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Mortos de Fama

Isaac Newton and His Apple

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You've probably heard of Isaac Newton. He is dead famous for: discovering gravity, being a right clever dick and getting hit on the head with an apple. But have you heard that Isaac: came bottom of the class at school, poked sticks in his eye and nearly blinded himself and nearly got himself executed?

192 pages, Paperback

First published October 15, 1999

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About the author

Kjartan Poskitt

121 books74 followers
Kjartan Poskitt is an author and TV presenter who is best known for writing the Murderous Maths children's series of books. Poskitt was educated at Collingwood College, Durham. In addition to his popular science and maths books, which include books on Isaac Newton (Dead Famous: Isaac Newton and his Apple), puzzles, practical jokes and secred codes, Poskitt has written a book of magical tricks, a GCSE Maths support book and four Rosie and Jim annuals. In 2007, Poskit published the first in a new series of children's novels called Urgum the Axeman.

He also wrote the theme tune for the children's art program SMart, as well as the title theme and music for the first two series of Brum. He is also the creator of a logic puzzle, Kjarposko.

He has been a presenter for a number of (mostly BBC) educational children's TV shows.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 40 reviews
Profile Image for Bethany.
148 reviews5 followers
January 28, 2015
Terrific writing- the comic illustrations throughout the book gave it a playful feel, and the content was frank and objective. There were no content issues I noticed, except for some discussion of death and murder. I would gladly recommend this to 8+ year old kids.
9 reviews1 follower
November 11, 2018
This book is about Isaac Newton starting from his birth until his death.. though it's a scientific book but it's a lot of fun..the author is so sarcastic and creative ..he explained everything is a very simple way that you'd understand and enjoy at the same time.
Profile Image for Guguk.
1,332 reviews76 followers
July 17, 2023
Dulu pernah baca buku komik biografi Newton dan isinya bener-bener 'damai' dibandingkan buku yang ini. Padahal targetnya sama-sama untuk anak-anak, tapi di buku yang dulu aku baca kisahnya semua baik-baik aja, dan Newton 'hanya' terlihat sebagai penemu jenius.

Sementara di buku yang ini, Newton benar-benar terlihat manusiawi dengan segala keegoisan dan kekasarannya (^_^;) Selain lebih lucu, tentunya lebih menarik~ terutama bagi pembaca macam si guguk ini yang juga egois dan kasar

Yang baru aku tau juga:
Profile Image for Vishesh Agarwal.
33 reviews
October 9, 2017
Extremely well-written. It's a really cool sneak peak into the lives of these great people, not in being 'great', but in being 'people'. And the narrative and illustrations are just hilarious. This whole Dead famous series is worth reading.
Profile Image for Nael_5.
143 reviews19 followers
September 24, 2015
I liked a lot this book, with it I learnt many things about Newton and what he did, because of it I love Isaac Newton. The only thing I didn't liked was the stuff about the tree. But in general it is amazing, pretty easy to understand and funny also.

Profile Image for Janete on hiatus due health issues.
776 reviews427 followers
December 30, 2017
Funny way to learned about Isaac Newton's work and life, but this book is for teens and I read this when I worked as a teacher at a middle-grade school and discovered this book at the school's library.
Profile Image for Luiz Fujita Junior.
94 reviews1 follower
May 23, 2020
Primeiro que leio desta série "Mortos de Fama", e recomendo muito. Rapidíssimo e muito divertido, era difícil passar algumas páginas sem dar alguma risada. Ao dar uma folheada já dá pra ter uma boa ideia do estilo. Texto rápido com charges dão uma leveza e ajudam bastante a entender alguns conceitos que, me surpreendi, são explicados em um nível bastante complexo, que não esperava pela "cara" do livro. Conseguem um ótimo equilíbrio ao explicar coisas bastante difíceis ficando num ponto em que você consegue ter uma ideia geral da magnitude daquilo sem ficar entediante ou simplesmente incompreensível. Vale muito a pena.
Profile Image for Senara Sousa.
66 reviews5 followers
November 23, 2017
O que dizer sobre o livro que me transformou em nerd? Isaac Newton e sua Maçã conta, de maneira divertida, a biografia de Isaac Newton (dããã) da sua juventude até a sua morte. Esse livro serviu de porta de entrada para as minhas curiosidades nerds sobre o universo e tudo mais. Se eu sou obcecada por astros e estrelas (não só os de Hollywood) é, em grande parte, por culpa de Isaac Newton e da sua maçã.
Profile Image for Mrs..
291 reviews10 followers
May 6, 2020
I'm not much of a Science person but this was an interesting read. Philip Reeve did an excellent job at illustrating and the injections of these illustrations throughout the book did not only add comic relief, but also helped to ease the intensity of numerical workings etc. I enjoy reading and learning even though I didn't understand most of the calculations presented lol. I'm saving this book for my child to in the future.
Profile Image for Anshika  Sharma.
41 reviews11 followers
November 25, 2021
I got this book when I in grade sixth, and even till date it's one of my favourite pastime reads. It explores the life of Issac Newton, one of the greatest scientists ever, in a very comical way. The book is a delight , mainly because of the cartoonic way in which it is written.
If u ever get bored reading, you can always color it's pages XD
Profile Image for Armin Khodadadi.
51 reviews
May 7, 2017
دو و نیم البته
اصلا کامل نبود به هیج وجه. خیلی دلم میخواد عقاید مذهبی ش رو بدونم. اما از لحاظ ریاضی نیمی از نمره رو گرفته. کامل نبود اونم اما خیلی بهتر بود از مورد اولی که گفتم. چیزهای جدیدی یاد گرفتم :همر:
پ.ن) عاشق هوکم ینی =)))))
Profile Image for Punit.
129 reviews29 followers
March 21, 2017
Bravo! Sir Newton's theories never got this simpler. Not only this presents them in easy to digest chunks, but also make sure they don't overdo it leaving the average reader with just the right amount of knowledge. Ample enough to satiate the physics curiosity in you. Also provides valuable and hard to find information about personal life of the scientist. And also of the various personalities who helped him on the way. Now I am able to picture my history better.
Brilliant text, great illustrations. Both children as well as adults will enjoy this book.
Profile Image for Trang Pham.
52 reviews
May 10, 2017
Cảm ơn vì những lí thuyết của Newton đã góp phần thay đổi thế giới và sự hiểu biết của nhân loại.
35 reviews6 followers
October 8, 2019
Simply amazingly and astoundingly good. Do yourself and your kids/brothers/sisters/students a favour and read/recommend this book.
32 reviews
September 24, 2017
Yet another delectable read from the "Dead Famous" stable. Though there are historical facts that seem to have been inserted to fill pages, the book still gets you a nice little overview of the great man that Isaac Newton was and how he still gets remembered everyday.
Profile Image for Johan Kwok.
154 reviews6 followers
June 5, 2019
Li quando era criança, lembro que tinha achado sensacional, apesar de não entender direto os conceitos de física e matemática completamente. Reli recentemente, com vontade de ler outros desse estilo.

O livro faz um bom trabalho em explicar a vida de Newton de uma maneira divertida.

O único probleminha que encontrei é que há essa ideia de que conhecimento em excesso é entediante, quando ele faz piadas do estilo "Você já deve estar dormindo ao ouvir essa explicação longa e chata de cálculo, né?". Tudo bem que se entrar em detalhes demais a criança pode se frustrar por não entender, mas e se isso desestimular a vontade de conhecimento da criança, ou simplesmente entrar na cabeça dela de que aprender é chato? Não sei, não sei.

Mas de qualquer forma, livrinho fácil e gostoso de ler.

November 27, 2013
This is a book about Isaac newton. He was one of the smartest people around. he found out about gravity and about colors. And we all know how the story of the apple happened! But what was it really like to be Isaac? was he a fun loving guy, or a paranoid freak? either way we all know his achievements really changed the world. Watch Isaac grow up and shove a person into a church, nose first, and then burn a man picture in spite.

This book is told from the 3rd person perspective, meaning that your like a god looking down on the area, watching the story unfold and occasionally going into the story. This story is carefully woven with science and math and humor. it has jokes when doing algorithms!

I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys science and maths, along with humor and a bit of a taste for British talking (it gets a bit confusing, Governor!). also, I say this book is for anyone who might just want to know a little more.
Profile Image for Eleclyah.
340 reviews41 followers
April 26, 2016

Un libro fantastico sulla vita e le opere di quella mente geniale che fu Isaac Newton.
Indirizzato a un pubblico di ragazzi, è gradevole anche per il lettore adulto che vuole unire il piacere di una lettura allegra e frizzante a quello di approfondire, anche se in modo non complesso, la conoscenza su uno di quegli scienziati che hanno lasciato il segno nella fisica e non solo.

Arricchito da numerose illustrazioni, Isaac Newton e la sua mela riesce nel duplice compito di divertire e istruire nello stesso tempo.
Si tratta davvero di un libriccino che merita di essere letto!

Profile Image for Soumak Nandi.
5 reviews
December 1, 2015
A very fun read. An educational book should always have some humor and this does.It gives a lot of information about Issac's life and tells us everything from his problems at home to his temper. All the experiments are pretty funny(Even though they are not practically possible)and the book is easy to understand for people of all ages. The book is not only about Issac but about the things happening around him too(like in London and about other scientists in the 1400s-1600s era). It doesn't take too much time to read it either.
Profile Image for Diana.
61 reviews4 followers
August 9, 2015
An educational book MUST contain some humour in order to keep the reader interested. And Kjartan Poskitt discovered the perfect mixture of hilarity and information to toss in a book. Poskitt turned Isaac Newton from a boring old (brainy) hag into a fascinating hero, and simplified his discoveries for everyone to understand.

I can safely say that by reading this children's book, I understood more physics than the three years I spent learning it in a classroom
Profile Image for Ankita Sinha.
6 reviews
December 30, 2013
Putting it straight,the book was simply awesome.Full of humour,it was entertaining,and made the life story of the biggest scientist in the world,totally fun..even people who dont like science and all,will find it interesting.great stuff!!!!!!!!
49 reviews
February 12, 2023
I was bored during the pandemic when I first picked it up. This thin biography of Newton shall go in history as one of the best ways to write a biography in a fun way... If you have any children give this to them they will really like it.
Profile Image for Shreyas.
47 reviews6 followers
March 12, 2011
It was a very special take on Newton. With graphics and lucid-friendly language. This is what got me interested in Physics.
Profile Image for Wilde Sky.
Author 16 books36 followers
July 4, 2013
Isaac Newton’s life is described (briefly) as are his many scientific discoveries.

An interesting read – definitely aimed at children, but still interesting to the adult reader.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 40 reviews

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