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Lady in Waiting: Becoming God's Best While Waiting for Mr. Right

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With humor, honesty, and biblical truths, the authors help point women to being the right woman and not just finding the right man. By studying the biblical character Ruth, women learn the characteristics that every woman of God should develop. This expanded edition of the original best-seller includes a personal journal and study guide.

442 pages, Paperback

First published December 1, 1995

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Jackie Kendall

36 books32 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 219 reviews
Profile Image for Gavin Breeden.
352 reviews72 followers
May 7, 2012
The book opens with the contention that a husband will not truly or fully satisfy a young Christian woman deepest desires, only God can do that. But the rest of the book presents a variety of admirable qualities found in Ruth and on more than one occasion the authors note that Ruth exhibited quality "x" and God rewarded her with a godly husband, so the reader should be patient/virtuous/etc. like Ruth. The unsaid implication is then maybe God will give the reader a godly husband too. Hard to shake the feeling that a relationship with God/cultivating biblical virtues are being treated as means to an end, that end being a godly husband. This is the most significant problem in a book full of them.
Profile Image for Melissa.
313 reviews13 followers
March 22, 2017
I began reading this book several years ago before meeting my fiance, and I was unable to finish it. Usually I am a firm believer in "if you haven't read the whole book, you're unqualified to make a review." Normally, yes. In this case, the reason I was unable to finish it was because I got so bogged down with the feeling that the author was very "bitter and single," moping about how life would begin when she met someone (while at the same time passionately denying that you needed a man). Several of the author's points were contradictory, because while she said she didn't need someone, I still got the impression she felt like she needed someone to be content. I felt like this book was more about becoming someone who was so obedient to God he blesses you with a man, rather than being your best self in spite of having someone, and enjoying that time of singleness. I got a bit too much of the x = y scenario (if I become godly woman, then I get man), which I don't really agree with. I think there is much more to single life than being "in waiting." Read with a grain of salt!
Profile Image for Pecintahujan.
13 reviews
December 22, 2011
Buku ini saya rasa tidak hanya untuk wanita tapi pria pun kudu wajib membaca. Bagaimana seorg wanita menunggu laki2 yg tepat tanpa berdiam diri, tetap mengerjakan panggilan Allah
Profile Image for Amanda Tero.
Author 26 books531 followers
February 25, 2015
Unlike most books I've seen in the category "for single women," Jackie Kendall and Debbie Jones's approach to was refreshing. Instead of focusing on women, their focus was on God. I appreciated the Scripture use in this book and came away with the truth that God is enough to satisfy and fulfill my needs.

The study-guide in the back is not just a study guide for the book. Instead, when I went through it, I felt like I was doing a study of the Bible - which I also appreciated.

My only disclaimer would be for younger girls who are not as "exposed" to relationships. Though Kendall and Jones are very discreet in how they dealt with purity/impurity, for a sheltered girl, it might raise questions.
Profile Image for Jennifer Tse.
300 reviews
March 2, 2011
This is an amazing book... really insightful and filled with wisdom. It really reminds me how I need to develop my character with God's help, instead of just wasting time. There are so many things to develop: reckless abandonment (to Jesus), diligence, faith, virtue, devotion, purity, security, contentment, conviction, and patience. I also really liked how there are many practical ideas to help the readers strive toward godliness. Like for diligence, we can diligently pursue a ministry of teaching, encouragement, prayer, service, writing, listening, hospitality, and/or helps. Definitely a book I'll enjoy reading over again!

Favorite Quote: "Such fantasies may provide you an escape from monotonous reality, but these moments are dangerous. They will aggravate your struggle for contentment because they are not innocent daydreams, but an attack on your godly contentment. You may be so used to daily fantasies that you might not even realize when you begin daydreaming again about your prince... You must take your thoughts to Jesus and leave them in His capable hands." (P. 130-131)
Profile Image for Laura.
881 reviews16 followers
March 2, 2010
I am so glad I read this book. I only wish I had read it in college. Even though it took me a long time to read, August 2008 to March 2010, I took long breaks from the book. When I was actively engaged with it, it only took a few weeks to read the whole thing, which is saying a lot, since I did the workbook with it.

The book follows the life of Ruth to teach women about becoming ladies of patience, diligence, purity, contentment, conviction, and some other great things I can't remember off the top of my head.

It really made me think about dating and marriage relationships and how I should be preparing for them now, and that I should be using my time as a single woman to actively deepen my relationship with Christ.

I especially like the 5 minute devotional plan since it's a good starting point for a daily quiet time, not overwhelming and doable. I'm on day 14 or so of my quiet time, so I know it's working for me. 21 days makes a habit.
Profile Image for Desni.
19 reviews1 follower
April 8, 2010

Kata2 ini benar2 serasa siraman embun di tanah gersang....memberikan kelegaan di hati...sesuai dg isi hati
Profile Image for Dyanna.
948 reviews82 followers
July 3, 2024
I actually feel cheated by this book...

Don't get me wrong, the book contains very many wise advises to single women but while I was reading I concluded that Lord Jesus changed my heart and I feel at peace and glad when I am with Him in my singleness. So that being said I was thinking this book will help single women to give that time to Jesus in very practical ways instead I got a lot of advises on how you must wait for the future husband. I mean OKKKK but I am not so desperate to get a husband I am more desperate how to be useful to Lord Jesus.

Honestly it was my fault for my false expectations because I found this book on a blog about single women but I thought the book taught us how to follow Lord Jesus not to resolve desperation of a woman whiteout a man. I get that women were created by God to tend to their husbands and families but Paul said also that you can find more happiness in singlehood because you get to serve Lord Jesus and think about godly thoughts not earthly like married women must.

Again nothing wrong with this book, I highly recommend this book to single women that still not arrived at that point when you realize that Jesus is everything and you can find great joy in communion with Him, before and after marriage but I wanted more depth in my walk with Lord Jesus. 😔
Profile Image for Wy.
29 reviews8 followers
July 26, 2014
Rarely do I put a book down in the middle and say never again... I placed this book down a year ago, and recently attempted to re-read it again. Both times I stopped and said "absolutely not."

I have read multiple books on marriage, dating, singleness, and women's roles. This book is down right frustrating. The author begins with some legitimate points but then proceeds to go on to say that if one is not married one is not trusting Christ enough. So what you're telling me is that I'm single because I'm not "content in Christ"? It is almost as if the author is telling girls that being single is a punishment!

As a single myself, I have dealt with finding my identity in things other than Christ. It is a constant battle, however, it is one that many married women deal with as well! Here's the deal - even if I were to find my identity in Christ 100% of the time - the only thing I am assured of is a place in heaven. Not a husband. Not promises of no hardship. Not an easy time. Just that once I die, I will be forever in the presence of our God.

This book adds to the falsehood that singleness is a disease and not an opportunity to be embraced. I will not "wait around" for my prince to come find me. Instead I desire to devote my time to worthy things and following the path that Christ has set before me. And if He brings along a guy - great! And if He doesnt - that's great too!

Don't be a lady in waiting, be a lady in action.

TL;DR - do not waste your time. It is shallow and worthless contriving to get across an unfounded point. Try reading "The Meaning of Marriage" by Tim Keller and "Girls Gone Wise" by Mary Kassian. Those are two phenomenal books that will actually help you in your walk with Christ.
Profile Image for Elise.
5 reviews
December 4, 2007
this book is extremley different from other relationship book i've read.This is the 2nd best book about relationship, which the 1st one is i kissed dating goodbye.This book give you a new perspective about being single, inspired by Ruth live's, a new paradigm about being single replace the old perspective which the world always told to a single woman. Being single is not always a bad choice or a bad stage ofA SINGLE woman lives.With our sinleness we can serve Our Lord fullhearted without any interrupt from our busy live. This book focusing on our spiritual life with God.The one an onlyb person who can satisfy your deepest desire about love and to be loved. Its not a man who has crush on you or a husband. .Its God who can satisfy and fill our emptiness.Until u realze this truth, you will always feel lonely even you have a boy friend or husband or even kids. Its a sim[ple truth but too easy too forget and to be understood.Waiting is not as bad as we thought.
2 reviews
April 28, 2009
The writing style of this book was great. More so, it was exactly what I needed. Right now, it is my single life guidebook. I feel so much better about being single after reading this book. I feel inspired and I just want to keep the book with me to remind of what it says.
Profile Image for Allyson.
12 reviews2 followers
August 25, 2014
Overall, the book left little to be desired. As the book progressed, it felt like the writers were grasping at straws in their interpretation and illustrations, in their feeble attempts at connecting their points back to scripture, to the point where they abandoned referencing scripture entirely for one chapter.

Needless to say, after awhile it became clear to me that this book's aim was not about celebrating singleness, (the book only mentioned maybe three times that you really don't need a man to complete you before hopping on the "once you get solid with Christ he'll give you the man intended for you" train entirely) but more about how the reader is single because something is wrong with them, but once fixed they'll get a man.
It's jarring to me how it starts out telling readers that it's not necessary to have a man in order to be complete, and then does a 180 and says that you will be complete with a husband as soon as you find your identity in Christ ala "Jesus should be your boyfriend first" (at which point I stopped taking the authors seriously and never picked up the book again). I regret the money I wasted on this book for the bible study group I was a part of. I should have just borrowed a copy for the study so I didn't have to worry about losing money on a study I didn't find useful in my personal walk with Christ. The only comfort I have is that it was a digital copy, so getting rid if it was as simple as deleting it from my digital library.
1 review
May 14, 2010
This is a great devotional book. Well, for me it's more than a devotion material..it's like a personal journal.
Ever wonder why certain relationships keep failing? Why some marriages fall apart? Why my prince or princess become my very own nightmares? This book offers more than you could ever think of.
It's not about the solution, not a to-do-list and definitely not only for those single christian females out there. It's about the Truth. What kind of foundation you're building your relationship on? Are you building your relationship on things that can be shaken? Are you seeking some kind of affirmation, security and love from mere human? This book will open up the heart of your eyes and lead you into a reality fairy-tale that you've never known. While the world is luring you to believe its 'nicely-package' dark lies, there's a gift prepared specially for you at the other side, if you're willing to open up this gift and let it captivates your heart.. you'll find true pearls and gold that this world can never afford to give you.
Profile Image for Mary Rose Relente.
78 reviews86 followers
September 11, 2017
When you're waiting, you may feel like everything is on hold, or worse, you may think that God is doing nothing that you start to do something on your own. Do not be deceived by such thoughts. God does not withhold good things to those whose walk is blameless (Psalm 84:11). While you're waiting, God is doing His very best in preparing every part of you to deserve the best He has for you. Participate in what God is doing. One day you'll be surprised--before you know it, what you've been praying and waiting for is already right in front of you.

Are you at your waiting period right now? Well then, I delightfully recommend that you read this very insightful book about waiting for God's will and how to be who God wants you to be.
Profile Image for Krista G..
29 reviews2 followers
September 7, 2012
A fantastic guidebook in practical ways to develop the woman you are becoming in Christ...while 'waiting for Mr. Right'. For me there were many confirmations of things I'd already been doing that I wasn't really aware were God's design. This was great encouragement - to know I was Holy Spirit taught in the way I'd started to navigate through my singleness!

I would say this is for sure a great gift to give to a young girl just starting out...or even to a woman who has been married and is now trying to find some grounding on her true identity.

Another book to keep on the shelf to revisit time and time again!
Profile Image for Yohanna.
34 reviews
April 15, 2013
Buku ini bagus sekali untuk para wanita yang sedang dalam penantian akan pasangan hidup. Aku membacanya di umur yang masih cukup muda untuk memikirkan pasangan hidup di masa depan. Tapi buku ini dapat memberikan penjelasan yang mudah dimengerti dan benar-benar menginspirasi. Kita diajarkan untuk menjadi yang terbaik bagi Allah ketika dalam penantian. Menjadi yang terbaik sebelum mencari yang terbaik. Buku ini juga membuka pemikiranku bahwa tak perlu takut dalam menunggu, tak perlu kawatir dalam mencari, kita harus siap atas setiap kehendak Tuhan, Dia selalu mengerti dan memberikan yang terbaik.
3 reviews
January 31, 2008
This book is an excellent guide if you are looking to bring your dating life and your relationships (current and future) under God's control. If you do not desire to exemplify a woman of God in your relationships and dating life, this book is not for you. However, if you are looking to be a woman who is God pleasing in her dating life in preparation for a marriage based on God's love and direction, it is one of the best books you'll ever read.
232 reviews
January 6, 2009
I deeply appreciate Jackie Kendall's perspective on a Christian woman's singleness. With graciousness and sympathy, yet the firmness of biblical truth she points the single woman to God Himself, showing her the necessity of finding fulfillment, security, and every other need fulfilled in Him. She never denies the reality of desires nor the goodness of God's fulfillment of them. What she points out are the dangers of our own plans apart from God.
Profile Image for Ida Silvia.
14 reviews6 followers
July 16, 2009
This is not just another book about relationship. These book teach women not only finding the right man but also learn the characteristics that every woman of God should develop to become a lady of purity, faith, contentment, patience, and more as you pursue a personal and intimate relationship with Jesus. You'll find out that only your relationship with Heavenly Father could satisfy you!
6 reviews
May 13, 2009
I give this book five stars because God came and did a work in me reading it. What I caught out of all its lessons and golden nuggets is to really enjoy my single life and know that God has a "BEST" out there for me and I do not want to settle for anything less!
Profile Image for Ariel.
139 reviews
January 25, 2011
An excellent book for girls ages 9-40! Whether you are single and yearning for a boyfriend or to be married, or already married and having troubles, this book is great! It goes through each quality a "lady in waiting" needs to perfect before meeting her knight in shining armor. I highly recommend!
January 29, 2013
While this book did give good advice to single Christian women, I found that it had too many cliche and cheesy sayings. I found the overuse of words such as "bozo" to be distracting and took away from the good advice that was given.
Profile Image for Melissa.
101 reviews4 followers
January 20, 2014
This was a good book. There are some really good snippets I took from it, but the author's voice seemed somewhat monotone and bland for me. Overall, it was worth the read, though I doubt I'll use the journal part of this book very much...
Profile Image for Thathutha -.
17 reviews
January 10, 2012
Kadang-kadang kita sebagai wanita lajang bertanya berulang-ulang....kapan? kenapa? harus berapa lama?...dan Jack Kendall mewakili "Tuhan" untuk menjabarkan jawabanNya berdasarkan firman di sini.
Profile Image for Meagan.
208 reviews53 followers
April 25, 2012
An excellent read that focuses on being the right person and not looking for the right person.
Profile Image for Heather Phillips.
147 reviews
August 16, 2023
She was something…some good thoughts hidden in here but very outdated. Also slightly cringe tbh. But the thought behind the book was sweet. And it sparked good conversation 🤷🏽‍♀️
Profile Image for Pamela Fernandes.
Author 34 books107 followers
March 30, 2022
This book could be for any woman at any age. It talks about the Biblical character of a woman. Patience, virtue, purity, contentment, and some others that every woman irrespective of her vocation should possess. The book seems to have beenw ritten in the 90's with several references to that time.
The book is very detailed while consciously not blaming men or calling them out for what they do.
I loved a few statements from the book: "A quick way to ruin a beautiful complexion is to hold on to an unforgiving, bitter attitude."
This should be reading for all women in ministries not just looking for spouses but those supporting them as well. Too often, the community itself needs to be educated about what to say and not to say to their precious daughters.
I enjoyed reading all the details, not sure if the stats are particularly uplifting. However, I'd like to point out that God is in the business of miracles. He can do beyond what you can ask and imagine. While marriage may not be a right, if God has placed marriage on your heart, then pray with Scripture and believe you have received.
The woe is me, I must accept I will never be married view is the only thing in the book that seems very contradictory to the desires God has placed on your heart. He would not have put that in you if he didn't have a plan for you. Many women today know they want to be single. That's their vocation and ministry. To the women who do, ask your father in heaven to deliver according to what He has placed in your heart. Otherwise, this is a wonderful book especially for Christian women and men.
April 16, 2024
I actually enjoyed this book (much to my surprise). A friend gifted this to me, stating that it helped her arrange her thoughts about dating into her now very successful marriage. I am not one who pursues marriage or even sees this as a personal goal, which is one of the reasons I was reluctant to read this book, as I would rather not have the expectation of marriage be pushed to me through reading on top of everything else. However, this book was not that.

I love the fact that it caters to women who genuinely do desire marriage, not ignoring or dismissing their longings. Amazingly, at the same time, it caters to women like me, affirming me in my journey for self development and growth in order to serve and honour God as I serve and honour the beautiful people He has placed in my life. As a single in Christ who is content - and actually loves - her single status, this book has affirmed me in my walk and encouraged me to be even more intentional in my desire to serve others honouring Christ as I do!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 219 reviews

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