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Star Wars Legends Fiction

Star Wars: Fool's Bargain

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This novella includes an excerpt from the novel STAR SURVIVOR'S QUEST by Timothy Zahn and an interview with the author.THE EMPIRE STRIKES A DEALThe history of the planet Kariek has been one of seemingly endless violence— thanks to the constantly erupting revolutions among the many divided tribes of the native Eickarie race battling for dominance. Yet none of these tribes has held sway since a mysterious Warlord and his legion of alien mercenaries seized power and began a fifty-year reign of terror. Now, at last, the tide may be the leaders of the warring Eickarie factions have forged an alliance—strong enough to capture a city and corner the Warlord and his minions in their fortress. And the post-Palpatine Empire of the Hand is lending support to this revolt against tyranny by deploying no less a fighting force than the Imperial 501st Legion of stormtroopers. Once infamously known as “Vader’s Fist,” the legendary 501st are the best men for the dangerous objective at hand—capturing the Warlord alive. It’s a risky mission that might be jeopardized when Imperial unit commander Twister and his comrades, Shadow, Cloud, and Watchman, are waylaid by a band of zealous freedom fighters, armed with their own agenda . . . and plenty of firepower. The Eickarie renegades—determined to free hundreds of their people from the Warlord’s dungeons—have an offer to make, and a strategy that could give the Imperials the edge in the bloody showdown to come. But can Twister and his men trust their new allies? Or will they get more than they bargain for?

308 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 1, 2004

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About the author

Timothy Zahn

424 books7,948 followers
Timothy Zahn attended Michigan State University, earning a Bachelor of Science degree in physics in 1973. He then moved to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and achieved an M.S. degree in physics in 1975. While he was pursuing a doctorate in physics, his adviser became ill and died. Zahn never completed the doctorate. In 1975 he had begun writing science fiction as a hobby, and he became a professional writer. He and his wife Anna live in Bandon, Oregon. They have a son, Corwin Zahn.

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Profile Image for DiscoSpacePanther.
334 reviews16 followers
October 14, 2021
This is perhaps the most 2004 Star Wars story I’ve ever read. As the USA and its allies were invading Iraq on the pretext of saving the Iraqis from their warlord president, so too does Zahn tell a short story of the Empire of the Hand invading the planet of Kariek to free the tribal Eickarie from an oppressive Warlord. There is no mistaking the phonemic similarity behind those names. But then again, the entire world was transfixed by what was going on in the Middle East back then.

The story itself, shorn of its contemporary political allusions, is a nice enough prelude to Zahn’s Survivor’s Quest, and gives some colourful backstory to some of the less fleshed out characters in that novel.

It’s well worth the price of entry, and I think illustrative of the trick that Disney missed in its execrable Sequel Trilogy when they discarded George Lucas’s treatments that delved into the long term implications of still having battalions of stormtroopers still at large in the Galaxy after the demise of Emperor Palpatine at Endor.
Profile Image for Meggie.
523 reviews67 followers
May 31, 2022
For 2022, I decided to go back in time and reread all the Prequels Era novels published between 1999 and 2005, plus a smidgen of other novels (like Survivor's Quest and the Dark Nest trilogy) released during that time frame. This shakes out to 21 novels, four eBook novellas, and at least thirteen short stories.

This week’s focus: an eBook about the stormtroopers from Survivor's Quest, Fool’s Bargain by Timothy Zahn


“Fool's Bargain” by Timothy Zahn was an ebook novella released in February 2004 to supplement his novel Survivor's Quest, and it was later included with the paperback version of Survivor’s Quest that was released at the end of the year. “Fool's Bargain” and Survivor’s Quest canonized the existence of the 501st Legion, which in real life is a fan group that started in 1997 and does a lot of charity work. (They're really great!) In the post-Battle of Endor era, they are the elite stormtrooper legion within the Empire of the Hand, and in the Empire era they're canonically Vader's personal stormtrooper group. Wookieepedia says that ‘Fool’s Bargain” is “the only book that is completely dedicated to Imperial stormtroopers and that shows a story solely from their point of view,” but there’s no citation listed so I’m not sure I buy that.


I have read Survivor's Quest multiple times, but somehow missed this story! (To be fair, I’m more interested in Luke and Mara than in random stormtroopers.)


The Empire of the Hand, Thrawn’s post-Palpatine Imperial splinter group, has decided to aid the Eickarie people of the planet Kariek in overthrowing the mysterious Warlord who has ruled their world for five decades. Our narrator, the leader of Unit Aurek-Seven of the 501st stormtrooper legion, has been deployed to capture the warlord alive…while also negotiating with the Eickarie freedom fighters, who have their own agenda.


“Fool’s Bargain” is set shortly before Survivor’s Quest, 22 years after the Battle of Yavin. Unfortunately I can't get any more specific than that: it’s set after Vision of the Future, 19 years after the Battle of Yavin, and sometime before 22 ABY.


I really appreciated that we stayed in one character's head the whole time. For this story, that’s Twister, the leader of Unit Aurek-Seven. So even though it's just a 40-page novella with no chapter breaks, only scene breaks, I felt like we got to know him pretty well—got to know what his motivations are and how he approaches situations. Weirdly enough, Twister doesn’t appear in Survivor's Quest at all; rather, “Fool’s Bargain” more serves as an introduction to Su-mil, who reappears in SQ as Grappler of Aurek-Seven. So we’re within Twister’s head as he meets Su-mil, a future member of his unit.

I also think that narrowing the focus to just Twister's POV stopped some of Zahn's bad proclivities to include way too many details and not enough characterization. I think focusing it tightly on just the 501st getting in taking these underground tunnels and then capturing the Warlord makes the story not expand beyond its bounds.

And for such a short story, I felt like Zahn still fleshed out the Eickarie culture. They have a different way of talking and looking at things, and I thought that the way that Su-mill differentiated between lies and truths was interesting.


I didn't realize until I was looking at other reviews on Goodreads how very of its time “Fool's Bargain” was for a Star Wars story. It was released in early 2004—no doubt was written in 2003 —and you just have to look at the name of the planet (Kariek) and the people (the Eickarie) and the fact that they're overthrowing a warlord to realize that this is referencing the Iraq War, the extended conflict between the United States and Iraq (and others) that occurred between 2003 to 2011. It was on a lot of people's minds at the time, and clearly was on Timothy Zahn's mind.


I find it hard to accept the Empire of the Hand as good guys. They talk a good talk about how they're the Empire but without Palpatine's prejudices and xenophobia against aliens and women. But at the same time, they're still an empire and these are still stormtroopers. And while I may appreciate that they are aiding these freedom fighters, I still wonder what their motives are here. Twister and his men within the story don't know what their superior officers’ motives are—they just know that they must capture the Warlord alive, but they don't know why and they don't know what's going to happen next. So you as the reader have to accept that their motives are good. But again, they're STORMTROOPERS. The iconography/aesthetics of the Empire is so dependent on fascist regimes like Nazi Germany that I really do struggle to see them as good guys.

There were a few bits that confused or disappointed me—if everyone says they have a bad feeling about a door, I expect explosives! Not that it’s a fake door—and I had a little difficulty in visualizing the action at times, but on the whole it worked better for me than a big space battle. (In space, I get easily lost.)


“Fool’s Bargain” is a short novella that relates some of the history behind the Empire of the Hand’s stormtroopers who appear in Survivor's Quest. Is it essential for your understanding of Survivor’s Quest? No, but I did find these characters interesting, and wanted to learn more about them. I find it fascinating that Zahn and other authors canonized the 501st in this way (what a lovely tribute to the real life fan group), but at the same time I have some moral issues with the Empire being portrayed as good guys, even this Thrawn spin-off group.

Next up: a Luke/Mara story set prior to Vector Prime, about the discovery of the remains of Outbound Flight: Survivor's Quest by Timothy Zahn

My YouTube review: https://youtu.be/DtDpj9Rz-JU

The 501st’s website: https://www.501st.com
Profile Image for Thomas.
2,043 reviews81 followers
October 5, 2021
Timothy Zahn is considered the golden child of the Expanded Universe, but for me, his stories are serviceable, at best. They're fine stories, but I find he tends to overwhelm the novels with details that detract from the characters, that he wants to focus more on expanding said universe than on creating an impactful story. Luckily, the novella form works well to rein him in and hone his focus.

Fool's Bargain is a story where Zahn lets the characters shine, for once. They're about the same kinds of characters one would expect to find in one of his books, but they're more impactful because the focus stays on them. This novella is a prelude for Survivor's Quest, where the 501st gets to assist Luke and Mara on a mission, but where there they're more side characters, here they're the stars. It works out a lot better here than there, and gives the real people of the 501st (look into the charity work they do; they should get more recognition) the honor and representation they deserve.
Profile Image for Jaime K.
Author 1 book44 followers
July 19, 2017
This was a nice side story about the 501st and a mission the Aurek Seven Company has to capture a "Warlord." It was a little confusing at first due to the unfamiliarity of the world of Kariek, and the species of the Eckarie and Lackra.

The Imperial troops are under the "Empire of the Hand" and this unit of the 501st shows some unique abilities. Actually, it's a bit reminiscent of the clones' abilities in Karen Traviss' Republic/Imperial Commando novels.

The Eickaries and Twister (the leader of Aurek-Unit Seven) show how the different cultures can clash and yet learn to respect and adapt to each other. Su-mil in particular is a very interesting character and demonstrates the nuances of the Eickaries' morality very well.
Profile Image for Tyler Campobasso.
4 reviews1 follower
March 5, 2022
So this eBook tells the tale of how Su-mil joins the Empire of the Hand's 501st Legion before Survivor's Quest. It's a solid read, seeing the ingenuity of these new stormtroopers. The Empire of the Hand is truly fascinating, it's a great concept that we have Thrawn and Zahn to thank. Back to the story, the Empire of the Hand partners with the Eickarie people to free their planet Kariek from Lakra mercenaries and an unidentified warlord. Long story short they defeat the warlord and Kariek is expected to join the Empire of the Hand and Su-mil is offered a place in the 501st Legion. Also appearing are Cloud, Shadow and Watchman, all stormtroopers who appear in Survivor's Quest. A solid read, would recommend.
Profile Image for Graham Barrett.
1,054 reviews1 follower
August 4, 2023
It’s a Timothy Zahn Star Wars short story about the 501st Legion. Damn right I was going to read it!

Maybe not Zahn's best Star Wars work but I did enjoy it. He seems to enjoy writing the Empire less as mustache twirling villains and more like stoic but honorable(space fascists). Can't complain, I prefer his treatment of stormtroopers here not as villains but decent enough men trying to help an alien species overthrow a dictator. That gives Fool's Bargain some complexity which I appreciated as it made up for the brevity of the story.

Not essential reading for Star Wars or Timothy Zahn but seeing Imperial Stormtroopers act out the Star Wars version of the Invasion of Iraq (minus the quagmire that followed) was a fun way to spend an <1 hour.
Profile Image for Luke.
121 reviews14 followers
January 9, 2024
I'm trying to make my way through all of Zhan's Star Wars material and this novella/short story was next on the list.

I'm not trying to bash this with a 3 star rating, just that this is a short story without much depth in plot or characters. It is entertaining enough, and it does tie in a backstory of one of Zhan's characters from his larger works as well as add some information surrounding the Empire of the Hand.

So if you like Zhan Star Wars, it is worth the read, hence the 3 stars.
875 reviews25 followers
October 4, 2018
Basically unnecessary. If you click on the book and get the summary of the book you are basically get the whole story of what happened without much else. I won't bore you with the details. My complaint is that the 4 storm troopers in the Empire of the Hand team seem to have more advanced technology then anyone had in the original series of SW.
143 reviews1 follower
May 2, 2019
A short but good tale

Written by one of the more popular authors of the original EU Mr. Zahn creates an interesting one chapter story that keeps things interesting from the start. If you're looking for a relatively quick tale set a long time ago in a galaxy far away you might want to check this out.
Profile Image for Arlene Kellas.
175 reviews2 followers
July 2, 2019
A fantastic short story about a squad from the 501st from the Empire of the Hand. Taking on a war liar do and are befriended by some locals who assist them in the attack. One alien named Su-Mil and how he is invited to join ranks with them.

This novella is at the end of Survivors Quest.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Hazel.
Author 1 book9 followers
February 5, 2021
A prelude to Survivors quest. It was okay, not a lot of interest going on here. It's probably better if you've read some of the other material recently. Its all framed in a single military ground assault. So is missing a lot of what I find exciting In Star Wars.
Profile Image for Juan Eduardo Castellon.
145 reviews1 follower
April 2, 2021
Nice story, it has Zahn's touch indeed. I enjoyed every word of it. Piece of advice: Pay attention to the names at the beginning. Ohh, and read it before Survivor's Quest.
Only thing I didn't buy that much was when Su-mil looked at a door that "didn't felt right", no excuse as to why.
Profile Image for Tyler.
1 review
August 6, 2023
Engaging story

Fun short story by the always impressive Mr. Zahn. Decided to read before survivors quest and am looking forward to haveing characters from this short story fleshed out in the novel.
Profile Image for Julie.
3,221 reviews49 followers
May 13, 2020
Perfectly fine story showing how Su-mil ended up with the Empire of the Hand. Shows off the stormtroopers' abilities.
Profile Image for James.
162 reviews1 follower
December 3, 2023
The story is from an interesting viewpoint. That of the 501st Stormtrooper Legion, 22 ABY.

There are likeable characters, and thus story is a prequel to Timothy Zahn's Survivors Quest
Profile Image for Kati.
786 reviews8 followers
January 2, 2024
Somehow I missed this little short the first time. I can see the precursor to Allegiance.
Profile Image for Nelson.
69 reviews
April 29, 2022
I really enjoyed this short story! The stormtroopers were great and so were the side characters. The relationship between Twister(The Stormtrooper) and Su-mil(Eickarie) was fun to read. My only complaint was the Warlord. Would of liked some detail on him and maybe some dialogue. Nothing was said about him except he wore armor and he was a new alien species. That was a little disappointing for me. I felt like the story was building up to him. Overall, it was a great little story. Highly recommend it!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
68 reviews2 followers
December 21, 2020
Fun short story, with a military feel to it. Liked the insight into the empire of the hand and early appearances of the 501st we now associate with the prequel era. It actually originated in the new republic era with the novel "survivors quest" and this short story. A fun story and a definite recommend!
Profile Image for Mike.
932 reviews45 followers
March 6, 2012
** Note: this story appears as a bonus in the paperback edition of Survivor's Quest. **

Fool's Bargain is a short story featuring the stormtroopers of Aurek-Four, a unit of the Imperial 501st Legion of the Empire of the Hand. It takes place shortly before the events of Survivor's Quest, but is probably best read after.

The Empire of the Hand is involved in a war to rid the native Eickarie people of their latest warlord, but the 501st curious orders are very specific - take the warlord alive. This story is tightly focused, with a couple of characters firmly at the center. There's good detail here but for some reason it doesn't feel as well developed as other short stories I've read by Zahn. Also, those who look for big names in their Star Wars stories will want to give this a pass. A couple of minor characters from Survivor's Quest show up in largely supporting roles, but there are no movie characters nor beloved favorites here.

But despite these caveats Fool's Bargain is a good short story that gives further glimpse of Zahn's take on stormtroopers, which he touched on in Survivor's Quest, and would continue to explore in later novels (Allegiance and Choices of One).
328 reviews5 followers
February 20, 2013
This book was okay. I enjoy Timothy Zahn's writing but this didn't do anything for me. I think it was largely because it centered on Stormtroopers rather than any of the characters from the Classic/NJO eras that I enjoy. I don't really care for reading about other characters like that which is probably why I've never completed the Clone Troopers or Bounty Hunter novels.
Profile Image for Darryl Dobbs.
266 reviews1 follower
December 28, 2016
A short book but a good one, though I was unable to appreciate it as much until I got some ways into Zahn's next one (Survivor's Quest). It just provides a 'background adventure' involving a quartet of Imperials that were in the next book. An easy read because it was full of action and not enough space to have any kind of lull.
Profile Image for TheTick.
162 reviews28 followers
October 5, 2011
Read it, enjoyed it as a Zahn Star Wars novella...but my lack of knowledge of more recent SW stuff shows. The Empire of the Hand? Are they good guys? I have a hard time rooting for Stormtroopers. I have some catching up to do.
Profile Image for Jim C.
1,656 reviews32 followers
November 21, 2013
A novella set in the EU. This novella is about members of the 501st who help to free a planet. This was a nice quick read that will have you enjoying and rooting for stormtroopers. Any fan of Star Wars would probably enjoy this.
15 reviews
February 25, 2016
Once again

Another exciting look at the other side of the conflict. I feel it lets us readers glimpse the human side of the troopers that usually appear to be something less than empathic.
Profile Image for Cyris Reads.
106 reviews
May 28, 2024

A fun short story that follows the Aurek Company of the 501st Legion (Empire of the Hand). The stormtroopers must take down an evil warlord and free the Eickarie people. Read this before you read "Survivor's Quest".
Displaying 1 - 30 of 42 reviews

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