brought to life the warmth and closeness of the typical frontier community.

Always to Remember was my first read by Lorraine Heath, and I don't think I could have chosen a better book with which to begin. I really enjoy Civil War stories but don't often find them, so it is always a pleasure to read one when I do. I thought that Ms. Heath found a great balance, and I appreciated that she never politicized the subject matter in any way. Those who chose to fight were given equal status with those who chose not to, and neither side was ever demonized for the sake of making a point. In my opinion, this was simply an amazing story that has left me thinking about it long after turning the last page, which is something I love in any novel. I had this book on my to-be-read list for quite a while, and I'm now asking myself why I waited so long to read it. I borrowed this from the library, but will certainly be getting my own copy of this wonderful book for my keeper shelf. I can't wait to check out Lorraine Heath's backlist to see what other gems she may have written.
Profile Image for Katrina Passick Lumsden.
1,782 reviews12.9k followers
December 12, 2013
Holy shit, this book.

I loved this. It wasn't quite my idea of perfection, mind, so four stars instead of five, but it is really quite good. The reader is absolutely disgusted by Meg from the beginning, but that's purposeful. Clay is...wow. Clay. What can I say about Clay? He's a man who withstood imprisonment and torture (physical and psychological) because he refused to dishonor his beliefs. Conscientious objectors have always been castigated in society as cowards because most people don't grasp the amount of courage that's needed to stand apart from the crowd. I admired Clay, and that admiration caused a lit crush to develop. Oh, he's also quiet, artistic, and shy...

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I was actually slightly amazed at the amount of real interaction between all the characters. Clay's 10-year-old twin brothers are amazing,, and I'm wondering if Ms. Heath ever wrote any stories for them...

Anyway, if you like historical romance (particularly post civil war America), and a sweet story with a wonderful HEA, I definitely recommend this one.
Profile Image for Mo.
1,386 reviews2 followers
July 14, 2020
4.5 stars ...

I have read about five books by Ms Heath and have enjoyed them all ... most were four or five stars. This one was no exception ... she has a way with words and she draws you into the story and you feel for the characters. I definitely "felt" for Clay. I cried for him. I could understand Meg's motives and I didn't really care for her her at first but she grew on me.

So many battles to fight ...
So many battles to lose ...
She lowered the flame in the lantern.
So many battles to win.

Educated in Ireland, I can honestly say that we did not really touch on American History in our school studies (I suppose we had enough going on in our own Irish history and that was the history that was drummed into us ...) Yes, I knew about the Civil War, the North versus the South - and I did watch the TV show when I was a teenager ... not sure how true a depiction it was of life during that time but I enjoyed it at the time (yeah, yeah, I did fancy both main characters - especially the tall, dark and handsome Yankee - never really fancied Mr Swayze (I am so shallow! He never came across as very tall in his TV shows/films)

“A man lived or died according to his decisions in life.”

But anyway, back to the book. Clay is perceived as the town coward. While his friends went to War, he didn't believe in the cause they were fighting for and refused to kill for it so he did not go ... Poor Clay, I felt so sorry for him. Yes, he stood for his convictions but at what price? He was shunned and hated by the folks in his Texan town, even by members of his own family.

“You can't imagine how much it hurts to be ignored by people… you respect. You don't know how loud the silence is or how deeply it cuts. It's bad enough watching the hatred touch my brothers. I'd rather die than see it touch you.”

I loved the twins, Joe and Josh.

“Honeysuckle. She smelled of honeysuckle. He thought about her pert little nose. He'd wanted to smile every time she tilted it to demonstrate her disdain toward him. If her obvious hatred for him hadn't been so great, hadn't hurt so badly, he might have smiled.”

Clay might have been a bit too perfect for me. I love a hero who is a bit of a jerk, who has to redeem himself but I did fall for him. I admired him and how he stuck to his guns (excuse the pun). Of course I shed a few tears and honestly, at one stage I wasn't sure of how the book would turn out ...

He haunted her thoughts, and she feared that if she slept, he'd haunt her dreams.

Clay could have given up on his principles ... he could have left the town. In fact, he need never have returned after the war. But he was no coward, no matter how much he was branded one by the people of the town ... and it was practically everybody, except for Doc and the twins! Sometimes you are the braver person if you stand by your convictions and don't follow the crowd ...

Profile Image for Azet.
1,061 reviews268 followers
August 2, 2021
"Always to Remember" is a very touching and lovely historical romance story set during the years after Civil War in the town of Cedar Grove in Texas.Clayton Holland gets spurned by his hometown just because he refused to engage in war with the others.The widow Meg Warner decides to punish him by making him own up to his "cowardice" by making him do a monument out of stone in memory of all the soldiers who died.But against her will she unlocks the mystery of Clayton and finds herself falling in love with him against her will.


"And what happens, Mrs. Warner, when someone you know rides through town and points at me and calls me a yellow-bellied coward? What will you do then? Will you let go of my hand and take my children to the other side of the street? Will you pretend that you haven't kissed me, that you haven't lain with me beneath the stars?" -Clayton

Clayton and Meg have known each other all their lives since they grew up in the same town,which surprised me that Meg had set her sights on Clayton`t bestfriend Kirk ever since she was a teenager and loved him so much that she didn`t see Clayton at all.Not even on her wedding day with Kirk did she feel any pull towards Clayton and only had eyes for her husband.It just irked me so much since Clayton obviously held her in high regard and had thought her the prettiest girl in town and even wanted to marry her when he was but a young boy.Clayton is of course the HERO and for that i wish Meg had some feelings of attraction for him in the past.While Kirk did sleep around before his engagement to Meg,Clayton never even kissed or held hands with another girl due to his shy nature.I really came to dislike Meg in the first half of the story.She was so bitter and judgemental and hateful towards Clayton when he only ever treated her with sweetness and respect.Just because of her husbands and brothers death she decided to take it out on Clay just because he is alive-and i was so mad at her for that.Even after she took his virginity she still feared the townpeoples reaction and treated him like a dirty secret.If she hadn`t pulled her ass through her head sooner after that i seriously would have hated the whole story.Clayton deserved much better-the sweet man he was.So quiet in his courage and strong and stubborn in his beliefs.He would rather die himself than kill other people,and for that i found him a very rare man.He never strayed from what he believed in,even when the whole town and his own brother turned their backs on him,even when he got tortured and starved in prison.There was such innocence in him,he was so pure and strong and loving.He gave his heart on a silver platter to Meg,even when he felt unworthy of her he still dared her to love him.What a great romantic hero,i adored him with all my heart!
Profile Image for Sam I AMNreader.
1,484 reviews314 followers
August 1, 2019
22% - I call it.

I'm too heroine centric and she's not going to be my jam. The hero is compelling enough, but it really seems like all the growth for her will be because he's such a better person than her...and I can't say
anything about the quote/paragraph breaks because I'm too irritated (chalk me up as someone who'd rather read a book w/o quotation marks than this)

I think I threw up my hands when the heroine picked a white piece of marble, saying it's "pure and white like the glorious Cause," and I'll just frankly never like her (not to mention it mixes two wars, doesn't it, help me American History friends? But whatever). Hero's a moral, righteous dude, which means despite him being pretty A+ stand up guy I don't really care how he gets fucked and married (see: all previous references to Superman).

I know...I KNOW I'm in the minority here. But, there's some important lesson here for me, and that is the bottom line is Heath's writing might not be for me overall ( I swear I've read two chapter of like 3 of her other books) First of all, it,to my ear, lacked authenticity. Not only does Meg's dead husband tell Clay about her moans during sex, but also described how important she is and how much he loved her. And the only reason I can tell for all the Meg-worship was her eyes. There were two paragraphs about her cornflower eyes. And how remarkable women's eyes were compared to men's...and where's that damn trash can.

Am I being harsh? I think so. Those quotation marks did it to me. I can't skip a semi-colon in my job or everything breaks, but Heath can reinvent the right way to do dialogue (or the e-copy is TERRIBLE) either way, I'm out. And partially because the hero's pure heart just isn't gonna get me there. (I mean, he's quoting jesus in the prologue like some kinda martyr....so basically he's the type of hero I'd wave to, pat on the back, and say "ok pal."

Profile Image for Petra.
342 reviews34 followers
May 9, 2021
I loved this book. What will really stay with me for a long time is our wonderful hero.
Clay is a man who walks to the sound of his own drum. He is a thoughtful pacifist living in the most conservative setting during civil war.
Meg is a traditional woman in this community who sees honor in fighting.
Clay is total outsider not willing to change his views just to fit in. Meg could not have been more opposite of him. She is respectable, young widow in her village.
On a large scale the book is about how people ideologies separate us and make others into alien beings.
On a personal scale - this is a beautiful love story of a hero who has been shunned from human company and has never been close to a woman and on the other side a woman who knew wonderful love and passion but lost it. Their private time together in a beautiful Texas setting are some of the most romantic scenes I read.
I will always fondly remember Clay. He is a quiet artist and the most courageous hero ever.

The only downside of this book was watching Clay having to constantly humble himself and get beat up because of his convictions.
But it all works out at the end
Profile Image for Misfit.
1,638 reviews317 followers
February 5, 2012
"I will not take up arms against my fellow man."

"I didn’t believe we should fight the Northern states, and yet, I could not in all good conscience take up arms against the South, my home, and my friends. But more than that, I would not fight because I believe it’s a sin against God to kill another man."

When Texas joined with the rest of the Confederate states, all the young men of Cedar Grove were ready and willing to join the glorious cause. All that is, except for Clayton Holland, who refused to bear arms and kill men in a cause he didn't believe in. Those beliefs landed him in a Confederate prison where he was subjected to brutal torture and a very close call with the firing squad. When he returns home the entire town shuns him as a traitor and a coward - including Meg Warner who hates him more for coming home alive when her young husband did not. Meg hires Clayton, an acomplished stone mason, to carve a monument to Cedar Grove's fallen men, and she's hoping it will give him some well deserved punishment.

"She wanted, needed him to face his cowardice, to have it carved into his heart so deeply that he would feel it with every breath he took for as long as he lived."

Well, things don't quite work out the way Meg planned, as she soon finds that Clay's steadfast, honorable nature is a pretty damned attractive one, but let's just say that Meg's family and neighbors are none too thrilled with that idea.

I’d rather spend my life with one man surrounded by love than the ignorance and hatred surrounding me now."


Lorraine Heath is an author I'd never come across until the library started adding a bunch of her titles to the Kindle lending list, and I'm very glad I decided to give her a shot. This was a lovely tale of love, faith and healing, and no surprise but Meg is the one most in need of it. Clayton is the perfect strong, silent manly man with a heart of mush inside, and Meg and her bitter soul was the the right match for him. I also adored Clayton's two younger twin brothers, they added a good mix of kid-humor and also giving us a look at Clayton's softer side. If that newer cover for the e-book editions is giving you the bodice ripping willies, don't panic. Any sex in this book is very understated and rather tame by today's comparisons - and you'll be a long time waiting for the first steamy kiss. Heath takes time building the sexual tension, focusing more on the story and the characters (how refreshing). This is the second book of Heath's I've tried and there will be more in my future, she's perfect for a rainy day lighter read.
Profile Image for Starr (AKA Starrfish) Rivers.
1,119 reviews372 followers
July 14, 2019
It could be that I'm in my... hormonal period... but this book really made me feel some strong emotions and sniffle more than a few times.

One reviewer marked this on the "beta-hero" shelf, but I have to disagree. Clay is in no way beta. He's pure, alpha man. Just because he's a pacifist doesn't mean he's not alpha. He knows exactly what he wants, exactly what he believes in, and he never wavers from that. He's brave enough to stand for what he believes in after everything ugly and cruel people have done to him. He's the most courageous person in the book, he's just not showy or overt about it. He doesn't express himself with fists or raised voices. That doesn't make him "beta."

I absolutely LOVE Clay. I loved him from the first moment I met him. You could feel the kind of gentle, generous, unselfish, kind man he is. It doesn't mean he doesn't get angry. He certainly got plenty angry and hurt when Meg turned away from him in church. I hurt for him too. After he gave everything of himself to her the night before, after he trusted her not to hurt him, not to betray him, and then she did.

Now, she had her reasons. But part of it was also her own cowardice. Thankfully, she supported him the way she always should have in the end. But that didn't make me hate her less in the moment.

Then again, I don't hate her enough to take a star off this book like some other readers did. Everyone views the world in diff ways. She's lost a husband she loved and brothers to the war. She thought she knew who Clay was. Her perceptions are also colored by the ppl around her. Not everyone has enough conviction in their beliefs to think independently of the masses. I get it. And she was grieving too.

This book was realistic and real. It's a love story, not a sexy times hot story. The love scenes were pretty mild. But they were just right for the quiet passion Clay felt for Meg. I could feel as I read them, that he loved her with every look and touch.

I might have to check out more books by this author, if she can get to my tender emotions so easily.

I loved reading this book.
Profile Image for Beanbag Love.
566 reviews241 followers
May 15, 2013
This was the last of my Lorraine Heath Texas story backlist and it was a very good read. A strong 4.5, I'd say.

For a romance novel it's very thought provoking. I might have been bothered by the heroine, but Heath humanized her and invited empathy. I had to wonder how I would feel in the same circumstances, knowing only the little she could know. The story touches heavily on the irrationality of grief and the variety of ways that people can show courage. I thought about it long after I turned the final page.

Two complaints. This tale is like so many other stories of this era in that it ends a few pages after everything works out. It does have an epilogue, but it's not as thorough as some of Heath's later, exquisite epilogues, so I was left wanting more. My second complaint is that Clay is a saint. A true saint. Maybe just a bit too perfect. That didn't stop me from loving him and feeling all kinds of anger and sadness on his behalf, I just felt he was a bit too good to be true.

In any case, I thoroughly enjoyed this book and I'm only sad that I don't have any of these older stories left to savor.
Profile Image for Choko.
1,365 reviews2,657 followers
May 13, 2015
Wow! This was one of the most heart-wrenching, beautiful and touching book I have read in a long time!!!! I cried, smiled and my soul was simultaneously hurt and uplifted by the study of the human spirit in the post-civil war American south... I thought I was to read another romance novel, but it turned out to be a roller-coaster of emotional discovery written in a deceptively simple way, slow and thick as molasses, but just as sweet and overwhelming... I have always liked Lorraine Heath's writing and enjoyed her historical romances, but this was just ... I do not know! I just know that it touched me like none of her other books did. Thank you for the great read!!!
Profile Image for ᑭᑌᑎƳᗩ [Punya Reviews...].
874 reviews215 followers
October 14, 2013
My review contains spoilers and they're mostly my thoughts as I went with the book...

He stepped back and plowed his hands through his hair. "You think I'm a coward. You don't think I have the courage to stand beside you and risk the anger of your father. I'd die before I turned away from anyone or anything I believed in. You won't even walk by my side."
He looked the way she imagined soldiers who had lost a battle probably looked: weary, tired of the fight, disillusioned.
"You don't believe in me," he said quietly. "How can you believe in our love?"

These lines were taken from the best scene of the book IMO, where Clay questions Meg’s love for him. And I don’t blame him a bit. I had troubles myself believing that she’d go from a vindictive widow to someone madly in love with him in the space of a few months. I mean, when I read the way the whole town hated (it’s a mild word for what they did to him, comparing to how they treated him- both physically and emotionally) Clay for being a deserter of the Civil war, just because Clay didn’t want to kill people, didn’t believe in war; unbelievable! I don’t think I can capture that hatred in my review the way Lorraine Heath did in her brilliant storytelling, instead I’ll just try to tell you what’s in this book and why I couldn’t give it a full 5 star.

Clay and Kirk have been best buddies since their childhood. Meg was also known to them, as many other in this tight knit small community of a small Texan town. Clay has loved Meg since she stepped into her teens. Kirk has also loved her but I think Clay’s was more down-to-earth kind of love, deeper in level. Yet, when the prank loving Kirk used a fake coin to settle who should court Meg and won, Clay didn’t fight that choice. He is a down-to-earth, reserved one in nature as well. His family, of a stone cutter, has never been very wealthy like Kirk’s and Meg’s, yet they all liked him. Kirk’s father treated him as his own. I can go on and on about Clay’s goodness (not only before the war but also, after) but it’s only going to make this review longer. But, all these changed when he refused to enlist to fight the Yankees. Everyone turned against him and forgot the exceptionally good and honest man he has always been and is still. Soon, the soldiers came to take away the deserter but not before the whole village has plotted to hang him for his ‘action’. Because of Kirk, who’s always been devoted to their friendship (who was also one of the few believed in Clay’s reasons), they couldn’t. But Clay was tortured and was sentenced to death in the prison. The story opens up with that scene, his supposed last day on earth. It was depressing and so horrible to read, just knowing how they’ve been treating him. And no one but Dr. Martin, the town’s elderly physician cared. NO ONE! His loneliness, I could feel it coming from him, pouring everywhere and it has been throughout the book as Clay, who never complains, once blurts it out to Meg in a scene. But, he wasn’t executed because of his last prayer, which wasn’t for him but for those who were about to shoot at him. The soldiers couldn’t put a bullet through but did other horrible things to Clay. They didn’t feed him enough, no sleeping for days, wouldn’t let him read letters from home. Torture with bayonets were a daily thing for him. At first, we really don’t know the level of torture he suffered. The story jumps into 3 years, long after the war has ended, taking away most of the young men in Cedar Grove. They all hate Clay, even his younger brother Lucian. Lucian was quite a weak character, he couldn’t take the level of hatred that was directed towards Clay so he himself took part in it, reminding him more than once what a ‘yellow-bellied coward’ he has been for not fighting in the war.

Meg has been thinking of revenge like many others in Cedar Grove after Clay’s return. She doesn’t take his name, many others as well. It’s a shame even to speak his name! So she plans this thing, a monument, which would be carved in honor of the fallen and carving it would be the just punishment for Clay. And, like many others in the town, she didn’t know the man inside. She didn’t know what a man was waiting to be revealed. I didn’t like her on spot. It took me a while to learn to stand her but I could never really like or respect her throughout the book, even though in the later parts, she did many things to support him. But that was a bit too late for me and I ended up thinking, Clay deserved someone so much better than Meg! Someone who would love him back just the same way as he had. And, it’s not just Meg but every single people he cared about... they didn’t deserve his forgiveness. Clay’s kindness and unfailing acts of goodness and courage knew no bounds IMO. Anyway, Meg goes to visit Clay and tells him about this monument. Of course, she’s very rude to him. In comparison, Clay is ever the gentleman, though the treatment hurt more because it was coming from her. She doesn’t know many things about Clay and Kirk and how close they’d been (like Kirk actually talked about his wedding night to Clay, something I should’ve found creepy but I didn’t). She didn’t know that Kirk met Clay before he died in the war, that Kirk and the men who went from Cedar Grove, believed in Clay and signed a letter for his release, which never came to fruition because of the man in charge. That Kirk trusted Clay with his belongings, which included Meg’s letters; if only you could read how he’d smell them because those letters smelled of honeysuckle and of Meg. *sigh*

As he starts working on the monument, Meg finds herself more and more attracted to Clay; mostly because she keeps seeing/noticing the little things, nicer and beautiful things about him- his goodness in general, his caring nature, especially the young twins, his own behavior towards her which has never been anything short of gentlemanly. No matter what she does, no matter how rude she is, Clay is polite, unfailingly. Clay, at first, didn’t know if he can do the monument. He only had the knowledge of stone carving on grave markers, which he’s learned very young from his father. He wanted to do judgment to this monument, not only because this would honor so many fallen men he knew all his life but also because he didn’t want to disappoint Meg. I think he guessed why she asked him to do it (she didn’t speak out lout about her intentions of course) yet never uttered a word of complain. Meg was intent on visiting him everyday, to attend the carving, not knowing it might take years for it to finish. And even knowing how long it’ll take, she was willing to attend, just to torment Clay. But the whole plan backfired as I’ve already mentioned. She begins feeling for Clay, falling for him too. I mean how could you not? The man is just too good to be true! At first, she wouldn’t even let him touch her, acting like a superior (like the other townspeople) to his deserter state which changed gradually to smaller touches and then to kisses. It was, at times, very hard for me to swallow; to read how hatred can fester like a wound and become something ugly and nasty like one too. How ignorance brings out the beast in men. How war can manipulate people to act as someone they never were in the 1st place. I don’t think I can adequately explain the extent of what LH captured in her narration, the only way you can feel it by reading the whole book.

In between, Clay tries to make amends with the others by saving someone’s crop from fire or working to build a barn for another. And all of those times, he was alone and ignored. No one thanked him for his contributions, his silent urge for an understanding or the courage that took him to face the boiling hatred. He made a marker for one man’s little daughter who died suddenly, yet the guy never knew that Clay made it. He gave all the credit to his father and Lucian, who never worked with stone in his life, otherwise they would probably break it to pieces. In the barn building incident, Meg’s brother Daniel makes trouble for him by tearing down the part he made. Daniel and Meg’s father have never made it a secret of how much they loathe ‘the yellow-bellied coward’. Even Meg was horrified the way they treated him. I had a feeling that these two exceeded by long mark in their hatred comparing with the other townspeople. And it was very painfully proven with one incident much later in the book. But, right now, I was loving things about Clay. I was also enjoying the twins’ banters, their innocent yet charming views of life. They were adorable to say the least! Meg also felt the same and soon, they were taking her to places where they don’t take others, like a hilltop from where they could see bats flying. Clay has also known of this place, has been there with Kirk. Meg was also learning that Kirk hasn’t told her every little thing that happened to him, which did make her sad. She realized Clay was much closer to Kirk than her. One night, she visits a small watering hole, a place she thought her and Kirk’s secret place, for a swim. There, very coincidentally, she runs into Clay. She didn’t know that this place was known to Clay, Kirk and many other boys of their age; a place for their ‘manly talks’. She was already sweet on Clay by then and Clay did kiss her once while in the shed where he works. Their relationship was improving, forming a fragile bond that Meg didn’t see coming but didn’t want to ignore either. So, when he returns her home (or as close as he could get), she initiates a kiss with him. It was so good that Meg couldn’t believe it! After that, they keep meeting in that watering hole, kissing and holding each-other, talking about things- about Kirk, about Clay’s own troubles. So far, Meg still didn’t know to what extent Clay was involved in the war and how much he was tortured. Clay wouldn’t take his shirt off, even when it’s sweltering hot, even though more than once Meg wanted him to, so she didn’t know about the big D that has been branded on his chest to his utter humiliation. She loved his hands too, loved the way he’d touch the stone after he’d chiseled through it, as if he’s apologizing for treating it so harshly. But to Clay his hands were ‘damned ugly’, too big and rough from years of working with stones.

Mama Warner, Kirk’s grandmother was another character I loved to bits. She was one of those very few people who still believed in Clay. She even wanted to save him from his imprisonment. She still loved him like her own grandson, one little ray of affection Clay could still rely on. So, at her asking, Meg took Clay to visit her. But it was a sad meeting for Mama Warner was frail and very ill. She asks him to make her marker. Then one day, Meg decides Mama Warner should have a look at the monument, which was, despite Clay’s zero experience monument carving, coming off very nicely. He’s already worked on Kirk’s face (he chose it to be about Kirk and Meg, later the reason behind his choice was revealed from one of Kirk’s letters) as Meg requested. So at night, they sneak Mama Warner off to Clay’s shed. Mama Warner was like a young girl being carried off by a dashing young man! I loved that scene. Meg had to make sure Robert, Kirk’s cousin, wouldn’t wake up and find them. Anyway, after they returned Mama Warner home, Meg and Clay go to their meeting place, the watering hole and makes love. Yes, it was Clay’s first time. The man was just starving for Meg’s touch (I won’t say any other woman because it’s only her he wanted)! Meg didn’t know but had some idea, yet she was thrilled and happy beyond belief! She wasn’t Kirk’s 1st so she didn’t think Clay was a virgin still. They even exchange ILU to each-other. Yet the next day, she breaks his heart. Clay was again, at the church, on the back seat throughout. But this time, he was willing to defy anything and approached Meg while she asked him not to, not in front of these people. Daniel sees them, foul mouths Clay and threatens him to stay away from Meg. That night, Clay doesn’t return to the watering hole because the illusion upon which he was building the dream of a future together shattered that day. Meg comes to see him instead. He lets her in at her cajoling and they have an argument. The lines I’ve quoted in the beginning were from that scene. Clay said some really heart wrenching things, Lord, it made me so sad. As they were arguing, mask riders come to Clay’s farm. He didn���t hide away, instead asked Lucian, the twins and Meg to stay put while he faces them, alone. I couldn’t keep my tears at bay reading what they did to him. Those people beat him at first and then put a knife through his left palm, sticking him to a tree! OMG!! I was horrified! When they finally rode away, Meg and Lucian takes him in, then Lucian who already knew his brother is not a coward, runs to get Dr. Martin. When they take care of him, the damage those soldiers did to his body come in sight. Dr. Martin knew because he visited Clay in the prison, now Meg knew why he wouldn’t take his clothes off in the daylight. Meg also knew a few other very crucial things about Clay’s part in Gettysburg, where Kirk and the other men of Cedar Grove fell- that after getting out of prison, he went to look for Kirk, only to find them all died that evening, that he took care of the bodies, buried them in decent graves, that he brought back Kirk’s last letter that he couldn’t post to Meg.

Anyway, Meg was now determined to prove her love to him. As he heals, Clay realizes he can’t hold the chisel anymore with his left hand and it despairs him to no end. His dream of a bright future to study sculpting in a foreign country died in the war, now the little of whatever left seems like slipping out of his hands too. And he keeps himself distant from Meg. Who can blame him? Meg learns that Daniel and her father was among the men who did the crime that night, in fact it was Daniel who put the knife through Clay’s hand because he dared to touch her (in the church)! Mama Warner passes away in all these chaos and Kirk’s father asks Clay to join her funeral. Meg finds a letter Kirk wrote to Mama Warner in her wooden box that she passed on to Meg before dying. It explained a lot about Clay and the reality of war in general. Meg is now more than ever determined to bring Clay back to life, since after the attack, it seems he’s given up on carving and trying to prove his innocence. She makes Clay promise that he’ll work on the monument and she’ll be his left hand, holding the chisel. I did like this part. They work together and then one night, they make love again. Because of Meg’s persistence, Clay couldn’t hold back any longer. The next day, in the church, Meg defies everyone’s glare and acknowledges Clay in front of the whole town. Clay fights that, knowing she’d suffer for this. He was already planning to move on to some other place so that she and his brothers don’t suffer on his account. As Clay tries to walk away, Daniel, again (lord, why does the secondary characters with the name Daniel have to be so obnoxious?!) tries to do something despicable. He tries to run Clay off with a wagon but in the process, almost killed a young girl playing on the road. Clay injures himself badly saving her. That proved finally that Clay never harbored any negative intentions for any of them despite how they all treated him. People begin to see things differently as Meg tells them what Clay did for their sons/husbands and of Kirk’s letters. They all begin realizing how blinded they were by hatred and anger. Maybe to a point, their anger was justifiable, losing your loved ones is never easy but NOT their actions because of it IMO.

I did appreciate Meg’s stance on Clay’s side in that scene but it was too late for me to see her any differently. The ending/epilogue was very sweet. Clay now had a dream and had the means to fulfill it. He married Meg and now has a baby boy named Kirk. I was so happy to see him finally having a grip on his life and the fact that finally he was loved the way he deserved to be all the way from the beginning. It was one absolutely beautiful book and highly recommended. 4.5 stars. If nothing else, you won’t regret reading this book, take my word for it. I finish my review with these lines that were engraved on the completed monument:

"Within the shadows of honor, courage often walks in silence."

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Seon Ji (Dawn).
1,046 reviews253 followers
April 19, 2016
5 stars hands down.

First let me clarify that this book is 336 pages, NOT 100 pages as is noted on both GR and Amazon. I did email Amazon to make them aware of this error.

A summary of the story:

The period is just after the Civil War, and takes place in a small Texas town. The hero (Clay) is shunned by all, branded a coward who refused to fight in the war. His choice was a moral one, because he refused to kill people for his beliefs.

When the towns men depart for war, Clay is taken by the army and tortured in prison. He was to be executed. Skipping ahead a bit... he returns to his home in Texas, shunned, branded a coward.
In steps heroine Meg, who hates Clay with a passion. Having lost brothers and her husband in the war, she decides to make the coward pay for his decision not to fight by asking him to
sculpt a monument in honor of those who fought and died for their country. She believes (at first) this will humiliate him, and make him realize the coward he is, but this of course does not happen.
I wil not give any more away.. this above is just a bare bones description of the story, the details you will have to read for yourself.

I would like to declare that I have NEVER had a story draw me in like this EVER before. Like a vacuum. The writing is incredible. The first few pages floored me. My heart broke for Clay, I immediately fell in love with him, and just wanted to wrap my arms around him and soothe him. I must warn you that this tale is a painful one, and the easing of this pain is very slow. Clay has to be the MOST tormented character I have EVER read about, and one of the most courageous heros as well.

The heroine, I HATED in the beginning, and we were MEANT to hate her. I of course realized that eventually she would change, soften and her views of Clay would as well, so I continued even though I had trouble putting myself in her place. Clay does rip into her later on and she is punished (in a way) which I felt good about. She deserved it and she knew she did. In the end, she does the right thing and is redeemed in my eyes, so I can't really say I hated her, she was just misguided in her views in the beginning but eventually saw the light. There is a HEA and ILY's so no worries on that.

Her love for Clay develops slowly and naturally, I can almost see this as somthing that had actually happened. The steam level is mild.. sensual and beautiful, meaningful. I liked it. It was the right way to go about it.

I have no negative criticisms, I honestly can't find any. I would (and have) recommended this to friends. It is not an easy comfortable read, it is laced with pain and sadness, only by the very end do we see true relief and happiness. Worth it in my opinion.
Profile Image for Keri.
2,075 reviews112 followers
May 9, 2016
I am going to try and do justice about how much a I loved this book. I knew going in with the synopsis on the back that this was going to be a tough book to read. It was, but it was also beautiful as well as painful. I read the entire thing in one sitting and had a big piece of glass in my throat for most of it and tears welling up more than once. Clay didn't want to fight for the Confederacy and he didn't believe in slavery, but he did whole-heartedly support his fellow man. He just didn't want to kill any of them. So he refused to pick up arms, but 22 of his friends did. Those friends supported his decision, but knew that it was going to be a hard row to hoe, but Clay had to stick to his convictions. Even though he was conscripted in, he still refused to pick up arms. So he found himself in jail, in horrible conditions and no matter what tortures his fellow man heaped on him, he still stuck to his beliefs.

Eventually he was released and he made his way back home, where he was branded a traitor and a yellow-backed coward, including Meg. Meg had been married of his best friend, but now she can't stand to look at him as she believes what everybody in town believes. So Meg believes that having Clay carve a memorial for the men lost in the war that he will be humiliated and realize how his cowardice cost the town. It was hard to like Meg or the town in general because of the blindness of everybody. But I understood that they all needed to blame somebody for the loss of their sons. Clay became that punching bag and it took a huge amount of shear stubbornness on his part to stick to his guns. Even in the face of his own brother belief that he was a coward. If I had any niggle about the book, was that I wish that the town would have had a longer time for atonement to Clay and they had a lot to atone for, especially in the face of what he had done for all 22 of his friends. Even despite that, it was a beautiful poignant book and I am so glad that I read it.
Profile Image for Linda .
1,879 reviews306 followers
April 11, 2013
I guess I am the odd (wo)man out. I love good stories of beta heroes and Clayton is definitely a beta hero. Clayton Holland was drafted on the Confederate side of the Civil War, except he didn't believe in war. He returns to his hometown and a brother who hates him. For some reason, unknownst to me at the time of reading the book, he can't talk to his brother and explain why he felt the way he did. He is not able to explain what happened during the war and, instead, lets everyone believe he was a coward.

My problem with the story was the heroine. Meg Warner, someone whom Clayton had secretly always loved, believes he betrayed her deceased husband and his best friend. My frustration was why the hero and heroine couldn't communicate. Perhaps, he should have said he loved her at the beginning when both he and his friend became interested in Meg. He definitely should have cleared the air when he came back from the war and she started to talk to him again instead of letting it drag on and on and on. Meg came across unnecessarily harsh; Clayton never gave her any reason to dislike him except for HER misunderstandings. Bitter for so long, she never once thought to TALK to him and ask him what really happened before and during the war. Lastly, silly me, I am curious as to why Clay would have sculpted a memorial for those who fought in the war if he didn't believe in it?
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Leona.
1,748 reviews18 followers
August 2, 2019
Stopped about halfway through. Could not get past the heroine. She just went on and on. Rinse, lather, spin.

I do not get all the rave reviews.
Profile Image for Carissa.
3,116 reviews84 followers
June 7, 2022
oh man the ridicule Clay went through and even with some of the physical acts after 75% were tough to read. Like I felt so bad for Clay. Story was good though.
Profile Image for sraxe.
394 reviews455 followers
February 17, 2017
I completely loved it (mostly). Clay is such a treasure and his twin brothers are a pair of gems, too. Even with the townspeople being just really crap people overall (I felt especially resentful towards Kirk's father near the end considering his son having been best friends with Clay) and not at all deserving of Clay's presence, I think the book deserves a reading if only because of Clay and the interactions between the twins and anyone and everyone else.

I was ready to give this book five stars simply because of Clay and the twins but is the reason I've deciding on a four instead. The epilogue, too, I felt left much to be desired and I didn't see what the point of it was since, to me, it didn't feel like closure.
Profile Image for SuperWendy.
1,018 reviews256 followers
October 9, 2014
I loved this book. Emotional, heartfelt, a real gut-puncher. It took me on a roller coaster in the best possible way.
Profile Image for Elsa Bravante.
1,145 reviews204 followers
May 4, 2022
Maravilloso de principio a fin. Un clásico de la Romántica desarrollado en el sur de Estados Unidos en los años posteriores a la Guerra de Sucesión. Un protagonista tierno, romántico, fuerte, valiente, él sostiene todo el libro, él es el que despierta toda clase de sensaciones, pero está muy bien acompañado por ella, igual de maravillosa, y por los secundarios, fundamentalmente los hermanos.

Una atmósfera que recuerda a Lo que el viento se llevó, sin tener nada que ver con el libro, te envuelve desde la primera página, y cuando terminas, es muy difícil salir de ahí.
Profile Image for Jujubee.
905 reviews56 followers
June 1, 2018
Review to come...because tonight I have no words to adequately express all the feels that Clay and Meg's poignant and gut-wrenching journey unexpectedly wrought.
One thing is clear. There is no winner in war.
Okay. It's been a week.
I think I'm ready to share my thoughts on this story.
First off, let's remember that this story was written in 1996. So don't judge it by the dated bodice ripper cover-style OR by the homey, front porch warm-and-fuzzy cover-style (depending on which edition you have). Because none of those stereotyped tropes will be found inside the bindings.
It's so much more than a simple post-Civil War romance in small town Texas.
I did not expect it to have such an impact on me, truly.
So it will never fit into any general romance read mold IMHO.
I've read historicals for decades, so I'm well aware that you can't judge people's actions with modern ethics. And a good historical does not shy away from the norms of the time just to make a story palatable for modern readers.
But the open hatred and persecution that Clay suffered for his beliefs (who of his time would understand what a conscientious objector believed? very few, I'm sure) by the people of his hometown, even his own brother, being labeled a coward and deserter by the confederate army was what pelted my reading heart to smithereens.
As expected Meg was so very full of grief at losing her beloved husband in wartime.
So much so that she tied her grief to revenge and she felt righteous and justified (maybe because she was also so very proud that he DID go off to fight?). I could somewhat sympathize, to a point.
But that deep hatred began before the war, festering the day that her husband, Clay's best friend, and most of the townsmen went off to fight for "The Cause" of the Confederacy. Grew and seeped into a collective psyche of the entire town through all the war years to when their soldiers didn't come back, but the town's "coward" did.
Ugly tears, people, reading what Clay endured...if that first chapter doesn't get you!!! UGH!!!!!!
The author did I good job at explaining WHY Clay came back. She didn't make him heroic, just human. He wanted to be with his family, work his farm...simple dreams....
I just couldn't fathom how their story, Meg and Clay's, could every end in a HEA.
My heart was broken over and over again for Clay. Thank God for his young twin brothers! And the doctor. And Meg's own husband's words...
*deep breaths* I'm okay now.
This story hit way too many feelz buttons.
Yet somehow I even ended up liking Meg. I did not see that coming LOL
The author did talk about why the men of this small Texas town joined the confederacy, why Clay did not, and how the townspeople viewed their place in that war. And it wasn't any of the reasons that I've ever would have thought.
The other big plot arc was the actual making of the monument to remember the fallen men, hence the title, Always to Remember. Yes, Meg expected to humiliate (further) Clay for (more) revenge. That shit plan was just too twisted, Meg. Ugh! Clay's reasons for wanting to make it despite his gut feelings (OMG).
Maybe it's because in 2017 confederate war memorials in the U. S. are in the news, and how the author moved that part of the story line along, gave me lots to consider.
Timing? Yup.
Timely? Overdue. Yup.
I've not read a lot of Lorraine Heath, but I won't forget this story of hers anytime soon.
5* for being completely pushed out of my comfy zone!
30 reviews24 followers
September 5, 2008
I wish I could give justice to how perfect this story is. I cried and I laughed and when the story came to an end, I refused to let go of the characters who became so real to me.
Clayton suffers from the town's scorn; he's labeled as a deserter because he refused to fight when all the able men left for war. It is awesome to see how strong he is in braving every insult and how courageous of him to maintain his eloquent silence. He is one of the most memorable and strongest heroes I have ever read. It is heartbreaking to see such a beautiful man suffer for his beliefs, it is also endearing to see his vulnerabilities, making him so human.
I was so happy that he got his happily ever after with the one woman he had loved his entire life. Although the road to overcoming Meg's hatred and resentment for him was so damn painful, it made the bond between them stronger once those walls were struck down. Meg's hatred is understandable, she blames him for the fact that he did not stand beside her husband, especially as her husband had perished, and this deserter remained alive. Meg and the town alike believed it was an affront to the honor and the memories of those who died during the war to have Clay around.
In her ignorance of the suffering Clay endures each day, Meg seeks to punish him by making him realize his true cowardice by making him carve a monument to the deceased. However, as she spends more time with him, her perception of him slowly changes and their attraction to each other becoming more intense. I appreciated that Heath did not make the heroine have an immediate 180 and defy the whole town by declaring her feelings as soon as she admitted it to Clay. It was more realistic and more honest to show Meg's struggle in admitting her love for Clay, and in doing so, sacrifice her friends' and family's acceptance to retreat into his lonely world. It made their romance so much more poignant and alive.
Fortunately, Lorraine Heath balances the varying turbulent emotions beautifully, crafting a perfect blend of tragedy, pain, love and laughter to create one of the most remarkable and timeless love stories I've read.
Profile Image for Crista.
810 reviews
May 19, 2010
Clay Holland is a passivist. Refusing to fight in the Civil War, he was branded a deserter, literally, and was beaten, starved, and imprisoned. He's now returned home to his 3 brothers and a town which dispises him. Meg Warner, his friend's widow, is one of the people who despises him most. She hates the fact that her husband was killed in the same war that Clay refused to fight in and enlists his help to carve a memorial for the fallen soldiers. She hopes to elicit guilt, remorse, and feelings of failure from Clay. Little does she know that those feelings are headed right back at her.

Here's my take....the dialouge was excellent, and the reader graduallly becomes entrenched in the plot and wants to champion for Clay because of all the mistreatment that he endures because of his belief in the "sin of war". Clay was a little too perfect for me.....too forgiving, too resolute in his beliefs, too good, too strong, too perfect. Meg was more palatable for me because she showed more humanity..not necesarilly good humanity..she was incredibly mean, unforgiving, and inconsiderate, but at least I could identify with the imperfect humanness of her. The story moves along at a good pace and Heath lets the romance develop which is sometimes a rarity in this genre.

I would definitely recommend this book....I was hoping for a tear jerker...I really didn't shed a tear...maybe I was in the wrong mood, or the story just didn't hit me right, but I'd recommend it anyways.
Profile Image for Maqluba.
396 reviews31 followers
August 19, 2013
It was missing that IT factor for me. I felt like I was all pro-hero but I didn't understand the heroine most of the time. I thought we missed a lot of her emotional changes from hating to liking the hero-- the change was too severe for me. I feel like we were told rather than shown a lot of the emotional stuff and we missed out on a lot of background things. It's hard to explain but I just had to say it... I'm really disappointed because I've really enjoyed Sweet Lullaby and I thought we might get something as emotionally charged here but I guess not.
At least there were cute kiddies!!
Profile Image for Gema.
72 reviews19 followers
April 12, 2017
¡¡¡¡¡Gustazo lector, gracias Lorraine Heath por salvarme de mi penosa racha lectora!!!!
Solo había leído una serie de Lorraine, y aunque me encantó no tenía muy claro que esperar de este libro, porque no había leído ningún libro con esta temática, pero puedo decir que no he notado el cambio más allá de la temática. Todo lo que me encantó de esta autora en su versión regencia me ha encantado en su versión oeste. Una forma de escribir simple pero no simplona, cargada de sentimientos sin ser sensiblona, y una narración muy fluida. Y si a esto le añadimos un protagonista al que adoraras, una protagonista a la que querrás matar a ratos, y dos personajes que te robaran el corazón sin remedio, pues poco más se puede pedir.
No le he dado las cinco estrellas porque creo que el final me cojea un poco, es cierto que con todo el lio que tenía montado poco más podía haber hecho, pero bueno, igual un final no tan precipitado habría estado mejor.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 362 reviews

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