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Gallagher Girls #4

Only the Good Spy Young

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When Cammie Morgan enrolled at the Gallagher Academy, she knew she was preparing for the dangerous life of a spy. What she didn’t know was that the serious, real-life danger would start during her junior year of high school. But that’s exactly what happened two months ago when Cammie faced off against an ancient terrorist organization dead set on kidnapping her.

Now the danger follows her everywhere, and even Cammie “The Chameleon” can’t hide. When a terrifying encounter in London reveals that one of her most-trusted allies is actually a rogue double-agent, Cammie no longer knows if she can trust her classmates, her teachers—or even her own heart.

In this fourth installment of the New York Times best-selling series, the Gallagher Girls must hack, spy, steal, and lie their way to the truth.as they go searching for answers, recognizing that the key to Cammie’s future may lie deep in the past.

265 pages, Hardcover

First published June 29, 2010

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About the author

Ally Carter

50 books16.4k followers
Ally Carter writes books about sneaky people and movies about Christmas. She is the New York Times Best-selling author of the Gallagher Girls, Heist Society, and Embassy Row series for teens as well as WINTERBORNE HOME FOR VENGEANCE AND VALOR for younger readers. Her books have been published all over the world, in over twenty languages.

She encourages you to visit her online at allycarter.com and embassyrowbooks.com.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,817 reviews
March 17, 2012
why? because:
1) More Spying
2) More action
3)More answers
4) More Zach
5) More Zach/Cammie moments

wow... WOW!!!! WOW!!!!!
oksy now that I'm done... i liked the ending! I hope she brings Zach with her! hehe it was his idea afterall. (you'll find out what i'm talking about when you read the book) Honestly i thought the Gallagher Girls books were getting repetitive
pattern: school>somethinghappens>school mission
then it I thought it was going to go: something happens over vacation> school>spy...
but it wasn't like that ^^. AAND i loooove Zach! he's awesome! and this book made REALLY miss Mr. Solomon and realized what an awesome character he is.
You'll understand all my blebbering once you read the book.
it was so intensseeeeee~
Profile Image for N.
524 reviews
December 24, 2011
I've always been a fan of the Gallagher Girl series. I think that an all girls school for spies would be an absolute dream, don't ask me why because I really don't know. But Only the Good Spy Young was another interesting addition to the series and left me hanging for more. The Circle, an organization of double agents, has been tracking down and trying to capture Cammie Morgan, a junior at the the Gallagher Academy for Exceptional Young Women. There, she learns how to survive the most dangerous scenerios and everything she needs to know about how to be a spy. And when one of her most trusted allies and teachers is found to be a double agent in the Circle, she learns the truth of her father's death and the mysterious boy she's in love with.

re-read december 2011
Profile Image for ♛ may.
816 reviews4,377 followers
May 28, 2017

This book was SUBSTANTIALLY better the previous books. Not only did the writing mature but so did the characters ((and Cammie wasn’t AS annoying))

There was a PLOT!! In this book and thank goodness bc I was thinking of trashing it. It was fast paced, exciting, packed with twist and turns (albeit they were predictable at time) but it really did leave you feeling excited for more in the series.

The mystery in this book is much more developed than the previous books. There’s a point to it, the characters are finally falling into place without it feeling like a slapped together book by a 13 year old.

It wasn’t perfect, it could use a lot of work and I could do without the trying-to-hard-to-be-funny humour. The characters are still v juvenile. I mean, theyre 17 and living in a spy school yet they act like 12 year olds. Honestly, fix that ish.

Nevertheless, I can definitely see the potential in the series now.

Let’s pray that that doesn’t vanish in the next book.

2.75 stars!!
Profile Image for Tricia.
62 reviews
July 8, 2010
This book was not as amazing as I expected it to be. It went above and beyond any expectations I had at all, and I loved every second of reading it. Ally Carter does a great job of including all of the sweet and funny aspects that readers have come to know in her writing, but she also shows the darker points of humanity, including a double cross, cruelty, and above all, secrecy. With a completely out-of-the-blue shocker to end the book, Ally Carter has a new masterpiece on her hands. Well done! She knows how to leave the readers wanting more in the Gallagher Girls series. I can't wait for book number 5.
Profile Image for Erica.
1,277 reviews699 followers
June 17, 2010
Oh my gosh, I loved this book so much. I flew through it in several hours. It was brilliant and amazing. The best Gallagher Girl book yet, and that's saying something because I absolutely LOVE every single book in the series.

Questions, oh the questions that are answered in Only the Good Spy Young! Ally Carter ties up so many strings, yet leaves about a zillion more questions you want answers to in their place.

We meet old characters and new characters too. I just love Liz. She's one of my favorite characters. She's the little Southern girl who's totally smart. There's this one new character, I absolutely hated him from the first page he appeared on. I thought he was a pompous idiot.

I'm pretty sure my family thought I was crazy while I was reading Only the Good Spy Young. One minute I'd be screaming, NOOOO! another I'd be like OMG OMG, others I be cheering. Carter had you making guesses about this, then you'd be going in another direction, so you'd assume it meant that, then you'd be completely wrong! I got so into Only the Good Spy Young! I think that was part of what made me love it so much. While I got into the other books, I don't recall getting into them as much as I did for Only the Good Spy Young. In fact, I don't ever recall getting into many books this much. Ally Carter's writing is absolutely fantastic. It just draws you in. With page 1, I was hooked. I had tons of homework to be doing, but instead I told myself I'd read just 50 pages. Two and a half hours later I had finished the book. I simply couldn't put it down.

My tip to you, follow your heart when your reading or you might die (quite literally!) Only the Good Spy Young was absolutely amazing. It's a book I would say GO BUY THIS INSTANCE. The ending was brilliant. One of the best endings ever. And now I really need Gallagher Girls 5, is it next year yet?

**I also feel this is my favorite cover of the series yet. I just absolutely love it
Profile Image for Megan.
419 reviews392 followers
November 7, 2011
Ally Carter is not finished writing this series, but I may be finished reading it. A shame, because it started out so different and positive and kind of cool. The worst to be said was that it was a little too naive and upbeat. But it's published by Hyperion, which is owned by Disney, so all the sparkles are a little expected. Besides, this series boasts ideas such as girl power, loyalty, and even self respect over cute boys (unheard of in YA, right?) so it's a great series for younger girls.

However, at the fourth installment of the series it is still all about protagonist Cammie Morgan. Her bff's/roomies/fellow spies-in-training Bex, Macey and Liz remain bland, one dimensional cheerleaders for Team Cammie. The adults all focus on Cammie. And heartthrob/mystery guy/danger guy/ridiculously-to-suave-to-be-a-teenager Zach continues to swoop into and out of Cammie's life.

At this point in the series... it is not perfect, but there are so many positive's which outweigh the negatives. Yet, how disappointing that by book four the cast of characters are no more in depth than they are in the first installment? Yes, the themes approached in each book are more mature. But the writing, plot and characterization remain the same. These have been cute books and great brain candy. For younger girls, I recommend them whole-heartedly. But for adult readers of YA.... ah, read at your own risk ;)
Profile Image for the_queen_of_books24.
588 reviews52 followers
June 9, 2017
I haven't read this in years. But all I can remember is ZACH!!!! <3 <3

Second read - 9/06/17:
This book. I can't even. That ending. Those last 50 pages. Intense as f. And ZACH. Is my precious baby. I love him so much. I mean ☺😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 Cammie and him are so good together and so romantic and just ❤️❤️❤️
Profile Image for Maggi.
226 reviews1 follower
September 26, 2015
i finished it in like two hours and that were some of the most heart-breaking two hours in my life
Profile Image for Jennifer Wardrip.
Author 5 books511 followers
November 7, 2012
Reviewed by Jaglvr for TeensReadToo.com

ONLY THE GOOD SPY YOUNG starts the reader off with heart-pounding suspense...as can be expected in the Gallagher Girl series.

Cammie is on winter break in England with Bex and her MI-6 parents and an army of agents watching over her. But on New Year's while ice skating, she finds Zach watching her across the ice. All of a sudden, the rink goes dark and her Covert Ops teacher, Mr. Solomon, tries to steal her away. Cammie can't figure out why Mr. Solomon is being chased by MI-6 or why he would tell her to "follow the pigeons." It's after he jumps off a drawbridge to escape the agents that Cammie's world starts turning all over again.

Cammie is led to believe that Mr. Solomon is part of "The Circle" that tried to kidnap her before. If Cammie knew anything, it was that Mr. Solomon was one of the few people she could trust implicitly. She can't imagine he is part of The Circle or could harm her. But all evidence is pointing to just that.

When Cammie and Bex return to school to start their spring term, things have drastically changed. Cammie is forbidden to leave the grounds, and all the secret passageways she spent years discovering are gone. With the help of Bex, Liz, and Macey, the four girls are determined to figure out Mr. Solomon's cryptic message, and discover the secrets he wants her to know.

Of course, Zach, the dreamy Blackthorne boy who always seems to show up when Cammie is in the most danger, is figured prominently in ONLY THE GOOD SPY YOUNG. But Zach is connected to Mr. Solomon somehow, and again, Cammie doesn't know who she can believe in.

There is a new teacher at school, taking over Covert Ops, Mr. Townson. Cammie met him when she was debriefed in England after the attempted kidnapping by Mr. Solomon. Mr. Townson is hiding something, and Cammie and the girls don't trust him, either.

I can't tell you how frustrated I was when I got to the final page. I was like, "What? NO!!!" There is nothing like a total cliffhanger to leave the reader in eager anticipation for the next installment. Because there HAS to be a follow-up to this one; there HAS to be! According to Ms. Carter's website, she ultimately plans on six books. So, The Circle is still out there, mysteries abound as to what happened to Cammie's dad, and Cammie the Chameleon won't rest until she can bring closure.

As long as The Circle exists, Cammie will never be safe. If you've read the first three books in the Gallagher Girl series, you won't want to miss ONLY THE GOOD SPY YOUNG. The story delves deeper than the previous ones, and the action is continuous and exciting. Cammie is coming into her own, and Ms. Carter has added that extra element to this one to make the story even more addicting.
Profile Image for  Soph - Lock&Key.
991 reviews58 followers
November 10, 2014
After reading this book, which I loved by the way I just have one question...........
It was only the good spy young Is all I really know, I was not expecting to be flabbergasted when i finished this book, sooooooooo, if someone would like to clue me on why this book became so amazing please do...................................

No takers??????.......................Okay, I guess Im on my own to figure it out.

Hmmmmm, maybe it was
a) The characters, which were amazing.
b) The storyline, which got more and more interesting and kept me on my toes.
c) The writing which I had always liked but now I loved
I am still not quite sure what changed in this book, I had always liked the characters, the storyline and the writing. One thing changed in this book, and I think this might be one of the things that made it so great................... Cammie was questioning more, and didn’t rellie on others as much, also there was a lot more Zach in this book and yeah, that made it pretty amazing as well.

What ever it was, I’m not complaining, I adored this book, and i cant wait for the next one,
This book was action packed, had funny comments, I loved all the lists, loved all the characters and the betrayals, and of course all the Cammie and Zach moments.
Profile Image for Sabrina .
219 reviews138 followers
February 24, 2012

Operative Sabrina

Upon gaining access to the novel Only the Good Spy Young by subject Carter, the Operative was able to ascertain the following:

~ The romance is undeniably evivident throughout. According to Operatives Sutton, Baxter and McHenry, Operative Morgan is "in love" with an asset who had firsthand knowledge of the Blackthorne Institute.

~ Said asset has shown to reciprocate feelings towards Operative Morgan. The asset is privy to some of the most awesome-smelling soap in the world.

~ WARNING: SPOILER AHEAD! The aforementioned asset's mother wishes to kill a certain Operative

~ The insitute for male spies, Blackthorne, will be revealed in this novel.

~ The Operative would like to congratulate subject Carter for including more and better action scenes

~ The Operative's favourite character remains to be Operative Sutton due to her ability to be both smart and "kick-ass" at the same time

~ The Operative would wish to warn potential readers that due to the surprises within the novel to not be drinking any liquid while reading, or else spit takes may take place

~ The writing was quite impressive and also made the Operative laugh quite loudly causing disruption in the library

~ Many unanswered questions were answered to only result in more questions. However, the Operative would like to note that the questions that made her think were a good thing

~ The pace of the novel perfect and flowed nicely. The Operative was rendered speachless after reading the final pages of the novel

~ Speaking of which, the Operative highly disliked the ending due to the fact that it was a cliff hanger and the Operative did not wish to wait another 2 years for the next installment

~ According to the Operative, Only the Good Spy Young will not disappoint.

The Operative was able to obtain the following quotations and definitions:

But, honestly, at that moment statistics were the last thing on my mind, because fluffly white snowflakes were floating through the night sky that stood between me and the one boy who didn't move, the boy who didn't swoon, the boy who just stood by the rails with his hands in his pockets, staring at me, saying, "Happy New Year, Gallagher Girl" (Carter, 4)

Although Operative McHenry could not comment on the quotations, she allowed me to take a crack at it. The asset, Mr.Goode, is a mysterious boy, and it seems that Operative Morgan enjoys this quality.

Promise me, Cammie! No matter what, promise me you will follow the pigeons (Carter, 17)

Definition: The Operative as well as Operative Morgan were both unclear of the meaning behind "follow the pigeons" until the near end of the novel. As the main mystery of said novel, it was unraveled quite cleverly, in a way only a spy can do.

Climbing the stairs to our room, I tried not to count the secret passageways that we should have passed (4); or the underclassmen who suddenly stopped whispering as soon as they saw me (6); or even the number of fingerprint-sensitive doors we had to pass through to reach our suite (9) (Carter, 53).

This leads the Operative to make the 3 following observations:
1) The increased security measures to the Gallagher Academy were extreme, therefore the threat made to Operative Morgan must have been extreme.
2) Operative Morgan has an in-depth knowledge of the Gallagher Academy
3) The secret passageways were removed meaning that Operative Morgan was not the only one aware of such passageways. More shocking, those that removed them knew others had been using them.

Realizing the majority of readers are uninterested in above quotes, the Operative has compiled a list of her 3 favourite quotes which display a high level of "Zammie":

"Despite having known him for almost a year, there were a lot of things I still didn't know about Zachary Goode. Like how soap and shampoo could smell so much better on him than anyone else. Like where he went when he wasn't mysteriously showing up at random (and frequently dangerous) points in my life. And, most of all, I didn't know how, when he mentioned the jacket, he made me think about the sweet, romantic part of the night last November when he'd given it to me, and not the terrible, bloody, international-terrorists-are-trying-to-kidnap-me part that came right after" (Carter, 4)

"I might never have realized that Zach was disappointed to find another girl in the gazebo" (Carter, 124)

"And then he pulled me closer, squeezed me so tightly that I could barely breathe. He pressed his lips hard against my forehead for a split second - nothing more - and when he finally let me go and disappeared back into the trees, I thought that I might fall" (Carter, page 153)

The Operative was also able to obtain the following "gifs" to better express her feelings toward the novel:

Due to the following information, the Operative can confidently conclude that the novel Only the Good Spy Young is worthy of 5 stars and subject Carter is, in lack of better words, a genius.

Operative Sabrina out
Profile Image for Ry.
139 reviews1 follower
May 5, 2022
Ohh, this is getting better and more intense!!!!!!! (there's a reason i read it in like two days. XD)
Profile Image for Paradoxical.
351 reviews35 followers
February 8, 2011
Something that never fails to irritate me: A person is in danger and needs to be protected, but nobody tells her what the hell is going on. Especially if said person in danger is a girl who is training to be a spy. There is a disconnect there, especially when she gets into as much trouble as she does. Nobody tells Cammie anything when she's a key person--they all just expect her to fall in line (yeah, right, when has she ever done that?). It's crazy how they can teach the girl how to undermine countries and yet they still can't trust her with something that pertains to her.


In any case, the Ghallagher Girl books are a super light read. You really can't take any of it seriously (think about it seriously), or else holes will pop up all over the place. Huge glaring holes that make a person wince and try to turn away except they're always there. Eh.

Otherwise it's a fun read, if shallow. Things come a little too easily to Cammie and the gang, but otherwise they'd probably never get anything done. The ending was a bit better, but overall... about 2 stars for this book. I liked the previous Ghallagher Girl books better than this one.
Profile Image for Lindsey (Books for Christian Girls).
1,827 reviews4,148 followers
December 17, 2015
Very interesting. Can't say I saw the plot twist coming, but I'm still very confused on different parts. The language was equal to the second book, with a couple 'heck's and a 'hell'. Quite a bit of blood. Mentions again of hotness and guy who are hot. A mention of a teacher's sexy bra. Two semi-detailed kisses, and two no-detailed kisses. Maybe it's because Cammie and I are the same age that I don't like Zach much (I know, I know, all the fangirls will attack me for that), especially at the end.
Profile Image for Watson.
8 reviews
January 11, 2012
I get giddy just looking at this. Hehehehehehehehehehehe. Ally Carter. just an fyi to all of you readers of this here postie reveiw, I will have you know that I practically ripped my hair out from its roots begging my mother to take me to the bookstore the day it came out. I was running around the house, drinking apple juice(since I don't like soda or coffee, apple juice is the next best thing) and screaming until my voice was raw. At this point you are probably thinking, "Dude. This chic has no life. I bet she's like, twelve." And to you, I say, I do have a life, and it consists of the following:
1. Eating
2. Sleeping
3. Reading Books.

So there you have it. That's my life. And to the age-thingie, I am almost sixteen. I have always had this dream of being a spy, though. Sounds pretty epic. But back to my story! Despite my rants and jumping on the ceilings, my mother is one tough cookie. I didn't get the book until about noon. (insert horror-movie screaming here) The horror! I read the book, cover to cover, in a few hours. Then I cried. You ask why? 10 months until the next book. I suffered severe withdrawl and visited a therapist fully equipped with a plush sitting chair and he said, "And how does that make you feel?". (slight exaggeration, the chair was rather lumpy).

But you didn't come here to hear about my depression issues. Onto the story! Beautiful. As we know, the Circle is...

*Spoiler here*
After Cammie!!! And, Solomon is a traitor!(insert dramatic music here)
*End Soiler*

This wrench thrown in made my heart ache. I was so hurt by this fact, and felt as betrayed as Cammie did. I loved how Ally had the characters' emotions develop, and even change as the situation became more intense. As in, Bex was being cautious. If you read the first three, your eyes will be getting very wide right about now. Bex was being protective, and discouraging mischief (Merlin's Beard, what's going on?!) I personally love Bex, and seeing how much she changed due to her concern and worry was great. Also, I liked Townsend. He amused me and I'd like to see him more in future novels. Also, I liked Cammie, though at points I wanted to personally lock her in a bunker because of her..."danger-tendencies". The sudden knowledge of her true situation made her more independent and detached than ever. Though i understand that suspense can be a good thing to get people to read the next book, a shout-out to Ally Carter. Ahem. "WHAT THE HECK WERE YOU THINKING?!?! WE HAVE TO WA IT A WHOLE BLOODY YEAR TO FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS NEXT?!?! AND WHAT ABOUT THOSE LAST FEW CHAPTERS, HUH?!?! I WAS NOT EXPECTING THAT!!!! WHYYYYYYY?!?!?! WHYYYYYYYYY?!?!"

~Two Days Later~
Mr. Therapist: "I read something about the Book-that-must-not-be-Named that you posted, and I found it rather revealing. So now that you wrote it, how is it making you feel?"
Me: "I dunno, I'm still pretty angry with Ally for the cliffhanger though..."
Mr. Therapist: "Mmhm. And how does THAT make you feel?"
Me: "...like I need the next book ASAP?"
Mr. Therapist: " I see. And how does THAT make you feel?"
Me: "Uh...is there an echo in here? I want the next stinkin' book!"
Mr. Therapist: "Calm yourself. The next book, "Out of Sight, Out of Time" will be out in a couple mo-"
Me: "WHY DID YOU SAY THE NAME?!?! WHY WOULD YOU REMIND ME?!?! WHY!?!? I WANT IT!!!!!!!" *breaks down in tears*
Mr. Therapist:"...And how does that make you feel?"

Profile Image for Ashley Townsend.
Author 3 books140 followers
March 10, 2016
Ally Carter has done it again! Her Heist Society series was the first I'd ever read of Ally's, and I just adore those characters (yes, present tense adore. And just Hale *sighs*) and the ridiculous cleverness of everything that this author creates. I gave this series a try at my sisters' insistence, and I'm so glad I did!
Ally has a way of making characters that you just want to hang out with and laugh over a bag of M&Ms, and the situations and humor in her stories: WARNING! There WILL be actual gut-laughing in public places! It's very rare that you can find a story, let alone series, that is so adorable, fun, and incredibly clever that it just makes you smile to see them on your shelves. The author has an awesome balance of fast-paced adventure interspersed with roll-your-eyes humor.
This is my favorite book in the series so far, and though they are written for younger groups, they are so enjoyable that you can't help but get caught up in the fun and creative plots. Definitely give this series a try!
Profile Image for Rebecca.
631 reviews509 followers
June 1, 2015
These seriously keep getting better and better. I started this book at 1:30am, it is now 4:30am and I've finished it. I can't even remember the last time I read a book in one sitting. I didn't even stop to go to the bathroom, it's just been three solid hours of reading. I just seriously love these books so much. I love all these characters and the plots just keep getting more intriguing.
Profile Image for Lex’s Library.
433 reviews48 followers
December 1, 2021
I know everything's going to be okay, but I'm still scared for all of the characters!


This is, hands down, best book in the series so far!!! The romance, the action, the mystery, the big reveals near the end…just when I thought I’d get some answers, I just had more questions! I need the next book now!!!


•Can we talk about the title for a second? Every time I read the title, I play of the song “Only the Good Die Young” by Billy Joel in my head. Does that make me weird?

•Even after four books, I can’t decide which Gallagher Girl is my favorite. Cammie makes me laugh, Bex kicks butt and is SO sweet, I relate to being the brains of the group like Liz, and I’ve loved watching Macey’s character arc. They all have distinct personalities and I love how supportive they are of each other. I know Cammie is running away, but I hope her friends find her and they all work together to take down the Circle of Cavan!

•This is going to sound odd, but I noticed that at the beginning of the third book, Cammie is hanging out with Macey. Then in this book, the book opened up with Cammie hanging out Bex in England. So now I’m expecting Cammie to be with Liz in one of the last two books!

•I’ll admit, for a while I actually wondered if Mr. Solomon was going to be a bad guy. But the more people said so, the less I believed it. But then I was confused, because could he have killed Cammie’s dad and still be a good guy? When he comes back in the next two books, he has A LOT of explaining to do!

•Speaking of characters who have a lot of explaining to do: ZACHARY GOODE. Look, I love you, Zach. I like you with Cammie A LOT more than Josh. And if you want me to keep liking you, then 1) EXPLAIN YOURSELF and 2) defy your mother’s orders and help the Gallagher Girls take down the Circle of Cavan!

•After the reveal about Joe Solomon and Zach’s mother, I honestly don’t who to trust. I don’t like Mr. Townson. I don’t know if I just don’t click with him or if I have a bad feeling about him. And while I love Aunt Abby and Cammie’s mother, I'm PRETTY SURE they’re hiding something from Cammie. I don’t think they’re evil, I just feel like they’re keeping secrets. The questions are, what are they and why are they keeping them from Cammie???

•I really want to see more of the Blackthorn Academy! I’ll admit, it was a little disturbing to learn that it was a school for assassins—but I still wanted to learn more about it. How similar is it to the Gallagher Academy? What’s different? How many people know it’s a school for assassins? What kind of classes do the boys take? Just as Zach stayed and attended classes at the Gallagher Academy in Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy, I hope Cammie does the same at the Blackthorn Academy!

•Ally Carter is a master at endings, and the one in this was no different. I thought the ending of Don’t Judge a Girl by Her Cover scared me, but GOSH WAS I WRONG. I did like how the ending was Cammie writing a message to everyone saying she’s going out to seek answers—just like her farther.

•While we’re on the topic, IS CAMMIE’S DAD ALIVE?!?!? Or is Zach’s mom just lying and planning to crush Cammie’s hopes when they meet again? I DON’T NEED SLEEP, I NEED ANSWERS!!!


After an ending like that, I can’t wait to read Out of Sight, Out of Time! I can only imagine what’s going to happen, the answers Cammie will get, and how it will set up the final book!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Josie.
1,627 reviews35 followers
July 10, 2011
This series has gone downhill so much since the first book. I think Ally Carter's lost sight of her original plan? Book 1 was firmly tongue-in-cheek, with girls making bombs in chemistry class and being taught how to kill a man with a piece of uncooked spaghetti. But with each new book, the Gallagher Girls have moved more and more into Deep and Serious territory, and I think that's a mistake. I don't want to read about torture and death and mountains of angst. I want schoolgirls running around in knee-high socks and foiling plans and abseiling down buildings. The more realistic Ally Carter tries to make this series, the more she has to gloss over how the girls actually do anything. Breaking into Sub-Level Two is a prime example. We're told that Liz "cracks the code" and Cammie "disables the security devices" like it's that simple, yet somehow none of the adults (who are all professional, experienced spies) could manage that. And it's never even mentioned how they find the entrance to Sub-Level Two in the first place.

Also: not enough of Macey being awesome. She's the strongest, most well-rounded character (and did I mention she's completely awesome?) but she had about three lines in this book. Disappointed!
Profile Image for Bry.
637 reviews94 followers
October 12, 2010
This book is definitely the best in the series to far terms of the plot, characters, and the writing. It reminds me a bit of Harry Potter. The writing, subject matter, and perspective on life are all maturing as both the characters and readers mature.

This installment was stuffed full of intrigue, betrayal, pain, fright, and hope. I stayed up till 3 am just to finish it because I kept saying one more chapter, or I'll stop as soon as I figure this out. Before I realized it I had read half the book and knew I couldn't stop till I was finished.

I have been getting these books from the library but if the series stays as good as this one was I will definitely have to buy them to reread.
Profile Image for anna.
588 reviews36 followers
October 1, 2015
Covert Operations Report
By Anna Sk (hereafter referred to as "The Operative")

Phase 4.

Note: At this point the Operative had to go to ground in order to regroup and continue with the mission.

During the fourth part of the mission the Operative managed to uncover some of the mystery that shrouded the mission and move accordingly to what she believed was the right course of action. She continued the mission.

Despite of the seeming turncoats of this phase of the mission, the Operative still held back judgement and waited for more evidence before she decided to state plainly accusations. More secrets to be uncovered (with the most important one: how does Asset Goode move without anyone taking notice of him).

The Operative had the urge to both protect Asset Morgan and unleash her to the field to raise Hell. In the end, Asset Morgan took matters into her own hands.

Additional input: the Operative is still in mild shock over Asset Morgan's last action of this Phase.

Proceed to Phase5.
Profile Image for lisa.
2,102 reviews308 followers
January 18, 2015
Reread: Jan 17 2015

The wifi was out yesterday so I ended up finishing the last three Gallagher Girls books and it was awesome.

Man, I forgot how painful this one was.

He's gone.
He's just gone.
Someone has to tell Rachel.

Safe to say I shed a lot of tears.

First read: April 2013 (5 stars)


1. GRIPPING! Conspiracies, twists, and everybody's not who they seem to be.
3. The ending...Cammie what are you doing

I need to read the next book.
Profile Image for Keely.
171 reviews38 followers
April 16, 2010
Ahh i so want to read this book. I reckon Zach is the one who gets labelled as the rogue operative cause he always turns up where cammie is and that guy from the circle of cavan knew him and why wasn't he at blackthrone? Ahh cannot wait until it is out... Joe Soloman hs been labelled a double agent:(
Profile Image for Kyla (ourbookworlds).
356 reviews269 followers
January 27, 2016
2nd September 21, 2014
BEST BOOK EVER! Love this book from begging to start. This book is the whole reason I read and reread this series! In love with everything in it.

3rd May 15, 2015
THAT ENDING, never gets old! Oh I love it! Love it all!:) Zach is like the best guy ever I'm sad though.. the next book...
Ya'll need to read this series! No joke!
Profile Image for Rachel.
85 reviews2 followers
May 27, 2016
Never fails to amaze! Plot is gripping and chockfull of secrets and surprises. I find myself thinking, "one more chapter then I'll wash the dishes," but you know how likely that is when you're in the middle of a great book. In most series, the first book is the best then the novels the come after get gradually worse and worse, but with Ally Carter's books, they maintain the amazing quality.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,817 reviews

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