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Comanche #2

Comanche Heart

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Years ago, Amy Masters escaped the fury of the Texas plains for a new life as a teacher in the golden hills of Oregon, where she has found contentment --- if not happiness. Then, out of the shadows, comes Swift Antelope, the Comanche warrior to whom she once pledged her heart when she was no more than a girl.

Claiming that he has given up his violent ways as a gunslinger, Swift has arrived to take the woman he feels is rightfully his --- the woman who once swore to honor a sacred and unbreakable pact. But Amy's brutal past has made it impossible for her to trust any man --- even if it's the bold warrior who has haunted her dreams, the only man she ever loved, the Comanche heart she can't live without.

384 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published January 9, 2009

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About the author

Catherine Anderson

93 books2,874 followers
Librarian Note: There is more than one author in the GoodReads database with this name. See this thread for more information.
(1)romance author:
Adeline Catherine was born and raised in Grants Pass, Oregon, USA. She always yearned to be a writer like her mother. The morning that one of her professors asked if she could use samples of Catherine’s creative writing on an overhead projector to teach was a dream come true. In 1988, she sold her first book to Harlequin Intrigue and went on to write three more before she tried her hand at a single-title historical romance. Nine books later, she did her first single-title contemporary.

Catherine married Sidney D. Anderson, an industrial electrician and entrepreneur. They had two sons, Sidney D. Jr. and John G. In 2001 she and her husband purchased a central Oregon home located on a ridge with incredible mountain views and surrounded by forestland honeycombed with trails. It was her dream home, a wonderland in the winter and beyond beautiful in the summer. She named it Cinnamon Ridge after the huge ponderosa pines on the property, which sport bark the color of cinnamon.

Sadly, Catherine lost her husband to a long-term illness in 2014. She has kept Cinnamon Ridge as her primary residence but divides her time between there and her son John's farm, where she has the support of her loved ones and can enjoy his horses, cows, and raise her own chickens.

Catherine loves animals and birds, both wild and domestic. She presently has two Australian shepherds, six cats, and a very old canary. She is very family oriented as well. Her older son has lived in Japan, Australia, and now resides in New Zealand. Catherine and her stateside family will celebrate Christmas on the north island with Sidney, his wife Mary, and their two sons, Liam and Jonas.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 362 reviews
Profile Image for Giorgia Reads.
1,331 reviews2,024 followers
September 29, 2020
3 Stars

Well, this was a major disappointment.

The story follows two characters that were introduced in the previous book Comanche Moon. In that book they were only 12 and 15 years old but they left such a lasting impression on me because of how pure their relationship was.

At the time, Amy went through a horrific ordeal and Hunter, the hero from Comanche Moon, helped her, then brought her back to his village to be with her cousin Loretta. There, while she heals, Swift who was at the time a young Comanche warrior at only 15 does everything possible to become her friend because he is quite taken with her, (having seen her first some time ago and thought her to be courageous and beautiful). They become very good friends and eventually they both decide to make a promise that they will wait for each other and after the war is over, Swift will come back for Amy.. and live happy ever after, I suppose.

As you guessed it, things don’t go to plan and 15 years go by, in which a lot of things changed except the feelings they had for each other.

So that is where the story starts and where the story gets ruined. I can’t believe that two characters so intriguing and so rich in personality, get this watered down plot with a 180 shift in character. I understand that people change over the course of 15 years and that in the last book they were very young but I loved them more in those few scenes they got there than this whole book.

Swift’s character never got any development in this and Amy became a shell of her younger self (and it’s all rationalised by trauma- but I didn’t buy it in this instance)

The plot was flimsy and boring, there was a lot of repetitive stuff and the sentimentalism which made the previous book epic for me, only made this one seem shallow.

This was a major disappointment and the 3 stars are for the fact that we got more Hunter&Loretta&their kids.
Profile Image for Auntee.
1,333 reviews1,442 followers
June 3, 2009
Loved it. Loooved it. Yes I know, it wasn't "Comanche Moon", which IMO is Catherine Anderson's epic romance, and it would be hard to compete with that one. This one was a little different, more of a straight romance between two people who haven't seen each other in 15 years, since they were kids. Both Amy and Swift Antelope(Lopez) have each been through hell during those years and changed so much, I wasn't sure if they could recapture the young love they had when they were a mostly carefree 12 year old and a blossoming-into-manhood 16 year old. This book details the painful journey they must each take to reclaim the happiness they once shared, and how they battle racial prejudice, deal with regrets, and rediscover the deep love and trust they once shared with each other. I shed many a tear while reading this one, both for Amy and for Swift. Amy was practically a shell of a woman when Swift came back into her life, hiding out behind her teaching job and the protection of her cousin Loretta's family. Sure it was a safe life, but it was no life for the former spirited young girl from Comanche Moon. And she gave Swift such a hard time when he finally came back into her life and tried to make her honor her youthful promise of marriage. Yes, I understood that she was unhappy and afraid of what he'd become on the outside (a notorious gunslinger who rode with comancheros), but I was hoping she'd look deeper and realize this was her Swift, the man who would never intentionally hurt her. Sometimes her reluctance to accept Swift irritated me, even though I couldn't blame her after all that had happened to her. This girl had enough horrors to last a lifetime. Since she clearly hadn't really dealt with her horrific past, I had my doubts that Swift would be able to reconnect with her. But boy he was tenacious and single-minded! Sometimes he was a little ham-handed and insensitive, but I never for one minute doubted his love for Amy. Many a time I thought "Don't give up Swift" whenever Amy tried to shut him out.

I really adored Swift as a hero. I thought he was caring, sexy, sensitive, and wonderful. The things he was willing to do to be with Amy...the guy never gave up. A couple of times he made me cry (the spelling bee; when he decided he would finally leave Amy alone and almost made it out of town; when he finally realized the scope of all that Amy had been through; when he was framed for a murder he didn't commit and still tried to protect Amy's reputation) and I so wanted him to have a HEA, but I was also nervous that he wouldn't get one. Just wonderful storytelling by Catherine Anderson.

And Amy, oh she came a long way. I was so proud of her when she finally found her self worth again--her 'Comanche heart'. Her defense of Swift when he was accused of murder brought tears to my eyes. That's when I was convinced of her absolute love for him.

I enjoyed getting a look into the next book which will be Indigo's (Loretta and Hunter's daughter) story. She reminds me a little bit of the brave and spirited young girl that Amy was. Although I have to admit I was a little surprised with Loretta and Hunter's parenting skills--I thought they gave her waay too much freedom--and Indigo nearly paid for that.

This was a wonderful romance, one I wouldn't hesitate to recommend to any reader. Just be sure to read "Comanche Moon" first--you won't want to miss out on the significant backstory that it provides. There's romance, passion, tears, and a bit of suspense, and a very satisfying HEA. What more could you want? 5 stars.
Profile Image for ren ♡ .
386 reviews844 followers
March 24, 2021
⚜️ This review contains spoilers if you haven’t read Comanche Moon ⚜️

He loved her. He had loved the skinny little girl of fifteen years ago, he loved the beautiful woman she was today, and he would love the wrinkled old woman she would become, simply because the essence of Amy went far beyond the physical. Amy, his sunshine.

I initially planned to give myself a few months before I jumped back into this series because Comanche Moon completely WRECKED me. But alas, I missed Hunter and Loretta too much and I couldn’t wait for their cameos! I’ll be honest, it was very difficult not to compare this book to the first one, but I tried! I have to say, although Comanche Heart didn’t blow my mind, it certainly tugged at my heart strings and had me tearing up before I had even finished reading the prologue.


Comanche Heart takes place fifteen years after Comanche Moon. The Comanche people have been put on reservations and Hunter and his family, having followed an ancient Comanche prophecy, have started a new life in Wolf’s Landing, Oregon, where this story takes place. It’s also been fifteen years since the hero and the heroine, Swift Antelope/Lopez and Amy Masters last saw each other. Bound by the promises of their youth and due to the unlikeliest of events, Swift and Amy are reunited for a second chance romance that does not come easy.


Swift was such a remarkable hero. He was tenacious and persistent but most of all, I loved how introspective he was and the way he mulled over all of his actions. He was always trying to understand things from Amy's point of view and seeking wisdom from Hunter. He was alpha without being an asshole. Honestly, it was incredibly heart-breaking to see how he had to adapt to 'survive' in a white man's world but I guess it also highlighted the lengths he would go through for Amy.

“Ask me to cut off my right arm for you, and I’ll do it. Ask me to lay down my life for you, and I’ll do it. But, please, don’t ask me to give you up now that I’ve found you again. Don’t ask that, Amy.”

I loved seeing Amy become such passionate teacher and so loving of her students. Despite the rape and abuse she’d suffered, it was pretty amazing to see the life she had built for herself. However, it was really sad to see Amy become a shell of her former self – living in fear and dealing with PTSD. Hunter and Loretta kept her in a safe bubble where she basically spent her days living on the safe side, sheltered from the world, a million miles apart from the carefree girl she used to be.

I can see why many readers were so disappointed with the grown-up version of Swift and Amy because I felt the same way at the beginning. But at the end of the day, fifteen years of hurt, disappointment and loss can really do some damage to people... so I kind of get it. It was incredibly heart-breaking to see them navigate life – two innocent lost souls torn apart by reality and circumstances.

My main highlight was definitely seeing Hunter again! I loved his wisdom and his gentle correction. Sadly, I couldn’t say the same thing about Loretta… She was one big ball of anxiety half the time! Seeing the family thriving (for the most part) at Wolf’s Landing made me so happy. Their children, Indigo and Chase were so endearing. It was really hard to see Indigo come to terms with the prejudice directed at her Comanche heritage. I can only hope the third book won’t be as heart-breaking. Wishful thinking… I know.

The Romance

“It’s so simple, Amy. All I want, all I’ve ever wanted, is your trust. If I have that, I have everything. Don’t you see? The rest will just happen.”

I can’t get over Swift’s unconditional love for Amy. He loved her when they were innocent kids and he loved her even more after they were reunited. He was so understanding and thoughtful. Even when he was knocked back by Amy’s stubbornness and fear of him, Swift just kept on proving his trustworthiness. He challenged her in ways that no one else could and saw the ‘Comanche Heart’ buried within her. There were a few times where I thought he had pushed her a bit too far, but the moment he chose to set her free was the moment he won my respect.

He wanted to change her nightmares into dreams, to make her yesterdays dim memories, to build her a life full of love and laughter.

Amy took a long time to come to her senses, but I guess it was understandable given her tragic past. Personally, I felt like it became a little repetitive at times and it hurt my soul to see Swift put himself out there time and time again, only to get rejected. I had to take a break after reading the classroom scene at one point (if you know, you know…).

But in the end, when they came together, it was so beautiful! Their love for each other was so moving! I think Catherine Anderson captured the nuances of their relationship really well!

Other thoughts / Criticisms

My main criticism lies with the microscopic focus on Amy’s trauma because at times it felt like she was simply reduced to the events of her past – I’m not saying that her trauma isn’t important, that’s not what I mean at all, but there were other parts of the story that ended up being neglected and underdeveloped. What about Swift? I would’ve loved to have known more about Swift’s life in the war and his life before Amy. Swift didn’t have much of a character arc and his entire life seemed to center around Amy. There also wasn’t much backstory to Swift leaving the reservation which was a pity. I loved the one particular heartfelt conversation between Swift and Hunter about their family. It absolutely broke my heart, but I wish there had been more stories about the reservation or even how Hunter had founded Wolf’s Landing and started his gold mining business!

Lastly, the Comanchero/Gunslinger plotline feel a little rushed at the end and I felt like it detracted from the story rather than adding the necessary mystery and tension the author was probably going for.

Overall, Comanche Heart was a great second chance romance. I laughed, I cried, I felt hope and despair, but ultimately, it fell a little flat in some areas. If for some reason, you haven’t already read the first book, Comanche Moon, please do! This should not be read as a standalone or else, you’ll be missing out BIG TIME. But remember to prepare a box of tissues… Now, onto Indigo Blue!

Rating: 4/5

Profile Image for MelissaB.
725 reviews340 followers
March 9, 2009
First off, you really need to read Comanche Moon by Catherine Anderson before Comanche Heart because that is where Swift and Amy's story begins. They fall in love at a young age and get betrothed in the Comanche way. Swift Antelope stays with his Comanche tribe during their fight against the whites but promises to come for her when he is finished. She waits years and he never comes, so eventually she ends up in Oregan with her sister Loretta and Hunter.

At the start of Comanche Heart, it has been 12 years after Swift left Amy. He returns to her farm only to be told she died. Three years later, he makes his way to Oregon to find Hunter and Loretta after years of being a gun slinger and riding with the Comancheros. He is amazed to find his Amy alive and well, living as a school teacher near her sister. Amy has never forgotten her childhood love but is terrified of the hard looking Comanchero Swift had become.

Swift still loves Amy and is determined to have a life with her now that he has found her again. Amy is scared of losing the freedom she has at Wolf's Landing if she honors her promise to marry Swift. While she still loves him, she went through a lot in her life that has left her terrified of intimacy and all but broke her spirit. However, Swift is one determined man who is patient and willing to do whatever it takes to win Amy's trust.

I loved Swift and Amy's story! Amy went through so much in her life that she deserved to find happiness with her love. At first I was a little frustrated that she resisted Swift so hard until I found out the hell she went through while faithfully waiting for Swift to come for her in Texas - then my heart broke for her and I couldn't wait to see Swift heal her with his love. Swift had a hard life in the 15 years since he last saw Amy, but he jumps at the chance to start a new life. He is so kind and patient with Amy - he truly was a hero to me. This love story was beautiful and sweet. Swift and Amy deserved their HEA after living hard lives then managing to work their way through many obstacles to find happiness and a chance for a life together.

Highly recommended for anyone who enjoys great romance! Read Comanche Moon first though - not only is it amazing but you see the start of this wonderful love story. Comanche Heart will be rereleased in June 2009!
Profile Image for Melanie A..
1,178 reviews508 followers
December 16, 2020
3.5 STARS!
"Keep your eyes always on the horizon, golden one. What lies behind you is for yesterday."
Though what worked so well for Hunter and Loretta in book 1 didn't quite translate for Amy and Swift, I still adore this family and this author. I can't wait to start Indigo's book next!
Profile Image for Azet.
1,061 reviews268 followers
March 13, 2021
"Comanche Heart" is the sequel to the epic romantic saga "Comanche Moon" i read many years ago,on the list of my all time favourite novels.I had earned for an opportunity to read this book because i was so excited for Swift`s and Amy`s own story,as we all got charmed by them as kids in the first book,and today finally found it and finished it over 5 hours,full of anxiety and excitement!

This story follows the second chance love-story between the tortured heroine Amy Masters (cousin of the h from "Comanche Moon") and her long-lost betrothed ,comanche warrior Swift Antelope.They were kids when they promised each other marriage in "Comanche Moon",but war separated them for over 15 years...and when Swift finally has found his Amy,she is now a scarred woman who refuses to acknowledge him. This journey follows the biggest challenge in Swift`s life..he have defeated battles and warriors...but his fight to win back Amy`s love and trust will be the hardest of them all.I as a reader cared,smiled and cried for him.For Swift the essence of Amy went far beyond the physical.He both lived and breathed his love for Amy,and i love how Amy slowly and painfully surrenders to him.Their love was so eternal,heartbreakingly beautiful and passionate that i just cried so many times throughout the book.

I love Swift,and his endless pursuing after his woman.He is a true hero that i simply couldn`t resist, a tall,rugged,fearless,shadow-filled handsome stranger that tugged at the strings of Amy`s heart together with mine. Every scene with him was mind-blowing,he is a man to be looked with awe!Amy becomes the heroine she deserved to be.And after all the dark and disgusting shit she got through,i wouldn`t have blamed her if she wanted to commit suicide,but some deep notion made her continue on to live.I loved meeting Loretta and Hunter again (H and h from "Comanche Moon") and their children Chase and Indigo,how wild and untamed they are!I really look forward to Chase`s book in "Comanche Magic",as he came off as a very promising character..having the deathly and fear-less nature his father and Swift has.

This is a book i will never forget,i just loved it so much i can`t explain it!Catherine Anderson is one of the best author who creates honest brutally love-stories with adventure and action...and everlasting love-stories with hero and heroine to die for..."Comanche Heart" went straight to my heart!


He turned her face to regard her,his eyes smiling."As for you not being the same girl i knew?You look like her,speak like her,smell like her..."

He slowly bent his head towards hers.
"Ask me to cut off my right arm for you,and i will do it.Ask me to lay down my life for you,and i will do it.But,please,don`t ask me to give you up now that i have found you again.Don`t ask that,Amy"

-Swift Antelope
Profile Image for Mon.
610 reviews103 followers
July 25, 2017
Este libro no me ha decepcionado para nada. La trama es más sencilla, no hay tanta acción y tantos giros, sino que está más centrada en la relación amorosa de Amy y Veloz, que es preciosa, y sobre todo la lucha de Amy para superar su terrible pasado. Desde que leí Luna comanche y conocí a Amy y Veloz estaba deseando leer su historia, ese par de adolescente me robaron el corazón. El libro se inicia 15 años después de su último encuentro. A diferencia de Veloz que desde el principio lucha por recuperar el tiempo perdido y su amor, Amy intenta protegerse intentando no salir de su zona de confort, del mundo que se ha creado para protegerse. Con este libro he sufrido con Amy porque he visto como le ha marcado lo que le ocurrió narrado en Luna Comanche y lo que le paso después de la muerte de su madre. Me ha gustado como la escritora lo ha trasmitido, la lucha de ella por superarlo.
Veloz es un personaje adorable, debajo de este imagen terrible sigue existiendo un personaje tierno, valiente y orgulloso de su pasado Comanche.
He echado de menos que se hablará más de la guerra entre blancos y comanche, se pasa sobre el tema de puntilla y aunque Veloz y Cazador no renuncian a su parte comanche, sentí que no se profundiza demasiado.

Profile Image for jenjn79.
723 reviews264 followers
June 5, 2008
While I enjoyed Comanche Heart, I didn't like it anywhere near as much as Comanche Moon. It just didn't have the same power as the first book in the series.

Comanche Moon is a multi-dimensional story in that it wasn't just about the romance, but also about the struggle between Native Americans and whites, the lives affected, the morality of who was right and wrong...the book just had a very well-rounded feel.

Whereas Comanche Heart comes off for me as a bit, well, superficial. Not in a shallow, air-head sense, but in that it didn't dig very deep. The story was almost wholly about Amy, and Swift trying to convince Amy to give him a chance. There wasn't much else to give the story the same kind of depth that Comanche Moon had. There was a bit about Swift trying to overcome his past, but it almost comes off as a side-note despite what happens at the end. I just would have liked there to have been more to the story than there was.

To that end, I was rather disappointed with Anderson's neglect of Loretta, and especially Hunter in the book. Not that I wasn't surprised by it. It's something I've noticed in other books of a series by Anderson - she doesn't utilize past characters as well as she could have. In this case, it bothered me a little more than usual. I wanted to know more about Loretta and Hunter - how they came to settle where they did, why Hunter took up the job he did, how he dealt with the change in cultures , etc. There wasn't anything like that and it left me feeling a little short-changed.

Like some others who read this book, I was rather annoyed with Hunter's reaction, or lack thereof, to the incident surrounding his daughter Indigo. He pretty much didn't react at all and that seemed really wrong for the character we got to know in Comanche Moon. It didn't fit at all for me.

It sounds like I didn't like the book, but I did. Reading it, though, and having read the first book in the series. I thought Comanche Heart just could have been more. The potential was there, but it didn't quite make it. For me, it was a nice romance, but not the powerful drama that Comanche Moon was.
Profile Image for Kathrynn.
1,181 reviews
June 5, 2009
Loved it! Comanche Heart picks up 15 years AFTER Comanche Moon. The backstory for Heart is in Moon--this is not a stand alone and the series should be read in order.

Swift Lopez (formerly Swift Antelope) was 16 when he met Amy (12) after she was rescued from comancheros who had brutally raped her. They vowed themselves to each other and when Swift went to fight "the great fight" for his People, he told Amy he would come back for her. Amy hung on the hope of Swift returning for her, but after 12 years of waiting she was forced to leave her Texas home and fled to Oregon to be with Loretta and Hunter at "Wolf's Landing" where Amy became the school teacher. Swift returned to her Texas home and was told Amy died. He went wild. Joined and became what Amy feared the most--a comanchero. His reputation as a gunfighter became his plague. Three years later, exhausted and wanting a fresh start, he ended up in Wolf's Landing to see his friend, Hunter. But what he found was Amy--alive.

Swift was a wonderful character. He loved Amy and with tremendous patience, love and understanding, he broke through Amy's fears and found the spirited girl he knew. There were a lot of tender--heartbreaking--moments and several times I had tears streaming down my face not realizing it as I was glued to the pages.

Exceptionally well written. Looking forward to reading the next re-issue in this series that is due to be re-released spring/summer of 2010.
Profile Image for Amy .
166 reviews18 followers
January 31, 2021
Ohhh my! Its not an easy read for me. Got to stop couple of times and continue reading. (Longer reading time compared to Comanche Moon) Emotionally drain! But I still love it.
Profile Image for Christel.
343 reviews20 followers
June 4, 2009
Okay if the next 2 are any better than the first 2, I am in serious trouble. Julie let me borrow this book, so I would not have to wait a year for it to be released.


Amy Masters was abducted by Comancheros when she was 12. Brutally raped and savaged she was rescured by her cousins husband Half-breed Commanche Hunter of the Wolf. Upon returning to Hunter's village she made friends with a young Commanche brave, Swift Antelope. He was also very good friends with Hunter. Before going back to her home in Texas, Her and Swift made a Bethrothal to each other.

15 years later. Amy is a teacher in Wolf's Landing the town Hunter founded when he went west with Loretta to Oregon. Swift has now changed is name to Swift Lopez and for the past years he has ridden with the Commancheros. He is a gunslinger who has killed numerous men. Amy is scared of him and to think that they had betrothed themselves to one another years before. Can Swift change?? Can Amy devulge what has happened in the past 15 years to Swift and come to terms with what happened to her.

Catherine Anderson has woven a poignant tale of love, Trust with the undertones of violence that has plagued both hero and heroine in the past and in the present.

I cannot wait till I can read the other 2 in the series.
Profile Image for Katrina Passick Lumsden.
1,782 reviews12.9k followers
November 10, 2013
I tried really hard to like this book, but just couldn't sum up the energy after all that was sapped from me while trying to keep from throwing my Kindle across the room. Amy. What the hell? And Swift? Huh? Two characters I loved from the first book in this series... Reading them as adults was just painful. And of course, the heroine takes center stage with her insecurities and fears because... Oh, because this was written by a woman and, more often than not, chick lit heroes exist for the sole purpose of being springboards for the transformations of the heroines. Is anyone else tired of men being disregarded like this? I appreciate Diana Gabaldon's characterizations even more now because she gives equal attention to each protagonist, and it's not just bad shit happening to the heroine so the hero can rush in and make everything all better.

The best character in this entire debacle was Marshall Hilton. Why couldn't he have been in it more? Hell, he and Swift would have made a better couple.

Bah. I want to read about what happens with Indigo, but I'm not sure I want to find out just how "damaged" and embittered she becomes in adulthood.
Profile Image for ☆ Susana ☆ .
514 reviews181 followers
January 19, 2021
Qué bonito escribes Catherine Anderson! Al igual que el primero de esta saga he disfrutado mucho con esta lectura aunque he echado de menos a algunos personajes y situaciones del primer libro pero así y todo me ha encantado.

Amy, la dulce Amy, que mujer tan valiente (aunque ella piense lo contrario) y Veloz, que decir de él, me tenía medio conquistada en el primer libro con que aquí me ha terminado de ganar.

Maravilloso también ver como le va a Cazador y esa maravillosa familia preciosa que ha formado.

Muchas ganas de ponerme con el siguiente aunque voy a intercalar otros libros antes para no quemarme con la misma temática. Muy, muy recomendable esta saga.
Profile Image for Sonia.
803 reviews34 followers
February 3, 2021
Me ha parecido una historia preciosa, como Veloz consigue que Amy acabe superando todo lo que arrastra y como él mismo también evoluciona muy positivamente.
Me ha gustado esta novela incluso más que Luna comanche, he empatizado más con Amy que con Loretta.
Profile Image for Andrea.
1,015 reviews10 followers
April 30, 2016
Nov 20, 2011 (review)
I was highly disappointed, and disgusted, with the way things turned out in this book.
Swift Antelope and Amy's relationship in Comanche Moon had been so sweet and adorable, and I get to this book and it had taken such a turn they seemed like two completely different people.
I'm not sure why the description says she had fallen in love with his Comanche heart, because he had pretty much forsaken his Comanche heritage. He was acting more like a comanchero, one of the Mexican men that had raped Amy in the other book.
It was so sad to think about how they had been in Comanche Moon when they were younger and to look at how they were in this book.
"Swift" was a hard ass that repeatedly pushed Amy into doing things she didn't want to do and was cold and uncaring, and even brutal, about the traumatizing experience she had had of being raped as a child. He was just plain cruel, and I thought that was unforgiveable.

He was seen talking to this woman on the boardwalk, and that little episode went without any explanation at all. Amy didn't seem to have any trouble with it. And then he says I'm not going to lie to you, I slept with women, many women. I found that a little hypocritical and majorly disgusting, since he had been bullying Amy into honoring their pledge to marry fifteen years ago.

When Amy had stood up for him in front of everyone and said that "the last thing Swift Antelope and I do is sleep" I gave her props, because she actually showed she had some backbone and could stand up for once, and it was a nice speech.

I also liked how he had cut his face because he saw what he thought was Amy's grave and was in mourning, and they have a conversation about it and Amy asked if they he had children with her, and he says "I hope so." She realizes then that he's talking about her. That was really sweet.

The rest of this book was pure torture, what with all of the feelings and the self pity and the repeated talks they had about Amy's past.

I really wish I wouldn't have read this book, and had just kept the nice memories I had of them as children in Comanche Moon.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Ally72.
89 reviews
July 6, 2010
This was such a beautiful book and one that I knew I had to be in a certain mood to read. I expected it to be filled with emotion between Amy and Swift and I was right. The story takes place approximately fifteen years after Comanche Moon ends. In the last book we read the suffering Amy went through while captured by the bandits. Unfortunately, her suffering doesn't end at that point and there were more problems ahead for Amy. I think the worst part about reading it was knowing those kinds of crimes happened to women and children. Swift and Amy loved each other as teenagers and that never changed as they became adults (despite all of the problems they endured). Swift Antelope/Lopez is truly what a hero is meant to be in my opinion. He is one of my favorite characters that I have ever read about and Amy was a perfect complement to him. There were parts in the story that I had to stop and take a break because Amy made me feel so sorry for her. If someone hasn't read this book and is reading this review, it probably sounds very dark. It really isn't because it is also about hope and the courage to continue on when faced with traumas. Comanche Heart is not really similar to Comanche Moon other than the characters are the same. I loved both books for different reasons and I highly recommend it to anyone who is in the mood for a romantic and emotional filled book. Lastly, the ending was very satisfying and made me feel so happy on the last page.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Mercedes.
186 reviews16 followers
May 18, 2021
Una secuela de Luna comanche.
Me ha gustado mucho la relación entre Amy y Veloz. Una historia que te habla de los nativos americanos y del salvaje oeste . Centrado más en la vida en un pueblo del oeste .
De amor,odio,valentía ,discriminación,racismo y de superación .
Me gusta sobretodo que no sólo se centra en Amy y sus sentimientos sino también en Veloz y los suyos.
Unos grandes y valientes personajes .
Con algunos tópicos de las películas del oeste pero aún así me ha encantado y emocionado.

Profile Image for Corrine.
244 reviews26 followers
June 1, 2009
I didn't really enjoy this book until I put Comanche Moon out of my mind, because to compare the two is unfair. CM is one of those books that come along very rarely and change your life. Unfortunately for me, though it was enjoyable, Comanche Heart doesn't fall into the same category.

We first meet Swift Antelope and Amy as adolescents in CM. It's there that Amy gives her betrothal promise to swift, and it's also there when they're torn apart by the Comanche fight for freedom. Fifteen years later, Swift, now a comanchero, is aimless. His tribe has been sent to reservations, he's constantly outrunning his past, and he believes his one true love, Amy, is dead. He tracks his old friends Hunter and Loretta to Wolf's Landing, Oregon, and it's there that he meets up with Amy again. Unfortunately, fifteen years has changed both of them, and not for the better.

I was a little disappointed that CA decided to have Amy face eve more turmoil after all that's she's already been through. I, like Swift, was expecting spunky, feisty Amy, and instead she was still recovering (and hiding) from the pain she'd experienced. There were times that I thought Swift was way too heavy handed with her, and even though she seemed to accept it in the end, I was appalled at parts. Because of this, IMO the first half flounders a bit, as Amy, Swift and the reader struggle to get bearings on the new situation. The last half pulls through though, and you can see exactly why each of them fall in love with the other. B+
Profile Image for Zairobe25.
823 reviews
August 10, 2016
Todo lo que ame del libro anterior en este libro está ausente, y fue bastante decepcionante, no logre desembarazarme de la sensación de perdida, el componente comanche en este libro es casi inexistente, solo se menciona una palabra en dialecto comanche, esa manera de hablar de cazador que tanto me gustó en el primer libro aqui esta absolutamente desaparecida, el y veloz ahora hablan perfecto ingles y viven en el mundo tosi con mas costumbres y comportamientos tosi tivo que Comanches, además de todo esto la autora se ensaño con el personaje de Amy, después de eso tan horrible que le pasó en el primer libro aqui te enteras que no fue lo único, en el diccionario su nombre debería de aparecer como sinónimo de víctima, la nueva profesión de veloz no me gustó para nada y nunca explican como el se volvió comanchero, si el libro no fuera parte de una serie y no tuviera que comparar con el primero y esperar cierta secuencia me habría gustado mucho más, en realidad lo senti bastante desconectado de la sensaciónes que me produjo el libro anterior, y muy alejado de su discurso, lamentablemente ha sido un buen libro pero que nació al lado de uno muy grande y que le hace mucha sombra, voy a seguir con la serie ya que el de Indigo parece que pinta mejor que este.
Profile Image for Viri.
1,235 reviews447 followers
August 10, 2016
RESEÑA COMPLETA EN EL BLOG ---> http://www.virivillarreal.com/2016/01...

Cuando conocí a Amy en el primer libro supe que TENÍA que leer su historia, una niña de 12 años que se enfrenta con un rifle cargado a varios comanches tenía que tener un valor inimaginable. Pero cuando leí en el primer libro lo que le pasaba, mi corazón lloró con ella, y sonrío cuando ese corazón comanche renació con la ayuda de Swift. Pero tras 15 años de separación las cosas no son como cuando se amaron de niños, las promesas por cumplir quedaron pendientes y quienes eran antes son recuerdos olvidados del pasado. 

Profile Image for Carol Cork *Young at Heart Oldie*.
426 reviews224 followers
December 10, 2020
This is a powerful and beautiful love story with a tremendous emotional impact. It is a book that stayed with me long after I had finished reading it.

Comanche Heart is the follow up to Catherine Anderson's much loved Comanche Moon and is often compared unfavourably with that book. I have, therefore, tried to be objective in my review judging the book on its own merits.

The story of Amy Masters and Swift Antelope begins in Comanche Moon when Amy is twelve and Swift sixteen. Having been abducted by a band of Comancheros and brutally raped, she is rescued by her cousin's Comanche husband, Hunter. He takes her back to the Comanche camp where she is befriended by a young warrior, Swift Antelope and, with his help, she gradually recovers from the terrible trauma – "He made her feel clean again, and whole." They become betrothed under Comanche law but then have to part, Amy to return to her family's' farm and Swift to join his people's fight for freedom. He promises Amy that he will come for her as soon as he is able.

Comanche Heart opens 12 years later and Swift has come to the Masters' farm to fulfil his long ago promise to Amy but learns from her stepfather that she died 5 years earlier of cholera. Heart-broken and, with nowhere to go, he becomes a drifter, adopting the name Swift Lopez. He soon gains a reputation as a gunslinger and joins a band of Comancheros. However, an incident involving their leader forces Swift to leave Texas and he travels to Wolf's Landing, Oregon, a small gold mining community, set up by his friend, Hunter. There, he is shocked but elated to find Amy very much alive. Having found her, he wants nothing more than to start a new life with he, but first he has to break down the protective shell she has built around herself.

I really felt for Swift when he constantly tried to regain Amy's trust with such determination and patience, only to suffer her scorn and constant rejection. The scene where he is humiliated in front of a classroom of children is truly heart-rending. I couldn't understand, at first, why he would put himself through all this. Later it is apparent that building a new life in Wolf's Landing with Amy is his last chance to escape his past which he knows will ultimately mean his death at the hands of someone who is faster on the draw - "Do you think I rode two thousand miles on a whim? I was running, dammit, running for my life!"

I love the way he tells Amy how much he loves her and wants her:

"That's an L, as in love, and I love you more than I'll ever be able to tell you with words. I want to tell you in other ways. In the way I kiss you. In the way I touch you. In the way I hold you. Won't you let me say it my way, just once?"

So romantic!!

When he discovers the terrible secret Amy has been keeping buried for so many years, he is willing to leave rather than cause her any more pain, knowing the possible consequences for him. This is where I really fell in love with Swift's character because he is willing to make such a great sacrifice for her.

I felt for Amy because of all she had suffered but I was so annoyed with the way she constantly spurned Swift. I wanted her to see beyond his outer appearance and recognise he was still the Swift she knew and loved and trust him enough to take a chance. Once I learned the shameful secret she had been hiding from everyone, her reactions to Swift and what he represented did make sense.

When Swift tells her he is leaving, I could feel the turmoil she is going through - this is what she wants but, without him, her life will be empty. It is such an emotional scene when Swift sees her running after him and she finally has to admit she loves him and wants him to stay.

The scene in which Swift first makes love to Amy is so beautiful and sensual, a testament to Catherine Anderson's wonderful writing.

There are some really very funny scenes in the book which help to relieve the tension. I particularly enjoyed the one where Amy is trying to evade Swift and climbs out of her kitchen window, only to get stuck half way. The dialogue between the two had me laughing out loud.

Catherine Anderson really impressed me with the emotional depth of her writing and I could fill a notebook with all the memorable quotes. I cannot recommend this book enough and it is definitely a keeper for me.


This review was originally written for The Romance Reviews
Profile Image for Mariana.
717 reviews81 followers
February 28, 2017

This book was so painful but also sweet. Amy had to endure more than any woman ought. Certainly, it seems she ran into abusive men more often than most.

I have not read the first book in the series, so I am not sure how much of the backstory is addressed in it. As a 12 year old girl, she was kidnapped and raped by 23 men over two weeks. She is helped to come through the experience by being befriended by a 15 year old Comanche boy Swift. After they become best friends, their love for each other leads them to botroth themselves to each other. Swift has to leave Amy to fight a war with the Comanches for survival against the white man. During the 15 years he is away, she is abused physically and sexually by her stepfather.

Here is my one complaint about the book. While Amy is being raped over and over by her father, Swift is out sleeping with "lots of women over the years." I don't understand why if he found his one big love AND was betrothed to her it's still okay for him to take his pleasures with whoever and whenever he wants. I guess we can't expect a male to be celibate from ages 15 to 30? Granted he thought Amy was dead for the last three years, but it makes it pretty clear he was sleeping around the entire time. Somehow for me the fact that he found his one true love before he became a rake makes it worse.

Fortunately, Amy's courage and Swift's patience and tenderness overcame my complaint. I was drawn to the story. We truly do need to "Keep your eyes on the horizon. What lies behind you is for yesterday."
Profile Image for Luvmyfamily.
398 reviews1 follower
February 5, 2015
I quit! I couldn't summon the proper enthusiasm for this story at all! I think the author is extremely talented as a writer. She paints pictures so vivid you see, smell, feel and hear the old west as if you were living it. Unfortunately, Anderson and I don't share views of how a ROMANCE novel should go. I personally think the heroine should, at the absolute least, like the hero. Anderson writes as if the only way to show the development of a relationship is to hate the hero until the moment that you love them.

To me, this is how Amy went: "oh I loved you once upon a time but I haven't seen you in 15 years because you were off fighting a WAR only to loose said war then be told that your one true love was DEAD. I don't know you any more but I've heard RUMORS that you were a murderer and I'm sure that means you are a thief and a rapist too. Oh you still love me? Well, I'm scared of you because you're so evil even though I have no proof."

Ugh! What a stupid selfish girl!
Profile Image for ByMamis.
228 reviews16 followers
November 21, 2022
Me cogió tan de sorpresa el final, que no me lo esperaba porque es que quería más y más de ellos dos. Veloz y Amy.

Sabía que iba a ser una historia dura. Por cómo se iba a enfrentar ella a su pasado y sobretodo en su relacion con él. Quien se haya leído el libro anterior pues viene ya con ese dolor sufrido por Amy. Y encima lo malo muchas veces atrae, y no precisamente cosas buenas. La maldad atrae a la maldad nuevamente. Qué vida mas dura la de esta chica. Pero yo me quedo con lo positivo de esta historia. De ella por la fuerza tan grande interior que tiene aunque ella no lo viera y cómo sale adelante. Con Veloz a su lado. Que aprende a saber ayudarla poco a poco. ❤️

Nuevamente la autora me deja con la miel en los labios y con ganas de saber ahora de los hijos de Cazador y Loretta. Estoy entregada a fondo a esta gran familia. Seguiré con la serie.
Profile Image for Miss Kim.
535 reviews138 followers
June 24, 2009
This one started out slow for me. It had been about a month since I’d read Comanche Moon, and I think having a few weeks to come down off that high may have contributed to why I didn’t like this one as much. As others have said, this one does not compare to CM. However, I feel it is a good book. This is typical Catherine Anderson--with the wounded heroine and the gentle and patient hero.

I am disappointed that there is 15 years between CM and Comanche Heart. How do Hunter and Loretta get to Oregon? How did he set up the town? How did he become respected by the white man and build a town?

I really enjoyed Swift and Amy’s childhood romance in CM, and looked forward to their future. The entire book focuses solely on Swift trying to convince Amy that he still loves her.

Profile Image for Sun Goddess Moon Witch.
162 reviews23 followers
April 3, 2018
Not as good as the first one. It was hard to see Amy so damaged and skittish. Her and Swift got to be together in a way that didn't feel fulfilling and complete. He had to chase her all over the book and she was constantly fading in and out of "rape relapse". The addition of Hunter and Loretta didn't help the stories plot as it just reminded the reader of the first book. In my opinion this book should have been squarely focused on equal parts Amy and Swift. Instead the book felt like it was largely focused on Amy with a one dimensional Swift thrown in for good measure. I'm disappointed to say that this book was not something I enjoyed reading. I think the lack of a strong Native American influence in this book made it seem more of a predictable romance novel.
December 7, 2019
Thank you 😍 audible escape.
Omg I loved this. I'm decidedly confessing that Catherine Anderson is the best writer when it comes to giving you a real romance . Day to day living with real experiences and trials to overcome.
I'm in awe of her skill, truly. Swift and Amy were a couple absolutely destined for each other.
I can't even put into words how this hero proved on every page how much he loved and cherished his Amy.

Definitely a #TopFav for 2019.
Profile Image for Crista.
810 reviews
May 20, 2010
Comanche Moon is one of the greatest romance novels ever written....period. It was because of this that I hesitated reading it's sequel Comanche Heart. I was afraid that it would, at worst, taint Comanche Moon and, at best, not live up to it's predecessor. Unfortunately for me...both fears were realized.

Swift Antelope was such a compelling and attractive character in Moon, but honestly, I did not care for him in this book. His gunslinging ways, the crimes he committed, the life he chose just made me disappointed with the man he had become. I also felt that I never really got to UNDERSTAND Swift which may have helped me relate or at least sympathize with him. Neither of those things happened. Amy was also a disappointment to me. If you've read Moon, you know about Amy's difficult past and the abuses she's survived. Swift Antelope played a SIGNIFICANT and positive role in her life and it bothered me how long it took Amy to feel anything but fear when she was around him. I wanted to shout into the book "This is Swift...the one who loves you and supposedly taught you how to love...SNAP OUT OF IT!"

Not a great book. I am trying to forget portions of this book. Hunter and Loretta are also in this book and I am trying to forget how Hunter reacts when his daughter is attacked. The Hunter I know is a strong and mighty warrior....not timid and weak... I need to forget this one and move on!
Profile Image for Rhapsody.
451 reviews
December 9, 2015
Amy was kidnapped by comancheros and violated when she was 12. After she was rescued, 16 year old Swift helped her get over her trauma. They agreed to marry one day, but Swift, who is a comanche, had to leave her to help his people fight. By the time he came back to her, she had supposedly died of cholera. Not knowing what to do with himself, he became a gunslinger and rode with comancheros for a few years, then, sick of everything, decided to ride to Oregon to join his brother Hunter and start a new life. He finds Amy there, working as a schoolteacher, but she's content with her safe and peaceful life and wants nothing to do with him.

Pretty good, but nothing amazing, even though I love Anderson's style. The characters were nothing special. Swift is just like all Anderson's heroes--strong, a little rough around the edges, knows when to be tough but is incredibly sensitive, etc. Nothing about him really drew me in. Same for Amy; she was the usual spirited heroine who's been beaten down by life somewhat but still has fire just beneath the surface. And of course she "finds herself" again toward the end. Ugh. I am pretty sick of these cliches. Still, 4 stars. Anderson's one of the very best romance authors IMO.
Profile Image for vale pao.
644 reviews357 followers
September 28, 2010
O-M-G! This series is just freaking amazing. I noticed that not many have read more than book 1! Please guys, you need to read the rest. This book was so so good! There are no words to describe how much I like this series.

With other romance authors it doesn't get as real as this. You get so much caught up in the story that you totally forget you are only reading a book. So many different feelings, so many emotions. You must read it to understand. The romance between the heroine and the hero is so pure, so true, that you can't help to sigh every 2 pages,lol. They had been through so much and still they stand.

Amy is so strong. I totally get her. I know at the beginning she was a bit stubborn, but who wouldn't with everything she went through. And Swift is so noble, so brave. I love HIM! One of my fav heroes of all times! I loved this book. The characters seemed so real, you wanna cry for them or laugh when something good happens.

This is definitely a MUST READ! so if you haven't started it yet, WTH are you waiting for? This is definitely my top fav series in romance. Just as good as LK's bests,although it goes much deeper. ENJOY!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 362 reviews

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